# This file is part of the cry package
# Functions connected to reflections data.
# Useful S3-type functions for handy use outside the main S4 framework
#' Reads and output an MTZ header
#' An MTZ file is a binary file created to carry information on
#' x-ray diffraction experiments on crystals. It includes x-ray
#' diffraction data and information on the experiment and the
#' crystal.
#' The function returns a named list whose components are
#' the \code{reflections}, the \code{header} and the
#' \code{batch_header}. The \code{header} is a named list whose
#' components are:
#' \describe{
#' \item{TITLE}{A character string containing the title of the
#' MTZ file.}
#' \item{NCOL}{Number of columns in data frame
#' \code{reflections}.}
#' \item{CELL}{A numeric vector of length 6, containing the
#' unit cell parameters.}
#' \item{SORT}{An integer vector of length 5, containing the
#' sort order of the first 5 columns of data.}
#' \item{SYMINF}{Un-named list with 6 components: the number
#' of symmetry operations (an integer), the number of
#' primitive operations (an integer), the lattice type
#' (a one-letter character), the space group number (an
#' integer), the space group name (a 10-letter character
#' string) and the point group name (a 6-letter character).}
#' \item{RESO}{Minimum and maximum data resolution, stored as
#' \eqn{{1/d^2}}.}
#' \item{NDIF}{Number of datasets whose reflection data are
#' present in the file.}
#' \item{SYMM}{A character vector whose length depends on the
#' type of symmetry. It describes the symmetry operations in
#' human-readable format, International Tables style. Each
#' string is 80 characters long.}
#' \item{PROJECT}{A data frame whose rows provide an ID and a
#' name (called "pname") for the projects for which the data
#' contained have been produced.}
#' \item{CRYSTAL}{A data frame whose rows provide an ID and a
#' name (called "pname") for the crystals for which the data
#' contained have been produced.}
#' \item{DATASET}{A data frame whose rows provide an ID and a
#' name (called "pname") for the datasets included in the
#' reflections record.}
#' \item{DCELL}{A data frame whose rows contain the
#' \code{CRYSTAL} IDs and cell parameters of each crystal
#' that has contributed to the data in the reflections record.}
#' \item{DWAVEL}{A data frame whose rows contain the
#' \code{DATASET} IDs and the wavelength with which the
#' reflection data were collected.}
#' \item{COLUMN}{A data frame describing the type of data
#' included in the reflections record. The data frame includes
#' the labels for each column, the dtype (see
#' \code{\link{merged_reflections}}) for each column, min and
#' max values and the \code{DATASET} ID.}
#' \item{COLSRC}{A data frame with three columns. The first
#' includes the labels of each reflections record column. The
#' second includes a time stamp of when each data column was
#' created. The third is the dataset ID as a string.}
#' \item{COLGRP}{A character string vector where each component
#' is an 80-letters string describing the name and type of
#' data.}
#' \item{HISTORY}{A character string vector of variable length.
#' Each component is an 80-letter string summarising the steps
#' that lead to the current reflections record. HISTORY can
#' contain a maximum of 30 lines.}
#' @param filename A character string. The path to a valid mtz file.
#' @param message A logical variable. If TRUE the function prints
#' a message highlighting what is included in the mtz header.
#' Default value is \code{message=FALSE}.
#' @return A named list. Each name correspond to a valid field in the mtz
#' header (see details).
#' @examples
#' datadir <- system.file("extdata",package="cry")
#' filename <- file.path(datadir,"1dei_phases.mtz")
#' ltmp <- readMTZHeader(filename)
#' print(names(ltmp))
#' print(ltmp$CELL)
#' print(ltmp$SYMM)
#' @export
readMTZHeader <- function(filename,message=FALSE)
# Reads and output MTZ header (version running independently
# of readMTZ)
# Create a connection to binary file
f <- file(filename, open="rb")
# Reads initial record
irdata <- .readIR(f)
errF <- irdata[[1]]
if (errF != 0)
stop("readMTZ: MTZ binary file does not contain initial \"MTZ \" tag. It is either a badly formatted or a wrong MTZ file.")
# Work out how many reflection records are contained in this MTZ file (= nref X ncols)
numDataItems <- irdata[[2]] - 20 - 1
# Load all reflection records (only use here is
# for getting to the right point of binary file)
if (irdata[[3]] == 1)
reflnData <- readBin(f, "numeric", n=numDataItems, size=4)
if (irdata[[3]] == -1)
reflnData <- readBin(f, "numeric", n=numDataItems, size=4,endian="big")
# Load header information
hData <- .readH(f,message)
# Close connection
# Return header stuff as list
#' Load an MTZ file
#' Reads mtz files and store both header information and
#' reflection data records in named lists. A third list is
#' used, if the mtz file is an unmerged file, for storing batch
#' headers.
#' @param filename A character string. The path to a valid mtz
#' file.
#' @param message A logical variable. If TRUE the
#' function prints a message highlighting data
#' included in the mtz file. Default value is
#' \code{message=FALSE}.
#' @return A named list of length 3. The first element is
#' called "reflections" and is a dataframe with as
#' many columns as are included in the mtz file.
#' The name of each column of the dataframe coincides
#' with the name of the corresponding column in the mtz.
#' The second element is called "header" and is a named
#' list in which each name correspond to a valid field
#' in the mtz header (see details in
#' \code{\link{readMTZHeader}}).
#' The third element is called
#' "batch_header" and is a list with as many elements as
#' the number of batches (images) included in the mtz
#' file. Each list element is, itself, a named list
#' including all the useful variables stored in batch
#' headers. If no batch headers are contained in the file
#' (merged mtz), the batch_header element is NULL.
#' @examples
#' datadir <- system.file("extdata",package="cry")
#' filename <- file.path(datadir,"1dei_phases.mtz")
#' ltmp <- readMTZ(filename)
#' print(names(ltmp))
#' print(class(ltmp$reflections))
#' str(ltmp$reflections)
#' print(class(ltmp$header))
#' print(class(ltmp$batch_header))
#' refs <- ltmp$reflections
#' print(colnames(refs))
#' print(range(refs$H))
#' @export
readMTZ <- function(filename,message=FALSE) {
# Create a connection to binary file
f <- file(filename, open="rb")
# Reads initial record
irdata <- .readIR(f)
errF <- irdata[[1]]
if (errF != 0) stop("readMTZ: MTZ binary file does not contain initial \"MTZ \" tag. It is either a badly formatted or a wrong MTZ file.")
# Work out how many reflection records are contained
# in this MTZ file (= nref X ncols)
numDataItems <- irdata[[2]] - 20 - 1
# Load all reflection records
if (irdata[[3]] == 1) reflnData <- readBin(f, "numeric", n=numDataItems, size=4)
if (irdata[[3]] == -1) reflnData <- readBin(f, "numeric", n=numDataItems, size=4,endian="big")
# Change "NaN" into "NA" which are properly handled in R
idx <- which(is.nan(reflnData))
if (length(idx) > 0) reflnData[idx] <- NA
# Load header information
hData <- .readH(f,message)
hF <- hData[[2]] # hF == 1 means no batch headers
# Turn reflnData into a dataframe where columns are named
tmpmatrix <- matrix(data=reflnData,nrow=hData[[1]]$NCOL[2],ncol=hData[[1]]$NCOL[1],
tmpdataframe <-
reflnData <- tmpdataframe
# If no batch headers are contained, program ends here
if (hF == 1)
close(f) # Close connection
if (hData[[1]]$NCOL[3] > 0) warning("MTZ appears to be a multi-record file, but it does not include batch headers.")
