# Helper function to create a simple dataset
create_dataset <- function(n_samples, n_features = 5L, n_targets = 1L, coef = NULL, noise = 0L) {
X <- matrix(stats::runif(n_samples * n_features), nrow = n_samples)
colnames(X) <- paste0("Feature", seq_len(n_features))
if (is.null(coef)) {
coef <- matrix(stats::runif(n_features * n_targets), nrow = n_features)
} else if (is.vector(coef)) {
coef <- matrix(coef, ncol = 1L)
# Normalize coefficients
coef <- apply(coef, 2L, function(col) col / sum(abs(col)))
Y <- X %*% coef + matrix(stats::rnorm(n_samples * n_targets, 0.0, noise), nrow = n_samples)
colnames(Y) <- letters[seq_len(ncol(Y))]
if (n_targets > 1L) {
# Ensure all values are positive
Y <- Y - min(Y) + 1e-6
# Normalize rows to sum to 1
Y <- Y / rowSums(Y)
list(X = X, Y = Y, coef = coef)
# Create datasets for reuse
N <- 100L
regression_data <- create_dataset(N, noise = 0.1)
multi_regression_data <- create_dataset(N, n_targets = 3L)
Y_binary <- matrix(as.integer(regression_data$Y > mean(regression_data$Y)), nrow = N)
Y_multi_binary <- matrix(as.integer(multi_regression_data$Y > mean(multi_regression_data$Y)), nrow = N)
colnames(Y_multi_binary) <- letters[seq_len(ncol(Y_multi_binary))]
# Test for regression (one col)
testthat::test_that("greedyMSE works for regression", {
model <- greedyMSE(regression_data$X, regression_data$Y)
testthat::expect_lt(model$RMSE, stats::sd(regression_data$Y)) # Model should be better than baseline
# High correlation with true values
testthat::expect_gt(stats::cor(predict(model, regression_data$X), regression_data$Y), 0.8)
testthat::expect_output(print(model), "Greedy MSE")
testthat::expect_output(print(model), "RMSE")
testthat::expect_output(print(model), "Weights")
# Test for binary classification (one col)
testthat::test_that("greedyMSE works for binary classification", {
model <- greedyMSE(regression_data$X, Y_binary)
predictions <- predict(model, regression_data$X)
accuracy <- mean((predictions > 0.5) == Y_binary)
testthat::expect_gt(accuracy, 0.7) # Accuracy should be better than random guessing
testthat::expect_output(print(model), "Greedy MSE")
testthat::expect_output(print(model), "RMSE")
testthat::expect_output(print(model), "Weights")
# Test for multiple regression (many cols)
testthat::test_that("greedyMSE works for multiple regression", {
model <- greedyMSE(multi_regression_data$X, multi_regression_data$Y)
testthat::expect_lt(model$RMSE, 0.3)
predictions <- predict(model, multi_regression_data$X)
correlations <- diag(stats::cor(predictions, multi_regression_data$Y))
testthat::expect_gt(min(correlations), 0.7) # High correlation for all targets
# Test for multiclass classification (many cols)
testthat::test_that("greedyMSE works for multiclass classification", {
model <- greedyMSE(multi_regression_data$X, Y_multi_binary)
predictions <- predict(model, multi_regression_data$X)
accuracy <- mean(apply(predictions, 1L, which.max) == apply(multi_regression_data$Y, 1L, which.max))
testthat::expect_gt(accuracy, 0.6) # Accuracy should be better than random guessing
# Edge cases
testthat::test_that("greedyMSE handles edge cases", {
