function(x, start, densfun, distnfun, ..., distn, mlen = 1, largest = TRUE,
std.err = TRUE, corr = FALSE, method = "Nelder-Mead")
if (missing(x) || length(x) == 0 || !is.numeric(x))
stop("`x' must be a non-empty numeric object")
stop("`x' must not contain missing values")
if (!is.list(start))
stop("`start' must be a named list")
call <-
densfun <- get(paste("d", distn, sep=""), mode="function")
distnfun <- get(paste("p", distn, sep=""), mode="function")
nllh <- function(p, ...) {
dvec <- dens(p, ..., log = TRUE)
nm <- names(start)
l <- length(nm)
f1 <- formals(densfun)
f2 <- formals(distnfun)
args <- names(f1)
mtch <- match(nm, args)
if (any(
stop("`start' specifies unknown arguments")
formals(densfun) <- c(f1[c(1, mtch)], f1[-c(1, mtch)])
formals(distnfun) <- c(f2[c(1, mtch)], f2[-c(1, mtch)])
dens <- function(p, x, densfun, distnfun, ...)
dextreme(x, densfun, distnfun, p, ...)
if(l > 1)
body(dens) <- parse(text = paste("dextreme(x, densfun, distnfun,",
paste("p[",1:l,"]", collapse = ", "), ", ...)"))
opt <- optim(start, nllh, x = x, hessian = TRUE, ...,
densfun = densfun, distnfun = distnfun, mlen = mlen,
largest = largest, method = method)
if(is.null(names(opt$par))) names(opt$par) <- nm
if (opt$convergence != 0) {
warning("optimization may not have succeeded")
if(opt$convergence == 1) opt$convergence <- "iteration limit reached"
else opt$convergence <- "successful"
if(std.err) {
tol <- .Machine$double.eps^0.5
var.cov <- qr(opt$hessian, tol = tol)
if (var.cov$rank != ncol(var.cov$qr))
stop("observed information matrix is singular; use std.err = FALSE")
var.cov <- solve(var.cov, tol = tol)
std.err <- diag(var.cov)
if(any(std.err <= 0))
stop("observed information matrix is singular; use std.err = FALSE")
std.err <- sqrt(std.err)
names(std.err) <- nm
if(corr) {
.mat <- diag(1/std.err, nrow = length(std.err))
corr <- structure(.mat %*% var.cov %*% .mat, dimnames = list(nm,nm))
diag(corr) <- rep(1, length(std.err))
else corr <- NULL
else std.err <- var.cov <- corr <- NULL
structure(list(estimate = opt$par, std.err = std.err,
deviance = 2*opt$value, corr = corr, var.cov = var.cov,
convergence = opt$convergence, counts = opt$counts,
message = opt$message, call = call, data = x,
n = length(x)), class = c("extreme", "evd"))
function(x, start, densfun, distnfun, ..., distn, mlen = 1, j = 1,
largest = TRUE, std.err = TRUE, corr = FALSE, method = "Nelder-Mead")
if (missing(x) || length(x) == 0 || !is.numeric(x))
stop("`x' must be a non-empty numeric object")
stop("`x' must not contain missing values")
if (!is.list(start))
stop("`start' must be a named list")
call <-
densfun <- get(paste("d", distn, sep=""), mode="function")
distnfun <- get(paste("p", distn, sep=""), mode="function")
nllh <- function(p, ...) {
dvec <- dens(p, ..., log = TRUE)
nm <- names(start)
l <- length(nm)
f1 <- formals(densfun)
f2 <- formals(distnfun)
args <- names(f1)
mtch <- match(nm, args)
if (any(
stop("`start' specifies unknown arguments")
formals(densfun) <- c(f1[c(1, mtch)], f1[-c(1, mtch)])
formals(distnfun) <- c(f2[c(1, mtch)], f2[-c(1, mtch)])
dens <- function(p, x, densfun, distnfun, ...)
dorder(x, densfun, distnfun, p, ...)
if(l > 1)
body(dens) <- parse(text = paste("dorder(x, densfun, distnfun,",
paste("p[",1:l,"]", collapse = ", "), ", ...)"))
