## Copyright (C) 2012 Marius Hofert, Ivan Kojadinovic, Martin Maechler, and Jun Yan
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
## version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
## FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
## details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
## this program; if not, see <>.
## NB: For d = dim = 2, -1 <= param = theta = alpha < 0 is allowed
## -- psi() and iPsi() now ok
.iPsiClayton <- function(u, theta) sign(theta) * (u^(-theta) - 1)
## (u^(-theta) - 1) / theta ## <<- Nelson Table 4.1: theta in denom is wrong
.psiClayton <- function(t, theta) pmax(1 + sign(theta)*t, 0)^(-1/theta)
## formally, from iPsi(.), psi(t) = (1 + sign(theta)*t) ^ (-1/a)
## NB: pmax(*, 0) keeps attributes of '*'
claytonCopula <- function(param = NA_real_, dim = 2L,
use.indepC = c("message", "TRUE", "FALSE")) {
stopifnot(length(param) == 1)
if((dim <- as.integer(dim)) > 2 && ! && param < 0)
stop("param can be negative only for dim = 2")
if(! && param == 0) {
use.indepC <- match.arg(use.indepC)
if(!identical(use.indepC, "FALSE")) {
if(identical(use.indepC, "message"))
message("parameter at boundary ==> returning indepCopula()")
return( indepCopula(dim=dim) )
## get expressions of cdf and pdf
cdfExpr <- function(d) {
expr <- "u1^(-alpha) - 1"
for (i in 2:d) {
cur <- paste0("u", i, "^(-alpha) - 1")
expr <- paste(expr, cur, sep=" + ")
expr <- paste("(1 + (", expr, "))^ (-1/alpha)")
parse(text = expr)
cdf <- cdfExpr(dim)
pdf <- if (dim <= 6) cdfExpr2pdfExpr(cdf, dim) # else NULL
dimension = dim,
parameters = param,
exprdist = c(cdf = cdf, pdf = pdf),
param.names = "alpha",
param.lowbnd = if(dim == 2) -1 else 0,
param.upbnd = Inf,
fullname = "<deprecated slot>") # "Clayton (Archimedean) copula"
rclaytonBivCopula <- function(n, alpha) {
val <- cbind(runif(n), runif(n))
## This implementation is confirmed by Splus module finmetrics
val[,2] <- (val[,1]^(-alpha) * (val[,2]^(-alpha/(alpha + 1)) - 1) + 1)^(-1/alpha)
## Frees and Valdez (1998, p.11): wrong! Can be checked by sample Kendall' tau.
## Their general expression for $F_k$ is all right for $k > 2$.
## But for dimension 2, they are missing $\phi'$ in the numerator and
## the denominator should be 1. So their formula for $U_2$ on p.11 is incorrect.
rclaytonCopula <- function(n, copula) {
if( <- copula@parameters[1])) stop("parameter is NA")
dim <- copula@dimension
if (abs(alpha - 0) < .Machine$double.eps ^ (1/3))
return(rCopula(n, indepCopula(dim)))
if (dim == 2) return (rclaytonBivCopula(n, alpha))
## gamma frailty
val <- matrix(runif(n * dim), nrow = n)
if (abs(alpha) <= 100 * .Machine$double.eps)
return (val) ## the limit is independence
## gam <- rgamma(n, shape = 1/alpha, rate = 1/alpha) ## fixed from rate = 1
gam <- rgamma(n, shape = 1/alpha, rate = 1) ## fixed from rate = 1
gam <- matrix(gam, nrow = n, ncol = dim)
psi(copula, - log(val) / gam)
## unused now: it is *CLEARLY WRONG* for negative tau, since pmax(*, 0) is "in the wrong place"
pclaytonCopula <- function(copula, u) {
if( <- copula@parameters[1])) stop("parameter is NA")
dim <- copula@dimension
stopifnot(!is.null(d <- ncol(u)), dim == d)
if (abs(alpha) <= .Machine$double.eps^.9) return (apply(u, 1, prod))
cdf <- copula@exprdist$cdf
for (i in 1:dim) assign(paste0("u", i), u[,i])
pmax(eval(cdf), 0)
