
Defines functions mplus_dmacs

Documented in mplus_dmacs

#' Summary of measurement nonequivalence effects
#' \code{dmacs_summary} returns a summary of measurement non-equivalence
#' effects given lists of parameters.
#' \code{dmacs_summary} is called by \code{\link{lavaan_dmacs}} and
#' \code{\link{mplus_dmacs}}, which are the only functions in this
#' package intended for casual users
#' @param LambdaList is a list, indexed by groups, of factor loading
#' matrices (dataframes are allowed).
#' @param ThreshList is a list, indexed by groups, of vectors of indicator
#' intercepts (for continuous indicators) or lists, indexed by items, of
#' vectors of thresholds (for categorical indicators). For categorical
#' indicators, do \strong{not} provide a matrix of thresholds for each group.
#' @param MeanList is a list, indexed by groups, of vectors of factor means.
#' For unidimensional models, this is simply a list of factor means.
#' @param VarList is a list, indexed by groups, of vectors of factor variances.
#' For unidimensional models, this is simply a list of factor variances.
#' @param SDList is a list, indexed by groups, of vectors of indicator
#' observed standard deviations used as the denominator of the dmacs effect
#' size. This will usually either be pooled standard deviations or the
#' standard deviation of the reference group. Each group, including the
#' reference group, must be included in SDList (although the standard
#' deviations for the reference group are ignored).
#' @param Groups is a vector of group names. If no value is provided,
#' dmacs_summary will try to use \code{names(LambdaList)}; if LambdaList
#' has no names, then the groups will be numbered.
#' @param RefGroup can be the name of the reference group (as a string),
#' or the index of the reference group (as a number). RefGroup defaults to
#' the first group if no value is provided. It is strongly recommended to
#' provide the reference group as a string, since group names in data are
#' often ordered by their appearance in the data, not alphabetically.
#' @param categorical is a Boolean variable declaring whether the variables
#' in the model are ordered categorical. Models in which some variables are
#' categorical and others are continuous are not supported. If no value is
#' provided, categorical defaults to \code{FALSE}, although if multiple
#' thresholds are provided for an item, categorical will be forced to
#' \code{TRUE}. A graded response model with probit link (e.g., DWLS in
#' lavaan or WLSMV in Mplus) is used for categorical variables. If you desire
#' for other categorical models (e.g., IRT parameterization) to be supported,
#' e-mail the maintainer.
#' @param ... other parameters to be used in functions that
#' \code{dmacs_summary} calls, most likely \code{stepsize} for the
#' \code{\link{item_dmacs}} and \code{\link{delta_mean_item}} functions.
#' @return A list, indexed by groups, of lists of measurement nonequivalence
#' effects  from Nye and Drasgow (2011), including dmacs, expected bias in the mean score by item,
#' expected bias in the mean total score, and expected bias in the variance
#' of the total score. Expected bias in the variance of the total score is
#' only supplied for unidimensional models with linear indicators (i.e., not categorical)
#' in the current version of this package.
#' @examples
#' LambdaList <- list(Group1 <- matrix(c(1.00, 0.74,  1.14, 0.92), ncol = 1),
#'                    Group2 <- matrix(c(1.00, 0.76,  1.31, 0.98), ncol = 1))
#' ThreshList <- list(Group1 <- c(0.00, 1.28, -0.82, 0.44),
#'                    Group2 <- c(0.00, 0.65, -0.77, 0.47))
#' MeanList   <- list(Group1 <- 0.21,
#'                    Group2 <- 0.19)
#' VarList    <- list(Group1 <- 1.76,
#'                    Group2 <- 1.34)
#' SDList     <- list(Group1 <- c(2.12, 1.85,  1.12, 3.61),
#'                    Group2 <- c(NA, NA, NA, NA))
#' Groups <- c("Group1", "Group2")
#' RefGroup <- "Group2"
#' dmacs_summary(LambdaList, ThreshList, MeanList, VarList, SDList,
#'               Groups, RefGroup)
#' @section References:
#' Nye, C. & Drasgow, F. (2011). Effect size indices for analyses of
#' measurement equivalence: Understanding the practical importance of
#' differences between groups. \emph{Journal of Applied Psychology, 96}(5),
#' 966-980.
#' @export

dmacs_summary <- function (LambdaList, ThreshList,
                           MeanList, VarList, SDList,
                           Groups = NULL, RefGroup = 1,
                           categorical = FALSE, ...) {

