
Defines functions .packageDependsOn .fsub DISPLAY_LATEX_TOC_PCT_WIDTHS

#  File R/ergm-terms-index.R in package ergm, part of the
#  Statnet suite of packages for network analysis, https://statnet.org .
#  This software is distributed under the GPL-3 license.  It is free,
#  open source, and has the attribution requirements (GPL Section 7) at
#  https://statnet.org/attribution .
#  Copyright 2003-2023 Statnet Commons

SUPPORTED_TERM_TYPES <- c('ergmTerm', 'ergmConstraint', 'ergmReference', 'ergmHint', 'ergmProposal')
SUPPORTED_TERM_TYPE_REGEX <- sprintf('-(%s)(-[0-9a-f]{8})?(.Rd)?', paste(SUPPORTED_TERM_TYPES, collapse='|'))

DISPLAY_TEXT_INDEX_MAX_WIDTHS <- list('Term'=25, 'Pkg'=5, 'Description'=33, 'Concepts'=12)
DISPLAY_LATEX_INDEX_PCT_WIDTHS <- c(0.3, 0.05, 0.5, 0.1)
DISPLAY_LATEX_TOC_PCT_WIDTHS <- function(n_concepts) c(2.4, rep(.7, n_concepts))

.fsub <- function(x, pattern, replacement, fixed = TRUE, ...) gsub(pattern, replacement, x, fixed = fixed, ...)

.packageDependsOn <- function(what, onwhat, how=c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo")){
  ## Replace all dots with underscores (since dots are word breaks but
  ## underscores aren't, and package names can't have underscores).
  ._ <- function(x) gsub(".", "_", x, fixed=TRUE)

  ## Obtain the appropriate package description elements:
  utils::packageDescription(what)[how] %>%
    ## Concatenate them into a single string, and replace dots with underscores:
    unlist() %>% paste(collapse="\n") %>% ._() %>%
    ## Test if the list has any whole-word matches for the package name:
    grepl(sprintf("\\<%s\\>", ._(onwhat)), .)

# Return the index entry for a single term in the new format
.parseTerm <- function(rdname, pkg, pkg_name) {
  doc <- pkg[[rdname]]
  rdname <- substr(rdname, 1, nchar(rdname) - 3)
  tags <- sapply(doc, attr, 'Rd_tag')
  name <- doc[tags == '\\name'] %>% unlist
  comps <- strsplit(name, '-')[[1]]
  type <- comps[length(comps)]

  if (type != "ergmProposal") {
    concepts <- doc[tags == '\\concept'] %>% unlist
    raw_usage <- doc[tags == '\\usage'] %>%
      unlist %>%
      paste(collapse="") %>%
      gsub("\n *# *"," ", .) %>%
      strsplit("\n") %>%
      .[[1]] %>%

    if (type %in% c('ergmTerm')) {
      usages <- list()
      for (usage_line in regmatches(raw_usage, regexec("^(binary|valued): *(.+)$", raw_usage))) {
        usages[[length(usages) + 1]] <- list('type'=usage_line[2], 'usage'=usage_line[3])
        concepts <- c(concepts, usage_line[2])
    } else {
      usages <- lapply(raw_usage, function(u) list(type=NULL, usage=u))

    if (length(usages) == 0) {

      alias=doc[tags == '\\alias'] %>% unlist,
      title=doc[tags == '\\title'] %>% unlist %>% paste(collapse='') %>% trimws(),
      description=doc[tags == '\\description'] %>% unlist %>% paste(collapse='') %>% trimws(),
      details=doc %>% unlist %>% paste(collapse='') %>% trimws(),
      concepts=if (!is.null(concepts)) unique(concepts) else c(),
  } else {
    ps <- ergm_proposal_table()
    ps <- .filterProposals(ps, proposal=comps[1])