# 1. Single feature
data <- create_dataset(100L, 1L, 1L)
testthat::expect_equal(greedyMSE(data$X, data$Y)$RMSE, 0.0, tolerance = 1e-6)
# 2. Perfect multicollinearity
X <- matrix(1L, nrow = 100L, ncol = 2L)
Y <- X[, 1L] + stats::rnorm(100L, 0.0, 0.1)
testthat::expect_equal(greedyMSE(data$X, data$Y)$RMSE, 0.0, tolerance = 1e-6)
# 3. All zero features
X <- matrix(0L, nrow = 100L, ncol = 5L)
Y <- matrix(stats::rnorm(100L), ncol = 1L)
model <- greedyMSE(X, Y)
testthat::expect_equal(model$RMSE, stats::sd(Y), tolerance = 1e-2)
# 4. Constant target
X <- matrix(stats::runif(500L), nrow = 100L)
Y <- matrix(rep(1L, 100L), ncol = 1L)
model <- greedyMSE(X, Y)
testthat::expect_equal(model$RMSE, 0.5, tolerance = 0.1)
# 5. Very large values
X <- matrix(stats::runif(500L, 1.0e6, 1.0e7), nrow = 100L)
Y <- matrix(rowSums(X) + stats::rnorm(100L, 0L, 1.0e5), ncol = 1L)
model <- greedyMSE(X, Y)
pred <- predict(model, X)
testthat::expect_gt(cor(pred, Y), 0.4)
# Regression ensembling test
testthat::test_that("greedyMSE can be used for regression ensembling with GLM, rpart, and RF", {
X <- regression_data$X
Y <- regression_data$Y
glm_model <- stats::glm(Y ~ X, family = stats::gaussian())
glm_pred <- stats::predict(glm_model, newdata = data.frame(X))
# rpart
rpart_model <- rpart::rpart(Y ~ X)
rpart_pred <- stats::predict(rpart_model, newdata = data.frame(X))
# greedyMSE
greedy_model <- greedyMSE(X, Y)
greedy_pred <- predict(greedy_model, X)
# Ensemble
ensemble_X <- cbind(glm_pred, rpart_pred, greedy_pred)
ensemble_model <- greedyMSE(ensemble_X, Y)
# Check if ensemble performs better than the best individual model
individual_rmse <- c(
sqrt(mean((Y - glm_pred)^2L)),
sqrt(mean((Y - rpart_pred)^2L)),
testthat::expect_lte(ensemble_model$RMSE, min(individual_rmse))
# Classification ensembling test
testthat::test_that("greedyMSE can be used for classification ensembling with GLM, rpart, and RF", {
X <- regression_data$X
Y_binary <- as.integer(regression_data$Y > stats::median(regression_data$Y))
# GLM (logistic regression)
glm_model <- stats::glm(Y_binary ~ X, family = stats::binomial())
glm_pred <- stats::predict(glm_model, newdata = data.frame(X), type = "response")
# rpart
rpart_model <- rpart::rpart(Y_binary ~ X, method = "class")
rpart_pred <- stats::predict(rpart_model, newdata = data.frame(X), type = "prob")[, 2L]
# Random Forest
rf_model <- randomForest::randomForest(X, as.factor(Y_binary))
rf_pred <- stats::predict(rf_model, newdata = X, type = "prob")[, 2L]
# greedyMSE
greedy_model <- greedyMSE(X, matrix(Y_binary, ncol = 1L))
greedy_pred <- predict(greedy_model, X)
# Ensemble
ensemble_X <- cbind(glm_pred, rpart_pred, rf_pred, greedy_pred)
ensemble_model <- greedyMSE(ensemble_X, matrix(Y_binary, ncol = 1L))
# Check if ensemble performs better than the best individual model
individual_rmse <- c(
sqrt(mean((Y_binary - glm_pred)^2L)),
sqrt(mean((Y_binary - rpart_pred)^2L)),
sqrt(mean((Y_binary - rf_pred)^2L)),
testthat::expect_lte(ensemble_model$RMSE, min(individual_rmse))
# Test fitting and predicting with factor response (2 levels)
testthat::test_that("greedyMSE works with 2-level factor response", {