  ## See if we need to get group names, and if we do, try to grab them from the names of LambdaList. Otherwise, just number the groups
  if (is.null(Groups)) {
    if (is.null(names(LambdaList))) {
      Groups <- c(1:length(LambdaList))
    } else {
      Groups <- names(LambdaList)

  ## If RefGroup is a string, lets turn it into an index
  if (is.character(RefGroup)) {
    RefGroup <- match(RefGroup, Groups)

  ## if only two groups, then call DIF effect summary single right away, else iterate over the focal groups
  if (length(Groups) == 2) {
    dmacs_summary_single(LambdaF = LambdaList[-RefGroup][[1]],
                              ThreshF = ThreshList[-RefGroup][[1]],
                              MeanF   = MeanList[-RefGroup][[1]],
                              VarF    = VarList[-RefGroup][[1]],
                              SD      = SDList[-RefGroup][[1]],
                              LambdaR = LambdaList[[RefGroup]],
                              ThreshR = ThreshList[[RefGroup]],
                              categorical = categorical, ...)
  } else {
                    LambdaF = LambdaList[-RefGroup],
                    ThreshF = ThreshList[-RefGroup],
                    MeanF   = MeanList[-RefGroup],
                    VarF    = VarList[-RefGroup],
                    SD      = SDList[-RefGroup],
                    MoreArgs = list(LambdaR = LambdaList[[RefGroup]],
                                    ThreshR = ThreshList[[RefGroup]],
                                    categorical = categorical, ...),
                    SIMPLIFY = FALSE)


#' Summary of measurement nonequivalence effects for a single group
#' \code{dmacs_summary_single} returns a summary of measurement non-equivalence
#' effects given parameters for a focal and reference group.
#' \code{dmacs_summary_single} is called by \code{dmacs_summary}, which
#' in turn is called by \code{\link{lavaan_dmacs}} and
#' \code{\link{mplus_dmacs}}, which are the only functions in this
#' package intended for casual users
#' @param LambdaR is the factor loading matrix (or dataframe) for the
#' reference group.
#' @param ThreshR is a vector of indicator intercepts (for continuous
#' indicators) or a list, indexed by items, of vectors of thresholds (for
#' categorical indicators) for the reference group. For categorical
#' indicators, do \strong{not} provide a matrix of thresholds.
#' @param LambdaF is the factor loading matrix (or dataframe) for the
#' focal group.
#' @param ThreshF is a  vector of indicator intercepts (for continuous
#' indicators) or a list, indexed by items, of vectors of thresholds (for
#' categorical indicators) for the focal group. For categorical indicators,
#' do \strong{not} provide a matrix of thresholds.
#' @param MeanF is a vector of factor means for the focal group
#' @param VarF is a vector of factor variances for the focal group.
#' @param SD is a vector of indicator observed standard deviations used as
#' the denominator of the dmacs effect size. This will usually either be
#' pooled standard deviations or the standard deviation of the reference
#' group.
#' @param categorical is a Boolean variable declaring whether the variables
#' in the model are ordered categorical. Models in which some variables are
#' categorical and others are continuous are not supported. If no value is
#' provided, categorical defaults to \code{FALSE}, although if multiple
#' thresholds are provided for an item, categorical will be forced to
#' \code{TRUE}. A graded response model with probit link (e.g., DWLS in
#' lavaan or WLSMV in Mplus) is used for categorical variables. If you desire
#' for other categorical models (e.g., IRT parameterization) to be supported,
#' e-mail the maintainer.
#' @param ... other parameters to be used in functions that
#' \code{dmacs_summary_single} calls, most likely \code{stepsize} for the
#' \code{\link{item_dmacs}} and \code{\link{delta_mean_item}} functions.
#' @return A list of measurement nonequivalence effects from Nye and Drasgow
#' (2011), including dmacs,
#' expected bias in the mean score by item, expected bias in the mean total
#' score, and expected bias in the variance of the total score. Expected bias
#' in the variance of the total score is only supplied for unidimensional
#' models in the current version of this package
#' @examples
#' LambdaF <- matrix(c(1.00, 0.74,  1.14, 0.92), ncol = 1)
#' LambdaR <- matrix(c(1.00, 0.76,  1.31, 0.98), ncol = 1)
#' ThreshF <- c(0.00, 1.28, -0.82, 0.44)
#' ThreshR <- c(0.00, 0.65, -0.77, 0.47)
#' MeanF   <- 0.21
#' VarF    <- 1.76
#' SD      <- c(2.12, 1.85,  1.12, 3.61)
#' dmacs_summary_single(LambdaR, ThreshR, LambdaF, ThreshF, MeanF, VarF, SD)
#' @section References:
#' Nye, C. & Drasgow, F. (2011). Effect size indices for analyses of
#' measurement equivalence: Understanding the practical importance of
#' differences between groups. \emph{Journal of Applied Psychology, 96}(5),
#' 966-980.
#' @export

dmacs_summary_single <- function (LambdaR, ThreshR,
                                  LambdaF, ThreshF,
                                  MeanF, VarF, SD,
                                  categorical = FALSE, ...) {

