"fbvevd" <-
function(x, model = c("log", "alog", "hr", "neglog", "aneglog", "bilog", "negbilog", "ct", "amix"), start, ..., sym = FALSE, nsloc1 = NULL, nsloc2 = NULL, cshape = cscale, cscale = cloc, cloc = FALSE, std.err = TRUE, corr = FALSE, method = "BFGS", warn.inf = TRUE)
call <-
model <- match.arg(model)
if(!is.matrix(x) && !
stop("`x' must be a matrix or data frame")
if(ncol(x) != 2) {
if(ncol(x) != 3) stop("`x' has incorrect number of columns")
if(!is.logical(x[,3])) stop("third column of `x' must be logical")
if(sym && !(model %in% c("alog","aneglog","ct")))
warning("Argument `sym' was ignored")
ft <- switch(model,
log = fbvlog(x=x, start=start, ..., sym=FALSE, nsloc1=nsloc1,
nsloc2=nsloc2, cshape=cshape, cscale=cscale, cloc=cloc, std.err=std.err,
corr=corr, method=method, warn.inf=warn.inf),
alog = fbvalog(x=x, start=start, ..., sym=sym, nsloc1=nsloc1,
nsloc2=nsloc2, cshape=cshape, cscale=cscale, cloc=cloc,
std.err=std.err, corr=corr, method=method, warn.inf=warn.inf),
hr = fbvhr(x=x, start=start, ..., sym=FALSE, nsloc1=nsloc1, nsloc2=
nsloc2, cshape=cshape, cscale=cscale, cloc=cloc, std.err=std.err,
corr=corr, method=method, warn.inf=warn.inf),
neglog = fbvneglog(x=x, start=start, ..., sym=FALSE, nsloc1=nsloc1,
nsloc2=nsloc2, cshape=cshape, cscale=cscale, cloc=cloc, std.err=std.err,
corr=corr, method=method, warn.inf=warn.inf),
aneglog = fbvaneglog(x=x, start=start, ..., sym=sym, nsloc1=nsloc1,
nsloc2=nsloc2, cshape=cshape, cscale=cscale, cloc=cloc, std.err=std.err,
corr=corr, method=method, warn.inf=warn.inf),
bilog = fbvbilog(x=x, start=start, ..., sym=FALSE, nsloc1=nsloc1,
nsloc2=nsloc2, cshape=cshape, cscale=cscale, cloc=cloc, std.err=std.err,
corr=corr, method=method, warn.inf=warn.inf),
negbilog = fbvnegbilog(x=x, start=start, ..., sym=FALSE, nsloc1=nsloc1,
nsloc2=nsloc2, cshape=cshape, cscale=cscale, cloc=cloc, std.err=std.err,
corr= corr, method=method, warn.inf=warn.inf),
ct = fbvct(x=x, start=start, ..., sym=sym, nsloc1=nsloc1,
nsloc2=nsloc2, cshape=cshape, cscale=cscale, cloc=cloc,
std.err=std.err, corr=corr, method=method, warn.inf=warn.inf),
amix = fbvamix(x=x, start=start, ..., sym=FALSE, nsloc1=nsloc1,
nsloc2=nsloc2, cshape=cshape, cscale=cscale, cloc=cloc,
std.err=std.err, corr=corr, method=method, warn.inf=warn.inf))
structure(c(ft, call = call), class = c("bvevd","evd"))
function(x, start, ..., sym = FALSE, nsloc1 = NULL, nsloc2 = NULL, cshape = cscale, cscale = cloc, cloc = FALSE, std.err = TRUE, corr = FALSE, method = "BFGS", warn.inf = TRUE)
nlbvlog <- function(loc1, scale1, shape1, loc2, scale2, shape2, dep)
if(cshape) shape2 <- shape1
if(cscale) scale2 <- scale1
if(any(c(scale1,scale2) < 0.01) || dep < 0.1 || dep > 1)
if(!is.null(nsloc1)) {
ns <- numeric(length(loc.param1))
for(i in 1:length(ns))
ns[i] <- get(loc.param1[i])
loc1 <- drop(nslocmat1 %*% ns)
else loc1 <- rep(loc1, length.out = nrow(x))
if(cloc) loc2 <- loc1 else {
if(!is.null(nsloc2)) {
ns <- numeric(length(loc.param2))
for(i in 1:length(ns))
ns[i] <- get(loc.param2[i])
loc2 <- drop(nslocmat2 %*% ns)
else loc2 <- rep(loc2, length.out = nrow(x))
m1l <- .C(C_nlgev, spx$x.m1, spx$n.m1, loc1[spx$na == 2], scale1,
shape1, dns = double(1))$dns
else m1l <- 0
m2l <- .C(C_nlgev, spx$x.m2, spx$n.m2, loc2[spx$na == 1], scale2,
shape2, dns = double(1))$dns
else m2l <- 0
bvl <- .C(C_nlbvlog, spx$x1, spx$x2, spx$n, spx$si, dep,
loc1[spx$na == 0], scale1, shape1, loc2[spx$na == 0],
scale2, shape2, cfalse, dns = double(1))$dns
if(any(is.nan(c(m1l,m2l,bvl)))) {
warning("NaN returned in likelihood")
if(any(c(m1l,m2l,bvl) == 1e6)) return(1e6)
else return(m1l + m2l + bvl)
if(cloc && !identical(nsloc1, nsloc2))
stop("nsloc1 and nsloc2 must be identical")
if(!is.null(nsloc1)) {
if(is.vector(nsloc1)) nsloc1 <- data.frame(trend = nsloc1)
if(nrow(nsloc1) != nrow(x))
stop("`nsloc1' and data are not compatible")
nslocmat1 <- cbind(1, as.matrix(nsloc1))
if(!is.null(nsloc2)) {
if(is.vector(nsloc2)) nsloc2 <- data.frame(trend = nsloc2)
if(nrow(nsloc2) != nrow(x))
stop("`nsloc2' and data are not compatible")
nslocmat2 <- cbind(1,as.matrix(nsloc2))
loc.param1 <- paste("loc1", c("",names(nsloc1)), sep="")
loc.param2 <- paste("loc2", c("",names(nsloc2)), sep="")
param <- c(loc.param1, "scale1", "shape1")
if(!cloc) param <- c(param, loc.param2) else loc.param2 <- NULL
if(!cscale) param <- c(param, "scale2")
if(!cshape) param <- c(param, "shape2")
param <- c(param, "dep")
nmdots <- names(list(...))
start <- bvstart.vals(x = x, start = start, nmdots = nmdots, param =
param, nsloc1 = nsloc1, nsloc2 = nsloc2, model = "log")
spx <- sep.bvdata(x = x)
cfalse <- as.integer(0)
nm <- names(start)
l <- length(nm)
fixed.param <- list(...)[nmdots %in% param]
if(any(!(param %in% c(nm,names(fixed.param)))))
stop("unspecified parameters")
prind <- (5:7)[c(!cscale, !cshape, TRUE)]
f <- c(as.list(numeric(length(loc.param1))), formals(nlbvlog)[2:3],
as.list(numeric(length(loc.param2))), formals(nlbvlog)[prind])
names(f) <- param
m <- match(nm, param)
stop("`start' specifies unknown arguments")
formals(nlbvlog) <- c(f[m], f[-m])
nllh <- function(p, ...) nlbvlog(p, ...)
