# plot overhead 3D UD
plot3d <- function(data=NULL,UD,level=0.95,level.UD=0.95,xlim=NULL,ylim=NULL,ext=NULL,...)
UD <- listify(UD)
z <- NULL; rm(z) # R check bug
Z <- dZ <- zext <- MODE <- list()
if(is.null(ext)) { ext <- list() }
for(i in 1:length(UD))
Z[[i]] <- UD[[i]]$r$z
dZ[[i]] <- UD[[i]]$dr['z']
# fix 2D extent
if(!length(ext) && (is.null(xlim) || is.null(ylim)))
FLAT <- UD[[i]]
FLAT$CDF <- apply(FLAT$PDF,1:2,sum) * prod(FLAT$dr) # marginal PMF
FLAT$CDF <- pmf2cdf(FLAT$CDF)
ext[[i]] <- extent(FLAT,level=level,level.UD=level.UD)
# fix 3D extent
zext[[i]] <- UD[[i]]$CDF <= level.UD
zext[[i]] <- apply(zext[[i]],3,any)
zext[[i]] <- Z[[i]][zext[[i]]]
zext[[i]] <- c(zext[[i]][1],last(zext[[i]]))
# z mode to start at
MODE[[i]] <- apply(UD[[i]]$PDF,3,sum)
MODE[[i]] <- which.max(MODE[[i]])
MODE[[i]] <- Z[[i]][MODE[[i]]]
EXT <- extent(ext)
zext <- range(unlist(zext))
MODE <- mean(unlist(MODE))
plot.fn <- function(z)
BAD <- rep(FALSE,length(UD))
for(i in 1:length(UD))
# if(z<ext[[i]][1] || ext[[i]][2]<z)
# { BAD[i] <- TRUE }
# else
# {
j <- round((z-Z[[i]][1])/dZ[[i]]) + 1
UD[[i]]$PDF <- UD[[i]]$PDF[,,j]
UD[[i]]$CDF <- UD[[i]]$CDF[,,j]
UD[[i]]$H <- UD[[i]]$H[1:2,1:2]
UD[[i]]$h <- UD[[i]]$h[1:2]
UD[[i]]$bias <- UD[[i]]$bias[1:2]
UD[[i]]$DOF.area <- UD[[i]]$DOF.area[1:2]
UD[[i]]$axes <- UD[[i]]$axes[1:2]
UD[[i]]$dr <- UD[[i]]$dr[1:2]
# }
} # end for
# UD <- UD[!BAD] # other arguments would be modified too...
{ plot.UD(UD,level=level,level.UD=level.UD,xlim=xlim,ylim=ylim,ext=EXT,...) }
{ plot.telemetry(data,UD=UD,level=level,level.UD=level.UD,xlim=xlim,ylim=ylim,ext=EXT,...) }
manipulate::manipulate(plot.fn(z),z=manipulate::slider(min=zext[1],max=zext[2],initial=MODE,label="z (m)"))
# calculate vertex mesh of 3D UD
mesh3d.UD <- function(UD,level.UD=0.95)
DIM <- dim(UD$CDF)
IN <- UD$CDF < level.UD
isVERT <- array(FALSE,DIM)
VERTEX <- array(0,c(0,3)) # matrix of vertex (x,y,z) per index
NORM <- array(0,c(0,3)) # matrix of normal vectors per index
TRI <- array(integer(1),c(0,3)) # matrix of 3 vertex indices per triangle
S <- -1:1
C <- 3*3+5 # center index of cube
SHELL <- array(integer(1),c(0,3))
for(i in S) { for(j in S) { for(k in S) { SHELL <- rbind(SHELL,c(i,j,k)) } } }
SHELL <- SHELL[-14,] # (0,0,0)
# table intersection
row.intersect <- function(X,Y)
Z <- rbind(X,Y)
# sort by all columns
Z <- Z[order(Z[,1],Z[,2],Z[,3]),]
# do rows change
I <- apply(Z,2,diff) # [n-1,3]
I <- apply(abs(I),1,sum) # [n-1]
I <- c(TRUE,I) # [n]
# return repeated rows
# table unique
row.unique <- function(Z)
# sort by all columns
Z <- Z[order(Z[,1],Z[,2],Z[,3]),]
# do rows change
I <- apply(Z,2,diff) # [n-1,3]
I <- apply(abs(I),1,sum) # [n-1]
I <- c(TRUE,I) # [n]
# return unique rows (different from previous)
# level.fn <- function(adbmal,return.X=FALSE)
# {
# lambda <- 1/adbmal
# M <- 2/lambda*diag(3) - VV
# X <- V[1:3]
# X <- t(M) %*% X
# M <- t(M) %*% M
# M <- PDsolve(M)
# X <- M %*% X # this is now (x,y,z) for lambda
# if(return.X) { return(X) }
# level <- SUB[C] + sum(X[1:3]*V[1:3]) + X[1]*X[2]*V[4] + X[2]*X[3]*V[5] + X[3]*X[1]*V[6] + sum(X[1:3]^2*V[7:9])
# return((level-level.UD)^2)
# }
# vertex loop
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min=1,max=DIM[1]-1,initial=1,style=3)
for(i in 2:(DIM[1]-1))
for(j in 2:(DIM[2]-1))
for(k in 2:(DIM[3]-1))
SIN <- IN[i+S,j+S,k+S]
