
Defines functions has.par.df logLik.fittedMV vcov.fittedMV nobs.fittedMV coef.fittedMV validMvdc validRho tailIndex rcopula dcopula pcopula Afun AfunDer genFunDer2 genFunDer1 genFun genInv spearmansRho kendallsTau calibSpearmansRho calibKendallsTau

Documented in Afun AfunDer calibKendallsTau calibSpearmansRho coef.fittedMV dcopula genFun genFunDer1 genFunDer2 genInv kendallsTau logLik.fittedMV pcopula rcopula spearmansRho tailIndex vcov.fittedMV

## Copyright (C) 2012 Marius Hofert, Ivan Kojadinovic, Martin Maechler, and Jun Yan
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
## version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
## FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
## details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
## this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

## NB: Mother classes "Copula" (and "parCopula") are in ./AllClass.R
##							  ~~~~~~~~~~

## The independence copula; don't want it to inherit "funny slots" =>
setClass("indepCopula", contains = c("dimCopula", "parCopula"),
         slots = c(exprdist = "expression"))
# no validity needed anymore: have no 'parameters'

### Basic copula class #########################################################

setClass("copula", contains = c("dimCopula", "parCopula", "VIRTUAL"),
         slots = c(parameters = "numeric",
                   param.names = "character",
                   param.lowbnd = "numeric",
                   param.upbnd = "numeric",
                   ## TODO: "a vector" of intervals" paraInterval = "maybeInterval", # [.,.]  (.,.], etc ..
                   fullname = "character"), ## <- DEPRECATED for describeCop(): see ../TODO
         prototype = prototype(dimension = 2L, parameters = NA_real_),
         validity = ##' Check validity of "copula"
         function(object) {
	     dim <- object@dimension # "integer" by definition
	     if (length(dim) != 1L) return("'dim' must be an integer (>= 2)")
	     if (dim < 2) return("dim must be >= 2")
             param <- object@parameters
             upper <- object@param.upbnd
             lower <- object@param.lowbnd
             lp <- length(param) # if that is > 1, we allow |upper| or |lower| = 1
             if(!(lp == length(upper) || (lp > 1L && length(upper) == 1L)))
		 return("Parameter and upper bound have non-equal length")
             if(!(lp == length(lower) || (lp > 1L && length(lower) == 1L)))
		 return("Parameter and lower bound have non-equal length")
             intervChk <- ## TODO: mkParaConstr(object@paraInterval)
                 function(par) all(is.na(param) | (lower <= param & param <= upper))
             ina.p <- is.na(param)
             if(!all(ina.p)) {
		 ##if(any(ina.p)) return("some (but not all) parameter values are  NA")
                 if(!intervChk(param)) return("Parameter value(s) out of bound")
	     ## to allow (all) NA parameters: "not-yet-parametrized"

## Methods for 'copula'
setGeneric("dCopula", function(u, copula, log=FALSE, ...) {
    if(!is.matrix(u)) u <- rbind(u, deparse.level = 0L)
    stopifnot(dim(copula) == ncol(u))
    u.is.out <- outside.01(u, strictly=FALSE)## on.boundary _or_ outside
    if(any.out <- any(u.is.out, na.rm=TRUE))
	u[] <- pmax(0, pmin(1, u)) # <- "needed", as some methods give error
    r <- standardGeneric("dCopula") # the result of calling  <dCopula-method)(u, copula, ..)
    if(any.out) ## on boundary _or_ outside cube  ==> zero mass :
	r[u.is.out & !is.na(u.is.out)] <- if(log) -Inf else 0.
setGeneric("pCopula", function(u, copula, ...) {
    if(!is.matrix(u)) u <- rbind(u, deparse.level = 0L)
    ## here as well, 'outside' and 'on-boundary' are equivalent:
    u[] <- pmax(0, pmin(1, u))
setGeneric("rCopula", function(n, copula, ...) standardGeneric("rCopula"))
setGeneric("tau", function(copula, ...) standardGeneric("tau"))
setGeneric("rho", function(copula, ...) standardGeneric("rho"))
setGeneric("lambda", function(copula, ...) standardGeneric("lambda"))
setGeneric("iTau", function(copula, tau, ...) standardGeneric("iTau"))
setGeneric("iRho", function(copula, rho, ...) standardGeneric("iRho"))
setGeneric("dTau", function(copula, ...) standardGeneric("dTau"))
setGeneric("dRho", function(copula, ...) standardGeneric("dRho"))
setGeneric("dTauFun", function(copula) standardGeneric("dTauFun"))
setGeneric("dRhoFun", function(copula) standardGeneric("dRhoFun"))