if(l > 1)
body(nllh) <- parse(text = paste("nlbvlog(", paste("p[",1:l,
"]", collapse = ", "), ", ...)"))
start.arg <- c(list(p = unlist(start)), fixed.param)
if(warn.inf &&"nllh", start.arg) == 1e6)
warning("negative log-likelihood is infinite at starting values")
opt <- optim(start, nllh, hessian = TRUE, ..., method = method)
if(is.null(names(opt$par))) names(opt$par) <- nm
cmar <- c(cloc, cscale, cshape)
bvpost.optim(x = x, opt = opt, nm = nm, fixed.param = fixed.param,
std.err = std.err, corr = corr, sym = sym, cmar = cmar,
nsloc1 = nsloc1, nsloc2 = nsloc2, model = "log")
function(x, start, ..., sym = FALSE, nsloc1 = NULL, nsloc2 = NULL, cshape = cscale, cscale = cloc, cloc = FALSE, std.err = TRUE, corr = FALSE, method = "BFGS", warn.inf = TRUE)
nlbvalog <- function(loc1, scale1, shape1, loc2, scale2, shape2,
asy1, asy2, dep)
if(sym) asy2 <- asy1
if(cshape) shape2 <- shape1
if(cscale) scale2 <- scale1
if(any(c(scale1,scale2) < 0.01) || any(c(dep,asy1,asy2) > 1) ||
any(c(asy1,asy2) < 0.001) || dep < 0.1)
if(!is.null(nsloc1)) {
ns <- numeric(length(loc.param1))
for(i in 1:length(ns))
ns[i] <- get(loc.param1[i])
loc1 <- drop(nslocmat1 %*% ns)
else loc1 <- rep(loc1, length.out = nrow(x))
if(cloc) loc2 <- loc1 else {
if(!is.null(nsloc2)) {
ns <- numeric(length(loc.param2))
for(i in 1:length(ns))
ns[i] <- get(loc.param2[i])
loc2 <- drop(nslocmat2 %*% ns)
else loc2 <- rep(loc2, length.out = nrow(x))
m1l <- .C(C_nlgev, spx$x.m1, spx$n.m1, loc1[spx$na == 2], scale1,
shape1, dns = double(1))$dns
else m1l <- 0
m2l <- .C(C_nlgev, spx$x.m2, spx$n.m2, loc2[spx$na == 1], scale2,
shape2, dns = double(1))$dns
else m2l <- 0
bvl <- .C(C_nlbvalog, spx$x1, spx$x2, spx$n, spx$si, dep, asy1, asy2,
loc1[spx$na == 0], scale1, shape1, loc2[spx$na == 0],
scale2, shape2, cfalse, dns = double(1))$dns
if(any(is.nan(c(m1l,m2l,bvl)))) {
warning("NaN returned in likelihood")
if(any(c(m1l,m2l,bvl) == 1e6)) return(1e6)
else return(m1l + m2l + bvl)
if(cloc && !identical(nsloc1, nsloc2))
stop("nsloc1 and nsloc2 must be identical")
if(!is.null(nsloc1)) {
if(is.vector(nsloc1)) nsloc1 <- data.frame(trend = nsloc1)
if(nrow(nsloc1) != nrow(x))
stop("`nsloc1' and data are not compatible")
nslocmat1 <- cbind(1,as.matrix(nsloc1))
if(!is.null(nsloc2)) {
if(is.vector(nsloc2)) nsloc2 <- data.frame(trend = nsloc2)
if(nrow(nsloc2) != nrow(x))
stop("`nsloc2' and data are not compatible")
nslocmat2 <- cbind(1,as.matrix(nsloc2))
loc.param1 <- paste("loc1", c("",names(nsloc1)), sep="")
loc.param2 <- paste("loc2", c("",names(nsloc2)), sep="")
param <- c(loc.param1, "scale1", "shape1")
if(!cloc) param <- c(param, loc.param2) else loc.param2 <- NULL
if(!cscale) param <- c(param, "scale2")
if(!cshape) param <- c(param, "shape2")
if(!sym) param <- c(param, "asy1", "asy2", "dep")
else param <- c(param, "asy1", "dep")
nmdots <- names(list(...))
start <- bvstart.vals(x = x, start = start, nmdots = nmdots, param =
param, nsloc1 = nsloc1, nsloc2 = nsloc2, model = "alog")
spx <- sep.bvdata(x = x)
cfalse <- as.integer(0)
nm <- names(start)
l <- length(nm)
fixed.param <- list(...)[nmdots %in% param]
if(any(!(param %in% c(nm,names(fixed.param)))))
stop("unspecified parameters")
prind <- (5:9)[c(!cscale, !cshape, TRUE, !sym, TRUE)]
f <- c(as.list(numeric(length(loc.param1))), formals(nlbvalog)[2:3],
as.list(numeric(length(loc.param2))), formals(nlbvalog)[prind])
names(f) <- param
m <- match(nm, param)
stop("`start' specifies unknown arguments")
formals(nlbvalog) <- c(f[m], f[-m])
nllh <- function(p, ...) nlbvalog(p, ...)
if(l > 1) body(nllh) <- parse(text = paste("nlbvalog(", paste("p[",1:l,"]",
collapse = ", "), ", ...)"))
start.arg <- c(list(p = unlist(start)), fixed.param)
if(warn.inf &&"nllh", start.arg) == 1e6)
warning("negative log-likelihood is infinite at starting values")
opt <- optim(start, nllh, hessian = TRUE, ..., method = method)
if(is.null(names(opt$par))) names(opt$par) <- nm
cmar <- c(cloc, cscale, cshape)
bvpost.optim(x = x, opt = opt, nm = nm, fixed.param = fixed.param,
std.err = std.err, corr = corr, sym = sym, cmar = cmar,
nsloc1 = nsloc1, nsloc2 = nsloc2, model = "alog")
function(x, start, ..., sym = FALSE, nsloc1 = NULL, nsloc2 = NULL, cshape = cscale, cscale = cloc, cloc = FALSE, std.err = TRUE, corr = FALSE, method = "BFGS", warn.inf = TRUE)
nlbvhr <- function(loc1, scale1, shape1, loc2, scale2, shape2,
if(cshape) shape2 <- shape1
if(cscale) scale2 <- scale1
if(any(c(scale1,scale2) < 0.01) || dep < 0.2 || dep > 10)
if(!is.null(nsloc1)) {
ns <- numeric(length(loc.param1))
for(i in 1:length(ns))
ns[i] <- get(loc.param1[i])
loc1 <- drop(nslocmat1 %*% ns)
else loc1 <- rep(loc1, length.out = nrow(x))
if(cloc) loc2 <- loc1 else {
if(!is.null(nsloc2)) {
ns <- numeric(length(loc.param2))
for(i in 1:length(ns))
ns[i] <- get(loc.param2[i])
loc2 <- drop(nslocmat2 %*% ns)
else loc2 <- rep(loc2, length.out = nrow(x))
m1l <- .C(C_nlgev, spx$x.m1, spx$n.m1, loc1[spx$na == 2], scale1,
shape1, dns = double(1))$dns
else m1l <- 0
m2l <- .C(C_nlgev, spx$x.m2, spx$n.m2, loc2[spx$na == 1], scale2,
shape2, dns = double(1))$dns
else m2l <- 0
bvl <- .C(C_nlbvhr, spx$x1, spx$x2, spx$n, spx$si, dep,
loc1[spx$na == 0], scale1, shape1, loc2[spx$na == 0], scale2,
shape2, cfalse, dns = double(1))$dns
if(any(is.nan(c(m1l,m2l,bvl)))) {
warning("NaN returned in likelihood")
if(any(c(m1l,m2l,bvl) == 1e6)) return(1e6)
else return(m1l + m2l + bvl)
if(cloc && !identical(nsloc1, nsloc2))
stop("nsloc1 and nsloc2 must be identical")
if(!is.null(nsloc1)) {
if(is.vector(nsloc1)) nsloc1 <- data.frame(trend = nsloc1)
if(nrow(nsloc1) != nrow(x))
stop("`nsloc1' and data are not compatible")
nslocmat1 <- cbind(1,as.matrix(nsloc1))
if(!is.null(nsloc2)) {
if(is.vector(nsloc2)) nsloc2 <- data.frame(trend = nsloc2)
if(nrow(nsloc2) != nrow(x))
stop("`nsloc2' and data are not compatible")
nslocmat2 <- cbind(1,as.matrix(nsloc2))
loc.param1 <- paste("loc1", c("",names(nsloc1)), sep="")
loc.param2 <- paste("loc2", c("",names(nsloc2)), sep="")
param <- c(loc.param1, "scale1", "shape1")
if(!cloc) param <- c(param, loc.param2) else loc.param2 <- NULL
if(!cscale) param <- c(param, "scale2")
if(!cshape) param <- c(param, "shape2")
param <- c(param, "dep")
nmdots <- names(list(...))