    proposals = list()
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(ps))) {
      if (!stringr::str_detect(ps$Constraints[i], '[|&]') || stringr::str_detect(ps$Constraints[i], '\\+')) {
        constraints <- strsplit(ps$Constraints[i], '\\+')[[1]]
        constraints <- paste0(ifelse(constraints == '.dyads', '|', '&'), constraints)
      } else {
        constraints <- strsplit(ps$Constraints[i], '(?<=.)(?=[|&])', perl=TRUE)[[1]]
      constraints <- lapply(constraints, function(c) list(
        name=substr(c, 2, stringr::str_length(c)),
        enforce=substr(c, 1, 1) == '&'))
      proposals[[length(proposals) + 1]] <- list(
        Enforces=constraints %>% keep("enforce") %>% map("name") %>% unlist,
        May_Enforce=constraints %>% discard("enforce") %>% map("name") %>% unlist,
        Class=ifelse(ps$Class[i] == 'c', 'cross-sectional', 'last-toggle')
      alias=doc[tags == '\\alias'] %>% unlist,
      title=doc[tags == '\\title'] %>% unlist %>% paste(collapse='') %>% trimws(),
      description=doc[tags == '\\description'] %>% unlist %>% paste(collapse='') %>% trimws(),
      details=doc %>% unlist %>% paste(collapse='') %>% trimws(),

#' A simple dictionary to cache loaded terms
#' @usage ergmTermCache(term_type)
#' @param term_type a type of term, e.g., `"ergmTerm"`, `"ergmConstraint"`, etc.
#' @return
#' A named list of terms of the specified type containing the information returned by `.parseTerm()`.
#' @noRd
ergmTermCache <- local({
  cache <- lapply(SUPPORTED_TERM_TYPES, function(x) list())
  names(cache) <- SUPPORTED_TERM_TYPES
  scanned <- character(0) # Current list of monitored packages.
  have_terms <- character(0) # Current list of monitored packages that have terms.

  # Reset the cache and update the list of scanned packages.
  unload <- function(pkg_name, ...) {
    if(pkg_name %in% have_terms)
      for (term_type in names(cache))
        cache[[term_type]] <<- cache[[term_type]][map_chr(cache[[term_type]], "package") != pkg_name]

    scanned <<- setdiff(scanned, pkg_name)
    scanned <<- setdiff(have_terms, pkg_name)

  # Crawl all loaded packages for terms, parse them once and store in the singleton store
  load <- function(pkg_name) {
    setHook(packageEvent(pkg_name, "onUnload"), unload)
    scanned <<- c(scanned, pkg_name)

    ## Short-circuit if the package does not depend on ergm or isn't itself ergm.
    if(pkg_name!="ergm" && !.packageDependsOn(pkg_name, "ergm")) return(FALSE)

    ## Short-circuit if no topics fit the pattern.
      if(nrow(utils::help.search(SUPPORTED_TERM_TYPE_REGEX, package=pkg_name, fields="alias", types="help",
                                 ignore.case=FALSE, agrep=FALSE)$matches) == 0) return(FALSE),
      error = function(e) message(sQuote("ergmTermCache"), ": help search failed for package ", sQuote(pkg_name), " with ", e)

    pkg <- tools::Rd_db(pkg_name)
    terms <- names(pkg)[grep(SUPPORTED_TERM_TYPE_REGEX, names(pkg))]
    has_terms <- FALSE

    for (rdname in terms) {
      term <- tryCatch(.parseTerm(rdname, pkg, pkg_name),
                       error = function(e){
                         message("Failed to parse document ", sQuote(rdname), " in package ", sQuote(pkg_name), ".")

      if (!is.null(term)){
        cache[[term$type]][[term$name]] <<- term
        has_terms <- TRUE

    if(has_terms) have_terms <<- c(have_terms, pkg_name)


  # Check if new namespaces have been added.
  checknew <- function() {
    to_scan <- setdiff(loadedNamespaces(), scanned)

    if(length(to_scan)) {
      terms_added <- FALSE
      for (pkg_name in to_scan) terms_added <- max(terms_added, load(pkg_name))

      if(terms_added) cache <<- lapply(cache, function(terms) terms[sort(names(terms))])

  function (term_type) {

#' Filter a list of terms, currently by keywords/concepts
#' @param terms a term list returned by `ergmTermCache()`
#' @param keywords a function with one argument or a formula understood by [purrr::as_mapper()] that takes a character vector containing a term's keywords/concepts and returns `TRUE` or `FALSE`
#' @param packages a character vector containing the packages to search through
#' @param ... additional arguments, currently unused
#' @return a filtered term list
#' @noRd
.filterTerms <- function(terms, keywords = NULL, packages=NULL, ...) {
  if (!is.null(keywords)) {
    keywords <- as_mapper(keywords)
    keep <- terms %>% map("concepts") %>% map_lgl(keywords)
    terms <- terms[keep]

  if (!is.null(packages)) {
    terms <- terms[(terms %>% map("package")) %in% packages]


