
Defines functions summary.epi.tests print.epi.tests

Documented in print.epi.tests summary.epi.tests

"epi.tests" <- function(dat, method = "exact", digits = 2, conf.level = 0.95) {

  # Stop if invalid number of digits:
  if(digits != 2 & digits != 3 & digits != 4) stop("Argument 'digits' for this function must take the value of 2, 3 or 4.")
  # Number of columns:
  dim <- ifelse(is.null(dim(dat)[2]), 0, dim(dat)[2])
  # If dat is a dplyr object re-jig as conventional R table: 
  id <- class(dat) == "grouped_df" | class(dat) == "tbl_df" | class(dat) == "tbl" | class(dat) == "data.frame"
  if(dim == 3 & sum(id) == 4){
    # Assign names:
    names(dat) <- c("tes","out","n")
    # Counts are in column 3. Must be integer:
    if(!is.integer(dat$n)) stop('Column 3 (cell frequencies) must be integer.')
    # Test variable column 1. Must be a factor:
    if(!is.factor(dat$tes)) stop('Column 1 (test) must be a factor.')
    # Outcome variable column 2. Must be a factor:
    if(!is.factor(dat$out)) stop('Column 2 (outcome) must be a factor.')
    dat <- xtabs(n ~ tes + out, data = dat)
  # If dat vector of length 4 (i.e. cell frequencies) re-jig into a conventional R table:
  if(length(dat) == 4 & is.vector(dat) == TRUE){
    dat <- as.table(matrix(dat, nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE))
  N. <- 1 - ((1 - conf.level) / 2)
  z <- qnorm(N., mean = 0, sd = 1)
  ## =================
  ## =================
  ## --------| D+ --| D- --| Total
  ## Test +  | a    | b    | N1
  ## Test -  | c    | d    | N0
  ## --------|------|------|------
  ## Total   | M1   | M0   | total
  a <- dat[1]
  b <- dat[3]
  c <- dat[2]
  d <- dat[4]
  ## Total disease pos:
  M1 <- a + c
  ## Total disease neg:
  M0 <- b + d
  ## Total test pos:
  N1 <- a + b
  ## Total test neg:
  N0 <- c + d
  ## Total subjects:
  total <- a + b + c + d
  ## True prevalence:
  tdat <- as.matrix(cbind(M1, total))
  if(method == "exact"){
    trval <- zexact(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "wilson"){
    trval <- zwilson(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "agresti"){
    trval <- zagresti(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "clopper-pearson"){
    trval <- zclopperpearson(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "jeffreys"){
    trval <- zjeffreys(tdat, conf.level)
  tp <- data.frame(statistic = "tp", est = trval$est, lower = trval$lower, upper = trval$upper)
  ## Greg Snow:
  ## r <- M1; n <- total
  ## alpha1 <- r + 1
  ## alpha2 <- n - r + 1
  ## tp <- r/n
  ## tp.low <- hpd.(qbeta, shape1 = alpha1, shape2 = alpha2)[1]
  ## tp.up <- hpd.(qbeta, shape1 = alpha1, shape2 = alpha2)[2]
  ## Altman:
  ## q <- 1 - p
  ## A <- (2 * r) + (z * z)
  ## B <- z * sqrt((z * z) + (4 * r * q))
  ## C <- 2 * (n + (z * z))
  ## tp <- p
  ## tp.low <- (A - B) / C
  ## tp.up <- (A + B) / C
  ## Apparent prevalence:
  tdat <- as.matrix(cbind(N1, total))
  if(method == "exact"){
    trval <- zexact(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "wilson"){
    trval <- zwilson(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "agresti"){
    trval <- zagresti(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "clopper-pearson"){
    trval <- zclopperpearson(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "jeffreys"){
    trval <- zjeffreys(tdat, conf.level)
  ap <- data.frame(statistic = "ap", est = trval$est, lower = trval$lower, upper = trval$upper)
  ## Greg Snow:
  ## r <- N1; n <- total
  ## alpha1 <- r + 1
  ## alpha2 <- n - r + 1
  ## ap <- r/n
  ## ap.low <- hpd.(qbeta, shape1 = alpha1, shape2 = alpha2)[1]
  ## ap.up <- hpd.(qbeta, shape1 = alpha1, shape2 = alpha2)[2]
  ## Altman:
  ## q <- 1 - p
  ## A <- (2 * r) + (z * z)
  ## B <- z * sqrt((z * z) + (4 * r * q))
  ## C <- 2 * (n + (z * z))
  ## ap <- p
  ## ap.low <- (A - B) / C
  ## ap.up <- (A + B) / C
  ## Sensitivity:
  tdat <- as.matrix(cbind(a, M1))
