# Utility functions (J. Fox)
# 16 March 2010 changed 'vars' argument to 'terms'
# 28 June 2010 added df.terms.surveg and model.matrix.survreg
# 15 November 2010 added squeezeBlanks
# 21 January 2011 added functions to support mixed models
# 2012-04-08 added exists.method
# 2012-06-23: added call to globalVariables(). John
# 2012-12-10: added .carEnv to avoid warnings in R > 2.16.0
# 2013-06020: added .merMod methods to df.residual() and has_intercept(). John
# 2014-05-16: added .multinom method for has_intercept(). John
# 2014-08-19: added package.installed() function, unexported. John
# 2014-11-02: termsToMf fixed, Sandy
# 2015-01-13: fixed model.matrix.lme() to work with model with formula as object. John
# 2015-01-27: .carEnv now lives in the global environment. John
# 2015-09-04: added model.matrix.coxme() and alias.coxme(). John
# 2015-09-11: added some support for VGAM::vglm objects. John
# 2017-02-10: added isFALSE() and applyDefaults() to support plotting functions. John
# 2017-04-14: added carPalette to the end of this file. May require further work later.
# 2017-11-30: new version of carPalette(). John
# 2017-11-30: substitute carPalette() for palette(). J. Fox
# 2017-12-28: rewrote termsToMf used by residualPlots. It didn't work right. SW
# 2018-01-15: df.terms.multinom() now works with response matrix. JF
# 2018-05-23: make model.matrix.lme() more bullet proof, following report by Peter Grossmann. JF
# 2018-11-07: added combineLists(). JF
# 2019-01-02: added na.action.merMod(), removed df.residual.merMod(). JF
# 2019-10-24: include colorblind palette in carPalette(). JF
# 2019-11-14: change class(x) == "y" to inherits(x, "y")
# 2020-02-17: added matchFun() as a replacement for
# 2020-10-19: added envelope() for plotting confidence/variance envelopes. JF
# 2020-12-03: added getVcov to interpret vcov. argument as matrix or function and return an error otherwise
# 2020-12-18: getVcov() also able to return objects coercible to a matrix such as Matrix objects. JF
# 2021-04-08: added getModelData(), not explorted. JF
# 2024-05-14: format.perc() -> format_perc(), has.intercept -> has_intercept(). J. Fox
# 2024-09-20: added model.matrix.lme()
#if (getRversion() >= "2.15.1") globalVariables(c(".boot.sample", ".boot.indices"))
.carEnv <- new.env(parent=globalenv())
# function to find "nice" numbers
nice <- function(x, direction=c("round", "down", "up"), lead.digits=1){
direction <- match.arg(direction)
if (length(x) > 1) return(sapply(x, nice, direction=direction, lead.digits=lead.digits))
if (x == 0) return(0)
power.10 <- floor(log(abs(x),10))
if (lead.digits > 1) power.10 <- power.10 - lead.digits + 1
lead.digit <- switch(direction,
has_intercept <- function (model, ...) {
has_intercept.default <- function(model, ...) any(names(coefficients(model))=="(Intercept)")
has_intercept.multinom <- function(model, ...) {
nms <- names(coef(model))
any(grepl("\\(Intercept\\)", nms))
term.names <- function (model, ...) {
term.names.default <- function (model, ...) {
term.names <- labels(terms(model))
if (has_intercept(model)) c("(Intercept)", term.names)
else term.names
predictor.names <- function(model, ...) {
predictor.names.default <- function(model, ...){
predictors <- attr(terms(model), "variables")
responseName <- function (model, ...) {
responseName.default <- function (model, ...) deparse(attr(terms(model), "variables")[[2]])
response <- function(model, ...) {
response.default <- function (model, ...) model.response(model.frame(model))
is.aliased <- function(model){
df.terms <- function(model, term, ...){
df.terms.default <- function(model, term, ...){
if (is.aliased(model)) stop("Model has aliased term(s); df ambiguous.")
if (!missing(term) && 1 == length(term)){
assign <- attr(model.matrix(model), "assign")
which.term <- which(term == labels(terms(model)))
if (0 == length(which.term)) stop(paste(term, "is not in the model."))
