
Defines functions generate_data_list exclude_column_by_name repeat_rows matrix2set_list set_list2matrix get_rhs_matrix get_predictor_list get_location get_rhs_nms cv_glm_fitlist get_formulas print.model_stability_glm_summary_class summary.model_stability_glm_class formula.model_stability_glm_class print.model_stability_glm_class model_stability_glm

Documented in cv_glm_fitlist generate_data_list get_formulas matrix2set_list model_stability_glm set_list2matrix

#' @title Model stability for glm objects
#' @param data. A data frame
#' @param model A glm object
#' @param n.searches Number of searches
#' @param method Method for generating data
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to \code{\link{step}}
#' @export
model_stability_glm <- function(data., model, n.searches=10, method=c("subgroups", "resample"), ...){
    method <- match.arg(method)
    data_list <- generate_data_list(data., K=n.searches, method=method)
    lhs <- as.character(model$formula[[2]])
    fit_list <- data_list |>
            model <- update(model, data=dat..)
            step(model, ...)
    fit_list2 <- parallel::mclapply(
                               fit_list, function(x){
                                   update(x, data=data.)
    rhs_nms  <- get_rhs_nms(model)    
    rhs_list <- get_predictor_list(fit_list2)
    rhs_matrix <- set_list2matrix(rhs_list, aggregate=TRUE)
    rhs_raw    <- set_list2matrix(rhs_list, aggregate=FALSE)    
    rhs_matrix <- as.data.frame(rhs_matrix)
    freq <- rhs_matrix$Freq__
    rhs_matrix$Freq__ <- NULL
    rhs_matrix = as(t(rhs_matrix), "dgCMatrix")
    rhs_raw = as(t(rhs_raw), "dgCMatrix")
    loc <- get_location(rhs_raw, rhs_matrix)    
    out <- list(
        call = match.call(),
        model = model,
        data. = data.,
        data_list = data_list,
        formula = formula(model),
        n.searches = n.searches,
        fit = fit_list2,
        rhs_matrix = rhs_matrix,
        rhs_raw = rhs_raw,
        n.searches = n.searches,
        loc = loc,
        lhs = lhs,
        freq = freq)
    class(out) <- "model_stability_glm_class"

#' @export
print.model_stability_glm_class <- function(x, ...){
  x$data. <- NULL
  print.default(x[c("rhs_matrix", "freq")])    

#' @export
formula.model_stability_glm_class <- function(x, fit=FALSE, unique=TRUE, text=FALSE, ...){

    if (fit){
        text <- FALSE
    f <- get_formulas(x, unique=unique, text=text)
    if (!fit){
    } else {
        cl <- x$model$call
        lapply(f, function(z) {
            cl$formula <- z
            out <- update(eval(cl), data=x$data.)

#' @export
summary.model_stability_glm_class <- function(object, ...){

    freq_pred <- object$rhs_raw |> rowSums()
    num_pred <- object$rhs_matrix |> colSums()

    out <- list(number_of_models=ncol(object$rhs_raw),
    class(out) <- "model_stability_glm_summary_class"

#' @export
print.model_stability_glm_summary_class <- function(x, ...){

#' @title Get formulas from model_stability_glm_class object
#' @param object A model_stability_glm_class object
#' @param unique If TRUE, return unique models
#' @param text If TRUE, return text (rather than formula).  
#' @export
get_formulas <- function(object, unique=TRUE, text=FALSE){

    if (unique){
        mmm <- object$rhs_matrix        
    } else {
        mmm <- object$rhs_raw        

    rhs2formula <- function(object, i, text=FALSE) {
        out <- paste0(object$lhs, "~", paste0(names(which(mmm[,i]==1)), collapse="+"))
        if (!text)

    out <- lapply(1:ncol(mmm),
                      rhs2formula(object, i, text=text)

#' @title Cross-validation for list of glm objects
#' @param data. A data frame
#' @param fit_list A list of glm objects
#' @param K Number of folds
#' @importFrom boot cv.glm
#' @export
cv_glm_fitlist <- function(data., fit_list, K=10){
    fit_list <-
                   if(!inherits(fit, "glm"))
                       stop("fit must be an glm object")
                   update(fit, data=data.)

    cv.error <-
                   boot::cv.glm(data., fit, K=K)$delta[1] 

get_rhs_nms <- function(model){
  nms <- names(eval(model$call$data))
  lhs <- as.character(formula(model)[[2]])
  rhs_nms <- setdiff(nms, lhs)

get_location <- function(rhs_raw, rhs_matrix){
    u <- apply(rhs_raw, 1, paste0, collapse='')
    z <- apply(rhs_matrix, 1, paste0, collapse='')

    loc <- sapply(u, function(i){
        (i == z)  |> which()
    names(loc) <- NULL

get_predictor_list <- function(x){
  rhs_list <-
             s |> terms() |> attr("term.labels")  

get_rhs_matrix <- function(x, aggregate=FALSE){
  if (!inherits(x, "model_stability_glm_class"))
    stop("'x' is not model_stability_glm_class\n")
  rhs_list <- get_predictor_list(x$fit)
  rhs_raw <- set_list2matrix(rhs_list, aggregate=aggregate)