# Output data are packed in a list
data <- list(reflections=reflnData,header=hData[[1]],batch_header=NULL)
# Create "mtz" class
#class(data) <- "mtz"
# Batch headers loop
bhData <- .readBH(f)
# Close connection
# Output data are packed in a list
data <- list(reflections=reflnData,header=hData[[1]],
# Create "mtz" class
#class(data) <- "mtz"
#' Write data to an MTZ file
#' Write reflections and experimental information
#' to an MTZ file
#' @param reflections A data frame containing all reflection
#' records in columns. This is usually derived
#' from modifications of a previously existing
#' data frame obtained using
#' \code{\link{readMTZ}}.
#' @param header A list whose components are other R objects. This
#' is normally derived from the reading of another
#' MTZ file using \code{\link{readMTZ}}. See further
#' details at \code{\link{readMTZHeader}}.
#' @param batch_header A named list including information at data
#' collection time. This component is present
#' only for raw (unmerged) intensity data
#' produce after the diffraction images
#' integration. Merged MTZ reflection files
#' have \code{batch_header=NULL}.
#' Names and types depend on
#' the type of experiment (more information
#' on this can be found at
#' \href{}{CCP4}.)
#' @param filename A character string. The path to a valid mtz
#' file. If a file with the same name exists, it
#' will be deleted.
#' @param title A character string. The character string
#' associated with the TITLE keyword in an MTZ file.
#' This feature makes it easy to quickly identify the
#' data file in \href{}{CCP4}
#' programs. Default (NULL) is for the output file
#' to have the same title as the input file.
#' @return This function does not return any R object. It outputs
#' an MTZ reflection file to some target location.
#' @examples
#' # Read the 1dei_phases data included in the package
#' datadir <- system.file("extdata",package="cry")
#' filename <- file.path(datadir,"1dei_phases.mtz")
#' lMTZ <- readMTZ(filename)
#' # Change dataset name
#' print(lMTZ$header$DATASET)
#' lMTZ$header$DATASET[2,2] <- "New CRY dataset"
#' # Add one HISTORY line (string has to be 80-letters long)
#' addhist <- "From CRY 0.3.0 - run on Apr 2 20:12:00 2021"
#' n <- nchar(addhist)
#' nblanks <- 80-n
#' for (i in 1:nblanks) addhist <- paste0(addhist," ")
#' lMTZ$header$HISTORY <- c(lMTZ$header$HISTORY,addhist)
#' # Write to a new MTZ file
#' wd <- tempdir()
#' fname <- file.path(wd,"new.mtz")
#' writeMTZ(lMTZ$reflections,lMTZ$header,fname)
#' @export
writeMTZ <- function(reflections,header,filename,
# Create a connection to binary file
f <- file(filename, open="wb")
# Hex version of ascii "MTZ "
rawNULL <- as.raw(0)
rawBlank <- charToRaw(" ")
rawMTZ <- c(as.raw(77),as.raw(84),as.raw(90),rawBlank)
# Write MTZ file signature
# Determine data length
dl <- length(reflections[,1])
cl <- length(reflections)
data_length <- dl*cl
# Location of header
#headerLoc <- 80+data_length*4+1
headerLoc <- data_length+20+1
storage.mode(headerLoc) <- "integer" # Turn headerLoc into
# integer for correct
# binary storage
# Machine stamp (to be improved)
machineStamp <- "DA"
# To get to "DA" we have used 8+2 bytes. Reflections will be
# written starting from byte 81. So we need to add 70 bytes.
# Fill with NULLs for 69 bytes (2 to complete machine stamp,
# plus 68 to get to a total of 80. We write one less as this
# is automatically added when connection is closed)
for (i in 1:69) writeBin(rawNULL,f)
# Data (data frame -> matrix -> transpose(matrix) ->
# vector -> write to binary file)
#numDataItems <- (headerLoc-80-1)/4
numDataItems <- data_length
linedata <- as.vector(t(as.matrix(reflections)))
# Build header 80-characters lines and write to binary file
fullhdata <- ""
hdata <- "VERS MTZ:V1.1 "
fullhdata <- paste(fullhdata,hdata,sep="") # MTZ stamp
if (is.null(title)) title <- header$TITLE
hdata <- paste("TITLE",title)
nblanks <- 80-nchar(hdata)
for (i in 1:nblanks) hdata <- paste(hdata," ",sep="")
fullhdata <- paste(fullhdata,hdata,sep="") # TITLE
hdata <- sprintf("NCOL%9d%13d%9d ",
fullhdata <- paste(fullhdata,hdata,sep="") # NCOL
hdata <- sprintf("CELL %10.4f%10.4f%10.4f%10.4f%10.4f%10.4f ",
fullhdata <- paste(fullhdata,hdata,sep="") # CELL
hdata <- sprintf("SORT %4d%4d%4d%4d%4d ",
fullhdata <- paste(fullhdata,hdata,sep="") # SORT
hdata <- sprintf("SYMINF %3d%3d %1s%6d",
nblanks <- 23-nchar(header$SYMINF[[5]])
stmp <- ""
for (i in 1:nblanks) stmp <- paste(stmp," ",sep="")
stmp <- paste(stmp,header$SYMINF[[5]],sep="")
hdata <- paste(hdata,stmp,sprintf("%6s ",
fullhdata <- paste(fullhdata,hdata,sep="") # SYMINF
for (i in 1:length(header$SYMM)) {
hdata <- header$SYMM[i]
fullhdata <- paste(fullhdata,hdata,sep="") # SYMM
hdata <- sprintf("RESO %8.6f %8.6f ",
fullhdata <- paste(fullhdata,hdata,sep="") # RESO
hdata <- "VALM NAN "
fullhdata <- paste(fullhdata,hdata,sep="") # VALM
# Complex part of header COLUMN+COLSRC+COL
for (i in 1:length(header$COLUMN[,1])) {
linea1 <- header$COLUMN$labels[i]
linea2 <- header$COLUMN$types[i]
linea5 <- as.numeric(header$COLUMN$id[i])
# String depends on type of data
if (header$COLUMN$types[i] == "H" |
header$COLUMN$types[i] == "P" |
header$COLUMN$types[i] == "B" |
header$COLUMN$types[i] == "Y" |
header$COLUMN$types[i] == "I") {
linea3 <- as.integer(header$COLUMN$min[i])
linea4 <- as.integer(header$COLUMN$max[i])
hdata <- sprintf("COLUMN %-30s%1s %16d %16d %3d",
} else {
linea3 <- as.numeric(header$COLUMN$min[i])
linea4 <- as.numeric(header$COLUMN$max[i])
hdata <- sprintf("COLUMN %-30s%1s %16.3f %16.3f %3d",
fullhdata <- paste0(fullhdata,hdata) # COLUMN
linea1 <- header$COLSRC$labels[i]
linea2 <- header$COLSRC$created[i]
linea3 <- as.numeric(header$COLSRC$id[i])
hdata <- sprintf("COLSRC %-31s%27s %14d",
fullhdata <- paste0(fullhdata,hdata) # COLSRC
hdata <- sprintf("NDIF %8d ",
fullhdata <- paste(fullhdata,hdata,sep="") # NDIF
for (i in 1:header$NDIF) {
hdata <- sprintf("PROJECT%8d %-64s",
fullhdata <- paste(fullhdata,hdata,sep="")
hdata <- sprintf("CRYSTAL%8d %-64s",
fullhdata <- paste(fullhdata,hdata,sep="")
hdata <- sprintf("DATASET%8d %-64s",
fullhdata <- paste(fullhdata,hdata,sep="")
hdata <- sprintf("DCELL%10d %10.4f%10.4f%10.4f%10.4f%10.4f%10.4f ",
fullhdata <- paste(fullhdata,hdata,sep="")
hdata <- sprintf("DWAVEL%9d %10.5f ",
fullhdata <- paste(fullhdata,hdata,sep="")
plength <- length(header$BATCH)
dnd <- 0
while (plength > 0) {
dnd <- dnd+1
rem <- plength%%12
istart <- (dnd-1)*12+1
iend <- istart+11
hdata <- sprintf("BATCH ")
if (plength >= 12) {
for (i in istart:iend) hdata <- paste(hdata,
hdata <- paste(hdata,sprintf(" "),sep="")
fullhdata <- paste(fullhdata,hdata,sep="")
if (plength < 12) {
for (i in istart:length(header$BATCH))
hdata <- paste(hdata,sprintf("%6d",header$BATCH[i]),
iend <- 12-rem
for (i in 1:iend) hdata <- paste(hdata,
sprintf(" "),sep="")
hdata <- paste(hdata,sprintf(" "),sep="")
fullhdata <- paste(fullhdata,hdata,sep="")
plength <- plength-12
hdata <- sprintf("END ")
fullhdata <- paste(fullhdata,hdata,sep="")
#hdata <- sprintf("MTZHIST%4d ",(length(data[[2]]$HISTORY)-1))
#fullhdata <- paste(fullhdata,hdata,sep="")
if (!is.null(header$HISTORY)) {
for (i in 1:length(header$HISTORY)) {
hdata <- header$HISTORY[i]
fullhdata <- paste(fullhdata,hdata,sep="") # HISTORY