  if(method == "exact"){
    trval <- zexact(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "wilson"){
    trval <- zwilson(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "agresti"){
    trval <- zagresti(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "clopper-pearson"){
    trval <- zclopperpearson(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "jeffreys"){
    trval <- zjeffreys(tdat, conf.level)
  se <- data.frame(statistic = "se", est = trval$est, lower = trval$lower, upper = trval$upper)
  ## Greg Snow:
  ## r <- a; n <- M1
  ## alpha1 <- r + 1
  ## alpha2 <- n - r + 1
  ## se <- r/n
  ## se.low <- hpd.(qbeta, shape1 = alpha1, shape2 = alpha2)[1]
  ## se.up <- hpd.(qbeta, shape1 = alpha1, shape2 = alpha2)[2]
  ## Altman:
  ## q <- 1 - p
  ## A <- (2 * r) + (z * z)
  ## B <- z * sqrt((z * z) + (4 * r * q))
  ## C <- 2 * (n + (z * z))
  ## se <- p
  ## se.low <- (A - B) / C
  ## se.up <- (A + B) / C
  ## Specificity:
  tdat <- as.matrix(cbind(d, M0))
  if(method == "exact"){
    trval <- zexact(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "wilson"){
    trval <- zwilson(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "agresti"){
    trval <- zagresti(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "clopper-pearson"){
    trval <- zclopperpearson(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "jeffreys"){
    trval <- zjeffreys(tdat, conf.level)
  sp <- data.frame(statistic = "sp", est = trval$est, lower = trval$lower, upper = trval$upper)
  ## Greg Snow:
  ## r <- d; n <- M0
  ## alpha1 <- r + 1
  ## alpha2 <- n - r + 1
  ## sp <- r/n
  ## sp.low <- hpd.(qbeta, shape1 = alpha1, shape2 = alpha2)[1]
  ## sp.up <- hpd.(qbeta, shape1 = alpha1, shape2 = alpha2)[2]
  ## Altman:
  ## q <- 1 - p
  ## A <- (2 * r) + (z * z)
  ## B <- z * sqrt((z * z) + (4 * r * q))
  ## C <- 2 * (n + (z * z))
  ## sp <- p
  ## sp.low <- (A - B) / C
  ## sp.up <- (A + B) / C
  ## Positive predictive value:
  tdat <- as.matrix(cbind(a, N1))
  if(method == "exact"){
    trval <- zexact(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "wilson"){
    trval <- zwilson(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "agresti"){
    trval <- zagresti(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "clopper-pearson"){
    trval <- zclopperpearson(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "jeffreys"){
    trval <- zjeffreys(tdat, conf.level)
  pv.pos <- data.frame(statistic = "pv.pos", est = trval$est, lower = trval$lower, upper = trval$upper)
  ## Greg Snow:
  ## r <- a; n <- N1
  ## alpha1 <- r + 1
  ## alpha2 <- n - r + 1
  ## ppv <- r/n
  ## ppv.low <- hpd.(qbeta, shape1 = alpha1, shape2 = alpha2)[1]
  ## ppv.up <- hpd.(qbeta, shape1 = alpha1, shape2 = alpha2)[2]
  ## Altman:
  ## q <- 1 - p
  ## A <- (2 * r) + (z * z)
  ## B <- z * sqrt((z * z) + (4 * r * q))
  ## C <- 2 * (n + (z * z))
  ## ppv <- p
  ## ppv.low <- (A - B) / C
  ## ppv.up <- (A + B) / C
  ## Negative predictive value:
  tdat <- as.matrix(cbind(d, N0))
  if(method == "exact"){
    trval <- zexact(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "wilson"){
    trval <- zwilson(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "agresti"){
    trval <- zagresti(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "clopper-pearson"){
    trval <- zclopperpearson(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "jeffreys"){
    trval <- zjeffreys(tdat, conf.level)
  pv.neg <- data.frame(statistic = "pv.neg", est = trval$est, lower = trval$lower, upper = trval$upper)
