
## Copyright (C) 2012 Marius Hofert, Ivan Kojadinovic, Martin Maechler, and Jun Yan
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
## version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
## FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
## details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
## this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

###  Checks for rstable __and__  rCopula() more generally


source(system.file("Rsource", "utils.R", package="copula", mustWork=TRUE))
source(system.file("Rsource", "cops.R", package="copula", mustWork=TRUE))
## --> copcl, copObs, copBnds,  excl.2 , copO.2, copBnd.2

X <- rstable1(1e4, alpha=.9999, beta=1, gamma= .25, delta=1)
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.
##   1592    1592    1593    1594    1593    2092
stopifnot(all(X > 1500))
X <- rstable1(1e4, alpha=.999999, beta=1, gamma= .25, delta=1)
stopifnot(150000 < X, X < 170000)

r1R <- copula:::rstable1R
r1C <- copula:::rstable1C

## speed is *very* similar (!):
showSys.time(Z  <- r1R(10000, .2, beta=1, gamma= 45))
showSys.time(Z. <- r1C(10000, .2, beta=1, gamma= 45))

ks.test(Z, Z.) # p-value ~ 0.50  they "are the same"

if(!dev.interactive(orNone=TRUE)) pdf("rstable-ex.pdf")
qqplot(Z, Z., log = "xy") # looks nice
acf(log(Z))  # "nice"
acf(log(Z.)) # ditto


### Ensure basic properties of  rCopula() ---------------------

pkg <- "package:copula"
## all "acopula"s :
aCops <- sapply(ls(pkg, pattern="^cop[A-Z]"),
                get, pkg, simplify=FALSE)
stopifnot(sapply(aCops, is, "acopula"))

taus <- 1/ c(16, 8, 5, 4) # < 1/3 which is max{ AMH }

aCt2 <- unlist(lapply(taus, function(TAU) {
    lapply(aCops, function(COP) {
        th <- iTau(COP, TAU); onacopulaL(COP, list(th, 1:2))})}))

## copcl (etc) from ../inst/Rsource/cops.R
stopList <- c("khoudrajiCopula", #"khoudrajiBivCopula",  "khoudrajiExplicitCopula",
              "indepCopula", "rotCopula", "lowfhCopula", "upfhCopula", "empCopula", "moCopula")
copcl <- copcl[is.na(match(copcl, stopList))]
str(cfn <- sapply(copcl, get, pkg, simplify=FALSE))
str(th.25 <- lapply(cfn, function(F) iTau(F(), 0.25)))
Ct2 <- unlist(lapply(taus, function(TAU) {
    lapply(cfn, function(cFn) { th <- iTau(cFn(), TAU); cFn(th)})}))

## A list of "fully specified" (parameter, dimension) copula models :
length(cops <- c(aCt2, Ct2))
## 72 of them ...

Uc <- lapply(cops, rCopula, n = 1024)

## rPosStable [coverage]
gC <- cops[[match("gumbelCopula", names(cops))]] # the 1st
set.seed(17); Uc <- c(Uc, list(gumbelC.x  = rCopula(gC, n = nrow(Uc[[1]]))))
options('copula:rstable1' = "rPosStable")
set.seed(17); Uc <- c(Uc, list(gumbelC.rP = rCopula(gC, n = nrow(Uc[[1]]))))
options('copula:rstable1' = NULL) # check that things *are* reproducible
set.seed(17); stopifnot(all.equal(Uc[["gumbelC.x"]], rCopula(gC, n = nrow(Uc[[1]]))))

## NOTE: The *names* are not unique ==> uses integer indices

## 1) Check the tau's
tau.c <- t(sapply(seq_along(cops), function(i) {
    U <- Uc[[i]]
    c(tauC = tau(cops[[i]]),
      tauHat = cor(U[,1], U[,2], method="kendall"))
relE <- apply(tau.c, 1, function(r) (1 - r[[2]]/r[[1]])) # relative "errors"
stopifnot(-0.41 < relE, relE < 0.67, median(abs(relE)) < 0.09)
round(cbind(tau.c, relE), 3)
## we could look at cases which were "bad" ..
plot(tau.c[,"tauC"], relE) # error is larger for small true taus

## 2) Check the margins: all must be uniform
ad.test <- ADGofTest::ad.test
pp <- sapply(Uc, function(U2)
             apply(U2, 2,
                   function(u) ad.test(u)$p.value))

## The P-values should simply be uniform in [0,1]:
hh <- hist(c(pp), breaks = (0:20)/20)## should "look" uniform
## Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.
## 4.00    5.75    7.00    7.20    9.00   11.00

## and hence their test should typically *not* be significant
(ad.pp <- ad.test(c(pp)))
stopifnot(hh$counts < 15,
          ad.pp$p.value > 0.10)

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copula documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:16 a.m.