
Defines functions print.dagitty c.dagitty as.dagitty.default as.dagitty.character as.dagitty `[.dagitty.ivs` as.list.dagitty.ivs `[.dagitty.sets` as.list.dagitty.sets `[.dagitty.cis` as.list.dagitty.cis print.dagitty.cis print.dagitty.ci as.character.dagitty.ci print.dagitty.sets print.dagitty.ivs completeDAG randomDAG dseparated topologicalOrdering dconnected paths plotLocalTestResults ciTest localTests downloadGraph dagitty toString.dagitty lavaanToGraph vanishingTetrads instrumentalVariables impliedConditionalIndependencies isCollider isAcyclic isAdjustmentSet adjustmentSets plot.dagitty graphLayout is.dagitty edges canonicalize coordinates exogenousVariables names.dagitty setVariableStatus adjustedNodes latents outcomes exposures ancestorGraph backDoorGraph measurementPart structuralPart moralize equivalentDAGs equivalenceClass toMAG orientPDAG markovBlanket adjacentNodes spouses neighbours parents children ancestors descendants impliedCovarianceMatrix simulateLogistic simulateSEM getExample graphType

Documented in adjacentNodes adjustedNodes adjustmentSets ancestorGraph ancestors as.dagitty backDoorGraph canonicalize children ciTest completeDAG coordinates dagitty dconnected descendants downloadGraph dseparated edges equivalenceClass equivalentDAGs exogenousVariables exposures getExample graphLayout graphType impliedConditionalIndependencies impliedCovarianceMatrix instrumentalVariables isAcyclic isAdjustmentSet isCollider is.dagitty latents lavaanToGraph localTests markovBlanket measurementPart moralize names.dagitty neighbours orientPDAG outcomes parents paths plot.dagitty plotLocalTestResults randomDAG setVariableStatus simulateLogistic simulateSEM spouses structuralPart toMAG topologicalOrdering vanishingTetrads

#' @import V8 jsonlite
#' @importFrom boot boot
#' @importFrom MASS ginv
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.size
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom utils tail combn
#' @importFrom stats as.formula coef confint cov cov2cor cor lm pnorm pchisq qnorm quantile runif loess sd weighted.mean complete.cases rbinom
#' @importFrom graphics abline arrows axis lines par plot plot.new segments strheight strwidth text xspline

#' Get Graph Type
#' @param x the input graph.
#' @examples
#' graphType( "mag{ x<-> y }" ) == "mag"
#' @export
graphType <- function( x ){
	x <- as.dagitty( x )
	xv <- .getJSVar()
	r <- NULL
		.jsassigngraph( xv, x )
		.jsassign( xv, .jsp("global.",
			xv,".getType()") )
		r <- .jsget( xv )
	error=function(e) stop(e),
'graphType<-' <- function( x, value=c("dag","mag","pdag","pag") ){
	value <- match.arg(value)
	x <- as.dagitty( x )
	xv <- .getJSVar()
	r <- NULL
		.jsassigngraph( xv, x )
		.jseval( paste0("global.",xv,".setType('",value,"')") )
		r <- .jsgetgraph( xv )
	error=function(e) stop(e),

#' Get Bundled Examples
#' Provides access to the builtin examples of the dagitty website.
#' @param x name of the example, or part thereof. Supported values are:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{"M-bias"}{ the M-bias graph.}
#'  \item{"confounding"}{ an extended confounding triangle.}
#'  \item{"mediator"}{ a small model with a mediator.}
#'  \item{"paths"}{ a graph with many variables but few paths}
#'  \item{"Sebastiani"}{ a small part of a genetics study (Sebastiani et al., 2005)}
#'  \item{"Polzer"}{ DAG from a dentistry study (Polzer et al., 2012)}
#'  \item{"Schipf"}{ DAG from a study on diabetes (Schipf et al., 2010)}
#'  \item{"Shrier"}{ DAG from a classic sports medicine example (Shrier & Platt, 2008)}
#'  \item{"Thoemmes"}{ DAG with unobserved variables 
#'	(communicated by Felix Thoemmes, 2013)}.
#'  \item{"Kampen"}{ DAG from a psychiatry study (van Kampen, 2014)}
#' }
#' @references
#' Sabine Schipf, Robin Haring, Nele Friedrich, Matthias Nauck, Katharina Lau,
#' Dietrich Alte, Andreas Stang, Henry Voelzke, and Henri Wallaschofski (2011),
#' Low total testosterone is associated with increased risk of incident
#' type 2 diabetes mellitus in men: Results from the study of health in
#' pomerania (SHIP). \emph{The Aging Male} \bold{14}(3):168--75.
#' Paola Sebastiani, Marco F. Ramoni, Vikki Nolan, Clinton T. Baldwin, and
#' Martin H. Steinberg (2005), Genetic dissection and prognostic modeling of overt 
#' stroke in sickle cell anemia. \emph{Nature Genetics}, \bold{37}:435--440.
#' Ian Shrier and Robert W. Platt (2008), 
#' Reducing bias through directed acyclic graphs.
#' \emph{BMC Medical Research Methodology}, \bold{8}(70).
#' Ines Polzer, Christian Schwahn, Henry Voelzke, Torsten Mundt, and Reiner
#' Biffar (2012), The association of tooth loss with all-cause and circulatory
#'  mortality. Is there a benefit of replaced teeth? A systematic review and
#'  meta-analysis. \emph{Clinical Oral Investigations}, \bold{16}(2):333--351.
#' Dirk van Kampen (2014),
#' The SSQ model of schizophrenic prodromal unfolding revised: An
#'  analysis of its causal chains based on the language of directed graphs.
#' \emph{European Psychiatry}, \bold{29}(7):437--48.
#' @examples
#' g <- getExample("Shrier")
#' plot(g)
#' @export
getExample <- function( x ){
	ct <- .getJSContext()
	xv <- .getJSVar()
		.jsassign( xv, x )
		r <- ct$eval( paste0("DagittyR.findExample(global.",xv,")") )
	}, finally={.deleteJSVar(xv)})
	if( r != "undefined" ){
	} else {
		stop("Example ",x," could not be found!")

#' Simulate Data from Structural Equation Model
#' Interprets the input graph as a structural equation model, generates random path 
#' coefficients, and simulates data from the model. This is a very bare-bones 
#' function and probably not very useful 
#' except for quick validation purposes (e.g. checking that an implied vanishing 
#' tetrad truly vanishes in simulated data). For more elaborate simulation studies, please
#' use the lavaan package or similar facilities in other packages.
#' @param x the input graph, a DAG (which may contain bidirected edges).
#' @param N number of samples to generate.
#' @param b.lower lower bound for random path coefficients, applied if \code{b.default=NULL}.
#' @param b.upper upper bound for path coefficients.
#' @param b.default default path coefficient applied to arrows for which no coefficient is 
#'  defined in the model syntax.
#' @param eps residual variance (only meaningful if \code{standardized=FALSE}).
#' @param empirical logical. If true, the empirical covariance matrix will be equal to the
#'  population covariance matrix.
#' @param standardized logical. If true, a standardized population covariance matrix
#'   is generated (all variables have variance 1).
#' @param verbose logical. If true, prints the generated population covariance matrix.
#' @return Returns a data frame containing \code{N} values for each variable in \code{x}.
#' @details Data are generated in the following manner. 
#' Each directed arrow is assigned a path coefficient that can be given using the attribute
#' "beta" in the model syntax (see the examples). All coefficients not set in this manner are
#' set to the \code{b.default} argument, or if that is not given, are chosen uniformly
#' at random from the interval given by \code{b.lower} and \code{b.upper} (inclusive; set
#' both parameters to the same value for constant path coefficients). Each bidirected 
#' arrow a <-> b is replaced by a substructure  a <- L -> b, where L is an exogenous latent
#' variable. Path coefficients on such substructures are set to \code{sqrt(x)}, where 
#' \code{x} is again chosen at random from the given interval; if \code{x} is negative,
#' one path coefficient is set to \code{-sqrt(x)} and the other to \code{sqrt(x)}. All
#' residual variances are set to \code{eps}.
#' If \code{standardized=TRUE}, all path coefficients are interpreted as standardized coefficients.
#' But not all standardized coefficients are compatible with all graph structures.
#' For instance, the graph structure z <- x -> y -> z is incompatible with standardized
#' coefficients of 0.9, since this would imply that the variance of z must be larger than
#' 1. For large graphs with many parallel paths, it can be very difficult to find coefficients 
#' that work.
#' @examples
#' ## Simulate data with pre-defined path coefficients of -.6
#' g <- dagitty('dag{z -> x [beta=-.6] x <- y [beta=-.6] }')
#' x <- simulateSEM( g ) 
#' cov(x)
#' @export
simulateSEM <- function( x, b.default=NULL, b.lower=-.6, b.upper=.6, eps=1, N=500, standardized=TRUE,
	empirical=FALSE, verbose=FALSE ){
	if( !requireNamespace( "MASS", quietly=TRUE ) ){
		stop("This function requires the 'MASS' package!")
	.supportsTypes( x, c("dag") )
	x <- as.dagitty( x )
	e <- .edgeAttributes( x, "beta" )

	e$a <- as.double(as.character(e$a))
	b.not.set <- is.na(e$a)
	if( is.null( b.default ) ){
		e$a[b.not.set] <- runif(sum(b.not.set),b.lower,b.upper)
	} else {
		e$a[b.not.set] <- b.default

	v <- .vertexAttributes( x, "eps" )
	v$a <- as.double(as.character(v$a))
	v.not.set <- is.na(v$a)
	v$a[v.not.set] <- eps

	ovars <- names(x)
	lats <- c()
	nV <- length(ovars)
	nL <- sum(e$e=="<->")
	if( nrow(e) > 0 ){
		vars <- paste0("v",ovars)
		if( nL > 0 ){
			lats <- paste0("l",seq_len(nL))
		} else {
			lats <- c()
		Beta <- matrix( 0, nrow=nV+nL, ncol=nV+nL )
		rownames(Beta) <- colnames(Beta) <- c(vars,lats)
		cL <- 1
		for( i in seq_len( nrow(e) ) ){
			b <- e$a[i]
			if( e$e[i] == "<->" ){
				lV <- paste0("l",cL) 
				lb <- sqrt(abs(b))
				Beta[lV,paste0("v",e$v[i])] <- lb
				if( b < 0 ){
					Beta[lV,paste0("v",e$w[i])] <- -lb
				} else {
					Beta[lV,paste0("v",e$w[i])] <- lb
				cL <- cL + 1
			} else if( e$e[i] == "->" ){
				Beta[paste0("v",e$v[i]),paste0("v",e$w[i])] <- b
		L <- (diag( 1, nV+nL ) - Beta)
		Li <- MASS::ginv( L )
		if( standardized == TRUE ){
			Phi <- MASS::ginv( t(Li)^2 ) %*% rep(eps,nrow(Beta))
			Phi <- diag( c(Phi), nV+nL )
		} else {
			veps <- rep( eps, nV+nL )
			veps[1:nV] <- v$a[match(ovars,v$v)]
			Phi <- diag( veps, nV+nL )
		Sigma <- t(Li) %*% Phi %*% Li
	} else {
		if( standardized == TRUE ){
			Sigma <- diag(eps,nV+nL)
		} else {
			veps <- rep( eps, nV+nL )
			veps[1:nV] <- v$a[match(ovars,v$v)]
			Sigma <- diag( veps, nV+nL )
	if( verbose ){
		SigmaC <- Sigma
		colnames( SigmaC ) <- rownames( SigmaC ) <- c(ovars,lats)
		print( veps )
		print( SigmaC )
	r <- MASS::mvrnorm( N, rep(0,nV+nL), Sigma, empirical=empirical )[,1:nV,drop=FALSE]
	colnames(r) <- ovars
	r <- as.data.frame(r)