## Nowhere used (!)
## dclaytonCopula <- function(copula, u, ...) {
## dim <- copula@dimension
## ## if(!is.matrix(u)) u <- matrix(u, ncol = dim)
## alpha <- copula@parameters[1]
## if (abs(alpha) <= .Machine$double.eps^.9) return (rep(1, nrow(u)))
## for (i in 1:dim) assign(paste0("u", i), u[,i])
## val <- c(eval(copula@exprdist$pdf))
## ## val[apply(u, 1, function(v) any(v < 0))] <- 0
## ## val[apply(u, 1, function(v) any(v > 1))] <- 0
## ## if (alpha < 0) {
## ## cdf <- pCopula(u, copula)
## ## bad <- cdf == 0
## ## val[bad] <- 0
## ## }
## if(log) log(val) else val
## }
## Nowhere really used (!) (used below but commented out -- legacy)
## now only used for dim = d = 2 (for negative tau <=> negative alpha | theta)
## --- but it is *wrong* there "almost surely" exactly for the negative alpha | theta
## dclaytonCopula.pdf <- function(u, copula, log=FALSE) {
## dim <- copula@dimension
## if (dim > 10) stop("Clayton copula PDF not implemented for dimension > 10.")
## ## if(!is.matrix(u)) u <- rbind(u, deparse.level = 0L)
## stopifnot(!is.null(d <- ncol(u)), dim == d)
## for (i in 1:dim) assign(paste0("u", i), u[,i])
## alpha <- copula@parameters[1]
## if (abs(alpha) <= .Machine$double.eps^.9)
## return( 0 else 1, nrow(u)))
## val <- pmax(c(eval(claytonCopula.pdf.algr[dim])),0)
## ## clean up -- now happens in dCopula()
## ## val[apply(u, 1, function(v) any(v < 0))] <- 0
## ## val[apply(u, 1, function(v) any(v > 1))] <- 0
## ## val[apply(u, 1, function(v) any(v == 0) & any(v > 0))] <- 0
## ## if (alpha > 0)
## ## else
## if(log) log(val) else val
## }
claytonRhoFun <- function(alpha) {
if( return(alpha)
ss <- .claytonRhoNeg$ss
forwardTransf <- .claytonRhoNeg$trFuns$forwardTransf
valFunNeg <- .claytonRhoNeg$assoMeasFun$valFun
valFunPos <- .claytonRhoPos$assoMeasFun$valFun
theta <- forwardTransf(alpha, ss)
as.vector(if(alpha <= 0) valFunNeg(theta) else valFunPos(theta))
##' dRho : derivative of rho(.)
claytondRho <- function(alpha) {
if( return(alpha)
ss <- .claytonRhoNeg$ss
forwardTransf <- .claytonRhoNeg$trFuns$forwardTransf
forwardDer <- .claytonRhoNeg$trFuns$forwardDer
valFunNeg <- .claytonRhoNeg$assoMeasFun$valFun
valFunPos <- .claytonRhoPos$assoMeasFun$valFun
theta <- forwardTransf(alpha, ss)
as.vector(if(alpha <= 0)
valFunNeg(theta, 1)
else valFunPos(theta, 1)) * forwardDer(alpha, ss)
rhoClaytonCopula <- function(copula) claytonRhoFun(copula@parameters[1])
iRhoClaytonCopula <- function(copula, rho) {
## linear interpolation from pspline :: sm.spline() interpolation results (x, ysmth)
## --> ../inst/docs/tauRho/trpsrho.R
claytonRhoInvNeg <- approxfun(x = .claytonRhoNeg$assoMeasFun$fm$ysmth,
y = .claytonRhoNeg$assoMeasFun$fm$x)
claytonRhoInvPos <- approxfun(x = .claytonRhoPos$assoMeasFun$fm$ysmth,
y = .claytonRhoPos$assoMeasFun$fm$x)
theta <- if(rho <= 0) claytonRhoInvNeg(rho) else claytonRhoInvPos(rho)
.claytonRhoPos$trFuns$backwardTransf(theta, .claytonRhoNeg$ss)
dRhoClaytonCopula <- function(copula) {
if( <- copula@parameters[1])) return(alpha)
lambdaClaytonCopula <- function(copula) {
if( <- copula@parameters[1])) return(rep(alpha, 2))
c(lower= if(alpha > 0) 2 ^ (-1/alpha) else 0,
upper= 0)
dTauClaytonCopula <- function(copula) 2 / (copula@parameters+2)^2
if(FALSE) # unused
pMatClayton <- function (u, copula, ...) {
stopifnot(!is.null(d <- ncol(u)), d == copula@dimension)
if( <- copula@parameters[1])) stop("parameter is NA")
## if(d == 2 && th < 0) # for now, .. to support negative tau
## pclaytonCopula(copula, u=u)
## else
pacopula(u, copClayton, theta=th, ...)