opt <- optim(start, nllh, x = x, hessian = TRUE, ..., densfun = densfun,
distnfun = distnfun, mlen = mlen, j = j, largest = largest,
method = method)
if(is.null(names(opt$par))) names(opt$par) <- nm
if (opt$convergence != 0) {
warning("optimization may not have succeeded")
if(opt$convergence == 1) opt$convergence <- "iteration limit reached"
else opt$convergence <- "successful"
if(std.err) {
tol <- .Machine$double.eps^0.5
var.cov <- qr(opt$hessian, tol = tol)
if (var.cov$rank != ncol(var.cov$qr))
stop("observed information matrix is singular; use std.err = FALSE")
var.cov <- solve(var.cov, tol = tol)
std.err <- diag(var.cov)
if(any(std.err <= 0))
stop("observed information matrix is singular; use std.err = FALSE")
std.err <- sqrt(std.err)
names(std.err) <- nm
if(corr) {
.mat <- diag(1/std.err, nrow = length(std.err))
corr <- structure(.mat %*% var.cov %*% .mat, dimnames = list(nm,nm))
diag(corr) <- rep(1, length(std.err))
else corr <- NULL
else std.err <- var.cov <- corr <- NULL
names(std.err) <- nm
structure(list(estimate = opt$par, std.err = std.err,
deviance = 2*opt$value, corr = corr, var.cov = var.cov,
convergence = opt$convergence, counts = opt$counts,
message = opt$message, call = call, data = x,
n = length(x)), class = c("extreme", "evd"))
function(x, start, ..., nsloc = NULL, prob = NULL, std.err = TRUE,
corr = FALSE, method = "BFGS", warn.inf = TRUE)
call <-
if(missing(x) || length(x) == 0 || !is.numeric(x))
stop("`x' must be a non-empty numeric vector")
if(is.null(prob)) {
ft <- fgev.norm(x = x, start = start, ..., nsloc = nsloc, std.err =
std.err, corr = corr, method = method, warn.inf = warn.inf)
else {
if(length(prob) != 1 || !is.numeric(prob) || prob < 0 || prob > 1)
stop("`prob' should be a probability in [0,1]")
ft <- fgev.quantile(x = x, start = start, ..., nsloc = nsloc, prob = prob,
std.err = std.err, corr = corr, method = method, warn.inf = warn.inf)
structure(c(ft, call = call), class = c("gev", "uvevd", "evd"))
function(x, start, ..., nsloc = NULL, std.err = TRUE, corr = FALSE, method = "BFGS", warn.inf = TRUE)
nlgev <- function(loc, scale, shape)
if(scale <= 0) return(1e6)
if(!is.null(nsloc)) {
ns <- numeric(length(loc.param))
for(i in 1:length(ns))
ns[i] <- get(loc.param[i])
loc <- drop(nslocmat %*% ns)
else loc <- rep(loc, length.out = length(x))
x, n, loc, scale, shape, dns = double(1))$dns
if(!is.null(nsloc)) {
if(is.vector(nsloc)) nsloc <- data.frame(trend = nsloc)
if(nrow(nsloc) != length(x))
stop("`nsloc' and data are not compatible")
nsloc <- nsloc[!, ,drop = FALSE]
nslocmat <- cbind(1,as.matrix(nsloc))
x <- as.double(x[!])
n <- as.integer(length(x))
loc.param <- paste("loc", c("",names(nsloc)), sep="")
param <- c(loc.param, "scale", "shape")
if(missing(start)) {
start <- as.list(numeric(length(param)))
names(start) <- param
start$scale <- sqrt(6 * var(x))/pi
start$loc <- mean(x) - 0.58 * start$scale
start <- start[!(param %in% names(list(...)))]
stop("`start' must be a named list")
stop("there are no parameters left to maximize over")
nm <- names(start)
l <- length(nm)
f <- c(as.list(numeric(length(loc.param))), formals(nlgev)[2:3])
names(f) <- param
m <- match(nm, param)
stop("`start' specifies unknown arguments")
formals(nlgev) <- c(f[m], f[-m])
nllh <- function(p, ...) nlgev(p, ...)
if(l > 1)
body(nllh) <- parse(text = paste("nlgev(", paste("p[",1:l,
"]", collapse = ", "), ", ...)"))