#' Simulate Binary Data from DAG Structure
#' Interprets input DAG as a structural description of a logistic
#' model in which each variable is binary and its log-odds ratio is 
#' a linear combination of its parent values.
#' @param x the input graph, a DAG (which may contain bidirected edges).
#' @param N number of samples to generate.
#' @param b.lower lower bound for random path coefficients, applied if \code{b.default=NULL}.
#' @param b.upper upper bound for path coefficients.
#' @param b.default default path coefficient applied to arrows for which no coefficient is 
#'  defined in the model syntax.
#' @param eps base log-odds ratio.
#' @param verbose logical. If true, prints the order in which the data are generated (which
#'  should be a topological order).
#' @export
simulateLogistic <- function( x, b.default=NULL, 
	b.lower=-.6, b.upper=.6, eps=0, N=500,
	verbose=FALSE ){
	.supportsTypes( x, c("dag") )
	x <- as.dagitty( x )
	e <- .edgeAttributes( x, "beta" )
	e$a <- as.double(as.character(e$a))
	b.not.set <- is.na(e$a)
	if( is.null( b.default ) ){
		e$a[b.not.set] <- runif(sum(b.not.set),b.lower,b.upper)
	} else {
		e$a[b.not.set] <- b.default
	ovars <- names(x)
	nV <- length(ovars)
	nL <- sum(e$e=="<->")
	lats <- c()
	vars <- paste0("v",ovars)
	if( nrow(e) > 0 ){
		if( nL > 0 ){
			lats <- paste0("l",seq_len(nL))
		Beta <- matrix( 0, nrow=nV+nL, ncol=nV+nL )
		rownames(Beta) <- colnames(Beta) <- c(vars,lats)
		cL <- 1
		for( i in seq_len( nrow(e) ) ){
			b <- e$a[i]
			if( e$e[i] == "<->" ){
				lV <- paste0("l",cL) 
				lb <- sqrt(abs(b))
				Beta[lV,paste0("v",e$v[i])] <- lb
				if( b < 0 ){
					Beta[lV,paste0("v",e$w[i])] <- -lb
				} else {
					Beta[lV,paste0("v",e$w[i])] <- lb
				cL <- cL + 1
			} else if( e$e[i] == "->" ){
				Beta[paste0("v",e$v[i]),paste0("v",e$w[i])] <- b
	} else {
		Beta <- diag(1,nV)
		colnames(Beta) <- vars
	if( verbose ){
	rootNodes <- which( Beta != 0 )
	r <- matrix( 0, ncol=ncol(Beta), nrow=N )
	colnames(r) <- colnames(Beta)
	roots <- !(colnames(Beta) %in% paste0("v",unique(e$w)))

	for( i in colnames(Beta)[roots] ){
		if( verbose ){
		r[,i] <- 2*rbinom( N, 1, .odds2p(eps) )-1
	tord <- unlist(topologicalOrdering( x )[ovars])
	if( verbose ){
		print("topological ordering: ")
	for( i in which(!roots)[order(tord[!roots])] ){
		cn <- colnames(Beta)[i]
		if( verbose ){
		p <- .odds2p( r %*% Beta[,i] )
		r[,cn] <- 2*rbinom( N, 1, p )-1
	r <- r[,seq(1,nV),drop=FALSE]
	colnames(r) <- ovars
	r <- as.data.frame(r)
	r <- r[,setdiff(ovars,latents(x)),drop=FALSE]
	r[] <- lapply(r,function(x) factor(x,levels=c(-1,1)))

#' Implied Covariance Matrix of a Gaussian Graphical Model
#' @inheritParams simulateSEM
#' @export
impliedCovarianceMatrix <- function( x, b.default=NULL, b.lower=-.6, b.upper=.6, eps=1, standardized=TRUE ){
	if( !requireNamespace( "MASS", quietly=TRUE ) ){
		stop("This function requires the 'MASS' package!")
	.supportsTypes( x, "dag" )
	x <- as.dagitty( x )
	e <- .edgeAttributes( x, "beta" )
	e$a <- as.double(as.character(e$a))
	b.not.set <- is.na(e$a)
	if( is.null( b.default ) ){
		e$a[b.not.set] <- runif(sum(b.not.set),b.lower,b.upper)
	} else {
		e$a[b.not.set] <- b.default
	ovars <- names(x)
	nV <- length(ovars)
	nL <- sum(e$e=="<->")
	if( nrow(e) > 0 ){
		vars <- paste0("v",ovars)
		if( nL > 0 ){
			lats <- paste0("l",seq_len(nL))
		} else {
			lats <- c()
		Beta <- matrix( 0, nrow=nV+nL, ncol=nV+nL )
		rownames(Beta) <- colnames(Beta) <- c(vars,lats)
		cL <- 1
		for( i in seq_len( nrow(e) ) ){
			b <- e$a[i]
			if( e$e[i] == "<->" ){
				lV <- paste0("l",cL) 
				lb <- sqrt(abs(b))
				Beta[lV,paste0("v",e$v[i])] <- lb
				if( b < 0 ){
					Beta[lV,paste0("v",e$w[i])] <- -lb
				} else {
					Beta[lV,paste0("v",e$w[i])] <- lb
				cL <- cL + 1
			} else if( e$e[i] == "->" ){
				Beta[paste0("v",e$v[i]),paste0("v",e$w[i])] <- b
		L <- (diag( 1, nV+nL ) - Beta)
		Li <- MASS::ginv( L )
		if( standardized == TRUE ){
			Phi <- MASS::ginv( t(Li)^2 ) %*% rep(eps,nrow(Beta))
			Phi <- diag( c(Phi), nV+nL )
		} else {
			Phi <- diag( eps, nV+nL )
		Sigma <- t(Li) %*% Phi %*% Li
	} else {
		Sigma <- diag(1,nV+nL)
	Sigma <- Sigma[1:nV,1:nV]
	colnames( Sigma ) <- rownames( Sigma ) <- ovars

#' Ancestral Relations
#' Retrieve the names of all variables in a given graph that are in the specified 
#' ancestral relationship to the input variable \code{v}.
#' @param x the input graph, of any type.
#' @param v name(s) of variable(s).
#' \code{descendants(x,v)} retrieves variables that are are reachable from \code{v} via 
#' a directed path.
#' \code{ancestors(x,v)} retrieves variables from which \code{v} is reachable via a 
#' directed path.
#' \code{children(x,v)} finds all variables \code{w} connected to \code{v} 
#' by an edge \eqn{v} -> \eqn{w}.
#' \code{parents(x,v)} finds all variables \code{w} connected to \code{v} 
#' by an edge \eqn{w} -> \eqn{v}.
#' \code{markovBlanket(x,v}) returns \code{x}'s parents, its children, and all other
#' parents of its children. The Markov blanket always renders \code{x} independent
#' of all other nodes in the graph.
#' By convention, \code{descendants(x,v)} and \code{ancestors(x,v)} include 
#' \code{v} but \code{children(x,v)} and \code{parents(x,v)} do not. 
#' @name AncestralRelations
#' @examples
#' g <- dagitty("graph{ a <-> x -> b ; c -- x <- d }")
#' descendants(g,"x")
#' parents(g,"x")
#' spouses(g,"x") 

#' @rdname AncestralRelations
#' @export
descendants <- function( x, v ){
	.kins( x, v, "descendants" )

#' @rdname AncestralRelations
#' @export
ancestors <- function( x, v ){
	.kins( x, v, "ancestors" )

#' @rdname AncestralRelations
#' @export
children <- function( x, v ){
	.kins( x, v, "children" )

#' @rdname AncestralRelations
#' @export
parents <- function( x, v ){
	.kins( x, v, "parents" )

#' @rdname AncestralRelations
#' @export
neighbours <- function( x, v ){
	.kins( x, v, "neighbours" )

#' @rdname AncestralRelations
#' @export
spouses <- function( x, v ){
	.kins( x, v, "spouses" )

#' @rdname AncestralRelations
#' @export
adjacentNodes <- function( x, v ){
	.kins( x, v, "adjacentNodes" )

#' @rdname AncestralRelations
#' @export
markovBlanket <- function( x, v ){
	setdiff( union( union( parents( x, v ), children( x, v ) ),
        	parents( x, children( x, v ) ) ), v )

#' Orient Edges in PDAG.
#' Orients as many edges as possible in a  partially directed acyclic graph (PDAG)
#'  by converting induced subgraphs
#' X -> Y -- Z to X -> Y -> Z.
#' @param x the input graph, a PDAG.
#' @examples
#' orientPDAG( "pdag { x -> y -- z }" )
#' @export
orientPDAG <- function( x ){
	.supportsTypes( x, "pdag" )
	.graphTransformer( x, "cgToRcg" )

#' Convert DAG to MAG.
#' Given a DAG, possibly with latent variables, construct a MAG that represents its
#' marginal independence model.
#' @param x the input graph, a DAG
#' @examples
#' toMAG( "dag { ParentalSmoking->Smoking 
#'   { Profession [latent] } -> {Income->Smoking}
#'   Genotype -> {Smoking->LungCancer} }")
#' @export
toMAG <- function( x ){
	.supportsTypes( x, "dag" )
	.graphTransformer( x, "dagToMag" )

#' Generating Equivalent Models
#' \code{equivalenceClass(x)} generates a complete partially directed acyclic graph 
#' (CPDAG) from an input DAG \code{x}. The CPDAG represents all graphs that are Markov 
#' equivalent to \code{x}: undirected
#' edges in the CPDAG can be oriented either way, as long as this does not create a cycle
#' or a new v-structure (a sugraph a -> m <- b, where a and b are not adjacent).
#' \code{equivalentDAGs(x,n)} enumerates at most \code{n} DAGs that are Markov equivalent
#' to \code{x}.
#' @param x the input graph, a DAG.
#' @param n maximal number of returned graphs.
#' @name EquivalentModels
#' @examples
#' # How many equivalent DAGs are there for the sports DAG example?
#' g <- getExample("Shrier")
#' length(equivalentDAGs(g))
#' # Plot all equivalent DAGs
#' par( mfrow=c(2,3) )
#' lapply( equivalentDAGs(g), plot )
#' # How many edges can be reversed without changing the equivalence class?
#' sum(edges(equivalenceClass(g))$e == "--")

#' @rdname EquivalentModels
#' @export
equivalenceClass <- function( x ){
	x <- as.dagitty( x )
	.supportsTypes( x, "dag" )
	.graphTransformer( x, "dagToCpdag" )

#' @rdname EquivalentModels
#' @export
equivalentDAGs <- function( x, n=100 ){
	x <- as.dagitty(x)
	.supportsTypes( x, "dag" )
	xv <- .getJSVar()
	r <- NULL
		.jsassigngraph( xv, x )
		.jsassign( xv, .jsp("_.map(GraphTransformer.markovEquivalentDags(global.",
			xv,",",n,"),function(x){return x.toString()})") )
		r <- .jsget( xv )
	error=function(e) stop(e),
	lapply( r, dagitty )