sum(assign == which.term)
else {
terms <- if (missing(term)) labels(terms(model)) else term
result <- numeric(0)
for (term in terms) result <- c(result, Recall(model, term))
names(result) <- terms
df.terms.multinom <- function (model, term, ...){
nlev <- if (is.null(model$lev)) ncol(model.response(model.frame(model))) else length(model$lev)
if (!missing(term) && 1 == length(term)) {
assign <- attr(model.matrix(model), "assign")
which.term <- which(term == labels(terms(model)))
if (0 == length(which.term))
stop(paste(term, "is not in the model."))
sum(assign == which.term) * (nlev - 1)
else {
terms <- if (missing(term))
else term
result <- numeric(0)
for (term in terms) result <- c(result, Recall(model,
names(result) <- terms
df.terms.polr <- function (model, term, ...){
if (!missing(term) && 1 == length(term)) {
assign <- attr(model.matrix(model), "assign")
which.term <- which(term == labels(terms(model)))
if (0 == length(which.term))
stop(paste(term, "is not in the model."))
sum(assign == which.term)
else {
terms <- if (missing(term))
else term
result <- numeric(0)
for (term in terms) result <- c(result, Recall(model,
names(result) <- terms
df.terms.survreg <- function(model, term, ...){
if (is.aliased(model)) stop("Model has aliased term(s); df ambiguous.")
if (!missing(term) && 1 == length(term)){
assign <- attr(model.matrix(model, data=model.frame(model)), "assign")
which.term <- which(term == labels(terms(model)))
if (0 == length(which.term)) stop(paste(term, "is not in the model."))
sum(assign == which.term)
else {
terms <- if (missing(term)) labels(terms(model)) else term
result <- numeric(0)
for (term in terms) result <- c(result, Recall(model, term))
names(result) <- terms
model.matrix.survreg <- function(object, ...) model.matrix.default(object, model.frame(object))
mfrow <- function(n, max.plots=0){
# number of rows and columns for array of n plots
if (max.plots != 0 && n > max.plots)
stop(paste("number of plots =",n," exceeds maximum =", max.plots))
rows <- round(sqrt(n))
cols <- ceiling(n/rows)
c(rows, cols)
inv <- function(x) solve(x)
coefnames2bs <- function(g, para.names, parameterPrefix="b"){
metas <- c("(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", ".", "*", "+", "^", "$", ":", "|")
metas2 <- paste("\\", metas, sep="")
metas3 <- paste("\\\\", metas, sep="")
for (i in seq(along=metas))
para.names <- gsub(metas2[i], metas3[i], para.names) # fix up metacharacters
para.order <- order(nchar(para.names), decreasing=TRUE)
para.names <- para.names[para.order] # avoid partial-name substitution
std.names <- if ("(Intercept)" %in% para.names)
paste(parameterPrefix, 0:(length(para.names) - 1), sep = "")
else paste(parameterPrefix, 1:length(para.names), sep = "")
std.names.ordered <- std.names[para.order]
for (i in seq(along=para.names)){
g <- gsub(para.names[i], std.names.ordered[i], g)
list(g=g, std.names=std.names)
showLabelsScatter <- function(x, y, labels, id.var = NULL,
id.method = c("mahal", "identify", "none"), log="", id.cex=.75, id.n=3, id.col=carPalette()[1],
range.x=range(.x), show=TRUE) {
id.method <- match.arg(id.method)
if (id.method == "none" || id.n == 0 || !show) return(invisible(NULL))
if(id.n > 0L) {
if (missing(labels))
labels <- if (!is.null(id.var)) names(id.var)
else as.character(seq(along=x))
getPoints <- function(z) {
names(z) <- labels
iid <- seq(length=id.n)
zs <- z[order(-z)[iid]]
match(names(zs), labels)
logged <- function(axis=c("x", "y")){
axis <- match.arg(axis)
0 != length(grep(axis, log))
valid <- complete.cases(x, y)
x <- x[valid]
y <- y[valid]
labels <- labels[valid]
if (length(id.var) == length(valid))
id.var <- id.var[valid]
.x <- if (logged("x")) log(x) else x
.y <- if (logged("y")) log(y) else y
ind <- if (!is.null(id.var)) {
if (length(id.var) == length(x)) order(-abs(id.var))[1L:id.n]
else if(is.character(id.var)) match(id.var, labels) else id.var
else switch(id.method,
x = getPoints(abs(.x - mean(.x))),
y = getPoints(abs(.y - mean(.y))),
xy = union(getPoints(abs(.x - mean(.x))),
getPoints(abs(.y - mean(.y)))),
mahal= getPoints(rowSums(qr.Q(qr(cbind(1, .x, .y))) ^ 2)))
ind <- na.omit(ind)
if (length(ind) == 0) return(invisible(NULL))
labpos <- c(4, 2)[1 + as.numeric(.x > mean(range.x))]
text(x[ind], y[ind], labels[ind], cex = id.cex, xpd = TRUE,
pos = labpos[ind], offset = 0.25, col=id.col)
