## Copyright (C) 2012 Marius Hofert, Ivan Kojadinovic, Martin Maechler, and Jun Yan
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
## version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
## FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
## details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
## this program; if not, see <>.
## NB: Mother classes "Copula" (and "parCopula") are in ./AllClass.R
## ~~~~~~~~~~
## The independence copula; don't want it to inherit "funny slots" =>
setClass("indepCopula", contains = c("dimCopula", "parCopula"),
slots = c(exprdist = "expression"))
# no validity needed anymore: have no 'parameters'
### Basic copula class #########################################################
setClass("copula", contains = c("dimCopula", "parCopula", "VIRTUAL"),
slots = c(parameters = "numeric",
param.names = "character",
param.lowbnd = "numeric",
param.upbnd = "numeric",
## TODO: "a vector" of intervals" paraInterval = "maybeInterval", # [.,.] (.,.], etc ..
fullname = "character"), ## <- DEPRECATED for describeCop(): see ../TODO
prototype = prototype(dimension = 2L, parameters = NA_real_),
validity = ##' Check validity of "copula"
function(object) {
dim <- object@dimension # "integer" by definition
if (length(dim) != 1L) return("'dim' must be an integer (>= 2)")
if (dim < 2) return("dim must be >= 2")
param <- object@parameters
upper <- object@param.upbnd
lower <- object@param.lowbnd
lp <- length(param) # if that is > 1, we allow |upper| or |lower| = 1
if(!(lp == length(upper) || (lp > 1L && length(upper) == 1L)))
return("Parameter and upper bound have non-equal length")
if(!(lp == length(lower) || (lp > 1L && length(lower) == 1L)))
return("Parameter and lower bound have non-equal length")
intervChk <- ## TODO: mkParaConstr(object@paraInterval)
function(par) all( | (lower <= param & param <= upper))
ina.p <-
if(!all(ina.p)) {
##if(any(ina.p)) return("some (but not all) parameter values are NA")
if(!intervChk(param)) return("Parameter value(s) out of bound")
## to allow (all) NA parameters: "not-yet-parametrized"
## Methods for 'copula'
setGeneric("dCopula", function(u, copula, log=FALSE, ...) {
if(!is.matrix(u)) u <- rbind(u, deparse.level = 0L)
stopifnot(dim(copula) == ncol(u)) <- outside.01(u, strictly=FALSE)## on.boundary _or_ outside
if(any.out <- any(, na.rm=TRUE))
u[] <- pmax(0, pmin(1, u)) # <- "needed", as some methods give error
r <- standardGeneric("dCopula") # the result of calling <dCopula-method)(u, copula, ..)
if(any.out) ## on boundary _or_ outside cube ==> zero mass :
r[ & !] <- if(log) -Inf else 0.
setGeneric("pCopula", function(u, copula, ...) {
if(!is.matrix(u)) u <- rbind(u, deparse.level = 0L)
## here as well, 'outside' and 'on-boundary' are equivalent:
u[] <- pmax(0, pmin(1, u))
setGeneric("rCopula", function(n, copula, ...) standardGeneric("rCopula"))
setGeneric("tau", function(copula, ...) standardGeneric("tau"))
setGeneric("rho", function(copula, ...) standardGeneric("rho"))
setGeneric("lambda", function(copula, ...) standardGeneric("lambda"))
setGeneric("iTau", function(copula, tau, ...) standardGeneric("iTau"))
setGeneric("iRho", function(copula, rho, ...) standardGeneric("iRho"))
setGeneric("dTau", function(copula, ...) standardGeneric("dTau"))
setGeneric("dRho", function(copula, ...) standardGeneric("dRho"))
setGeneric("dTauFun", function(copula) standardGeneric("dTauFun"))
setGeneric("dRhoFun", function(copula) standardGeneric("dRhoFun"))
## Defunct methods
calibKendallsTau <- function(copula, tau) { .Defunct("iTau"); iTau(copula,tau) }