#' Moral Graph
#' Graph obtained from \code{x} by (1) \dQuote{marrying} (inserting an undirected
#' ede between) all nodes that have common children, and then replacing all edges
#' by undirected edges. If \code{x} contains bidirected edges, then all sets of 
#' nodes connected by a path containing only bidirected edges are treated like a 
#' single node (see Examples).
#' @param x the input graph, a DAG, MAG, or PDAG.
#' @examples
#' # returns a complete graph
#' moralize( "dag{ x->m<-y }" )
#' # also returns a complete graph
#' moralize( "dag{ x -> m1 <-> m2 <-> m3 <-> m4 <- y }" )
#' @export
moralize <- function( x ){
	x <- as.dagitty( x )
	.supportsTypes( x, c("dag","mag","pdag") )
	.graphTransformer( x, "moralGraph" )

#' Extract Structural Part from Structural Equation Model
#' Removes all observed variables from the input graph.
#' @param x the input graph, a DAG.
#' @details Assumes that x is a graph where there are edges between 
#' the latent variables, between the observed variables, and 
#' from latent to observed variables, but no edge between
#' a latent L and an observed X may have an arrowhead at L.
#' @export
structuralPart <- function( x ){
	x <- as.dagitty( x )
	.supportsTypes( x, c("dag","digraph") )
	.graphTransformer( x, "structuralPart" )

#' Extract Measurement Part from Structural Equation Model
#' Removes all edges between latent variables, then removes any
#' latent variables without adjacent edges, then returns the graph.
#' @param x the input graph, a DAG.
#' @details Assumes that x is a graph where there are edges between 
#' the latent variables, between the observed variables, and 
#' from latent to observed variables, but no edge between
#' a latent L and an observed X may have an arrowhead at L.
#' @export
measurementPart <- function( x ){
	x <- as.dagitty( x )
	.supportsTypes( x, c("dag","digraph") )
	.graphTransformer( x, "measurementPart" )

#' Back-Door Graph
#' Removes every first edge on a proper causal path from \code{x}.
#' If \code{x} is a MAG or PAG, then only \dQuote{visible} directed
#' edges are removed (Zhang, 2008).
#' @param x the input graph, a DAG, MAG, PDAG, or PAG.
#' @references
#' J. Zhang (2008), Causal Reasoning with Ancestral Graphs. 
#' \emph{Journal of Machine Learning Research} 9: 1437-1474.
#' @examples
#' g <- dagitty( "dag { x <-> m <-> y <- x }" )
#' backDoorGraph( g ) # x->y edge is removed
#' g <- dagitty( "mag { x <-> m <-> y <- x }" )
#' backDoorGraph( g ) # x->y edge is not removed
#' g <- dagitty( "mag { x <-> m <-> y <- x <- i }" )
#' backDoorGraph( g ) # x->y edge is removed
#' @export
backDoorGraph <- function( x ){
	x <- as.dagitty(x)
	.supportsTypes( x, c("dag","mag","pdag","pag") )
	.graphTransformer( x, "backDoorGraph" )

#' Ancestor Graph
#' Creates the induced subgraph containing only the vertices
#' in \code{v}, their ancestors, and the edges between them. All
#' other vertices and edges are discarded.
#' @param x the input graph, a DAG, MAG, or PDAG.
#' @param v variable names.
#' @details If the input graph is a MAG or PDAG, then all *possible* ancestors
#' will be returned (see Examples).
#' @examples
#' g <- dagitty("dag{ z <- x -> y }")
#' ancestorGraph( g, "z" )
#' g <- dagitty("pdag{ z -- x -> y }")
#' ancestorGraph( g, "y" ) # includes z
#' @export
ancestorGraph <- function( x, v=NULL ){
	x <- as.dagitty(x)
	.supportsTypes( x, c("dag","mag","pdag") )
	if( is.null(v) ){
		v <- c(exposures(x),outcomes(x),adjustedNodes(x))
	} else {
		.checkAllNames( x, v )
		v <- as.list(v)
	xv <- .getJSVar()
	xv2 <- .getJSVar()
	r <- NULL
		.jsassigngraph( xv, x )
		.jsassign( xv2, v )
		.jsassign( xv2, .jsp("DagittyR.getVertices(global.",xv,",global.",xv2,")") )
		.jsassign( xv, .jsp("GraphTransformer.ancestorGraph(global.",xv,",global.",xv2,")") )
		r <- .jsgetgraph( xv )
	error=function(e) stop(e),

#' Variable Statuses
#' Get or set variables with a given status in a graph. Variables in dagitty graphs can
#' have one of several statuses. Variables with status \emph{exposure} and 
#' \emph{outcome} are important when determining causal effects via the functions 
#' \code{\link{adjustmentSets}} and \code{\link{instrumentalVariables}}. Variables
#' with status \emph{latent} are assumed 
#' to be unobserved variables or latent constructs, which is respected when deriving
#' testable implications of a graph via the functions 
#' \code{\link{impliedConditionalIndependencies}} or \code{\link{vanishingTetrads}}.
#' \code{setVariableStatus} first removes the given status from all variables in the graph
#' that had it, and then sets it on the given variables.
#' For instance, if  \code{status="exposure"}  and \code{value="X"} are given, then
#' \code{X} will be the only exposure in the resulting graph.
#' @param x the input graph, of any type.
#' @param value character vector; names of variables to receive the given status.
#' @param status character, one of "exposure", "outcome" or "latent".
#' @name VariableStatus
#' @examples
#' g <- dagitty("dag{ x<->m<->y<-x }") # m-bias graph
#' exposures(g) <- "x"
#' outcomes(g) <- "y"
#' adjustmentSets(g)

#' @rdname VariableStatus
#' @export
exposures <- function( x ){
	.nodesWithProperty( x, "source" )
#' @rdname VariableStatus
#' @export
'exposures<-' <- function( x, value ){
	setVariableStatus(x, "exposure", value )

#' @rdname VariableStatus
#' @export
outcomes <- function( x ){
	.nodesWithProperty( x, "target" )
#' @rdname VariableStatus
#' @export
'outcomes<-' <- function( x, value ){
	setVariableStatus(x, "outcome", value )

#' @rdname VariableStatus
#' @export
latents <- function( x ){
	.nodesWithProperty( x, "latentNode" )
#' @rdname VariableStatus
#' @export
'latents<-' <- function( x, value ){
	setVariableStatus(x, "latent", value )

#' @rdname VariableStatus
#' @export
adjustedNodes <- function( x ){
	.nodesWithProperty( x, "adjustedNode" )
#' @rdname VariableStatus
#' @export
'adjustedNodes<-' <- function( x, value ){
	setVariableStatus(x, "adjustedNode", value )

#' @rdname VariableStatus
#' @export
setVariableStatus <- function( x, status, value ) {
	allowed.statuses <-  c("exposure","outcome","latent","adjustedNode")
	if( !(status %in% allowed.statuses) ){
		stop( "Status must be one of: ", paste(allowed.statuses,collapse=", ") )
	.checkAllNames( x, value )
	xv <- .getJSVar()
	vv <- .getJSVar()
		.jsassign( xv, as.character(x) )
		.jsassign( xv, .jsp("GraphParser.parseGuess(global.",xv,")") )
		if( status == "exposure" ){
			jsstatname <- "Source"
		} else if (status == "outcome" ){
			jsstatname <- "Target"
		} else if (status == "latent" ){
			jsstatname <- "LatentNode"
		} else if (status == "adjustedNode" ){
			jsstatname <- "AdjustedNode"
		.jseval( paste0( "global.",xv,".removeAll",jsstatname,"s()" ) )
		for( n in value ){
			.jsassign( vv, n )
			.jseval( paste0( "global.",xv,".add",jsstatname,"(global.",vv,")" ) )
		r <- .jsget( paste0( xv,".toString()" ) )

#' Names of Variables in Graph
#' Extracts the variable names from an input graph. Useful for iterating
#' over all variables.
#' @param x the input graph, of any type.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## A "DAG" with Romanian and Swedish variable names. These can be
#' ## input using quotes to overcome the limitations on unquoted identifiers.
#' g <- dagitty( 'digraph {
#'   "coração" [pos="0.297,0.502"]
#'   "hjärta" [pos="0.482,0.387"]
#'   "coração" -> "hjärta"
#' }' )
#' names( g )
names.dagitty <- function( x ){
	ct <- .getJSContext()
	xv <- .getJSVar()
		.jsassigngraph( xv, x )
		.jsassign( xv, .jsp("global.",xv,".vertices.keys()") )
		r <- .jsget(xv)},

#' Retrieve Exogenous Variables 
#' Returns the names of all variables that have no directed arrow pointing to them.
#' Note that this does not preclude variables connected to bidirected arrows.
#' @param x the input graph, of any type.
#' @export
exogenousVariables <- function( x ){
	x <- as.dagitty( x )
	e <- edges( x )
	setdiff( names(x), as.character( e$w[e$e=="->"] ) )

#' Plot Coordinates of Variables in Graph
#' The DAGitty syntax allows specification of plot coordinates for each variable in a 
#' graph. This function extracts these plot coordinates from the graph description in a
#' \code{dagitty} object. Note that the coordinate system is undefined, typically one 
#' needs to compute the bounding box before plotting the graph.
#' @param x the input graph, of any type.
#' @param value a list with components \code{x} and \code{y}, 
#' giving relative coordinates for each variable. This format is suitable 
#' for \code{\link{xy.coords}}.
#' @examples
#' ## Plot localization of each node in the Shrier example
#' plot( coordinates( getExample("Shrier") ) )
#' ## Define a graph and set coordinates afterwards
#' x <- dagitty('dag{
#'     G <-> H <-> I <-> G
#'     D <- B -> C -> I <- F <- B <- A
#'     H <- E <- C -> G <- D
#' }')
#' coordinates( x ) <-
#'     list( x=c(A=1, B=2, D=3, C=3, F=3, E=4, G=5, H=5, I=5),
#'         y=c(A=0, B=0, D=1, C=0, F=-1, E=0, G=1, H=0, I=-1) )
#' plot( x )
#' @seealso
#' Function \link{graphLayout} for automtically generating layout coordinates, and function
#' \link{plot.dagitty} for plotting graphs.
#' @export
coordinates <- function( x ){
	ct <- .getJSContext()
	xv <- .getJSVar()
	yv <- .getJSVar()
		.jsassigngraph( xv, x )
		.jsassign( xv, .jsp("global.",xv,".getVertices()") )
		.jsassign( yv, .jsp("_.pluck(global.",xv,",'id')") )
		labels <- .jsget(yv)
		.jsassign( yv, .jsp("_.pluck(global.",xv,",'layout_pos_x')") )
		rx <- .jsget(yv)
		.jsassign( yv, .jsp("_.pluck(global.",xv,",'layout_pos_y')") )
		ry <- .jsget(yv)},
	names(rx) <- labels
	names(ry) <- labels
	list( x=rx, y=ry ) 

