Man pages for dynwrap
Representing and Inferring Single-Cell Trajectories

add_attractionAdd attraction of cells using RNA velocity
add_branch_trajectoryConstruct a trajectory given its branch network and the...
add_cell_graphConstructs a trajectory using a graph between cells, by...
add_cell_waypointsAdd or select waypoint cells of a trajectory
add_cluster_graphConstructs a trajectory using a cell grouping and a network...
add_cyclic_trajectoryConstructs a circular trajectory using the pseudotime values...
add_dimredAdd or create a dimensionality reduction
add_dimred_projectionConstructs a trajectory by projecting cells within a...
add_end_state_probabilitiesConstructs a multifurcating trajectory using end state...
add_expressionAdd count and normalised expression values to a dataset
add_feature_importanceAdd a feature importance to a dataset
add_groupingAdd a cell grouping to a dataset
add_linear_trajectoryConstructs a linear trajectory using pseudotime values
add_prior_informationAdd or compute prior information for a trajectory
add_pseudotimeAdd or calculate pseudotime as distance from the root
add_regulatory_networkAdd a GRN to a dynwrap object
add_rootRoot the trajectory
add_tde_overallAdd information on overall differentially expressed features
add_timingsAdd timings to a trajectory
add_trajectoryConstruct a trajectory given its milestone network and...
add_waypointsAdd or create waypoints to a trajectory
allowed_inputsAll allowed inputs for a TI method
allowed_outputsAll allowed outputs for a TI method
calculate_attractionCalculate the attraction of cells to other cells using...
calculate_averageCalculate average values of a matrix
calculate_geodesic_distancesCalculate geodesic distances between cells in a trajectory
calculate_trajectory_dimredLayout the trajectory and its cells in 2 dimensions using a...
classify_milestone_networkClassify a milestone network
common_paramCommon param
convert_definitionConvert a definition loaded in from a yaml
convert_milestone_percentages_to_progressionsConversion between milestone percentages and progressions
convert_progressions_to_milestone_percentagesConversion between milestone percentages and progressions
create_ti_method_containerCreate a TI method from a docker / singularity container
create_ti_method_definitionCreate a TI method from a local method definition file
create_ti_method_rCreate a TI method from an R function wrapper
def_authorMeta information on an author
def_containerMeta information on the container in which the wrapper...
definitionCreate a definition
def_manuscriptMeta information on the manuscript
def_methodDefine meta information on the TI method.
def_packageMeta information on the package in which the TI function...
def_parametersMeta information on the parameters of the TI method
def_wrapperMeta information on the wrapper
dot-method_process_definitionMethod process definition
dynwrapInferring and adapting single-cell trajectories
example_datasetExample dataset
example_trajectoryExample trajectory
flip_edgesFlip a set of edges of the milestone network
gather_cells_at_milestonesGather cells to their closest milestones
generate_parameter_documentationGenerate the parameter documentation of a method, use with...
get_default_parametersGet the default parameters of a method
get_ti_methodsReturn all TI that are installed in one or more packages
group_from_trajectoryCreate a grouping from a trajectory
infer_trajectoriesInfer one or more trajectories from a single-cell dataset
label_milestonesLabel milestones either manually ('label_milestones') or...
priorsMetadata on priors
prior_usagesMetadata on prior usages
project_trajectoryProject a trajectory onto a dimensionality reduction
project_waypointsProject waypoints of a trajectory (e.g. milestones) into a...
random_seedGenerate a random seed
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
simplify_igraph_networkSimplify an igraph network such that consecutive linear edges...
simplify_trajectorySimplify a trajectory by removing transient milestones
trajectory_type_dagA DAG connecting different trajectory types
trajectory_typesMetadata on the trajectory types
wrap_dataA data wrapper for datasets and trajectories
wrap_expressionCreate a wrapper object with expression and counts
wrapper_typesMetadata on wrapper types
dynwrap documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:15 p.m.