dMatClayton <- function (u, copula, log = FALSE, checkPar=TRUE, ...) {
stopifnot(!is.null(d <- ncol(u)), d == copula@dimension)
if( <- copula@parameters[1])) stop("parameter is NA")
##_ now _all_ this should happen in copClayton@dacopula():
##_ if(d == 2 && th < 0) { # for now, to support negative tau-- TODO/FIXME: put into copClayton
##_ ## wrong(!): dclaytonCopula.pdf(u, copula, log=log)
##_ u_th <- u^-th
##_ pt <- rowSums(u_th) - 1 # p-term pt = u1^-th + u2^-th - 1
##_ r <- if(log) rep_len(-Inf, length(pt)) else numeric(length(pt))# = value for pt <= 0
##_ pos <- pt > 0
##_ u <- u[pos, , drop=FALSE]
##_ pt <- pt[pos]
##_ r[pos] <-
##_ if(log)
##_ log1p(th) -(th+1)*rowSums(log(u)) - (1/th + 2) * log(pt)
##_ else
##_ (1+th) * (u[,1]*u[,2])^-(th+1) * pt^(-1/th - 2)
##_ r
##_ } else
copClayton@dacopula(u, theta=th, log=log, checkPar=checkPar, ...)
setMethod("rCopula", signature("numeric", "claytonCopula"),
function(n, copula, ...) rclaytonCopula(n,copula))
setMethod("pCopula", signature("matrix", "claytonCopula"),
function(u, copula, ...) {
if( <- copula@parameters[1])) stop("parameter is NA")
pacopula(u, copClayton, theta=th)
setMethod("dCopula", signature("matrix", "claytonCopula"), dMatClayton)
## pCopula() and dCopula() *generic* already deal with non-matrix case!
setMethod("iPsi", signature("claytonCopula"),
function(copula, u, ...) .iPsiClayton(u, copula@parameters[1]))
setMethod("psi", signature("claytonCopula"),
function(copula, s) .psiClayton(s, copula@parameters[1]))
setMethod("diPsi", signature("claytonCopula"),
function(copula, u, degree=1, log=FALSE, ...)
s <- if(log || degree %% 2 == 0) 1. else -1.
s* copClayton@absdiPsi(u, theta=copula@parameters, degree=degree, log=log, ...)
setMethod("tau", signature("claytonCopula"),
function(copula, ...) copClayton@tau(copula@parameters))
setMethod("rho", signature("claytonCopula"), rhoClaytonCopula)
setMethod("lambda", signature("claytonCopula"), lambdaClaytonCopula)
setMethod("iTau", signature("claytonCopula"),
function(copula, tau, ...) copClayton@iTau(tau))
setMethod("iRho", signature("claytonCopula"),
function(copula, rho, ...) iRhoClaytonCopula(copula, rho))
setMethod("dTau", signature("claytonCopula"), dTauClaytonCopula)
setMethod("dRho", signature("claytonCopula"), dRhoClaytonCopula)
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