  ## Greg Snow:
  ## r <- d; n <- N0
  ## alpha1 <- r + 1
  ## alpha2 <- n - r + 1
  ## npv <- r/n
  ## npv.low <- hpd.(qbeta, shape1 = alpha1, shape2 = alpha2)[1]
  ## npv.up <- hpd.(qbeta, shape1 = alpha1, shape2 = alpha2)[2]
  ## Altman:
  ## q <- 1 - p
  ## A <- (2 * r) + (z * z)
  ## B <- z * sqrt((z * z) + (4 * r * q))
  ## C <- 2 * (n + (z * z))
  ## npv <- p
  ## npv.low <- (A - B) / C
  ## npv.up <- (A + B) / C
  ## Likelihood ratio of a positive test. Confidence intervals from Simel et al. (1991)
  ## lrpos <- se / (1 - sp)
  lrpos.est <- (a / M1) / (1 - (d / M0))
  lrpos.low <- exp(log(lrpos.est) - z * sqrt((1 - se$est) / (M1 * se$est) + (sp$est) / (M0 * (1 - sp$est))))
  lrpos.up <-  exp(log(lrpos.est) + z * sqrt((1 - se$est) / (M1 * se$est) + (sp$est) / (M0 * (1 - sp$est))))
  lr.pos <- data.frame(statistic = "lr.pos", est = lrpos.est, lower = lrpos.low, upper = lrpos.up)
  ## Likelihood ratio of a negative test. Confidence intervals from Simel et al. (1991)
  ## lrpos <- se / (1 - sp)
  lrneg.est <- (1 - (a / M1)) / (d / M0)
  lrneg.low <- exp(log(lrneg.est) - z * sqrt((se$est)/(M1 * (1 - se$est)) + (1 - sp$est) / (M0 * (sp$est))))
  lrneg.up <-  exp(log(lrneg.est) + z * sqrt((se$est) / (M1 * (1 - se$est)) + (1 - sp$est) / (M0 * (sp$est))))
  lr.neg <- data.frame(statistic = "lr.neg", est = lrneg.est, lower = lrneg.low, upper = lrneg.up)
  ## Diagnostic accuracy (from Scott et al. (2008)):
  tdat <- as.matrix(cbind((a + d), total))
  if(method == "exact"){
    trval <- zexact(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "wilson"){
    trval <- zwilson(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "agresti"){
    trval <- zagresti(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "clopper-pearson"){
    trval <- zclopperpearson(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "jeffreys"){
    trval <- zjeffreys(tdat, conf.level)
  diag.ac <- data.frame(statistic = "diag.ac", est = trval$est, lower = trval$lower, upper = trval$upper)
  ## Greg Snow:
  ## r <- (a + d); n <- total
  ## p <- r/n
  ## alpha1 <- r + 1
  ## alpha2 <- n - r + 1
  ## da <- r/n
  ## da.low <- hpd.(qbeta, shape1 = alpha1, shape2 = alpha2)[1]
  ## da.up <- hpd.(qbeta, shape1 = alpha1, shape2 = alpha2)[2]
  ## Altman:
  ## q <- 1 - p
  ## A <- (2 * r) + (z * z)
  ## B <- z * sqrt((z * z) + (4 * r * q))
  ## C <- 2 * (n + (z * z))
  ## da <- p
  ## da.low <- (A - B) / C
  ## da.up <- (A + B) / C
  ## Diagnostic odds ratio (from Scott et al. (2008)):
  dOR.p <- (a * d) / (b * c)
  lndOR <- log(dOR.p)
  lndOR.var <- 1 / a + 1 / b + 1 / c + 1 / d
  lndOR.se <- sqrt(1 / a + 1 / b + 1 / c + 1 / d)
  lndOR.l <- lndOR - (z * lndOR.se)
  lndOR.u <- lndOR + (z * lndOR.se)
  dOR.se <- exp(lndOR.se)
  dOR.low <- exp(lndOR.l)
  dOR.up <- exp(lndOR.u)
  diag.or <- data.frame(statistic = "diag.or", est = dOR.p, lower = dOR.low, upper = dOR.up)
  ## Number needed to diagnose (from Scott et al. (2008)):
  nndx.est <- 1 / (se$est - (1 - sp$est))
  nndx.1 <- 1 / (se$lower - (1 - sp$lower))
  nndx.2 <- 1 / (se$upper - (1 - sp$upper))
  nndx.low <- min(nndx.1, nndx.2)
  nndx.up <- max(nndx.1, nndx.2)
  nndx <- data.frame(statistic = "nndx", est = nndx.est, lower = nndx.low, upper = nndx.up)
  ## Youden's index (from Bangdiwala et al. (2008)):
  c.p <- se$est - (1 - sp$est)
  c.1 <- se$lower - (1 - sp$lower)
  c.2 <- se$upper - (1 - sp$upper)
  c.low <- min(c.1, c.2)
  c.up <- max(c.1, c.2)
  youden <- data.frame(statistic = "youden", est = c.p, lower = c.low, upper = c.up)
  ## Proportion ruled out:
  tdat <- as.matrix(cbind((c + d), total))
  if(method == "exact"){
    trval <- zexact(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "wilson"){
    trval <- zwilson(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "agresti"){
    trval <- zagresti(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "clopper-pearson"){
    trval <- zclopperpearson(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "jeffreys"){
    trval <- zjeffreys(tdat, conf.level)
  p.rout <- data.frame(statistic = "p.rout", est = trval$est, lower = trval$lower, upper = trval$upper)
  ## Proportion ruled in:
  tdat <- as.matrix(cbind((a + b), total))