calibSpearmansRho <- function(copula, rho) { .Defunct("iRho"); iRho(copula,rho) }
kendallsTau <- function(copula) { .Defunct("tau"); tau(copula) }
spearmansRho <- function(copula) { .Defunct("rho"); rho(copula) }
genInv <- function(copula, s) { .Defunct("psi"); psi(copula,s) }
genFun <- function(copula, u) { .Defunct("iPsi"); iPsi(copula, u) }
genFunDer1 <- function(copula, u){ .Defunct("diPsi"); diPsi(copula, u) }
genFunDer2 <- function(copula, u){ .Defunct("diPsi(*, degree=2)"); diPsi(copula, u, degree=2) }
AfunDer <- function(copula, w) { .Defunct("dAdu"); dAdu(copula, w) }
Afun <- function(copula, w) { .Defunct("A"); A(copula, w) }
pcopula <- function(copula, u, ...) { .Defunct("pCopula"); pCopula(u, copula) }
dcopula <- function(copula, u, ...) { .Defunct("dCopula"); dCopula(u, copula, ...) }
rcopula <- function(copula, n, ...) { .Defunct("rCopula"); rCopula(n, copula, ...) }
## Deprecated methods
tailIndex <- function(copula) { .Deprecated("lambda"); lambda(copula) } # mid 2016
### Frechet--Hoeffding bounds ##################################################
setClass("fhCopula", contains = c("dimCopula", "parCopula", "VIRTUAL"),
slots = c(exprdist = "expression")) # -> used in dC-dc.R
## Lower Frechet--Hoeffding bound W
setClass("lowfhCopula", contains = "fhCopula")
## Upper Frechet--Hoeffding bound M
setClass("upfhCopula", contains = "fhCopula")
##-> fhCopula.R, lowfhCopula.R, upfhCopula.R for implementation
## ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
### Empirical copula ###########################################################
setClass("empCopula", contains = "Copula",
slots = c(X = "matrix",
smoothing = "character",
offset = "numeric",
ties.method = "character"),
## validity methods must return TRUE or string
validity = function(object) {
X <- object@X
if(ncol(X) < 2L)
"X must have at least 2 columns"
else if(anyNA(X) || any(X < 0) || any(X > 1))
"All entries of X[] must be in [0,1]"
### Elliptical copulas (normalCopula, tCopula) #################################
## NOTE: This is related to npar.ellip() in ./ellipCopula.R
validRho <- function(dispstr, dim, lenRho) {
switch(dispstr, ## checking for correct 'dispstr'
"ar1" =, "ex" = {
if (lenRho != 1)
return(gettextf("'rho' parameter should have length 1 for 'dispstr' = \"%s\"",
"un" = {
if (lenRho != (L <- dim * (dim - 1) / 2))
return(gettextf("'rho' parameter should have length dim * (dim - 1) / 2 (= %d) for 'dispstr' = \"%s\"",
L, dispstr))
"toep" = {
if (lenRho != dim - 1)
return(gettextf("'rho' parameter should have length dim-1 (= %d) for 'dispstr' = \"%s\"",
dim-1, dispstr))
## otherwise
return("'dispstr' not supported (yet)"))
setClass("ellipCopula", contains = c("copula", "VIRTUAL"),
slots = c(dispstr = "character", getRho = "function"),
validity = function(object)
validRho(dispstr=object@dispstr, dim=object@dimension,
setClass("normalCopula", contains = "ellipCopula"
## not really needed -- validity for ellipCopula is checked already
## , validity = function(object) {
## can do more if needed here
## }
setClass("tCopula", contains = "ellipCopula",
, slots = c(df.fixed = "logical")
## validity = function(object) {
## ## JY: making sure @df == tail(.@parameter, 1)
## if (has.par.df(object))
## stopifnot(object@df == tail(object@parameters, 1))
## }
### Archimedean copulas (AMH, Clayton, Frank, Gumbel, Joe) #####################
setClass("archmCopula", contains = c("copula", "VIRTUAL"),
slots = c(exprdist = "expression"),
## extra check in addition to "copula" validity:
validity = function(object) {
if(length(object@parameters) != 1)