fixed.param <- list(...)[names(list(...)) %in% param]
if(any(!(param %in% c(nm,names(fixed.param)))))
stop("unspecified parameters")
start.arg <- c(list(p = unlist(start)), fixed.param)
if(warn.inf &&"nllh", start.arg) == 1e6)
warning("negative log-likelihood is infinite at starting values")
opt <- optim(start, nllh, hessian = TRUE, ..., method = method)
if(is.null(names(opt$par))) names(opt$par) <- nm
if (opt$convergence != 0) {
warning("optimization may not have succeeded")
if(opt$convergence == 1) opt$convergence <- "iteration limit reached"
else opt$convergence <- "successful"
if(std.err) {
tol <- .Machine$double.eps^0.5
var.cov <- qr(opt$hessian, tol = tol)
if(var.cov$rank != ncol(var.cov$qr))
stop("observed information matrix is singular; use std.err = FALSE")
var.cov <- solve(var.cov, tol = tol)
std.err <- diag(var.cov)
if(any(std.err <= 0))
stop("observed information matrix is singular; use std.err = FALSE")
std.err <- sqrt(std.err)
names(std.err) <- nm
if(corr) {
.mat <- diag(1/std.err, nrow = length(std.err))
corr <- structure(.mat %*% var.cov %*% .mat, dimnames = list(nm,nm))
diag(corr) <- rep(1, length(std.err))
else corr <- NULL
else std.err <- var.cov <- corr <- NULL
param <- c(opt$par, unlist(fixed.param))
if(!is.null(nsloc)) {
trend <- param[paste("loc", names(nsloc), sep="")]
trend <- drop(as.matrix(nsloc) %*% trend)
x2 <- x - trend
else x2 <- x
list(estimate = opt$par, std.err = std.err,
fixed = unlist(fixed.param), param = param,
deviance = 2*opt$value, corr = corr, var.cov = var.cov,
convergence = opt$convergence, counts = opt$counts,
message = opt$message,
data = x, tdata = x2, nsloc = nsloc,
n = length(x), prob = NULL, loc = param["loc"])
function(x, start, ..., nsloc = NULL, prob, std.err = TRUE, corr = FALSE, method = "BFGS", warn.inf = TRUE)
nlgev <- function(quantile, scale, shape)
if(scale <= 0) return(1e6)
quantile <- rep(quantile, length.out = length(x))
if(prob == 0 && shape >= 0) return(1e6)
if(prob == 1 && shape <= 0) return(1e6)
if(shape == 0) loc <- quantile + scale * log(-log(1-prob))
else loc <- quantile + scale/shape * (1 - (-log(1-prob))^(-shape))
if(!is.null(nsloc)) {
ns <- numeric(length(loc.param) - 1)
for(i in 1:length(ns))
ns[i] <- get(loc.param[i+1])
loc <- drop(nslocmat %*% ns) + loc
if(any(is.infinite(loc))) return(1e6)
x, n,
loc, scale, shape, dns = double(1))$dns
if(is.null(nsloc)) loc.param <- "quantile"
else loc.param <- c("quantile", paste("loc", names(nsloc), sep=""))
param <- c(loc.param, "scale", "shape")
if(missing(start)) {
start <- as.list(numeric(length(param)))
names(start) <- param
start$scale <- sqrt(6 * var(x, na.rm = TRUE))/pi
start.loc <- mean(x, na.rm = TRUE) - 0.58 * start$scale
start$quantile <- start.loc - start$scale * log(-log(1-prob))
if(prob == 0) {
fpft <- fgev(x = x, ..., nsloc = nsloc, prob = 0.001, std.err =
std.err, corr = corr, method = method, warn.inf = warn.inf)
start <- as.list(fitted(fpft))
if(prob == 1) {
fpft <- fgev(x = x, ..., nsloc = nsloc, prob = 0.999, std.err =
std.err, corr = corr, method = method, warn.inf = warn.inf)
start <- as.list(fitted(fpft))
start <- start[!(param %in% names(list(...)))]
stop("`start' must be a named list")
stop("there are no parameters left to maximize over")
if(!is.null(nsloc)) {
if(is.vector(nsloc)) nsloc <- data.frame(trend = nsloc)
if(nrow(nsloc) != length(x))
stop("`nsloc' and data are not compatible")
nsloc <- nsloc[!, ,drop = FALSE]
nslocmat <- as.matrix(nsloc)
x <- as.double(x[!])