start <- bvstart.vals(x = x, start = start, nmdots = nmdots, param =
param, nsloc1 = nsloc1, nsloc2 = nsloc2, model = "hr")
spx <- sep.bvdata(x = x)
cfalse <- as.integer(0)
nm <- names(start)
l <- length(nm)
fixed.param <- list(...)[nmdots %in% param]
if(any(!(param %in% c(nm,names(fixed.param)))))
stop("unspecified parameters")
prind <- (5:7)[c(!cscale, !cshape, TRUE)]
f <- c(as.list(numeric(length(loc.param1))), formals(nlbvhr)[2:3],
as.list(numeric(length(loc.param2))), formals(nlbvhr)[prind])
names(f) <- param
m <- match(nm, param)
stop("`start' specifies unknown arguments")
formals(nlbvhr) <- c(f[m], f[-m])
nllh <- function(p, ...) nlbvhr(p, ...)
if(l > 1)
body(nllh) <- parse(text = paste("nlbvhr(", paste("p[",1:l,
"]", collapse = ", "), ", ...)"))
start.arg <- c(list(p = unlist(start)), fixed.param)
if(warn.inf &&"nllh", start.arg) == 1e6)
warning("negative log-likelihood is infinite at starting values")
opt <- optim(start, nllh, hessian = TRUE, ..., method = method)
if(is.null(names(opt$par))) names(opt$par) <- nm
cmar <- c(cloc, cscale, cshape)
bvpost.optim(x = x, opt = opt, nm = nm, fixed.param = fixed.param,
std.err = std.err, corr = corr, sym = sym, cmar = cmar,
nsloc1 = nsloc1, nsloc2 = nsloc2, model = "hr")
function(x, start, ..., sym = FALSE, nsloc1 = NULL, nsloc2 = NULL, cshape = cscale, cscale = cloc, cloc = FALSE, std.err = TRUE, corr = FALSE, method = "BFGS", warn.inf = TRUE)
nlbvneglog <- function(loc1, scale1, shape1, loc2, scale2, shape2,
if(cshape) shape2 <- shape1
if(cscale) scale2 <- scale1
if(any(c(scale1,scale2) < 0.01) || dep < 0.05 || dep > 5)
if(!is.null(nsloc1)) {
ns <- numeric(length(loc.param1))
for(i in 1:length(ns))
ns[i] <- get(loc.param1[i])
loc1 <- drop(nslocmat1 %*% ns)
else loc1 <- rep(loc1, length.out = nrow(x))
if(cloc) loc2 <- loc1 else {
if(!is.null(nsloc2)) {
ns <- numeric(length(loc.param2))
for(i in 1:length(ns))
ns[i] <- get(loc.param2[i])
loc2 <- drop(nslocmat2 %*% ns)
else loc2 <- rep(loc2, length.out = nrow(x))
m1l <- .C(C_nlgev, spx$x.m1, spx$n.m1, loc1[spx$na == 2], scale1,
shape1, dns = double(1))$dns
else m1l <- 0
m2l <- .C(C_nlgev, spx$x.m2, spx$n.m2, loc2[spx$na == 1], scale2,
shape2, dns = double(1))$dns
else m2l <- 0
bvl <- .C(C_nlbvneglog, spx$x1, spx$x2, spx$n, spx$si, dep,
loc1[spx$na == 0], scale1, shape1, loc2[spx$na == 0],
scale2, shape2, cfalse, dns = double(1))$dns
if(any(is.nan(c(m1l,m2l,bvl)))) {
warning("NaN returned in likelihood")
if(any(c(m1l,m2l,bvl) == 1e6)) return(1e6)
else return(m1l + m2l + bvl)
if(cloc && !identical(nsloc1, nsloc2))
stop("nsloc1 and nsloc2 must be identical")
if(!is.null(nsloc1)) {
if(is.vector(nsloc1)) nsloc1 <- data.frame(trend = nsloc1)
if(nrow(nsloc1) != nrow(x))
stop("`nsloc1' and data are not compatible")
nslocmat1 <- cbind(1,as.matrix(nsloc1))
if(!is.null(nsloc2)) {
if(is.vector(nsloc2)) nsloc2 <- data.frame(trend = nsloc2)
if(nrow(nsloc2) != nrow(x))
stop("`nsloc2' and data are not compatible")
nslocmat2 <- cbind(1,as.matrix(nsloc2))
loc.param1 <- paste("loc1", c("",names(nsloc1)), sep="")
loc.param2 <- paste("loc2", c("",names(nsloc2)), sep="")
param <- c(loc.param1, "scale1", "shape1")
if(!cloc) param <- c(param, loc.param2) else loc.param2 <- NULL
if(!cscale) param <- c(param, "scale2")
if(!cshape) param <- c(param, "shape2")
param <- c(param, "dep")
nmdots <- names(list(...))
start <- bvstart.vals(x = x, start = start, nmdots = nmdots, param =
param, nsloc1 = nsloc1, nsloc2 = nsloc2, model = "neglog")
spx <- sep.bvdata(x = x)
cfalse <- as.integer(0)
nm <- names(start)
l <- length(nm)
fixed.param <- list(...)[nmdots %in% param]
if(any(!(param %in% c(nm,names(fixed.param)))))
stop("unspecified parameters")
prind <- (5:7)[c(!cscale, !cshape, TRUE)]
f <- c(as.list(numeric(length(loc.param1))), formals(nlbvneglog)[2:3],
as.list(numeric(length(loc.param2))), formals(nlbvneglog)[prind])
names(f) <- param
m <- match(nm, param)
stop("`start' specifies unknown arguments")
formals(nlbvneglog) <- c(f[m], f[-m])
nllh <- function(p, ...) nlbvneglog(p, ...)
