## Copyright (C) 2012 Marius Hofert, Ivan Kojadinovic, Martin Maechler, and Jun Yan
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
## version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
## FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
## details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
## this program; if not, see <>.
### Parameter 'a', also called 'alpha' or 'theta'
### must be in (0, Inf) for completely monotone psi ( <==> tau >= 0 )
### a = 0 <==> independence copula
### a < 0 <==> tau(.) < 0 ... allowed for d=2 only
psiFrank <- function(copula, s) .psiFrank(s, copula@parameters[1])
.psiFrank <- function(t, theta) {
## -1/theta * log(1 + exp(-t) * (exp(-theta) - 1))
## = -log(1-(1-exp(-theta))*exp(-t))/theta
## = -log1p(expm1(-theta)*exp(0-t))/theta # fails for really small t, theta > 38
## ==> have to use log1mexp() and log1pexp() below !
stopifnot(length(theta) == 1)
if(theta > 0)
else if(theta == 0)
else if(theta <= log(.Machine$double.eps))# -36.04
## exp(-theta) -1 ~= exp(-theta)
else ## -36.04 < theta < 0 :
-log1p(exp(-t) * expm1(-theta))/theta
iPsiFrank <- function(copula, u, log=FALSE)
.iPsiFrank(u, copula@parameters[1], log=log)
.iPsiFrank <- function(u, theta, log=FALSE) {
## == -log( (exp(-theta*u)-1) / (exp(-theta)-1) )
uth <- u*theta # (-> recycling args)
if(!length(uth)) return(uth) # {just for numeric(0) ..hmm}
et1 <- expm1(-theta) # e^{-theta} - 1 < 0
## FIXME(2): the "> c* theta" is pi*Handgelenk
## FIXME(3): use delta = exp(-uth)*(1 - exp(uth-theta)/ (-et1) =
## = exp(-uth)* expm1(uth-theta)/et1 (4)
## do small Rmpfr-study to find the best form -- (4) above and the three forms below
## Compare with ../vignettes/Frank-Rmpfr.Rnw
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sub ("theta", "theta", .):
## iPsi.0 <- function(u,theta) -log( (exp(-theta*u)-1) / (exp(-theta)-1) ) # = Def.; "naive" form
## iPsi.1 <- function(u,theta) -log(expm1(-u*theta) / expm1(-theta))
## iPsi.2 <- function(u,theta) -log1p((exp(-u*theta)-exp(-theta)) / expm1(-theta))
## and (not yet in the above vignette):
## iPsi.3 <- function(u,theta) -log1p(exp(-theta) * expm1(theta - u*theta)/ expm1(-theta))
r <- uth
ok <- if(anyNA(r)) ! else TRUE
et1 <- rep(et1, length.out = length(uth))
if(any(sml.u <- ok & abs(uth) <= .01*abs(theta)))
r[sml.u] <- ## for small u (u <= 0.01)
-log(expm1(-uth[sml.u])/et1[sml.u]) # == iPsi.1(u,theta)
## else: uth = u*theta > .01*theta <==> u > 0.01
e.t <- rep(exp(-theta), length.out = length(uth))
notS <- ok & !sml.u
if(any( <- notS & ( <- e.t > 0 & abs(theta - uth) < 1/2))) # theta - theta*u = theta(1-u) < 1/2
r[] <- -log1p(e.t[] * expm1((theta - uth)[])/et1[])
if(any( <- notS & !