"Our Archimedean copulas must currently have a 1-dimensional parameter"
## Clayton
setClass("claytonCopula", contains = "archmCopula")
## Gumbel (also an evCopula) --> see below
## Frank
setClass("frankCopula", contains = "archmCopula")
## AMH
setClass("amhCopula", contains = "archmCopula")
## Joe
setClass("joeCopula", contains = "archmCopula")
## These can have negative tau for d = 2 only:
## setClassUnion(..) # <- over kill?; should be enough:
archm.neg.tau <- c("amhCopula", "claytonCopula", "frankCopula")
## Methods for 'archmCopula'
setGeneric("psi", function(copula, s) standardGeneric("psi"))
##FIXME 'log' compulsory:
##setGeneric("iPsi", function(copula, u, log, ...) standardGeneric("iPsi"))
setGeneric("iPsi", function(copula, u, ...) standardGeneric("iPsi"))
setGeneric("dPsi", function(copula, s, ...) standardGeneric("dPsi"))
setGeneric("diPsi", function(copula, u, degree=1, log=FALSE, ...) standardGeneric("diPsi"))
### Extreme value copulas (Galambos, Husler--Reiss, Gumbel, Tawn, tEV) #########
setClass("evCopula", contains = c("copula", "VIRTUAL"))
## Galambos
setClass("galambosCopula", contains = "evCopula",
slots = c(exprdist = "expression"))
## Gumbel (also an Archimedean copula)
setClass("gumbelCopula", contains = list("archmCopula", "evCopula"))
## Husler--Reiss
setClass("huslerReissCopula", contains = "evCopula",
slots = c(exprdist = "expression"))
## Tawn (does not offer full range of dependence)
setClass("tawnCopula", contains = "evCopula",
slots = c(exprdist = "expression"))
## tEV
setClass("tevCopula", contains = "evCopula"
, slots = c(df.fixed = "logical")
## , validity = function(object) {
## ## JY: making sure @df == tail(@parametersnot, 1)
## if(object@df != tail(object@parameters, 1))
## return("'df' must be the last element of @parameters")
## }
setGeneric("A", function(copula, w) standardGeneric("A"))
setGeneric("dAdu", function(copula, w) standardGeneric("dAdu"))
setGeneric("dAdtheta", function(copula, w) standardGeneric("dAdtheta"))
### Other copulas ##############################################################
## Marshall--Olkin copula
setClass("moCopula", contains = "copula", slots = c(exprdist = "expression"))
## Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern copula
setClass("fgmCopula", contains = "copula", slots = c(exprdist = "expression",
subsets.char = "character"),
## verify that the pdf is positive at each vertex of [0,1]^dim
validity = function(object) {
dim <- object@dimension
if (dim < 2)
"must be 2-dimensional"
else if (dim == 2)
else { # dim >= 3
param <- object@parameters
valid <- .C(validity_fgm,
valid = integer(1))$valid
if (valid == 0) "Bad vector of parameters" else TRUE
## Plackett copula
setClass("plackettCopula", contains = "copula", slots = c(exprdist = "expression"))
### Multivariate distibutions via copulas ######################################
validMvdc <- function(object) {
dim <- dim(object@copula) # @dimension may not exist
if(!is.finite(dim) || dim < 2)
return("'dimension' must be integer >= 2")
if(dim != length(object@margins))
return("'dimension' does not match margins' length")
if(dim != length(pm <- object@paramMargins))
return("'dimension' does not match paraMargins' length")
if(!all(vapply(pm, function(e) is.list(e) || is.numeric(e), NA)))
return("'paramMargins' elements must all be list()s or numeric vectors")
okNms <- function(nms) !is.null(nms) && all(nzchar(nms))
if(object@marginsIdentical) {
if(!all(object@margins[1] == object@margins[-1]))
return("margins are not identical")
pm1 <- pm[[1]]
for(i in 2:dim) {