if(l > 1)
body(nllh) <- parse(text = paste("nlbvneglog(", paste("p[",1:l,
"]", collapse = ", "), ", ...)"))
start.arg <- c(list(p = unlist(start)), fixed.param)
if(warn.inf &&"nllh", start.arg) == 1e6)
warning("negative log-likelihood is infinite at starting values")
opt <- optim(start, nllh, hessian = TRUE, ..., method = method)
if(is.null(names(opt$par))) names(opt$par) <- nm
cmar <- c(cloc, cscale, cshape)
bvpost.optim(x = x, opt = opt, nm = nm, fixed.param = fixed.param,
std.err = std.err, corr = corr, sym = sym, cmar = cmar,
nsloc1 = nsloc1, nsloc2 = nsloc2, model = "neglog")
function(x, start, ..., sym = FALSE, nsloc1 = NULL, nsloc2 = NULL, cshape = cscale, cscale = cloc, cloc = FALSE, std.err = TRUE, corr = FALSE, method = "BFGS", warn.inf = TRUE)
nlbvaneglog <- function(loc1, scale1, shape1, loc2, scale2, shape2,
asy1, asy2, dep)
if(sym) asy2 <- asy1
if(cshape) shape2 <- shape1
if(cscale) scale2 <- scale1
if(any(c(scale1,scale2) < 0.01) || any(c(asy1,asy2) > 1) ||
any(c(asy1,asy2) < 0.001) || dep < 0.05 || dep > 5)
if(!is.null(nsloc1)) {
ns <- numeric(length(loc.param1))
for(i in 1:length(ns))
ns[i] <- get(loc.param1[i])
loc1 <- drop(nslocmat1 %*% ns)
else loc1 <- rep(loc1, length.out = nrow(x))
if(cloc) loc2 <- loc1 else {
if(!is.null(nsloc2)) {
ns <- numeric(length(loc.param2))
for(i in 1:length(ns))
ns[i] <- get(loc.param2[i])
loc2 <- drop(nslocmat2 %*% ns)
else loc2 <- rep(loc2, length.out = nrow(x))
m1l <- .C(C_nlgev, spx$x.m1, spx$n.m1, loc1[spx$na == 2],
scale1, shape1, dns = double(1))$dns
else m1l <- 0
m2l <- .C(C_nlgev, spx$x.m2, spx$n.m2, loc2[spx$na == 1],
scale2, shape2, dns = double(1))$dns
else m2l <- 0
bvl <- .C(C_nlbvaneglog, spx$x1, spx$x2, spx$n, spx$si, dep, asy1,
asy2, loc1[spx$na == 0], scale1, shape1, loc2[spx$na == 0],
scale2, shape2, cfalse, dns = double(1))$dns
if(any(is.nan(c(m1l,m2l,bvl)))) {
warning("NaN returned in likelihood")
if(any(c(m1l,m2l,bvl) == 1e6)) return(1e6)
else return(m1l + m2l + bvl)
if(cloc && !identical(nsloc1, nsloc2))
stop("nsloc1 and nsloc2 must be identical")
if(!is.null(nsloc1)) {
if(is.vector(nsloc1)) nsloc1 <- data.frame(trend = nsloc1)
if(nrow(nsloc1) != nrow(x))
stop("`nsloc1' and data are not compatible")
nslocmat1 <- cbind(1,as.matrix(nsloc1))
if(!is.null(nsloc2)) {
if(is.vector(nsloc2)) nsloc2 <- data.frame(trend = nsloc2)
if(nrow(nsloc2) != nrow(x))
stop("`nsloc2' and data are not compatible")
nslocmat2 <- cbind(1,as.matrix(nsloc2))
loc.param1 <- paste("loc1", c("",names(nsloc1)), sep="")
loc.param2 <- paste("loc2", c("",names(nsloc2)), sep="")
param <- c(loc.param1, "scale1", "shape1")
if(!cloc) param <- c(param, loc.param2) else loc.param2 <- NULL
if(!cscale) param <- c(param, "scale2")
if(!cshape) param <- c(param, "shape2")
if(!sym) param <- c(param, "asy1", "asy2", "dep")
else param <- c(param, "asy1", "dep")
nmdots <- names(list(...))
start <- bvstart.vals(x = x, start = start, nmdots = nmdots, param =
param, nsloc1 = nsloc1, nsloc2 = nsloc2, model = "aneglog")
spx <- sep.bvdata(x = x)
cfalse <- as.integer(0)
nm <- names(start)
l <- length(nm)
fixed.param <- list(...)[nmdots %in% param]
if(any(!(param %in% c(nm,names(fixed.param)))))
stop("unspecified parameters")
prind <- (5:9)[c(!cscale, !cshape, TRUE, !sym, TRUE)]
f <- c(as.list(numeric(length(loc.param1))), formals(nlbvaneglog)[2:3],
as.list(numeric(length(loc.param2))), formals(nlbvaneglog)[prind])
names(f) <- param
m <- match(nm, param)
stop("`start' specifies unknown arguments")
formals(nlbvaneglog) <- c(f[m], f[-m])
nllh <- function(p, ...) nlbvaneglog(p, ...)
if(l > 1) body(nllh) <- parse(text = paste("nlbvaneglog(",
paste("p[",1:l,"]", collapse = ", "), ", ...)"))
start.arg <- c(list(p = unlist(start)), fixed.param)
if(warn.inf &&"nllh", start.arg) == 1e6)
warning("negative log-likelihood is infinite at starting values")
opt <- optim(start, nllh, hessian = TRUE, ..., method = method)
if(is.null(names(opt$par))) names(opt$par) <- nm
cmar <- c(cloc, cscale, cshape)
bvpost.optim(x = x, opt = opt, nm = nm, fixed.param = fixed.param,
std.err = std.err, corr = corr, sym = sym, cmar = cmar,
nsloc1 = nsloc1, nsloc2 = nsloc2, model = "aneglog")
function(x, start, ..., sym = FALSE, nsloc1 = NULL, nsloc2 = NULL, cshape = cscale, cscale = cloc, cloc = FALSE, std.err = TRUE, corr = FALSE, method = "BFGS", warn.inf = TRUE)
nlbvbilog <- function(loc1, scale1, shape1, loc2, scale2, shape2,
alpha, beta)
if(cshape) shape2 <- shape1
if(cscale) scale2 <- scale1
if(any(c(scale1,scale2) < 0.01) || any(c(alpha,beta) < 0.1) ||
any(c(alpha,beta) > 0.999))
if(!is.null(nsloc1)) {
ns <- numeric(length(loc.param1))
for(i in 1:length(ns))
ns[i] <- get(loc.param1[i])
loc1 <- drop(nslocmat1 %*% ns)
else loc1 <- rep(loc1, length.out = nrow(x))
if(cloc) loc2 <- loc1 else {
if(!is.null(nsloc2)) {
ns <- numeric(length(loc.param2))
for(i in 1:length(ns))
ns[i] <- get(loc.param2[i])
loc2 <- drop(nslocmat2 %*% ns)
else loc2 <- rep(loc2, length.out = nrow(x))
m1l <- .C(C_nlgev, spx$x.m1, spx$n.m1, loc1[spx$na == 2],
scale1, shape1, dns = double(1))$dns
else m1l <- 0
m2l <- .C(C_nlgev, spx$x.m2, spx$n.m2, loc2[spx$na == 1],
scale2, shape2, dns = double(1))$dns
else m2l <- 0
bvl <- .C(C_nlbvbilog, spx$x1, spx$x2, spx$n, spx$si, alpha, beta,
loc1[spx$na == 0], scale1, shape1, loc2[spx$na == 0],
scale2, shape2, cfalse, dns = double(1))$dns
if(any(is.nan(c(m1l,m2l,bvl)))) {
warning("NaN returned in likelihood")
if(any(c(m1l,m2l,bvl) == 1e6)) return(1e6)
else return(m1l + m2l + bvl)
if(cloc && !identical(nsloc1, nsloc2))
stop("nsloc1 and nsloc2 must be identical")
if(!is.null(nsloc1)) {
if(is.vector(nsloc1)) nsloc1 <- data.frame(trend = nsloc1)
if(nrow(nsloc1) != nrow(x))
stop("`nsloc1' and data are not compatible")
nslocmat1 <- cbind(1,as.matrix(nsloc1))
if(!is.null(nsloc2)) {
if(is.vector(nsloc2)) nsloc2 <- data.frame(trend = nsloc2)
if(nrow(nsloc2) != nrow(x))
stop("`nsloc2' and data are not compatible")
nslocmat2 <- cbind(1,as.matrix(nsloc2))
loc.param1 <- paste("loc1", c("",names(nsloc1)), sep="")
loc.param2 <- paste("loc2", c("",names(nsloc2)), sep="")
param <- c(loc.param1, "scale1", "shape1")
if(!cloc) param <- c(param, loc.param2) else loc.param2 <- NULL
if(!cscale) param <- c(param, "scale2")
if(!cshape) param <- c(param, "shape2")
param <- c(param, "alpha", "beta")
nmdots <- names(list(...))