# Parse a usage string and remove the default arguments from the string
.removeDefaultArguments <- function(usage) {
  expr <- str2lang(usage)

  if (!inherits(expr, 'call')) {
  } else {
    expr <- NVL3(names(expr), ifelse(. != "", ., as.character(expr)), as.character(expr))
    return(sprintf("%s(%s)", expr[1], paste(expr[2:length(expr)], collapse=", ")))

#' Constructs a data frame containing term information, suitable for typesetting in help files and vignettes
#' @param term_type character string giving the type of term, currently `"ergmTerm"`, `"ergmConstraint"`, or `"ergmReference"`
#' @param ... further arguments passed to `.filterTerms()`
#' @param display.keywords keywords to not put into the table column (usually because they are redundant)
#' @return a data frame with columns for usage, package, title, concepts, and link
#' @noRd
.buildTermsDataframe <- function(term_type, ..., display.keywords = setdiff(ergm::ergm_keyword()$name, c("binary", "valued"))) {
  terms <- ergmTermCache(term_type)

  terms <- .filterTerms(terms, ...)

  if (length(terms) == 0) return(NULL)

  sapply(terms, function(term) {
    if (!is.null(term$usages[[1]]$type)) {
      usage <- paste(sprintf('`%s` (%s)',
        sapply(term$usages, "[[", 'usage') %>% sapply(., .removeDefaultArguments) %>% trimws,
        sapply(term$usages, "[[", 'type')), collapse='\n')
    } else {
      usage <- paste(sprintf('`%s`', sapply(term$usages, '[[', 'usage')), collapse='\n')

    term$concepts <- intersect(term$concepts, display.keywords)

    c(Term = usage, Package = term$package, Description = term$title, Concepts = if (length(term$concepts) > 0) paste(term$concepts, collapse='\n') else '', Link = term$link)
  }) %>% t() %>% as.data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

#' Constructs a data frame containing term proposals, suitable for typesetting in help files and vignettes
#' @param proposal only include rules relevant to the given proposal
#' @return a data frame with columns for usage, package, title, concepts, and link
#' @noRd
.buildProposalsList <- function(proposal) {
  proposals <- ergmTermCache("ergmProposal")
  if (!missing(proposal)) {
    proposals <- proposals[[paste0(proposal, '-ergmProposal')]]$rules
  } else {
    proposals <- proposals %>% map("rules") %>% flatten()

  if (length(proposals) == 0) return(NULL)
  names(proposals) <- seq_along(proposals)

# terms : a list structure of the documentation data
# ... : further arguments passed to `.filterTerms()`
# display.keywords : an optional vector of column names to print and include
.termMatrix <- function(term_type, ..., display.keywords=NULL) {
  terms <- ergmTermCache(term_type)

  terms <- .filterTerms(terms, ...)

  # if list of display.keywords not supplied, generate it
  # otherwise, use the display.keywords (and column order) provided
  if (is.null(display.keywords)) {
    display.keywords <- unique(unlist(sapply(terms,'[[','concepts')))

  if(length(display.keywords)==0) return(NULL)

  if (length(terms) == 0) return(NULL)

  # figure out which terms are members of each cat
  membership <- lapply(display.keywords, function(cat) {
    # return true for terms that match cat
    sapply(terms, function(term) cat %in% term$concepts)

  df <- data.frame(membership)

  concepts <- ergm_keyword()
  display.keywords <- concepts[match(display.keywords, concepts$name), 'short']
  colnames(df) <- display.keywords
  rownames(df) <- NULL
  df$Link <- sapply(terms,'[[','link')
  df$Term <- sapply(terms,'[[','name')

  df[c('Term', display.keywords, 'Link')]

# output listings of terms, grouped by keywords
.termToc <- function(term_type, ..., display.keywords=NULL) {
  terms <- ergmTermCache(term_type)

  terms <- .filterTerms(terms, ...)