# is there a surface running through pixel (i,j,k) ?
if(any(SIN[C] != SIN[-C]))
# fit a solvable quadratic regression function to cube data
x <- y <- z <- array(-1:1,c(3,3,3))
y <- aperm(x,c(3,1,2))
z <- aperm(x,c(2,3,1))
# M <- matrix(0,3^3-1,9)
M <- matrix(0,3^3-1,3)
# linear regression terms
M[,1] <- c(x)[-C]
M[,2] <- c(y)[-C]
M[,3] <- c(z)[-C]
# # terms also found in tri-linear splines
# M[,4] <- c(x*y)[-C]
# M[,5] <- c(y*z)[-C]
# M[,6] <- c(z*x)[-C]
# # quadratic regression terms
# M[,7] <- c(x*x)[-C]
# M[,8] <- c(y*y)[-C]
# M[,9] <- c(z*z)[-C]
SUB <- UD$CDF[i+S,j+S,k+S]
V <- c(SUB)[-C] - SUB[C]
V <- t(M) %*% V
M <- t(M) %*% M
M <- PDsolve(M)
V <- M %*% V # coefficients
# minimize distance from center while constrained to surface
# L == x^2+y^2+z^2 + lambda*(level - V*(x,y,z,xy,yz,zx,xx,yy,zz) )
# minimized by
# 2*x == lambda*( V['x'] + V['xy']*y + V['zx']*z + 2*V['xx'] )
# 2*y == lambda*( V['y'] + V['yz']*z + V['xy']*x + 2*V['yy'] )
# 2*z == lambda*( V['z'] + V['zx']*x + V['yz']*y + 2*V['zz'] )
# (2/lambda*I - VV)*(x,y,z) = V['x','y','z']
# VV <- matrix(0,3,3)
# VV[1,2] <- VV[2,1] <- V[4]
# VV[2,3] <- VV[3,2] <- V[5]
# VV[3,1] <- VV[1,3] <- V[6]
# diag(VV) <- 2*V[7:9]
# linear regression solution lambda/2*V[1:3]^2 == level.UD-SUB[C]
lambda <- 2*(level.UD-SUB[C])/sum(V[1:3]^2) # initial guess (linear regression solution)
# adbmal <- 1/lambda # doesn't diverge between -Inf and +Inf
# adbmal <- optimizer(adbmal,level.fn)$par
# lambda <- 1/adbmal
# X <- level.fn(adbmal,return.X=TRUE)
X <- lambda/2*V[1:3]
if(all(abs(X)<1/2)) # record if within pixel
# store vertex coordinate
Xc <- t(X + c(i,j,k))
VERTEX <- rbind(VERTEX,Xc)
isVERT[i,j,k] <- length(VERTEX) # store index for triangulation
# store normal vector
# Xn <- V[1:3] + c(X[2]*V[4]+X[3]*V[6],X[1]*V[4]+X[3]*V[5],X[2]*V[5]+X[1]*V[6]) + 2*X[1:3]*V[7:9]
Xn <- V[1:3]
Xn <- +lambda/2*t(Xn) # gradient points outwards to higher coverage
# no point in normalizing this until we include (x,y,z) scale information
NORM <- rbind(NORM,Xn)
} # end vertex solver
} # end z loop
} # end y loop
} # end x loop
# Nearest Neighbor triangles
for(i in 2:(DIM[1]-1))
for(j in 2:(DIM[2]-1))
for(k in 2:(DIM[3]-1))
i1 <- isVERT[i,j,k] # first vertex of triangle
V2 <- t(c(i,j,k) + t(SHELL))
for(l in 1%:%nrow(V2))
i2 <- isVERT[V2[l,1],V2[l,2],V2[l,3]] # second vertex of triangle
V3 <- t(V2[l,] + t(SHELL))
# must also be a neighbor of v1
V3 <- row.intersect(V3,V2)
for(m in 1%:%nrow(V3))
i3 <- isVERT[V3[m,1],V3[m,2],V3[m,3]]
if(i3){ TRI <- rbind(TRI,c(i1,i2,i3)) }
} # end z loop
} # end y loop
} # end x loop
# remove duplicate NN triangles
TRI <- row.unique(TRI)
# convert from fractional indices to locations
colnames(VERTEX) <- c('x','y','z')
VERTEX[,'x'] <- UD$r$x[1] + (VERTEX[,'x']-1)*UD$dr['x']
VERTEX[,'y'] <- UD$r$y[1] + (VERTEX[,'y']-1)*UD$dr['y']
VERTEX[,'z'] <- UD$r$z[1] + (VERTEX[,'z']-1)*UD$dr['z']
# convert from index gradient to spatial gradient
colnames(NORM) <- c('x','y','z')
NORM[,'x'] <- NORM[,'x']*UD$dr['x']
NORM[,'y'] <- NORM[,'y']*UD$dr['y']
NORM[,'z'] <- NORM[,'z']*UD$dr['z']
# MESH <- rgl::mesh3d(VERTEX,triangles=TRI)
# return(MESH)
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