
Defines functions optimum_param analyze.2order analyze.1order generate.panel.2order generate.panel.1order generate.2order generate.1order generate.excitation calculate.fda calculate.glla calculate.gold

Documented in analyze.1order analyze.2order calculate.fda calculate.glla calculate.gold generate.1order generate.2order generate.excitation generate.panel.1order generate.panel.2order optimum_param

# calculate.gold ----------------------------------------------------------
#' Calculation of derivatives using the GOLD method
#' \code{calculate.gold} estimates the derivatives of a variable using the Generalized Orthogonal Local Derivative (GOLD)
#' method described in \doi{10.1080/00273171.2010.498294}{Deboeck (2010)}. The code available on this paper was extracted and adapted for non constant time steps.
#' This method allows calculating over a number of measurement points (called the embedding number) derivatives with uncorrelated errors.
#' @param signal is a vector containing the data from which the derivative is estimated.
#' @param time is a vector containing the time values corresponding to the signal. Arguments signal and time must have the same length.
#' @param embedding is an integer indicating the number of points to consider for derivative calculation. Embedding must be greater than 1 because at least
#' two points are needed for the calculation of the first derivative and at least 3 for the calculation of the second derivative.
#' @param n is the maximum order of derivative to estimate.
#' @keywords derivative embedding-number
#' @return Returns a list containing the following elements:
#' dtime- contains the time values in which the derivative was calculated. That is, the moving average of the input time over embedding points.
#' dsignal- is a data.frame containing n+1 columns and the same number of rows as the signal.
#' The column k is the k-1 order derivative of the signal over embedding points.
#' embedding- number of points used for the derivative calculation.
#' n - the maximum derivative order calculated n
#' @examples
#' #In the following example the derivatives for the function y(t) = t^2 are calculated.
#' #The expected results are:
#' #y'(t) = 2t and y''(t) = 2
#' time <- c(1:500)/100
#' signal <- time^2
#' result <- calculate.gold(signal = signal, time = time, embedding = 5)
#'@importFrom zoo rollmean
#'@import futile.logger
calculate.gold <-  function(signal,
                            embedding = 3,
                            n = 2){
  #Error management
  if (length(signal) != length(time)){
    flog.error("signal and time vectors should have the same length.")
    stop("signal and time vectors should have the same length.\n")
  if (length(signal) <= embedding){
    flog.error("Signal and time vectors should have a length greater than embedding.")
    stop("Signal and time vectors should have a length greater than embedding.\n")
  if (n >= embedding){
    flog.error("The embedding dimension should be higher than the maximum order of the derivative, n.")
    stop("The embedding dimension should be higher than the maximum order of the derivative, n.\n")

  if (embedding > 2){
    #tembed (time embedded) is a matrix, containing in each line the groups of
    #"n" points with n being the embedding value from which to calculate the
    #roll means For instance if time=1:10 and embedding=3, the matrix tembed
    #will have: row1: 1 2 3; row2: 2 3 4...row8:8 9 10).
    #Xembed is a matrix containing the values of the signal in the time points
    #considered in "embedding"
    tembed <- embed(time, embedding)
    tembed <- tembed[, ncol(tembed):1]

    Xembed <- embed(signal, embedding)
    Xembed <- Xembed[, ncol(Xembed):1]

    #Creation of the D matrix: in paper, equations (11) and (12) this
    #is "...the diagonal matrix with scaling constants that convert the
    #polynomial estimates to derivative estimates".
    D <- diag(1/factorial(c(0:n)))

    #Matrix of derivative estimates
    derivative <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(tembed), ncol = n+1)
    #Matrix Xi containing the coefficients of the orthogonal polynomials
    Xi <- matrix(NA,n+1,ncol(tembed))
    for (k in 1:nrow(tembed)){
      # Loop repeated in each tembed line (each group of time values).Time vector, containing deltat, centered in 0
      t <- tembed[k, ] - tembed[k, (embedding + 1) / 2]
      for(q in 0:n) {
        Xi[q+1,] <- (t^q)
        if(q>0) {
          for(p in 0:(q-1)) {
            Xi[q+1,] <- Xi[q+1,] -
      # And with E (Theta) and D it is possible to calculate the orthogonal
      # matrix W, equation (14)
      L <- D %*% Xi
      W <- t(L) %*% solve(L %*% t(L))
      #And with this matrix, solve the differential equation as Y=X*W
      derivative[k,] <- Xembed[k,] %*% W
    #Derivative calculated in the time row k
    derivative <- rbind(derivative, matrix(data = NA, ncol = n+1, nrow = embedding - 1))
    # Addition of NA so that the derivative rows are the same as those of signal

  } else if (embedding == 2){
    #flog.warn"Only first derivative can be calculated with an embedding of 2.\n")
    derivative <- cbind(rollmean(signal, embedding), diff(signal) / diff(time))
    #Appends the two columns: 1. mean time values and 2. The span calculated as
    #the difference of two signal values (going forward) divided by the time
    derivative <- rbind(derivative,matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = embedding - 1))
    # Addition of NA so that the derivative rows are the same as those of signal
  } else{
    flog.error("Embedding should be >=2 for the calculation of derivatives.")
    stop("Embedding should be >=2 for the calculation of derivatives.\n")
  time_derivative <-c(rollmean(time, embedding), rep(NA, embedding - 1))
  # Addition of NA so that the time rows are the same as those of signal

  returnobject <- list("dtime" = time_derivative,
                       "dsignal" = derivative,
                       "embedding" = embedding,
                       "n" = n)

# calculate.glla ----------------------------------------------------------
#' Calculation of derivatives using the GLLA method
#' \code{calculate.glla} estimates the derivatives of a variable using the Generalized Local Linear Approximation (GLLA) method
#' described in \doi{10.4324/9780203864746}{Boker et al.(2010)}.
#' This method estimates the derivatives over a number of measurement points called the embedding number assuming an equally spaced time series.
#' @param signal is the input vector containing the data from which the derivatives are estimated.
#' @param time is a vector containing the time values corresponding to the signal. Arguments signal and time must have the same length.
#' @param embedding is an integer indicating the embedding dimension, that is the number of points to consider for derivative calculation.
#' Embedding must be at least #' 2 for the calculation of the first derivative (first order models) and at least 3 for the calculation of
#' the second derivative (second order models).
#' @param n is the maximum order of the derivative to calculate
#' @keywords derivative embedding-number
#' @return Returns a list containing three columns:
#' dtime- contains the time values in which the derivative was calculated. That is, the moving average of the input time over embedding points.
#' dsignal- is a data.frame containing n+1 columns and the same number of rows as the signal.
#' The column k is the k-1 order derivative of the signal over embedding points.
#' embedding- number of points used for the derivative calculation.
#' n - the maximum derivative order calculated n
#' @examples
#' #In the following example the derivatives for the function y(t) = t^2 are calculated.
#' #The expected results are:
#' #y'(t) = 2t and y''(t) = 2
#' time <- c(1:500)/100
#' signal <- time^2
#' result <- calculate.glla(signal = signal, time = time, embedding = 5)
#'@importFrom zoo rollmean
#'@import futile.logger
calculate.glla <-  function(signal,
                            embedding = 3,
                            n = 2){
  #Error management
  if (length(signal) != length(time)){
    flog.error("signal and time vectors should have the same length.")
    stop("signal and time vectors should have the same length.\n")
  if (length(signal) <= embedding){
    flog.error("Signal and time vectors should have a length greater than embedding.")
    stop("Signal and time vectors should have a length greater than embedding.\n")
  if (n >= embedding){
    flog.error("The embedding dimension should be higher than the maximum order of the derivative, n.")
    stop("The embedding dimension should be higher than the maximum order of the derivative, n.\n")
  deltat<-min(diff(time)) #Assuming an equally spaced time series
  if (embedding > 2){
    #Initialize L matrix
    L <- rep(1,embedding)
    for(i in 1:n) {
      L <- cbind(L,((c(1:embedding)-mean(c(1:embedding))))^i/factorial(i))

    W <- L%*%solve(t(L)%*%L)

    Xembed <- embed(signal, embedding)
    Xembed <- Xembed[, ncol(Xembed):1]

    derivative <- Xembed %*% W

    for(i in 2:(n+1)){
      derivative[,i] <- derivative[,i]/deltat^(i-1)
    derivative <- rbind(derivative, matrix(data = NA, ncol = n + 1, nrow = embedding - 1))

  } else if (embedding == 2){
    flog.warn("Only first derivative can be calculated with an embedding of 2.")
    derivative <- cbind(rollmean(signal, embedding), diff(signal) / diff(time))
    #Appends the two columns: 1. mean time values and 2. The span calculated as
    #the difference of two signal values (going forward) divided by the time
    derivative <- rbind(derivative,matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = embedding - 1))
    # Addition of NA so that the derivative rows are the same as those of signal
  } else{
    flog.error("Embedding should be >=2 for the calculation of derivatives.")
    stop("Embedding should be >=2 for the calculation of derivatives.\n")
  time_derivative <-c(rollmean(time, embedding), rep(NA, embedding - 1))
  # Addition of NA so that the time rows are the same as those of signal

