
#' Searching for motifs using HMM searches
#' This function uses MAFFT and HMMER to search for sequences with RxLR or CRN motifs using hidden markov models.
#' @param original.seq The absolute path for the original six-frame translation FASTA file
#' @param regex.seq A list of \code{SeqFastadna} objects resulting from \code{\link{regex.search}}. The HMM profile will be constructed using these sequences
#' @param alignment.file (Optional) The absolute path for an alignment file of the sequences to build the hmmer profile from. It's recommended that the alignment file cointains the same sequences than the `regex.seq` files. If the user provides the absolute path, *effectR* won't use MAFFT to align the sequences and will use the alignment for the HMMER searches. If no alignment file is provided, *effectR* will use MAFFT to align the sequences from `regex.seq` and run HMMER.
#' @param save.alignment (Optional) Save the alignment in the returning object. The MAFFT alignment will be saved as the first element of the returned object.
#' @param mafft.path (Optional) Local path of folder containing the MAFFT binary executable file or the executable file itself. If not specified, then MAFFT must be in the program search path.
#' @param hmm.path (Optional) Local path of  folder containing the HMMER binaries.  If not specified, then HMMER executables must be in the program search path.
#' @param num.threads (Optional) Number of threads to be used by MAFFT
#' @param seed (Optional) The seed to used with HMMER commands. Set this to get the same output each time
#' @keywords regex effector
#' @export
#' @return A list of three elements: REGEX candidate effectors, HMM candidate effectors, and HMM results table.
#' @examples
#' fasta.file <- system.file("extdata", "test_infestans.fasta", package = "effectR")
#' ORF <- seqinr::read.fasta(fasta.file)
#' REGEX <- regex.search(ORF, motif="RxLR")
#' candidate.rxlr <- hmm.search(original.seq = fasta.file, regex.seq = REGEX,
#'  alignment.file=NULL, save.alignment=T)
#' # To save the alignment:
#' library(seqinr)
#' write.fasta(sequences = getSequence(candidate.rxlr$Alignment),
#'  names = getName(candidate.rxlr$Alignment),
#'  file.out = "Alin_infestans.fasta", nbchar = 10000)
#' # To use an alignment file
#' ALIN <- system.file("extdata", "Alin_infestans.fasta", package = "effectR")
#' candidate.rxlr <- hmm.search(original.seq = fasta.file, regex.seq = REGEX,
#'  alignment.file = ALIN)
#' }
#' @details
#' \code{hmm.search} uses the results from \code{\link{regex.search}} to search for motifs of interest using Hidden Markov Models after aligning the sequences with MAFFT.
#' After the multiple sequence alignment is complete, the function constructs a HMM profile using the alignment data. The HMM profile is in the original list of \code{SeqFastadna} objects to obtain the best HMM results with sequences with RxLR or CRN motifs.
#' @note
#' If MAFFT/HMMER are not the program search path, the user has to specify the path for the MAFFT and the HMMER executable binaries and specify them in the \code{mafft.path} and \code{hmm.path}
hmm.search <-  function(original.seq, regex.seq, alignment.file = NULL, save.alignment = FALSE, mafft.path = NULL, num.threads = 2, hmm.path = NULL, seed = 12345){
  sequences <- regex.seq
  if (unique(unlist(lapply(sequences, class))) != "SeqFastadna") {
    stop("The object is not a list of sequences read by seqinr.")
  if (length(regex.seq) < 4){
    stop("Not enough sequences for HMM step. At least 4 sequences are required.")
  if (is.null(alignment.file) == F & save.alignment == T ){
    stop("Alignment is provided. No new alignment to save")
  # All variable names
  # time.stamp <- gsub(format(Sys.time(), "%a_%b_%d_%X"), pattern = ":", replacement = "_")
  file.name <- c("REGEX.fasta")
  mafft.out.name <- c("MAFFT.fasta")
  hmmbuild.out <- c("hmmbuild.hmm")
  hmmsearch.out <- c("hmmsearch.txt")
  original.dir <- getwd()
  original.seq <- paste0(original.seq)

  # TMP dir
  tmp.dir <- tempdir()
    unlink(file.path(tmp.dir, "*"), recursive = TRUE)

  if (is.null(alignment.file) == T) {
    cat ("No alignment file is provided. Starting alignment with MAFFT.\n")
    # MAFFT alignment
    cat("Starting MAFFT alignment.\n")
    cat("Executing MAFFT\nPlease be patient\n")
    seqinr::write.fasta(sequences = seqinr::getSequence(sequences), names=seqinr::getName(sequences), file.out = file.name)
    mafft.command <- c(get_mafft_path(mafft.path),
                       "--maxiterate", "1000",
                       "--thread", num.threads,
                       "--quiet", file.name)
    system2(mafft.command, stdout = mafft.out.name)
    cat("MAFFT alignment finished!")
  } else {
    mafft.out.name <- alignment.file
    cat ("Alignment file", alignment.file, " is provided. Starting HMMER searches.\n")