lev <- c("Low", "High")
y_factor <- cut(regression_data$Y, breaks = 2L, labels = lev)
model <- greedyMSE(regression_data$X, y_factor)
pred <- predict(model, regression_data$X, return_labels = TRUE)
testthat::expect_is(pred, "factor")
testthat::expect_identical(levels(pred), levels(y_factor))
testthat::expect_gt(mean(pred == y_factor), 0.60) # 0.50 is random guessing
# Test fitting and predicting with factor response (3 levels)
testthat::test_that("greedyMSE works with 3-level factor response", {
lev <- c("Low", "Medium", "High")
y_factor <- cut(regression_data$Y, breaks = 3L, labels = lev)
model <- greedyMSE(regression_data$X, y_factor)
pred <- predict(model, regression_data$X, return_labels = TRUE)
testthat::expect_is(pred, "factor")
testthat::expect_identical(levels(pred), levels(y_factor))
testthat::expect_gt(mean(pred == y_factor), 0.4) # 0.33 is random guessing
# Test varImp functionality
testthat::test_that("varImp works for greedyMSE", {
model <- greedyMSE(regression_data$X, regression_data$Y)
importance <- caret::varImp(model)
testthat::expect_is(importance, "data.frame")
testthat::expect_identical(nrow(importance), ncol(regression_data$X))
testthat::expect_true(all(importance$Overall >= 0.0 & importance$Overall <= 1.0))
testthat::expect_equal(sum(importance$Overall), 1.0, tolerance = 1e-6)
# Test predict with data.frame input
testthat::test_that("predict works with data.frame input", {
model <- greedyMSE(regression_data$X, regression_data$Y)
newdata_df <-$X)
pred <- predict(model, newdata_df)
testthat::expect_is(pred, "numeric")
testthat::expect_length(pred, nrow(newdata_df))
# Test predict with label return for classification
testthat::test_that("predict returns labels for classification", {
y_factor <- factor(ifelse(regression_data$Y > median(regression_data$Y), "High", "Low"))
model <- greedyMSE(regression_data$X, y_factor)
pred_prob <- predict(model, regression_data$X, return_labels = FALSE)
pred_label <- predict(model, regression_data$X, return_labels = TRUE)
testthat::expect_is(pred_prob, "matrix")
testthat::expect_is(pred_label, "factor")
testthat::expect_identical(levels(pred_label), levels(y_factor))
# More realistic test
testthat::test_that("greedyMSE handles highly correlated predictors", {
n <- 1000L
base <- rnorm(n)
X <- matrix(
base + rnorm(n, 0.0, 0.01),
base + rnorm(n, 0.0, 0.01),
base + rnorm(n, 0.0, 0.01),
base + rnorm(n, 0.0, 0.01),
base + rnorm(n, 0.0, 0.01),
ncol = 6L
colnames(X) <- c("x1", "x2", "x3", "x4", "x5", "x6")
coef <- c(10.0, 10.0, 5.0, 5.0, 0.0, 0.0)
coef <- coef / sum(coef)
Y <- X %*% coef + rnorm(n, 0.0, 0.1)
Y <- Y - mean(Y)
Y <- Y / sd(Y)
model <- greedyMSE(X, Y)
pred <- predict(model, X)
rmse_model <- sqrt(mean((pred - Y)^2L))
rmse_mean <- sqrt(mean((mean(Y) - Y)^2L))
testthat::expect_lt(rmse_model, rmse_mean)
testthat::test_that("greedyMSE works with caret::train for regression", {
n <- 1000L
X1 <- stats::rnorm(n)
X2 <- 0.5 * X1 + sqrt(1L - 0.5^2L) * stats::rnorm(n)
Y <- 0.9 * X1 + 0.9 * X2 + 0.1 * stats::rnorm(n)
Y <- (Y - mean(Y)) / stats::sd(Y) # Standardize Y