  if(method == "exact"){
    trval <- zexact(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "wilson"){
    trval <- zwilson(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "agresti"){
    trval <- zagresti(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "clopper-pearson"){
    trval <- zclopperpearson(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "jeffreys"){
    trval <- zjeffreys(tdat, conf.level)
  p.rin <- data.frame(statistic = "p.rin", est = trval$est, lower = trval$lower, upper = trval$upper)
  ## False T+ proportion for true D-, Pr(T+|D-):
  tdat <- as.matrix(cbind(b, M0))
  if(method == "exact"){
    trval <- zexact(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "wilson"){
    trval <- zwilson(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "agresti"){
    trval <- zagresti(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "clopper-pearson"){
    trval <- zclopperpearson(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "jeffreys"){
    trval <- zjeffreys(tdat, conf.level)
  p.fpos <- data.frame(statistic = "p.fpos", est = trval$est, lower = trval$lower, upper = trval$upper)
  p.tpdn <- data.frame(statistic = "p.tpdn", est = trval$est, lower = trval$lower, upper = trval$upper)
  ## False T- proportion for true D+, Pr(T-|D+):
  tdat <- as.matrix(cbind(c, M1))
  if(method == "exact"){
    trval <- zexact(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "wilson"){
    trval <- zwilson(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "agresti"){
    trval <- zagresti(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "clopper-pearson"){
    trval <- zclopperpearson(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "jeffreys"){
    trval <- zjeffreys(tdat, conf.level)
  # p.fneg <- data.frame(statistic = "p.fneg", est = trval$est, lower = trval$lower, upper = trval$upper)
  p.tndp <- data.frame(statistic = "p.tndp", est = trval$est, lower = trval$lower, upper = trval$upper)
  ## False T+ proportion for T+, Pr(D-|T+):
  tdat <- as.matrix(cbind(b, N1))
  if(method == "exact"){
    trval <- zexact(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "wilson"){
    trval <- zwilson(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "agresti"){
    trval <- zagresti(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "clopper-pearson"){
    trval <- zclopperpearson(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "jeffreys"){
    trval <- zjeffreys(tdat, conf.level)
  p.dntp <- data.frame(statistic = "p.dntp", est = trval$est, lower = trval$lower, upper = trval$upper)   
  ## False T- proportion for T-, Pr(D+|T-):
  tdat <- as.matrix(cbind(c, N0))
  if(method == "exact"){
    trval <- zexact(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "wilson"){
    trval <- zwilson(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "agresti"){
    trval <- zagresti(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "clopper-pearson"){
    trval <- zclopperpearson(tdat, conf.level)
  if(method == "jeffreys"){
    trval <- zjeffreys(tdat, conf.level)
  p.dptn <- data.frame(statistic = "p.dptn", est = trval$est, lower = trval$lower, upper = trval$upper) 
  rval.df <- rbind(ap, tp, se, sp, diag.ac, diag.or, nndx, youden, pv.pos, pv.neg, lr.pos, lr.neg, p.rout, 
                p.rin, p.tpdn, p.tndp, p.dntp, p.dptn)
  ## Define tab:
  r1 <- c(a, b, N1)
  r2 <- c(c, d, N0)
  r3 <- c(M1, M0, M0 + M1)
  tab <- as.data.frame(rbind(r1, r2, r3))
  colnames(tab) <- c("   Outcome +", "   Outcome -", "     Total")
  rownames(tab) <- c("Test +", "Test -", "Total")
  tab <- format.data.frame(tab, digits = 3, justify = "right")
  out <- list(detail = rval.df, tab = tab, method = method, digits = digits, conf.level = conf.level)
  class(out) <- "epi.tests"

## Print method for epi.tests:
print.epi.tests <- function(x, ...) {
  print(x$tab, ...)