  returnobject <- list("dtime" = time_derivative,
                       "dsignal" = derivative,
                       "embedding" = embedding,
                       "n" = order)
# calculate.fda ----------------------------------------------------------
#' Calculation of derivatives using the Functional Data Analysis (FDA) method.
#' \code{calculate.fda} estimates the derivatives of a variable using the FDA
#' method described in several sources, such as in \doi{10.1007/b98888}{Ramsay et al. (2009)}
#' and  \doi{10.1080/00273171.2015.1123138}{Chow et al. (2016)}.
#' This method estimates a spline function that fits all the data points and then derivates this function to estimate derivatives at those points.
#' In order for the derivatives to exist, the function must be smooth. A roughness penalty function controlled by a smoothing parameter is then used.
#' The estimations are done by using the R's base smooth.spline function.
#' @param signal is a vector containing the data from which the derivative is estimated.
#' @param time is a vector containing the time values corresponding to the signal. Arguments signal and time must have the same length.
#' @param spar is the smoothing parameter used by the roughness penalty function in the smooth.spline R function.
#' @param order parameter not used, for consistency with calculate.glla and calculate.gold
#' @keywords derivative fda spline
#' @return Returns a list containing two elements:
#' dtime- contains the initial time values provided.
#' dsignal- is a data.frame containing three columns and the same number of rows as the signal.
#' The first column is the signal data points, the second is the first derivative evaluated at those points,
#' and the third is the second derivative evaluated at those points.
#' @examples
#' #In the following example the derivatives for the function y(t) = t^2 are calculated.
#' #The expected results are:
#' #y'(t) = 2t and y''(t) = 2
#' time <- c(1:500)/100
#' signal <- time^2
#' result <- calculate.fda(signal = signal, time = time)
#'@importFrom stats smooth.spline
#'@importFrom stats predict
calculate.fda <-  function(signal,
                           spar = NULL,
                           order = NULL){
  f <- smooth.spline(time,signal,spar = spar)
  derivative <- cbind(predict(f)$y,predict(f,deriv = 1)$y,predict(f,deriv = 2)$y)
  returnobject <- list("dtime" = time,
                       "dsignal" = derivative,
                       "spar" = spar)
# generate.excitation -----------------------------------------------------
#' Excitation signal generation
#' \code{generate.excitation} generates a vector of randomly located square pulses
#' with a given amplitude, duration and spacing between the pulses. A pulse is where the excitation passes from value 0 to value amplitude
#' for a given duration and then returns back to 0, thus producing a square shape.
#' @param amplitude  is a vector of values different from 0 indicating the amplitude of the excitation. It should contain as many values
#' as the number of pulses (nexc). If the elements are less than the number of pulses, the amplitude vector will be "recycled" and the elements from it will be repeated until
#' all the pulses are covered (for instance, if the number of excitations nexc is 6 and the amplitude vector has two elements, pulses 1,3 and 5 will
#' have the same amplitude as the first element of the amplitude vector and pulses 2,4 and 6 that of the second element).
#' @param nexc is an integer greater than 0 indicating the number of pulses to generate.
#' @param duration is a vector of values greater or equal to 0 indicating the duration of each pulse in time units. It should have as many elements as the number of pulses (nexc). If
#' the elements are less than the number of pulses, the amplitude vector will be "recycled" and the elements from it will be repeated until
#' all the pulses are covered.
#' @param deltatf is a value greater than 0 indicating the time step between two consecutive data points.
#' @param tmax is a value greater than 0 indicating the maximum time range of the excitation vector in time units. The time vector generated will go from 0 to tmax.
#' @param minspacing as pulses are generated randomly, minspacing is a value greater than or equal to 0 that indicates minimum spacing between pulses, thus avoiding
#' overlapping of the pulses in time. A value of 0 indicates that pulses can follow one another.
#' @keywords excitation simulation
#' @return Returns two vectors:
#' E- vector containing the values of the excitation generated.
#' t- vector containing the values of time generated.
#' @details Used for simulations in the context of the package. Beware that the following condition should apply:
#' \deqn{tmax >= (duration+minspacing)*nexc}
#' so that the pulses "fit" in the time lapse defined.
#' Compared to \code{pulsew} from the \code{seewave} package, this function can generate pulses of different duration and amplitude.
#' @examples
#' generate.excitation (amplitude = 3,
#'                      nexc = 6,
#'                      duration = 2,
#'                      deltatf = 1,
#'                      tmax = 200,
#'                      minspacing = 2)
#' #Vector of length 201 (deltatf x tmax + 1 as it includes 0 as initial time value)
#' generate.excitation (amplitude = c(1,10,20),
#'                      nexc = 3,
#'                      duration = c(1,2,4),
#'                      deltatf = 0.5,
#'                      tmax = 100,
#'                      minspacing = 10)
#'@importFrom utils head
#'@import futile.logger
# Excitation signal generation.
generate.excitation = function(amplitude = 1,
                               nexc = 1,
                               duration = 2,
                               deltatf = 0.1,
                               tmax = 10,
                               minspacing = 1)
  #Error management
  if (any(duration < 0)){
    flog.error("Invalid input parameters. Pulse duration must be greater or equal to 0.")
    stop("Invalid input parameters. Pulse duration must be greater or equal to 0.\n")
  if (any(amplitude == 0)){
    flog.error("Invalid input parameters. Amplitude must be different from 0.")
    stop("Invalid input parameters. Amplitude must be different from 0.\n")
  if (nexc <= 0){
    flog.error("Invalid input parameters. At least one excitation must be defined.")
    stop("Invalid input parameters. At least one excitation must be defined.\n")
  if (nexc < length(duration) | nexc < length(amplitude)){
    flog.error("The number of excitations nexc is smaller than the number of elements in amplitude and/or duration.")
    stop("The number of excitations nexc is smaller than the number of elements in amplitude and/or duration.")

  if (nexc > length(duration)){
    if (length(duration) > 1){
      flog.warn("The number of excitations nexc was higher than the durations defined. Durations were recycled.")
    duration <- rep(duration, ceiling(nexc/length(duration)))
    duration <- duration[1:nexc]
  if (nexc > length(amplitude)){
    if (length(amplitude) > 1){
      flog.warn("The number of excitations nexc was higher than the amplitudes defined. Amplitudes were recycled.")
    amplitude <- rep(amplitude,ceiling(nexc/length(amplitude)));
    amplitude <- amplitude[1:nexc]
  if(tmax < (sum(duration) + minspacing * (nexc-1))){
    flog.error("Invalid input parameters. tmax should be greater than (duration + minspacing) * nexc.")
    stop("Invalid input parameters. tmax should be greater than (duration + minspacing) * nexc.\n")

  #Generation of time vector
  tim <- seq(0, tmax, deltatf)

  found <- FALSE #indicates final distribution of pulses has not been found yet
  while (!found){
    tal <- c(sort(sample(0:tmax, nexc, replace = F)), tmax) #initial sampling. tal is a vector of time values in which the pulses will start
    if(all(diff(tal) >= (minspacing + duration))){found <- TRUE} #means all the pulses fitted and we exit the loop

  #Generation of excitation
  E <- rep(0,length(tim)) #initialize excitation vector with 0

  for (i in 1:nexc){
    E[(tim >= tal[i]) & (tim <= (tal[i] + duration[i]))] <- amplitude[i] #fill vector with the amplitudes for the corresponding pulse in the lapses
    #of time defined by tal and tal+duration

  data <- list(exc = E, t = tim)
# generate.1order ----------------------------------------------------
#' Generation of the first order differential equation solution with deSolve, for given fixed coefficients
#' and initial condition
#' \code{generate.1order} returns a data frame containing the time (supplied as input) and the solution to a first order
#' differential equation. The coefficients are provided as inputs, as well as the initial condition
#' \deqn{\frac{dy(t)}{dt} + \frac{(y(t) - yeq)}{\tau}  =  \frac{k}{\tau} u(t)}
#' Where y(t) is the signal, dy(t) its derivative, \eqn{\tau} is the decay time, k the gain and yeq the equilibrium value.
#' u(t) is the source term of the equation, that is an external excitation perturbing the dynamics.
#' The latter is provided as input or is set to null. The numerical solution is generated with deSolve.
#' @param time Is a vector containing the time values corresponding to the excitation signal.
#' @param excitation Is a vector containing the values of the excitation signal (u(t) in the equation). If NULL, it is considered to be 0.
#' @param y0 Signal initial value y(t=t0). Default is 0
#' @param t0 Time corresponding to the signal initial value y(t=t0). Default is the minimum value of the time vector.
#' Must be a value between minimum and maximum value of the time vector
#' @param tau Signal decay time. It represents the characteristic response time of the solution of the differential equation.
#' A negative value will produce divergence from equilibrium.
#' @param k Signal gain. Default is 1. It represents the proportionality between the stationary increase of signal and the excitation increase that caused it.
#' Only relevant if the excitation is non null.
#' @param yeq Signal equilibrium value. Stationary value when the excitation term is 0.
#' @keywords first-order differential-equation
#' @return Returns a data.table containing three elements:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item  y is a vector containing the values calculated with deSolve so that y is a solution to a first order differential equation with the constant
#'   coefficients provided as input.
#'   \item  t is a vector containing the corresponding time values
#'   \item exc
#' }
#' @examples
#' generate.1order(t0 = 2.5,y0 = 2)
#' test <- generate.1order(time = 0:49, excitation = c(rep(0,10),rep(1,40)))
#' plot(test$t,test$y)
#' lines(test$t,test$exc,col = 2)
#' ### see the influence of tau
#' different_tau <- data.table::rbindlist(lapply(1:5*4,function(x){
#' tmp <- generate.1order(t0 = 0,
#'                        y0 = 2,
#'                        tau = x)
#' tmp[,tau := as.factor(x)][]
#' }))
#' ggplot2::ggplot(data = different_tau,
#'                 ggplot2::aes(t,y,color = tau))+
#'   ggplot2::geom_line()
#' ### effect of the gain
#' different_gain <- data.table::rbindlist(lapply(1:5,function(x){
#' tmp <- generate.1order(
#'   time = 1:100,
#'   excitation = as.numeric(1:100 > 50),
#'   y0 = 0,
#'   tau = 10,
#'   k = x)
#' tmp[,k := as.factor(x)][]
#' }) )
#'   ggplot2::ggplot(different_gain)+
#'   ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(t,y,color = k))+
#'   ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(t,exc,color = "excitation"))

#'@importFrom deSolve ode
#'@import futile.logger
generate.1order <- function(time = 0:100,
                            excitation = NULL,
                            y0 = 0,
                            t0 = NULL,
                            tau = 10,
                            k = 1,
                            yeq = 0){

  exc <- NULL # local binding of variable declared in data.table, for note compiling
  #Error management
  #If excitation is not supplied, then creation of an empty vector
  if(is.null(excitation)){excitation <- rep(0,length(time))}

  #If t0 is not supplied, then set to min value of time vector
  if(is.null(t0)){t0 <- min(time,na.rm = T)}

  #If excitation is a scalar, the function warns the user that it should be a vector containing the values of the excitation signal
  if (length(excitation) <= 1 | length(excitation) != length(time)) {
    flog.error("Both the excitation (excitation) and its time values (time) should be vectors and have the same length.")
    stop("Both the excitation (excitation) and its time values (time) should be vectors and have the same length.\n")

  if (t0 < min(time,na.rm = T) | t0 > max(time,na.rm = T)) {
    flog.error("Initial condition should be given for a time contained within the time vector boundaries.")
    stop("Initial condition should be given for a time contained within the time vector boundaries.\n")

  #if excitation is a character or a matrix, the function stops
  if (is.matrix(excitation) | is.character(excitation)){
    flog.error("Excitation should be a vector.")
    stop("Excitation should be a vector.")

  # order excitation
  excitation <- excitation[order(time)]
  #order time vector
  time <- time[order(time)]

  #Initial values
  state <- c(y = y0)
  parameters <- c(tau,k,yeq)
    model1<-function(t, state, parameters)
    {   with(as.list(c(state, parameters)),
             { u <- excf(t)
             # return latent variable
             list(-(1/tau)*y + k/tau*u + yeq/tau)})


    if(t0>time[1]){ # if t0 is superior to the firts time in timevec,
      #then there is two side of the curve to reconstruct