# End of MTZ or beginning of batch headers
if (header$NCOL[3] == 0) {
hdata <- sprintf("MTZENDOFHEADERS ")
fullhdata <- paste(fullhdata,hdata,sep="")
# Close connection
# Conversion (just copying) to re-use old code
data <- list(NULL,NULL,batch_header)
# Carry on filling batch_header (if unmerged file)
if (header$NCOL[3] != 0) {
hdata <- sprintf("MTZBATS ")
fullhdata <- paste(fullhdata,hdata,sep="")
# All BATCH HEADER stuff is written from here onward
nbatches <- length(data[[2]]$BATCH)
for (num in data[[2]]$BATCH[1]:data[[2]]$BATCH[nbatches])
hdata <- sprintf("BH %8d%8d%8d%8d ",num,data[[3]][[num]]$NWORDS,data[[3]][[num]]$NINTGR,data[[3]][[num]]$NREALS)
hdata <- paste("TITLE",data[[3]][[num]]$TITLE) # TITLE
nblanks <- 80-nchar(hdata)
for (i in 1:nblanks) hdata <- paste(hdata," ",sep="")
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$NWORDS,f,size=4) # NWORDS
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$NINTGR,f,size=4) # NINTGR
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$NREALS,f,size=4) # NREALS
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$IORTYP,f,size=4) # IORTYP
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$LBCELL,f,size=4) # LBCELL (6)
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$MISFLG,f,size=4) # MISFLG
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$JUMPAX,f,size=4) # JUMPAX
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$NCRYST,f,size=4) # NCRYST
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$LCRFLG,f,size=4) # LCRFLG
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$LDTYPE,f,size=4) # LDTYPE
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$JSCAX,f,size=4) # JSCAX
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$NBSCAL,f,size=4) # NBSCAL
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$NGONAX,f,size=4) # NGONAX
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$LBMFLG,f,size=4) # LBMFLG
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$NDET,f,size=4) # NDET
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$LBSETID,f,size=4) # LBSETID
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$INTPAD,f,size=4) # INTPAD (8)
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$CELL,f,size=4) # CELL (6)
writeBin(as.vector(data[[3]][[num]]$UMAT),f,size=4) # UMAT (9)
writeBin(as.vector(data[[3]][[num]]$PHIXYZ),f,size=4) # PHIXYZ (6)
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$CRYDAT$ETAD,f,size=4) # CRYDAT$ETAD
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$CRYDAT$ETADH,f,size=4) # CRYDAT$ETADH
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$CRYDAT$ETADV,f,size=4) # CRYDAT$ETADH
writeBin(as.vector(data[[3]][[num]]$CRYDAT$GENERIC),f,size=4) # CRYDAT$GENERIC (9)
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$DATUM,f,size=4) # DATUM (3)
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$PHISTT,f,size=4) # PHISTT
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$PHIEND,f,size=4) # PHIEND
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$SCANAX,f,size=4) # SCANAX (3)
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$TIME1,f,size=4) # TIME1
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$TIME2,f,size=4) # TIME2
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$BSCALE,f,size=4) # BSCALE
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$BBFAC,f,size=4) # BBFAC
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$SDBSCL,f,size=4) # SDBSCL
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$SDBFAC,f,size=4) # SDBFAC
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$PHIRANGE,f,size=4) # PHIRANGE
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$BATPAD,f,size=4) # BATPAD (11)
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$E1,f,size=4) # E1 (3)
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$E2,f,size=4) # E2 (3)
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$E3,f,size=4) # E3 (3)
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$GONPAD,f,size=4) # GONPAD (12)
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$SOURCE,f,size=4) # SOURCE (3)
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$S0,f,size=4) # S0 (3)
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$BEMDAT$ALAMBD,f,size=4) # BEMDAT$ALAMBD
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$BEMDAT$DELAMB,f,size=4) # BEMDAT$DELAMB
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$BEMDAT$DELCOR,f,size=4) # BEMDAT$DELCOR
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$BEMDAT$DIVHD,f,size=4) # BEMDAT$DIVHD
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$BEMDAT$DIVVD,f,size=4) # BEMDAT$DIVVD
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$BEMDAT$rest,f,size=4) # rest of BEMDAT (20)
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$DX1,f,size=4) # DX1
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$THETA1,f,size=4) # THETA1
writeBin(as.vector(data[[3]][[num]]$DETLM1),f,size=4) # DETLM1 (4)
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$DX2,f,size=4) # DX2
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$THETA2,f,size=4) # THETA2
writeBin(as.vector(data[[3]][[num]]$DETLM2),f,size=4) # DETLM2 (4)
writeBin(data[[3]][[num]]$DETPAD,f,size=4) # DETPAD (33)
# Last line "BHCH"
if (is.null(data[[3]][[num]]$GONLAB)) batchData <- "BHCH "
if (!is.null(data[[3]][[num]]$GONLAB))
lengthGONLAB <- length(data[[3]][[num]]$GONLAB)
batchData <- "BHCH "
for (i in 1:lengthGONLAB) batchData <- paste(batchData,sprintf("%-9s%-9s%-9s",
nblanks <- 80-nchar(hdata)
for (i in 1:nblanks) batchData <- paste(batchData," ",sep="")
# End of MTZ file
# Close connection
#' Mean and standard deviation in resolution shells.
#' Calculates averages and standard deviations of the input vector quantity for all
#' reflections, corresponding to shells of resolution.
#' @param nbin A positive integer. The number of resolution shells.
#' @param resos A vector of real quantities. These are the resolutions (in angstroms)
#' corresponding to the data vector, II. If the data vector is missing, the averages
#' will be computed just for resos.
#' @param II A vector of real quantities. This is the key quantity whose averages
#' and standard deviations are calculated. If \code{II} is set to \code{NULL}, resolutions
#' averages and standard deviations will be the calculated quantities.
#' @param m Minimum (highest) resolution (in angstroms). Data with resolution smaller than m
#' will be ignored when calculating the averages.
#' @param M Maximum (lowest) resolution (in angstroms). Data with resolution larger than M
#' will be ignored when calculating the averages.
#' @return A named list of length 4. \code{counts} is a vector of integers, the number of
#' reflections in each resolution shell. \code{mids} is the representative inverse resolution
#' for each resolution shell; the value is decided by the function \code{hist}. \code{ave}
#' is the average value in each resolution shell and \code{sd} is the corresponding standard
#' deviation.
#' @details Binning is done with inverse resolutions in order to have lower resolutions
#' correspond to small numbers and high resolutions to large numbers. The output
#' \code{mids}, \code{ave} and \code{sd} correspond to inverse resolutions.
