
Defines functions DeleteDataSource UpdateDataSource CreateDataSource as.dataRobotDataSource GetDataSource as.dataRobotDataSources ListDataSources

Documented in CreateDataSource DeleteDataSource GetDataSource ListDataSources UpdateDataSource

#' Returns a dataframe with information on available data sources.
#' @return data.frame containing information on possible data sources.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  ListDataSources()
#' }
#' @export
ListDataSources <- function() {
  routeString <- UrlJoin("externalDataSources")
  dataSources <- DataRobotGET(routeString)
  dataSources <- GetServerDataInRows(dataSources)

as.dataRobotDataSources <- function(elements) {
  elements$dataStoreId <- elements$params$dataStoreId
  elements$table <- elements$params$table
  ApplySchema(elements, c("id", "canonicalName", "type", "table",
                          "dataStoreId", "creator", "updated"))

#' Returns information about a particular data source.
#' @param dataSourceId character. The id of the data source
#' @return A list containing information on the particular data source:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item className character. The Java class name of the driver.
#'   \item baseNames character. A vector of the file name(s) of the jar files.
#'   \item canonicalName character. The user-friendly name of the driver.
#'   \item id character. The dataSourceId of the driver.
#'   \item creator character. The userId of the user who created the driver.
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  dataSourceId <- "57a7c978c808916f4a630f89"
#'  GetDataSource(dataSourceId)
#' }
#' @export
GetDataSource <- function(dataSourceId) {
  routeString <- UrlJoin("externalDataSources", dataSourceId)
  dataSource <- DataRobotGET(routeString)

as.dataRobotDataSource <- function(inList) {
  elements <- c("id", "canonicalName", "type", "updated", "creator", "params")
  outList <- ApplySchema(inList, elements)
  outList$params <- ApplySchema(outList$params, c("dataSourceId", "table"))
  class(outList) <- "dataRobotDataSource"

#' Create a data source.
#' @param type character. The type of data source.
#' @param canonicalName character. The user-friendly name of the data source.
#' @param dataStoreId character. The ID of the data store to connect to.
#' @param query character. A query to execute on the data store to get the data. Optional.
#' @param table character. The specified database table. Optional.
#' @param schema character. The specified database schema. Optional.
#' @param partitionColumn character. The name of the partition column. Optional.
#' @param fetchSize integer. a user specified fetch size in the range [1, 20000]. Optional.
#'   By default a fetchSize will be assigned to balance throughput and memory usage
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  dataStoreId <- "5c1303269300d900016b41a7"
#'  CreateDataSource(type = "jdbc",
#'                   canonicalName = "Airline stats after 1995",
#'                   dataStoreId = dataStoreId,
#'                   query = 'SELECT * FROM airlines10mb WHERE "Year" >= 1995;')
#' }
#' @export
CreateDataSource <- function(type, canonicalName, dataStoreId, query = NULL,
                             table = NULL, schema = NULL, partitionColumn = NULL,
                             fetchSize = NULL) {
  body <- list(type = type,
               canonicalName = canonicalName,
               params = list(dataStoreId = dataStoreId,
                             query = query,
                             table = table,
                             schema = schema,
                             partitionColumn = partitionColumn,
                             fetchSize = fetchSize))
  body$params <- Filter(Negate(is.null), body$params)
  routeString <- UrlJoin("externalDataSources")
  response <- DataRobotPOST(routeString, body = body, encode = "json")

#' Update a data store.
#' @param dataSourceId character. The ID of the data store to update.
#' @inheritParams CreateDataSource
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  dataSourceId <- "5c1303269300d900016b41a7"
#'  UpdateDataSource(dataSourceId, canonicalName = "Different Name")
#' }
#' @export
UpdateDataSource <- function(dataSourceId, canonicalName = NULL, dataStoreId = NULL,
                             query = NULL, table = NULL, schema = NULL,
                             partitionColumn = NULL, fetchSize = NULL) {
  if (is(dataSourceId, "dataRobotDataSource")) { dataSourceId <- dataSourceId$id }
  body <- list(canonicalName = canonicalName,
               params = list(dataStoreId = dataStoreId,
                             query = query,
                             table = table,
                             schema = schema,
                             partitionColumn = partitionColumn,
                             fetchSize = fetchSize))
  body <- Filter(Negate(is.null), body)
  body$params <- Filter(Negate(is.null), body$params)
  routeString <- UrlJoin("externalDataSources", dataSourceId)
  response <- DataRobotPATCH(routeString, body = body, encode = "json")

#' Delete a data store.
#' @param dataSourceId character. The ID of the data store to update.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  dataSourceId <- "5c1303269300d900016b41a7"
#'  DeleteDataSource(dataSourceId)
#' }
#' @export
DeleteDataSource <- function(dataSourceId) {
  if (is(dataSourceId, "dataRobotDataSource")) { dataSourceId <- dataSourceId$id }
  routeString <- UrlJoin("externalDataSources", dataSourceId)

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datarobot documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:36 a.m.