      # in case t0 is not in the time vec, create exc0, the extrapolated value of excitation at t0
      extrapol <- lm(excitation~time,data = data.frame(time = c(last(time[time<t0]),first(time[time>t0])),
                                                       excitation = c(last(excitation[time<t0]),first(excitation[time>t0])) ))
      exc0 <- predict(extrapol,newdata = data.frame(time = t0))
      timecomp <- c(time[time<t0],t0,time[time>t0])
      exccomp <- c(excitation[time<t0],exc0,excitation[time>t0])
      #Position of t0 in time vector
      idx <- which(timecomp == t0)
      #Right side of the curve
      excf <- approxfun(timecomp[idx:length(timecomp)],exccomp[idx:length(exccomp)], rule = 2)
      out_right <- as.data.table(ode(y = state, times = timecomp[idx:length(timecomp)], func = model1, parms = parameters))
      #Left side of the curve
      excf <- approxfun(timecomp[idx:1],exccomp[idx:1], rule = 2)
      out_left <- as.data.table(ode(y = state, times = timecomp[idx:1], func = model1, parms = parameters))
      # bind the two
      out <- rbind(out_left[nrow(out_left):1,],out_right)
      # remove duplicated initial value
      out <- out[!duplicated(out),]
      if(!t0 %in% time){#if t0 wasn't in original time vector, suppress it, otherwise it won't match the initial time points given when building the table
        out <- out[time != t0]
      excf <- approxfun(time,excitation, rule = 2)
      out <- as.data.table(ode(y = state, times = time, func = model1, parms = parameters))
    out[,exc := excitation]
# generate.2order ----------------------------------------------------
#' Generation of the second order differential equation solution with deSolve
#' \code{generate.2order} returns a data frame containing the time (supplied as input) and a simulated signal generated as a solution to a second order
#' differential equation with constant coefficients that are provided as inputs:
#' \deqn{\frac{d^2y}{dt} + 2\xi\omega_{n}\frac{dy}{dt} + \omega_{n}^2 y = \omega_{n}^2 k*u(t)}
#' Where:
#' y(t) is the signal, \eqn{\frac{dy}{dt}} its derivative and \eqn{\frac{d^2y}{dt}} its second derivative
#' \itemize{
#'    \item \eqn{\omega_{n} = \frac{2\pi}{T}} -where T is the period of the oscillation- is the system's natural frequency, the frequency with which the system would vibrate if there were no damping.
#'    The term \eqn{\omega_{n}^2} represents thus the ratio between the attraction to the equilibrium and the inertia. If we considered the example
#'    of a mass attached to a spring, this term would represent the ratio of the spring constant and the object's mass.
#'    \item \eqn{\xi} is the damping ratio. It represents the friction that damps the oscillation of the system (slows the rate of change of the variable).
#'    The term \eqn{2\xi\omega_n} thus represents the respective contribution of the inertia, the friction and the attraction to the equilibrium.
#'    The value of \eqn{\xi} determines the shape of the system time response, which can be:
#'    \eqn{\xi<0}	Unstable, oscillations of increasing magnitude
#'    \eqn{\xi=0}	Undamped, oscillating
#'    \eqn{0<\xi<1}	Underdamped or simply "damped": the oscillations are damped by an exponential of damping rate \eqn{\xi\omega_{n}}
#'    \eqn{\xi=1}	Critically damped
#'    \eqn{\xi>1}	Over-damped, no oscillations in the return to equilibrium
#'    \item k is the gain
#'    \item u(t) is an external excitation perturbing the dynamics
#' }
#' The excitation is also provided as input and it can be null (then the solution
#' will be a damped linear oscillator when the initial condition is different from 0)
#' @param time is a vector containing the time values corresponding to the excitation signal.
#' @param excitation Is a vector containing the values of the excitation signal.
#' @param y0 is the initial condition for the variable y(t=t0), (0, by default), it is a scalar.
#' @param v0 is the initial condition for the derivative dy(t=t0), (0, by default), it is a scalar.
#' @param t0 is the time corresponding to the initial condition y0 and v0. Default is the minimum value of the time vector.
#' @param xi is the damping factor. A negative value will produce divergence from equilibrium.
#' @param period is the period T of the oscillation, \eqn{T = \frac{2*\pi}{\omega_{n}}} as mentioned
#' @param k  Default is 1. It represents the proportionality between the stationary increase of signal and the excitation increase that caused it.
#' Only relevant if the excitation is non null.
#' @param yeq is the signal equilibrium value, i.e. the stationary value reached when the excitation term is 0.
#' @keywords second-order differential-equation
#' @return Returns a data.table containing four elements:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item  t is a vector containing the corresponding time values
#'   \item  y is a vector containing the values calculated with deSolve so that y is a solution to a second order differential equation with constant
#'   coefficients (provided as input) evaluated at the time points given by t
#'   \item dy is a vector containing the values of the derivative calculated at the same time points
#'   \item exc is the excitation vector
#' }
#' @examples
#' generate.2order(time=0:249,excitation=c(rep(0,10),rep(1,240)),period=10)
#' generate.2order(y0=10)
#'@importFrom deSolve ode
#'@import futile.logger
generate.2order <- function(time = 0:100,
                            excitation = NULL,
                            y0 = 0,
                            v0 = 0,
                            t0 = NULL,
                            xi = 0.1,
                            period = 10,
                            k = 1,
                            yeq = 0){
  exc <- NULL # local binding of variable declared in data.table, for note compiling
  #Error management
  #If excitation is not supplied, then creation of an empty vector
  if(is.null(excitation)){excitation <- rep(0,length(time))}

  #If t0 is not supplied, then set to min value of time vector
  if(is.null(t0)){t0 <- min(time,na.rm = T)}

  #If excitation is a scalar, the function warns the user that it should be a vector containing the values of the excitation signal
  if (length(excitation) <= 1 | length(excitation) != length(time)) {
    flog.error("Both the excitation (excitation) and its time values (time) should be vectors and have the same length.")
    stop("Both the excitation (excitation) and its time values (time) should be vectors and have the same length.\n")
  #if excitation is a character or a matrix, the function stops
  if (!is.vector(excitation)){
    flog.error("Excitation should be a vector.")
    stop("Excitation should be a vector.")

  # order excitation
  excitation <- excitation[order(time)]
  #order time vector
  time <- time[order(time)]

  #Initial values
  state <- c(y1 = y0, y2 = v0)
  parameters <- c(xi,period,k,yeq)

  if(any(is.na(parameters))){out <- NULL}else{
    model2<-function(t, state, parameters)
    {   with(as.list(c(state, parameters)),
             { # equations of the state space model (two first oder coupled ODEs)
               u <- excf(t)
               wn <- 2*pi/period
               dy1 <- y2
               dy2 <- -wn^2*y1-2*xi*wn*y2 + k*wn^2*u + wn^2*yeq
               # return latent variables

    if(t0>time[1]){ # if t0 is superior to the firts time in timevec,
      #then there is two side of the curve to reconstruct

      # in case t0 is not in the time vec, create exc0, the extrapolated value of excitation at t0
      extrapol <- lm(excitation~time,data = data.frame(time = c(last(time[time<t0]),first(time[time>t0])),
                                                       excitation = c(last(excitation[time<t0]),first(excitation[time>t0])) ))
      exc0 <- predict(extrapol,newdata = data.frame(time = t0))
      timecomp <- c(time[time<t0],t0,time[time>t0])
      exccomp <- c(excitation[time<t0],exc0,excitation[time>t0])
      #Position of t0 in time vector
      idx <- which(timecomp == t0)
      #Right side of the curve
      excf <- approxfun(timecomp[idx:length(timecomp)],exccomp[idx:length(exccomp)], rule = 2)
      out_right <- as.data.table(ode(y = state, times = timecomp[idx:length(timecomp)], func = model2, parms = parameters))
      #Left side of the curve
      excf <- approxfun(timecomp[idx:1],exccomp[idx:1], rule = 2)
      out_left <- as.data.table(ode(y = state, times = timecomp[idx:1], func = model2, parms = parameters))
      # bind the two
      out <- rbind(out_left[nrow(out_left):1,],out_right)
      # remove duplicated initial value
      out <- out[!duplicated(out),]
      if(!t0 %in% time){#if t0 wasn't in original time vector, suppress it, otherwise it won't match the initial time points given when building the table
        out <- out[!time == t0]
      excf <- approxfun(time,excitation, rule = 2)
      out <- as.data.table(ode(y = state, times = time, func = model2, parms = parameters))
    out[,exc := excitation]
# generate.panel.1order ----------------------------------------------

#' Generation of first order differential equation solutions for several individuals with intra-individual
#' and inter-individual noise
#' \code{generate.panel.1order} Generation of first order differential equation solutions for several individuals with intra-individual and inter-individual noise.
#' For a panel of nind individual, the function generates
#' nind solutions of a first order differential equation with constant coefficients distributed along a normal distribution.
#' Measurement noise is added to each individual signal according to the value of the intranoise parameter.
#' @inheritParams generate.1order
#' @param nind  number of individuals.
#' @param internoise Is the inter-individual noise added. The tau across individuals follows a normal distribution centered on the input parameter tau
#' with a standard deviation of internoise*tau, except if any decay time is negative (see Details section). The same applies to the other coefficients of the differential
#' equation (k and yeq)
#' @param intranoise Is the noise to signal  ratio: dynamic noise added to each signal defined as the ratio between the variance  of the noise and the variance of the signal
#' @keywords simulation first-order differential-equation
#' @return Returns a data frame containing the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#'    \item id - individual identifier (from 1 to nind).
#'    \item excitation - excitation signal
#'    \item time - time values
#'    \item signalraw - signal with no noise (internoise provided added for each individual)
#'    \item dampedsignal - signal with intranoise added
#' }
#' @details Used for simulations in the context of the package.
#' The function currently simulates only positive decay times corresponding to a regulated system. When the decay time is low
#' and the inter individual noise is high, some individuals' decay time could be negative. In that case, the decay time
#' distribution is truncated at 0.1*deltat and values below are set to this limit. High values are symmetrically set at the upper percentile value
#' similar to a Winsorized mean. A warning provides the initial inter individual noise set as input argument and the inter individual
#' noise obtained after truncation.
#' @seealso \code{\link{generate.1order}} for calculation of the numerical solution to the differential equation
#' and \code{\link{generate.excitation}} for excitation signal generation
#' @examples
#' generate.panel.1order(time = generate.excitation(3, 6, 2, 1, 200, 2)$t,
#'                       excitation = generate.excitation(3, 6, 2, 1, 200, 2)$exc,
#'                       y0 = 0,
#'                       tau = 10,
#'                       k = 1,
#'                       yeq = 0,
#'                       nind = 5,
#'                       internoise = 0.2,
#'                       intranoise = 1)
#'@importFrom data.table setDT
#'@importFrom data.table copy
#'@importFrom data.table :=
#'@importFrom data.table .N
#'@import stats
#'@import futile.logger
generate.panel.1order <- function(time,
                                  excitation = NULL,
                                  y0 = 0,
                                  t0 = NULL,
                                  tau = 10,
                                  k = 1,
                                  yeq = 0,
                                  nind = 1,
                                  internoise = 0,
                                  intranoise = 0){
  # Generating simulation data for a given excitation and parameters
  # Generating id column (id being the individual number) with as many lines per individual as npoints
  data <- data.table(id = rep(1:nind,each = length(time)))

  #Adding excitation and time to the data frame
  data[, time := time, by = id]
  data[, excitation := excitation, by = id]

  #Creating normal distributions for parameters
  tauvec <- rnorm(nind, mean = tau, sd = internoise * tau)
  y0vec <- rnorm(nind, mean = y0, sd = internoise * y0)
  kvec <- rnorm(nind, mean = k, sd = internoise * k)
  yeqvec <- rnorm(nind, mean = yeq, sd = internoise * yeq)

  #If any value of the decay time vector is negative, the original value is used instead at that position of the vector
  if (any(tauvec <= 0)){
    a <- 0.01 * tau #Threshold to truncate the tau distribution
    perc <- as.vector(prop.table(table(tauvec < a)))[2] #Calculation of the percentile of elements that are <0.01*tau (decay times of 0 are thus also excluded)
    b <- as.vector(quantile(tauvec, probs = 1 - perc)) #Calculation of the symmetrical threshold

    #Truncating the normal distribution to these two thresholds
    tauvec[tauvec < a] <- a
    tauvec[tauvec > b] <- b

    #Calculating new sd and internoise of the truncated distribution
    nsd <- sd(tauvec)
    ninternoise <- nsd / tau

    flog.warn("Some values for tau where negative when adding internoise. Negative decay times imply signals that increase exponentially (diverge). This model generates signals that are self-regulated and thus, the normal distribution used has been truncated. The inter-individual noise added is of %f instead of %f.", round(ninternoise,2),internoise)
  #Addition of inter-noise
  #Creating the signals for each individual taking the parameters for that individual from the normal distribution vectors
  #signalraw is the signal WITHOUT NOISE
  data[, signalraw := generate.1order (time = time,
                                       excitation =  excitation,
                                       y0 =  y0vec[.GRP],
                                       t0 = t0,
                                       tau = tauvec[.GRP],
                                       k = kvec[.GRP],
                                       yeq = yeqvec[.GRP])$y, by = id ]
  #Addition of intra-noise

  data[, signal := signalraw + rnorm(.N,mean = 0,sd = sqrt(intranoise)*sd(signalraw)), by = id ]

  class(data) <- c("doremidata","data.table","data.frame")

# generate.panel.2order ----------------------------------------------

#' Generation of second order differential equation solutions for several individuals with intra-individual and inter-individual noise
#' \code{generate.panel.2order} Generation of second order differential equation solutions for several individuals with intra-individual and inter-individual noise.
#' The function generates the equation coefficients following a normal distribution based on the parameter internoise and the coefficients provided as input.
#' It then calls the function \code{\link{generate.2order}} to generate a solution of a second order differential equation with these parameters for the nind individuals.
#' Finally it adds measurement noise to each signal according to the value of the parameter intranoise.
#' @inheritParams generate.2order
#' @param nind  number of individuals.
#' @param internoise Is the inter-individual noise added. The damping factor across individuals follows a normal distribution centered on the input parameter xi
#' with a standard deviation of internoise*xi. The same applies to the other coefficients of the differential equation (T,k and yeq) and to the initial conditions (y0 and v0)
#' @param intranoise Is the noise to signal  ratio: dynamic noise added to each signal defined as the ratio between the variance  of the noise and the variance of the signal