  # HMM
  cat("Starting HMM\n")
  cat("Creating HMM profile\n\n")
  if(file.exists(mafft.out.name) == F){
    stop("No MAFFT alignment found")

  ## HMM build
  unlink(file.path(tmp.dir, hmmbuild.out))
  if (Sys.info()[['sysname']] %in% "Windows"){
  fasta_to_stockholm(fasta.file = mafft.out.name)
  stock.name <- gsub(mafft.out.name, pattern = ".fasta", replacement = ".stockholm"
  hmmbuild_command <- c(get_hmmer_path("hmmbuild.exe", hmm.path),
                        "--seed", seed,
  } else {
    hmmbuild_command <- c(get_hmmer_path("hmmbuild", hmm.path),
                          "--seed", seed,
  system2(hmmbuild_command, stdout = F)

  ## HMM Press
  if (Sys.info()[['sysname']] %in% "Windows"){
    hmmpress_command <- c(get_hmmer_path("hmmpress.exe", hmm.path),
  } else {
    hmmpress_command <- c(get_hmmer_path("hmmpress", hmm.path),
  cat("HMM profile created.\n")

  ## HMM search
  cat("\nStarting HMM searches\n")
  if (Sys.info()[['sysname']] %in% "Windows"){
    hmmsearch_command <- c(get_hmmer_path("hmmsearch.exe", hmm.path),
                           "--seed", seed,
                           "-T", "0",
                           "--tblout", hmmsearch.out,
    } else {
    hmmsearch_command <- c(get_hmmer_path("hmmsearch", hmm.path),
                         "--seed", seed,
                         "-T", "0",
                         "--tblout", hmmsearch.out,
  cat("hmmsearch finished!\n")

  ## Reading in hmm results
  hmm.hits <- utils::read.delim(hmmsearch.out, comment.char = "#", header = F, sep = "", blank.lines.skip = T, stringsAsFactors = F)[,1]
  if (Sys.info()[['sysname']] %in% "Windows"){
  hmm.table <- utils::read.table(hmmbuild.out, blank.lines.skip = T, skip = 14, sep = "", fill = T, stringsAsFactors = F)
  } else {
  hmm.table <- utils::read.table(hmmbuild.out, blank.lines.skip = T, skip = 16, sep = "", fill = T, stringsAsFactors = F)
  total.seq <- seqinr::read.fasta(original.seq)
  hmm.seq <- total.seq[seqinr::getName(total.seq) %in% hmm.hits]
  if (save.alignment == T){
    alin.seq <- seqinr::read.fasta(mafft.out.name)
    total.seq <- list(alin.seq, regex.seq, hmm.seq, hmm.table)
    names(total.seq) <- c("Alignment","REGEX","HMM","HMM_Table")
    cat(paste0("\nHMM search done. \n---\n\nTotal of sequences found in REGEX: ", length(total.seq[[2]]), "\n"))
    cat(paste0("Total of sequences found in HMM: ",  length(total.seq[[3]]), "\n"))
    cat(paste0("Total of redundant hits: ", sum(duplicated(unlist(lapply(total.seq[c(2,3)], function (x) seqinr::getName(x))))),"\n"))
    cat(paste0("Number of effector candidates: ",length(unique(unlist(lapply(total.seq[c(2,3)], function (x) seqinr::getName(x)))))),"\n")
    cat("Alignment saved (as first list element).\n")
  } else {
    total.seq <- list(regex.seq, hmm.seq, hmm.table)
    names(total.seq) <- c("REGEX","HMM","HMM_Table")
    cat(paste0("\nHMM search done. \n---\n\nTotal of sequences found in REGEX: ", length(total.seq[[1]]), "\n"))
    cat(paste0("Total of sequences found in HMM: ",  length(total.seq[[2]]), "\n"))
    cat(paste0("Total of redundant hits: ", sum(duplicated(unlist(lapply(total.seq[c(1,2)], function (x) seqinr::getName(x))))),"\n"))
    cat(paste0("Number of effector candidates: ",length(unique(unlist(lapply(total.seq[c(1,2)], function (x) seqinr::getName(x)))))),"\n")
  cat("hmm.search finished!\n")

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effectR documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:28 p.m.