#' Calculate EPx values for a series of moving time window
#' Calls `epx()` to calculate the EPx value (i.e. the multiplication factors of
#' an exposure profile that cause x% of effect) for moving windows with length
#' `window_length` that move timesteps defined by `window_interval`.
#' @param x a [scenario]
#' @param level The target effect level of the effect, ie. the x of EPx.
#' @param factor_cutoff above which cutoff is the EPx is not relevant
#' @param window_length the length of the moving time window
#' @param window_interval the interval that the moving time window moves
#' @param ... arguments passed to `epx`
#' @export
#' @return a tibble with five columns
#' \itemize{
#' \item window.start
#' \item window.end
#' \item endpoint
#' \item level
#' \item EPx
#' }
#' @examples
#' metsulfuron %>%
#' set_window(length=7, interval=1) %>%
#' epx_mtw()
epx_mtw <- function(x,
level = c(10, 50),
factor_cutoff = 1000,
window_length = 7,
window_interval = 1,
...) {
x <- x %>%
set_window(length = window_length, interval = window_interval)
windows <- x %>% window_candidates()
res <- lapply(windows, function(window_i) {
scenario <- x %>%
epx_res <- epx(scenario,
level = level,
factor_cutoff = factor_cutoff,
long_format = TRUE,
ep_only = TRUE,
dplyr::bind_cols(t(window_i), epx_res)
return(, res))
# Detect worst case EPx window
# Filters the minimal EPx per endpoint and level from the `epx_mtw` object and
# returns it as the worst case windows. If there is more than one worst case
# window, only the first window will be returned (if `only_first == TRUE`), or
# all windows will be returned (if `only_first == FALSE`).
# @param epx_mtw result of `epx_mtw()`
# @param only_first TRUE = first window only
# @noRd
#' @autoglobal
# @return a tibble with
# \itemize{
# \item window.start
# \item window.end
# \item endpoint
# \item level
# \item EPx
# }
epx_min_win <- function(epx_mtw, only_first = TRUE){
wc_window <- epx_mtw %>%
dplyr::group_by(endpoint, level) %>%
dplyr::filter(EPx == min(EPx)) %>%
dplyr::arrange(window.start, endpoint, level) %>%
# check if there is more than one worst case window per endpoint
incr_wc_window <- wc_window %>%
dplyr::group_by(endpoint) %>%
dplyr::summarise(size = dplyr::n()) %>%
dplyr::filter(size > 1) %>%
# remove all but the first moving time window if more than one exist
if (only_first){
wc_window <- wc_window %>%
dplyr::group_by(endpoint, level) %>%
dplyr::filter(window.start == min(window.start)) %>%
dplyr::arrange(window.start, endpoint, level) %>%
if (incr_wc_window %>% nrow() > 0){
paste0("More than one worst case window found for ",
ifelse(only_first, ". All later instances removed","")
#' Effect profiles (EPx values)
#' Derives one or more EPx/LPx values for the supplied effect scenarios, i.e. it
#' calculates the multiplication factors of an exposure profile that cause
#' x% of effect. Scenarios are processed in parallel, if possible.
#' To estimate EPx values, a *binary search* on multiplication factors is conducted.
#' The algorithm can achieve arbitrary precision in terms of effects. The
#' same approach is implemented in the `morse` package in the `MFx()` function.
#' Convergence is often achieved in less than 10 iterations per effect level and
#' endpoint.
#' Internally, a knowledge base of all tried factors and resulting effect levels is
#' kept to speed up convergence if more than one endpoint or effect level was
#' requested. The algorithm will automatically sweep the range of multiplication
#' factors as needed but hard cutoff values are implemented to avoid infinite loops;
#' the algorithm will halt with an error message if tried factors are
#' smaller than `1e-30` or greater than `1e30`.
#' ### Numerical precision
#' The precision of reported *EPx* values is controlled by the argument
#' `effect_tolerance` and is given as the upper absolute error threshold of
#' effects that is deemed acceptable. The default value of `0.001` ensures that
#' a derived *EPx* will result in an effect of x% ± 0.1. Decreasing the
#' `effect_tolerance` will result in additional model iterations and longer
#' runtime. Setting an extremely small tolerance value may lead to a breakdown
#' of the algorithm due to the occurrence of extremely small, quasi-random
#' numerical errors in simulation results.
#' @param scenarios table or vector of `EffectScenario` objects
#' @param level effect levels in percent (%), defaults to `c(10,50)`
#' @param effect_tolerance `numeric`, minimum absolute accuracy of effect levels
#' @param factor_cutoff optional `numeric`, the search for a multiplication factor
#' will be cut short if tried factors exceed this value; the result will report
#' the cutoff value as the final EPx value.