#' @keywords simulation second-order
#' @return Returns a data frame with signal and time values for the time and excitation vectors provided.
#' It contains the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#'    \item id - individual identifier (from 1 to nind).
#'    \item excitation - excitation signal provided as input
#'    \item time - time values provided as input
#'    \item signalraw - signal with no noise (inter noise added for each individual)
#'    \item signal - signal with intra noise added
#' }
#' @details Used for simulations in the context of the package.
#' @seealso \code{\link{generate.2order}} for calculation of the numerical solution to the second order differential equation
#' and \code{\link{generate.excitation}} for excitation signal generation
#' @examples
#' generate.panel.2order(time = generate.excitation(3, 6, 2, 1, 200, 2)$t,
#'                       excitation = generate.excitation(3, 6, 2, 1, 200, 2)$exc,
#'                       xi = 0.1,
#'                       period = 0.5,
#'                       k = 1,
#'                       nind = 5,
#'                       internoise = 0.2,
#'                       intranoise = 0.1)
#'@importFrom data.table data.table
#'@importFrom data.table copy
#'@importFrom data.table :=
#'@importFrom data.table .N
#'@import stats
#'@import futile.logger
generate.panel.2order <- function(time,
                                  excitation = NULL,
                                  y0 = 1,
                                  v0 = 0,
                                  t0 = NULL,
                                  xi = 0.1,
                                  period = 10,
                                  k = 1,
                                  yeq = 0,
                                  nind = 1,
                                  internoise = 0,
                                  intranoise = 0){
  # Generating simulation data for a given excitation and parameters
  # Generating id column (id being the individual number)with as many lines per individual as npoints
  data <- data.table(id = rep(1:nind,each = length(time)))

  #Adding excitation and time input vectors to the data frame
  data[, time := time, by = id]
  data[, excitation := excitation, by = id]

  #Creating normal distributions for parameters
  y0vec <- rnorm(nind, mean = y0, sd = internoise * y0)
  v0vec <- rnorm(nind, mean = v0, sd = internoise * v0)
  xivec <- rnorm(nind, mean = xi, sd = internoise * xi)
  periodvec <- rnorm(nind, mean = period, sd = internoise * period)
  kvec <- rnorm(nind, mean = k, sd = internoise * k)
  yeqvec <- rnorm(nind, mean = yeq, sd = internoise * yeq)

  #If any value of the decay time vector is negative, the original value is used instead at that position of the vector
  #this is because we are only interested in self-regulated signals, or oscillating but not divergent signals.
  if (any(xivec < 0)){
    a <- 0 #Threshold to truncate the xi distribution
    perc <- as.vector(prop.table(table(xivec < a)))[2] #Calculation of the percentile of elements that are <0.1*deltatf (decay times of 0 are thus also excluded)
    b <- as.vector(quantile(xivec, probs = 1 - perc)) #Calculation of the symmetrical threshold

    #Truncating the normal distribution to these two thresholds
    xivec[xivec < a] <- a
    xivec[xivec > b] <- b

    #Calculating new sd and internoise of the truncated distribution
    nsd <- sd(xivec)
    ninternoise <- nsd / xi

    flog.warn("Some values for xi where negative when adding internoise. Negative damping factors imply signals which oscillations increase exponentially (diverge). This function is intended to generate signals that are self-regulated and thus, the normal distribution used has been truncated. The inter-individual noise added is of %f instead of %f.\n", round(ninternoise,2),internoise)
  #Addition of inter-noise
  #Creating the signals for each individual taking the parameters for that individual from the normal distribution vectors
  #signalraw is the signal WITHOUT NOISE
  data[, signalraw := generate.2order(time = time,
                                      excitation = excitation,
                                      y0 = y0vec[.GRP],
                                      v0 = v0vec[.GRP],
                                      t0 = t0,
                                      xi = xivec[.GRP],
                                      period = periodvec[.GRP],
                                      k = kvec[.GRP],
                                      yeq = yeqvec[.GRP])$y, by = id ]

  #Addition of intra-noise
  data[, signal := signalraw + rnorm(.N,mean = 0,sd = sqrt(intranoise)*sd(signalraw)), by = id ]


# analyze.1order --------------------------------------------------------------------
#' DOREMI first order analysis function
#' \code{analyze.1order}  estimates the coefficients of a first order differential equation of the form:
#' \deqn{\frac{dy}{dt}(t) + \gamma (y(t) - yeq) = \gamma k*u(t)}
#' using linear mixed-effect models.
#' Where y(t) is the individual's signal,\eqn{\gamma} the decay rate (and \eqn{\tau = 1/\gamma the decay time}),
#' \eqn{\frac{dy(t)}{dt}} is the derivative and u(t) is an external excitation perturbing the dynamics.
#' @param data Is a data frame containing at least one column, that is the signal to be analyzed.
#' @param id Is a CHARACTER containing the NAME of the column of data containing the identifier of the individual.
#' If this parameter is not entered when calling the function, a single individual is assumed and a linear regression is done instead
#' of the linear mixed-effects regression.
#' @param input Is a CHARACTER or a VECTOR OF CHARACTERS containing the NAME(s) of data column(s) containing the EXCITATION vector(s).
#' If this parameter is not entered when calling the function,
#' the excitation is assumed to be unknown. In this case, the linear mixed-effect regression is still carried out but no coefficient is calculated
#' for the excitation term. The function then uses the parameters estimated by the regression to carry out an exponential fit of the signal
#' and build the estimated curve.
#' The function will consider as an excitation each column of data having a name contained in the input vector.
#' The function will return a coefficient for each one of the excitation variables included in the input vector.
#' @param time Is a CHARACTER containing the NAME of the column of data containing the time vector. If this parameter is not entered when calling the function,
#' it is assumed that time steps are of 1 unit and the time vector is generated internally in the function.
#' @param signal Is a CHARACTER containing the NAME of the column of the data frame containing the SIGNAL to be studied.
#' @param dermethod is the derivative estimation method. default is "gold".
#' The values are "gold","glla" and "fda", corresponding to the use of
#' \code{calculate.gold}, \code{calculate.glla} or \code{calculate.fda} to estimate the derivatives
#' @param derparam If dermethod "glla" or "gold" are chosen, it is the embedding number, a positive integer containing the number of points to be used for the calculation of the derivatives.
#' Default is 3. At least two points are needed for the calculation of the first derivative. If dermethod "fda" is chosen, this parameter is
#' spar, the parameter related to the smoothing parameter lambda used in the penalization function of the function \code{smooth.spline} to estimate the derivative via splines (Functional Data Analysis).
#' In this case, the value should be between 0 and 1, see \code{?smooth.spline}
#' @param order is the maximum order of the derivative estimated when using \code{calculate.gold} or \code{calculate.glla}.
#' Although only the first derivative is used here, using a higher order can enhance derivative estimation (see \doi{10.1080/00273171.2015.1123138}{Chow et al.(2016)})
#' @param verbose Is a boolean that displays status messages of the function when set to 1. Useful for debugging.
#' @keywords analysis first-order exponential
#' @return Returns a summary of the fixed effect coefficients estimated by the linear regression
#' @details The analysis performs the following linear mixed-effects regression:
#' \deqn{ \dot{y_{ij}} \sim   (b_{0} +b_{0j}) + (b_{1}+b_{1j}) y_{ij}+ (b_{2}+b_{2j}) u_{ij} +e_{ij}}
#' with i accounting for the time and j for the different individuals. \eqn{e_{ij}} are the residuals,
#' \eqn{\dot{y_{ij}}} is the derivative calculated on embedding points and
#' \eqn{y_{ij}} and \eqn{u_{ij}} are the signal and the excitation averaged on embedding points.
#' The fixed effect coefficients estimated from the regression are:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item gamma: \eqn{b_1} (\eqn{\gamma} from the differential equation)
#'   \item kgamma: \eqn{b_2} (\eqn{k\gamma} from the differential equation)
#'   \item yeqgamma: \eqn{b_0} (\eqn{\gamma y_{eq}} from the differential equation)
#' }
#' The coefficients derived to characterize the signal are calculated as follows:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item the decay time, tau:  \eqn{\tau =  \frac{1}{  b_1 } = \frac{1}{\gamma}}
#'   \item the gain, k: \eqn{\gamma = \frac{b_2}{b_1}}. It is the proportionality between the stationary increase of the signal and
#'   the excitation increase that caused it.
#'   \item the equilibrium value, yeq: \eqn{yeq = \frac{b_0}{b_1}}. It is the stationary value reached in the absence of excitation.
#' }
#' The estimation is performed using the function lmer if there are several individuals or lm if there is only one.
#' With the above estimated parameters, the estimated signal can be reconstructed for
#' each individual by using the generate.1order function of this package (based on deSolve's ode function).
#' The function returns five objects:
#' \enumerate{
#'  \item data- A data.frame including the input data, the intermediate calculations used to prepare the variables for
#'   the fit and the estimated trajectories for each individual.
#'     \item signal_rollmean - calculation of the moving average of the signal over embedding points.
#'     \item signal_derivate1 - calculation of the first derivative of the signal with the gold, glla or fda methods in embedding points.
#'     \item time_derivate - calculation of the moving average of the time vector over embedding points.
#'     \item input_rollmean - calculation of the moving average of the excitation vector over embedding points.
#'     \item estimated - the estimated signal calculated using generate.1order with the excitation provided as input and the estimated decay time,
#'     gain and equilibrium value obtained from the regression. The initial condition y0 and t0 are the first value of the moving averaged
#'     signal (signal_rollmean) and time (time_derivate)
#'     }
#'  \item resultmean - A data.frame including the fixed effects of the coefficients estimated from the regression gamma, yeqgamma and the kgamma for each excitation considered,
#'  with their associated standard error gamma_stde, yeqgamma_stde and kgamma_stde,
#'  together with the derived coefficient tau (the decay time), yeq (the equilibrium value) and k (the gain)
#'  \item resultid - A data.frame including, for each individual listed by id number,  gamma, yeqgamma and the kgamma, together with the decay time tau,
#'  the gain k and the equilibrium value yeq
#'  \item regression - A list containing the summary of the linear mixed-effects regression.
#'  As seen in the Description section, the print method by default prints only the resultmean element. Each one of the other objects
#'  can be accessed by indicating $ and their name after the result, for instance, for a DOREMI object called "result", it is possible
#'  to access the regression summary by typing result$regression.
#'  \item embedding - contains the embedding number used to generate the results (same as function input argument)
#'  \item spar - contains the smoothing parameter used for the estimation of the derivatives using splines (method "fda")
#' }
#' SImulation presenting the statistical propoerties of the ethod can be found in \doi{10.1080/00273171.2020.1754155}(Mongin et al. (2020))
#' Example of application of this function can be found in:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item \doi{10.1088/1361-6579/abbb6e}
#'     \item \doi{10.1109/ESGCO49734.2020.9158156}
#'     \item \doi{10.1080/00273171.2020.1754155}
#'     \item \doi{10.1038/s41598-020-69218-1}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{calculate.gold}, \link{calculate.glla}, \link{calculate.fda}} to compute the derivatives, for details on embedding/spar.
#' and \code{\link{generate.1order}} the function to generate the solution of the first order differential equation
#' @examples
#' myresult <- analyze.1order(data = cardio,
#'                   id = "id",
#'                   input = "load",
#'                   time = "time",
#'                   signal = "hr",
#'                   dermethod ="gold",
#'                   derparam = 5)
#'@import data.table
#'@importFrom lmerTest lmer
#'@importFrom lme4 lmerControl
#'@importFrom lme4 ranef
#'@importFrom stats embed
#'@importFrom stats lm
#'@importFrom zoo rollmean
#'@importFrom zoo na.locf
#'@import futile.logger
analyze.1order <- function(data,
                           id = NULL,
                           input = NULL,
                           time = NULL,
                           dermethod = "gold",
                           derparam = 3,
                           order = 1,
                           verbose = FALSE){
  yeqgamma <- NULL # binding for compilation

  intdata <- setDT(copy(data)) # Makes a copy of original data so that it can rename columns freely if needed. setDT converts it to data.table
  noinput <- FALSE #Flag that will allow to differentiate if there is an excitation term or not when doing the regression
  } #if verbose is false, it only displays warnings and errors, otherwise it displays also info messages