#' @examples
#' datadir <- system.file("extdata",package="cry")
#' filename <- file.path(datadir,"1dei_phases.mtz")
#' lmtz <- readMTZ(filename)
#' hkl <- lmtz$reflections[,1:3]
#' II <- lmtz$reflections[,4]
#' cpars <- lmtz$header$CELL
#' resos <- hkl_to_reso(hkl[,1],hkl[,2],hkl[,3],
#' cpars[1],cpars[2],cpars[3],
#' cpars[4],cpars[5],cpars[6])
#' ltmp <- avei_vs_res(20,resos,II)
#' plot(ltmp$mids,ltmp$ave,type="b",pch=16)
#' @export
avei_vs_res <- function(nbin,resos,II=NULL,m=max(resos),M=min(resos))
# All calculations done with reciprocal of resos
ss <- (1/resos)^2
m <- (1/m)^2
M <- (1/M)^2
# Resize vectors if needed
idx <- which(ss >= m & ss <= M)
# Return NULL if no elements are included inside min and max range
if (length(idx) == 0)
# If there are elements carry on
ss <- ss[idx]
if (length(II) > 0) II <- II[idx]
# Break points
breaks <- seq(m,M,length=(nbin+1))
# Histogram
hst <- hist(ss,breaks=breaks,plot=FALSE)
# Partition intensity in resolution bins
if (length(II) > 0)
aveI <- c()
sdI <- c()
for (i in 1:nbin)
idx <- which(ss >= breaks[i] & ss < breaks[i+1])
if (i == nbin) idx <- which(ss >= breaks[i] & ss <= breaks[i+1])
if (length(idx) > 0)
aveI <- c(aveI,mean(II[idx],na.rm=TRUE))
sdI <- c( sdI, sd(II[idx],na.rm=TRUE))
if (length(idx) == 0)
aveI <- c(aveI,NA)
sdI <- c(sdI,NA)
if (length(II) == 0)
aveI <- NULL
sdI <- NULL
### Auxiliary functions (not exported)
# Cuts string of words into individual words without blanks
.tagRead <- function(stringa)
# Given a string whose words are separated by blanks, returns
# a list whose first element is all that matter. This is a vector
# containing the individual words composing the string.
blanks <- "[[:blank:]]+"
ltmp <- strsplit(stringa,blanks)
if (length(ltmp) > 0) {
} else {
# Reads the identification record of an MTZ binary file 1) "MTZ " 2) Machine
# stamp. It returns a named list of length 3. The first element of the list is called
# errF and can have values 0 and 1: 0 means that the identification record is
# ok, otherwise errF will be 1. The second element is called headerLoc and is
# the position in the mtz binary file of the start of the header section. The
# third field id called edn and is a flag to indicate the machine's endian.
# Normally edn = 1; for, rare, big endian edn = -1. This function also
# positions the connection flow for file reading at the start of the header
# block in the mtz binary file.
.readIR <- function(f)
# Reads identification record of an MTZ binary file.
# 1) "MTZ "
# 2) Machine stamp
# Hex version of ascii "MTZ "
rawBlank <- charToRaw(" ")
rawMTZ <- c(as.raw(77),as.raw(84),as.raw(90),rawBlank)
# errF is zero if identification record is OK; otherwise is 1
errF <- 0
# Check initial word is "MTZ "
mtzStamp <- readBin(f,"raw",n=4)
for (i in 1:4)
if (mtzStamp[i] != rawMTZ[i])
errF <- 1
# Location of start for data records. If subsequently-read
# machineStamp is not "DA", then use big endian
edn <- 1
headerLoc <- readBin(f,"integer",n=1,size=4)
# Machine stamp
machineStamp <- readChar(f,4) # number formats of the
# architecture f was written on
# If machineStamp != "DA" re-read headerLoc with big endian
# and change edn into -1
if (machineStamp != "DA")
headerLoc <- readBin(f,"integer",n=1,size=4,endian="big")
edn <- -1
# Prepare for data records reading: pPosition connection
# at beginning of reflection data (21st byte=4*20+1)
# Given a connection f corresponding to the binary MTZ file immediately after
# end of reflection records, this function keeps reading the file to extract
# information included in the header.
# This function returns a named list of length 2. The first element of the list
# is called l_data and is another list with as many elements as the various fields
# in the mtz header. The second element is called hF and is an integer. 0
# means that the reading has gone ok.
.readH <- function(f,message)
# Given a connection f corresponding to the binary MTZ file immediately
# after end of reflection records, this function keeps reading the file
# to extract information included in the header.
col_symm <- c()
col_labels <- c()
col_types <- c()
col_min <- c()
col_max <- c()
col_id <- c()
colsrc_labels <- c()
colsrc_created <- c()
colsrc_id <- c()
colgrp <- c()
d_project <- data.frame(id=1,pname=NA)
d_crystal <- data.frame(id=1,cname=NA)
d_dataset <- data.frame(id=1,dname=NA)
d_dcell <- data.frame(id=1,a=NA,b=NA,c=NA,
d_dwavel <- data.frame(id=1,lambda=NA)
col_batch <- c()
l_data <- list()
while (endTag != "END")
hdata <- readChar(f,80)
fields <- .tagRead(hdata)
endTag <- fields[1]
# Distribute values according to keyword
if (endTag == "TITLE") {
stmp <- ""
for (i in 2:length(fields)) {
stmp <- paste(stmp,fields[i])
stmp <- trimws(stmp,"both")
l_data$TITLE <- stmp
if (endTag == "NCOL") l_data$NCOL <- c(as.integer(fields[2]), # Number of columns
as.integer(fields[3]), # Number of reflection records
as.integer(fields[4])) # Number of batches
if (endTag == "CELL") l_data$CELL <- c(as.numeric(fields[2]), # Cell parameter a
as.numeric(fields[3]), # Cell parameter b
as.numeric(fields[4]), # Cell parameter c
as.numeric(fields[5]), # Cell parameter alpha
as.numeric(fields[6]), # Cell parameter beta
as.numeric(fields[7])) # Cell parameter gamma
if (endTag == "SORT") l_data$SORT <- c(as.integer(fields[2]), # Sort order 1
as.integer(fields[3]), # Sort order 2
as.integer(fields[4]), # Sort order 3
as.integer(fields[5]), # Sort order 4
as.integer(fields[6])) # Sort order 5
if (endTag == "SYMINF")
# Need to treat this case differently from the others
cplace <- c()
for (i in 1:nchar(hdata))
if (substr(hdata,i,i) == "'") cplace <- c(cplace,i)
if (length(cplace) != 0 & length(cplace) != 2 &
length(cplace) != 4)
stop("Wrongly formatted SYMINF line in header")
if (length(cplace) == 0)
sgname <- fields[length(fields)-1]
pgname <- fields[length(fields)]