n <- as.integer(length(x))
nm <- names(start)
l <- length(nm)
f <- c(as.list(numeric(length(loc.param))), formals(nlgev)[2:3])
names(f) <- param
m <- match(nm, param)
stop("`start' specifies unknown arguments")
formals(nlgev) <- c(f[m], f[-m])
nllh <- function(p, ...) nlgev(p, ...)
if(l > 1)
body(nllh) <- parse(text = paste("nlgev(", paste("p[",1:l,
"]", collapse = ", "), ", ...)"))
fixed.param <- list(...)[names(list(...)) %in% param]
if(any(!(param %in% c(nm,names(fixed.param)))))
stop("unspecified parameters")
start.arg <- c(list(p = unlist(start)), fixed.param)
if(warn.inf &&"nllh", start.arg) == 1e6)
warning("negative log-likelihood is infinite at starting values")
opt <- optim(start, nllh, hessian = TRUE, ..., method = method)
if(is.null(names(opt$par))) names(opt$par) <- nm
if (opt$convergence != 0) {
warning("optimization may not have succeeded")
if(opt$convergence == 1) opt$convergence <- "iteration limit reached"
else opt$convergence <- "successful"
if(std.err) {
tol <- .Machine$double.eps^0.5
var.cov <- qr(opt$hessian, tol = tol)
if(var.cov$rank != ncol(var.cov$qr))
stop("observed information matrix is singular; use std.err = FALSE")
var.cov <- solve(var.cov, tol = tol)
std.err <- diag(var.cov)
if(any(std.err <= 0))
stop("observed information matrix is singular; use std.err = FALSE")
std.err <- sqrt(std.err)
names(std.err) <- nm
.mat <- diag(1/std.err, nrow = length(std.err))
if(corr) {
corr <- structure(.mat %*% var.cov %*% .mat, dimnames = list(nm,nm))
diag(corr) <- rep(1, length(std.err))
else corr <- NULL
else {
std.err <- var.cov <- corr <- NULL
param <- c(opt$par, unlist(fixed.param))
if(!is.null(nsloc)) {
trend <- param[paste("loc", names(nsloc), sep="")]
trend <- drop(as.matrix(nsloc) %*% trend)
x2 <- x - trend
else x2 <- x
if(param["shape"] == 0)
loc <- param["quantile"] + param["scale"] * log(-log(1-prob))
loc <- param["quantile"] + param["scale"]/param["shape"] *
(1 - (-log(1-prob))^(-param["shape"]))
list(estimate = opt$par, std.err = std.err,
fixed = unlist(fixed.param), param = param,
deviance = 2*opt$value, corr = corr, var.cov = var.cov,
convergence = opt$convergence, counts = opt$counts,
message = opt$message, data = x, tdata = x2, nsloc = nsloc,
n = length(x), prob = prob, loc = loc)
function(x, start, ..., nsloc = NULL, prob = NULL, std.err = TRUE,
corr = FALSE, method = "BFGS", warn.inf = TRUE)
fgev(x = x, ..., shape = 0, nsloc = nsloc, prob = prob, std.err = std.err,
corr = corr, method = method, warn.inf = warn.inf)
function(x, start, ..., nsloc1 = NULL, nsloc2 = NULL, std.err = TRUE,
corr = FALSE, method = "BFGS", warn.inf = TRUE)
call <-
if(missing(x) || length(x) == 0 || !is.numeric(x))
stop("`x' must be a non-empty numeric vector")
nlgumbelx <- function(loc1, scale1, loc2, scale2)
if(scale1 <= 0 || scale2 <= 0) return(1e6)
if(!is.null(nsloc1)) {
ns <- numeric(length(loc.param1))
for(i in 1:length(ns))
ns[i] <- get(loc.param1[i])
loc1 <- drop(nslocmat1 %*% ns)
else loc1 <- rep(loc1, length.out = length(x))
if(!is.null(nsloc2)) {
ns <- numeric(length(loc.param2))
for(i in 1:length(ns))
ns[i] <- get(loc.param2[i])
loc2 <- drop(nslocmat2 %*% ns)
else loc2 <- rep(loc2, length.out = length(x))
if(any(loc1 > loc2)) return(1e6)
x, n, loc1, scale1, loc2, scale2, dns = double(1))$dns
if(!is.null(nsloc1)) {
if(is.vector(nsloc1)) nsloc1 <- data.frame(trend = nsloc1)
if(nrow(nsloc1) != length(x))
stop("`nsloc1' and data are not compatible")
nslocmat1 <- cbind(1, as.matrix(nsloc1))
if(!is.null(nsloc2)) {
if(is.vector(nsloc2)) nsloc2 <- data.frame(trend = nsloc2)
if(nrow(nsloc2) != length(x))
stop("`nsloc2' and data are not compatible")
nslocmat2 <- cbind(1,as.matrix(nsloc2))
x <- as.double(x[!])