  ## if more than one threshold, we must be in a categorical situation
  if (length(ThreshR[[1]]) > 1) { categorical <- TRUE }

  ## IMPORTANT: if categorical, ThreshR really needs to be a list indexed by item
  if (categorical && !is.list(ThreshR)) stop("Thresholds must be in a list indexed by item. The thresholds for each item should be a vector")

  ## If unidimensional, then things are straightforward, otherwise not so much!!
  if (ncol(LambdaR) == 1) {
    DMACS <- mapply(item_dmacs, LambdaR, ThreshR,
             LambdaF, ThreshF,
             MeanF, VarF, SD, categorical, ...)
    names(DMACS) <- rownames(LambdaR)

    ItemDeltaMean <- mapply(delta_mean_item, LambdaR, ThreshR,
                                LambdaF, ThreshF,
                                MeanF, VarF, categorical, ...)
    names(ItemDeltaMean) <- rownames(LambdaR)

    MeanDiff <- sum(ItemDeltaMean, na.rm = TRUE)
    names(MeanDiff) <- colnames(LambdaR)

    ## VarDiff only works for linear indicators at the moment
    if (!categorical) {
      VarDiff <- delta_var(LambdaR, LambdaF, VarF)
      names(VarDiff) <- colnames(LambdaR)
      list(DMACS = DMACS, ItemDeltaMean = ItemDeltaMean, MeanDiff = MeanDiff, VarDiff = VarDiff)
    } else {
      list(DMACS = DMACS, ItemDeltaMean = ItemDeltaMean, MeanDiff = MeanDiff)

  } else {

    ## Need to give MeanF and VarF (which are vectors indexed by factor) the same structure as LambdaR (an array indexed by itemsxfactors)
    MeanF <- as.vector(MeanF)
    MeanF <- matrix(rep(MeanF, nrow(LambdaR)), nrow = nrow(LambdaR), byrow = TRUE)
    VarF  <- as.vector(VarF)
    VarF  <- matrix(rep(VarF, nrow(LambdaR)), nrow = nrow(LambdaR), byrow = TRUE)

    DMACS <- as.data.frame(matrix(mapply(item_dmacs, LambdaR, ThreshR,
                      LambdaF, ThreshF,
                      MeanF, VarF, SD, categorical, ...), nrow = nrow(LambdaR)))
    colnames(DMACS) <- colnames(LambdaR)
    rownames(DMACS) <- rownames(LambdaR)

    ## ItemDeltaMean has the same possible issues as DMACS
    ItemDeltaMean <- as.data.frame(matrix(mapply(delta_mean_item, LambdaR, ThreshR,
                              LambdaF, ThreshF,
                              MeanF, VarF, categorical, ...), nrow = nrow(LambdaR)))
    colnames(ItemDeltaMean) <- colnames(LambdaR)
    rownames(ItemDeltaMean) <- rownames(LambdaR)

    MeanDiff <- colSums(ItemDeltaMean, na.rm = TRUE)

    ## delta_var needs to be redesigned for multidimensional models, so let's leave it off for now
    #VarDiff <- delta_var(LambdaR, LambdaF, VarF)

    list(DMACS = DMACS, ItemDeltaMean = ItemDeltaMean, MeanDiff = MeanDiff)#, VarDiff = VarDiff)