#' @title Matrix representatation of list of vectors and vice versa
#' @param set_list list of vectors
#' @param aggregate should the vectors be aggregated
#' @param set_matrix matrix representatation
#' @name set_list_set_matrix
#' @examples
#' l <- list(c(1,2,3), c(3,2,4), c(3,2,4))
#' m1 <- set_list2matrix(l)
#' m1
#' matrix2set_list(m1)
#' m2 <- set_list2matrix(l, aggregate=TRUE)
#' m2
#' matrix2set_list(m2)
#' @export
set_list2matrix <- function(set_list, aggregate=FALSE){  
    aggregate_matrix <- function(mat){
        if (ncol(mat) > 0){
            mat <- mat |> as.data.frame()  |> table() |> as.data.frame.table()
            mat <- dplyr::filter(mat, .data$Freq>0)
            mat <- mat[order(mat$Freq, decreasing=TRUE),]
            mat <- sapply(mat, 
            if (is.null(dim(mat)))
                mat <- as.data.frame(t(mat))
        } else { 
    ## Get unique terms across all lists
    unique_terms <- unique(unlist(set_list))
    ## Create an empty matrix M with 3 rows and columns equal to the number of unique terms
    M <- matrix(0, nrow = length(set_list), ncol = length(unique_terms), 
                dimnames = list(NULL, unique_terms))
    ## Iterate over each list and mark the presence of terms in the matrix
    for (i in seq_along(set_list)) {
        M[i, set_list[[i]]] <- 1

    if (aggregate) {
        M2 <- aggregate_matrix(M)
        colnames(M2) <- c(colnames(M), "Freq__")

#' @rdname set_list_set_matrix
#' @param set_matrix matrix representatation
#' @export
matrix2set_list<- function(set_matrix){
    has_freq <- "Freq__" %in% colnames(set_matrix)
    if (has_freq){
        set_matrix <- exclude_column_by_name(repeat_rows(set_matrix, set_matrix[,"Freq__"]), "Freq__")
      nr <- nrow(set_matrix)
    out <- vector("list", nr)
    nms <- colnames(set_matrix)
    nms <- if(is.null(nms)) 1:ncol(set_matrix) else nms
    ##print(out); cat("nms:\n"); print(nms)
    for (i in 1:nrow(set_matrix)){
        ri <- set_matrix[i,]
      ##  print(ri)
        idx <- which(abs(ri)> 1e-5)
        out[[i]] <- nms[idx]

repeat_rows <- function(M, v) {
  # Check that the length of v matches the number of rows in M
  if (length(v) != nrow(M)) {
    stop("The length of vector v must match the number of rows in matrix M.")
  # Create an empty list to store the repeated rows
  repeated_rows <- vector("list", length = sum(v))
  # Fill the list with repeated rows
  index <- 1
  for (i in seq_along(v)) {
    for (j in seq_len(v[i])) {
      repeated_rows[[index]] <- M[i, , drop = FALSE]
      index <- index + 1
  # Combine the list into a new matrix
  new_matrix <- do.call(rbind, repeated_rows)

exclude_column_by_name <- function(M, colname) {
  # Check if the column name exists in the matrix
  col_index <- which(colnames(M) == colname)
  if (length(col_index) == 0) {
    stop(paste("Column", colname, "does not exist in the matrix."))
  # Exclude the column by name
  M <- M[, -col_index, drop = FALSE]

#' @title Generate data list
#' @param data. A data frame
#' @param K Number of folds
#' @param method Method for generating data
#' @export
generate_data_list <- function(data., K, method=c("subgroups", "resample")){
  method <- match.arg(method)
  sample0 <- function (x, ...) {
    x[sample.int(length(x), ...)]
  out <- as.list(rep(NA, K))
  switch (method,
          "subgroups" = {
            n <- nrow(data.)
            f <- ceiling(n/K)
            s <- sample0(rep(1L:K, f), n)
            ms <- max(s)
            for (i in seq_len(ms)) {
              j.in <- seq_len(n)[(s != i)]
              di <- data.[j.in, , drop = FALSE]
              out[[i]] <- di
          "resample" = {
            for (i in 1:K){
              j.in <- sample(nrow(data.), replace=TRUE) |> sort()
              di <- data.[j.in, , drop = FALSE]
              out[[i]] <- di              

# predictor.list <-
#     lapply(object$fit,
#            function(s){
#                s |> terms() |> attr("term.labels")  
#            })
# rhs.matrix <- set_list2matrix(predictor.list, aggregate=FALSE)