  cat("\nPoint estimates and ", x$conf.level * 100, "%", " CIs:", sep = "")
  if(x$digits == 2){
    tap   <- "\nApparent prevalence *                  %.2f (%.2f, %.2f)"
    ttp   <- "\nTrue prevalence *                      %.2f (%.2f, %.2f)"
    tse   <- "\nSensitivity *                          %.2f (%.2f, %.2f)"
    tsp   <- "\nSpecificity *                          %.2f (%.2f, %.2f)"
    tppv  <- "\nPositive predictive value *            %.2f (%.2f, %.2f)"
    tnpv  <- "\nNegative predictive value *            %.2f (%.2f, %.2f)"
    tplr  <- "\nPositive likelihood ratio              %.2f (%.2f, %.2f)"
    tnlr  <- "\nNegative likelihood ratio              %.2f (%.2f, %.2f)"
    ttpdn <- "\nFalse T+ proportion for true D- *      %.2f (%.2f, %.2f)"
    ttndp <- "\nFalse T- proportion for true D+ *      %.2f (%.2f, %.2f)"
    tdntp <- "\nFalse T+ proportion for T+ *           %.2f (%.2f, %.2f)"
    tdptn <- "\nFalse T- proportion for T- *           %.2f (%.2f, %.2f)"
    tdac  <- "\nCorrectly classified proportion *      %.2f (%.2f, %.2f)"
  else if(x$digits == 3){
    tap   <- "\nApparent prevalence *                  %.3f (%.3f, %.3f)"
    ttp   <- "\nTrue prevalence *                      %.3f (%.3f, %.3f)"
    tse   <- "\nSensitivity *                          %.3f (%.3f, %.3f)"
    tsp   <- "\nSpecificity *                          %.3f (%.3f, %.3f)"
    tppv  <- "\nPositive predictive value *            %.3f (%.3f, %.3f)"
    tnpv  <- "\nNegative predictive value *            %.3f (%.3f, %.3f)"
    tplr  <- "\nPositive likelihood ratio              %.3f (%.3f, %.3f)"
    tnlr  <- "\nNegative likelihood ratio              %.3f (%.3f, %.3f)"
    ttpdn <- "\nFalse T+ proportion for true D- *      %.3f (%.3f, %.3f)"
    ttndp <- "\nFalse T- proportion for true D+ *      %.3f (%.3f, %.3f)"
    tdntp <- "\nFalse T+ proportion for T+ *           %.3f (%.3f, %.3f)"
    tdptn <- "\nFalse T- proportion for T- *           %.3f (%.3f, %.3f)"
    tdac  <- "\nCorrectly classified proportion *      %.3f (%.3f, %.3f)"
  else if(x$digits == 4){
    tap   <- "\nApparent prevalence *                  %.4f (%.4f, %.4f)"
    ttp   <- "\nTrue prevalence *                      %.4f (%.4f, %.4f)"
    tse   <- "\nSensitivity *                          %.4f (%.4f, %.4f)"
    tsp   <- "\nSpecificity *                          %.4f (%.4f, %.4f)"
    tppv  <- "\nPositive predictive value *            %.4f (%.4f, %.4f)"
    tnpv  <- "\nNegative predictive value *            %.4f (%.4f, %.4f)"
    tplr  <- "\nPositive likelihood ratio              %.4f (%.4f, %.4f)"
    tnlr  <- "\nNegative likelihood ratio              %.4f (%.4f, %.4f)"
    ttpdn <- "\nFalse T+ proportion for true D- *      %.4f (%.4f, %.4f)"
    ttndp <- "\nFalse T- proportion for true D+ *      %.4f (%.4f, %.4f)"
    tdntp <- "\nFalse T+ proportion for T+ *           %.4f (%.4f, %.4f)"
    tdptn <- "\nFalse T- proportion for T- *           %.4f (%.4f, %.4f)"
    tdac  <- "\nCorrectly classified proportion *      %.4f (%.4f, %.4f)"
  with(x, {