start <- bvstart.vals(x = x, start = start, nmdots = nmdots, param =
param, nsloc1 = nsloc1, nsloc2 = nsloc2, model = "bilog")
spx <- sep.bvdata(x = x)
cfalse <- as.integer(0)
nm <- names(start)
l <- length(nm)
fixed.param <- list(...)[nmdots %in% param]
if(any(!(param %in% c(nm,names(fixed.param)))))
stop("unspecified parameters")
prind <- (5:8)[c(!cscale, !cshape, TRUE, TRUE)]
f <- c(as.list(numeric(length(loc.param1))), formals(nlbvbilog)[2:3],
as.list(numeric(length(loc.param2))), formals(nlbvbilog)[prind])
names(f) <- param
m <- match(nm, param)
stop("`start' specifies unknown arguments")
formals(nlbvbilog) <- c(f[m], f[-m])
nllh <- function(p, ...) nlbvbilog(p, ...)
if(l > 1)
body(nllh) <- parse(text = paste("nlbvbilog(", paste("p[",1:l,
"]", collapse = ", "), ", ...)"))
start.arg <- c(list(p = unlist(start)), fixed.param)
if(warn.inf &&"nllh", start.arg) == 1e6)
warning("negative log-likelihood is infinite at starting values")
opt <- optim(start, nllh, hessian = TRUE, ..., method = method)
if(is.null(names(opt$par))) names(opt$par) <- nm
cmar <- c(cloc, cscale, cshape)
bvpost.optim(x = x, opt = opt, nm = nm, fixed.param = fixed.param,
std.err = std.err, corr = corr, sym = sym, cmar = cmar,
nsloc1 = nsloc1, nsloc2 = nsloc2, model = "bilog")
function(x, start, ..., sym = FALSE, nsloc1 = NULL, nsloc2 = NULL, cshape = cscale, cscale = cloc, cloc = FALSE, std.err = TRUE, corr = FALSE, method = "BFGS", warn.inf = TRUE)
nlbvnegbilog <- function(loc1, scale1, shape1, loc2, scale2, shape2,
alpha, beta)
if(cshape) shape2 <- shape1
if(cscale) scale2 <- scale1
if(any(c(scale1,scale2) < 0.01) || any(c(alpha,beta) < 0.1) ||
any(c(alpha,beta) > 20))
if(!is.null(nsloc1)) {
ns <- numeric(length(loc.param1))
for(i in 1:length(ns))
ns[i] <- get(loc.param1[i])
loc1 <- drop(nslocmat1 %*% ns)
else loc1 <- rep(loc1, length.out = nrow(x))
if(cloc) loc2 <- loc1 else {
if(!is.null(nsloc2)) {
ns <- numeric(length(loc.param2))
for(i in 1:length(ns))
ns[i] <- get(loc.param2[i])
loc2 <- drop(nslocmat2 %*% ns)
else loc2 <- rep(loc2, length.out = nrow(x))
m1l <- .C(C_nlgev, spx$x.m1, spx$n.m1, loc1[spx$na == 2],
scale1, shape1, dns = double(1))$dns
else m1l <- 0
m2l <- .C(C_nlgev, spx$x.m2, spx$n.m2, loc2[spx$na == 1],
scale2, shape2, dns = double(1))$dns
else m2l <- 0
bvl <- .C(C_nlbvnegbilog, spx$x1, spx$x2, spx$n, spx$si, alpha, beta,
loc1[spx$na == 0], scale1, shape1, loc2[spx$na == 0],
scale2, shape2, cfalse, dns = double(1))$dns
if(any(is.nan(c(m1l,m2l,bvl)))) {
warning("NaN returned in likelihood")
if(any(c(m1l,m2l,bvl) == 1e6)) return(1e6)
else return(m1l + m2l + bvl)
if(cloc && !identical(nsloc1, nsloc2))
stop("nsloc1 and nsloc2 must be identical")
if(!is.null(nsloc1)) {
if(is.vector(nsloc1)) nsloc1 <- data.frame(trend = nsloc1)
if(nrow(nsloc1) != nrow(x))
stop("`nsloc1' and data are not compatible")
nslocmat1 <- cbind(1,as.matrix(nsloc1))
if(!is.null(nsloc2)) {
if(is.vector(nsloc2)) nsloc2 <- data.frame(trend = nsloc2)
if(nrow(nsloc2) != nrow(x))
stop("`nsloc2' and data are not compatible")
nslocmat2 <- cbind(1,as.matrix(nsloc2))
loc.param1 <- paste("loc1", c("",names(nsloc1)), sep="")
loc.param2 <- paste("loc2", c("",names(nsloc2)), sep="")
param <- c(loc.param1, "scale1", "shape1")
if(!cloc) param <- c(param, loc.param2) else loc.param2 <- NULL
if(!cscale) param <- c(param, "scale2")
if(!cshape) param <- c(param, "shape2")
param <- c(param, "alpha", "beta")
nmdots <- names(list(...))
start <- bvstart.vals(x = x, start = start, nmdots = nmdots, param =
param, nsloc1 = nsloc1, nsloc2 = nsloc2, model = "negbilog")
spx <- sep.bvdata(x = x)
cfalse <- as.integer(0)
nm <- names(start)
l <- length(nm)
fixed.param <- list(...)[nmdots %in% param]
if(any(!(param %in% c(nm,names(fixed.param)))))
stop("unspecified parameters")
prind <- (5:8)[c(!cscale, !cshape, TRUE, TRUE)]
f <- c(as.list(numeric(length(loc.param1))), formals(nlbvnegbilog)[2:3],
as.list(numeric(length(loc.param2))), formals(nlbvnegbilog)[prind])
names(f) <- param
m <- match(nm, param)
stop("`start' specifies unknown arguments")
formals(nlbvnegbilog) <- c(f[m], f[-m])
nllh <- function(p, ...) nlbvnegbilog(p, ...)