#' @rdname coordinates
#' @export
'coordinates<-' <- function( x, value ){
	xv <- .getJSVar()
	xv2 <- .getJSVar()
		.jsassigngraph( xv, x )
		if( is.null( value ) ){
			for( n in names(x) ){
				.jsassign( xv2, as.character(n) )
				.jseval(.jsp("delete global.",xv,".vertices.get(",xv2,
				.jseval(.jsp("delete global.",xv,".vertices.get(",xv2,
		} else {
			for( n in intersect( names(value$x), names(x) ) ){
				.jsassign( xv2, as.character(n) )
		.jsassign( xv, .jsp("global.",xv,".toString()") )
		r <- .jsget( xv )
	error=function(e) stop(e),

#' Canonicalize an Ancestral Graph
#' Takes an input ancestral graph (a graph with directed, bidirected and undirected
#' edges) and converts it to a DAG by replacing every bidirected edge x <-> y with a 
#' substructure x <- L -> y, where L is a latent variable, and every undirected edge
#' x -- y with a substructure x -> S <- y, where S is a selection variable. This function
#' does not check whether the input is actually an ancestral graph.
#' @param x the input graph, a DAG or MAG.
#' @return A list containing the following components:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{g}{The resulting graph.}
#'  \item{L}{Names of newly inserted latent variables.}
#'  \item{S}{Names of newly inserted selection variables.}
#' } 
#' @examples
#' canonicalize("mag{x<->y--z}") # introduces two new variables
#' @export
canonicalize <- function( x ){
	x <- as.dagitty(x)
	xv <- .getJSVar()
	xv2 <- .getJSVar()
	r <- NULL
		.jsassigngraph( xv, x )
		.jsassign( xv, .jsp("GraphTransformer.canonicalDag(global.",xv,")") )
		.jsassign( xv2, .jsp("global.",xv,".g.toString()") )
		g <- .jsget( xv2 )
		.jsassign( xv2, .jsp("_.pluck(",xv,".L,'id')") )
		L <- .jsget( xv2 )
		.jsassign( xv2, .jsp("_.pluck(",xv,".S,'id')") )
		S <- .jsget( xv2 )	
		r <- list( g=structure(g,class="dagitty"), L=L, S=S )
	error=function(e) stop(e),

#' Graph Edges
#' Extracts edge information from the input graph. 
#' @param x the input graph, of any type.
#' @return a data frame with the following variables:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{v}{ name of the start node.}
#'  \item{w}{ name of the end node. For symmetric edges (bidirected and undirected), the
#'  order of start and end node is arbitrary.}
#'  \item{e}{ type of edge. Can be one of \code{"->"}, \code{"<->"} and \code{"--"}.}
#'  \item{x}{ X coordinate for a control point. If this is not \code{NA}, then the edge
#'  is drawn as an \code{\link{xspline}} through the start point, this control point, 
#'  and the end point. This is especially important for cases where there is more than
#'  one edge between two variables (for instance, both a directed and a bidirected edge).}
#'  \item{y}{ Y coordinate for a control point.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' ## Which kinds of edges are used in the Shrier example?
#' levels( edges( getExample("Shrier") )$e )
#' @export 
edges <- function( x ){
	x <- as.dagitty( x )
	xv <- .getJSVar()
		.jsassigngraph( xv, x )
		.jsassign( xv, .jsp("DagittyR.edge2r(global.",xv,")") )
		r <- .jsget(xv)
	}, finally={.deleteJSVar(xv)})

#' Test for Graph Class
#' A function to check whether an object has class \code{dagitty}.
#' @param x object to be tested.
#' @export
is.dagitty <- function(x) inherits(x,"dagitty")

#' Generate Graph Layout
#' This function generates plot coordinates for each variable in a graph that does not
#' have them already. To this end, the well-known \dQuote{Spring} layout algorithm is
#' used. Note that this is a stochastic algorithm, so the generated layout will be 
#' different every time (which also means that you can try several times until you find
#' a decent layout).
#' @param x the input graph, of any type.
#' @param method the layout method; currently, only \code{"spring"} is supported.
#' @return the same graph as \code{x} but with layout coordinates added. 
#' @examples
#' ## Generate a layout for the M-bias graph and plot it
#' plot( graphLayout( dagitty( "dag { X <- U1 -> M <- U2 -> Y } " ) ) )
#' ## Plot larger graph and abbreviate its variable names.
#' plot( getExample("Shrier"), abbreviate.names=TRUE )
#' @export
graphLayout <- function( x, method="spring" ){
	x <- as.dagitty( x )
	if( !(method %in% c("spring")) ){
		stop("Layout method ",method," not supported!")
	xv <- .getJSVar()
		.jsassigngraph( xv, x )
		.jseval( paste0("(new GraphLayouter.Spring(global.",xv,")).layout()") )
		.jsassign( xv, .jsp("global.",xv,".toString()") )
		r <- .jsget(xv)
	}, finally={.deleteJSVar(xv)})
	structure( r, class="dagitty" )

#' Plot Graph
#' A simple plot method to quickly visualize a graph. This is intended mainly for 
#' simple visualization purposes and not as a full-fledged graph drawing
#' function.
#' @param x the input graph, a DAG, MAG, or PDAG.
#' @param abbreviate.names logical. Whether to abbreviate variable names.
#' @param show.coefficients logical. Whether to plot coefficients defined in the graph syntax
#'  on the edges.
#' @param adjust.coefficients numerical. Adjustment for coefficient labels; the distance between 
#'  the edge labels and the midpoint of the edge can be controlled using this paramer. 
#'  Can also be a vector of 2 numbers for separate horizontal and vertical adjustment. NA means
#'  no adjustment (default).
#' @param ... not used.
#' @export
plot.dagitty <- function( x,
	... ){
	parms <- list(...)	
	x <- as.dagitty( x )
	coords <- coordinates( x )
        if( any( !is.finite( coords$x ) | !is.finite( coords$y ) ) ){
			message("Plot coordinates for graph not supplied! Generating coordinates, see ?coordinates for how to set your own.")
			x <- graphLayout(x)
			coords <- coordinates(x)
	if( abbreviate.names ){
		labels <- abbreviate(names(coords$x))
	} else {
		labels <- names(coords$x)
	omar <- par("mar")
	wx <- sapply( paste0("mm",labels), 
		function(s) strwidth(s,units="inches") )
	wy <- sapply( paste0("\n",labels), 
		function(s) strheight(s,units="inches") )
	ppi.x <- dev.size("in")[1] / (max(coords$x)-min(coords$x))
	ppi.y <- dev.size("in")[2] / (max(coords$y)-min(coords$y))
	wx <- wx/ppi.x
	wy <- wy/ppi.y
	if( 'xlim' %in% names(parms) ){
		xlim <- parms$xlim
	} else {
		xlim <- c(min(coords$x-wx/2),max(coords$x+wx/2))

	if( 'ylim' %in% names(parms) ){
		ylim <- parms$ylim
	} else {
		ylim <- c(-max(coords$y+wy/2),-min(coords$y-wy/2))

	plot( NA, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xlab="", ylab="", bty="n",
		xaxt="n", yaxt="n" )
	wx <- sapply( labels, 
		function(s) strwidth(paste0("xx",s)) )
	wy <- sapply( labels,
		function(s) strheight(paste0("\n",s)) )
	asp <- par("pin")[1]/diff(par("usr")[1:2]) /
	ex <- edges(x)
	if( show.coefficients ){
		ea <- .edgeAttributes(x,"beta")
		ex <- merge( ex, ea )
	ax1 <- rep(0,nrow(ex))
	ax2 <- rep(0,nrow(ex))
	ay1 <- rep(0,nrow(ex))
	ay2 <- rep(0,nrow(ex))
	axc <- rep(0,nrow(ex))
	ayc <- rep(0,nrow(ex))
	acode <- rep(2,nrow(ex))
	has.control.point <- rep(FALSE,nrow(ex))
	for( i in seq_len(nrow(ex)) ){
		if( ex[i,3] == "<->" ){
			acode[i] <- 3
			has.control.point[i] <- TRUE
		if( ex[i,3] == "--" ){
			acode[i] <- 0
		l1 <- as.character(ex[i,1]); l2 <- as.character(ex[i,2])
		x1 <- coords$x[l1]; y1 <- coords$y[l1]
		x2 <- coords$x[l2]; y2 <- coords$y[l2]
		if( is.na( ex[i,4] ) || is.na( ex[i,5] ) ){
			cp <- .autoControlPoint( x1, y1, x2, y2, asp,
				.2*as.integer( acode[i]==3 ) )
		} else {
			cp <- list(x=ex[i,4],y=ex[i,5])
			has.control.point[i] <- TRUE
		bi1 <- .lineSegBoxIntersect( x1-wx[l1]/2,y1-wy[l1]/2,
			x1+wx[l1]/2,y1+wy[l1]/2, x1, y1, cp$x, cp$y )
		bi2 <- .lineSegBoxIntersect( x2-wx[l2]/2,y2-wy[l2]/2,
			x2+wx[l2]/2,y2+wy[l2]/2, cp$x, cp$y, x2, y2 )
		if( length(bi1) == 2 ){
			x1 <- bi1$x; y1 <- bi1$y
		if( length(bi2) == 2 ){
			x2 <- bi2$x; y2 <- bi2$y
		ax1[i] <- x1; ax2[i] <- x2
		ay1[i] <- y1; ay2[i] <- y2
		axc[i] <- cp$x; ayc[i] <- cp$y
	directed <- acode==2 & !has.control.point
	undirected <- acode==0 & !has.control.point
	arrows( ax1[directed], -ay1[directed], 
		ax2[directed], -ay2[directed], length=0.1, col="gray" )
	segments( ax1[undirected], -ay1[undirected], 
		ax2[undirected], -ay2[undirected], col="black", lwd=2 )
	ic <- which( has.control.point )
	for( i in ic ){
		.arc( ax1[i], -ay1[i], 
			ax2[i], -ay2[i], axc[i], -ayc[i], 
			code=acode[i], length=0.1, lwd=1+(acode[i]==0) )
	if( show.coefficients ){
		axm <- (ax1+ax2)/2
		aym <- (ay1+ay2)/2
		axm[ic] <- axc[ic]
		aym[ic] <- ayc[ic]
		if( length(adjust.coefficients)==1 ){
			text( axm, -aym, as.character(ex$a), adj=adjust.coefficients*c(sign(ax1-ax2),sign(ay1-ay2)) )
		} else if( length(adjust.coefficients)==2 ){
			text( axm, -aym, as.character(ex$a), adj=adjust.coefficients )		
	text( coords$x, -coords$y, labels )