  # if list of display.keywords not supplied, generate it
  # otherwise, use the display.keywords (and column order) provided
  if (is.null(display.keywords)) {
    display.keywords <- unique(unlist(sapply(terms,'[[','concepts')))

  if(length(display.keywords)==0) return(NULL)

  if (length(terms) == 0) return(NULL)

  ret <- list()
  for (cat in display.keywords) {
    #find ones with matching cats
    matchingTerms <- terms[sapply(terms, function(term) any(term$concepts==cat))]
    ret[[cat]] <- list(
      link=sapply(matchingTerms, '[[', 'link'),
      name=sapply(matchingTerms, '[[', 'name')


.filterProposals <- function(proposals, proposal=NULL, ...) {
  if (!is.null(proposal)) {
    proposals <- proposals[proposals$Proposal == proposal,]


PROPOSAL_NOT_IN_TABLE <- "This proposal is not referenced in the lookup table."

.formatProposalsHtml <- function(df, keepProposal=FALSE) {
  if (NROW(df) == 0) return(paste0("\\out{<p>", PROPOSAL_NOT_IN_TABLE, "</p>}"))

  for (i in seq_along(df)) {
    df[[i]]$Proposal <- sprintf('<a href="../help/%1$s-ergmProposal">%1$s</a>', df[[i]]$Proposal)
    df[[i]]$Reference <- sprintf('<a href="../help/%1$s-ergmReference">%1$s</a>', df[[i]]$Reference)
    df[[i]]$Enforces <- if (length(df[[i]]$Enforces) > 0) paste(sprintf('<a href="../help/%1$s-ergmConstraint">%1$s</a>', df[[i]]$Enforces), collapse=' ') else ""
    df[[i]]$May_Enforce <- if (length(df[[i]]$May_Enforce) > 0) paste(sprintf('<a href="../help/%1$s-ergmConstraint">%1$s</a>', df[[i]]$May_Enforce), collapse=' ') else ""

  df <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, df)

  if (!keepProposal) {
    df <- df[,colnames(df)!="Proposal"]

  sprintf("\\out{%s}", knitr::kable(df, 'html', escape=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, table.attr='class="proptable"'))

.formatProposalsLatex <- function(df, keepProposal=FALSE) {
  if (NROW(df) == 0) return(paste0("\\out{",PROPOSAL_NOT_IN_TABLE,"}"))

  for (i in seq_along(df)) {
    df[[i]]$Enforces <- if (length(df[[i]]$Enforces) > 0) paste(df[[i]]$Enforces, collapse=' ') else ""
    df[[i]]$May_Enforce <- if (length(df[[i]]$May_Enforce) > 0) paste(df[[i]]$May_Enforce, collapse=' ') else ""

  df <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind.data.frame, df))
  names(df) <- c('Proposal', 'Reference', 'Enforces', 'May Enforce', 'Priority', 'Weight', 'Class')
  df[, 'Class'] = ifelse(df[, 'Class'] == 'cross-sectional', 'c', 't')

  if (!keepProposal) {
    df <- df[,colnames(df)!="Proposal"]

  sprintf("\\out{%s}", knitr::kable(df, 'latex', escape=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, longtable=TRUE, vline="") %>%
    gsub(' *\n *', ' ', .) %>%
    gsub('\\\\ ', '\\\\\\\\ ', .))


.formatProposalsText <- function(df, keepProposal=FALSE) {
  if (NROW(df) == 0) return(PROPOSAL_NOT_IN_TABLE)

  for (i in seq_along(df)) {
    df[[i]]$Enforces <- if (length(df[[i]]$Enforces) > 0) paste(df[[i]]$Enforces, collapse=' ') else ""
    df[[i]]$May_Enforce <- if (length(df[[i]]$May_Enforce) > 0) paste(df[[i]]$May_Enforce, collapse=' ') else ""

  df <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, df)

  if (!keepProposal) {
    df <- df[,colnames(df)!="Proposal"]

  sprintf('\\preformatted{%s}', paste(knitr::kable(df, 'pipe'), collapse='\n'))

