
Defines functions plot.DIF_stats print.DIF_stats DIF OverallDIF_ PairDIF_

Documented in DIF plot.DIF_stats

## produces a matrix of statistics for pairwise DIF
PairDIF_ = function(beta1, beta2, acov.beta1, acov.beta2)
  labs = rownames(beta1)
  DR = kronecker(beta2,t(beta2),FUN="-")-kronecker(beta1,t(beta1),FUN="-") 
  var1 = diag(acov.beta1)
  var2 = diag(acov.beta2)
  S = (kronecker(var1,t(var1),FUN="+")-2*acov.beta1)+(kronecker(var2,t(var2),FUN="+")-2*acov.beta2)
  diag(S) = 1
  D = DR/sqrt(S)
  colnames(D) = labs; rownames(D)=labs
  colnames(DR) = labs; rownames(DR)=labs
  return(list(D=D, Delta_R=DR))

## produces a statistics for overall-DIF
# beta1 and beta1 are both mean centered and do not contain the zero category. 
# In general, this works if both sets of parameters have the same normalization.
# If a reference item is set to zero, r should be its index.
OverallDIF_ = function(beta1, beta2, acov1, acov2)
  r = 1
  nI = length(beta1)
  d_beta = beta1-beta2
  Sigma = acov1+acov2
  DIF_test = mahalanobis(d_beta[-r],rep(0,(nI-1)),Sigma[-r,-r])
  DIF_p = pchisq(DIF_test,(nI-1),lower.tail=FALSE)
  return(list(stat=DIF_test,df=nI-1, p=DIF_p))

#' Exploratory test for Differential Item Functioning
#' @param dataSrc a connection to a dexter database or a data.frame with columns: person_id, item_id, item_score
#' @param predicate An optional expression to subset data, if NULL all data is used
#' @param person_property Defines groups of persons to calculate DIF
#' @return An object of class \code{DIF_stats} holding statistics for
#' overall-DIF and a matrix of statistics for DIF in the relative position of
#' item-category parameters in the beta-parameterization where they represent 
#' locations on the ability scale where adjacent categories are equally likely. 
#' If there is DIF, the function `plot` can be used to produce an image of the pairwise DIF statistics.
#' @details 
#' Tests for equality of relative item/category difficulties across groups.
#' Supplements the confirmatory approach of the profile plot.
#' @references 
#' Bechger, T. M. and Maris, G (2015); A Statistical Test for Differential Item Pair Functioning. 
#' Psychometrika. Vol. 80, no. 2, 317-340.
#' @seealso A plot of the result is produced by the function \code{\link{plot.DIF_stats}}
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{ RcppArmadillo::armadillo_throttle_cores(1)}
#' db = start_new_project(verbAggrRules, ":memory:", person_properties=list(gender='unknown'))
#' add_booklet(db, verbAggrData, "agg")
#' dd = DIF(db,person_property="gender")
#' print(dd)
#' plot(dd)
#' str(dd)
#' close_project(db)
#' \dontshow{ RcppArmadillo::armadillo_reset_cores()}
DIF = function(dataSrc, person_property, predicate=NULL) 
  qtpredicate = eval(substitute(quote(predicate)))
  env = caller_env()
    person_property = tolower(person_property)
  pb = get_prog_bar(retrieve_data = is_db(dataSrc))
  ## 1. get data
  respData = get_resp_data(dataSrc, qtpredicate, extra_columns = person_property, env = env) 
  respData$x[[person_property]] = ffactor(as.character(respData$x[[person_property]]))
  if(nlevels(respData$x[[person_property]]) != 2)
    stop('The person_property needs to have two unique values in your data to calculate DIF')
  ## 2. Estimate models with fit_enorm using CML
  models = by_rd(respData, person_property, fit_enorm)
  ## 3. get the intersection
  common_items = models[[1]]$inputs$ssIS |>
    full_join(models[[2]]$inputs$ssIS, by=c('item_id','item_score') ,suffix=c('_1','_2')) |>
    group_by(.data$item_id) |>
    filter(!(anyNA(.data$sufI_1) | anyNA(.data$sufI_2))) |>
    ungroup() |>
  if(nrow(common_items) != nrow(models[[1]]$inputs$ssI) || nrow(common_items) != nrow(models[[2]]$inputs$ssI))
    message('Some items were excluded because they do not appear in both datasets and/or do not have the same score categories in both datasets.')
    models = lapply(models, function(m){
      ii = m$inputs$ssIS |>
        filter(.data$item_score > 0L) |>
        mutate(i = row_number()) |>
        semi_join(common_items, by='item_id') |>
      m$est$beta = drop(m$est$beta)[ii]
      m$est$acov.beta = m$est$acov.beta[ii,ii]
  ## 4. Call overallDIF_ and PairDIF_
  DIF_stats = OverallDIF_ (models[[1]]$est$beta, models[[2]]$est$beta, 
                           models[[1]]$est$acov.beta, models[[2]]$est$acov.beta)
  DIF_mats = PairDIF_(models[[1]]$est$beta, models[[2]]$est$beta, 
                      models[[1]]$est$acov.beta, models[[2]]$est$acov.beta)
  items = models[[1]]$inputs$ssIS |>
    semi_join(common_items,by='item_id') |>
    filter(.data$item_score > 0) |>
    select('item_id', 'item_score') |>
    arrange(.data$item_id, .data$item_score) |>
  ## 5. Report D and DIF_stats and inputs
  ou = list(DIF_overall = DIF_stats, DIF_pair = DIF_mats$D, Delta_R = DIF_mats$Delta_R, 
            group_labels = names(models), items = items)
  class(ou) = append('DIF_stats', class(ou))

