# added 2017-12-13 by J. Fox
# 2017-12-14: improved recovery of model data
# removed faulty one-step approximations
# 2018-01-28: fix computation of Cook's D for lme models
# 2018-05-23: fixed bug when more than one grouping variable (reported by Maarten Jung)
# 2018-06-07: skip plot of "sigma^2" in GLMM if dispersion fixed to 1; improved labelling for covariance components
# 2018-11-04: tweak to dfbetas.influence.merMod() suggested by Ben Bolker.
# 2018-11-09: parallel version of influence.merMod()
# 2020-12-04: make influence.lme() label rows of deleted fixed effects matrix so infIndexPlot() works
# (fixing problem reported by Francis L. Huang).
# 2022-03-25: fix cooks.distance.influence.lme() to avoid dividing twice by the error variance and
# simplify to conform to Cook's definition for a linear model; correct sign error in
# dfbeta.influence.lme() and dfbetas.influence.lme() (following report by Ben Bolker).
# merMod methods removed in favour of their versions in lme4
# influence diagnostics for mixed models
dfbeta.influence.lme <- function(model, which=c("fixed", "var.cov"), ...){
which <- match.arg(which)
b <- if (which == "fixed") model[[2]] else model[[4]]
b0 <- if (which == "fixed") model[[1]] else model[[3]]
matrix(b0, nrow=nrow(b), ncol=ncol(b), byrow=TRUE) - b
dfbetas.influence.lme <- function(model, ...){
dfbeta(model)/t(sapply(model[[6]], function(x) sqrt(diag(as.matrix(x)))))
cooks.distance.influence.lme <- function(model, ...){
db <- dfbeta(model)
n <- nrow(db)
p <- ncol(db)
d <- numeric(n)
vcov.inv <- (n - p)/(n*p)*solve(model$vcov)
for (i in 1:n){
d[i] <- db[i, ] %*% vcov.inv %*% db[i, ]
influence.lme <- function(model, groups, data, ncores=1, ...){
if (is.infinite(ncores)) {
ncores <- parallel::detectCores(logical=FALSE)
if (missing(data)) data <- model$data
if (is.null(data)){
data <- getCall(model)$data
data <- if (!is.null(data)) eval(data, parent.frame())
else stop("model did not use the data argument")
if (missing(groups)) {
groups <- ".case"
data$.case <- rownames(data)
else if (length(groups) > 1){
del.var <- paste0(groups, collapse=".")
data[, del.var] <- apply(data[, groups], 1, function (row) paste0(row, collapse="."))
groups <- del.var
unique.del <- unique(data[, groups])
data$.groups <- data[, groups]
fixed <- fixef(model)
# fixed.1 <- matrix(0, length(unique.del), length(fixed))
# rownames(fixed.1) <- unique.del
# colnames(fixed.1) <- names(fixed)
vc <- attr(model$apVar, "Pars")
vc.1 <- matrix(0, length(unique.del), length(vc))
rownames(vc.1) <- unique.del
colnames(vc.1) <- names(vc)
vcov.1 <- vector(length(unique.del), mode="list")
names(vcov.1) <- unique.del
deleteGroup <- function(del){
data$del <- del
mod.1 <- suppressWarnings(update(model, data=data, subset=.groups != del,
fixed.1 <- fixef(mod.1)
vc.0 <- attr(mod.1$apVar, "Pars")
vc.1 <- if (!is.null(vc.0)) vc.0 else rep(as.numeric(NA), length(vc))
vcov.1 <- vcov(mod.1)
list(fixed.1=fixed.1, vc.1=vc.1, vcov.1=vcov.1)
result <- if(ncores >= 2){
message("Note: using a cluster of ", ncores, " cores")
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(ncores)
parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, require("nlme"))
parallel::clusterApply(cl, unique.del, deleteGroup)
} else {
lapply(unique.del, deleteGroup)
result <- combineLists(result)
left <- "[-"
right <- "]"
if (groups == ".case") {
groups <- "case"
rownames(result$fixed.1) <- unique.del
colnames(result$fixed.1) <- names(fixed)
nms <- c("fixed.effects", paste0("fixed.effects", left, groups, right),
"var.cov.comps", paste0("var.cov.comps", left, groups, right),
"vcov", paste0("vcov", left, groups, right),
"groups", "deleted")
result <- list(fixed, fixed.1=result$fixed.1, vc, vc.1=result$vc.1, vcov(model),
vcov.1=result$vcov.1, groups, unique.del)
names(result) <- nms
class(result) <- "influence.lme"
infIndexPlot.influence.lme <- function(model, vars=c("dfbeta", "dfbetas", "var.cov.comps", "cookd"), id=TRUE, grid=TRUE,
main="Diagnostic Plots", ...){
if (missing(vars)) vars <- c("dfbeta", "cookd")
infIndexPlot.influence.merMod(model, vars=vars, id=id, grid=grid, main=main)
infIndexPlot.influence.merMod <- function(model, vars=c("dfbeta", "dfbetas", "var.cov.comps", "cookd"), id=TRUE, grid=TRUE,
main="Diagnostic Plots", ...){
id <- applyDefaults(id, defaults=list(method="y", n=2, cex=1, col=carPalette()[1], location="lr"), type="id")
if (isFALSE(id)){
id.n <- 0
id.method <- "none"
labels <- id.cex <- id.col <- id.location <- NULL
labels <- id$labels
if (is.null(labels)) labels <- row.names(model[[2]])
id.method <- id$method
id.n <- if ("identify" %in% id.method) Inf else id$n
id.cex <- id$cex
id.col <- id$col
id.location <- id$location
if (missing(vars)) vars <- c("dfbeta", "cookd")
what <- pmatch(tolower(vars),
c("dfbeta", "dfbetas", "var.cov.comps", "cookd"))
if(length(what) < 1) stop("Nothing to plot")
X <- cbind(if (1 %in% what) dfbeta(model), if (2 %in% what) dfbetas(model),
if (3 %in% what) dfbeta(model, "var.cov"), if (4 %in% what) cooks.distance(model))
if (4 %in% what) colnames(X)[ncol(X)] <- "Cook's D"
names <- colnames(X)
# check for row.names, and use them if they are numeric.
oldwarn <- options()$warn
xaxis <- as.numeric(row.names(model[[2]]))
if (any ( xaxis <- 1:length(xaxis)
plotnum <- 0
nplots <- ncol(X)
if ("sigma^2" %in% names){
if (all(X[, "sigma^2"] == 0)){ # check for fixed dispersion
X <- X[, names != "sigma^2", drop=FALSE]
names <- names[names != "sigma^2"]
nplots <- nplots - 1
op <- par(mfrow=c(nplots, 1), mar=c(1, 4, 0, 2) + .0,
mgp=c(2, 1, 0), oma=c(6, 0, 6, 0))
for (j in 1:nplots){
plotnum <- plotnum + 1
plot(xaxis, X[, j], type="n", ylab=names[j], xlab="", xaxt="n", tck=0.1, ...)
grid(lty=1, equilogs=FALSE)
points(xaxis, X[, j], type="h", ...) #}
points(xaxis, X[, j], type="p", ...)
abline(h=0, lty=2 )
axis(1, labels= ifelse(plotnum < nplots, FALSE, TRUE))
showLabels(xaxis, X[, j], labels=labels,
method=id.method, n=id.n, cex=id.cex,
col=id.col, location=id.location)
mtext(side=3, outer=TRUE ,main, cex=1.2, line=1)
mtext(side=1, outer=TRUE, paste0("Index(", model$groups, ")"), line=3)
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