n <- as.integer(length(x))
loc.param1 <- paste("loc1", c("",names(nsloc1)), sep="")
loc.param2 <- paste("loc2", c("",names(nsloc2)), sep="")
param <- c(loc.param1, "scale1", loc.param2, "scale2")
if(missing(start)) {
start <- as.list(numeric(length(param)))
names(start) <- param
emc <- -digamma(1)
b0 <- mean(x)
b1 <- sum((1:n-1)/(n-1) * sort(x))/n
start$scale1 <- (2*b1-b0)/log(2)
start$loc1 <- b0 - start$scale1*emc - start$scale1*log(2)
start$scale2 <- start$scale1
start$loc2 <- start$loc1 + 1e-02
start <- start[!(param %in% names(list(...)))]
stop("`start' must be a named list")
stop("there are no parameters left to maximize over")
nm <- names(start)
l <- length(nm)
f <- c(as.list(numeric(length(loc.param1))), formals(nlgumbelx)[2],
as.list(numeric(length(loc.param2))), formals(nlgumbelx)[4])
names(f) <- param
m <- match(nm, param)
stop("`start' specifies unknown arguments")
formals(nlgumbelx) <- c(f[m], f[-m])
nllh <- function(p, ...) nlgumbelx(p, ...)
if(l > 1)
body(nllh) <- parse(text = paste("nlgumbelx(", paste("p[",1:l,
"]", collapse = ", "), ", ...)"))
fixed.param <- list(...)[names(list(...)) %in% param]
if(any(!(param %in% c(nm,names(fixed.param)))))
stop("unspecified parameters")
start.arg <- c(list(p = unlist(start)), fixed.param)
if(warn.inf &&"nllh", start.arg) == 1e6)
warning("negative log-likelihood is infinite at starting values")
opt <- optim(start, nllh, hessian = TRUE, ..., method = method)
if(is.null(names(opt$par))) names(opt$par) <- nm
if (opt$convergence != 0) {
warning("optimization may not have succeeded")
if(opt$convergence == 1) opt$convergence <- "iteration limit reached"
else opt$convergence <- "successful"
if(std.err) {
tol <- .Machine$double.eps^0.5
var.cov <- qr(opt$hessian, tol = tol)
if(var.cov$rank != ncol(var.cov$qr))
stop("observed information matrix is singular; use std.err = FALSE")
var.cov <- solve(var.cov, tol = tol)
std.err <- diag(var.cov)
if(any(std.err <= 0))
stop("observed information matrix is singular; use std.err = FALSE")
std.err <- sqrt(std.err)
names(std.err) <- nm
if(corr) {
.mat <- diag(1/std.err, nrow = length(std.err))
corr <- structure(.mat %*% var.cov %*% .mat, dimnames = list(nm,nm))
diag(corr) <- rep(1, length(std.err))
else corr <- NULL
else std.err <- var.cov <- corr <- NULL
param <- c(opt$par, unlist(fixed.param))
ft <- list(estimate = opt$par, std.err = std.err,
fixed = unlist(fixed.param), param = param,
deviance = 2*opt$value, corr = corr, var.cov = var.cov,
convergence = opt$convergence, counts = opt$counts,
message = opt$message,
data = x, nsloc1 = nsloc1, nsloc2 = nsloc2,
n = length(x))
structure(c(ft, call = call), class = c("gumbelx", "evd"))
function(x, threshold, model = c("gpd", "pp"), start, npp = length(x), cmax = FALSE, r = 1, ulow = -Inf, rlow = 1, mper = NULL, ..., std.err = TRUE, corr = FALSE, method = "BFGS", warn.inf = TRUE)
call <-
model <- match.arg(model)
if(missing(x) || length(x) == 0 || mode(x) != "numeric")
stop("`x' must be a non-empty numeric vector")
if(missing(threshold) || length(threshold) != 1 ||
mode(threshold) != "numeric")
stop("`threshold' must be a numeric value")
threshold <- as.double(threshold)
if(is.null(mper)) {
ft <- fpot.norm(x = x, threshold = threshold, model = model, start = start,
