# global variable
DATA.EARTH <- list(R.EQ=6378137,R.PL=6356752.3142) # equatorial & polar radii
#setGeneric("projection", function(x,...) { standardGeneric("projection") }, signature='x')
#setGeneric("projection<-", function(x,value,...) { standardGeneric("projection<-") }, signature='x')
# setMethod('projection',signature(x='Raster'),raster::projection)
# setMethod('projection',signature(x='RasterLayer'),raster::projection)
# setMethod('projection',signature(x='RasterStack'),raster::projection)
# setMethod('projection',signature(x='RasterBrick'),raster::projection)
# setMethod('projection<-',signature(x='Raster'),raster::projection)
# setMethod('projection<-',signature(x='RasterLayer'),raster::projection)
# setMethod('projection<-',signature(x='RasterStack'),raster::projection)
# setMethod('projection<-',signature(x='RasterBrick'),raster::projection)
# otherwise returns NA
projection.NULL <- function(x,asText=TRUE) { return(NULL) }
setMethod('projection', signature(x='NULL'), projection.NULL)
# range of telemetry data
projection.telemetry <- function(x,asText=TRUE)
proj <- attr(x,"info")$projection
if(!asText) { proj <- sp::CRS(proj,doCheckCRSArgs=FALSE) }
setMethod('projection', signature(x='telemetry'), projection.telemetry)
projection.ctmm <- projection.telemetry
setMethod('projection', signature(x='ctmm'), projection.telemetry)
projection.UD <- projection.telemetry
setMethod('projection', signature(x='UD'), projection.telemetry)
#projection.RS <- projection.telemetry
#setMethod('projection', signature(x='RS'), projection.telemetry)
project <- function(x,from=DATUM,to=DATUM)
if(to==from) { return(x) }
# x <- sp::SpatialPoints(x,proj4string=sp::CRS(from))
# x <- sp::spTransform(x,sp::CRS(to))
# x <- sp::coordinates(x)
x <- data.frame(x) # super annoying
from <- sf::st_crs(from)
to <- sf::st_crs(to)
x <- sf::st_as_sf(x,coords=1:2,crs=from)
x <- sf::st_transform(x,crs=to)
x <- sf::st_coordinates(x)
colnames(x) <- c('x','y')
projection.list <- function(x,asText=TRUE)
PROJS <- sapply(x,projection)
PROJ <- unique(PROJS)
if(is.null(PROJS[[1]])) { return(NULL) }
if(length(PROJ)==1) { return(PROJ) }
# change the projection on a list of objects
"projection<-.list" <- function(x,value)
setMethod('projection<-', signature(x='list'), `projection<-.list`)
# change the projection of one telemetry object
"projection<-.telemetry" <- function(x,value)
# delete projection information
DELETE <- c(DOP.LIST$horizontal$axes,DOP.LIST$horizontal$VAR,DOP.LIST$horizontal$COV,DOP.LIST$speed$axes,DOP.LIST$speed$VAR,DOP.LIST$speed$COV)
for(NAME in DELETE) { x[[NAME]] <- NULL }
attr(x,'info')$projection <- NULL
# convert to PROJ4 format if location
value <- format_projection(value)
NAMES <- names(x)
n <- nrow(x)
### project locations ###
R <- cbind(x$longitude,x$latitude)
R <- project(R,to=value)
colnames(R) <- c("x","y")
x[c('x','y')] <- R
if(any(c('speed','COV.angle') %in% NAMES))
# local vectors pointing north
NORTH <- northing(x,value)
### project error ellipses ###
if('COV.angle' %in% NAMES)
# major axis eigen vector
COV <- rotate.north(NORTH,x$COV.angle) # [n,2]
# major axis eigen matrices
COV <- sapply(1:n,function(i){outer(COV[i,])},simplify="array") # [2,2,n]
ID <- diag(2)
# covariance matrices
COV <- sapply(1:n,function(i){x$COV.major[i]*COV[,,i] + x$COV.minor[i]*(ID-COV[,,i])},simplify="array") # [2,2,n]
# flatten spatial indices
dim(COV) <- c(2*2,n)
# unique entries
ID <- c(upper.tri(ID,diag=TRUE))
x[DOP.LIST$horizontal$COV] <- t(COV[ID,]) # R is so confusing
### project velocities ###
if('speed' %in% NAMES)
# set magnitude and heading of velocity
v <- rotate.north(x$speed*NORTH,x$heading)
# velocity components
x[DOP.LIST$speed$axes] <- v
attr(x,"info")$projection <- value
setMethod('projection<-', signature(x='telemetry'), `projection<-.telemetry`)
# unit vector pointing north at projected locations R
# x = partially projected telemetry data dim(n,2)
# return dim(n,2)
northing <- function(x,proj,angle=FALSE)
# WGS-84 ellipsoid
# approximate 1-meter-North latitude displacements
d.lambda <- 1/sqrt((R.EQ*sin(x$latitude))^2+(R.PL*cos(x$latitude))^2)