#' Covariate Adjustment Sets
#' Enumerates sets of covariates that (asymptotically) allow unbiased estimation of causal
#' effects from observational data, assuming that the input causal graph is correct.  
#' @param x the input graph, a DAG, MAG, PDAG, or PAG.
#' @param exposure name(s) of the exposure variable(s). If not given (default), then the 
#'  exposure variables are supposed to be defined in the graph itself.
#' @param outcome name(s) of the outcome variable(s), also taken from the graph if 
#' not given.
#' @param effect which effect is to be identified. If \code{effect="total"}, then the
#' total effect is to be identified, and the adjustment criterion by Perkovic et 
#' al (2015; see also van der Zander et al., 2014), 
#' an extension of Pearl's back-door criterion, is used. Otherwise, if 
#' \code{effect="direct"}, then the average direct effect is to be identified, and Pearl's
#' single-door criterion is used (Pearl, 2009). In a structural equation model (Gaussian
#' graphical model), direct effects are simply the path coefficients.
#' @param type which type of adjustment set(s) to compute. If \code{type="minimal"},
#' then only minimal sufficient adjustment sets are returned (default). For 
#' \code{type="all"}, all valid adjustment sets are returned. For \code{type="canonical"},
#' a single adjustment set is returned that consists of all (possible) ancestors
#' of exposures and outcomes, minus (possible) descendants of nodes on proper causal
#' paths. This canonical adjustment set is always valid if any valid set exists
#' at all.
#' @param max.results integer. The listing of adjustment set is stopped once
#' this many results have been found. Use \code{Inf} to generate them all. 
#' This only applys when \code{type="minimal"}.
#' @details
#' If the input graph is a MAG or PAG, then it must not contain any undirected
#' edges (=hidden selection variables).
#' @references
#' J. Pearl (2009), Causality: Models, Reasoning and Inference. 
#' Cambridge University Press.
#' B. van der Zander, M. Liskiewicz and J. Textor (2014),
#' Constructing separators and adjustment sets in ancestral graphs.
#' In \emph{Proceedings of UAI 2014.}
#' E. Perkovic, J. Textor, M. Kalisch and M. H. Maathuis (2015), A
#' Complete Generalized Adjustment Criterion. In \emph{Proceedings of UAI
#' 2015.}
#' @examples
#' # The M-bias graph showing that adjustment for 
#' # pre-treatment covariates is not always valid
#' g <- dagitty( "dag{ x -> y ; x <-> m <-> y }" )
#' adjustmentSets( g, "x", "y" ) # empty set
#' # Generate data where true effect (=path coefficient) is .5
#' set.seed( 123 ); d <- simulateSEM( g, .5, .5 )
#' confint( lm( y ~ x, d ) )["x",] # includes .5
#' confint( lm( y ~ x + m, d ) )["x",] # does not include .5
#' # Adjustment sets can also sometimes be computed for graphs in which not all 
#' # edge directions are known
#' g <- dagitty("pdag { x[e] y[o] a -- {i z b}; {a z i} -> x -> y <- {z b} }")
#' adjustmentSets( g )
#' @export
adjustmentSets <- function( x, exposure=NULL, outcome=NULL, 
	type=c("minimal","canonical","all"), effect=c("total","direct"),
	max.results=Inf ){
	effect <- match.arg( effect )
	type <- match.arg( type )

	if( is.null(exposure) ){
		exposure <- exposures(x)
	if( is.null(outcome) ){
		outcome <- outcomes(x)

	if( effect == "direct" && type != "minimal" ){
		stop("Only minimal adjustment sets are supported for direct effects!")
	x <- as.dagitty( x )
	.supportsTypes( x, c("dag","mag","pdag","pag") )
	.checkAllNames( x, c(exposure, outcome) )
	if( length(exposure) == 0 || length(outcome) == 0 ){
		stop("Both exposure(s) and outcome(s) need to be set!")
	exposures(x) <- exposure
	outcomes(x) <- outcome

	if( type == "minimal" ){
		xv <- .getJSVar()
		command.close <- ")"
		if( is.finite( max.results ) ){
			command.close <- paste(",[],[],",as.integer(max.results),")")
			.jsassigngraph( xv, x )
			if( effect=="direct" ){	
				.jsassign( xv, .jsp("GraphAnalyzer.listMsasDirectEffect(global.",xv,command.close) )
			} else {
				.jsassign( xv, .jsp("GraphAnalyzer.listMsasTotalEffect(global.",xv,command.close) )
			.jsassign( xv, .jsp("DagittyR.adj2r(global.",xv,")"))
			r <- structure( .jsget(xv), class="dagitty.sets" )
	} else if( type == "all" ){
		covariates <- setdiff( names( x ), c( exposure, outcome ) )
		subsets <- (expand.grid( rep( list(0:1),length(covariates)) ))
		r <- lapply( 1:nrow(subsets), function(i){
			Z <- covariates[as.logical(subsets[i,])]
			if( isAdjustmentSet( x, Z ) ){
		    	} else {
		non.r <- which(sapply(r,function(x) isTRUE(is.na(x))))
		if( length(non.r) > 0 ){
			r <- r[-non.r]
		r <- structure(r,class="dagitty.sets")
	} else { # type == "canonical"
		xv <- .getJSVar()
			.jsassigngraph( xv, x )
			.jsassign( xv, .jsp("DagittyR.canonicalAdjustment(global.",xv,")"))
			r <- structure(.jsget(xv),class="dagitty.sets")

#' Adjustment Criterion
#' Test whether a set fulfills the adjustment criterion, that means,
#' it removes all confounding bias when estimating a *total* effect.
#' This is an #' Back-door criterion (Shpitser et al, 2010; van der Zander et al, 
#' 2014; Perkovic et al, 2015) 
#' which is complete in the sense that either a set
#' fulfills this criterion, or it does not remove all confounding bias.
#' @param x the input graph, a DAG, MAG, PDAG, or PAG.
#' @param exposure name(s) of the exposure variable(s). If not given (default), then the 
#'  exposure variables are supposed to be defined in the graph itself.
#' @param outcome name(s) of the outcome variable(s), also taken from the graph if 
#' not given.
#' @param Z vector of variable names.
#' @details
#' If the input graph is a MAG or PAG, then it must not contain any undirected
#' edges (=hidden selection variables).
#' @references
#' E. Perkovic, J. Textor, M. Kalisch and M. H. Maathuis (2015), A
#' Complete Generalized Adjustment Criterion. In \emph{Proceedings of UAI
#' 2015.}
#' I. Shpitser, T. VanderWeele and J. M. Robins (2010), On the
#' validity of covariate adjustment for estimating causal effects. In
#' \emph{Proceedings of UAI 2010.}
#' @export
isAdjustmentSet <- function( x, Z, exposure=NULL, outcome=NULL ){
	x <- as.dagitty( x )
	.supportsTypes( x, c("dag","mag","pdag","pag") )
	xv <- .getJSVar()
	Zv <- .getJSVar()

	if( is.null(exposure) ){
		exposure <- exposures(x)
	if( is.null(outcome) ){
		outcome <- outcomes(x)
	.checkAllNames( x, c(exposure, outcome) )
	if( length(exposure) == 0 || length(outcome) == 0 ){
		stop("Both exposure(s) and outcome(s) need to be set!")
	exposures(x) <- exposure
	outcomes(x) <- outcome

		.jsassigngraph( xv, x )
		.jsassign( Zv, as.list(Z) )
		.jsassign( xv, .jsp("GraphAnalyzer.isAdjustmentSet(",xv,",",Zv,")") )
		r <- .jsget(xv)

#' Test for Cycles
#' Returns \code{TRUE} if the given graph does not contain a directed cycle.
#' @param x the input graph, of any graph type.
#' @details This function will only consider simple directed edges in the
#' given graph.
#' @examples
#' g1 <- dagitty("dag{X -> Y -> Z}")
#' stopifnot( isTRUE(isAcyclic( g1 )) )
#' g2 <- dagitty("dag{X -> Y -> Z -> X}")
#' stopifnot( isTRUE(!isAcyclic( g2 )) )
#' g3 <- dagitty("mag{X -- Y -- Z -- X}")
#' stopifnot( isTRUE(isAcyclic( g3 )) )
#' @export
isAcyclic <- function( x ){
	x <- as.dagitty( x )
	xv <- .getJSVar()
		.jsassigngraph( xv, x )
		.jsassign( xv, .jsp("GraphAnalyzer.containsCycle(",xv,")===false") )
		r <- .jsget(xv)

#' Test for Colliders
#' Returns \code{TRUE} if three given variables form a collider in a given graph.
#' @param x the input graph, a DAG.
#' @param u the first endpoint of the putative collider
#' @param v the midpoint of the putative collider
#' @param w the second endpoint of the putative collider
#' @examples
#' g1 <- dagitty("dag{X -> Y -> Z}")
#' stopifnot( isTRUE(!isCollider( g1, "X", "Y", "Z" )) )
#' g2 <- dagitty("dag{X -> Y <- Z }")
#' stopifnot( isTRUE(isCollider( g2, "X", "Y", "Z" )) )
#' @export
isCollider <- function( x, u, v, w ) {
	x <- as.dagitty( x )
	.supportsTypes( x, c("dag") )
	.checkName( x, v )
	v %in% intersect( children( x, u ), children( x, w ) )

#' List Implied Conditional Independencies
#' Generates a list of conditional independence statements that must hold in every
#' probability distribution compatible with the given model.
#' @param x the input graph, a DAG, MAG, or PDAG.
#' @param type can be one of "missing.edge", "basis.set", or "all.pairs". With the first, one or 
#' more minimal testable implication (with the smallest possible conditioning set)
#' is returned per missing edge of the graph. With "basis.set", one testable
#' implication is returned per vertex of the graph that has non-descendants other than
#' its parents. Basis sets can be smaller, but they involve higher-dimensional independencies,
#' whereas missing edge sets involve only independencies between two variables at a time.
#' With "all.pairs", the function will return a list of all implied conditional independencies
#' between two variables at a time. Beware, because this can be a very long list and it 
#' may not be feasible to compute this except for small graphs.
#' @param max.results integer. The listing of conditional independencies is stopped once
#' this many results have been found. Use \code{Inf} to generate them all. This applies
#' only when \code{type="missing.edge"} or \code{type="all"}.
#' @examples
#' g <- dagitty( "dag{ x -> m -> y }" )
#' impliedConditionalIndependencies( g ) # one
#' latents( g ) <- c("m")
#' impliedConditionalIndependencies( g ) # none
#' @export
impliedConditionalIndependencies <- function( x, type="missing.edge", max.results=Inf ){
	type <- match.arg( type, c("missing.edge","basis.set", "all.pairs") )
	x <- as.dagitty( x )
	.supportsTypes( x, c("dag","mag","pdag") )
	if( type == "all.pairs" ){
		vars <- names( x )
		if( length(vars) < 2 ){
			return( structure( list(), class="dagitty.cis" ) )
		r <- unlist( combn( vars, 2, FUN=function(v){
			covariates <- setdiff( vars, v )
			if( length(covariates) == 0 ){
				if( dseparated( x, v[1], v[2] ) ){
				} else {
			subsets <- expand.grid( rep( list(c(F,T)),length(covariates)) )
			wh <- which( apply( subsets, 1, 
				function( w ) dseparated( x, v[1], v[2], covariates[w] ) ) )
			if( length(wh) > 0 ){
				lapply( wh, function(i) structure(
					list(X=v[1],Y=v[2],Z=unlist(covariates[unlist(subsets[i,])]) ), class="dagitty.ci") )
			} else {
		}, simplify=FALSE), recursive=FALSE)
		return( structure(r, class="dagitty.cis" ) )

	xv <- .getJSVar()
		.jsassign( xv, as.character(x) )
		.jsassign( xv, .jsp("GraphParser.parseGuess(global.",xv,")") )

		if( type == "missing.edge" ){
			if( is.finite( max.results ) ){
				.jsassign( xv,
			} else {
				.jsassign( xv, 
		} else {
			.jsassign( xv, .jsp("GraphAnalyzer.listBasisImplications(global.",xv,")"))
		.jsassign( xv, .jsp("DagittyR.imp2r(global.",xv,")") )
		r  <- structure( lapply( .jsget(xv), 
				function(x) structure(x,class="dagitty.ci") ), class="dagitty.cis" )

