
Defines functions .logrom_calc means_ratio

Documented in means_ratio

#' Ratio of Means
#' Computes the ratio of two means (also known as the "response ratio"; RR) of
#' **variables on a ratio scale** (with an absolute 0). Pair with any reported
#' [`stats::t.test()`].
#' @param paired If `TRUE`, the values of `x` and `y` are considered as paired.
#'   The correlation between these variables will affect the CIs.
#' @param adjust Should the effect size be adjusted for small-sample bias?
#'   Defaults to `TRUE`; Advisable for small samples.
#' @param log Should the log-ratio be returned? Defaults to `FALSE`.
#'  Normally distributed and useful for meta-analysis.
#' @inheritParams cohens_d
#' @details
#' The Means Ratio ranges from 0 to \eqn{\infty}, with values smaller than 1
#' indicating that the second mean is larger than the first, values larger than
#' 1 indicating that the second mean is smaller than the first, and values of 1
#' indicating that the means are equal.
#' # Confidence (Compatibility) Intervals (CIs)
#' Confidence intervals are estimated as described by Lajeunesse (2011 & 2015)
#' using the log-ratio standard error assuming a normal distribution. By this
#' method, the log is taken of the ratio of means, which makes this outcome
#' measure symmetric around 0 and yields a corresponding sampling distribution
#' that is closer to normality.
#' @inheritSection effectsize_CIs CIs and Significance Tests
#' @inheritSection print.effectsize_table Plotting with `see`
#' @return A data frame with the effect size (`Means_ratio` or
#'   `Means_ratio_adjusted`) and their CIs (`CI_low` and `CI_high`).
#' @family standardized differences
#' @note The small-sample bias corrected response ratio reported from this
#'   function is derived from Lajeunesse (2015).
#' @examples
#' x <- c(1.83, 0.50, 1.62, 2.48, 1.68, 1.88, 1.55, 3.06, 1.30)
#' y <- c(0.878, 0.647, 0.598, 2.05, 1.06, 1.29, 1.06, 3.14, 1.29)
#' means_ratio(x, y)
#' means_ratio(x, y, adjust = FALSE)
#' means_ratio(x, y, log = TRUE)
#' # The ratio is scale invariant, making it a standardized effect size
#' means_ratio(3 * x, 3 * y)
#' @references
#' Lajeunesse, M. J. (2011). On the meta-analysis of response ratios for studies
#' with correlated and multi-group designs. Ecology, 92(11), 2049-2055.
#' \doi{10.1890/11-0423.1}
#' Lajeunesse, M. J. (2015). Bias and correction for the log response ratio in
#' ecological meta-analysis. Ecology, 96(8), 2056-2063. \doi{10.1890/14-2402.1}
#' Hedges, L. V., Gurevitch, J., & Curtis, P. S. (1999). The meta-analysis of
#' response ratios in experimental ecology. Ecology, 80(4), 1150–1156.
#' \doi{10.1890/0012-9658(1999)080[1150:TMAORR]2.0.CO;2}
#' @export
means_ratio <- function(x, y = NULL, data = NULL,
                        paired = FALSE, adjust = TRUE, log = FALSE,
                        ci = 0.95, alternative = "two.sided",
                        verbose = TRUE, ...) {
  alternative <- .match.alt(alternative)

  ## Prep data
  out <- .get_data_2_samples(
    x = x, y = y, data = data,
    verbose = verbose,
    paired = paired,
  x <- out[["x"]]
  y <- out[["y"]]
  paired <- out[["paired"]]

  if (is.null(y)) {
    insight::format_error("Only one sample provided. y or data must be provided.")

  if (any(x < 0) || any(y < 0)) {
    insight::format_error("x,y must be non-negative (on a ratio scale).")

  # Get summary stats
  m1 <- mean(x)
  sd1 <- stats::sd(x)
  m2 <- mean(y)
  sd2 <- stats::sd(y)

  if (isTRUE(all.equal(m1, 0)) || isTRUE(all.equal(m2, 0))) {
    insight::format_error("Mean(s) equal to equal zero. Unable to calculate means ratio.")

  if (paired) {
    ## ------------------ paired case -------------------
    df1 <- n <- length(x)
    r <- stats::cor(x, y)

    # Calc log RR
    log_val <- .logrom_calc(
      paired = TRUE,
      m1 = m1,
      sd1 = sd1,
      m2 = m2,
      sd2 = sd2,
      n1 = n,
      r = r,
      adjust = adjust
  } else {
    ## ------------------------ 2-sample case -------------------------
    n1 <- length(x)
    n2 <- length(y)
    df1 <- n1 + n2 - 2

    # Calc log RR
    log_val <- .logrom_calc(
      paired = FALSE,
      m1 = m1,
      sd1 = sd1,
      n1 = n1,
      m2 = m2,
      sd2 = sd2,
      n2 = n2,
      adjust = adjust

  if (adjust) {
    out <- data.frame(log_Means_ratio_adjusted = log_val[["log_rom"]])
  } else {
    out <- data.frame(log_Means_ratio = log_val[["log_rom"]])

  if (.test_ci(ci)) {
    # Add cis
    out[["CI"]] <- ci
    ci.level <- .adjust_ci(ci, alternative)
    alpha <- 1 - ci.level

    SE <- sqrt(log_val[["var_rom"]])

    # Normal approx
    interval <- log_val[["log_rom"]] + c(-1, 1) * stats::qnorm(alpha / 2, lower.tail = FALSE) * SE

    ci_method <- list(method = "normal")

    # Central t method
    # interval <- exp(log_val[["log_rom"]] + c(-1, 1) * stats::qt(alpha / 2, df1, lower.tail = FALSE) * SE)

    out[["CI_low"]] <- interval[1]
    out[["CI_high"]] <- interval[2]
    out <- .limit_ci(out, alternative, 0, Inf)
  } else {
    ci_method <- alternative <- NULL

  if (!log) {
    out[[1]] <- exp(out[[1]])
    if (!is.null(ci)) {
      out[c("CI_low", "CI_high")] <- exp(out[c("CI_low", "CI_high")])
    colnames(out)[1] <- gsub("log_", "", colnames(out)[1], fixed = TRUE)

  class(out) <- c("effectsize_difference", "effectsize_table", "see_effectsize_table", class(out))
  .someattributes(out) <- .nlist(
    paired, ci, ci_method, alternative,
    mu = 0,
    approximate = TRUE

#' @keywords internal
.logrom_calc <- function(paired = FALSE,
                         n2 = n1,
                         r = NULL,
                         adjust = TRUE) {
  if (isTRUE(paired)) {
    yi <- log(m1 / m2)
    vi <-
      sd1^2 / (n1 * m1^2) +
      sd2^2 / (n1 * m2^2) -
      2 * r * sd1 * sd2 / (m1 * m2 * n1)
  } else {
    yi <- log(m1 / m2)
    ### large sample approximation to the sampling variance (does not assume homoscedasticity)
    vi <- sd1^2 / (n1 * m1^2) + sd2^2 / (n2 * m2^2)

  if (isTRUE(adjust)) {
    J <- 0.5 * (sd1^2 / (n1 * m1^2) - sd2^2 / (n2 * m2^2))
    yi <- yi + J

    Jvar <- 0.5 * (sd1^4 / (n1^2 * m1^4) - sd2^4 / (n2^2 * m2^4))
    vi <- vi + Jvar

    log_rom = yi,
    var_rom = vi

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effectsize documentation built on July 3, 2024, 9:07 a.m.