  # Error management
  if (!is.null(id)){ #Several individuals
    nind <- length(unique(intdata[[id]]))
    flog.info("Input data contains several individuals.")
  }else{#Single individual. Create id column anyways (needed for the rest of the data processing)
    nind <-1
    intdata[, id:=1]
    id<- "id"
    flog.info("Input data contains  single individual.")
  if (!is.null(input)){
    errorcheck(intdata, input)
    which_to_remove <- sapply(1:length(input),function(i){
      all(intdata[, diff(get(input[i])), by = id]$V1 == 0)
      intdata[,c(input[which_to_remove]) := NULL]
      input <- input[!which_to_remove]
      flog.warn(paste0("Excitation signal ",c(input[which_to_remove])," is constant and is removed."))
      noinput <- TRUE
      flog.warn("All Excitation signals are constant. Adjustment will consist on exponential fit.")
    #If no input argument is provided, a warning will be generated indicating that the input has been set to 0.
    intdata[, input := 0]
    input = "input"
    noinput <- TRUE #This flag will be needed later as if there is no input, coefficients for the excitation term will not be calculated in the regression
    flog.warn("No excitation signal introduced as input. Input was set to 0.")
  if (!is.null(time)){errorcheck(intdata, time)
    #If no time is provided, a warning will be generated and a time column with 1 time unit increment will be generated.
    intdata[, time := 1L * c(1:.N), by = id]
    time <- "time" # if no time set it to a 1 sec step vector
    flog.warn("No time vector introduced as input. A 1 unit increment time vector was generated.")
  if(!dermethod %in% c("fda","glla","gold")){
    flog.error("Derivative method is not valid. Please introduce the name of a derivative calculation method available: \"fda\",\"glla\" or \"gold\"")
    stop("Derivative method is not valid. Please introduce the name of a derivative calculation method available: \"fda\",\"glla\" or \"gold\"")

  #After verification, extracting only relevant columns
  intdata <- intdata[,.SD,.SDcols = c(id, input, time, signal)]

  #Sorting table

  #Find time duplicates and display error message if it is the case
  intdata[,timedup:=lapply(.SD,duplicated),.SDcols = time,by = id]
    flog.error("Input data.table contains duplicated time points.")
    stop("Input data.table contains duplicated time points.\n")
  }else  intdata[, timedup := NULL]

  #Verifying column names repeated in data table.
  if(any(duplicated(colnames(intdata)))){stop("Input datatable contains duplicated column names.\n")}

  #Suppress NA elements if there is an NA in time or in signal
  #This suppresses the entire row of the intdata table
  intdata <- intdata[!is.na(time) & !is.na(signal)]

  #If in the intdata left, there are some NA values in the excitation vector, set them to zero.
  #This is to avoid losing intdata from signal and time vectors, as sometimes when people fill in the signal intdata they put NA to mean no excitation, thus 0.
  na.to.0 <- function(x){x[is.na(x)] <- 0; x}
  intdata[, (input) := lapply(.SD, na.to.0), .SDcols = input]

  #Saving original names and then renaming data table to internal names
  originalnames <- c(id, time, signal, input)
  doremiexc <- paste0("input", seq(input)) # Doremi excitation vector ("input1","input2","input3"...)
  doreminames <- c("id_tmp", "time", "signal", doremiexc)
  setnames(intdata, originalnames, doreminames)
  #Rename id column to "id_tmp" and create an extra column "id" that is numeric
  #Regression works better with numeric id (comes from definition of lmer)
  intdata[, id := rep(1:length(unique(id_tmp)), intdata[, .N, by = id_tmp]$N)]

  #Calculation of the signal rollmean and first derivative of the signal column
  dermethod <- paste0("calculate.",dermethod)
  derivate <- get(dermethod)
  intdata[, signal_rollmean := derivate(signal, time, derparam, order)$dsignal[, 1], by = id]
  intdata[, signal_derivate1 := derivate(signal, time, derparam, order)$dsignal[, 2], by = id]
  intdata[, time_derivate := derivate(signal, time, derparam, order)$dtime, by = id]

  #Calculation of the roll mean of the excitation columns if there is at least one input column
  if (!noinput){
    #myfun <- function(x){x[] <- c(rollmean(x, (derparam)), rep(NA, derparam - 1)); x}
    #intdata[, (paste0(doremiexc,"_rollmean")) := lapply(.SD, myfun), .SDcols = doremiexc, by = id]
    intdata[, (paste0(doremiexc,"_rollmean")) := lapply(.SD, function(x){x[] <- derivate(x,time,derparam)$dsignal[,1];x}), .SDcols = doremiexc, by = id]

  #Linear mixed-effect regression MULTIPLE INDIVIDUALS
    if (noinput){ # if there is no excitation signal
      model <- tryCatch({lmer(signal_derivate1 ~ signal_rollmean + (1 + signal_rollmean |id),
                              data = intdata, REML = TRUE, control = lmerControl(calc.derivs = FALSE, optimizer = "nloptwrap"))}, error = function(e) e)
      flog.info("Unknown excitation. Linear mixed-effect model calculated.")
    }else{ # if there is one OR SEVERAL excitation signals
      model <- tryCatch({lmer(paste0("signal_derivate1 ~ signal_rollmean + (1 +", paste(doremiexc, "rollmean ", collapse = "+", sep = "_"),
                                     " + signal_rollmean |id) + ", paste(doremiexc, "rollmean ", collapse = "+",sep = "_")),
                              data = intdata, REML = TRUE, control = lmerControl(calc.derivs = FALSE, optimizer = "nloptwrap"))}, error = function(e) e)
      flog.info("Multiple individuals.One or several excitations. Linear mixed-effect model calculated.")
  }else{ #SINGLE individual
    if(noinput){ # if there is no excitation signal
      model <- tryCatch({lm(signal_derivate1 ~ signal_rollmean, data = intdata)}, error = function(e) e)
      flog.info("Single individual. Unknown excitation. Linear regression calculated")

    else{ # if there is one or several excitation signals
      model <- tryCatch({lm(paste0("signal_derivate1 ~ signal_rollmean + ", paste(doremiexc, "rollmean ", collapse = "+", sep = "_")),
                            data = intdata)}, error = function(e) e)
      flog.info("One or several excitations. Linear regression calculated")
  if (!inherits(model,"error")){ # if the regression worked
    flog.info("Linear mixed-effect model had no errors.")
    summary <- summary(model) # Summary of the regression
    if(nind > 1){random <- ranef(model)} # Variation of the estimated coefficients over the individuals. Only for data with several individuals
    if(nind > 1){regression <- list(summary, random)}else{regression <- summary} # list to output both results: summary, and the table from ranef

    #Create tables with results
    #The first table contains the input data

    #The second table contains the mean values for gamma and thao for all the individuals (single line)
    #Generate mean results with convergence criterions
    resultmean <- data.table(id = "All",
                             gamma = -1*summary$coefficients["signal_rollmean","Estimate"],
                             gamma_stde = summary$coefficients["signal_rollmean","Std. Error"],
                             yeqgamma = summary$coefficients["(Intercept)","Estimate"],
                             yeqgamma_stde = summary$coefficients["(Intercept)","Std. Error"])

    # calculate the decay time for all signal columns: -1/damping_coeff
    resultmean[, tau := 1L/gamma]

    # Extract the intercept coeff (equilibrium value)
    resultmean[, yeq := yeqgamma/gamma]

    if(nind > 1){
      #The third table contains the results for gamma and thao for each individual (one line per individual)
      resultid <- setDT(list(id = unique(intdata$id), id_tmp = unique(intdata$id_tmp)))
      setkey(resultid, id) #sorts the data table by id

      # decay time in resultid
      resultid[, gamma := -1*summary$coefficients["signal_rollmean","Estimate"] + random$id[.GRP,"signal_rollmean"], by = id]
      resultid[, yeqgamma := summary$coefficients["(Intercept)","Estimate"] + random$id[.GRP,"(Intercept)"], by = id]

      resultid[, tau := -1L/(summary$coefficients["signal_rollmean","Estimate"] + random$id[.GRP,"signal_rollmean"]), by = id]

      # Extract the intercept (equilibrium value) calculated for each individual (present in random, regression table)
      # Offset in resultid
      resultid[, yeq := (summary$coefficients["(Intercept)", "Estimate"] + random$id[.GRP, "(Intercept)"]) * resultid[.GRP, tau], by = id]

      # Generation of the estimated signal for all id using analyze.1order generate FOR SEVERAL INDIVIDUALS (will be added to the $data object)
      # Write a warning if any of the decay times calculated was negative
      if (any(is.na(resultid[, tau])) | any(resultid[, tau] < 0)){
        flog.warn("Some of the decay times calculated were negative and thus, the estimated signal was not generated for these.
                  decay times can be negative for some individuals for the following reasons: 1. The signal of
                  the individual doesn't go back to equilibrium. 2.The linear mixed-effects model estimating the random
                  effect showed some error messages/warnings. 3.Model misspecification.")
    }else{resultid <- NULL} #Single individual will not have resultid table

    if (noinput){ #There is no excitation signal as input: exponential fit
      flog.info("Unknown excitation. Calculation of estimated signal through exponential fit.")
      #Exponential model is assumed when no input is provided and thus a new fit is necessary BY INDIVIDUAL
      #log(y-B) = gamma*t + log(A) --> LINEAR EQUATION
      #B is known, it is the intercept*tau, from the model fit with the derivative inside the analysis function
      #A is unknown. It can be found by fitting log(y-B)~ t
      #We'll call the coefficients resulting from this new fit Ap and Bp: Ap=gamma, Bp=log(A)
      if(nind > 1){ # Several individuals
        intdata[, expfit_A := lm(log(abs(signal - resultid[.GRP, yeq])) ~ time)$coefficients[1], by = id]
        intdata[, signal_estimated :=
                  if(!is.na(resultid[.GRP, tau]) && resultid[.GRP, tau] > 0){
                    # if there is a decay time that has been calculated and if it is greater than 0 (decreasing exponential)
                    #Then it is assumed that the signal follows a decreasing exponential: y = A* exp(gamma*t)+B
                    #expmodel comes from fitting log(y-B)~t. Calculated above
                    exp(expfit_A) * exp(-1L / resultid[.GRP, tau] * time) + resultid[.GRP, yeq]
                  }else{NaN}, by = id]
      }else{ #Single individual
        intdata[, expfit_A := lm(log(abs(signal - resultmean[, yeq])) ~ time)$coefficients[1]]
        intdata[, signal_estimated :=
                  if(!is.na(resultmean[, tau]) && resultmean[, tau] > 0){
                    # if there is a decay time that has been calculated and if it is greater than 0 (decreasing exponential)
                    #Then it is assumed that the signal follows a decreasing exponential: y = A* exp(gamma*t)+B
                    #expmodel comes from fitting log(y-B)~t. Calculated above
                    exp(expfit_A) * exp(-1L / resultmean[, tau] * time) + resultmean[, yeq]
      #Removing temporary column "expfit_A" from table "intdata"
      intdata <- intdata[, c("expfit_A") := NULL]

      flog.info("One or several excitation terms. Calculation of estimated signal with deSolve")
      # Extract the excitation coeff for each excitation
      intdata[, totalexc := 0]
      intdata[, totalexcroll := 0]
      for (i in 1:length(input)){ #For loop to go through all the inputs
        resultmean[, paste0(doremiexc[i],"_kgamma") := summary$coefficients[paste0(doremiexc[i], "_rollmean"), "Estimate"] ]
        resultmean[, paste0(doremiexc[i],"_kgamma_stde") := summary$coefficients[paste0(doremiexc[i], "_rollmean"), "Std. Error"] ]
        resultmean[, paste0(doremiexc[i],"_k") := get(paste0(doremiexc[i],"_kgamma"))*tau]