if(!identical(pm1, pm[[i]]))
return("margins are not identical")
if(length(pm1) > 0 && !okNms(names(pm1)))
return("'paramMargins' must be named properly")
else ## not identical margins: check each
for(i in seq_len(dim)) {
pmi <- pm[[i]]
if(length(pmi) > 0 && !okNms(names(pmi)))
return(gettextf("'paramMargins[[%d]]' must be named properly", i))
## TODO(?): check more similar to (/ instead of) those in mvdc() --> ./mvdc.R
}## validMvdc()
setClass("mvdc", contains = "Xcopula", #-> slot "copula"; additionally :
slots = c(
margins = "character",
paramMargins = "list",
marginsIdentical = "logical"),
validity = validMvdc)
## methods like {dpr}mvdc are defined in mvdc.R
## A fitted multivariate distribution -- "generic mother class",
## "fitCopula" and "fitMvdc" will inherit from it:
slots = c(estimate = "numeric",
var.est = "matrix", ## and matrix(,0,0) means "not estimated/available"
loglik = "numeric",
nsample = "integer",
method = "character",
call = "call",
fitting.stats = "list"))
coef.fittedMV <- function(object, SE = FALSE, orig = TRUE, ...) {
pNms <- paramNames(object)
cf <- object@estimate
pT <- object@fitting.stats$paramTrafo
if(length(pT)) {
"mixCop-clr1" = {
if(orig) { ## original space 'w' (w1, w2, .., w<m>)
## cf[] & pNms are fine
if(SE && length(V <- object@var.est)) { # V in l-space: transform to w-space
## J := Jacobi-matrix (m-1) x m matrix of partial derivatives dl_i / dw_j
## J_ := 2 x 2 block matrix [I 0 ; 0 J]
## V <- J_ %*% V %*% t(J_)
warning("cheating for 'w<j>', not yet Jacobi-matrix multivariate delta-method")
V <- rbind(cbind(V, NA, deparse.level=0L), NA, deparse.level=0L)
} else { ## transformed "optim()" space : (l1, l2, .. l<m-1>)
cf[i1 <- pT$in1] <- clr1(cf[pT$in2] / pT$sumfreew)
length(cf) <- length(cf) - 1L # cutoff last one
## and fix up names:
pNms <- pNms[-length(pNms)]
pNms[i1] <- sub("^w", "l", pNms[i1])
if(SE) V <- object@var.est # and V is in correct space
stop("not yet supported 'paramTrafo$kind': ", pT$kind))
} else if(SE)
V <- object@var.est
if(length(V)) sqrt(diag(V)) else rep(NA_real_, length(cf)),
dimnames = list(pNms, c("Estimate", "Std. Error")))
setNames(cf, pNms)
nobs.fittedMV <- function(object, ...) object@nsample
vcov.fittedMV <- function(object, orig=TRUE, ...) {
pNms <- paramNames(object)
pT <- object@fitting.stats$paramTrafo
if(length(pT)) {
"mixCop-clr1" = {
if(orig) { ## original space 'w' (w1, w2, .., w<m>)
## pNms are fine
if(length(V <- object@var.est)) { # V in l-space: transform to w-space
## J := Jacobi-matrix (m-1) x m matrix of partial derivatives dl_i / dw_j
## J_ := 2 x 2 block matrix [I 0 ; 0 J]
## V <- J_ %*% V %*% t(J_)
warning("cheating for 'w<j>', not yet Jacobi-matrix multivariate delta-method")
V <- rbind(cbind(V, NA, deparse.level=0L), NA, deparse.level=0L)
} else { ## transformed "optim()" space : (l1, l2, .. l<m-1>)
pNms <- pNms[-length(pNms)]
i1 <- pT$in1
pNms[i1] <- sub("^w", "l", pNms[i1])
V <- object@var.est # and V is in correct space
stop("not yet supported 'paramTrafo$kind': ", pT$kind))
V <- object@var.est
structure(if(length(V)) V else matrix(NA, length(pNms), length(pNms)),
dimnames = list(pNms, pNms))
logLik.fittedMV <- function(object, ...) {
nobs = object@nsample,
df = length(object@estimate), # == #{free param.}
class = "logLik")
##' Does the copula have 'df' as *free*, i.e., non-fixed parameter?
has.par.df <- function(cop, classDef = getClass(class(cop)),
isEllip = extends(classDef, "ellipCopula")) {
((isEllip && extends(classDef, "tCopula")) || extends(classDef, "tevCopula")) &&
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