#' Summary of measurement nonequivalence effects
#' \code{lavaan_dmacs} returns a summary of measurement non-equivalence
#' effects given a fitted multigroup lavaan object.
#' @param fit is a fitted lavaan multi-group object. Only CFA models are
#' supported, and be sure to have an anchor item.
#' @param RefGroup can be the name of the reference group (as a string),
#' or the index of the reference group (as a number). RefGroup defaults to
#' the first group if no value is provided. It is strongly recommended to
#' provide the reference group as a string, since group names in data are
#' often ordered by their appearance in the data, not alphabetically.
#' @param dtype described the pooling of standard deviations for use in the
#' denominator of the dmacs effect size. Possibilities are "pooled" for
#' pooled standard deviations, or "glass" for always using the standard
#' deviation of the reference group.
#' @param ... other parameters to be used in functions that
#' \code{lavaan_dmacs} calls, most likely \code{stepsize} for the
#' \code{\link{item_dmacs}} and \code{\link{delta_mean_item}} functions.
#' @return A list, indexed by group, of lists of measurement nonequivalence
#' effects from Nye and Drasgow (2011), including dmacs, expected bias in
#' the mean score by item,
#' expected bias in the mean total score, and expected bias in the variance
#' of the total score. Expected bias in the variance of the total score is
#' only supplied for unidimensional models in the current version of this
#' package
#' @examples
#' HS.model <- '  visual  =~ x1 + x2 + x3
#'                textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
#'                speed   =~ x7 + x8 + x9 '
#'fit <- lavaan::cfa(HS.model,
#'                   data = lavaan::HolzingerSwineford1939,
#'                   group = "school")
#'lavaan_dmacs(fit, RefGroup = "Pasteur")
#' @section References:
#' Nye, C. & Drasgow, F. (2011). Effect size indices for analyses of
#' measurement equivalence: Understanding the practical importance of
#' differences between groups. \emph{Journal of Applied Psychology, 96}(5),
#' 966-980.
#' @export

lavaan_dmacs <- function (fit, RefGroup = 1, dtype = "pooled", ...) {

  Groups <- names(lavaan::lavInspect(fit, "est"))

  ## If RefGroup is a string, turn it into an index
  if (is.character(RefGroup)) {
    RefGroup <- match(RefGroup, Groups)
  } else {
    warning(paste("It is recommended that you provide the name of the reference group as a string; see ?lavaan_dmacs. The reference group being used is", Groups[RefGroup]))

  ## factor loadings, factor means, and factor variances are easy
  LambdaList <- lapply(lavaan::lavInspect(fit, "est"), function(x) {x$lambda})
  MeanList   <- lapply(lavaan::lavInspect(fit, "est"), function(x) {x$alpha})
  VarList    <- lapply(lavaan::lavInspect(fit, "est"), function(x) {diag(x$psi)})

  ## compute the sds for use in Equation 3 of Nye and Drasgow (2011)
  if (dtype == "pooled") {
    refsd  <- colSD(lavaan::lavInspect(fit, "data")[[RefGroup]], na.rm = TRUE)
    refn   <- colSums(!is.na(lavaan::lavInspect(fit, "data")[[RefGroup]]))
    SDList <- lapply(lavaan::lavInspect(fit, "data"), function(x) {
                focsd <- colSD(x, na.rm = TRUE)
                focn  <- colSums(!is.na(x))
  } else if (dtype == "glass") { ## Glass says to always use the SD of the reference group
    SDs    <- colSD(lavaan::lavInspect(fit, "data")[[RefGroup]], na.rm = TRUE)
    SDList <- lapply(1:length(Groups), function (x) {SDs})
    names(SDList) <- Groups
  } else {
    stop("Only \"pooled\" and \"glass\" SD types are supported")

  ## Check to see if we are using categorical or linear variables, because Thresh works differently in those cases
  if (length(lavaan::lavNames(fit, type = "ov.ord")) == 0) {
    ThreshList <- lapply(lavaan::lavInspect(fit, "est"), function(x) {x$nu})
    categorical  <- FALSE
  } else {
    ## Need the item names so we can grepl them
    ItemNames <- rownames(lavaan::lavInspect(fit, "est")[[1]]$lambda)

    ## I don't know why I am not doing this as nested for loops!! Nesting lapply inside of lapply is awful
    ThreshList <- lapply(lavaan::lavInspect(fit, "est"), function(x) {
      ## This next line makes a LIST indexed by item, which ensures that the mapply in DIF_effect_summary_single iterates over the thresholds properly
             ## The funny paste0 is in case one item name is an extension of another item name (e.g., item10 vs item1)
             function (iname, threshlist) {threshlist[grepl(paste0(iname, "\\|"), rownames(threshlist))]},

    categorical  <- TRUE

  Results <- dmacs_summary(LambdaList, ThreshList,
                           MeanList, VarList, SDList,
                           Groups, RefGroup,
                           categorical, ...)