# outerLegend, written by S. Weisberg Feb 2010
# outerLegend function
# puts a legend in the margin, either at the upper left (margin = 3)
# the default or upper right side otherwise
# all the args from legend are used except for x, y, and xpd which are
# set in the function.
# offset is a fraction of the plot width or height to locate the legend
outerLegend <- function(..., margin=3, offset=0, adjust=FALSE){
lims <- par("usr")
if (margin == 3) {
x0 <- lims[1] + offset*(lims[2]-lims[1])
y0 <- lims[4] }
else {
x0 <- lims[2] + offset*(lims[2]-lims[1])
y0 <- lims[4]
leg <- legend(x0, y0, ... , xpd=TRUE, plot=FALSE)
if (margin == 3) {
y0 <- y0 + leg$rect$h
if(adjust == TRUE) x0 <- x0 - leg$text$x[1]
legend(x0, y0, ... , xpd=TRUE)
# added by J. Fox 18 Nov 2010
squeezeBlanks <- function(text){
gsub(" *", "", text)
# added by J. Fox 21 Jan 2011 to support mixed models
df.residual.mer <- function(object, ...) NULL
# df.residual.merMod <- function(object, ...) NULL # no longer needed, now supplied by lme4
df.residual.lme <- function(object, ...) Inf
has_intercept.mer <- function(model, ...){
has_intercept.merMod <- function(model, ...){
model.matrix.lme <- function(object, ...){
data <- object$data
if (is.null(data)){
NextMethod(formula(object), data=eval(object$call$data),
} else {
NextMethod(formula(object), data=data,
# added by J. Fox 2019-01-02:
na.action.merMod <- function(object, ...){
nms <- names(attributes(model.frame(object)))
if ("na.action" %in% nms) attributes(model.frame(object))$na.action
else {
na.action <- integer(0)
class(na.action) <- options("na.action")
# added by J. Fox 2012-04-08 to use in deltaMethod.default()
exists.method <- function(generic, object, default=TRUE, strict=FALSE){
classes <- class(object)
if (default) classes <- c(classes, "default")
if (strict) classes <- classes[1]
any(paste(generic, ".", classes, sep="") %in%
# Used by marginalModelPlots, residualPlots added 2012-09-24
plotArrayLegend <- function(
location=c("top", "none", "separate"),
items, col.items, lty.items, lwd.items, title="legend",
pch=1:length(items)) {
if(location== "none") return()
n <- length(items)
if(location == "top" ) { # add legend
usr <- par("usr")
coords <-list(x=usr[1], y=usr[3])
leg <- legend( coords, items,
col=col.items, pch=pch,
bty="n", cex=1, xpd=NA, plot=FALSE)
coords <- list(x = usr[1], y=usr[4] + leg$rect$h)
legend( coords, items,
col=col.items, pch=pch, bty="n", cex=1, xpd=NA)
if(location == "separate") {
plot(0:1, 0:1, xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="", type="n")
bg <- par()$bg
legend("center", items,
lty=lty.items, lwd=lwd.items, fill=col.items, border=col.items,,
col=col.items, box.col=par()$bg,
termsToMf <- function(model, terms){
gform <- function(formula) {
if (is.null(formula))
return(list(vars=formula, groups=NULL))