# output listings of terms, grouped by keywords
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%" "%<>%"
.formatIndexText <- function(df) {
  if(is.null(df)) return(NULL)

  df$Term %<>% .fsub('binary', 'bin') %>% .fsub('valued', 'val') %>% .fsub('`', '')

  line_wrap <- function(lines, max_width) {
    lines <- unlist(strsplit(sapply(strsplit(lines, '\n'), stringr::str_wrap, max_width), '\n'))

    out <- c()
    for (line in lines) {
      while (nchar(line) > max_width) {
        out <- c(out, substr(line, 1, max_width))
        line <- substr(line, max_width + 1, nchar(line))
      out <- c(out, line)

  pad_lines <- function(lines, max_lines) {
    c(lines, rep('', max_lines - length(lines)))

  colnames(df)[[2]] <- 'Pkg'
  out <- sprintf('|%s|\n', paste(stringr::str_pad(names(DISPLAY_TEXT_INDEX_MAX_WIDTHS), DISPLAY_TEXT_INDEX_MAX_WIDTHS, side='right', pad='-'), collapse='|'))
  empty_row <- sprintf('|%s|\n', paste(stringr::str_pad(rep('', length(DISPLAY_TEXT_INDEX_MAX_WIDTHS)), DISPLAY_TEXT_INDEX_MAX_WIDTHS), collapse='|'))

  r <- list()
  for (i in seq_len(dim(df)[1])) {
    for (c in names(DISPLAY_TEXT_INDEX_MAX_WIDTHS)) {
      r[[c]] <- if (df[i, c] != '') line_wrap(df[i, c], DISPLAY_TEXT_INDEX_MAX_WIDTHS[[c]]) else c()

    max_lines <- max(sapply(r, length))
    for (c in names(DISPLAY_TEXT_INDEX_MAX_WIDTHS)) {
      r[[c]] <- pad_lines(r[[c]], max_lines)

    for (j in seq_len(max_lines)) {
      out <- sprintf('%s|%s|\n', out, paste(stringr::str_pad(sapply(r, "[[", j), DISPLAY_TEXT_INDEX_MAX_WIDTHS, side='right'), collapse='|'))
    out <- paste(out, empty_row, sep='')

  sprintf('\\preformatted{%s}', out)

.formatMatrixText <- function(df) {
  if(is.null(df)) return(NULL)

  df$Link <- NULL
  for (c in colnames(df)[-1]) {
    df[[c]] <- ifelse(df[[c]], 'o', '')

  sprintf('\\preformatted{%s}', paste(knitr::kable(df, 'pipe'), collapse='\n'))

.formatTocText <- function(toc) {
  if(is.null(toc)) return(NULL)

  out <- ''
  for (cat in names(toc)) {
    out <- sprintf('%s\n\n%s:\n%s', out, cat,
      paste(paste('   ', stringr::str_wrap(paste(toc[[cat]]$name, collapse=', '), DISPLAY_TEXT_MAX_WIDTH)), collapse='\n'))
  sprintf('\\preformatted{%s}', out)

# Format the table for text output
.formatIndexLatex <- function(df) {
  if(is.null(df)) return(NULL)

  df$Term %<>% .fsub('binary', 'bin') %>% .fsub('valued', 'val')
  df$Term %<>% .fsub('\n', ' \\newline ') %>% gsub('`([^`]*)`', '\\1', .) %>%
    strsplit(' ') %>% sapply(., function(x) x %>% .fsub('_', '\\_') %>% sprintf('\\code{%s}', .) %>% paste(collapse=' ')) %>%
    gsub('\\\\code\\{\\(([^(]*)\\)\\}', '(\\1)', .) %>% .fsub('\\code{\\newline}', '\\newline') %>%
    paste('\\\\raggedright \\\\allowbreak', .)
  df$Link <- NULL
    knitr::kable(df, 'latex', escape=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, longtable=TRUE, align=sprintf('p{%.1f\\textwidth}', DISPLAY_LATEX_INDEX_PCT_WIDTHS), vline="") %>%
      gsub(' *\n *', ' ', .) %>%
      gsub('\\\\ ', '\\\\\\\\ ', .))

.formatMatrixLatex <- function(df) {
  if(is.null(df)) return(NULL)

  df$Link <- NULL

  for (c in colnames(df)[-1]) {
    df[[c]] <- ifelse(df[[c]], 'o', '')

    knitr::kable(df, 'latex', escape=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, longtable=TRUE, align=sprintf('p{%.1fcm}', DISPLAY_LATEX_TOC_PCT_WIDTHS(dim(df)[2] - 1)), vline="") %>%
      gsub(' *\n *', ' ', .) %>%
      gsub('\\\\ ', '\\\\\\\\ ', .))