r[] <- -log1p((exp(-uth[])- e.t[]) / et1[]) # == iPsi.2(u,theta)
if(log) log(r) else r
## psiDerFrank <- function(copula, s, n) {
## eval(psiDerFrank.expr[n + 1], list(s=s, alpha=copula@parameters[1]))
## }
frankCopula <- function(param = NA_real_, dim = 2L,
use.indepC = c("message", "TRUE", "FALSE"))
stopifnot(length(param) == 1)
if((dim <- as.integer(dim)) > 2 && ! && param < 0)
stop("param can be negative only for dim = 2")
if(! && param == 0) {
use.indepC <- match.arg(use.indepC)
if(!identical(use.indepC, "FALSE")) {
if(identical(use.indepC, "message"))
message("parameter at boundary ==> returning indepCopula()")
return( indepCopula(dim=dim) )
## get expressions of cdf and pdf
cdfExpr <- function(d) {
expr <- "- log( (exp(- alpha * u1) - 1) / (exp(- alpha) - 1) )"
for (i in 2:d) {
cur <- paste0("- log( (exp(- alpha * u", i, ") - 1) / (exp(- alpha) - 1))")
expr <- paste(expr, cur, sep=" + ")
expr <- paste("-1/alpha * log(1 + exp(-(", expr, ")) * (exp(-alpha) - 1))")
parse(text = expr)
pdfExpr <- function(cdf, d) {
val <- cdf
for (i in 1:d) {
val <- D(val, paste0("u", i))
cdf <- cdfExpr(dim)
pdf <- if (dim <= 6) pdfExpr(cdf, dim) # else NULL
dimension = dim,
parameters = param,
exprdist = c(cdf = cdf, pdf = pdf),
param.names = "alpha",
param.lowbnd = if(dim == 2) -Inf else 0,
param.upbnd = Inf,
fullname = "<deprecated slot>")# "Frank copula family; Archimedean copula"
rfrankBivCopula <- function(n, alpha) {
U <- runif(n); V <- runif(n)
## FIXME : |alpha| << 1 (including alpha == 0)
## to fix numerical rounding problems for alpha >35 but not for alpha < -35 :
a <- -abs(alpha)
## reference: Joe (1997, p.147)
V <- -1/a * log1p(-V * expm1(-a) / (exp(-a * U) * (V - 1) - V))
cbind(U, if(alpha > 0) 1 - V else V, deparse.level=0L)
rfrankCopula <- function(n, copula) {
dim <- copula@dimension
alpha <- copula@parameters[1]
if (abs(alpha) < .Machine$double.eps ^ (1/3))
return(rCopula(n, indepCopula(dim)))
## if (abs(alpha) <= .Machine$double.eps^.9)
## return (matrix(runif(n * dim), nrow = n))
if (dim == 2) return (rfrankBivCopula(n, alpha))
## the frailty is a log(a) series distribution with a = 1 - exp(-alpha) = - expm1(-alpha)
## log(1 - a) =: h = -alpha
if(log1mexp(alpha) == 0) ## alpha is too large: cannot use the rlogseries.ln1p()
return(matrix(1, n, dim))
## else, this should work :
fr <- rlogseries.ln1p(n, -alpha) # >> ./logseries.R
fr <- matrix(fr, nrow = n, ncol = dim)
U <- matrix(runif(dim * n), nrow = n)
psi(copula, - log(U) / fr)
pfrankCopula <- function(copula, u) {
dim <- copula@dimension
if(!is.matrix(u)) u <- matrix(u, ncol = dim)
cdf <- copula@exprdist$cdf
dim <- copula@dimension
alpha <- copula@parameters[1]
if (abs(alpha) <= .Machine$double.eps^.9) return (apply(u, 1, prod))
for (i in 1:dim) assign(paste0("u", i), u[,i])
## dfrankCopula <- function(u, copula, log=FALSE, ...) {
## if(!is.matrix(u)) u <- rbind(u, deparse.level = 0L)
## pdf <- copula@exprdist$pdf
## dim <- copula@dimension
## for (i in 1:dim) assign(paste0("u", i), u[,i])
## alpha <- copula@parameters[1]
## if(log) stop("'log=TRUE' not yet implemented")
## if (abs(alpha) <= .Machine$double.eps^.9) return (rep(1, nrow(u)))
## val <- eval(pdf)
## # val[apply(u, 1, function(v) any(v <= 0))] <- 0
## # val[apply(u, 1, function(v) any(v >= 1))] <- 0
## val
## }
## dfrankCopula.expr <- function(copula, u) {
## if(!is.matrix(u)) u <- rbind(u, deparse.level = 0L)
## s <- apply(iPsiFrank(copula, u), 1, sum)
## pdf <- psiDerFrank(copula, s, copula@dimension) *
## apply(iPsiDerFrank(copula, u, 1), 1, prod)
## pdf
## }
## Only used for dim == 2 and theta = alpha < 0 (see dMatFrank() below):
dfrankCopula.pdf <- function(u, copula, log=FALSE) {
dim <- copula@dimension
if (dim > 6) stop("Frank copula PDF not implemented for dimension > 6.")
if(!is.matrix(u)) u <- rbind(u, deparse.level = 0L)
for (i in 1:dim) assign(paste0("u", i), u[,i])
alpha <- copula@parameters[1] # used in 'frankCopula.pdf.algr'