if (length(cplace) == 2)
sgname <- substr(hdata,cplace[1],cplace[2])
pgname <- fields[length(fields)]
if (length(cplace) == 4)
sgname <- substr(hdata,cplace[1],cplace[2])
pgname <- substr(hdata,cplace[3],cplace[4])
#sgname <- paste("'",strsplit(hdata,"'",fixed=TRUE)[[1]][2],"'",sep="")
#pgname <- paste("'",strsplit(hdata,"'",fixed=TRUE)[[1]][4],"'",sep="")
l_data$SYMINF <- list(as.integer(fields[2]), # Number of symmetry operations
as.integer(fields[3]), # Number of primitive symmetry operations
fields[4] , # Lattice type
as.integer(fields[5]), # Space group number
sgname , # Space group name
#fields[7]) # Point group name
pgname) # Point group name
#if (endTag == "SYMINF") l_data$SYMINF <- list(as.integer(fields[2]), # Number of symmetry operations
# as.integer(fields[3]), # Number of primitive symmetry operations
# fields[4], # Lattice type
# as.integer(fields[5]), # Space group number
# fields[6], # Space group name
# fields[7]) # Point group name
if (endTag == "SYMM") col_symm <- c(col_symm,hdata)
if (endTag == "RESO") l_data$RESO <- c(as.numeric(fields[2]), # Minimum resolution (stored as 1/d-squared)
as.numeric(fields[3])) # Maximum resolution (stored as 1/d-squared)
if (endTag == "NDIF") l_data$NDIF <- c(as.numeric(fields[2])) # Number of datasets included
if (endTag == "PROJECT")
id <- as.integer(fields[2]) # ID of dataset
nome <- paste(fields[3:length(fields)],collapse=" ") # Project name
d_project <- rbind(d_project,data.frame(id=id,pname=nome))
if (endTag == "CRYSTAL")
id <- as.integer(fields[2]) # ID of dataset
nome <- paste(fields[3:length(fields)],collapse=" ") # Crystal name
d_crystal <- rbind(d_crystal,data.frame(id=id,cname=nome))
if (endTag == "DATASET")
id <- as.integer(fields[2]) # ID of dataset
nome <- paste(fields[3:length(fields)],collapse=" ") # Dataset name
d_dataset <- rbind(d_dataset,data.frame(id=id,dname=nome))
if (endTag == "DCELL")
id <- as.integer(fields[2]) # ID of dataset
d_dcell <- rbind(d_dcell,data.frame(id=id,a=as.numeric(fields[3]),
gamma=as.numeric(fields[8]))) # Cell parameters (one set for each dataset)
if (endTag == "DWAVEL")
id <- as.integer(fields[2]) # ID of dataset
lambda <- as.numeric(fields[3])
if ( lambda <- -1
d_dwavel <- rbind(d_dwavel,
# data.frame(id=id,lambda=as.numeric(fields[3]))) # Wavelength (one for each dataset)
data.frame(id=id,lambda=lambda)) # Wavelength (one for each dataset)
if (endTag == "COLUMN")
col_labels <- c(col_labels,fields[2])
col_types <- c(col_types,fields[3])
col_min <- c(col_min,fields[4])
col_max <- c(col_max,fields[5])
col_id <- c(col_id,fields[6])
if (message) print(hdata)
if (endTag == "COLSRC")
colsrc_labels <- c(colsrc_labels,fields[2])
colsrc_created <- c(colsrc_created,fields[3])
colsrc_id <- c(colsrc_id,fields[4])
if (endTag == "COLGRP") colgrp <- c(colgrp,hdata)
if (endTag == "BATCH")
col_batch <- c(col_batch,as.integer(fields[2:length(fields)]))
l_data$SYMM <- col_symm
if (length(d_project[,1]) != 1) d_project <- na.omit(d_project)
rownames(d_project) <- 1:length(d_project[,1])
l_data$PROJECT <- d_project
if (length(d_crystal[,1]) != 1) d_crystal <- na.omit(d_crystal)
rownames(d_crystal) <- 1:length(d_crystal[,1])
l_data$CRYSTAL <- d_crystal
if (length(d_dataset[,1]) != 1) d_dataset <- na.omit(d_dataset)
rownames(d_dataset) <- 1:length(d_dataset[,1])
l_data$DATASET <- d_dataset
if (length(d_dcell[,1]) != 1) d_dcell <- na.omit(d_dcell)
rownames(d_dcell) <- 1:length(d_dcell[,1])
l_data$DCELL <- d_dcell
if (length(d_dwavel[,1]) != 1) d_dwavel <- na.omit(d_dwavel)
for (i in 1:length(d_dwavel[,1]))
if (![i,2])) if (d_dwavel[i,2] == -1) d_dwavel[i,2] <- NA
rownames(d_dwavel) <- 1:length(d_dwavel[,1])
l_data$DWAVEL <- d_dwavel
# The .I_null_check() avoids values being turned into factor
# levels
l_data$COLUMN <- data.frame(labels=.I_null_check(col_labels),
l_data$COLSRC <- data.frame(labels=.I_null_check(colsrc_labels),
l_data$COLGRP <- colgrp
l_data$BATCH <- col_batch
# History
col_history <- c()
bheaderTag=" "
while (bheaderTag != "MTZBATS" &
bheaderTag != "MTZENDOFHEADERS")
hdata <- readChar(f,80)
col_history <- c(col_history,hdata)
bheaderTag <- .tagRead(hdata)[1]
if (substr(col_history[1],1,6) != "MTZEND") {
l_data$HISTORY <- col_history[1:(length(col_history)-1)]
} else {
l_data$HISTORY <- NULL
if (bheaderTag == "MTZENDOFHEADERS")
hF <- 1
hF <- 0
data <- list(l_data=l_data,hF=hF)
# Given a connection f corresponding to the binary MTZ file immediately
# after "MTZBATS", this function keeps reading the file to extract the
# batch header content.
# It returns a list whose elements include information on each batch header.
# This is the same as the one documented in the MTZLIB library of CCP4
# There are still 19 integers which I can't recognize and, therefore, do not
# output. From the documentation there seem to be included also a character
# X 3, which I can't find in the binary. It returns A list with as many elements
# as the number of batches (images) included in the mtz file. Each list element is,
# itself a named list with all the useful variables stored in batch headers.
.readBH <- function(f)
# Given a connection f corresponding to the binary MTZ file immediately
# after "MTZBATS", this function keeps reading the file to extract the
# batch header content.
# It returns a list whose elements include information on each batch header.
# This is the same as the one documented in the MTZLIB library of CCP4
# There are still 19 integers which I can't recognize and, therefore, do not output.
# From the documentation there seem to be included also a character X 3, which I can't
# find in the binary.
# Hex version of ascii NULL and "B"
rawNULL <- as.raw(0)
rawB <- as.raw(66)
# Flag to stop reading batch headers
bflag <- 0
# List containing all batch headers
l_data <- list()
# Main cycle through all batch headers
while (bflag != 1)