.formatTocLatex <- function(toc) {
  if(is.null(toc)) return(NULL)

  out <- '\\out{\\begin{description}'
  for (cat in names(toc)) {
    out <- sprintf('%s\n\\item[%s] %s', out, cat, paste(toc[[cat]]$name, collapse=', '))
  paste(out, "\n\\end{description}}")

# Format the table for text output
.formatIndexHtml <- function(df) {
  if(is.null(df)) return(NULL)

  df$Term %<>% .fsub('binary', 'bin') %>% .fsub('valued', 'val')

  # Hack! because HTML code has to be wrapped \out{} which prevents \link{} from being parsed, the link has
  # to be constructed with the actual address. To find the address, generate the correct link with 
  # \link[=absdiff-ergmTerm]{test} and check that it works with \out{<a href="../help/absdiff-ergmTerm">test</a>}.
  # This address may change from an upstream R-studio change

  df$Term %<>% .fsub('\n', '<br />\n') %>%
    gsub('`([^`(]*)([^`]*)`', '<span class="code"><a href="../help/%1$s">\\1\\2</a></span>', .) %>%
    sprintf(df$Link) %>%
    sprintf('<div id="%s">%s</div>', df$Link, .)
  df$Link <- NULL

  sprintf('\\out{%s}', knitr::kable(df, 'html', escape=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, table.attr='class="termtable"'))

.formatMatrixHtml <- function(df, wrapRdTags=TRUE) {
  if(is.null(df)) return(NULL)

  df$Term <- sprintf('<a href="#%s">%s</a>', df$Link, df$Term)
  df$Link <- NULL
  for (c in colnames(df)[-1]) {
    df[[c]] <- ifelse(df[[c]], '&#10004;', '')

  out <- knitr::kable(df, 'html', escape=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, table.attr='class="termmatrix"')
  if(wrapRdTags) {
    out <- sprintf('\\out{%s}', out)

.formatTocHtml <- function(toc, wrapRdTags=TRUE) {
  if(is.null(toc)) return(NULL)

  out <- paste('Jump to keyword:', paste(sprintf('<a href="#cat_%s">%s</a>', gsub(' ', '_', names(toc)), names(toc)), collapse=' '))
  for (cat in names(toc)) {
    out <- sprintf('%s<h3><a id="cat_%s">%s</a></h3>%s', out, gsub(' ', '_', cat), cat,
      paste(sprintf('<a href="#%s">%s</a>', toc[[cat]]$link, toc[[cat]]$name), collapse=' '))

  if(wrapRdTags) {
    out <- sprintf('\\out{%s}', out)


.formatTermKeywords <- function(term.type, term.name, sec.format = c("describe", "section", "subsection"), ifnone = "None") {
  sec.format <- match.arg(sec.format)
  keywords <- ergmTermCache(term.type)[[term.name]]$concepts
  keywords <-
    if(length(keywords) == 0){
      if(length(ifnone)==0 || isFALSE(ifnone)) return("")
      else ifnone
      paste(keywords, collapse=", ")

         describe = paste0("\\describe{\\item{Keywords:}{", keywords, "}}"),
         section = paste0("\\section{Keywords}{", keywords, "}"),
         subsection = paste0("\\subsection{Keywords}{", keywords, "}"))

.term.rdname <- function(term.type, term.name) {
  gsub(".", "", paste(term.name, term.type, substr(rlang::hash(term.name), 1, 8), sep = "-"), fixed=TRUE)

search.ergmTermType <-function(term.type, search, net, keywords, name, packages) {
  if (!missing(net)){
      stop("the 'net' argument must be the network argument that applicable terms are to be searched for")

  if (!missing(net)){
    } else {

  terms <- ergmTermCache(term.type)


  # if name is specified, restrict to terms with that name
    for (t in seq_along(terms)){
      found[t]<-any(term$name==name || term$link==name)

  # restrict by keywords
  for (t in which(found)){


  # next (optionally) restrict by search matches
  if (!missing(search)){
    for (t in which(found)){
      # if we don't find the search in the text grep, mark it as false