  ## Note to self - we may need to insert some names here!!


#' Summary of measurement nonequivalence effects
#' \code{mplus_dmacs} returns a summary of measurement non-equivalence
#' effects given an Mplus .out file.
#' @param fit is an Mplus .out file of a multigroup CFA analysis. The default
#' is to launch a window for choosing the file.
#' @param RefGroup can be the name of the reference group (as a string),
#' or the index of the reference group (as a number). RefGroup defaults to
#' the first group if no value is provided. It is strongly recommended to
#' provide the reference group as a string, since group names in data are
#' often ordered by their appearance in the data, not alphabetically.
#' @param dtype described the pooling of standard deviations for use in the
#' denominator of the dmacs effect size. Possibilities are "pooled" for
#' pooled standard deviations, or "glass" for always using the standard
#' deviation of the reference group.
#' @param ... other parameters to be used in functions that
#' \code{mplus_dmacs} calls, most likely \code{stepsize} for the
#' \code{\link{item_dmacs}} and \code{\link{delta_mean_item}} functions.
#' @return A list, indexed by group, of lists of measurement nonequivalence
#' effects from Nye and Drasgow (2011), including dmacs, expected bias in
#' the mean score by item,
#' expected bias in the mean total score, and expected bias in the variance
#' of the total score. Expected bias in the variance of the total score is
#' only supplied for unidimensional models in the current version of this
#' package
#' @section References:
#' Nye, C. & Drasgow, F. (2011). Effect size indices for analyses of
#' measurement equivalence: Understanding the practical importance of
#' differences between groups. \emph{Journal of Applied Psychology, 96}(5),
#' 966-980.
#' @export

mplus_dmacs <- function(fit = file.choose(),  RefGroup = 1, dtype = "pooled", ...) {
  ## We will need the raw text file later if continuous variables with pooled dtype
  fit0 <- fit

  ## Read in the model with MplusAutomation
  if (!any(class(fit) == "mplus.model")) {
    fit <- MplusAutomation::readModels(fit)

  ## Get an array of group names.
  Groups <- unique(fit$parameters$unstandardized$Group)
  names(Groups) <- Groups

  ## If RefGroup is a string, turn it into an index, else issue a warning that maybe it should be a string
  if (is.character(RefGroup)) {
    RefGroup <- match(RefGroup, Groups)
  } else {
    warning(paste("It is recommended that you provide the name of the reference group as a string; see ?mplus_dmacs. The reference group being used is", Groups[RefGroup]))

  ## Because it will save a lot of space, and just make life easier, let's give fit$parameters$unstandardized a name
  Params <- fit$parameters$unstandardized

  ## Get an array of factor names
  FactorNames = unique(Params[which(Params$paramHeader == "Means"),"param"])
  names(FactorNames) <- FactorNames

  ## Get an array of item names
  ItemNames <- unique(Params[grepl(".BY",  Params$paramHeader), "param"])
  names(ItemNames) <- ItemNames

  ## Make a list of loading matrices
  LambdaList <- lapply(Groups, function (G) {
    sapply(FactorNames, function (F) {
      sapply(ItemNames, function (I) {
        ## loading value for factor F, item I, Group G
        lambda <- Params[(Params$paramHeader == paste0(F, ".BY")) & (Params$param == I) & (Params$Group == G), "est"]
        ## If lambda is empty, return zero
        if (length(lambda) == 1) {
        } else {

  ## Make a list of factor means
  MeanList <- lapply(Groups, function (G) {
    sapply(FactorNames, function (F) {
      ## mean value for factor F, group G
      Params[(Params$paramHeader == "Means") & (Params$param == F) & (Params$Group == G), "est"]

  ## Make a list of factor variances
  VarList <- lapply(Groups, function (G) {
    sapply(FactorNames, function (F) {
      ## variance value for factor F, group G
      Params[(Params$paramHeader == "Variances") & (Params$param == F) & (Params$Group == G), "est"]

  ## Make a list of Intercepts/Thresholds
  ## Check to see if we are in a continuous or categorical context, because ThreshList works very differently in those two contexts
  if (length(fit$input$variable$categorical) == 0) {
    categorical <- FALSE
    ## now fetch ThreshList
    ThreshList <- lapply(Groups, function (G) {
      sapply(ItemNames, function (I) {
        ## Intercept value for Item I, Group G
        Params[(Params$paramHeader == "Intercepts") & (Params$param == I) & (Params$Group == G), "est"]
  } else {
    categorical <- TRUE
    ## now fetch ThreshList
    ThreshList <- lapply(Groups, function (G) {
      lapply(ItemNames, function(I) {
        ## All threshold values (in a vector... they are in order in "Params") of item I, group G
        Params[(Params$paramHeader == "Thresholds") & (grepl(paste0(I, "$"), Params$param, fixed = TRUE)) & (Params$Group == G), "est"]