# Each batch header is temporarily stored in a list on its own.
# This is initialized after each cycle
single_batch <- list()
batchData <- readChar(f,80)
batchData <- .tagRead(batchData) # Initial string starting by "BH" and containing batch number, number of records, number of integers and number of reals
idx <- as.integer(batchData[2])
if (batchData[1] == "BH")
batchData <- readChar(f,80)
batchData <- .tagRead(batchData) # Title of batch header
if (length(batchData) == 1)
single_batch$TITLE <- ""
if (length(batchData) > 1)
parola <- ""
for (i in 2:length(batchData)) parola <- paste(parola,batchData[i])
single_batch$TITLE <- parola
# Numbers for batch header, 29 integers and 156 reals
batchData <- readBin(f,"integer",n=29,size=4)
single_batch$NWORDS <- batchData[1]
single_batch$NINTGR <- batchData[2]
single_batch$NREALS <- batchData[3]
single_batch$IORTYP <- batchData[4]
single_batch$LBCELL <- batchData[5:10]
single_batch$MISFLG <- batchData[11]
single_batch$JUMPAX <- batchData[12]
single_batch$NCRYST <- batchData[13]
single_batch$LCRFLG <- batchData[14]
single_batch$LDTYPE <- batchData[15]
single_batch$JSCAX <- batchData[16]
single_batch$NBSCAL <- batchData[17]
single_batch$NGONAX <- batchData[18]
single_batch$LBMFLG <- batchData[19]
single_batch$NDET <- batchData[20]
single_batch$LBSETID <- batchData[21]
single_batch$INTPAD <- batchData[22:29]
batchData <- readBin(f,"numeric",n=156,size=4)
single_batch$CELL <- batchData[1:6]
single_batch$UMAT <- matrix(data=batchData[7:15],nrow=3,ncol=3)
single_batch$PHIXYZ <- matrix(data=batchData[16:21],nrow=3,ncol=2)
single_batch$CRYDAT$ETAD <- batchData[22]
single_batch$CRYDAT$ETADH <- batchData[23]
single_batch$CRYDAT$ETADV <- batchData[24]
single_batch$CRYDAT$GENERIC <- matrix(data=batchData[25:33],nrow=3,ncol=3)
single_batch$DATUM <- batchData[34:36]
single_batch$PHISTT <- batchData[37]
single_batch$PHIEND <- batchData[38]
single_batch$SCANAX <- batchData[39:41]
single_batch$TIME1 <- batchData[42]
single_batch$TIME2 <- batchData[43]
single_batch$BSCALE <- batchData[44]
single_batch$BBFAC <- batchData[45]
single_batch$SDBSCL <- batchData[46]
single_batch$SDBFAC <- batchData[47]
single_batch$PHIRANGE <- batchData[48]
single_batch$BATPAD <- batchData[49:59]
single_batch$E1 <- batchData[60:62]
single_batch$E2 <- batchData[63:65]
single_batch$E3 <- batchData[66:68]
single_batch$GONPAD <- batchData[69:80]
single_batch$SOURCE <- batchData[81:83]
single_batch$S0 <- batchData[84:86]
single_batch$BEMDAT$ALAMBD <- batchData[87]
single_batch$BEMDAT$DELAMB <- batchData[88]
single_batch$BEMDAT$DELCOR <- batchData[89]
single_batch$BEMDAT$DIVHD <- batchData[90]
single_batch$BEMDAT$DIVVD <- batchData[91]
single_batch$BEMDAT$rest <- batchData[92:111]
# First detector
single_batch$DX1 <- batchData[112]
single_batch$THETA1 <- batchData[113]
single_batch$DETLM1 <- matrix(data=batchData[114:117],nrow=2,ncol=2)
# Second detector
single_batch$DX2 <- batchData[118]
single_batch$THETA2 <- batchData[119]
single_batch$DETLM2 <- matrix(data=batchData[120:123],nrow=2,ncol=2)
single_batch$DETPAD <- batchData[124:156]
# Last line
batchData <- readChar(f,80)
fields <- .tagRead(batchData)
if (length(fields) > 1) single_batch$GONLAB <- fields[2:length(fields)]
if (length(fields) == 1) single_batch$GONLAB <- NULL
# Store this batch header
l_data[[idx]] <- single_batch
bflag <- 1
# Patch function taking care of changes with which R makes use of the I() variant
# to read characters as factors.
.I_null_check <- function(x) {
if (is.null(x)) {
} else {
#' Generate Miller indices
#' Function to create a data frame with complete set of Miller
#' indices, up to a given resolution (in angstroms).
#' Miller indices are named H, K, L in the data frame. Only
#' values of (H,K,L) corresponding to a resolution d(h,k,l) >=
#' reso (in angstroms), are included. The full list does not
#' include systematic absences corresponding to the specific
#' symmetry of the crystal.
#' @param uc An object of class "unit_cell".
#' @param SG A character string or a number indicating the
#' extended Hermann-Mauguin symbol for the space group.
#' @param reso A real number. The highest data resolution, in
#' angstroms.
#' @return hkl A data frame with columns H, K, L corresponding
#' to the three Miller indices, and a columns S
#' corresponding to their inverse resolutions (in
#' angstroms).
#' @examples
#' # C 2 monoclinic space group
#' SG <- "C 1 2 1"
#' # Create an arbitrary cell compatible with C 2
#' uc <- unit_cell(10,15,10,90,110,90)
#' # Generate Miller indices to 5 angstroms resolution
#' reso <- 5
#' hkl <- generate_miller(uc,SG,reso)
#' # Display first 10 indices
#' hkl[1:10,]
#' @export
generate_miller <- function(uc,SG,reso) {
# check input
ans <- check_unit_cell_validity(uc)
if (!ans) {
msg <- "'uc' is not a valid 'unit_cell' object.\n"
ans <- is.character(SG)
if (!ans) {
msg <- paste("Input needs to be an extended",
"Hermann-Mauguin symbol.\n")
# Verify it's a valid symbol
ans <- findHM(SG)
if (!is.null(ans)) SG <- ans
tmp <- translate_SG(SG,SG_in="xHM",SG_out="number")
if (!tmp$ans) {
msg <- "No space group corresponding to the given symbol.\n"
# Cell parameters
a <- uc$a
b <- uc$b
c <- uc$c
aa <- uc$alpha
bb <- uc$beta
gg <- uc$gamma
# Inverse, squared resolution
ss <- (1/reso)^2
# Coefficients of squared resolution function
ctmp <- squared_resolution_coeffs(a,b,c,aa,bb,gg)
ca <- ctmp[1]
cb <- ctmp[2]
cc <- ctmp[3]
cd <- ctmp[4]
ce <- ctmp[5]
cf <- ctmp[6]
# Find max h, k, l to generate all (h,k,l) within minimal box
# Coefficient determinant (common to both h, and k and l)
D <- ca*(cb*cc-cf^2)-cd*(cc*cd-ce*cf)+ce*(cd*cf-cb*ce)
# Max h
A <- (cb*cc-cf^2)/D
B <- (ce*cf-cc*cd)/D
C <- (cd*cf-cb*ce)/D
t <- sqrt(ss/(ca*A^2+cb*B^2+cc*C^2+2*cd*A*B+2*ce*A*C+2*cf*B*C))
max_h <- ceiling(A*t)
# Max k
A <- (ce*cf-cc*cd)/D
B <- (ca*cc-ce^2)/D
C <- (cd*ce-ca*cf)/D
t <- sqrt(ss/(ca*A^2+cb*B^2+cc*C^2+2*cd*A*B+2*ce*A*C+2*cf*B*C))
max_k <- ceiling(B*t)
# Max l
A <- (cd*cf-cb*ce)/D
B <- (cd*ce-ca*cf)/D
C <- (ca*cb-cd^2)/D
t <- sqrt(ss/(ca*A^2+cb*B^2+cc*C^2+2*cd*A*B+2*ce*A*C+2*cf*B*C))
max_l <- ceiling(C*t)
# Dataframe with all h, k, l
hkl <- expand.grid(H=-max_h:max_h,K=-max_k:max_k,
# Add inverse of resolution (s) as last column of data frame
s <- 1/hkl_to_reso(hkl$H,hkl$K,hkl$L,a,b,c,aa,bb,gg)
hkl <- cbind(hkl,data.frame(S=s))
# Strictly reflections with resolution lower than reso
hkl <- hkl[hkl$S <= 1/reso,]
# Eliminate systematic absences from data frame
hkl <- deplete_systematic_absences(hkl,SG)
# Re-number rows
row.names(hkl) <- 1:length(hkl[,1])
# Given cell parameters return coefficients for the expression
# of squared resolution:
# s^2 = a*h^2+b*k^2+c*l^2+2*d*h*k+2*e*h*l+2*f*k*l
squared_resolution_coeffs <- function(a,b,c,aa,bb,cc) {
# Copy original names into new ones (to adapt old code)
cell_a <- a
cell_b <- b
cell_c <- c
cell_alpha <- aa
cell_beta <- bb
cell_gamma <- cc
ctmp <- unname(lattice_stuff(cell_a,cell_b,cell_c,
den <- 1-ctmp[4]^2-ctmp[5]^2-
a <- ctmp[1]^2/(cell_a^2*den)
b <- ctmp[2]^2/(cell_b^2*den)
c <- ctmp[3]^2/(cell_c^2*den)
d <- (ctmp[4]*ctmp[5]-ctmp[6])/(cell_a*cell_b*den)
e <- (ctmp[4]*ctmp[6]-ctmp[5])/(cell_a*cell_c*den)
f <- (ctmp[5]*ctmp[6]-ctmp[4])/(cell_b*cell_c*den)
#' Deplete systematic absences
#' Remove systematically-absent reflections from a data frame
#' in which Miller indices are in the first three columns.
