transpose = function(l, fill=NA, ignore.empty=FALSE, keep.names=NULL, make.names=NULL, list.cols=FALSE) {
if (!is.null(make.names)) {
if (is.character(make.names)) {
m = chmatch(make.names, names(l))
if (
stopf("make.names='%s' not found in names of input", make.names)
make.names = m
} else {
make.names = as.integer(make.names)
if ( || make.names<1L || make.names>length(l))
stopf("make.names=%d is out of range [1,ncol=%d]", make.names, length(l))
colnames = as.character(l[[make.names]])
l = if ( l[,-make.names,with=FALSE] else l[-make.names]
ans = .Call(Ctranspose, l, fill, ignore.empty, keep.names, list.cols)
if (!is.null(make.names)) setattr(ans, "names", c(keep.names, colnames))
else if ( # including data.table but not plain list
setattr(ans, "names", c(keep.names, paste0("V", seq_len(length(ans)-length(keep.names)))))
if ( setDT(ans)
else if ( setDF(ans)
tstrsplit = function(x, ..., fill=NA, type.convert=FALSE, keep, names=FALSE) {
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(names) && !is.character(names))
stopf("'names' must be TRUE/FALSE or a character vector.")
ans = transpose(strsplit(as.character(x), ...), fill=fill, ignore.empty=FALSE)
if (!missing(keep)) {
keep = suppressWarnings(as.integer(keep))
chk = min(keep) >= min(1L, length(ans)) & max(keep) <= length(ans)
if (!isTRUE(chk) || !length(keep))
stopf("'keep' should contain integer values between %d and %d.", min(1L, length(ans)), length(ans))
} else {
keep = seq_along(ans)
if (isFALSE(type.convert))
ans = ans[keep]
# Implementing #1094, but default FALSE
else if (isTRUE(type.convert))
ans = lapply(ans[keep], type.convert,
# Implementing and extending #5094
else if (is.function(type.convert))
ans = lapply(ans[keep], type.convert)
else if (is.list(type.convert)) {
if (all(vapply(type.convert, is.function, NA)) && (length(keep) == length(type.convert) || length(type.convert) == 1L))
ans = mapply(function(idx, fun) fun(ans[[idx]]), keep, type.convert, SIMPLIFY=FALSE, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
else {
n = length(type.convert)
if(!n) stopf("The argument 'type.convert' does not support empty list.")
is_named = nzchar(names(type.convert))
all_is_named = length(is_named) && all(is_named) # because all(is_named)=TRUE if is_named=NULL <-- names(type.convert)=NULL
last_item = paste(deparse(substitute(type.convert)[[n + 1L]], width.cutoff=500L), collapse=" ")
if (!all_is_named) {
if (!(sum(!is_named) == 1L && !is_named[n] && is.function(type.convert[[n]])))
stopf("When the argument 'type.convert' contains an unnamed element, it is expected to be the last element and should be a function. More than one unnamed element is not allowed unless all elements are functions with length equal to %d (the length of the transpose list or 'keep' argument if it is specified).", length(keep))
else {
fothers = type.convert[[n]]
type.convert = type.convert[-n]
indxs = unlist(type.convert, recursive=FALSE, use.names=FALSE)
bad_indxs = setdiff(indxs, keep)
if (!is.numeric(indxs) || anyNA(indxs) || anyDuplicated(indxs))
stopf("When the argument 'type.convert' contains transpose list indices, it should be a named list of non-missing integer values (with no duplicate) except the last element that should be unnamed if it is a function.")
if (length(bad_indxs))
stopf("When the argument 'type.convert' contains transpose list indices, they should be integer values contained in the argument 'keep' (if it is specified) or be between %d and %d (if it is not). But '%s' is/are not contained in '%s'.", 1L, length(keep), toString(bad_indxs), toString(keep))
if (exists("fothers", inherits=FALSE)) {
others = setdiff(keep, indxs)
if (length(others))
ans[others] = lapply(ans[others], fothers)
warningf("In the argument 'type.convert', '%s' was ignored because all elements in the transpose list or elements corresponding to indices specified in the 'keep' argument have already been converted.", last_item)
for (fn in names(type.convert)) {
idx = type.convert[[fn]]
ans[idx] = lapply(ans[idx], function(x)
ans = ans[keep]
} else
stopf("The argument 'type.convert' should be TRUE/FALSE, a function, a list of functions, or a named list of pairs 'fun=indices' with optionally one unnamed element (a function) but an object of type '%s' was provided.", typeof(type.convert))
if (isFALSE(names)) return(ans)
else if (isTRUE(names)) names = paste0("V", seq_along(ans))
if (length(names) != length(ans)) {
str = if (missing(keep)) "ans" else "keep"
stopf("length(names) (= %d) is not equal to length(%s) (= %d).", length(names), str, length(ans))
setattr(ans, 'names', names)
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