## Defunct methods
calibKendallsTau <- function(copula, tau) { .Defunct("iTau"); iTau(copula,tau) }
calibSpearmansRho <- function(copula, rho) { .Defunct("iRho"); iRho(copula,rho) }
kendallsTau <- function(copula) { .Defunct("tau"); tau(copula) }
spearmansRho <- function(copula) { .Defunct("rho"); rho(copula) }
genInv <- function(copula, s) { .Defunct("psi"); psi(copula,s) }
genFun <- function(copula, u) { .Defunct("iPsi"); iPsi(copula, u) }
genFunDer1 <- function(copula, u){ .Defunct("diPsi"); diPsi(copula, u) }
genFunDer2 <- function(copula, u){ .Defunct("diPsi(*, degree=2)"); diPsi(copula, u, degree=2) }
AfunDer <- function(copula, w) { .Defunct("dAdu"); dAdu(copula, w) }
Afun    <- function(copula, w) { .Defunct("A"); A(copula, w) }
pcopula <- function(copula, u, ...) { .Defunct("pCopula"); pCopula(u, copula) }
dcopula <- function(copula, u, ...) { .Defunct("dCopula"); dCopula(u, copula, ...) }
rcopula <- function(copula, n, ...) { .Defunct("rCopula"); rCopula(n, copula, ...) }

## Deprecated methods
tailIndex <- function(copula) { .Deprecated("lambda"); lambda(copula) } # mid 2016

### Frechet--Hoeffding bounds ##################################################

setClass("fhCopula", contains = c("dimCopula", "parCopula", "VIRTUAL"),
         slots = c(exprdist = "expression")) # -> used in dC-dc.R

## Lower Frechet--Hoeffding bound W
setClass("lowfhCopula", contains = "fhCopula")

## Upper Frechet--Hoeffding bound M
setClass("upfhCopula", contains = "fhCopula")

##-> fhCopula.R, lowfhCopula.R, upfhCopula.R  for implementation
##   ~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~

### Empirical copula ###########################################################

setClass("empCopula", contains = "Copula",
         slots = c(X = "matrix",
		   smoothing = "character",
		   offset = "numeric",
		   ties.method = "character"),
	 ## validity methods must return TRUE or string
	 validity = function(object) {
	    X <- object@X
	    if(ncol(X) < 2L)
		"X must have at least 2 columns"
	    else if(anyNA(X) || any(X < 0) || any(X > 1))
		"All entries of X[] must be in [0,1]"

### Elliptical copulas (normalCopula, tCopula) #################################

## NOTE: This is related to npar.ellip() in ./ellipCopula.R
validRho <- function(dispstr, dim, lenRho) {
    switch(dispstr, ## checking for correct 'dispstr'
	   "ar1" =, "ex" = {
	       if (lenRho != 1)
		   return(gettextf("'rho' parameter should have length 1 for 'dispstr' = \"%s\"",
	   "un" = {
	       if (lenRho != (L <- dim * (dim - 1) / 2))
		   return(gettextf("'rho' parameter should have length dim * (dim - 1) / 2 (= %d) for 'dispstr' = \"%s\"",
				   L, dispstr))
	   "toep" = {
	       if (lenRho != dim - 1)
		   return(gettextf("'rho' parameter should have length dim-1 (= %d) for 'dispstr' = \"%s\"",
				   dim-1, dispstr))
	   ## otherwise
	   return("'dispstr' not supported (yet)"))


setClass("ellipCopula", contains = c("copula", "VIRTUAL"),
	 slots = c(dispstr = "character", getRho = "function"),
         validity = function(object)
             validRho(dispstr=object@dispstr, dim=object@dimension,

setClass("normalCopula", contains = "ellipCopula"
         ## not really needed -- validity for ellipCopula is checked already
         ## , validity =  function(object) {
         ##     can do more if needed here
         ## }

setClass("tCopula", contains = "ellipCopula",
	 , slots = c(df.fixed = "logical")
         ## validity =  function(object) {
         ##     ## JY: making sure @df == tail(.@parameter, 1)
         ##     if (has.par.df(object))
         ##         stopifnot(object@df == tail(object@parameters, 1))
         ##     TRUE
         ## }

### Archimedean copulas (AMH, Clayton, Frank, Gumbel, Joe) #####################

setClass("archmCopula", contains = c("copula", "VIRTUAL"),
         slots = c(exprdist = "expression"),
         ## extra check in addition to "copula" validity:
         validity = function(object) {
	     if(length(object@parameters) != 1)
		 "Our Archimedean copulas must currently have a 1-dimensional parameter"

