ccf.series.rwl <- function(rwl, series,
series.yrs = as.numeric(names(series)),
seg.length = 50, bin.floor = 100, n = NULL,
prewhiten = TRUE, biweight = TRUE,
pcrit = 0.05, lag.max = 5, make.plot = TRUE,
floor.plus1 = FALSE, series.x = FALSE, ...) {
series.x.txt <- ifelse(series.x,
"NB: With series.x = TRUE, postive lags indicate missing rings in series",
"NB: With series.x = FALSE (default), negative lags indicate missing rings in series")
## Handle different types of 'series'
tmp <- pick.rwl.series(rwl, series, series.yrs)
rwl2 <- tmp[[1]]
series2 <- tmp[[2]]
## run error checks
qa.xdate(rwl2, seg.length, n, bin.floor)
if (lag.max > seg.length) {
stop("'lag.max' > 'seg.length'")
seg.lag <- seg.length / 2
## Normalize.
tmp <- normalize.xdate(rwl2, series2, n, prewhiten, biweight)
master <- tmp$master
## trim master so there are no NaN like dividing when only one
## series for instance.
idx.good <- !is.nan(master)
master <- master[idx.good]
yrs <- as.numeric(names(master))
series2 <- tmp$series
series.yrs2 <- as.numeric(names(series2))
## trim series in case it was submitted straight from the rwl
idx.good <- !
series.yrs2 <- series.yrs2[idx.good]
series2 <- series2[idx.good]
## clip series to master dimensions
series2 <- series2[series.yrs2 %in% yrs]
series.yrs2 <- as.numeric(names(series2))
## clip master to series dimensions
master <- master[yrs %in% series.yrs2]
yrs <- as.numeric(names(master))
if (is.null(bin.floor) || bin.floor == 0) {
min.bin <- min(series.yrs2)
} else if(floor.plus1) {
min.bin <- ceiling((min(series.yrs2) - 1) / bin.floor) * bin.floor + 1
} else {
min.bin <- ceiling(min(series.yrs2) / bin.floor) * bin.floor
to <- max(series.yrs2) - seg.length - seg.lag + 1
if (min.bin > to) {
cat(gettextf("maximum year in (filtered) series: %d\n",
max(series.yrs2), domain="R-dplR"))
cat(gettextf("first bin begins: %d\n", min.bin, domain="R-dplR"))
cat(gettext("cannot fit two segments (not enough years in the series)\n",
stop("shorten 'seg.length' or adjust 'bin.floor'")
bins <- seq(from=min.bin, to=to + seg.lag, by=seg.lag)
bins <- cbind(bins, bins + (seg.length - 1), deparse.level=0)
nbins <- nrow(bins)
bin.names <- paste0(bins[, 1], ".", bins[, 2])
## structures for results
lag.vec <- seq(from=-lag.max, to=lag.max, by=1)
res.cor <- matrix(NA, length(lag.vec), nbins)
rownames(res.cor) <- paste("lag", lag.vec, sep=".")
colnames(res.cor) <- bin.names
## loop through bins
for (j in seq_len(nbins)) {
mask <- yrs%in%seq(from=bins[j, 1], to=bins[j, 2])
## cor is NA if there is not complete overlap
if (!any(mask) ||
any([mask])) ||
any([mask])) ||
table(mask)[2] < seg.length) {
bin.ccf <- NA
else {
tmp <- ccf(x = series2[mask], y = master[mask], lag.max=lag.max,
else {
tmp <- ccf(x = master[mask], y = series2[mask], lag.max=lag.max,
bin.ccf <- as.vector(tmp$acf)
res.cor[, j] <- bin.ccf
## plot
if (make.plot) {
ccf.df <- data.frame(r = c(res.cor, recursive=TRUE),
bin = rep(colnames(res.cor),
lag = rep(lag.vec, nbins),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## order bins so that lattice definitely keeps them in
## ascending order (i.e., no factor order funnies with long
## series)
ccf.df$bin <- factor(ccf.df$bin,
levels = colnames(res.cor)[order(bins[, 1])])
sig <- qnorm(1 - pcrit / 2) / sqrt(seg.length)
sig <- c(-sig, sig)
ccf.plot <-
xyplot(r ~ lag | bin, data = ccf.df,
ylim = range(ccf.df$r, sig, na.rm=TRUE) * 1.1,
xlab = gettext("Lag", domain="R-dplR"),
ylab = gettext("Correlation", domain="R-dplR"),
col.line = NA,
cex = 1.25,
panel = function(x, y, ...) {
panel.abline(h=seq(from=-1, to=1, by=0.1),
lty="solid", col="gray")
panel.abline(v=lag.vec, lty="solid", col="gray")
panel.abline(h=0, v=0, lwd=2)
panel.abline(h=sig, lwd=2, lty="dashed")
#col <- ifelse(y > 0, "#E41A1C", "#377EB8")
col <- ifelse(y > 0, "darkred", "darkblue")
bg <- ifelse(y > 0, "lightsalmon", "lightblue")
## segments, dots for all r
#panel.segments(x1=x, y1=0, x2=x, y2=y, col=col, lwd=2)
#panel.dotplot(x, y, col = col, ...)
panel.segments(x1=x, y1=0, x2=x, y2=y,
col=col, lwd=2)
panel.dotplot(x, y, col = col, fill=bg,
}, ...)
if(series.x) { ccf.plot <- update(ccf.plot, sub=series.x.txt) }
else { ccf.plot <- update(ccf.plot, sub=series.x.txt) }
trellis.par.set(strip.background = list(col = "transparent"),
warn = FALSE,
par.sub.text = list(font = 1, cex=0.75,
just = "left",
x = grid::unit(5, "mm")))
res <- list(res.cor,bins)
names(res) <- c("ccf", "bins")
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