  # optionally restrict by package
  if (!missing(packages)) {
    for (t in which(found)) {
      term <- terms[[t]]
      if (!term$package %in% packages) {
        found[t] <- FALSE

  # if term name was specified, print out all the matching terms
  # otherwise,  loop over the remaining terms to format output as condensed
      cat("No terms named '",name,"' were found. Try searching with search='",name,"'instead.\n",sep='')
    } else {
      cat("Definitions for term(s) ",name,":\n")
      for (t in which(found)){
        output<-c(output, term)
        cat(sprintf('%s\n    %s: %s\n    Keywords: %s\n\n',
          paste(term$concepts, collapse=', ')))
    for (t in which(found)){
      unique_usages <- term$usages %>% map("usage") %>% unlist %>% unique
      if (term$type %in% c('ergmTerm')) {
        if (!missing(keywords) && any(c("binary", "valued") %in% keywords)) {
          term_type_to_match <- intersect(keywords, c('binary', 'valued'))
          term_types <- sapply(unique_usages, function(usage) paste(term$usages[(term$usages %>% map("usage") %>% unlist) == usage] %>% map("type") %>% unlist %>% unique %>% intersect(term_type_to_match), collapse=", "))

          unique_usages <- unique_usages[term_types != '']
          term_types <- term_types[term_types != '']
        } else {
          term_types <- sapply(unique_usages, function(usage) paste(term$usages[(term$usages %>% map("usage") %>% unlist) == usage] %>% map("type") %>% unlist %>% unique, collapse=", "))

        unique_usages <- paste0(unique_usages, " (", term_types, ")")
      outText <- paste0(paste(unique_usages, collapse="\n"), "\n    ", term$title, "\n")
    cat("Found ",length(output)," matching ergm terms:\n")

# function to look up the set of terms applicable for a specific network

#' Search ERGM terms, constraints, references, hints, and proposals
#' Searches through the database of [`ergmTerm`]s,
#' [`ergmConstraint`]s, [`ergmReference`]s, [`ergmHint`]s, and
#' [`ergmProposal`]s and prints out a list of terms and term-alikes
#' appropriate for the specified network's structural constraints,
#' optionally restricting by additional keywords and search term
#' matches.
#' Uses \code{\link{grep}} internally to match the search terms against the term
#' description, so \code{search} is currently matched as a single phrase.
#' Keyword tags will only return a match if all of the specified tags are
#' included in the term.
#' @param search optional character search term to search for in the text of the
#' term descriptions. Only matching terms will be returned. Matching is case
#' insensitive.
#' @param net a network object that the term would be applied to, used as
#' template to determine directedness, bipartite, etc
#' @param keywords optional character vector of keyword tags to use to
#' restrict the results (i.e. 'curved', 'triad-related')
#' @param name optional character name of a specific term to return
#' @param reference,constraints optional names of references and constraints to narrow down the proposal
#' @param packages optional character vector indicating the subset of packages in which to search
#' @return prints out the name and short description of matching terms, and
#' invisibly returns them as a list.  If \code{name} is specified, prints out
#' the full definition for the named term.
#' @author skyebend@uw.edu
#' @seealso See also [`ergmTerm`],
#' [`ergmConstraint`], [`ergmReference`], [`ergmHint`], and
#' [`ergmProposal`], for lists of terms and term-alikes visible to \pkg{ergm}.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # find all of the terms that mention triangles
#' search.ergmTerms('triangle')
#' # two ways to search for bipartite terms:
#' # search using a bipartite net as a template
#' myNet<-network.initialize(5,bipartite=3)
#' search.ergmTerms(net=myNet)
#' # or request the bipartite keyword
#' search.ergmTerms(keywords='bipartite')
#' # search on multiple keywords
#' search.ergmTerms(keywords=c('bipartite','dyad-independent'))
#' # print out the content for a specific term
#' search.ergmTerms(name='b2factor')
#' # request the bipartite keyword in the ergm package
#' search.ergmTerms(keywords='bipartite', packages='ergm')
#' }
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @export search.ergmTerms
search.ergmTerms <- function(search, net, keywords, name, packages) {
  search.ergmTermType("ergmTerm", search, net, keywords, name, packages)
#' @rdname search.ergmTerms
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # find all of the constraint that mention degrees
#' search.ergmConstraints('degree')
#' # search for hints only
#' search.ergmConstraints(keywords='hint')
#' # search on multiple keywords
#' search.ergmConstraints(keywords=c('directed','dyad-independent'))
#' # print out the content for a specific constraint
#' search.ergmConstraints(name='b1degrees')
#' # request the bipartite keyword in the ergm package
#' search.ergmConstraints(keywords='directed', packages='ergm')
#' }
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @export search.ergmConstraints
search.ergmConstraints <- function(search, keywords, name, packages)
  search.ergmTermType("ergmConstraint", search=search, keywords=keywords, name=name, packages=packages)