  ## All that's left is to compute the SDs... which doesn't sound fun at all
  if (categorical) {
    if (dtype == "pooled") {
      ## Make a list of (item SDs and item sample sizes) indexed by the groups
      ## We need the sample sizes so that we can pool
      ## This is faster, but harder to follow than making separate SD and SS lists
      RawSDList <- lapply (Groups, function (G) {
        ## MplusAutomation does a terrible job at organizing fit$sampstat - the groups are given the wrong names!!
        ## So we are going to take the Group name and turn it into an index
        GIndex <- which(Groups == G)
        ## This variable is just for readability
        GroupCounts <- fit$sampstat[[GIndex]]$proportions.counts
        ## Make a vector of item SDs
        sapply(ItemNames, function (I) {
          ## Get the counts for each category, make a vector with the right number in each category, then get the SD
          ItemCounts <- GroupCounts[grepl(I, GroupCounts$variable),]
          ItemData <- NULL
          for (i in 1:length(ItemCounts)) {
            ItemData <- c(ItemData, rep(ItemCounts[i, "category"], times = ItemCounts[i, "count"]))
          c(sd(ItemData), length(ItemData))
      SDList <- lapply (Groups, function (G) {
        ## everything is vectorized here, so we can just have at it, I hope!!
        (RawSDList[[G]][1,]*(RawSDList[[G]][2,] - 1) + RawSDList[[RefGroup]][1,]*(RawSDList[[RefGroup]][2,] - 1)) /
                              (RawSDList[[G]][2,] - 1 + RawSDList[[RefGroup]][2,] - 1)

    } else if (dtype == "glass") {
      ## MplusAutomation organizes fit$sampstat strangely, so we need the index here
      GroupCounts <- fit$sampstat[[RefGroup]]$proportions.counts
      ## Make a vector of item SDs
      ItemSDs <- sapply(ItemNames, function (I) {
        ## Get the counts for each category, make a vector with the right number in each category, then get the SD
        ItemCounts <- GroupCounts[grepl(I, GroupCounts$variable),]
        ItemData <- NULL
        for (i in 1:length(ItemCounts)) {
          ItemData <- c(ItemData, rep(ItemCounts[i, "category"], times = ItemCounts[i, "count"]))
      ## Now, lapply that vector for each group
      SDList <- lapply(Groups, function (x) {ItemSDs})
    } else {
      stop("Only \"pooled\" and \"glass\" SD types are supported")

  } else { ## We are in continuous case, and should extract SDs from sampstat if we can... estimate from model (with warning) if no sampstat

    if (dtype == "pooled") {
      ## Should probably throw an error if sampstat is not included
      RawSDList <- lapply(Groups, function (G) {
        ## MplusAutomation does a terrible job at organizing fit$sampstat - the groups are given the wrong names!!
        ## So we are going to take the Group name and turn it into an index
        GIndex <- which(Groups == G)
      ## Now we need to fetch the group sample sizes... which MplusAutomation does not do for us!!!
      FitLines <- readLines(fit0)
      GroupCounts <- lapply (Groups, function (G) {
        ## The first time something like "Group GROUP1" shows us is the sample size line for that group
        GroupCountLine <- FitLines[grepl(paste("Group", G), FitLines)][1]
        JustGroupCount <- gsub(paste("Group", G), "", GroupCountLine)
        ## The only thing left in the string is spaces and the group sample size

      ## Now, let's pool the results
      SDList <- lapply(Groups, function (G) {
        (RawSDList[[G]]*(GroupCounts[[G]]-1) + RawSDList[[RefGroup]]*(GroupCounts[[RefGroup]]-1)) /
            ((GroupCounts[[G]]-1) + (GroupCounts[[RefGroup]]-1))
    } else if (dtype == "glass") {
      ItemSDs <- sqrt(diag(fit$sampstat[[RefGroup]]$covariances))
      SDList <- lapply(Groups, function (x) {ItemSDs})
    } else {
      stop("Only \"pooled\" and \"glass\" SD types are supported")


  Results <- dmacs_summary(LambdaList, ThreshList,
                           MeanList, VarList, SDList,
                           Groups, RefGroup,
                           categorical, ...)

  ## Note to self - we may need to insert some names here!!



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