print.DIF_stats <- function(x, ...)
  specify_decimal <- function(x, k) format(round(x, k), nsmall=k)
  tmp = specify_decimal(x$DIF_overall$p,3)
  if (tmp=="0.000") tmp="< 0.0006"
  cat(paste0("Test for DIF:"," Chi-square = ", as.character(round(x$DIF_overall$stat, digits=3)),
             ", df = ", 
             ", p = ", tmp))  

#' plot method for pairwise DIF statistics
#' @param x object produced by \code{\link{DIF}}
#' @param items character vector of item id's for a subset of the plot. Useful if you have many items. 
#' If NULL all items are plotted.
#' @param itemsX character vector of item id's for the X axis
#' @param itemsY character vector of item id's for the Y axis
#' @param alpha significance level used to color the plot (two sided)
#' @param ... further arguments to plot
#' @references
#' Feskens, R., Fox, J. P., & Zwitser, R. (2019). Differential item functioning in PISA due to mode effects. 
#' In Theoretical and Practical Advances in Computer-based Educational Measurement (pp. 231-247). Springer, Cham.
#' @details
#' Plotting produces an image of the matrix of pairwise DIF statistics. 
#' The statistics are standard normal deviates and colored to distinguish significant from non-significant values.
#' If there is no DIF, a proportion alpha off the cells will be colored significant by chance alone.
plot.DIF_stats = function(x, items = NULL, itemsX = items, itemsY = items, alpha =.05,...)
  if(is.null(itemsX)) itemsX = sort(unique(x$items$item_id))
  if(is.null(itemsY)) itemsY = sort(unique(x$items$item_id))
  if(length(setdiff(c(itemsX, itemsY), x$items$item_id)) > 0)
    cat('items not found in DIF object:\n')
    print(setdiff(c(itemsX, itemsY), x$items))
    stop('some of the item_ids you specified are not present in the DIF object')
  x$items = x$items |>
    mutate(rn = row_number())
  itemsX = x$items |>
    inner_join(tibble(item_id = itemsX, ord = 1:length(itemsX)), by='item_id') |>
  itemsY = x$items |>
    inner_join(tibble(item_id = itemsY, ord = 1:length(itemsY)), by='item_id') |>
  DIF_pair = abs(x$DIF_pair[itemsX$rn, itemsY$rn])
  if(nrow(distinct(x$items,.data$item_id)) == nrow(x$items))
    yLabels = pull(itemsY, 'item_id')
    xLabels = pull(itemsX, 'item_id')
  } else
    yLabels = paste(itemsY$item_id, itemsY$item_score)
    xLabels = paste(itemsX$item_id, itemsX$item_score)
  max_ = max(x$DIF_pair)
  default.args = list(main = paste(x$group_labels[1],'vs.',x$group_labels[2]),
                      axes=FALSE, zlim=c(0,max_),xlab='',ylab='',useRaster=TRUE)
  oldpar = par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  graphics::layout(matrix(c(1,1,2,0),2,2), widths=c(7,1))
  qn = qnorm(1-alpha/2)
  breaks = seq(0, qn, .05)
  col = colorRampPalette(c('white','lightblue'))(length(breaks)-1)
  if(max_ > qn)
    breaks_b = seq(qn, min(20,max_), .05)
    breaks_b[length(breaks_b)] = max_ + 21
    col = c(col,colorRampPalette(c('gold1','red2'))(length(breaks_b)))
    breaks = c(breaks, breaks_b)
  # Reverse Y axis
  # yLabels <- rev(yLabels)
  xLabels <- rev(xLabels)
  DIF_pair <- DIF_pair[nrow(DIF_pair) : 1,]
  # Data Map
  par(mar = c(6,8,2.5,2))
  user.args = list(...)
                         override = list(x = 1:length(yLabels), y = 1:length(xLabels), z=t( DIF_pair),
                         default = default.args))
  cex.axis = coalesce(user.args$cex.axis, 0.6)
  axis(1, at=1:length(yLabels), labels=yLabels, las=3, cex.axis=cex.axis, hadj=1,padj=0.5)
  axis(2, at=1:length(xLabels), labels=xLabels, las=1, cex.axis=cex.axis, hadj=1,padj=0.5)
  #Color Scale
    image(1, seq(0, max(qn,min(20,max_)), by=.05),
          matrix(seq(0, max(qn,min(20,max_)), by=.05),nrow=1),
          xaxt="n", axes=FALSE)
    axis(2, at=0:min(20,max_),lwd=0,lwd.ticks=1,las=2,cex.axis=0.8)
  }, silent=TRUE)

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