#' @param verbose `logic`, if `TRUE` then infos about model evaluations are displayed
#' @param ... additional arguments passed on to [effect()]
#' @param min_factor `numeric`, if tried factors fall below this threshold, the algorithm
#' will halt with an error
#' @param max_factor `numeric`, if tried factors exceed this threshold, the algorithm
#' will halt with an error
#' @param ep_only `logical`, if `TRUE` then only EPx values are part of the output,
#' any contextual information such as `EffectScenario` objects are left out
#' @param long_format `logical`, if `TRUE` then EPx values are returned as
#' a table in long format, any contextual information will be duplicated
#' @return
#' The original `tibble` with additional columns named after the request effect levels, e.g. `L.EP10.`
#' If no tibble was used as argument, then a new one is created. The first column `scenario` will contain
#' the supplied `EffectScenario` objects.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @examples
#' minnow_sd %>% epx()
#' minnow_sd %>% epx(level=c(10,23,42))
#' # displays infos about tested multiplication factors
#' minnow_sd %>% epx(verbose=TRUE)
#' # return results as a table in wide format
#' minnow_sd %>% epx(long_format=TRUE)
epx <- function(scenarios, level=c(10,50), effect_tolerance=0.001, factor_cutoff=NA,
min_factor=1e-30, max_factor=1e30, verbose=FALSE, ep_only=FALSE,
long_format=FALSE, ...)
if(any(level>100) | any(level<1))
stop("epx: requested effect levels out of range")
# gracious argument handling if single object or vector was supplied
scenarios <- tibble::tibble(scenario=c(scenarios))
scenarios <- tibble::tibble(scenario=scenarios)
# errors should not break code flow, instead catch them
searchfun <- purrr::safely(epx_binary_search, otherwise=NA_real_)
# sequential processing requested?
if(getOption("", FALSE)) {
ret <- purrr::map(scenarios$scenario, searchfun, level=level,
effect_tolerance=effect_tolerance, factor_cutoff=factor_cutoff,
min_factor=min_factor, max_factor=max_factor,
verbose=verbose, ...)
} else {
# disable collection of globals by furrr to increase performance
ret <- furrr::future_map(scenarios$scenario, searchfun, level=level,
effect_tolerance=effect_tolerance, factor_cutoff=factor_cutoff,
min_factor=min_factor, max_factor=max_factor,
verbose=verbose, .options=furrr::furrr_options(globals=FALSE), ...)
failed <-
if(any(failed)) {
# collect error messages, 1st from binary search
# 2nd, any unexpected occurrences encountered by purrr/furrr
rs <- unlist(ret)
errors <- rs[names(rs) == "result.error" | names(rs) == "error"]
msg <- paste0("Some scenarios have failed (n=", sum(failed), "), result will include NAs")
if(length(errors) > 0)
msg <- paste0(msg, "\n", paste(paste0(" ** ", errors), collapse="\n"))
rm(rs, errors, msg)
rs <- dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(ret, `[[`, "result"))
# convert to long format table
if(long_format) {
rs <- dplyr::bind_cols(scenarios, rs)
return(tidyr::pivot_longer(rs, tidyr::contains("."), names_to=c("endpoint", "level"),
names_pattern="(.+)\\.EP(.+)", values_to="EPx"))
# extend original table by EPx columns
dplyr::bind_cols(scenarios, rs)
# EPx values are estimated using a binary search on the range of multiplication
# factors. The same approach is used in the morse package. Internally, a
# knowledge base (kbs) is employed in order to avoid re-evaluation of MFs and to
# achieve a faster start-up and convergence in case of multiple endpoints or
# effect levels. The approach has several advantages:
# - it usually requires a lot less effect() calls than alternative methods
# which is especially useful for slow running models
# - it can achieve arbitrary precision w.r.t. to effects
# - and it automatically covers the whole range of multiplication factors if necessary
#' @global ep level mf
epx_binary_search <- function(scenario, level, effect_tolerance, factor_cutoff, verbose,
min_factor, max_factor, ...)
# init result vector before anything else can fail
result <- expand.grid(ep=scenario@endpoints, level=level) %>%
dplyr::mutate(name=paste0(ep, ".EP", level)) %>%
result <- as.list(setNames(rep(NA_real_, length(result)), result))
# control scenarios?
scenario <- cache_controls(scenario, ...)
