"summary.drc" <-
function(object, od = FALSE, pool = TRUE, ...)
## Producing a summary of a model fit
# sumVec1 <- object$fit # object[[2]]
# sumVec2 <- object$summary # object[[4]]
# parNames <- object$"parNames"[[1]] # object[[6]]
## Calculating variance-covariance matrix from Hessian
# em <- object$"estMethod"
# parVec <- (em$parmfct)(object$fit, fixed = FALSE)
parVec <- as.vector(coef(object))
# notNA <- !
# varMat <- (object$"scaleFct")( (em$vcovfct)(object) )
varMat <- vcov(object, od = od, pool = pool)
## Calculating estimated residual variance
## and unscaled variance-covariance matrix
# if (!is.null(em$rvfct))
# {
# resVar <- (em$rvfct)(object)
# } else {
# resVar <- NULL
# }
resVar <- rse(object, TRUE)
if (!is.null(resVar))
{ <- varMat / (2*resVar)
} else { <- NULL
## Calculating the residual standard error(s)
if ((!is.null(object$"objList")) && (!pool))
objList <- object$"objList"
lenol <- length(objList)
rseMat <- matrix(NA, lenol, 2)
rownames(rseMat) <- names(objList)
resVar <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(objList, rse, resvar = TRUE)))
rseMat[, 1] <- sqrt(resVar) # only to keep resVar
rseMat[, 2] <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(objList, df.residual)))
} else {
resVar <- rse(object, TRUE)
rseMat <- matrix(NA, 1, 2)
rownames(rseMat) <- ""
rseMat[1, 1] <- sqrt(resVar)
rseMat[1, 2] <- df.residual(object)
colnames(rseMat) <- c("rse", "df")
# ## Adjusting for over-dispersion using the Pearson statistic
# if (od && (!is.null(object$"gofTest")))
# {
# varMat <- varMat*(object$"gofTest"[1]/object$"gofTest"[2])
# }
estSE <- sqrt(diag(varMat))
## Calculating estimated standard errors for robust methods
## M-estimators
if (!is.null(object$robust) && object$robust%in%c("metric trimming", "metric Winsorizing", "Tukey's biweight"))
psi.trimmed <- function(u, deriv = 0)
if (deriv == 0)
retVec <- u
retVec[ abs(u) > 1.345 ] <- 0
if (deriv == 1)
retVec <- rep(1, length(u))
retVec[ abs(u) > 1.345 ] <- 0
if (object$robust=="Tukey's biweight")
psifct <- psi.bisquare # in MASS
if (object$robust=="metric Winsorizing")
psifct <- psi.huber # in MASS
if (object$robust=="metric trimming")
psifct <- psi.trimmed
if (FALSE)
# resVec <- residuals(object)
resVec <- (object)[["predres"]][, "Residuals"]
psiprime <- psifct(resVec/sqrt(resVar), deriv = 1)
meanpp <- mean(psiprime)
notNA <- !
sumVec1 <- object$fit
# K <- 1 + length(parVec[notNA])*var(psiprime)/(object$summary[7]*meanpp^2)
nVal <- object[["sumList"]][["lenData"]]
dfVal <- object[["sumList"]][["df.residual"]]
pVal <- nVal - dfVal
K <- 1 + pVal * var(psiprime) / (nVal * meanpp^2)
w <- psifct(resVec/sqrt(resVar))
# s <- sum((resVec*w)^2)/object$summary[6]
s <- sum((resVec*w)^2) / dfVal
print(c(K, resVar, s, mean(psiprime)^2, mean(w^2)))
# print(parVec[notNA])
# print(var(psiprime))
# print(c(K,w,s))
stddev <- sqrt(s) * (K / meanpp)
# invXXt <- solve(sumVec1$hessian[notNA, notNA] / mean(psiprime) * resVar)
invXXt <- solve(sumVec1$hessian[notNA, notNA]) * (mean(psiprime) / resVar)
estSE <- sqrt(diag(invXXt)) * stddev
# formulas (6.5) (6.14) in Huber: Robust Statistics?
} # end of FALSE
# objDer <- object[["deriv"]]
# if ( (!is.null(objDer)) && (!observed) )
# {
# estSE <- sqrt(resVar * (sum(w^2)/(nVal - dfVal) / mean(psiprime)^2) * diag(solve(t(objDer) %*% objDer)) )
# # formula (6.5) in Huber: Robust Statistics
# } else {
# Observed information-type of variance-covariance matrix
# estSE <- sqrt(resVar * diag(solve(object[["fit"]][["hessian"]])))
# }
# Observed "information"-type of variance-covariance matrix
estSE <- sqrt(resVar * diag(solve(object[["fit"]][["hessian"]])))
# resVec <- (object)[["predres"]][, "Residuals"]
# psiprime <- psifct(resVec/sqrt(resVar), deriv = 1)
# w <- psifct(resVec/sqrt(resVar))
# K <- mean(w^2) / (mean(psiprime)^2)
# estSE <- sqrt(resVar * K * diag(solve(object[["fit"]][["hessian"]])))
## Forming a matrix of results
# resultMat <- matrix(0, sum(notNA), 4, dimnames = list(parNames, c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "t-value", "p-value")))
# resultMat[, 1] <- parVec[notNA]
parNames <- object$"parNames"[[1]]
resultMat <- matrix(NA, length(parVec), 4,
dimnames = list(parNames, c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "t-value", "p-value")))
resultMat[, 1] <- parVec
resultMat[, 2] <- estSE
tempStat <- resultMat[, 1] / resultMat[, 2]
resultMat[, 3] <- tempStat
## Using t-distribution for continuous data
## only under the normality assumption
if (object$"type" == "continuous")
pFct <- function(x) {pt(x, df.residual(object))}
} else {
pFct <- pnorm
resultMat[, 4] <- pFct(-abs(tempStat)) + (1 - pFct(abs(tempStat)))
## Separating out variance parameters
if (FALSE)
if (!is.null(object$"varParm"))
indexVec <- object$"varParm"$"index"
varParm <- object$"varParm"
estVec <- resultMat[-indexVec, , drop = FALSE]
if (object$"varParm"$"type" == "varPower")
estVec[2, 3] <- (estVec[2, 1] - 0)/estVec[2, 2] # testing the hypothesis theta=0
estVec[2, 4] <- 2*pt(-abs(estVec[2, 3]), df.residual(object))
varParm$"estimates" <- estVec
resultMat <- resultMat[indexVec,]
varMat <- varMat[indexVec, indexVec] # for use in ED/MAX/SI
} else {
varParm <- NULL
fctName <- deparse(object$call$fct)
sumObj <- list(resVar, varMat, resultMat, object$"boxcox", fctName, object$"robust", NULL, object$"type",
df.residual(object),, object$"fct"$"text", object$"fct"$"noParm", rseMat)
names(sumObj) <- c("resVar", "varMat", "coefficients", "boxcox", "fctName", "robust", "varParm", "type",
"df.residual", "cov.unscaled", "text", "noParm", "rseMat")
class(sumObj) <- c("summary.drc")
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