        #If variation of the excitation coefficient across individuals needed:
        #And for each individual: the mean coeff (sumary$coeff) + the variation per Individual (in random)
        #Excitation coefficient in resultid
        if(nind > 1){  #Several individuals
          resultid[, paste0(doremiexc[i],"_kgamma") := summary$coefficients[paste0(doremiexc[i], "_rollmean"), "Estimate"] +
                                                     random$id[.GRP,paste0(doremiexc[i], "_rollmean")], by = id]
          resultid[, paste0(doremiexc[i],"_k") := (summary$coefficients[paste0(doremiexc[i], "_rollmean"), "Estimate"] +
                                                     random$id[.GRP,paste0(doremiexc[i], "_rollmean")]) * resultid[.GRP, tau], by = id]
          intdata[, totalexc := totalexc +  (summary$coefficients[paste0(doremiexc[i], "_rollmean"), "Estimate"] +
                                               random$id[.GRP,paste0(doremiexc[i], "_rollmean")]) * resultid[.GRP, tau]* get(doremiexc[i]), by = id] #total excitation is the sum of all the excitations
          intdata[, totalexcroll := totalexcroll +  (summary$coefficients[paste0(doremiexc[i], "_rollmean"), "Estimate"] +
                                                       random$id[.GRP,paste0(doremiexc[i], "_rollmean")]) * resultid[.GRP, tau]* get(paste0(doremiexc[i],"_rollmean")), by = id]

          #ponderated with their corresponding gains
        }else{ #Single individual
          intdata[, totalexc := totalexc + summary$coefficients[paste0(doremiexc[i], "_rollmean"), "Estimate"] * resultmean[, tau] * get(doremiexc[i])]
          intdata[, totalexcroll := totalexcroll + summary$coefficients[paste0(doremiexc[i], "_rollmean"), "Estimate"] * resultmean[, tau] * get(paste0(doremiexc[i],"_rollmean"))]


      #The estimated signal is calculated by calling ode function in deSolve (through function "generate.1order"). As we will have a decomposition
      #of k for each excitation, the excitation considered is already the total excitation with the total gain (to avoid calculating both separately, this is why
      #k=1, total gain is already included in totalexc)
      if(nind > 1){
        intdata[, signal_estimated := generate.1order(time = time,
                                                      excitation = totalexc,
                                                      y0 = signal_rollmean[1],
                                                      t0 = time_derivate[1],
                                                      tau = resultid[.GRP, tau],
                                                      yeq = resultid[.GRP, yeq])$y,by =id]
        intdata[, signal_estimated := generate.1order(time = time,
                                                      excitation = totalexc,
                                                      y0 = signal_rollmean[1],
                                                      t0 = time_derivate[1],
                                                      tau = resultmean[,tau],
                                                      yeq = resultmean[, yeq])$y]


  }else{ # if the regression didn't work, a warning will be generated and tables will be set to NULL
    flog.info("Linear mixed-effect model produced errors.")
    flog.warn("Linear mixed-effect regression produced an error. Verify the regression object of the result.")
    resultid <- NULL
    resultmean <- NULL
    regression <- model

  #Calculating R2
  if(!(is.na(resultmean[,tau]) | is.na(resultmean[,yeq]))){
    resultmean$R2 <-  intdata[,  1 - sum((signal - signal_estimated)^2,na.rm = T)/sum((signal - mean(signal,na.rm = T))^2,na.rm = T)]
  }else{ resultmean$R2 <- NaN}
  resultmean[R2 < 0, R2 := 0]

  #Renaming columns in $data, $resultid, $resultmean objects to original names
  intdata[, id := NULL]
  if(!is.null(resultid)){resultid[, id := NULL]}

  #Replacing names in $data
  intdatanames <- names(intdata)
  intdatanamesnew <- names(intdata)

  rmeannames <- names(resultmean)
  rmeannamesnew <- names(resultmean)

  ridnames <- names(resultid)
  ridnamesnew <- names(resultid)

  for(idx in seq(doreminames)){
    intdatanamesnew <-gsub(paste0("^",doreminames[idx],"(?![0-9])"), originalnames[idx], intdatanamesnew, perl = T)

    #Replacing names in $resultmean
      ridnamesnew <-gsub(paste0("^",doreminames[idx],"(?![0-9])"), originalnames[idx], ridnamesnew, perl = T)
      rmeannamesnew <-gsub(paste0("^",doreminames[idx],"(?![0-9])"), originalnames[idx], rmeannamesnew, perl = T)
  setnames(intdata, intdatanames, intdatanamesnew)
  if(!is.null(resultid)){setnames(resultid, ridnames, ridnamesnew)}
  if(!is.null(resultmean)){setnames(resultmean, rmeannames, rmeannamesnew)}

  #Output the results of the function
  #Excitation CHARACTER
  #If there is no excitation term
  if (noinput){str_exc <- 0
  }else{str_exc <- input} # If there is one OR SEVERAL excitation columns
  res = list(data = intdata, resultid = resultid, resultmean = resultmean, regression = regression, dermethod = dermethod, derparam = derparam, str_time = time, str_exc = str_exc, str_signal = signal, str_id = id)
  class(res)= "doremi" # Class definition

# analyze.2order --------------------------------------------------------------------
#' DOREMI second order analysis function
#' \code{analyze.2order}  estimates the coefficients of a second order differential equation of the form:
#' \deqn{\frac{d^2y}{dt}(t) + 2\xi\omega_{n}\frac{dy}{dt}(t) + \omega_{n}^2 (y - y_{eq}) = \omega_{n}^2 k*u(t) }
#' Where y(t) is the individual's signal, \eqn{\frac{dy}{dt}(t)} is its first derivative,\eqn{\frac{d^2y}{dt}(t)}  its second derivative
#' and u(t) is the excitation.
#' The function estimates the coefficients \eqn{2\xi\omega_{n}, \omega_{n}^2 k} and \eqn{\omega_{n}^2 y_{eq}},
#' from which the oscillation period T, the damping ratio \eqn{\xi}, the equilibrium \eqn{y_{eq}} value and the gain k can be derived.
#' Th estimation is based on a two step procedure: the first step consists in estimating the derivatives to then estimate in a second step the differential equation
#' coefficients through a linear mixed-effect model. Three different method to estimate the derivative during the first step are proposed.
#' @param data Is a data frame containing at least one column, that is the signal to be analyzed.
#' @param id Is a CHARACTER containing the NAME of the column of data containing the identifier of the individual.
#' If this parameter is not entered when calling the function, a single individual is assumed and a linear regression is done instead
#' of the linear mixed-effects regression.
#' @param input Is a CHARACTER or a VECTOR OF CHARACTERS containing the NAME(s) of data column(s) containing the EXCITATION vector(s).
#' If this parameter is not entered when calling the function,
#' the excitation is assumed to be unknown. In this case, the linear mixed-effect regression is still carried out but no coefficient is calculated
#' for the excitation term. If no excitation term is supplied, one of the initial conditions is different from 0 (signal or derivative) and xi<1 the function will estimate
#' a damped linear oscillator (DLO)
#' @param time Is a CHARACTER containing the NAME of the column of data containing the time vector. If this parameter is not entered when calling the function,
#' it is assumed that time steps are of 1 unit and the time vector is generated internally in the function.
#' @param signal Is a CHARACTER containing the NAME of the column of the data frame containing the SIGNAL to be studied.
#' @param dermethod is the derivative estimation method. The following methods are available: "gold","glla" and "fda"
#' @param derparam If dermethod "glla" or "gold" are chosen, it is the embedding number, a positive integer containing the number of points to be used for the calculation of the derivatives.
#' Its value by default is 3 as at least three points are needed for the calculation of the second derivative. If dermethod "fda" is chosen, this parameter is
#' spar, the parameter related to the smoothing parameter lambda used in the penalization function of the function \code{smooth.spline} to estimate the derivative via splines (Functional Data Analysis)
#' @param order is the maximum order of the derivative to estimate. Using an order higher than that of the maximum derivative to estimate (1 in first order differential equations and
#' 2 in second order differential equations), for instance, order=4 might enhance derivative estimation (see \doi{10.1080/00273171.2015.1123138}{Chow et al.(2016)})
#' @param verbose Is a boolean that displays status messages of the function when set to 1.
#' @keywords analysis second-order
#' @return Returns a summary of the fixed effect coefficients (see details)
#' @details The analysis performs the following linear mixed-effects regression:
#' \deqn{ \ddot{y_{ij}} \sim   (b_{0} +b_{0j}) + (b_{1}+b_{1j}) \dot{y_{ij}} + (b_{2}+b_{2j}) y_{ij} + (b_{3}+b_{3j}) u_{ij} + e_{ij}}
#' with i accounting for the time and j for the different individuals. \eqn{e_{ij}} are the residuals,
#' \eqn{\dot{y_{ij}}} is the first derivative and \eqn{\ddot{y_{ij}}} the second derivative calculated on embedding points, and
#' \eqn{y_{ij}} and \eqn{u_{ij}} are the signal and the excitation averaged on embedding points.
#' The fixed effect coefficients estimated from the regression are:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item xi2omega: \eqn{b_1} (\eqn{2\xi\omega^2} from the differential equation)
#'   \item omega2: \eqn{b_2} (\eqn{\omega^2} from the differential equation)
#'   \item komega2: \eqn{b_3} (\eqn{k\omega^2} from the differential equation)
#'   \item yeqomega2: \eqn{b_0} (\eqn{\omega^2 y_{eq}} from the differential equation)
#' }
#' The coefficients derived to characterize the signal are calculated as follows:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item the oscillation period  \eqn{T = \sqrt{ \frac{2\pi}{ b_2 }}}
#'   \item the damping factor xi: \eqn{xi = \frac{b_1}{2*\sqrt{b_2}}}
#'   \item the gain, k: \eqn{k = \frac{b_3}{b_1}}. It is the proportionality between the stationary increase of the signal and
#'   the excitation increase that caused it.
#'   \item the equilibrium value, yeq: \eqn{yeq = \frac{b_0}{b_2}}. It is the stationary value reached in the absence of excitation.
#' }
#' The estimation is performed using the function lmer if there are several individuals or lm if there is only one.
#' With the above estimated parameters, the estimated signal is reconstructed for
#' each individual by using the generate.2order function of this package (based on deSolve's ode function).
#' The function returns five objects:
#' \enumerate{
#'  \item data- A data.frame including the input data, the intermediate calculations used to prepare the variables for
#'   the fit and the estimated trajectories for each individual.
#'   \enumerate{
#'     \item signal_rollmean - calculation of the o order derivative of the signal over embedding points.
#'     \item signal_derivate1 - calculation of the first derivative of the signal with the chosen method in embedding points/with smoothing parameter spar
#'     \item signal_derivate2 - calculation of the second derivative of the signal with the chosen method in embedding points/with smoothing parameter spar
#'     \item time_derivate - calculation of the moving average of the time vector over embedding points.
#'     \item input_rollmean - calculation of the moving average of the excitation vector over embedding points.
#'     \item estimated - the estimated signal calculated using deSolve's ode function with a second order model, the excitation provided as input and the
#'     coefficients obtained from the fit.
#'     }
#'  \item resultid- A data.frame including for each individual, listed by id number, the coefficients calculated (thus fixed + random component)
#'  \item resultmean- A data.frame including the fixed effects of the coefficients mentioned above with their standard error, the coefficients characterizing the signal shape
#'  (i.e. the period, the damping factor, the gain and the equilibrium value), and the R2 resulting from the estimation
#'  \item regression- A list containing the summary of the linear mixed-effects regression.
#'  As seen in the Description section, the print method by default prints only the resultmean element. Each one of the other objects
#'  can be accessed by indicating $ and their name after the result, for instance, for a DOREMI object called "result", it is possible
#'  to access the regression summary by typing result$regression.
#'  \item derparam - contains the embedding number used to generate the results (if the derivative estimation method chosen is "glla" or "gold") or
#'  the smoothing parameter spar if the chosen method is fda
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{calculate.gold}, \link{calculate.glla}, \link{calculate.fda}} to compute the derivatives, for details on embedding/spar
#' See \code{\link{generate.2order}} for the generation of the solution of the second order differential equation.
#' @examples
#' # generate a panel of oscillating signals
#' test   <- generate.panel.2order(time = 0:100,
#'                               excitation = as.numeric(0:100>50),
#'                               period = 15,
#'                               xi = 0.3,
#'                               k = 2,
#'                               internoise = 0.2,
#'                               intranoise = 0.3,
#'                               nind = 10)
#'# plot the signal to analyze
#' plot(test)
#'# analyze them
#' res <- analyze.2order(data = test,
#'                       id = "id",
#'                       input = "excitation",
#'                       time =  "time",
#'                       signal = "signal",
#'                       derparam = 13)
#' res
#' plot(res)
#'@import data.table
#'@importFrom lmerTest lmer
#'@importFrom lme4 lmerControl
#'@importFrom lme4 ranef
#'@importFrom stats embed
#'@importFrom stats lm
#'@importFrom zoo rollmean
#'@importFrom zoo na.locf
#'@import futile.logger
analyze.2order <- function(data,
                           id = NULL,
                           input = NULL,
                           time = NULL,
                           dermethod = "gold",
                           derparam = 3,
                           order = 2,
                           verbose = FALSE){
  xi2omega <- komega2 <- k <- NULL # binding for compilation notes, see https://www.r-bloggers.com/2019/08/no-visible-binding-for-global-variable/