#' Find Instrumental Variables
#' Generates a list of instrumental variables that can be used to infer the total effect
#' of an exposure on an outcome in the presence of latent confounding, under linearity
#' assumptions. 
#' @param x the input graph, a DAG.
#' @param exposure name of the exposure variable. If not given (default), then the 
#' exposure variable is supposed to be defined in the graph itself. Only a single
#' exposure variable and a single outcome variable supported.
#' @param outcome name of the outcome variable, also taken from the graph if not given.
#' Only a single outcome variable is supported.
#' @references
#' B. van der Zander, J. Textor and M. Liskiewicz (2015),
#' Efficiently Finding Conditional Instruments for Causal Inference.
#' In \emph{Proceedings of the 24th International Joint Conference on 
#' Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2015)}, pp. 3243-3249. AAAI Press, 2015.
#' @examples
#' # The classic IV model
#' instrumentalVariables( "dag{ i->x->y; x<->y }", "x", "y" )
#' # A conditional instrumental variable
#' instrumentalVariables( "dag{ i->x->y; x<->y ; y<-z->i }", "x", "y" )
#' @export
instrumentalVariables <- function( x, exposure=NULL, outcome=NULL ){
	x <- as.dagitty( x )
	.supportsTypes( x, "dag" )
	.checkAllNames( x, c(exposure, outcome) )
	if( is.null(exposure) ){
		exposure <- exposures(x)
	if( is.null(outcome) ){
		outcome <- outcomes(x)
	if( length(exposure) != 1 || length(outcome) != 1 ){
		stop("Both exposure(s) and outcome(s) need to be set to exactly one variable!")
	exposures(x) <- exposure
	outcomes(x) <- outcome

	xv <- .getJSVar()
		.jsassigngraph( xv, x )
		.jsassign( xv, .jsp("GraphAnalyzer.conditionalInstruments(global.",xv,")") )
		.jsassign( xv, .jsp("DagittyR.iv2r(global.",xv,")") )
		r <- structure( .jsget(xv), class="dagitty.ivs" )
	}, finally={.deleteJSVar(xv)})

#' List Implied Vanishing Tetrads
#' Interpret the given graph as a structural equation model and list all the
#' vanishing tetrads that it implies.
#' @param x the input graph, a DAG.
#' @param type restrict output to one level of Kenny's tetrad typology.
#' Possible values are "within" (homogeneity within constructs; all four
#' variables have the same parents), "between" (homogeneity between constructs;
#' two pairs of variables each sharing one parent) 
#' and "epistemic" (consistency of epistemic correlations; three variables have
#' the same parent). By default, all tetrads are listed.
#' @return a data frame with four columns, where each row of the form
#' i,j,k,l means that the tetrad Cov(i,j)Cov(k,l) - Cov(i,k)Cov(j,l) vanishes
#' (is equal to 0) according to the model.
#' @examples
#' # Specify two-factor model with 4 indicators each
#' g <- dagitty("dag{{x1 x2 x3 x4} <- x <-> y -> {y1 y2 y3 y4}}")
#' latents(g) <- c("x","y")
#' # Check how many tetrads are implied
#' nrow(vanishingTetrads(g))
#' # Check how these distribute across the typology
#' nrow(vanishingTetrads(g,"within"))
#' nrow(vanishingTetrads(g,"between"))
#' nrow(vanishingTetrads(g,"epistemic"))
#' @references
#' Kenny, D. A. (1979), Correlation and Causality. Wiley, New York.
#' @export
vanishingTetrads <- function( x, type=NA ){
	x <- as.dagitty( x )

	xv <- .getJSVar()
		.jsassigngraph( xv, x )
		if( is.character( type ) ){
			.jsassign( xv, .jsp("GraphAnalyzer.vanishingTetrads(global.",
				xv,",undefined,'",type,"')") )
		} else {
			.jsassign( xv, .jsp("GraphAnalyzer.vanishingTetrads(global.",
				xv,")") )
		r <- .jsget(xv)
	}, finally={.deleteJSVar(xv)})


#' Convert Lavaan Model to DAGitty Graph
#' The \code{lavaan} package is a popular package for structural equation 
#' modeling. To provide interoperability with lavaan, this function 
#' converts models specified in lavaan syntax to dagitty graphs.
#' @param x data frame, lavaan parameter table such as returned by 
#' \code{\link[lavaan]{lavaanify}}. Can also be a \code{lavaan} object
#' or a lavaan model string.
#' @param digits number of significant digits to use when representing 
#' path coefficients, if any
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @examples
#' if( require(lavaan) ){
#' mdl <- lavaanify("
#' X ~ C1 + C3
#' M ~ X + C3
#' Y ~ X + M + C3 + C5
#' C1 ~ C2
#' C3 ~ C2 + C4
#' C5 ~ C4
#' C1 ~~ C2 \n C1 ~~ C3 \n C1 ~~ C4 \n C1 ~~ C5
#' C2 ~~ C3 \n C2 ~~ C4 \n C2 ~~ C5
#' C3 ~~ C4 \n C3 ~~ C5",fixed.x=FALSE)
#' plot( lavaanToGraph( mdl ) )
#' }
#' @export
lavaanToGraph <- function( x, digits=3, ... ){
	if( is(x,"lavaan") ){
		x <- lavaan::parTable(x)
	} else if( is.character(x) ) {
		x <- lavaan::lavaanify(lavaan::lavParseModelString(x))
		x$est <- x$ustart
	if( "est" %in% colnames(x) ){
		bt <- function(i){
			paste(" [beta=",signif(x$est[i],digits),"]",sep="")
	} else {
		bt <- function(i){ "" }
	latents <- c()
	arrows <- c()
	for( i in seq_len( nrow(x) ) ){
		if( x$op[i] == "=~" ){
			latents <- union(latents,x$lhs[i])
			arrows <- c(arrows,paste(x$lhs[i]," -> ",x$rhs[i],bt(i)))
		if( x$op[i] == "~" ){
			arrows <- c(arrows,paste(x$lhs[i]," <- ",x$rhs[i],bt(i)))
		if( x$op[i] == "~~" && (x$lhs[i] != x$rhs[i]) ){
			arrows <- c(arrows,paste(x$lhs[i]," <-> ",x$rhs[i],bt(i)))
	if( length(latents) > 0 ){
		latents <- paste(latents,' [latent]',collapse="\n")
	} else {
		latents <- ""
	dagitty( paste("dag { ",latents,"\n",
		paste(arrows,collapse="\n")," } ",collapse="\n") )

#' @export
toString.dagitty <- function( x, format="dagitty", ... ){
	x <- as.dagitty( x )
	format <- match.arg( format, 
		c("dagitty","tikz","lavaan","dagitty.old","bnlearn","singular") )
	r <- NULL
	if( format == "dagitty" ){
		r <- as.character( x )
	} else if( format == "dagitty.old" ){
		xv <- .getJSVar()
			.jsassigngraph( xv, x )
			.jsassign( xv, .jsp("global.",xv,".oldToString()") )
			r <- as.character( .jsget(xv) )
		}, error=function(e){
			stop( e )
	} else if( format %in% c("lavaan","tikz","bnlearn","singular") ){
		xv <- .getJSVar()
			.jsassign( xv, as.character(x) )
			.jsassign( xv, .jsp("GraphSerializer.to",
				toupper(substring(format, 1,1)), substring(format, 2),
				"(GraphParser.parseGuess(global.",xv,"))") )
			r <- as.character( .jsget(xv) )
		}, error=function(e){
			stop( e )

#' Parse DAGitty Graph
#' Constructs a \code{dagitty} graph object from a textual description. 
#' @param x character, string describing a graphical model in dagitty syntax.
#' @param layout logical, whether to automatically generate layout coordinates for each
#' variable (see \code{\link{graphLayout}}) 
#' @details
#' The textual syntax for DAGitty graph is based on the dot language of the 
#' graphviz software (\url{https://graphviz.gitlab.io/_pages/doc/info/lang.html}). This is a
#' fairly intuitive syntax -- use the examples below and in the other functions to
#' get you started. An important difference to graphviz is that the DAGitty language
#' supports several types of graphs, which have different semantics. However, many users
#' will mainly focus on DAGs.
#' A DAGitty graph description has the following form:
#' \code{[graph type] '{' [statements] '}'}
#' where \code{[graph type]} is one of 'dag', 'mag', 'pdag', or 'pag' and \code{[statements]}
#' is a list of variables statements and edge statements, which may (optionally) be
#' separated by semicolons. Whitespace, including newlines, has no semantic role.
#' Variable statments look like
#' \code{[variable id] '[' [properties] ']'}
#' For example, the statement
#' \code{x [exposure,pos="1,0"]}
#' declares a variable with ID x that is an exposure variable and has a layout position
#' of 1,0.
#' The edge statement
#' \code{x -> y}
#' declares a directed edge from variable x to variable y. Explicit variable statements
#' are not required for the variables involved in edge statements, unless attributes 
#' such as position or exposure/outcome status need to be set.
#' DAGs (directed acyclic graphs) can contain the following edges: \code{->}, \code{<->}. 
#' Bidirected edges in DAGs are simply shorthands for substructures \code{<- U ->}, 
#' where U is an unobserved variable.
#' MAGs (maximal ancestral graphs) can contain the following edges: \code{->},
#' \code{<->}, \code{--}. 
#' The bidirected and directed edges of MAGs can represent latent confounders, and 
#' the undirected edges represent latent selection variables. 
#' For details, see Richardson and Spirtes (2002).
#' PDAGs (partially directed acyclic graphs) can contain the following edges: \code{->},
#' \code{<->}, \code{--}. 
#' The bidirected edges mean the same thing as in DAGs. The undirected edges represent
#' edges whose direction is not known. Thus, PDAGs are used to represent equivalence
#' classes of DAGs (see also the function \code{\link{equivalenceClass}}).
#' PAGs (partial ancestral graphs) are to MAGs what PDAGs are to DAGs: they represent
#' equivalence classes of MAGs. MAGs can contain the following edges: \code{@-@}, 
#' \code{->}, \code{@->}, \code{--}, \code{@--}
#' (the @ symbols are written as circle marks in most of the literature). For
#' details on PAGs, see Zhang et al (2008). For now, only a few DAGitty functions
#' support PAGs (for instance, \code{\link{adjustmentSets}}.
#' The DAGitty parser does not perform semantic validation. That is, 
#' it will not check whether a DAG is actually acyclic, or whether all chain components
#' in a PAG are actually chordal. This is not done because it can be computationally
#' rather expensive.
#' @references
#' Richardson, Thomas; Spirtes, Peter (2002), Ancestral graph Markov models.
#' \emph{The Annals of Statistics} 30(4): 962-1030.
#' J. Zhang (2008), Causal Reasoning with Ancestral Graphs. 
#' \emph{Journal of Machine Learning Research} 9: 1437-1474.
#' B. van der Zander and M. Liskiewicz (2016), 
#' Separators and Adjustment Sets in Markov Equivalent DAGs.
#' In \emph{Proceedings of the Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'16)}, 
#' Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
#' @examples
#' # Specify a simple DAG containing one path
#' g <- dagitty("dag{ 
#'   a -> b ;
#'   b -> c ;
#'   d -> c
#'  }")
#' # Newlines and semicolons are optional
#' g <- dagitty("dag{ 
#'   a -> b b -> c c -> d
#'  }")
#' # Paths can be specified in one go; the semicolon below is
#' # optional
#' g <- dagitty("dag{ 
#'   a -> b ->c ; c -> d
#'  }")
#' # Edges can be written in reverse notation
#' g <- dagitty("dag{ 
#'   a -> b -> c <- d
#'  }")
#' # Spaces are optional as well
#' g <- dagitty("dag{a->b->c<-d}")
#' # Variable attributes can be set in square brackets
#' # Example: DAG with one exposure, one outcome, and one unobserved variable
#' g <- dagitty("dag{
#'   x -> y ; x <- z -> y
#'   x [exposure]
#'   y [outcome]
#'   z [unobserved]
#' }") 
#' # The same graph as above
#' g <- dagitty("dag{x[e]y[o]z[u]x<-z->y<-x}")
#' # A two-factor latent variable model
#' g <- dagitty("dag {
#'   X <-> Y
#'   X -> a X -> b X -> c X -> d
#'   Y -> a Y -> b Y -> c Y -> d
#' }")
#' # Curly braces can be used to "group" variables and 
#' # specify edges to whole groups of variables
#' # The same two-factor model
#' g <- dagitty("dag{ {X<->Y} -> {a b c d} }")
#' # A MAG
#' g <- dagitty("mag{ a -- x -> y <-> z }")
#' # A PDAG
#' g <- dagitty("pdag{ x -- y -- z }")
#' # A PAG
#' g <- dagitty("pag{ x @-@ y @-@ z }")  
#' @export
dagitty <- function(x, layout=FALSE){
		stop("Expecting a string to build dagitty graph!")
	xv <- .getJSVar()
		.jsassign( xv, as.character(x) )
		.jsassign( xv, .jsp("GraphParser.parseGuess(global.",xv,").toString()") )
		r <- structure( .jsget(xv), class="dagitty" )
	}, error=function(e){
		stop( e )
	r <- structure( r, class="dagitty" )
	if( layout ){
		r <- graphLayout(r)