# stability_glm_old <- function(data., model, n.searches=5, k=2, ...){    
#   formula. <- formula(model)        
#   data_list <- modelr::crossv_kfold(data., k = n.searches, id = ".id")
#   fit_list <- data_list[["train"]] |>
#     lapply(function(dat..){
#       model <- update(model, data=dat..)
#       step(model, ..., trace=0)
#     })
#   fit_list2 <- lapply(
#     fit_list, function(x){
#       update(x, data=data.)
#     }
#   )
#   out <- list(call=match.call(),
#               model= model,
#               data.=data.,
#               data_list=data_list,
#               formula=formula.,
#               k=k,                
#               n.searches=n.searches,
#               fit=fit_list2
#   )
#   class(out) <- "stability_glm_class"
#   out
# }

## stability_glm <- function(data., formula., k=2, ...){
##     cat("NOTE: This is an experimental functionality\n")
##     fit_list <- data.[["train"]] |>
##         map(function(dat..){
##             step(lm(formula., data=dat..), k=k, ..., trace=0)    
##         })

##     out <- list(call=match.call(),
##                 data=data.,
##                 formula=formula.,
##                 k=k,                
##                 n.fold=dim(data.)[1],
##                 fit=fit_list
##                 )
##     class(out) <- "stability_glm_class"
##     out
## }

## #' @export
## model_stability_glm <- function(data., model, n.searches=5, method=c("resample", "subgroups"), ...){
##     data_list <- generate_data_list(data., K=n.searches, method=method)
##     formula. <- formula(model)
##     sapply(data_list, nrow)
##     fit_list <- data_list |>
##         lapply(function(dat..){
##             model <- update(model, data=dat..)
##             step(model, ...)
##         })
##     fit_list2 <- lapply(
##         fit_list, function(x){
##             update(x, data=data.)
##         }
##     )
##     rhs_nms <- get_rhs_nms(model)    
##     predictor.list <- get_predictor_list(fit_list2)
##     rhs <- set_list2matrix(predictor.list, rhs_nms, aggregate=TRUE)
##     rhs <- as.data.frame(rhs)
##     freq <- rhs$Freq__
##     rhs$Freq__ <- NULL
##     out <- list(
##         call = match.call(),
##         model = model,
##         data. = data.,
##         data_list = data_list,
##         formula = formula.,
##         n.searches = n.searches,
##         fit = fit_list2,
##         rhs_matrix = as(t(rhs), "dgCMatrix"),
##         freq = freq)
##     class(out) <- "model_stability_glm_class"
##     out
## }

## #' @export
## summary.model_stability_glm_class <- function(object, ...){
##     lhs <- as.character(object$formula[[2]])

##     rhs_nms <- get_rhs_nms(object$model)    
##     predictor.list <- get_predictor_list(object$fit)
##     rhs_raw <- set_list2matrix(predictor.list, rhs_nms, aggregate=FALSE)
##     rhs_matrix <- set_list2matrix(predictor.list, rhs_nms, aggregate=TRUE)
##     rownames(rhs_matrix) <- 1:nrow(rhs_matrix)
##     rhs_matrix <-
##         apply(rhs_matrix, 2, as.numeric, simplify=FALSE) |> 
##         as.data.frame()
##     freq <- rhs_matrix$Freq__
##     rhs_matrix$Freq__ <- NULL

##     u <- apply(rhs_raw, 1, paste0, collapse='')
##     z <- apply(rhs_matrix, 1, paste0, collapse='')

##     loc <- sapply(u, function(i){
##         (i == z)  |> which()
##     })
##     names(loc) <- NULL
##     loc
##     n.searches <- length(object$fit)

##     rhs_raw <- t(rhs_raw)
##     rhs_matrix=t(rhs_matrix)
##     out <- list(
##         model = object$model,
##         n.searches = n.searches  ,
##         data. = object$data.,
##         lhs = lhs,
##         rhs_matrix = object$rhs_matrix, #as(t(rhs_matrix), "dgCMatrix"),
##         freq = object$freq,
##         rhs_raw = rhs_raw,
##         rhs_raw = as(t(rhs_raw), "dgCMatrix"),
##         loc=loc
##     )
##     class(out) <- "model_stability_glm_summary_class"
##     out
## }

## #' @export
## formula.model_stability_glm_class <- function(x, fit=FALSE, ...){
##   if (!fit){
##     return(lapply(x$fit, formula))
##   } else {
##     x$fit
##   }
## }

## #' @export
## formula.model_stability_glm_summary_class <- function(x, fit=FALSE, ...){
##   if (!fit){
##     get_formulas(x)
##   } else {
##     f <- get_formulas(x)
##     cl <- x$model$call
##     lapply(f, function(z) {
##       cl$formula <- z
##       out <- update(eval(cl), data=x$data.)
##       out
##     }
##     )
##   }
## }

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