Defines functions ctLOO

Documented in ctLOO

#' K fold cross validation for ctStanFit objects
#' @param fit ctStanfit object
#' @param folds Number of cross validation splits to use -- 10 folds implies that the 
#' model is re-fit 10 times, each time to a data set with 1/10 of the observations randomly removed.
#' @param cores Number of processor cores to use. 
#' @param parallelFolds compute folds in parallel or use cores to finish single folds faster. 
#' parallelFolds will use folds times as much memory.
#' @param subjectwise drop random subjects instead of data rows?
#' @param keepfirstobs do not drop first observation (more stable estimates)
#' @param leaveOutN if a positive integer is given, the folds argument is ignored and 
#' instead the folds are calculated by leaving out every Nth row from the data when fitting. 
#' Leaving 2 out would result in 3 folds (starting at rows 1,2,3), each containing one third of the data. 
#' @param refit if FALSE, do not optimise parameters for the new data set, 
#' just compute the likelihoods etc from the original parameters
#' @return list
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{ 
#' ctLOO(ctstantestfit)
#' }
ctLOO <- function(fit,folds=10,cores=2,parallelFolds=FALSE, 
  subjectwise=ifelse(length(unique(fit$standata$subject)) > folds, TRUE, FALSE),
  keepfirstobs=FALSE, leaveOutN=NA,refit=TRUE){
  bootstrap <- FALSE
  if(!'ctStanFit' %in% class(fit)|| !length(fit$stanfit$stanfit@sim)==0) stop('Not an optimized ctStanFit object')
  message('Using ',cores,'/', parallel::detectCores(),' available CPU cores')
    if(!subjectwise) samplerows <- which(c(1,diff(fit$standata$subject)) < ifelse(keepfirstobs,1,999)) #include all rows, or all except first obs per subject
    if(subjectwise) samplerows <- 1:fit$standata$nsubjects
    samplerows <- sample(samplerows, #randomise order
      length(samplerows),# *ifelse(bootstrap,folds,1),
    samplerows <- split( #split over folds
      sort(1:length(samplerows) %% folds))
    if(subjectwise) samplerows <- lapply(samplerows,function(x) which(fit$standata$subject %in% x))
  if(!is.na(leaveOutN[1])){ #then do leave N out blockwise cross validation
    samplerows <- which(c(1,diff(fit$standata$subject)) < ifelse(keepfirstobs,1,999)) #include all rows, or all except first obs per subject
    samplerows <- lapply(1:(leaveOutN+1), function(seqstart) samplerows[seq(seqstart,length(samplerows),leaveOutN+1)])
    folds <- length(samplerows)
    message(paste0(length(samplerows),' folds prepared...'))
    smodel <- fit$stanmodel
    # if(init=='fit') 
    init=fit$stanfit$rawest #else init=rnorm(length(fit$stanfit$rawest),0,.01)#
    if(parallelFolds && cores > 1){
      clctsem <- parallel::makeCluster(spec = min(cores,folds))
      on.exit({parallel::stopCluster(clctsem)},add = TRUE)
    } else clctsem <- NA
    folded <- flexlapply(clctsem,X = samplerows,fn = function(x) {
      if(all(is.na(leaveOutN)) || refit){ #normally we want to ignore the specified rows
      sdat$dokalmanrows[x] <- 0L
      sdat$dokalmanrows[-x] <- 1L
      } else { #if leaveOutN and not refitting, the in sample likelihoods are what we want!
        sdat$dokalmanrows[-x] <- 0L
        sdat$dokalmanrows[x] <- 1L
      if(refit){ #otherwise just compute conditional on originally estimated parameters
        e <- try(stanoptimis(standata = sdat,sm = smodel,init = init,
          estonly = TRUE,cores=ifelse(parallelFolds,1,cores),plot=0,verbose=0))
      } else e <- list(rawest=init)
      if('try-error' %in% class(e)) return(NA) else{
        # sdat$savescores <- 1L
        if(all(is.na(leaveOutN)) || refit) sdat$dokalmanrows <- fit$standata$dokalmanrows #if leaveOutN and not refitting, the in sample likelihoods are what we want!
        smf <- stan_reinitsf(smodel,sdat)
        cp = rstan::constrain_pars(smf,e$rawest)
        lp = rstan::log_prob(smf,e$rawest)
    },cores = ifelse(parallelFolds,cores,1))
    # browser()
    # sdat$savescores <- 1L
    #  smf <- stan_reinitsf(smodel,sdat)
    # cp = rstan::constrain_pars(smf,fit$stanfit$rawest)
    llrowoos=unlist(lapply(1:folds,function(x) folded[[x]]$llrow[samplerows[[x]] ]))
      sum(llrowoos[fit$standata$subject==x],na.rm=FALSE) )
      sum(llrow[fit$standata$subject==x],na.rm=TRUE) )
    # plot(llrow,llrowoos,col=fit$standata$subject,pch=16)
    # abline(b = 1,a=0)
    # plot(density(llrow-llrowoos),main='Original - OOS LogLik Difference')
    # abline(v=mean(llrow-llrowoos))
    out <- list(
      foldpars = as.matrix(data.frame(lapply(folded,function(x) x$pars))),
      # outsampleLogLikFolds=lloos,
      insampleRowwiseEntropy = -sum(llrow,na.rm=TRUE)/fit$standata$ndatapoints,
      outsampleRowwiseEntropy = -sum(llrowoos,na.rm=TRUE)/fit$standata$ndatapoints,
      insampleSubjectwiseEntropy = -sum(llrow,na.rm=TRUE)/length(unique(fit$standata$subject)),
      outsampleSubjectwiseEntropy = -sum(llrowoos,na.rm=TRUE)/length(unique(fit$standata$subject)),
      insampleRowwiseLogLikSD = sd(llrow,na.rm=TRUE),
      outsampleRowwiseLogLikSD = sd(llrowoos,na.rm=TRUE),
      insampleSubjectwiseLogLikSD =  sd(llrowSubject,na.rm=TRUE),
      outsampleSubjectwiseLogLikSD =  sd(llrowoosSubject,na.rm=TRUE)
    # browser()
    if(!all(is.na(leaveOutN))) out$insampleLogProb=sum(sapply(folded,function(x) x$logprob))
    return( out)

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ctsem documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:06 p.m.