## Clayton
setClass("claytonCopula", contains = "archmCopula")

## Gumbel (also an evCopula) --> see below

## Frank
setClass("frankCopula", contains = "archmCopula")

## AMH
setClass("amhCopula", contains = "archmCopula")

## Joe
setClass("joeCopula", contains = "archmCopula")

## These can have negative tau for d = 2 only:
## setClassUnion(..) # <- over kill?; should be enough:
archm.neg.tau <- c("amhCopula", "claytonCopula", "frankCopula")

## Methods for 'archmCopula'
setGeneric("psi", function(copula, s) standardGeneric("psi"))
##FIXME 'log' compulsory:
##setGeneric("iPsi", function(copula, u, log, ...) standardGeneric("iPsi"))
setGeneric("iPsi", function(copula, u, ...) standardGeneric("iPsi"))
setGeneric("dPsi", function(copula, s, ...) standardGeneric("dPsi"))
setGeneric("diPsi", function(copula, u, degree=1, log=FALSE, ...) standardGeneric("diPsi"))

### Extreme value copulas (Galambos, Husler--Reiss, Gumbel, Tawn, tEV) #########

setClass("evCopula", contains = c("copula", "VIRTUAL"))

## Galambos
setClass("galambosCopula", contains = "evCopula",
	 slots = c(exprdist = "expression"))

## Gumbel (also an Archimedean copula)
setClass("gumbelCopula", contains = list("archmCopula", "evCopula"))

## Husler--Reiss
setClass("huslerReissCopula", contains = "evCopula",
	 slots = c(exprdist = "expression"))

## Tawn (does not offer full range of dependence)
setClass("tawnCopula", contains = "evCopula",
	 slots = c(exprdist = "expression"))

## tEV
setClass("tevCopula", contains = "evCopula"
	 , slots = c(df.fixed = "logical")
         ## , validity = function(object) {
         ##     ## JY: making sure @df == tail(@parametersnot, 1)
         ##     if(object@df != tail(object@parameters, 1))
         ##         return("'df' must be the last element of @parameters")
         ##     TRUE
         ## }

setGeneric("A", function(copula, w) standardGeneric("A"))
setGeneric("dAdu", function(copula, w) standardGeneric("dAdu"))
setGeneric("dAdtheta", function(copula, w) standardGeneric("dAdtheta"))

### Other copulas ##############################################################

## Marshall--Olkin copula
setClass("moCopula", contains = "copula", slots = c(exprdist = "expression"))

## Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern copula
setClass("fgmCopula", contains = "copula", slots = c(exprdist = "expression",
                                                     subsets.char = "character"),
         ## verify that the pdf is positive at each vertex of [0,1]^dim
	 validity = function(object) {
	     dim <- object@dimension
	     if (dim < 2)
		 "must be 2-dimensional"
	     else if (dim == 2)
	     else { # dim >= 3
		 param <- object@parameters
		 valid <- .C(validity_fgm,
			     valid = integer(1))$valid
		 if (valid == 0) "Bad vector of parameters" else TRUE

## Plackett copula
setClass("plackettCopula", contains = "copula", slots = c(exprdist = "expression"))

### Multivariate distibutions via copulas ######################################

validMvdc <- function(object) {
    dim <- dim(object@copula) # @dimension may not exist
    if(!is.finite(dim) || dim < 2)
	return("'dimension' must be integer >= 2")
    if(dim != length(object@margins))
	return("'dimension' does not match margins' length")
    if(dim != length(pm <- object@paramMargins))
	return("'dimension' does not match paraMargins' length")
    if(!all(vapply(pm, function(e) is.list(e) || is.numeric(e), NA)))
	return("'paramMargins' elements must all be list()s or numeric vectors")
    okNms <- function(nms) !is.null(nms) && all(nzchar(nms))
    if(object@marginsIdentical) {
	if(!all(object@margins[1] == object@margins[-1]))
	    return("margins are not identical")
	pm1 <- pm[[1]]
	for(i in 2:dim) {
	    if(!identical(pm1, pm[[i]]))
		return("margins are not identical")
	if(length(pm1) > 0 && !okNms(names(pm1)))
	    return("'paramMargins' must be named properly")
    else ## not identical margins: check each
	for(i in seq_len(dim)) {
	    pmi <- pm[[i]]
	    if(length(pmi) > 0 && !okNms(names(pmi)))
		return(gettextf("'paramMargins[[%d]]' must be named properly", i))
	    ## TODO(?): check more similar to (/ instead of) those in mvdc() --> ./mvdc.R
}## validMvdc()

setClass("mvdc", contains = "Xcopula", #-> slot "copula"; additionally :
	 slots = c(
                   margins = "character",
                   paramMargins = "list",
                   marginsIdentical = "logical"),
	 validity = validMvdc)