#' Load Graph from dagitty.net
#' Downloads a graph that has been built and stored online using the dagitty.net GUI.
#' Users who store graphs online will receive a unique URL for their graph, which
#' can be fed into this function to continue working with the graph in R.
#' @param x dagitty model URL.
#' @export
downloadGraph <- function(x="dagitty.net/mz-Tuw9"){
	if( !requireNamespace( "base64enc", quietly=TRUE ) ){
		stop("This function requires the package 'base64enc'!")
	id <- gsub( "dagitty\\.net\\/m(.*)$", "\\1", x )
	r <- base64enc::base64decode(scan(paste0("http://dagitty.net/dags/load.php?id=",id),"character"))
	if( base64enc::checkUTF8(r) ){
		dagitty( rawToChar( r ) )
	} else {

#' Test Graph against Data
#' Derives testable implications from the given graphical model and tests them against
#' the given dataset.
#' @param x the input graph, a DAG, MAG, or PDAG. Either an input graph or an explicit
#'  list of tests needs to be specified.
#' @param tests list of the precise tests to perform. If not given, the list
#'  of tests is automatically derived from the input graph. Can be used to restrict 
#'  testing to only a certain subset of tests (for instance, to test only those conditional
#'  independencies for which the conditioning set is of a reasonably low dimension, such
#'  as shown in the example). 
#' @param X vector of variable names.
#' @param Y vector of variable names.
#' @param Z vector of variable names.
#' @param data matrix or data frame containing the data.
#' @param sample.cov the sample covariance matrix; ignored if \code{data} is supplied.
#' Either \code{data} or \code{sample.cov} and \code{sample.nobs} must be supplied.
#' @param sample.nobs number of observations; ignored if \code{data} is supplied.
#' @param type character indicating which kind of local
#'  test to perform. Supported values are \code{"cis"} (linear conditional independence),
#'  \code{"cis.loess"} (conditional independence using loess regression), 
#'  \code{"cis.chisq"} (for categorical data, based on the chi-square test),
#'  \code{"tetrads"} and \code{"tetrads.type"}, where "type" is one of the items of the 
#'  tetrad typology, e.g. \code{"tetrads.within"} (see \code{\link{vanishingTetrads}}).
#'  Tetrad testing is only implemented for DAGs.
#' @param R how many bootstrap replicates for estimating confidence
#'   intervals. If \code{NULL}, then confidence intervals are based on normal
#'   approximation. For tetrads, the normal approximation is only valid in 
#'   large samples even if the data are normally distributed.
#' @param tol bound value for tolerated deviation from local test value. By default, we perform
#'    a two-sided test of the hypothesis theta=0. If this parameter is given, the test changes
#'    to abs(theta)=tol versus abs(theta)>tol.
#' @param max.conditioning.variables for conditional independence testing, this 
#'    parameter can be used to perform only those tests where the number of conditioning
#'   variables does not exceed the given value. High-dimensional
#'   conditional independence tests can be very unreliable.
#' @param conf.level determines the size of confidence intervals for test
#'   statistics.
#' @param ... parameters passed on from \code{ciTest} to \code{localTests}
#' @param loess.pars list of parameter to be passed on to  \code{\link[stats]{loess}}
#'   (for \code{type="cis.loess"}), for example the smoothing range.
#' \code{ciTest(X,Y,Z,data)} is a convenience function to test a single conditional independence
#' independently of a DAG.
#' @details Tetrad implications can only be derived if a Gaussian model (i.e., a linear
#' structural equation model) is postulated. Conditional independence implications (CI)
#' do not require this assumption. However, both Tetrad and CI implications are tested
#' parametrically: for Tetrads, Wishart's confidence interval formula is used, whereas
#' for CIs, a Z test of zero conditional covariance (if the covariance
#' matrix is given) or a test of residual independence after linear regression
#' (it the raw data is given) is performed.
#' Both tetrad and CI tests also support bootstrapping instead of estimating parametric
#' confidence intervals.
#' @examples
#' # Simulate full mediation model with measurement error of M1
#' set.seed(123)
#' d <- simulateSEM("dag{X->{U1 M2}->Y U1->M1}",.6,.6)
#' # Postulate and test full mediation model without measurement error
#' r <- localTests( "dag{ X -> {M1 M2} -> Y }", d, "cis" )
#' plotLocalTestResults( r )
#' # Simulate data from example SEM
#' g <- getExample("Polzer")
#' d <- simulateSEM(g,.1,.1)
#' # Compute independencies with at most 3 conditioning variables
#' r <- localTests( g, d, "cis.loess", R=100, loess.pars=list(span=0.6),
#'         max.conditioning.variables=3 )
#' plotLocalTestResults( r )
#' # Test independencies for categorical data using chi-square test
#' d <- simulateLogistic("dag{X->{U1 M2}->Y U1->M1}",2)
#' localTests( "dag{X->{M1 M2}->Y}", d, type="cis.chisq" )
#' @export
localTests <- function(x=NULL, data=NULL, 
	type <- match.arg(type)
	if( !is.null(x) ){
		x <- as.dagitty(x)
		if( type=="cis" ){
		} else {
	if( is.null(x) && is.null(tests) ){
		stop("Please provide either an input graph or a list of tests")
	if( !is.null(sample.cov) && is.null(sample.nobs) ){
		stop("Please provide sample size (sample.nobs)!")
	if( !is.null(R) && is.null(data) ){
		stop("Bootstrapping requires raw data!")
	if( is.null(R) && type=="cis.loess" ){
		stop(paste("Semi-parametric conditional independence testing",
			  "requires bootstrapping! Please use the argument R"))
	if( type=="cis.chisq" && !is.null(tol) ){
		stop("Tolerance levels not implemented yet for categorical data!")
	if( is.null(data) && is.null(sample.cov) ){
		stop("Please provide either data or sample covariance matrix!")
	if( !is.null(tol) && !is.null(R) ){
		stop("Bootstrap only computes confidence intervals, so tol parameter cannot be used!")
	type.split <- strsplit(type,"\\.")[[1]]
	type.prefix  <- type.split[1]
	type.postfix <- type.split[2]
	if( type.prefix == "tetrads" ){
		# Vanishing tetrad testing
		if( is.null( tests ) ){
			if( type == "tetrads" ){
				tests <- vanishingTetrads( x )
			} else {
				tests <- vanishingTetrads( x, type.postfix )
		if( length(tests) == 0 ){
		if( is.null( sample.cov ) ){
			sample.cov <- cor(data)
		} else {
			sample.cov <- cov2cor(data)
		if( is.null( sample.nobs ) ){
			sample.nobs <- nrow(data)
		w <- (1-conf.level)/2
		tetrad.values <- .tetradsFromCov(sample.cov,tests)
		tetrad.sample.sds <- sapply(seq_len(nrow(tests)),
			function(i) .tetrad.sem(tests[i,],sample.cov,sample.nobs))
		r <- data.frame(
				row.names=apply( tests, 1, 
					function(x) paste(x,collapse=",") ),
		if( !is.null(R) ){
			bo <- boot::boot( data,
				function(data,i) .tetradsFromData(data,tests,i), R )
			r <- cbind( r, t(apply( bo$t, 2,
				function(x) c(sd(x), quantile(x,c((1-conf.level)/2,1-(1-conf.level)/2))) )) )
			colnames(r) <- c("estimate","std.error",
		} else {
			std.errors <- tetrad.sample.sds
			if( is.null(tol) ){
				p.values <- 2*pnorm(abs(tetrad.values/tetrad.sample.sds),
			} else {
				tetrad.z <- tetrad.values / tetrad.sample.sds
				tol.z <- tol / tetrad.sample.sds
				p.values <- pchisq( tetrad.z^2, 1, ncp=tol.z^2, lower.tail=FALSE )
			conf <- cbind( std.errors, p.values, tetrad.values+qnorm(w)*tetrad.sample.sds,
				tetrad.values+qnorm(1-w)*tetrad.sample.sds )
			r <- cbind( r, conf )
			colnames(r) <- c("estimate","std.error","p.value",
	} else if( type.prefix == "cis" ){
		# Conditional independence testing
		if( is.null(tests) ){
			tests <- impliedConditionalIndependencies( x )
		if( !is.null(max.conditioning.variables) ){
			tests <- Filter(function(x) length(x$Z)<=max.conditioning.variables, 
		if( length(tests) == 0 ){
		row.names <- sapply(tests,as.character)
		if( !is.null(R) ){
			if( type == "cis" ){
				f <- function(i) .ci.test.lm.perm(data,i,conf.level,R)
			} else if( type.postfix=="loess" ){
				f <- function(i) .ci.test.loess.perm(data,i,conf.level,R,loess.pars)
			} else if( type.postfix=="chisq" ){
				f <- function(i) .ci.test.chisq.perm(data,i,conf.level,R)
			} else {
				stop("Illegal arguments!")
			r <- as.data.frame(
				t(sapply( tests, f ))
		} else {
			if( type == "cis" ){
				f <- function(i) 
				if( !is.null(data) ){
					sample.cov <- cov2cor(cov(data))
					sample.nobs <- nrow(data)
			} else if( type.postfix == "chisq" ){
				f <- function(i) 
			r <- as.data.frame(
				t(sapply( tests, f ))

#' @rdname localTests
#' @export
ciTest <- function(X,Y,Z=NULL,data,...){
	localTests( data=data, tests=structure(
		class="dagitty.cis"), ...)