                x$detail$est[x$detail$statistic == "ap"],
                x$detail$lower[x$detail$statistic == "ap"],
                x$detail$upper[x$detail$statistic == "ap"]
                x$detail$est[x$detail$statistic == "tp"],
                x$detail$lower[x$detail$statistic == "tp"],
                x$detail$upper[x$detail$statistic == "tp"]
                x$detail$est[x$detail$statistic == "se"],
                x$detail$lower[x$detail$statistic == "se"],
                x$detail$upper[x$detail$statistic == "se"]
                x$detail$est[x$detail$statistic == "sp"],
                x$detail$lower[x$detail$statistic == "sp"],
                x$detail$upper[x$detail$statistic == "sp"]
                x$detail$est[x$detail$statistic == "pv.pos"],
                x$detail$lower[x$detail$statistic == "pv.pos"],
                x$detail$upper[x$detail$statistic == "pv.pos"]
                x$detail$est[x$detail$statistic == "pv.neg"],
                x$detail$lower[x$detail$statistic == "pv.neg"],
                x$detail$upper[x$detail$statistic == "pv.neg"]
                x$detail$est[x$detail$statistic == "lr.pos"],
                x$detail$lower[x$detail$statistic == "lr.pos"],
                x$detail$upper[x$detail$statistic == "lr.pos"]
                x$detail$est[x$detail$statistic == "lr.neg"],
                x$detail$lower[x$detail$statistic == "lr.neg"],
                x$detail$upper[x$detail$statistic == "lr.neg"]
                x$detail$est[x$detail$statistic == "p.tpdn"],
                x$detail$lower[x$detail$statistic == "p.tpdn"],
                x$detail$upper[x$detail$statistic == "p.tpdn"]
                x$detail$est[x$detail$statistic == "p.tndp"],
                x$detail$lower[x$detail$statistic == "p.tndp"],
                x$detail$upper[x$detail$statistic == "p.tndp"]
                x$detail$est[x$detail$statistic == "p.dntp"],
                x$detail$lower[x$detail$statistic == "p.dntp"],
                x$detail$upper[x$detail$statistic == "p.dntp"]
                x$detail$est[x$detail$statistic == "p.dptn"],
                x$detail$lower[x$detail$statistic == "p.dptn"],
                x$detail$upper[x$detail$statistic == "p.dptn"]
                x$detail$est[x$detail$statistic == "diag.ac"],
                x$detail$lower[x$detail$statistic == "diag.ac"],
                x$detail$upper[x$detail$statistic == "diag.ac"]
  if(x$method == "exact"){
    cmethod <- "* Exact CIs\n"
  if(x$method == "wilson"){
    cmethod <- "* Wilson CIs\n"
  if(x$method == "agresti"){
    cmethod <- "* Agresti CIs\n"
  if(x$method == "clopper-pearson"){
    cmethod <- "* Clopper-Pearson CIs\n"
  if(x$method == "jeffreys"){
    cmethod <- "* Jeffreys CIs\n"
  cat("\n", cmethod, sep = "")

## Summary method for epi.tests:
summary.epi.tests <- function(object, ...) {
  ## Create a data frame:
  out <- object$detail
  # out <- do.call(rbind, object$detail)
  ## Return it:

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epiR documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:57 a.m.