
Defines functions prep_summary_to_classes

Documented in prep_summary_to_classes

#' Classify metrics from a report summary table
#' @param report_summary [list()] as returned by
#'   [prep_extract_summary()]
#' @return [data.frame] classes for the report summary table, long format
#' @family summary_functions
#' @export
prep_summary_to_classes <- function(report_summary) {

  if (!inherits(report_summary, "dq_report2_summary") &&
      all(c("Data", "Table", "meta_data") %in% names(report_summary))){
    util_error(c("%s must be returned by %s or this function",
                 "i.e. feature %s, %s and %s"),
               sQuote("Data"), sQuote("Table"), sQuote("meta_data"))

  report_summary_table <- report_summary$Table
  meta_data <- report_summary$meta_data

  metrices_maybe_with_call_name <-
    setNames(nm = setdiff(colnames(report_summary_table),
                          c(STUDY_SEGMENT, VAR_NAMES)))

  metrices <- gsub("^.*\\.", "", metrices_maybe_with_call_name)

  have_at_least_some_call_names <-
    any(grepl(".", metrices_maybe_with_call_name, fixed = TRUE), na.rm = TRUE)

  all_thresholds <- lapply(setNames(nm = metrices), function(metric) {
    r <- util_get_thresholds(indicator_metric = metric, meta_data = meta_data)
    lapply(r, lapply, util_parse_interval) # TODO: Maybe NA?

  all <- lapply(metrices_maybe_with_call_name,
                function(metric_maybe_with_call_name) {
                  metric <- metrices[[metric_maybe_with_call_name]]
                  thresholds <- all_thresholds[[metric]]
                  col <- setNames(as.numeric(report_summary_table[[metric_maybe_with_call_name]]),
                                  nm = report_summary_table[[VAR_NAMES]])

                  classes <- lapply(setNames(nm = report_summary_table[[VAR_NAMES]]),
                                    FUN = function(vn) {
                                        SIMPLIFY = FALSE,
                                        USE.NAMES = FALSE,
                                        clss = names(thresholds[[vn]]),
                                        int = thresholds[[vn]],
                                        FUN = function(clss, int) {
                                          if (is.na(col[vn]) || !inherits(int, "interval"))
                                          redcap_env$`in`(col[vn], int)
                                        }), nm = names(thresholds[[vn]]))

                  values <- report_summary$Data[[metric_maybe_with_call_name]]
                  values_raw <- report_summary$Table[[metric_maybe_with_call_name]]

                  classes <- lapply(classes, vapply, FUN.VALUE = logical(1), identity)
                  classes <- lapply(classes, which)
                  classes_nrs <- lapply(classes, unname)
                  classes_nrs <- unlist(classes_nrs)
                  classes <- lapply(classes, names)
                  missing <- vapply(classes, length, FUN.VALUE = integer(1)) ==
                  classes[missing] <- NA
                  classes <- unlist(classes) # TODO: split it up here, return this first, then run the aggregation on it later
                  data.frame(class = classes,
                             VAR_NAMES = names(classes),
                             indicator_metric = rep(metric_maybe_with_call_name, length(classes)),
                             value = values,
                             values_raw = values_raw,
                             n_classes =
                               vapply(FUN.VALUE = integer(1),
                                      function(vn) {
                                        r <- suppressWarnings(max(as.integer(names(thresholds[[vn]])),
                                            na.rm = TRUE))
                                        if (!is.finite(r)) {
                                        } else {
  all <- util_rbind(data_frames_list = all)
  rownames(all) <- NULL
  if (!prod(dim(all))) {
    all <- report_summary_table[, c(VAR_NAMES, STUDY_SEGMENT)]
  } else {
    all <- merge(all, report_summary_table[, c(VAR_NAMES, STUDY_SEGMENT)], by = VAR_NAMES, all.x = TRUE)
    if (have_at_least_some_call_names) {
      splitted <- all$indicator_metric # not yet splitted
      splitted[util_empty(splitted)] <- ""
      splitted <- strsplit(splitted, ".", fixed = TRUE)
      tuple_sizes <- vapply(splitted, length, FUN.VALUE = integer(1)) # should be always 1 or 2 according to function name and result column conventions
      valid_splitted <- tuple_sizes %in% 1:2
      if (!all(valid_splitted)) {
        util_warning(c("For some reason, the result names in this summary",
                       "feature columns with more than one . or empty names,",
                       "I'll ignore these. Internal error, please report"))
      call_names <- rep("", nrow(all))
      indicator_metric <- rep("", nrow(all))
      call_names[tuple_sizes == 2] <-
        vapply(splitted[tuple_sizes == 2], `[[`, 1, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
      indicator_metric[tuple_sizes == 2] <-
        vapply(splitted[tuple_sizes == 2], `[[`, 2, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
      indicator_metric[tuple_sizes == 1] <-
        vapply(splitted[tuple_sizes == 1], `[[`, 1, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
      all$indicator_metric <- indicator_metric
      all$call_names <- call_names
    } else {
      all$call_names <- ""
  class(all) <- c("dq_report2_summaryclasses", "data.frame")

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dataquieR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:18 a.m.