# Split data
train_indices <-, 0.7 * n)
X_train <- cbind(X1, X2)[train_indices, ]
X_test <- cbind(X1, X2)[-train_indices, ]
Y_train <- Y[train_indices]
Y_test <- Y[-train_indices]
# Train model
model <- caret::train(
tuneLength = 1L,
method = greedyMSE_caret()
# Make predictions
predictions <- predict(model, newdata = X_test)
# Compute RMSE
rmse_model <- sqrt(mean((predictions - Y_test)^2L))
rmse_mean <- sqrt(mean((mean(Y_train) - Y_test)^2L))
# Check model performance
testthat::expect_lt(rmse_model, rmse_mean)
# Check variable importance
w <- model$finalModel$model_weights
expect_equal(sum(w), 1.0, tol = 1.0e-6)
expect_equal(w[1L], w[2L], tol = 0.2)
testthat::test_that("greedyMSE works with caret::train for binary classification", {
# Make Y
n <- 1000L
X1_pos <- stats::runif(n)
X2_pos <- 0.5 * X1_pos + sqrt(1L - 0.5^2L) * stats::runif(n)
Y <- 0.9 * X1_pos + 0.9 * X2_pos + 0.05 * stats::rnorm(n)
Y <- cut(Y, breaks = 2L, labels = c("Low", "High"))
# Add negative classes
# We need probabilities from ALL classes for ALL the input models
X1_neg <- 1.0 - X1_pos
X2_neg <- 1.0 - X2_pos
X <- cbind(X1_pos, X2_pos, X1_neg, X2_neg)
# Split data
train_indices <-, 0.7 * n)
X_train <- X[train_indices, ]
X_test <- X[-train_indices, ]
Y_train <- Y[train_indices]
Y_test <- Y[-train_indices]
# Train model
model <- caret::train(
tuneLength = 1L,
method = greedyMSE_caret()
# Make predictions
predictions <- predict(model, newdata = X_test, type = "prob")
# Compute AUC
auc <- mean(caTools::colAUC(predictions, Y_test))
benchmark_auc <- max(caTools::colAUC(X_test, Y_test))
# Check model performance
testthat::expect_gt(auc, benchmark_auc)
testthat::test_that("greedyMSE works with caret::train for multiclass classification", {
n <- 1000L
# Generate base correlated variables
Z1 <- stats::rnorm(n)
Z2 <- 0.5 * Z1 + sqrt(2L - 0.5^2L) * stats::rnorm(n)
# Generate Y with high correlation to Z1 and Z2
Y_numeric <- 0.9 * Z1 + 0.9 * Z2 + stats::rnorm(n)
# Convert Y to categorical
Y <- cut(Y_numeric, breaks = 3L, labels = c("Low", "Medium", "High"))
# Create probability matrices for X1 and X2
create_prob_matrix <- function(z) {
probs <- stats::pnorm(z, mean = mean(z), sd = sd(z))
raw_matrix <- matrix(c(1L - probs, probs - 0.5, 0.5 * probs), ncol = 3L)
exp_matrix <- exp(raw_matrix)
exp_matrix / rowSums(exp_matrix)
X1 <- create_prob_matrix(Z1)
X2 <- create_prob_matrix(Z2)
# Combine X1 and X2
X <- cbind(X1, X2)
colnames(X) <- c("X1_Low", "X1_Medium", "X1_High", "X2_Low", "X2_Medium", "X2_High")
# Split data
train_indices <-, 0.7 * n)
X_train <- X[train_indices, ]
X_test <- X[-train_indices, ]
Y_train <- Y[train_indices]
Y_test <- Y[-train_indices]
# Train model
model <- caret::train(
tuneLength = 1L,
method = greedyMSE_caret()
# Make predictions
predictions <- predict(model, newdata = X_test, type = "prob")
# Compute AUC
auc <- rowMeans(caTools::colAUC(predictions, Y_test))
benchmark_auc <- rowMeans(caTools::colAUC(X_test, Y_test))
# Check model performance
testthat::expect_true(all(auc > benchmark_auc))
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