  intdata <- setDT(copy(data)) # Makes a copy of original data so that it can rename columns freely if needed. setDT converts it to data.table
  noinput <- FALSE #Flag that will allow to differentiate if there is an excitation term or not when doing the regression

  } #if verbose is false, it only displays warnings and errors, otherwise it displays also info messages
  # Error management
  if (!is.null(id)){ #Several individuals
    nind <- length(unique(intdata[[id]]))
  }else{#Single individual. Create id column anyways (needed for the rest of the data processing)
    nind <-1
    intdata[, id:=1]
    id<- "id"
  if (!is.null(input)){
    errorcheck(intdata, input)
    which_to_remove <- sapply(1:length(input),function(i){
      all(intdata[, diff(get(input[i])), by = id]$V1 == 0)
      intdata[,c(input[which_to_remove]) := NULL]
      input <- input[!which_to_remove]
      flog.warn(paste0("Excitation signal ",c(input[which_to_remove])," is constant and is removed."))
      noinput <- TRUE
      flog.warn("All Excitation signals are constant. Adjustment will consist on exponential fit.")
    #If no input argument is provided, a warning will be generated indicating that the input has been set to 0.
    intdata[, input := 0]
    input = "input"
    noinput <- TRUE #This flag will be needed later as if there is no input, coefficients for the excitation term will not be calculated in the regression
    flog.warn("No excitation signal introduced as input. Input was set to 0.")
  if (!is.null(time)){errorcheck(intdata, time)
    #If no time is provided, a warning will be generated and a time column with 1 time unit increment will be generated.
    intdata[, time := 1L * c(1:.N), by = id]
    time <- "time" # if no time set it to a 1 sec step vector
    flog.warn("No time vector introduced as input. A 1 unit increment time vector was generated.\n")
  if(!dermethod %in% c("fda","glla","gold")){
    flog.error("Derivative method is not valid. Please introduce the name of the derivative calculation function: \"fda\",\"glla\" or \"gold\"")
    stop("Derivative method is not valid. Please introduce the name of the derivative calculation function: \"fda\",\"glla\" or \"gold\"")

  #After verification, extracting only relevant columns
  intdata <- intdata[,.SD,.SDcols = c(id, input, time, signal)]

  #Sorting table

  #Find time duplicates and display error message if it is the case
  intdata[,timedup:=lapply(.SD,duplicated),.SDcols = time,by = id]
    flog.error("Input data.table contains duplicated time points.")
    stop("Input data.table contains duplicated time points.\n")
  } else  {intdata[, timedup := NULL]}

  #Verifying column names repeated in data table.
    flog.error("Input datatable contains duplicated column names.")
    stop("Input datatable contains duplicated column names.\n")

  #Suppress NA elements if there is an NA in time or in signal
  #This suppresses the entire row of the intdata table
  intdata <- intdata[!is.na(time) & !is.na(signal)]

  #If in the intdata left, there are some NA values in the excitation vector, set them to zero.
  #This is to avoid losing intdata from signal and time vectors, as sometimes when people fill in the signal intdata they put NA to mean no excitation, thus 0.
  na.to.0 <- function(x){x[is.na(x)] <- 0; x}
  intdata[, (input) := lapply(.SD, na.to.0), .SDcols = input]

  #Saving original names and then renaming data table to internal names
  originalnames <- c(id, time, signal, input)
  doremiexc <- paste0("input", seq(input)) # Doremi excitation vector ("input1","input2","input3"...)
  doreminames <- c("id_tmp", "time", "signal", doremiexc)
  setnames(intdata, originalnames, doreminames)

  #Rename id column to "id_tmp" and create an extra column "id" that is numeric
  #Regression works better with numeric id (comes from definition of lmer)
  intdata[, id := rep(1:length(unique(id_tmp)), intdata[, .N, by = id_tmp]$N)]

  #Calculation of the signal rollmean and first derivative of the signal column
  intdata[, signal_rollmean := derivate(signal, time, derparam, order)$dsignal[, 1], by = id]
  intdata[, signal_derivate1 := derivate(signal, time, derparam, order)$dsignal[, 2], by = id]
  intdata[, signal_derivate2 := derivate(signal, time, derparam, order)$dsignal[, 3], by = id]
  intdata[, time_derivate := derivate(signal, time, derparam, order)$dtime, by = id]

  #Calculation of the roll mean of the excitation columns if there is at least one input column
  if (!noinput){
    # myfun <- function(x){x[] <- c(rollmean(x, (derparam)), rep(NA, derparam - 1)); x}
    # intdata[, (paste0(doremiexc,"_rollmean")) := lapply(.SD, myfun), .SDcols = doremiexc, by = id]
    intdata[, (paste0(doremiexc,"_rollmean")) := lapply(.SD, function(x){x[] <- derivate(x,time,derparam)$dsignal[,1];x}), .SDcols = doremiexc, by = id]

  #Linear mixed-effect regression MULTIPLE INDIVIDUALS
    if (noinput){ # if there is no excitation signal
      model <- tryCatch({lmer(signal_derivate2 ~ signal_derivate1 + signal_rollmean + (1 + signal_rollmean + signal_derivate1 |id),
                              data = intdata, REML = TRUE, control = lmerControl(calc.derivs = FALSE, optimizer = "nloptwrap"))}, error = function(e) e)
      flog.info("Unknown excitation. Linear mixed-effect model calculated.")
    }else{ # if there is one OR SEVERAL excitation signals
      model <- tryCatch({lmer(paste0("signal_derivate2 ~ signal_derivate1 + signal_rollmean + (1 +", paste(doremiexc, "rollmean ", collapse = "+", sep = "_"),
                                     " + signal_rollmean + signal_derivate1 |id) + ", paste(doremiexc, "rollmean ", collapse = "+",sep = "_")),
                              data = intdata, REML = TRUE, control = lmerControl(calc.derivs = FALSE, optimizer = "nloptwrap"))}, error = function(e) e)
      flog.info("One or several excitations. Linear mixed-effect model calculated.")
  }else{ #SINGLE individual
    if(noinput){ # if there is no excitation signal
      model <- tryCatch({lm(signal_derivate2 ~ signal_derivate1 + signal_rollmean, data = intdata)}, error = function(e) e)
      flog.info("Unknown excitation. Linear regression calculated")

    else{ # if there is one or several excitation signals
      model <- tryCatch({lm(paste0("signal_derivate2 ~ signal_derivate1 + signal_rollmean + ", paste(doremiexc, "rollmean ", collapse = "+", sep = "_")),
                            data = intdata)}, error = function(e) e)
      flog.info("One or several excitations. Linear regression calculated")
  if (!inherits(model,"error")){ # if the regression worked
    flog.info("Linear mixed-effect model had no errors.")
    summary <- summary(model) # Summary of the regression
    if(nind > 1){random <- ranef(model)} # Variation of the estimated coefficients over the individuals. Only for data with several individuals
    if(nind > 1){regression <- list(summary, random)}else{regression <- summary} # list to output both results: summary, and the table from ranef

    #Create tables with results
    #The first table contains the input data
    #The second table contains the mean values for gamma and thao for all the individuals (single line)
    #Generate mean results with convergence criterions
    resultmean <- data.table(omega2 = -1*summary$coefficients["signal_rollmean","Estimate"],
                             omega2_stde = summary$coefficients["signal_rollmean","Std. Error"],
                             xi2omega = -1*summary$coefficients["signal_derivate1","Estimate"],
                             esp2omega_stde = summary$coefficients["signal_derivate1","Std. Error"],
                             yeqomega2 = summary$coefficients["(Intercept)","Estimate"],
                             yeqomega2_stde = summary$coefficients["(Intercept)","Std. Error"])
    resultmean[,period := ifelse(omega2>0,2*pi/sqrt(omega2),NaN)]
    resultmean[, wn := ifelse(omega2>0,sqrt(omega2),NaN)]
    resultmean[, xi := ifelse(omega2>0,xi2omega/(2*sqrt(omega2)),NaN)]
    resultmean[, yeq := ifelse(omega2>0,yeqomega2/(omega2),NaN)]

    if(nind > 1){
      #The third table contains the results for the coefficients for each individual (one line per individual)
      resultid <- setDT(list(id = unique(intdata$id), id_tmp = unique(intdata$id_tmp)))
      setkey(resultid, id) #sorts the data table by id

      resultid[, omega2 := -(summary$coefficients["signal_rollmean","Estimate"] + random$id[.GRP,"signal_rollmean"]), by = id]
      resultid[, xi2omega := -(summary$coefficients["signal_derivate1","Estimate"] + random$id[.GRP,"signal_derivate1"]), by = id]
      resultid[, yeqomega2 := summary$coefficients["(Intercept)", "Estimate"] + random$id[.GRP, "(Intercept)"], by = id]

      resultid[,period := ifelse(omega2>0,2*pi/sqrt(omega2),NaN)]
      resultid[, wn := ifelse(omega2>0,sqrt(omega2),NaN)]
      resultid[, xi := ifelse(omega2>0,xi2omega/(2*sqrt(omega2)),NaN)]
      resultid[, yeq := ifelse(omega2>0,yeqomega2/(omega2),NaN)]

      # Generation of the estimated signal for all id using analyze.2order generate FOR SEVERAL INDIVIDUALS (will be added to the $data object)
      # Write a warning if any of the decay times calculated was negative
      if (any(is.na(resultid[, xi])) | any(resultid[, xi] < 0) | any(is.na(resultid[, period])) | any(resultid[, period] < 0)){
        flog.warn("Some of the parameters estimated were negative and thus, the estimated signal was not generated for these.
                  This can be due to one of the following reasons: 1. The signal of
                  the individual doesn't go back to equilibrium. 2.The linear mixed-effects model estimating the random
                  effect showed some error messages/warnings. 3.Model misspecification.\n")
    }else{resultid <- NULL} #Single individual will not have resultid table