if(l > 1)
body(nllh) <- parse(text = paste("nlbvnegbilog(", paste("p[",1:l,
"]", collapse = ", "), ", ...)"))
start.arg <- c(list(p = unlist(start)), fixed.param)
if(warn.inf &&"nllh", start.arg) == 1e6)
warning("negative log-likelihood is infinite at starting values")
opt <- optim(start, nllh, hessian = TRUE, ..., method = method)
if(is.null(names(opt$par))) names(opt$par) <- nm
cmar <- c(cloc, cscale, cshape)
bvpost.optim(x = x, opt = opt, nm = nm, fixed.param = fixed.param,
std.err = std.err, corr = corr, sym = sym, cmar = cmar,
nsloc1 = nsloc1, nsloc2 = nsloc2, model = "negbilog")
function(x, start, ..., sym = FALSE, nsloc1 = NULL, nsloc2 = NULL, cshape = cscale, cscale = cloc, cloc = FALSE, std.err = TRUE, corr = FALSE, method = "BFGS", warn.inf = TRUE)
nlbvct <- function(loc1, scale1, shape1, loc2, scale2, shape2,
alpha, beta)
if(sym) beta <- alpha
if(cshape) shape2 <- shape1
if(cscale) scale2 <- scale1
if(any(c(scale1,scale2) < 0.01) || any(c(alpha,beta) < 0.001) ||
any(c(alpha,beta) > 30))
if(!is.null(nsloc1)) {
ns <- numeric(length(loc.param1))
for(i in 1:length(ns))
ns[i] <- get(loc.param1[i])
loc1 <- drop(nslocmat1 %*% ns)
else loc1 <- rep(loc1, length.out = nrow(x))
if(cloc) loc2 <- loc1 else {
if(!is.null(nsloc2)) {
ns <- numeric(length(loc.param2))
for(i in 1:length(ns))
ns[i] <- get(loc.param2[i])
loc2 <- drop(nslocmat2 %*% ns)
else loc2 <- rep(loc2, length.out = nrow(x))
m1l <- .C(C_nlgev, spx$x.m1, spx$n.m1, loc1[spx$na == 2],
scale1, shape1, dns = double(1))$dns
else m1l <- 0
m2l <- .C(C_nlgev, spx$x.m2, spx$n.m2, loc2[spx$na == 1],
scale2, shape2, dns = double(1))$dns
else m2l <- 0
bvl <- .C(C_nlbvct, spx$x1, spx$x2, spx$n, spx$si, alpha, beta,
loc1[spx$na == 0], scale1, shape1, loc2[spx$na == 0],
scale2, shape2, cfalse, dns = double(1))$dns
if(any(is.nan(c(m1l,m2l,bvl)))) {
warning("NaN returned in likelihood")
if(any(c(m1l,m2l,bvl) == 1e6)) return(1e6)
else return(m1l + m2l + bvl)
if(cloc && !identical(nsloc1, nsloc2))
stop("nsloc1 and nsloc2 must be identical")
if(!is.null(nsloc1)) {
if(is.vector(nsloc1)) nsloc1 <- data.frame(trend = nsloc1)
if(nrow(nsloc1) != nrow(x))
stop("`nsloc1' and data are not compatible")
nslocmat1 <- cbind(1,as.matrix(nsloc1))
if(!is.null(nsloc2)) {
if(is.vector(nsloc2)) nsloc2 <- data.frame(trend = nsloc2)
if(nrow(nsloc2) != nrow(x))
stop("`nsloc2' and data are not compatible")
nslocmat2 <- cbind(1,as.matrix(nsloc2))
loc.param1 <- paste("loc1", c("",names(nsloc1)), sep="")
loc.param2 <- paste("loc2", c("",names(nsloc2)), sep="")
param <- c(loc.param1, "scale1", "shape1")
if(!cloc) param <- c(param, loc.param2) else loc.param2 <- NULL
if(!cscale) param <- c(param, "scale2")
if(!cshape) param <- c(param, "shape2")
if(!sym) param <- c(param, "alpha", "beta")
else param <- c(param, "alpha")
nmdots <- names(list(...))
start <- bvstart.vals(x = x, start = start, nmdots = nmdots, param =
param, nsloc1 = nsloc1, nsloc2 = nsloc2, model = "ct")
spx <- sep.bvdata(x = x)
cfalse <- as.integer(0)
nm <- names(start)
l <- length(nm)
fixed.param <- list(...)[nmdots %in% param]
if(any(!(param %in% c(nm,names(fixed.param)))))
stop("unspecified parameters")
prind <- (5:8)[c(!cscale, !cshape, TRUE, !sym)]
f <- c(as.list(numeric(length(loc.param1))), formals(nlbvct)[2:3],
as.list(numeric(length(loc.param2))), formals(nlbvct)[prind])
names(f) <- param
m <- match(nm, param)
stop("`start' specifies unknown arguments")
formals(nlbvct) <- c(f[m], f[-m])
nllh <- function(p, ...) nlbvct(p, ...)
if(l > 1) body(nllh) <- parse(text = paste("nlbvct(",
paste("p[",1:l,"]", collapse = ", "), ", ...)"))