## FIXME: improve log-case, and the alpha ~= 0 case (e.g. alpha = -1e-13 is POOR!
else c(eval(frankCopula.pdf.algr[dim]))
tauFrankCopula <- function(copula) .tauFrankCopula(copula@parameters)
.tauFrankCopula <- function(a) { # 'a', also called 'alpha' or 'theta'
## For small a (not just a = 0), need Taylor approx:
## 1 - 4 / a * (1 - debye1(a)) = a/9 *(1 - (a/10)^2 + O(a^4)) <<- MM, 16.May 2014
if(abs(a) < 10*sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
1 - 4 / a * (1 - debye1(a))
## debye1(a) = 1 - a/4 + a^2 /36 - a^4 /3600 + O(a^5)
## debye2(a) = 1 - a/3 + a^2 /48 - a^4 /4320 + O(a^5)
rhoFrankCopula <- function(copula) .rhoFrankCopula(copula@parameters)
.rhoFrankCopula <- function(a) { # 'a', also called 'alpha' or 'theta'
## For small alpha (not just alpha = 0), need Taylor approx:
## Genest (1987), "Frank's family of bivariate distributions" (Biometrika, 7, 549--555)
## 1 - 12/a * (debye1(a) - debye2(a)) =
## 1 + 12/a * (debye2(a) - debye1(a)) = a/6 * (1 - a^2 / 75 + O(a^4)) <<- MM, 16.May 2014
if(abs(a) < sqrt(75*.Machine$double.eps))
1 + 12/a * (debye2(a) - debye1(a))
dTauFrankCopula <- function(copula) .dTauFrankCopula(copula@parameters)
.dTauFrankCopula <- function(a) {
## FIXME: use Taylor for small |a| :
(2/a)^2 * (a/expm1(a) + 1 - 1/a * debye1(a))
## a/expm1(a) = 1 - a/2 + a^2 /12 - a^4 /720 + O(a^5)
## (2/a)^2 * (a/expm1(a) + 1 - 1/a * debye1(a)) =
## (2/a)^2 * (-1/a + 9/4 - 19/36*a + a^2/12 + a^3/3600 - a^4/720 + O(a^5)) ; MM, 25.April 2018
dRhoFrankCopula <- function(copula) .dRhoFrankCopula(copula@parameters)
.dRhoFrankCopula <- function(a) {
## FIXME: use Taylor for small |a|, using a/expm1(a) = 1 - a/2 + a^2 /12 - a^4 /720 + O(a^5)
12 / a^2 * (a/expm1(a) - 3 * debye2(a) + 2 * debye1(a))
pMatFrank <- function (u, copula, ...) {
## was pfrankCopula
stopifnot(!is.null(d <- ncol(u)), d == copula@dimension)
if( <- copula@parameters[1])) stop("parameter is NA")
if(d == 2 && th < 0) # for now, .. to support negative tau
pfrankCopula(copula, u=u)
pacopula(u, copFrank, theta=th, ...)
dMatFrank <- function (u, copula, log = FALSE, checkPar=TRUE, ...) {
## was dfrankCopula.pdf
stopifnot(!is.null(d <- ncol(u)), d == copula@dimension)
if( <- copula@parameters)) stop("parameter is NA")
if(d == 2 && th < 0) # for now, copFrank does not yet support negative tau (FIXME?)
dfrankCopula.pdf(u, copula, log=log)
copFrank@dacopula(u, theta=th, log=log, checkPar=checkPar, ...)
setMethod("rCopula", signature("numeric", "frankCopula"), rfrankCopula)
setMethod("pCopula", signature("matrix", "frankCopula"), pMatFrank)
setMethod("dCopula", signature("matrix", "frankCopula"), dMatFrank)
## pCopula() and dCopula() *generic* already deal with non-matrix case!
## setMethod("pCopula", signature("numeric", "frankCopula"),
## function (u, copula, ...)
## pMatFrank(matrix(u, ncol = dim(copula)), copula, ...))
## setMethod("dCopula", signature("numeric", "frankCopula"),
## function (u, copula, log=FALSE, ...)
## dMatFrank(matrix(u, ncol = dim(copula)), copula, log=log, ...))
setMethod("iPsi", signature("frankCopula"), iPsiFrank)
setMethod("psi", signature("frankCopula"), psiFrank)
## setMethod("psiDer", signature("frankCopula"), psiDerFrank)
setMethod("diPsi", signature("frankCopula"),
function(copula, u, degree=1, log=FALSE, ...)
s <- if(log || degree %% 2 == 0) 1. else -1.
s* copFrank@absdiPsi(u, theta=copula@parameters, degree=degree, log=log, ...)
setMethod("tau", signature("frankCopula"), tauFrankCopula)
setMethod("rho", signature("frankCopula"), rhoFrankCopula)
setMethod("lambda", signature("frankCopula"), function(copula) c(lower=0, upper=0))
setMethod("iTau", signature("frankCopula"),
function(copula, tau, tol = 1e-7) copFrank@iTau(tau, tol=tol))
setMethod("dRho", signature("frankCopula"), dRhoFrankCopula)
setMethod("dTau", signature("frankCopula"), dTauFrankCopula)
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