# rounded effects in kbs need to be more precise than the requested tolerance
e.decimals <- max(4, ceiling(abs(log10(effect_tolerance / 10))))
# start value of the range sweep
f.test <- 10
if(verbose) {
message("epx: screening multiplication factors")
message(paste0(" start: ", f.test))
e.test <- effect(scenario, factor=f.test, ep_only=TRUE, ...)
}, error=function(e) {
result$error <<- e$message
# create the knowledge base
kbs <-, e.test)))
for(ep in scenario@endpoints)
for(lv in level)
ep_name <- paste0(ep, ".EP", lv)
# Out Of Range error conditions
oor_error <- FALSE
e.tgt <- lv / 100
# if MF smaller than requested level not found yet, test smaller powers of ten
while(min(kbs[[ep]]) > e.tgt) {
f.test <- min(kbs[["mf"]]) / 10
e.test <- effect(scenario, f.test, ep_only=TRUE, ...)
kbs <- dplyr::bind_rows(kbs, c(mf=f.test, e.test))
message(paste0(" ", ep_name, ": ", f.test, " <<<"))
if(f.test < min_factor) {
result$error <- paste(result$error, "multiplication factor out of range:", ep_name, "<", min_factor)
oor_error <- TRUE
# if MF larger than requested level not found yet, test larger powers of ten
while(max(kbs[[ep]]) < e.tgt) {
f.test <- max(kbs[["mf"]]) * 10
e.test <- effect(scenario, f.test, ep_only=TRUE, ...)
kbs <- dplyr::bind_rows(kbs, c(mf=f.test, e.test))
message(paste0(" ", ep_name, ": ", f.test, " >>>"))
if(any(f.test >= factor_cutoff, na.rm=TRUE)) break
else if(f.test > max_factor) {
result$error <- paste(result$error, "multiplication factor out of range:", ep_name, ">", max_factor)
oor_error <- TRUE
# skip this endpoint
if(oor_error) {
# sometimes effects in kbs will not increase continuously with multiplication
# factors due to small numerical errors. these inconsistencies are irrelevant
# if they appear e.g. in the 10th+ decimal place. therefore, effect values
# are rounded at a suitable decimal
kbs[[ep]] <- round(kbs[[ep]], e.decimals)
# sort knowledge base
dplyr::arrange(kbs, mf) -> kbs
# check if effects are also ordered in an ascending fashion, otherwise
# something bad has happened
if(!all(kbs[[ep]] == sort(kbs[[ep]]))) {
stop("effects do not fully correlate with multiplication factors, please check numerical stability", call.=FALSE)
# find lower factor boundary
f.min <- kbs$mf[sum(kbs[[ep]] <= e.tgt)]
# find upper factor boundary, if possible
f.max <- rev(kbs$mf)[sum(kbs[[ep]] > e.tgt)]
# upper boundary was not included in kbs, can only happen if we reached
# the cutoff criterion
if(length(f.max) == 0) f.max <- f.min
# starting point of binary search
f.cur <- f.min
e.cur <- kbs[[ep]][sum(kbs[[ep]] <= e.tgt)]
# keep halving the search interval until tolerance level is met
while(abs(e.cur - e.tgt) > effect_tolerance) {
if(e.cur < e.tgt) {
f.min <- f.cur
f.cur <- f.min + (f.max-f.min)/2
} else if(e.cur > e.tgt) {
f.max <- f.cur
f.cur <- f.max - (f.max-f.min)/2
if(any(f.cur>=factor_cutoff, na.rm=TRUE)) {
f.cur <- factor_cutoff
# If max and min factor are almost identical, then search ran into a dead
# end. This is caused by instable numerics which results in sudden leaps
# in apparent effects and we end up with an inconsistent KBS.
if(f.max - f.min < 10*.Machine$double.eps*f.min) # if TRUE, then values are almost equal
stop("binary search failed, please check numerical stability", call.=FALSE)
if(f.cur<min_factor) {
result$error <- paste(result$error, "multiplication factor out of range:", ep_name, "<", min_factor)
f.cur <- NA_real_
if(f.cur>max_factor) {
result$error <- paste(result$error, "multiplication factor out of range:", ep_name, ">", max_factor)
f.cur <- NA_real_
e.cur <- effect(scenario,f.cur,ep_only=TRUE,...)
if(any(e.cur<0 | e.cur>1 | is.nan(e.cur)))
stop("invalid effect level occurred, check numerical stability", call.=FALSE)
kbs <- dplyr::bind_rows(kbs, c(mf=f.cur,e.cur))
e.cur <- e.cur[[ep]]
if(verbose) message(paste0(" ",ep_name,": ",f.cur))
result[[ep_name]] <- f.cur
}, error=function(e) {
result$error <- e$message
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