start.arg <- c(list(p = unlist(start)), fixed.param)
if(warn.inf &&"nllh", start.arg) == 1e6)
warning("negative log-likelihood is infinite at starting values")
opt <- optim(start, nllh, hessian = TRUE, ..., method = method)
if(is.null(names(opt$par))) names(opt$par) <- nm
cmar <- c(cloc, cscale, cshape)
bvpost.optim(x = x, opt = opt, nm = nm, fixed.param = fixed.param,
std.err = std.err, corr = corr, sym = sym, cmar = cmar,
nsloc1 = nsloc1, nsloc2 = nsloc2, model = "ct")
function(x, start, ..., sym = FALSE, nsloc1 = NULL, nsloc2 = NULL, cshape = cscale, cscale = cloc, cloc = FALSE, std.err = TRUE, corr = FALSE, method = "BFGS", warn.inf = TRUE)
nlbvamix <- function(loc1, scale1, shape1, loc2, scale2, shape2,
alpha, beta)
if(cshape) shape2 <- shape1
if(cscale) scale2 <- scale1
if(any(c(scale1,scale2) < 0.01)) return(1e6)
if(alpha < 0 || (alpha + 3*beta) < 0) return(1e6)
if((alpha + beta) > 1 || (alpha + 2*beta) > 1) return(1e6)
if(!is.null(nsloc1)) {
ns <- numeric(length(loc.param1))
for(i in 1:length(ns))
ns[i] <- get(loc.param1[i])
loc1 <- drop(nslocmat1 %*% ns)
else loc1 <- rep(loc1, length.out = nrow(x))
if(cloc) loc2 <- loc1 else {
if(!is.null(nsloc2)) {
ns <- numeric(length(loc.param2))
for(i in 1:length(ns))
ns[i] <- get(loc.param2[i])
loc2 <- drop(nslocmat2 %*% ns)
else loc2 <- rep(loc2, length.out = nrow(x))
m1l <- .C(C_nlgev, spx$x.m1, spx$n.m1, loc1[spx$na == 2],
scale1, shape1, dns = double(1))$dns
else m1l <- 0
m2l <- .C(C_nlgev, spx$x.m2, spx$n.m2, loc2[spx$na == 1],
scale2, shape2, dns = double(1))$dns
else m2l <- 0
bvl <- .C(C_nlbvamix, spx$x1, spx$x2, spx$n, spx$si, alpha, beta,
loc1[spx$na == 0], scale1, shape1, loc2[spx$na == 0],
scale2, shape2, cfalse, dns = double(1))$dns
if(any(is.nan(c(m1l,m2l,bvl)))) {
warning("NaN returned in likelihood")
if(any(c(m1l,m2l,bvl) == 1e6)) return(1e6)
else return(m1l + m2l + bvl)
if(cloc && !identical(nsloc1, nsloc2))
stop("nsloc1 and nsloc2 must be identical")
if(!is.null(nsloc1)) {
if(is.vector(nsloc1)) nsloc1 <- data.frame(trend = nsloc1)
if(nrow(nsloc1) != nrow(x))
stop("`nsloc1' and data are not compatible")
nslocmat1 <- cbind(1,as.matrix(nsloc1))
if(!is.null(nsloc2)) {
if(is.vector(nsloc2)) nsloc2 <- data.frame(trend = nsloc2)
if(nrow(nsloc2) != nrow(x))
stop("`nsloc2' and data are not compatible")
nslocmat2 <- cbind(1,as.matrix(nsloc2))
loc.param1 <- paste("loc1", c("",names(nsloc1)), sep="")
loc.param2 <- paste("loc2", c("",names(nsloc2)), sep="")
param <- c(loc.param1, "scale1", "shape1")
if(!cloc) param <- c(param, loc.param2) else loc.param2 <- NULL
if(!cscale) param <- c(param, "scale2")
if(!cshape) param <- c(param, "shape2")
param <- c(param, "alpha", "beta")
nmdots <- names(list(...))
start <- bvstart.vals(x = x, start = start, nmdots = nmdots, param =
param, nsloc1 = nsloc1, nsloc2 = nsloc2, model = "amix")
spx <- sep.bvdata(x = x)
cfalse <- as.integer(0)
nm <- names(start)
l <- length(nm)
fixed.param <- list(...)[nmdots %in% param]
if(any(!(param %in% c(nm,names(fixed.param)))))
stop("unspecified parameters")
prind <- (5:8)[c(!cscale, !cshape, TRUE, TRUE)]
f <- c(as.list(numeric(length(loc.param1))), formals(nlbvamix)[2:3],
as.list(numeric(length(loc.param2))), formals(nlbvamix)[prind])
names(f) <- param
m <- match(nm, param)
stop("`start' specifies unknown arguments")
formals(nlbvamix) <- c(f[m], f[-m])
nllh <- function(p, ...) nlbvamix(p, ...)
if(l > 1) body(nllh) <- parse(text = paste("nlbvamix(",
paste("p[",1:l,"]", collapse = ", "), ", ...)"))
start.arg <- c(list(p = unlist(start)), fixed.param)
if(warn.inf &&"nllh", start.arg) == 1e6)
warning("negative log-likelihood is infinite at starting values")
opt <- optim(start, nllh, hessian = TRUE, ..., method = method)
if(is.null(names(opt$par))) names(opt$par) <- nm
cmar <- c(cloc, cscale, cshape)
bvpost.optim(x = x, opt = opt, nm = nm, fixed.param = fixed.param,
std.err = std.err, corr = corr, sym = sym, cmar = cmar,
nsloc1 = nsloc1, nsloc2 = nsloc2, model = "amix")
### Method Function ###
"print.bvevd" <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
cat("\nCall:", deparse(x$call), "\n")
cat("Deviance:", deviance(x), "\n")
cat("AIC:", AIC(x), "\n")
if(!is.null(x$dep.summary)) cat("Dependence:", x$dep.summary, "\n")
print.default(format(fitted(x), digits = digits), = 2,
quote = FALSE)
if(!is.null(std.errors(x))) {
cat("\nStandard Errors\n")
print.default(format(std.errors(x), digits = digits), = 2, quote = FALSE)
if(!is.null(x$corr)) {
print.default(format(x$corr, digits = digits), = 2,
quote = FALSE)
cat("\nOptimization Information\n")
cat(" Convergence:", x$convergence, "\n")
cat(" Function Evaluations:", x$counts["function"], "\n")
cat(" Gradient Evaluations:", x$counts["gradient"], "\n")
if(!is.null(x$message)) cat(" Message:", x$message, "\n")
### Ancillary Functions ###
"bvstart.vals" <-
# Calculate Starting Values For Bivariate Models
function(x, start, nmdots, param, method = c("evd","pot"), nsloc1 = NULL,
nsloc2 = NULL, u = NULL, model)
method <- match.arg(method)
if(method == "evd") {
loc.param1 <- paste("loc1", c("",names(nsloc1)), sep="")
loc.param2 <- paste("loc2", c("",names(nsloc2)), sep="")
if(method == "pot") loc.param1 <- loc.param2 <- NULL
if(missing(start)) {
start <- as.list(numeric(length(param)))
names(start) <- param
if(method == "evd") {
loc.param1 <- paste("loc1", c("",names(nsloc1)), sep="")
loc.param2 <- paste("loc2", c("",names(nsloc2)), sep="")
st1 <- fitted(fgev(x[,1], nsloc = nsloc1, std.err = FALSE))
st2 <- fitted(fgev(x[,2], nsloc = nsloc2, std.err = FALSE))
st1 <- as.list(st1); st2 <- as.list(st2)
if(method == "pot") {
st1 <- fitted(fpot(x[,1], u[1], std.err = FALSE))
st2 <- fitted(fpot(x[,2], u[2], std.err = FALSE))
st1 <- as.list(st1); st2 <- as.list(st2)
start[c(loc.param1, "scale1", "shape1")] <- st1
tmp2 <- loc.param2
if("scale2" %in% param) tmp2 <- c(tmp2, "scale2")
if("shape2" %in% param) tmp2 <- c(tmp2, "shape2")
tmp <- sub("2", "", tmp2)
start[tmp2] <- st2[tmp]
if(model == "log") start[["dep"]] <- 0.75
if(model == "alog") {
start[["asy1"]] <- 0.75
if("asy2" %in% param) start[["asy2"]] <- 0.75
start[["dep"]] <- 0.65
if(model == "hr") start[["dep"]] <- 1
if(model == "neglog") start[["dep"]] <- 0.6
if(model == "aneglog") {
start[["asy1"]] <- 0.75
if("asy2" %in% param) start[["asy2"]] <- 0.75
start[["dep"]] <- 0.8
if(model == "bilog") start[["alpha"]] <- start[["beta"]] <- 0.75
if(model == "negbilog") start[["alpha"]] <- start[["beta"]] <- 1/0.6
if(model == "ct") {
start[["alpha"]] <- 0.6
if("beta" %in% param) start[["beta"]] <- 0.6
if(model == "amix") {
start[["alpha"]] <- 0.75
start[["beta"]] <- 0
start <- start[!(param %in% nmdots)]
if(any(!,c("mar1","mar2","asy"))))) {
if(("mar1" %in% names(start)) && (length(start$mar1) !=
(2+length(loc.param1)))) stop("mar1 in `start' has incorrect length")
if(("mar2" %in% names(start)) && (length(start$mar2) !=
(2+length(loc.param2)))) stop("mar2 in `start' has incorrect length")
if(("asy" %in% names(start)) && (length(start$asy) != 2))
stop("asy in `start' should have length two")
start <- unlist(start)
names(start)[grep("mar1",names(start))] <- c(loc.param1,"scale1","shape1")
names(start)[grep("mar2",names(start))] <- c(loc.param2,"scale2","shape2")
start <- as.list(start)
stop("`start' must be a named list")
"sep.bvdata" <-
# Separate Bivariate Data For Bivariate Models
function(x, method = c("evd","cpot","ppot"), u = NULL)
method <- match.arg(method)
if(method == "evd") {
na <- rowSums(cbind([,1]), 2*[,2])))
if(!any(na == 0))
stop("`x' must have at least one complete observation")
x.m1 <- as.double(x[na == 2, 1])
n.m1 <- as.integer(length(x.m1))
x.m2 <- as.double(x[na == 1, 2])
n.m2 <- as.integer(length(x.m2))
x.full <- x[na == 0, , drop = FALSE]
x1 <- as.double(x.full[,1])
x2 <- as.double(x.full[,2])
n <- as.integer(nrow(x.full))
if(ncol(x) == 3) {
si <- x.full[,3]
si[] <- 2
else si <- rep(2, n)
si <- as.integer(si)
spx <- list(x.m1 = x.m1, n.m1 = n.m1, x.m2 = x.m2, n.m2 = n.m2,
x1 = x1, x2 = x2, n = n, si = si, na = na)
} else {
x1 <- x[,1]
x2 <- x[,2]
n <- length(x1)
r1 <- r2 <- NULL
iau1 <- (x1 > u[1]) & !