#' The systematically-absent reflections are determined by the
#' specific space group.
#' Crystallography symmetry forces constraints on data from
#' x-ray diffraction. One of these constraints consists in the
#' full cancellation of reflections with certain Miller indices.
#' It is said that the reflection with that specific Miller index
#' is systematically absent. For example, in data corresponding
#' to a crystal with space group C 2, general reflections like
#' (h,k,l) must obey h+k=2n (even number). Thus, the Miller
#' indices (2,3,1) are a systematic absence because 2+3=5 (odd).
#' @param hkl A data frame with first three columns H, K, L
#' corresponding to the three Miller indices. This is
#' normally the 'record' data frame in an object of
#' class "merged_reflections".
#' @param SG A character. The extended Hermann-Mauguin symbol
#' of the crystallographic space group.
#' @return hkl The same data frame acquired from input, depleted
#' of all systematic absences.
#' @examples
#' # C 2 monoclinic space group
#' SG <-"C 1 2 1"
#' # Create an arbitrary cell compatible with C 2
#' uc <- unit_cell(10,15,10,90,110,90)
#' # Crete the related reciprocal cell
#' ruc <- create_rec_unit_cell(uc)
#' # Create a full data frame of Miller indices
#' hkl <- expand.grid(H=-4:4,K=-4:4,L=-4:4)
#' # Get rid of systematic absences
#' new_hkl <- deplete_systematic_absences(hkl,SG)
#' # Compare first 10 items of original and depleted arrays
#' hkl[1:10,]
#' new_hkl[1:10,]
#' @export
deplete_systematic_absences <- function(hkl,SG) {
# Verify inputs
ans <- dim(hkl)
if(is.null(ans)) {
msg <- paste("Input 'hkl' needs to be a nXm array,",
"with m >= 3.\n")
ans <- ans[2] >= 3
if (!ans) {
msg <- paste("Input 'hkl' needs to be a nXm array,",
"with m >= 3.\n")
ans <- is.character(SG)
if (!ans) {
msg <- paste("Input needs to be an extended",
"Hermann-Mauguin symbol.\n")
ans <- findHM(SG)
if (!is.null(ans)) SG <- ans
# Make a m X 3 matrix of original Miller indices
hkl2 <- as.matrix(hkl[,1:3])
# Delete incorrect Miller indices if they are
# systematically-absent
idx <- sysabs(hkl2,SG)
hkl <- hkl[idx,]
#' Locate systematic absences
#' Given an mX3 matrix of Miller indices, this function returns
#' those indices corresponding to valid reflections, i.e. to
#' reflections which are not systematic absences.
#' Crystallography symmetry forces constraints on data from
#' x-ray diffraction. One of these constraints consists in the
#' full cancellation of reflections with certain Miller indices.
#' It is said that the reflection with that specific Miller index
#' is systematically absent. For example, in data corresponding
#' to a crystal with space group C 2, general reflections like
#' (h,k,l) must obey h+k=2n (even number). Thus, the Miller
#' indices (2,3,1) are a systematic absence because 2+3=5 (odd).
#' @param hkl An mX3 matrix or a data frame whose rows are the
#' three integers corresponding to the Miller
#' indices.
#' @param SG A character. The extended Hermann-Mauguin symbol
#' of the crystallographic space group.
#' @return idx A vector of integers corresponding to the
#' position, in the array \code{mhkl}, in which the
#' Miller indices ARE NOT systematically absent.
#' The position of systematically-absent reflections
#' can be found using !idx.
#' @examples
#' # C 2 monoclinic space group (special setting)
#' csym <- cryst_symm(15,set=5)
#' print(csym$SG)
#' # Create a full data frame of Miller indices
#' hkl <- expand.grid(H=-4:4,K=-4:4,L=-4:4)
#' # Index corresponding to valid reflections
#' # (not systematic absences)
#' idx <- sysabs(hkl,csym$SG)
#' # Indices for all reflections
#' fulldx <- 1:length(hkl[,1])
#' # Index corresponding to systematic absences
#' jdx <- fulldx[-idx]
#' # A couple of systematic absences
#' hkl[jdx[1:2],]
#' @export
sysabs <- function(hkl,SG) {
# Verify inputs
ans <- dim(hkl)
if(is.null(ans)) {
msg <- "Input 'hkl' needs to be a nX3 array.\n"
ans <- ans[2] >= 3
if (!ans) {
msg <- paste("Input 'hkl' needs to be a nXm array",
" with m >= 3.\n")
ans <- is.character(SG)
if (!ans) {
msg <- paste("Input needs to be an extended",
"Hermann-Mauguin symbol.\n")
ans <- findHM(SG)
if (!is.null(ans)) SG <- ans
tmp <- translate_SG(SG,SG_in="xHM",SG_out="number")
if (!tmp$ans) {
msg <- "No space group corresponding to the given symbol.\n"
# Space group number
sym_number <- tmp$msg
# Find correct setting
setting <- find_symm_setting(SG)
# First add a fourth column with 0 to matrix
nrefs <- nrow(hkl)
hkl <- cbind(hkl,matrix(rep(0,times=nrefs),nrow=nrefs))
colnames(hkl)[4] <- "FLAG"
# Long list for all space groups and settings
######### TRICLINIC: 1 to 2
# Nothing to do for sym_number 1
# Nothing to do for sym_number 2
######### MONOCLINIC: 3 to 15
# Nothing to do for sym_number 3
if (sym_number == 4)
if (setting == 1) hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2) hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3) hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 5)
if (setting == 1) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2) hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 4) hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 5) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 6) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 7) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 8) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 9) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 10) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 11) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
# Nothing to do for sym_number 6
if (sym_number == 7)
if (setting == 1) hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 2,3] <- NA
if (setting == 2) hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3) hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 4) hkl[hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 5) hkl[hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 6) hkl[hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 7) hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 8) hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 9) hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,3]%%2,3] <- NA
if (sym_number == 8)
if (setting == 1) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2) hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 4) hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 5) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 6) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 7) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 8) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 9) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 10) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 9)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 4)
hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 5)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 6)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 7)
hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 8)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 9)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 10)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 11)
hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 12)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 13)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 14)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 15)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 16)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 17)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 18)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
# Nothing to do for sym_number 10, 11
if (sym_number == 12)
if (setting == 1) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2) hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 4) hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 5) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 6) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 7) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 8) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 9) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 13)
if (setting == 1) hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2) hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3) hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 4) hkl[hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 5) hkl[hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 6) hkl[hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 7) hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 8) hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 9) hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 14)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 4)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 5)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 6)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 7)
hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 8)
hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 9)
hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 15)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 4)
hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 5)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 6)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 7)
hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 8)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 9)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 10)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 11)
hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 12)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 13)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 14)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 15)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 16)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 17)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 18)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
######### ORTHOROMBIC: 16 to 74
# Nothing to do for sym_number 16
if (sym_number == 17)
if (setting == 1) hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2) hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3) hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
# Nothing to do for sym_number 18
if (sym_number == 19)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 20)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 21)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- 3
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2) hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- 3
if (setting == 3) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- 3
if (sym_number == 22)
hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 23) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 24)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
# Nothing to do for sym_number 25
if (sym_number == 26)
if (setting == 1) hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2) hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3) hkl[hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 27)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 28)
if (setting == 1) hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2 | setting == 3) hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 4) hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 5) hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 6) hkl[hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 29)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 4)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 5)
hkl[hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 6)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 30)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 4)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 5)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 6)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 31)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 4)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 5)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 6)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 32)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 33)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 4)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 5)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 6)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 34)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 35)
if (setting == 1) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2) hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 36)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 4)
hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 5)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 6)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 37)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 38)
if (setting == 1) hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 4) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 5) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 6) hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 39)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 4)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 5)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 6)
hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 40)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 4)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 5)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 6)
hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 41)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 4)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 5)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 6)
hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 42)
hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 43)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%4 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%4 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%4 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%4 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%4 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%4 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 44) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 45)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 46)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 4)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 5)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 6)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