#' Plot Results of Local Tests
#' Generates a summary plot of the results of local tests
#' (see \link{localTests}). For each test, a test statistic and
#' the confidence interval are shown.
#' @param x data frame; results of the local tests as returned by 
#' \link{localTests}. 
#' @param xlab X axis label.
#' @param xlim numerical vector with 2 elements; range of X axis.
#' @param axis.pars arguments to be passed on to \code{\link{axis}}
#'  when generating the Y axis for the plot.
#' @param sort.by.statistic logical. Sort the rows of \code{x} by
#'  the absolute value of the test statistic before plotting.
#' @param n plot only the n tests for which the absolute value of 
#'  the test statistics diverges most from 0.
#' @param auto.margin logical. Computes the left margin to fit the 
#'  Y axis labels.
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed on to \code{\link{plot}}.
#' @examples
#' d <- simulateSEM("dag{X->{U1 M2}->Y U1->M1}",.6,.6)
#' par(mar=c(2,8,1,1)) # so we can see the test names
#' plotLocalTestResults(localTests( "dag{ X -> {M1 M2} -> Y }", d, "cis" ))
#' @export
plotLocalTestResults <- function(x,xlab="test statistic (95% CI)",
	n=Inf,axis.pars=list(las=1), auto.margin=TRUE, ...){
	# Sort by first column, which is expected to contain a test statistic.
	x <- x[order(abs(x[[1]]),decreasing=TRUE),]
	if( is.finite(n) && n > 0 && n < nrow(x) ){
		x <- x[1:n,]
	y <- seq_len(nrow(x))

	if (auto.margin){
		oldpar <- graphics::par(no.readonly=TRUE)
		lmargin <- max(strwidth(rownames(x), "inches")) + 0.2
		if ( lmargin > (par("fin")[1] / 2) ){
			lmargin = par("fin")[1] / 2
			warning("Warning: Plotting area too narrow to fit the Y axis labels.")
		newmar <- oldpar$mai
		newmar[2] <- lmargin

	plot( x[,1], y,xlab=xlab,xlim=xlim, yaxt="n", ylab="", ... )
	do.call( axis, c( list( 2, at=y, labels=rownames(x)), axis.pars ) )
	segments( x[,ncol(x)-1], y, x[,ncol(x)], y )
	#segments( seq_len(nrow(x))+.1, x[,1]-2*x[,2], 
	#	y1=x[,1]+2*x[,2], col=2 )
	abline( v=0 )

#' Show Paths
#' Returns a list with two compontents: \code{path} gives the actual
#' paths, and \code{open} shows whether each path is open (d-connected)
#' or closed (d-separated).
#' @param x the input graph, a DAG, PDAG, or MAG.
#' @param from name(s) of first variable(s). 
#' @param to name(s) of last variable(s). 
#' @param Z names of variables to condition on for determining open
#' paths.
#' @param limit maximum amount of paths to show. In general, the number of paths grows
#' exponentially with the number of variables in the graph, such that path inspection
#' is not useful except for the most simple models.
#' @param directed logical; should only directed (i.e., causal) paths 
#' be shown?
#' @examples
#' sum( paths(backDoorGraph(getExample("Shrier")))$open ) # Any open Back-Door paths?
#' @export
paths <- function(x,from=exposures(x),to=outcomes(x),Z=list(),limit=100,directed=FALSE){
	x <- as.dagitty(x)
	.checkAllNames( x, c(from,to,Z) )
	xv <- .getJSVar()
	xv2 <- .getJSVar()
	exposures(x) <- from
	outcomes(x) <- to
	if( length(exposures(x)) == 0 || length(outcomes(x)) == 0 ){
		stop("Both start end end node(s) need to be set!")
		.jsassigngraph( xv, x )
		.jsassign( xv2, as.list(Z) )
		.jsassign( xv, .jsp("DagittyR.paths2r(GraphAnalyzer.listPaths(global.",
			xv,")" ) )
		r <- .jsget(xv)

#' d-Separation
#' A set Z d-separates a path p if (1) Z contains a non-collider
#' on p, e.g. x->m->y with \code{Z=c("m")}; or (2) some collider on p is not
#' on Z, e.g. x->m<-y with \code{Z=c()}.
#' @param x the input graph, a DAG, PDAG, or MAG.
#' @param X vector of variable names.
#' @param Y vector of variable names.
#' @param Z vector of variable names.
#' \code{dseparated(x,X,Y,Z)} checks if all paths between X and Y are 
#' d-separated by Z.
#' \code{dconnected(x,X,Y,Z)} checks if at least one path between X and Y
#' is not d-separated by Z.
#' @details
#' The functions also work for mixed graphs with directed, undirected,
#' and bidirected edges. The definition of a collider in such graphs
#' is: a node where two arrowheads collide, e.g. x<->m<-y but not
#' x->m--y.
#' @examples
#' dconnected( "dag{x->m->y}", "x", "y", c() ) # TRUE
#' dconnected( "dag{x->m->y}", "x", "y", c("m") ) # FALSE
#' dseparated( "dag{x->m->y}", "x", "y", c() ) # FALSE 
#' dseparated( "dag{x->m->y}", "x", "y", c("m") ) # TRUE
#' @export
dconnected <- function(x,X,Y=list(),Z=list()){
	x <- as.dagitty(x)
	if( length(Z) == 0 ){
		Z <- list()
	.checkAllNames( x, c(X,Y,Z) )
	xv <- .getJSVar()
	Xv <- .getJSVar()
	Yv <- .getJSVar()
	Zv <- .getJSVar()
		.jsassigngraph( xv, x )
		.jsassign( Xv, as.list(X) )
		.jsassign( Yv, as.list(Y) )
		.jsassign( Zv, as.list(Z) )
		.jsassign( xv, .jsp("DagittyR.dconnected(",xv,",",Xv,",",Yv,",",Zv,")") )
		r <- .jsget(xv)

#' Get Topological Ordering of DAG
#' Computes a topological ordering of the nodes, i.e., a number for each node
#' such that every node's number is smaller than the one of all its descendants.
#' Bidirected edges (<->) are ignored.
#' @param x the input graph, a DAG
#' @export
topologicalOrdering <- function( x ){
	x <- as.dagitty( x )
	.supportsTypes( x, "dag" )
	xv <- .getJSVar()
	r <- NULL
		.jsassigngraph( xv, x )
		.jsassign( xv, .jsp("GraphAnalyzer.topologicalOrdering(global.",xv,")") )
		r <- .jsget( xv )
	error=function(e) stop(e),

#' @rdname dconnected
#' @export
dseparated <- function(x,X,Y=list(),Z=list()){
	if( length(Y) > 0 ){
	} else {

#' Generate DAG at Random
#' Generates a random DAG with N variables called x1,...,xN. For each
#' pair of variables xi,xj with i<j, an edge i->j will be present with
#' probability p.
#' @param N desired number of variables.
#' @param p connectivity parameter, a number between 0 and 1.
#' @export
randomDAG <- function( N, p ){
	N <- as.integer(N)
	if( N < 1 ){
		stop("N must be positive!")
	p <- as.double(p)
	if( p < 0 || p > 1 ){
		stop("p is not a probability!")
	xv <- .getJSVar()
	pv <- .getJSVar()
	.jsassign( pv, p )
	.jsassign( xv, as.list(paste0("x",seq_len(N))) )
	.jsassign( xv, .jsp("GraphGenerator.randomDAG(",xv,",",pv,").toString()") )
	r <- .jsget(xv)

#' Generate Complete DAG
#' Generates a complete DAG on the given variable names. The order
#' in which the variables are given corresponds to the topological ordering
#' of the DAG. Returns a named list.
#' @param x variable names. Can also be a positive integer, in which case 
#' the variables will be called  x1,...,xN.
#' @export
completeDAG <- function( x ){
	if( is.numeric(x) ){
		x <- paste0("x",seq_len(x))
	xv <- .getJSVar()
	.jsassign( xv, as.list(x) )
	.jsassign( xv, .jsp("GraphGenerator.randomDAG(",xv,",1).toString()") )
	r <- .jsget(xv)

#' @export
print.dagitty.ivs <- function( x, prefix="", ... ){
	for( i in x ){
		cat( prefix, i$I )
		if( length( i$Z > 0 ) ){
			cat( " | ", paste(i$Z,collapse=", ") )
		cat( "\n" )

#' @export
print.dagitty.sets <- function( x, prefix="", ... ){
	for( i in x ){
		if( length(i) == 0 ){
			cat( prefix, "{}\n")
		} else {
			l <- paste("{ ",paste(i,collapse=", ")," }\n")
			writeLines( strwrap( l, exdent=2 ) )

#' @export
as.character.dagitty.ci <- function( x, ... ){
	nX <- length(x$X)
	nY <- length(x$Y)
	nn <- abbreviate(c(x$X, x$Y, x$Z))
	r <- paste0( paste(nn[seq_along(x$X)],collapse=", "), " _||_ ", 
		paste(nn[seq_along(x$Y)+nX],collapse=", ") )
	if( length( x$Z > 0 ) ){
		r <- paste0( r, " | ", paste(nn[seq_along(x$Z)+nX+nY],collapse=", ") )

#' @export
print.dagitty.ci <- function( x, ... ){
	cat( as.character( x ),"\n" )

#' @export
print.dagitty.cis <- function( x, ... ){
	for( i in seq_along(x) ){
		cat( as.character( x[[i]] ) )

#' @export
as.list.dagitty.cis <- function( x, ... ) structure( x, class="list" )

#' @export
`[.dagitty.cis` <- function(x,y) structure(as.list(x)[y],class="dagitty.cis")

#' @export
as.list.dagitty.sets <- function( x, ... ) structure( x, class="list" )

#' @export
`[.dagitty.sets` <- function(x,y) structure(as.list(x)[y],class="dagitty.sets")

#' @export
as.list.dagitty.ivs <- function( x, ... ) structure( x, class="list" )

#' @export
`[.dagitty.ivs` <- function(x,y) structure(as.list(x)[y],class="dagitty.ivs")

#' Convert to DAGitty object
#' Converts its argument to a DAGitty object, if possible.
#' @param x an object.
#' @param ... further arguments passed on to methods.
#' @export
as.dagitty <- function( x, ... ) UseMethod("as.dagitty")

#' @export
as.dagitty.character <- function( x, ... ) dagitty( x )

#' @export
as.dagitty.default <- function( x, ... ){
	if( class(x) == "dagitty" ){
	} else {
		stop("Cannot coerce object to class 'dagitty': ",x)

#' @export
c.dagitty <- function( ... ){
	args <- list(...)
	xvs <- replicate( length(args), .getJSVar() )
	rv <- .getJSVar()
		for( i in seq_along(args) ){ 
			.jsassigngraph( xvs[[i]], as.dagitty( args[[i]] ) )
		.jsassign( rv, .jsp("GraphTransformer.mergeGraphs(",
			paste(xvs,collapse=","),").toString()") )
		r <- .jsget( rv )
		lapply( xvs, .deleteJSVar )
		.deleteJSVar( rv )

#' @export
print.dagitty <- function( x, ... ){

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dagitty documentation built on Jan. 21, 2021, 5:07 p.m.