## methods like {dpr}mvdc are defined in mvdc.R

## A fitted multivariate distribution -- "generic mother class",
## "fitCopula" and "fitMvdc" will inherit from it:
	 slots = c(estimate = "numeric",
		   var.est = "matrix", ##  and matrix(,0,0) means "not estimated/available"
                   loglik = "numeric",
                   nsample = "integer",
                   method = "character",
                   call = "call",
                   fitting.stats = "list"))

coef.fittedMV <- function(object, SE = FALSE, orig = TRUE, ...) {
    pNms <- paramNames(object)
    cf <- object@estimate
    pT <- object@fitting.stats$paramTrafo
    if(length(pT)) {
         "mixCop-clr1" = {
             if(orig) { ## original space 'w' (w1, w2, .., w<m>)
                 ## cf[] & pNms  are fine
                 if(SE && length(V <- object@var.est)) { # V in l-space: transform to w-space
                     ## J  :=  Jacobi-matrix  (m-1) x m  matrix of partial derivatives dl_i / dw_j
                     ## J_ := 2 x 2 block matrix  [I  0  ;  0  J]
                     ## V <- J_ %*% V %*% t(J_)
                     warning("cheating for 'w<j>', not yet Jacobi-matrix multivariate delta-method")
                     V <- rbind(cbind(V, NA, deparse.level=0L), NA, deparse.level=0L)
             } else { ## transformed "optim()" space : (l1, l2, .. l<m-1>)
                 cf[i1 <- pT$in1] <- clr1(cf[pT$in2] / pT$sumfreew)
                 length(cf) <- length(cf) - 1L # cutoff last one
                 ## and fix up names:
                 pNms <- pNms[-length(pNms)]
                 pNms[i1] <- sub("^w", "l", pNms[i1])
                 if(SE) V <- object@var.est # and V is in correct space
         stop("not yet supported  'paramTrafo$kind': ", pT$kind))
    } else if(SE)
        V <- object@var.est
			if(length(V)) sqrt(diag(V)) else rep(NA_real_, length(cf)),
		  dimnames = list(pNms, c("Estimate", "Std. Error")))
	setNames(cf, pNms)

nobs.fittedMV <- function(object, ...) object@nsample

vcov.fittedMV <- function(object, orig=TRUE, ...) {
    pNms <- paramNames(object)
    pT <- object@fitting.stats$paramTrafo
    if(length(pT)) {
          "mixCop-clr1" = {
              if(orig) { ## original space 'w' (w1, w2, .., w<m>)
                  ## pNms  are fine
                  if(length(V <- object@var.est)) { # V in l-space: transform to w-space
                      ## J  :=  Jacobi-matrix  (m-1) x m  matrix of partial derivatives dl_i / dw_j
                      ## J_ := 2 x 2 block matrix  [I  0  ;  0  J]
                      ## V <- J_ %*% V %*% t(J_)
                      warning("cheating for 'w<j>', not yet Jacobi-matrix multivariate delta-method")
                      V <- rbind(cbind(V, NA, deparse.level=0L), NA, deparse.level=0L)
              } else { ## transformed "optim()" space : (l1, l2, .. l<m-1>)
                  pNms <- pNms[-length(pNms)]
                  i1 <- pT$in1
                  pNms[i1] <- sub("^w", "l", pNms[i1])
                  V <- object@var.est # and V is in correct space
          stop("not yet supported  'paramTrafo$kind': ", pT$kind))
        V <- object@var.est

    structure(if(length(V)) V else matrix(NA, length(pNms), length(pNms)),
              dimnames = list(pNms, pNms))

logLik.fittedMV <- function(object, ...) {
	      nobs = object@nsample,
	      df = length(object@estimate), # == #{free param.}
	      class = "logLik")

##' Does the copula have 'df' as *free*, i.e., non-fixed parameter?
has.par.df <- function(cop, classDef = getClass(class(cop)),
                       isEllip = extends(classDef, "ellipCopula")) {
    ((isEllip && extends(classDef, "tCopula")) || extends(classDef, "tevCopula")) &&

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copula documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:48 p.m.