# Nothing to do for sym_number 47
if (sym_number == 48)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 49)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 50)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 4)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 5)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 6)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 51)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 4)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 5)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 6)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 52)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 4)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 5)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 6)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 53)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 4)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 5)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 6)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 54)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 4)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 5)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 6)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 55)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 56)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 57)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 4)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 5)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 6)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 58)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 59)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 4)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 5)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 6)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 60)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 4)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 5)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 6)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 61)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 62)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 4)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 5)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 6)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 63)
if (setting == 1) hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2) hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3) hkl[hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 4) hkl[hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 5) hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 6) hkl[hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 1 | setting == 2) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3 | setting == 4) hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 5 | setting == 6) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 64)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 4)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 5)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 6)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 1 | setting == 2) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3 | setting == 4) hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 5 | setting == 6) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 65)
if (setting == 1) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2) hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,1])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,1])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 66)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 1) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2) hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,1])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,1])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 67)
if (setting == 1 | setting == 2 | setting == 6)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 4 | setting == 5)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 68)
if (setting == 1 | setting == 2 | setting == 3 | setting == 4)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 5 | setting == 6 | setting == 7)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 8)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 9 | setting == 10 | setting == 11)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 12)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting >= 1 & setting <= 4) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting >= 5 & setting <= 8) hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting >= 9 & setting <= 12) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 69)
hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 70)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (3*(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]))%%4 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (3*(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3]))%%4 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (3*(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3]))%%4 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[(hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 71)
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 72)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 73)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 2)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 74)
if (setting == 1 | setting == 2)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 3)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 4)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 5)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 6)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
######### TETRAGONAL: 75 to 142
# Nothing to do for sym_number 75
if (sym_number == 76) hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%4 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 77) hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 78) hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%4 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 79) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 80)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%4 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
# Nothing to do for sym_number 81
if (sym_number == 82) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
# Nothing to do for sym_number 83
if (sym_number == 84) hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 85) hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 86)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 87) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 88)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%4 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
# Nothing to do for sym_number 89
if (sym_number == 90)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 91) hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 92)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 93) hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 94)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 95) hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%4 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 96)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%4 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 97) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 98)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%4 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
# Nothing to do for sym_number 99
if (sym_number == 100)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 101)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 102)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 103)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == hkl[,2] & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 104)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == hkl[,2] & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 105)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == hkl[,2] & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 106)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == hkl[,2] & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 107) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 108)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == hkl[,2] & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 109)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%4 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == hkl[,2] & hkl[,3] != 0 & (2*hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%4 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 110)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%4 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%4 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == hkl[,2] & hkl[,3] != 0 & (2*hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%4 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
# Nothing to do for sym_number 111
if (sym_number == 112) hkl[hkl[,1] == hkl[,2] & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 113)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 114)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == hkl[,2] & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
# Nothing to do for sym_number 115
if (sym_number == 116)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 117)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 118)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 119) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 120)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 121) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 122)
hkl[hkl[,1] == hkl[,2] & hkl[,3] != 0 & (2*hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%4 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
# Nothing to do for sym_number 123
if (sym_number == 124)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == hkl[,2] & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 125)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & +hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & +hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 126)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == hkl[,2] & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 127)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 128)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == hkl[,2] & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 129)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 130)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == hkl[,2] & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 131)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == hkl[,2] & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 132)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 133)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == hkl[,2] & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 134)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 135)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == hkl[,2] & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 136)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 137)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == hkl[,2] & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 138)
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,2]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,2])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 139) hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 140)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == hkl[,2] & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 141)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%4 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & (hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == hkl[,2] & hkl[,3] != 0 & (2*hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%4 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 142)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%4 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] == 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,1]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == hkl[,2] & hkl[,3] != 0 & (2*hkl[,1]+hkl[,3])%%4 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[(hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
######### TRIGONAL: 143 to 167
# Nothing to do for sym_number 143
if (sym_number == 144) hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%3 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 145) hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%3 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 146)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[(-hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%3 != 0,4] <- NA
# Nothing to do for setting 2
# Nothing to do for sym_number 147
if (sym_number == 148)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[(-hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%3 != 0,4] <- NA
# Nothing to do for setting 2
# Nothing to do for sym_number 149
# Nothing to do for sym_number 150
if (sym_number == 151) hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%3 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 152) hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%3 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 153) hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%3 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 154) hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%3 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 155)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[(-hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%3 != 0,4] <- NA
# Nothing to do for setting 2
# Nothing to do for sym_number 156
# Nothing to do for sym_number 157
if (sym_number == 158)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 159)
hkl[hkl[,1] == hkl[,2] & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 160)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[(-hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%3 != 0,4] <- NA
# Nothing to do for setting 2
if (sym_number == 161)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (setting == 1)
hkl[(-hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%3 != 0,4] <- NA
# Nothing else for setting 2
# Nothing to do for sym_number 162
if (sym_number == 163)
hkl[hkl[,1] == hkl[,2] & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
# Nothing to do for sym_number 164
if (sym_number == 165)
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 166)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[(-hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%3 != 0,4] <- NA
if (sym_number == 167)
if (setting == 1)
hkl[(-hkl[,1]+hkl[,2]+hkl[,3])%%3 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] != 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] != 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
hkl[hkl[,1] == 0 & hkl[,2] == 0 & hkl[,3] != 0 & hkl[,3]%%2 != 0,4] <- NA
######### HEXAGONAL: 168 to 194
######### CUBIC: 195 to 230
# Delete systematic absences
idx <- which(complete.cases(hkl))
#' Change COLSRC date and time stamp
#' Function to update the \code{created} column of the data
#' frame \code{COLSRC} with current date and time.
#' The COLSRC data frame of an MTZ header has a column called
#' \code{created} which displays the date and time at which the
#' MTZ file data columns were created. When writing out a
#' modified list obtained from reading an MTZ file, one might
#' want to change the \code{created} column with the current
#' date and time. Other specific types of change can be operated
#' by handling the \code{COLSRC} data frame in an *ad hoc* manner.
#' @param hdr A data frame. The \code{COLSRC} data frame included
#' in the \code{header} component of the named list
#' obtained with \code{\link{readMTZ}} or
#' \code{\link{readMTZHeader}}.
#' @return The \code{hdr} input data frame with the \code{created}
#' column of the \code{COLSRC} data frame changed to
#' display the current date and time.
#' @examples
#' # Read a sample MTZ file
#' datadir <- system.file("extdata",package="cry")
#' filename <- file.path(datadir,"1dei_phases.mtz")
#' lMTZ <- readMTZ(filename)
#' # Original COLSRC
#' print(lMTZ$header$COLSRC)
#' # Update date and time stamp
#' lMTZ$header <- change_COLSRC(lMTZ$header)
#' # New COLSRC
#' print(lMTZ$header$COLSRC)
#' @export
change_COLSRC <- function(hdr) {
# Get date and time from system
tt <- strsplit(format(Sys.time())," ")[[1]]
ss <- strsplit(tt[1],"-")[[1]]
g <- paste0(ss[3],"/",ss[2],"/",ss[1])
stmp <- paste0("CREATED_",g,"_",tt[2])
# Change 'created' field of COLSRC
for (i in 1:length(hdr$COLSRC[,1])) {
hdr$COLSRC[i,2] <- stmp
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