# could use grad() but would be slowwwww....
d.lambda <- d.lambda*(360/2/pi) # arg, degrees!
u <- cbind(x$longitude,x$latitude + d.lambda)
u <- project(u,to=proj)
colnames(u) <- c("x","y")
# difference vectors pointing North ~1 meters
u <- u - get.telemetry(x) # [n,2]
# difference vectors pointing North 1 meters exact
u <- u / sqrt(rowSums(u^2)) # [n,2]
if(angle) { u <- atan2(u[,'y'],u[,'x']) * (360/(2*pi)) } # R plotting functions require degrees
# rotate northing to heading
# u = dim(2,n)
# return = dim(n,2)
rotate.north <- function(u,heading)
heading <- heading * (2*pi/360) # ack, degrees!
u <- u[,1] + 1i*u[,2] # velocity vector
R <- exp(-1i*heading) # rotation matrix
u <- R*u
u <- cbind(Re(u),Im(u))
# put projection into character format
format_projection <- function(proj,datum="WGS84")
{ proj <- as.character(proj) }
else if(class(proj)[1] != "character")
# pull out geodesic coordinates and format into matrix
proj <- as.matrix(rbind(proj)[,c("longitude","latitude")])
{ proj <- paste0("+proj=aeqd +lon_0=",proj[1,1]," +lat_0=",proj[1,2]," +datum=",datum) }
else if(nrow(proj)==2)
{ proj <- paste0("+proj=tpeqd +lon_1=",proj[1,1]," +lat_1=",proj[1,2]," +lon_2=",proj[2,1]," +lat_2=",proj[2,2]," +datum=",datum) }
else if(nrow(proj)==3)
{ proj <- paste0("+proj=chamb +lon_1=",proj[1,1]," +lat_1=",proj[1,2]," +lon_2=",proj[2,1]," +lat_2=",proj[2,2]," +lon_3=",proj[3,1]," +lat_3=",proj[3,2]," +datum=",datum) }
{ stop("PROJ4 does not support ",nrow(proj)," foci projections.") }
# put in canonical format
proj <- sp::CRS(proj)
proj <- as.character(proj)
# only allow compatible projections
validate.projection <- function(projection)
if(class(projection)[1]=="character") { projection <- sp::CRS(projection) } # this adds missing longlat specification
if(class(projection)[1]=="CRS") { projection <- as.character(projection) }
if(grepl("longlat",projection,fixed=TRUE) || grepl("latlong",projection,fixed=TRUE))
{ stop("A projected coordinate system must be specified.") }
if(grepl("units=",projection,fixed=TRUE) && !grepl("units=m",projection,fixed=TRUE))
{ stop("Units of distance other than meters not supported.") }
# projection check data against grid
validate.grid <- function(data,grid)
if(class(grid)[1] %in% c("UD","RasterLayer") && !is.null(projection(data)) && !is.null(projection(grid)))
proj1 <- projection(data)
proj2 <- projection(grid)
# put into canonical format
proj1 <- sp::CRS(proj1)
proj2 <- sp::CRS(proj2)
proj1 <- as.character(proj1)
proj2 <- as.character(proj2)
if(proj1 != proj2) { stop("Grid projection does not match data projection.") }
# check for consistent projections
check.projections <- function(object)
PROJ <- projection(object)
if(length(PROJ)==0) { stop("Missing projection.") }
if(length(PROJ)>1) { stop("Inconsistent projections.") }
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