# is formula one-sided?
if(length(formula) == 3) stop("terms must be a one-sided formula")
rhs <- formula[[2]]
# is '|' present in the formula?
if("|" %in% all.names(rhs)){
if(length(rhs[[3]]) > 1) stop("only one conditional variable permitted")
groups <- as.formula(paste("~ ", deparse(rhs[[3]])))
vars <- as.formula(paste("~", deparse(rhs[[2]])))} else{
groups <- NULL
vars <- formula
list(vars=vars, groups=groups)
terms <- gform(as.formula(terms))
mf.vars <- try(update(model, terms$vars, method="model.frame"),
# This second test is used for models like m1 <- lm(longley) which
# fail the first test because update doesn't work
if(inherits(mf.vars, "try-error"))
mf.vars <- try(update(model, terms$vars,
method="model.frame", data=model.frame(model)), silent=TRUE)
if(inherits(mf.vars, "try-error")) stop("argument 'terms' not interpretable.")
mf.groups <- try(update(model, terms$groups, method="model.frame"), silent=TRUE)
if(inherits(mf.groups, "try-error"))
mf.groups <- try(update(model, terms$groups,
method="model.frame", data=model.frame(model)), silent=TRUE)
if(inherits(mf.groups, "try-error")) stop("argument 'terms' not interpretable.")
} else {mf.groups <- NULL}
list(mf.vars=mf.vars, mf.groups=mf.groups)
# the following function isn't exported, tests for existance of a package:
package.installed <- function(package){
package <- as.character(substitute(package))
result <- try(find.package(package), silent=TRUE)
!inherits(result, "try-error")
# support for coxme objects
model.matrix.coxme <- function(object, ...){
if (!requireNamespace("survival")) stop("survival package is missing")
class(object) <- "coxph"
alias.coxme <- function(object, ...){
if(any(which <- return(list(Complete=which))
else list()
# to make linearHypothesis() work again and to make Anova() work with VGAM:"vglm" objects
# df.residual.vglm <- function(object, ...) object@df.residual
# vcov.vglm <- function(object, ...) vcovvlm(object, ...)
# coef.vglm <- function(object, ...) coefvlm(object, ...)
has_intercept.vlm <- function(model, ...) any(grepl("^\\(Intercept\\)", names(coef(model))))
# formula.vglm <- function(x, ...) formulavlm(x = x, ...)
# model.matrix.vglm <- function(object, ...) model.matrixvlm(object, ...)
# for plotting functions, not exported:
isFALSE <- function(x) length(x) == 1 && is.logical(x) && !isTRUE(x)
applyDefaults <- function(args, defaults, type=""){
if (isFALSE(args)) return(FALSE)
names <- names(args)
names <- names[names != ""]
if (!isTRUE(args) && !is.null(args) && length(names) != length(args)) warning("unnamed ", type, " arguments, will be ignored")
if (isTRUE(args) || is.null(names)) defaults
else defaults[names] <- args[names]
# carPal <- function(){
# car.palette <- default <- c("black", "blue", "magenta", "cyan", "orange", "gray", "green3", "red")
# function(palette){
# if (missing(palette)) return(car.palette)
# else{
# previous <- car.palette
# car.palette <<- if( palette[1] == "default") default else palette
# return(invisible(previous))
# }
# }
# }
carPal <- function(){
car.palette <- default <- c("black", "blue", "magenta", "cyan", "orange", "gray", "green3", "red")
colorblind <- rgb(red = c(0, 230, 86, 0, 240, 0, 213, 204),
green = c(0, 159, 180, 158, 228, 114, 94, 121),
blue = c(0, 0, 233, 115, 66, 178, 0, 167),
names = c("black", "orange", "", "", "yellow",
"blue", "vermillion", "reddish.purple"),
maxColorValue = 255)
# colorblind palette from
if (missing(palette)) return(car.palette)
previous <- car.palette
car.palette <<- if (palette[1] %in% c("default", "car")) {
} else if (palette[1] == "colorblind") {
} else if (palette[1] == "R"){
} else {
carPalette <- carPal()
# the following function borrowed from stats:::format.perc(), not exported
format_perc <- function (probs, digits){
paste(format(100 * probs, trim = TRUE, scientific = FALSE, digits = digits), "%")
# the following unexported function is useful for combining results of parallel computations
combineLists <- function(..., fmatrix="list", flist="c", fvector="rbind",
fdf="rbind", recurse=FALSE){
# combine lists of the same structure elementwise
# ...: a list of lists, or several lists, each of the same structure
# fmatrix: name of function to apply to matrix elements
# flist: name of function to apply to list elements
# fvector: name of function to apply to data frame elements
# recurse: process list element recursively
frecurse <- function(...){
combineLists(..., fmatrix=fmatrix, fvector=fvector, fdf=fdf,
if (recurse) flist="frecurse"
list.of.lists <- list(...)