iau2 <- (x2 > u[2]) & !
nat <- c(sum(iau1), sum(iau2), sum(iau1 & iau2))
lambda1 <- sum(iau1) / (n + 1)
lambda2 <- sum(iau2) / (n + 1)
lambda <- c(lambda1, lambda2)
if(method == "ppot") {
x1[] <- mean(x1[!iau1], na.rm = TRUE)
x2[] <- mean(x2[!iau2], na.rm = TRUE)
r1 <- 1 - rank(x1) / (n + 1)
r2 <- 1 - rank(x2) / (n + 1)
r1[iau1] <- lambda1
r2[iau2] <- lambda2
x1 <- x1 - u[1]
x2 <- x2 - u[2]
x1[!iau1] <- 0
x2[!iau2] <- 0
i0 <- iau1 | iau2
x1 <- x1[i0] ; x2 <- x2[i0]
if(method == "ppot") {
r1 <- r1[i0] ; r2 <- r2[i0]
nn <- length(x1)
thdi <- as.logical(x1) + 2*as.logical(x2)
spx <- list(x1 = x1, x2 = x2, nn = nn, n = n, thdi = thdi, lambda =
lambda, r1 = r1, r2 = r2, nat = nat)
"bvpost.optim" <-
# Post-optimization Processing
function(x, opt, nm, fixed.param, std.err, corr, sym, cmar, method = c("evd","pot"), nsloc1 = NULL, nsloc2 = NULL, u = NULL, nat = NULL, likelihood = NULL, model)
method <- match.arg(method)
if(opt$convergence != 0) {
warning(paste("optimization for", model, "may not have succeeded"), call. = FALSE)
if(opt$convergence == 1) opt$convergence <- "iteration limit reached"
else opt$convergence <- "successful"
if(std.err) {
tol <- .Machine$double.eps^0.5
var.cov <- qr(opt$hessian, tol = tol)
if(var.cov$rank != ncol(var.cov$qr))
stop(paste("observed information matrix for", model,
"is singular; use std.err = FALSE"))
var.cov <- solve(var.cov, tol = tol)
std.err <- diag(var.cov)
if(any(std.err <= 0))
stop(paste("observed information matrix for", model,
"is singular; use std.err = FALSE"))
std.err <- sqrt(std.err)
names(std.err) <- nm
if(corr) {
.mat <- diag(1/std.err, nrow = length(std.err))
corr <- structure(.mat %*% var.cov %*% .mat, dimnames = list(nm,nm))
diag(corr) <- rep(1, length(std.err))
else corr <- NULL
else std.err <- var.cov <- corr <- NULL
fixed <- unlist(fixed.param)
param <- c(opt$par, fixed)
fixed2 <- NULL
if(method == "evd") {
if(cmar[1]) {
loc.param1 <- paste("loc1", c("",names(nsloc1)), sep="")
fixed2 <- c(fixed2, param[loc.param1])
if(cmar[2]) fixed2 <- c(fixed2, param["scale1"])
if(cmar[3]) fixed2 <- c(fixed2, param["shape1"])
if(method == "pot") {
if(cmar[1]) fixed2 <- c(fixed2, param["scale1"])
if(cmar[2]) fixed2 <- c(fixed2, param["shape1"])
if(sym) {
if(model %in% c("alog","aneglog")) fixed2 <- c(fixed2, param["asy1"])
if(model == "ct") fixed2 <- c(fixed2, param["alpha"])
if(!is.null(fixed2)) {
names(fixed2) <- sub("1", "2", names(fixed2))
names(fixed2) <- sub("alpha", "beta", names(fixed2))
param <- c(param, fixed2)
# Transform to stationarity
x2 <- x
if(!is.null(nsloc1)) {
trend <- param[paste("loc1", names(nsloc1), sep="")]
trend <- drop(as.matrix(nsloc1) %*% trend)
x2[,1] <- x[,1] - trend
if(!is.null(nsloc2)) {
trend <- param[paste("loc2", names(nsloc2), sep="")]
trend <- drop(as.matrix(nsloc2) %*% trend)
x2[,2] <- x[,2] - trend
# End transform
# Dependence chi
if(model %in% c("log", "hr", "neglog")) {
dep <- param["dep"]
dep.sum <- 2*(1 - abvevd(dep = dep, model = model))
if(model %in% c("alog", "aneglog")) {
dep <- param["dep"]
asy <- param[c("asy1", "asy2")]
dep.sum <- 2*(1 - abvevd(dep = dep, asy = asy, model = model))
if(model %in% c("bilog", "negbilog", "ct", "amix")) {
alpha <- param["alpha"]
beta <- param["beta"]
dep.sum <- 2*(1-abvevd(alpha = alpha, beta = beta, model = model))
# End dependence chi
out <- list(estimate = opt$par, std.err = std.err, fixed = fixed,
fixed2 = fixed2, param = param, deviance = 2*opt$value,
dep.summary = dep.sum, corr = corr, var.cov = var.cov, convergence =
opt$convergence, counts = opt$counts, message = opt$message, data = x)
if(method == "evd")
out <- c(out, list(tdata = x2, nsloc1 = nsloc1, nsloc2 = nsloc2))
if(method == "pot")
out <- c(out, list(threshold = u, nat = nat, likelihood = likelihood))
c(out, list(n = nrow(x), sym = sym, cmar = cmar, model = model))
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