#' @rdname search.ergmTerms
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # find all discrete references
#' search.ergmReferences(keywords='discrete')
#' }
#' @export search.ergmReferences
search.ergmReferences <- function(search, keywords, name, packages)
  search.ergmTermType("ergmReference", search=search, keywords=keywords, name=name, packages=packages)

#' @rdname search.ergmTerms
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # find all of the hints
#' search.ergmHints('degree')
#' }
#' @export search.ergmHints
search.ergmHints <- function(search, keywords, name, packages)
  search.ergmTermType("ergmHint", search=search, keywords=keywords, name=name, packages=packages)

#' @rdname search.ergmTerms
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # find all of the proposals that mention triangles
#' search.ergmProposals('MH algorithm')
#' # print out the content for a specific proposals
#' search.ergmProposals(name='randomtoggle')
#' # find all proposals with required or optional constraints
#' search.ergmProposals(constraints='.dyads')
#' # find all proposals with references
#' search.ergmProposals(reference='Bernoulli')
#' # request proposals that mention triangle in the ergm package
#' search.ergmProposals('MH algorithm', packages='ergm')
#' }
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @export search.ergmProposals
search.ergmProposals <- function(search, name, reference, constraints, packages) {
  proposals <- .buildProposalsList()
  terms <- ergmTermCache("ergmProposal")
  found <- rep(TRUE,length(terms))

  # if name is specified, restrict to terms with that name
  if (!missing(name)) {
    for (t in seq_along(terms)) {
      found[t]<-any(term$name==name || term$link==name)

   # next (optionally) restrict by search matches
  if (!missing(search)) {
    for (t in which(found)) {
      term <-terms[[t]]
      # if we don't find the search in the text grep, mark it as false
      if (length(grep(search,term$details, ignore.case=TRUE)) == 0) {

  # optionally restrict by references
  if (!missing(reference)) {
    for (t in which(found)) {
      term <-terms[[t]]
      if (! reference %in% (term$rules %>% map("Reference"))) {

  # optionally restrict by constraints
  if (!missing(constraints)) {
    for (constraint in constraints) {
      for (t in which(found)) {
        term <-terms[[t]]
        if (!constraint %in% (term$rules %>% map('Enforces') %>% unlist) && !constraint %in% (term$rules %>% map("May_Enforce") %>% unlist)) {

  # optionally restrict by package
  if (!missing(packages)) {
    for (t in which(found)) {
      term <- terms[[t]]
      if (!term$package %in% packages) {
        found[t] <- FALSE
  # if term name was specified, print out all the matching terms
  # otherwise,  loop over the remaining terms to format output as condensed
      cat("No proposals named '",name,"' were found. Try searching with search='",name,"'instead.\n",sep='')
    } else {
      cat("Definitions for proposal(s) ",name,":\n")
      for (t in which(found)){
        output<-c(output, list(term))
        cat(sprintf('%s\n    %s: %s\n',
        for (rule in term$rules) {
          cat(sprintf('    Reference: %s Class: %s\n%s%s\n',
            if (length(rule$Enforces) > 0) paste("    Enforces:", paste(rule$Enforces, collapse=" "), "\n") else "",
            if (length(rule$May_Enforce) > 0) paste("    May Enforce:", paste(rule$May_Enforce, collapse=" "), "\n") else ""))
    for (t in which(found)){
      outText <- sprintf('%s\n    %s\n', term$name, term$title)
    cat("Found ",length(output)," matching ergm proposals:\n")

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ergm documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:15 a.m.