if (length(list.of.lists) == 1){
list.of.lists <- list.of.lists[[1]]
list.of.lists[c("fmatrix", "flist", "fvector", "fdf")] <-
c(fmatrix, flist, fvector, fdf)
return("combineLists", list.of.lists))
if (any(!sapply(list.of.lists, is.list)))
stop("arguments are not all lists")
len <- sapply(list.of.lists, length)
if (any(len[1] != len)) stop("lists are not all of the same length")
nms <- lapply(list.of.lists, names)
if (any(unlist(lapply(nms, "!=", nms[[1]]))))
stop("lists do not all have elements of the same names")
nms <- nms[[1]]
result <- vector(len[1], mode="list")
names(result) <- nms
for(element in nms){
element.list <- lapply(list.of.lists, "[[", element)
# clss <- sapply(element.list, class)
clss <- lapply(element.list, class)
# if (any(clss[1] != clss)) stop("list elements named '", element,
if (!all(vapply(clss, function(e) all(e == clss[[1L]]), NA)))
stop("list elements named '", element, "' are not all of the same class")
is.df <-[[1]])
fn <- if (is.matrix(element.list[[1]])) fmatrix
else if (is.list(element.list[[1]]) && !is.df) flist
else if (is.vector(element.list[[1]])) fvector
else if (is.df) fdf
else stop("list elements named '", element,
"' are not matrices, lists, vectors, or data frames")
result[[element]] <-, element.list)
matchFun <- function(name){
object <- getFromNamespace(name, ns = "car")
if (!is.function(object)) stop("'", name, "' is not a function")
envelope <- function(x.low, x.up=x.low, lower, upper, col=1, lty=1, lwd=1,
alpha=0.15, border=TRUE){
color <- as.vector(col2rgb(col))/255
polygon(c(x.up, rev(x.low)), c(upper, rev(lower)),
col=rgb(red=color[1], green=color[2], blue=color[3], alpha=alpha),
border=if (border) rgb(red=color[1], green=color[2], blue=color[3]) else NA,
lty=lty, lwd=lwd)
getVcov <- function(v, mod, ...){
if(missing(v)) return(vcov(mod, ...))
if(inherits(v, "matrix")) return(v)
if(is.function(v)) return(v(mod, ...))
if(is.null(v)) return(vcov(mod, ...))
v <- try(as.matrix(v), silent=TRUE)
if (is.matrix(v)) return(v)
stop("vcov. must be a matrix or a function")
getModelData <- function(model) {
# returns a data frame with the data to which the model was fit
# model: a statistical model object that responds to model.frame() and formula()
data1 <- data <- model.frame(model)
vars <- all.vars(formula(model))
if ("pi" %in% vars) {
vars <- setdiff(vars, "pi")
message("the symbol 'pi' is treated as a numeric constant in the model formula")
cols <- colnames(data)
check <- vars %in% cols
if (!(all(check))) {
missing.cols <- !check
data1 <- expand.model.frame(model, vars[missing.cols])
missing.cols <- !cols %in% colnames(data1)
if (any(missing.cols)) {
data1 <- cbind(data1, data[missing.cols])
cols <- colnames(data1)
valid <- make.names(cols) == cols | grepl("^\\(.*\\)$", cols)
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