
Defines functions util_replace_codes_by_NA

Documented in util_replace_codes_by_NA

#' Utility function to replace missing codes by `NA`s
#' Substitute all missing codes in a [data.frame] by `NA`.
#' @param study_data Study data including jump/missing codes as specified in the
#'                   code conventions
#' @param meta_data Metadata as specified in the code conventions
#' @param split_char Character separating missing codes
#' @param sm_code missing code for `NAs`, if they have been
#'                re-coded by `util_combine_missing_lists`
#' Codes are expected to be numeric.
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @return a list with a modified data frame and some counts
#' @family missing_functions
#' @concept metadata_management
#' @keywords internal
util_replace_codes_by_NA <- function(study_data, meta_data = "item_level",
                                     split_char = SPLIT_CHAR,
                                     sm_code = NULL) {
  util_expect_scalar(sm_code, # TODO: This needs an update, too, but sm_code is only used, if the un-exported function util_combine_missing_lists would have been applied before
                     check_type = util_all_is_integer,
                     allow_null = TRUE)
  sdf <- study_data
  mdf <- meta_data
  # data_records is edited but not explicitly copied, so we can expect the
  # MAPPED-attribute to be preserved.

  label_col <- VAR_NAMES
  if (!is.null(attr(sdf, "label_col"))) {
    label_col <- attr(sdf, "label_col")

  for (code_name in c(MISSING_LIST, JUMP_LIST)) {
    if (!(code_name %in% names(mdf)) || all(is.na(mdf[[code_name]]) |
                                            trimws(mdf[[code_name]]) == "")) {
        c("Metadata does not provide a filled column",
          "called %s for replacing codes with NAs."),
        applicability_problem = TRUE)

  # apply functions on studydata and create list
  miss <- lapply(setNames(nm = names(sdf)), util_get_code_list,
                 MISSING_LIST, split_char,
    mdf = mdf, label_col = label_col, warning_if_no_list = FALSE,
    warning_if_unsuitable_list = FALSE
  jump <- lapply(setNames(nm = names(sdf)), util_get_code_list,
                 JUMP_LIST, split_char,
    mdf = mdf, label_col = label_col, warning_if_no_list = FALSE,
    warning_if_unsuitable_list = FALSE

  # miss_n <- list()
  # jump_n <- list()
  # miss_n <- lapply(
  #   mapply(`%in%`, sdf, miss, SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE), sum,
  #   na.rm = TRUE)
  # jump_n <- lapply(
  #   mapply(`%in%`, sdf, jump, SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE), sum,
  #   na.rm = TRUE)

  replace <- function(x, l, sm_code) {
    # if (lubridate::is.timepoint(x) && length(sm_code) && is.numeric(sm_code))
    #   browser()
    if ((length(l) == 0 && length(sm_code == 0)) || !length(x)) {
    if (lubridate::is.timepoint(x)) {
      if (!lubridate::is.timepoint(l)) {
      x <- lubridate::force_tz(x)
      l <- lubridate::force_tz(l)
    } else if (lubridate::is.timepoint(l)) {
    if (!is.null(sm_code)) {
      l <- unique(c(l, sm_code))
    x[x %in% l] <- NA # TODO: do this a bit more stable wrt numeric issues
  environment(replace) <- parent.env(environment())

  sdf[] <- mapply(replace, x = sdf, l = miss,
                  MoreArgs = list(sm_code = sm_code),
                  SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  sdf[] <- mapply(replace, x = sdf, l = jump,
                  MoreArgs = list(sm_code = sm_code),
                  SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

  attr(sdf, "Codes_to_NA") <- TRUE
  attr(sdf, "MAPPED") <- attr(study_data, "MAPPED")


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dataquieR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:18 a.m.