    # Extract the excitation coeff for each excitation
    intdata[, totalexc := 0]
    intdata[, totalexcroll := 0]
      for (i in 1:length(input)){ #For loop to go through all the inputs
        resultmean[, paste0(doremiexc[i],"_komega2") := summary$coefficients[paste0(doremiexc[i], "_rollmean"), "Estimate"]]
        resultmean[, paste0(doremiexc[i],"_komega2_stde") := summary$coefficients[paste0(doremiexc[i], "_rollmean"), "Std. Error"]]
        resultmean[omega2>0, paste0(doremiexc[i],"_k") := summary$coefficients[paste0(doremiexc[i], "_rollmean"), "Estimate"]/resultmean$omega2]
        #If variation of the excitation coefficient across individuals needed:
        #And for each individual: the mean coeff (sumary$coeff) + the variation per Individual (in random)
        #Excitation coefficient in resultid
        if(nind > 1){  #Several individuals
          flog.info("Several individuals. Calculating gains for one or several excitations")

          resultid[, paste0(doremiexc[i],"_komega2") := (summary$coefficients[paste0(doremiexc[i], "_rollmean"), "Estimate"] +
                                                           random$id[.GRP,paste0(doremiexc[i], "_rollmean")]), by = id]
          resultid[omega2>0, paste0(doremiexc[i],"_k") := (summary$coefficients[paste0(doremiexc[i], "_rollmean"), "Estimate"] +
                                                             random$id[.GRP,paste0(doremiexc[i], "_rollmean")])/omega2, by=id]

          intdata[, totalexc := totalexc +  resultid[[.GRP,paste0(doremiexc[i],"_k")]] * get(doremiexc[i]), by = id] #total excitation is the sum of all the excitations
          intdata[, totalexcroll := totalexcroll +  resultid[[.GRP,paste0(doremiexc[i],"_k")]] *  get(paste0(doremiexc[i],"_rollmean")), by = id] #total excitation is the sum of all the excitations

          #ponderated with their corresponding gains
        }else{ #Single individual
          flog.info("Single individual. Calculating gains for one or several excitations")
          intdata[, totalexc := totalexc + resultmean[[paste0(doremiexc[i],"_k")]] * get(doremiexc[i])]
          intdata[, totalexcroll := totalexcroll + resultmean[[paste0(doremiexc[i],"_k")]] * get(paste0(doremiexc[i],"_rollmean"))]

    }else{ #there is no input
      flog.info("No input. Setting gain to 0.")
      resultmean[, komega2 := NA]
      resultmean[, k := NA]
        resultid[, komega2 := NA]
        resultid[, k := NA]

    #The estimated signal is calculated by calling ode function in deSolve (through function "generate.2order"). As we will have a decomposition
    #of k for each excitation, the excitation considered is already the total excitation with the total gain (to avoid calculating both separately, this is why
    #k=1, total gain is already included in totalexc)
    #Assuming initial value is equilibrium value

    if(nind > 1){
      flog.info("Estimating signal for several individuals")
      intdata[, signal_estimated :=     generate.2order(time = time, #includes original time and the first element of the rollmean time
                                                        excitation = totalexc,
                                                        y0 = signal_rollmean[1],
                                                        v0 = signal_derivate1[1],
                                                        t0 = time_derivate[1],
                                                        xi = resultid[.GRP, xi],
                                                        period = resultid[.GRP, period],
                                                        k = 1,
                                                        yeq = resultid[.GRP, yeq])$y,by =id]

      flog.info("Estimating signal for single individual")
      intdata[, signal_estimated :=     generate.2order(time = time, #includes original time and the first element of the rollmean time
                                                        excitation = totalexc,
                                                        y0 = signal_rollmean[1],
                                                        v0 = signal_derivate1[1],
                                                        t0 = time_derivate[1],
                                                        xi = resultmean[, xi],
                                                        period = resultmean[, period],
                                                        k = 1,
                                                        yeq = resultmean[, yeq])$y]

  }else{ # if the regression didn't work, a warning will be generated and tables will be set to NULL
    flog.warn("Linear mixed-effect regression produced an error. Verify the regression object of the result.")
    resultid <- NULL
    resultmean <- NULL
    regression <- model
  #Calculating R2
  if(!(is.na(resultmean[,xi]) | is.na(resultmean[,period]) | is.na(resultmean[,yeq]))){
    resultmean$R2 <-  intdata[,  1 - sum((signal - signal_estimated)^2,na.rm = T)/sum((signal - mean(signal,na.rm = T))^2,na.rm = T)]
  }else{ resultmean$R2 <- NaN}
  resultmean[R2 < 0, R2 := 0]

  #Renaming columns in $data, $resultid, $resultmean objects to original names
  intdata[, id := NULL]
  if(!is.null(resultid)){resultid[, id := NULL]}

  #Replacing names in $data
  intdatanames <- names(intdata)
  intdatanamesnew <- names(intdata)

  rmeannames <- names(resultmean)
  rmeannamesnew <- names(resultmean)

  ridnames <- names(resultid)
  ridnamesnew <- names(resultid)

  for(idx in seq(doreminames)){
    intdatanamesnew <-gsub(paste0("^",doreminames[idx],"(?![0-9])"), originalnames[idx], intdatanamesnew, perl = T)
    #Replacing names in $resultmean
      ridnamesnew <-gsub(paste0("^",doreminames[idx],"(?![0-9])"), originalnames[idx], ridnamesnew, perl = T)
      rmeannamesnew <-gsub(paste0("^",doreminames[idx],"(?![0-9])"), originalnames[idx], rmeannamesnew, perl = T)
  setnames(intdata, intdatanames, intdatanamesnew)
  if(!is.null(resultid)){setnames(resultid, ridnames, ridnamesnew)}
  if(!is.null(resultmean)){setnames(resultmean, rmeannames, rmeannamesnew)}

  #Output the results of the function
  #Excitation CHARACTER
  #If there is no excitation term
  if (noinput){str_exc <- 0
  }else{str_exc <- input} # If there is one OR SEVERAL excitation columns
  res = list(data = intdata, resultid = resultid, resultmean = resultmean, regression = regression, dermethod = dermethod, derparam = derparam, str_time = time, str_exc = str_exc, str_signal = signal, str_id = id)
  class(res)= "doremi" # Class definition

# optimum_param --------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Function to find the optimum parameter for derivative estimation (embedding or spar according to derivative estimation method chosen)
#' \code{optimum_param}  calculates the optimum parameter for derivative estimation by varying the latter in a range introduced as input and keeping the parameter and
#' coefficients having the $R^2$ closest to 1.
#' @param data Is a data frame containing at least one column, that is the signal to be analyzed.
#' @param id Is a CHARACTER containing the NAME of the column of data containing the identifier of the individual.
#' If this parameter is not entered when calling the function, a single individual is assumed and a linear regression is done instead
#' of the linear mixed-effects regression.
#' @param input Is a CHARACTER or a VECTOR OF CHARACTERS containing the NAME(s) of data column(s) containing the EXCITATION vector(s).
#' If this parameter is not entered when calling the function,
#' the excitation is assumed to be unknown. In this case, the linear mixed-effect regression is still carried out but no coefficient is calculated
#' for the excitation term. The function then uses the parameters estimated by the regression to carry out an exponential fit of the signal
#' and build the estimated curve.
#' The function will consider as an excitation each column of data having a name contained in the input vector.
#' The function will return a coefficient for each one of the excitation variables included in the input vector.
#' @param time Is a CHARACTER containing the NAME of the column of data containing the time vector. If this parameter is not entered when calling the function,
#' it is assumed that time steps are of 1 unit and the time vector is generated internally in the function.
#' @param signal Is a CHARACTER containing the NAME of the column of the data frame containing the SIGNAL to be studied.
#' @param dermethod is the derivative estimation method. The methods currently available are: "gold","glla" and "fda" (see their respective function for more details)
#' @param order is the maximum order of the derivative estimated when using \code{calculate.gold} or \code{calculate.glla}.
#' Using a higher order can enhance derivative estimation (see \doi{10.1080/00273171.2015.1123138}{Chow et al.(2016)})
#' @param model is the model to be used for analysis of the signal. The models available are "1order" and "2order"
#' @param pmin is the minimum of the interval in which to vary the parameter (embedding number or spar according to derivative method chosen)
#' @param pmax is the maximum of the interval in which to vary the parameter (embedding number or spar according to derivative method chosen)
#' @param pstep is the step that will be considered when varying the parameter. For instance pmin=3, pmax=7 and pstep=2 and dermethod="gold" will make the embedding number take
#' the values 3,5 and 7.
#' @param verbose Is a boolean that displays status messages of the function (and functions it calls) when set to TRUE.
#' @keywords optimum embedding-number derivative
#' @return Returns a list of three objects:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item  analysis is a data.frame containing the resultmean object of the analysis made (result of the analyze.1order or analyze.2order function
#'   according to model chosen) with the different values of embedding/spar and the resulting $R^2$.
#'   \item  summary_opt is a data.frame containing the analysis that had the best $R^2$ from the analysis data.frame previously mentioned
#'   \item d contains the optimum value of the embedding/spar
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{analyze.1order}} and \code{\link{analyze.2order}} for the estimation of equation coefficients in signals following a first and second order differential equation respectively
#' @examples
#' s2 <- generate.panel.2order(time = 0:100,
#'                             excitation = c(rep(0,25),rep(1,76)),
#'                             y0 = 0,
#'                             v0= 0,
#'                             xi = 0.05,
#'                             period=10,
#'                             k=1,
#'                             yeq=0,
#'                             nind=4,
#'                             internoise = 0.2,
#'                             intranoise = 8)
#' resgold <- optimum_param (data=s2,
#'                           id="id",
#'                           input="excitation",
#'                           time="time",
#'                           signal="signal",
#'                           model = "2order",
#'                           dermethod = "gold",
#'                           pmin = 3,
#'                           pmax = 13,
#'                           pstep = 2,
#'                           verbose = TRUE)
#'@import data.table
#'@importFrom lmerTest lmer
#'@importFrom lme4 lmerControl
#'@importFrom lme4 ranef
#'@importFrom stats embed
#'@importFrom stats lm
#'@importFrom zoo rollmean
#'@importFrom zoo na.locf
#'@import futile.logger
optimum_param <- function(data,
                          id = NULL,
                          input= NULL,
                          dermethod = "gold",
                          model = "1order",
                          order = 2,
                          pmin = 3,
                          pmax = 21,
                          pstep = 2,
                          verbose= FALSE){
  #Error management
  Npoints <- data[, .N,by = data$str_id]$N
    flog.error("Error: pmax is the maximum number of points used to estimate the derivatives and it can't be greater than the total number of points provided in the data.")
    stop("Error: pmax is the maximum number of points used to estimate the derivatives and it can't be greater than the total number of points provided in the data.")

  #Defining function to test if pstep is integer (as according to the function's help, is.integer(x) doesn't indicate if x is an integer)
  is.wholenumber <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)  abs(x - round(x)) < tol
  if(dermethod %in% c("glla","gold") & !is.wholenumber(pstep)){
    stop("For gold and glla derivative estimation methods, pstep should be an integer as the embedding dimension is an integer.")
  if(dermethod %in% c("fda") && (pmin < -2 || pmax > 2)){
    stop("For the fda derivative estimation method, the smooth.spline option advises to use a pmin of 0 and a pmax of 1. Even though it is not a necessary
         condition, we have set the range at [-2,2] so please modify accordingly.")

  if(!model %in% c("1order","2order")){
    stop("the model should be either 1order or 2order")

  analyze <- get(model)

  analysis <- rbindlist(lapply(seq(pmin,pmax,pstep),function(embedding){
    flog.info("Analyzing for embedding %d",embedding)
    res <- analyze(data = data,
                   id = id,
                   input = input,
                   time = time,
                   signal = signal,
                   dermethod = dermethod,
                   derparam = embedding,
                   order = order,
                   verbose = verbose)
    res2 <- res$resultmean
    res2[, D:= embedding]

  #Calculation of R2 max et Dopt
  Dopt <-analysis[R2==max(R2,na.rm = T),D[1]]
  #Summary table for plotting

  summ_opt <- analysis[R2==max(R2,na.rm = T)]

  res<-list(analysis=analysis,summary_opt=summ_opt,d = Dopt)
  class(res)= "doremiparam"

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doremi documentation built on Jan. 29, 2021, 5:06 p.m.