npp = npp, cmax = cmax, r = r, ulow = ulow, rlow = rlow, ...,
std.err = std.err, corr = corr, method = method, warn.inf = warn.inf)
else {
if(model == "pp")
stop("`mper' cannot be specified in point process models")
ft <- fpot.quantile(x = x, threshold = threshold, start =
start, npp = npp, cmax = cmax, r = r, ulow = ulow, rlow = rlow, ...,
mper = mper, std.err = std.err, corr = corr, method = method,
warn.inf = warn.inf)
structure(c(ft, call = call), class = c("pot", "uvevd", "evd"))
function(x, threshold, model, start, npp = length(x), cmax = FALSE, r = 1, ulow = -Inf, rlow = 1, ..., std.err = TRUE, corr = FALSE, method = "BFGS", warn.inf = TRUE)
if(model == "gpd") {
nlpot <- function(loc, scale, shape) {
exceed, nhigh, threshold, scale, shape, dns = double(1))$dns
# Avoids note produced by R CMD check
formals(nlpot) <- formals(nlpot)[2:3]
if(model == "pp") {
nlpot <- function(loc, scale, shape) {
exceed, nhigh, loc, scale, shape, threshold, nop,
dns = double(1))$dns
nn <- length(x)
nop <- as.double(nn/npp)
if(cmax) {
exceed <- clusters(x, u = threshold, r = r, ulow = ulow, rlow = rlow,
cmax = TRUE, keep.names = FALSE)
extind <- attributes(exceed)$acs
exceed <- as.double(exceed)
nhigh <- length(exceed) ; nat <- as.integer(nhigh * extind)
extind <- 1/extind
else {
extind <- r <- NULL
high <- (x > threshold) & !
exceed <- as.double(x[high])
nhigh <- nat <- length(exceed)
if(!nhigh) stop("no data above threshold")
pat <- nat/nn
param <- c("scale", "shape")
if(model == "pp") param <- c("loc", param)
if(missing(start)) {
if(model == "gpd") {
start <- list(scale = 0, shape = 0)
start$scale <- mean(exceed) - threshold
if(model == "pp") {
start <- list(loc = 0, scale = 0, shape = 0)
start$scale <- sqrt(6 * var(x))/pi
start$loc <- mean(x) + (log(nop) - 0.58) * start$scale
start <- start[!(param %in% names(list(...)))]
stop("`start' must be a named list")
stop("there are no parameters left to maximize over")
nm <- names(start)
l <- length(nm)
f <- formals(nlpot)
names(f) <- param
m <- match(nm, param)
stop("`start' specifies unknown arguments")
formals(nlpot) <- c(f[m], f[-m])
nllh <- function(p, ...) nlpot(p, ...)
if(l > 1)
body(nllh) <- parse(text = paste("nlpot(", paste("p[",1:l,
"]", collapse = ", "), ", ...)"))
fixed.param <- list(...)[names(list(...)) %in% param]
if(any(!(param %in% c(nm,names(fixed.param)))))
stop("unspecified parameters")
start.arg <- c(list(p = unlist(start)), fixed.param)
if(warn.inf &&"nllh", start.arg) == 1e6)
warning("negative log-likelihood is infinite at starting values")
opt <- optim(start, nllh, hessian = TRUE, ..., method = method)
if(is.null(names(opt$par))) names(opt$par) <- nm
if (opt$convergence != 0) {
warning("optimization may not have succeeded")
if(opt$convergence == 1) opt$convergence <- "iteration limit reached"
else opt$convergence <- "successful"
if(std.err) {
tol <- .Machine$double.eps^0.5
var.cov <- qr(opt$hessian, tol = tol)
if(var.cov$rank != ncol(var.cov$qr))
stop("observed information matrix is singular; use std.err = FALSE")
var.cov <- solve(var.cov, tol = tol)
std.err <- diag(var.cov)
if(any(std.err <= 0))
stop("observed information matrix is singular; use std.err = FALSE")
std.err <- sqrt(std.err)
names(std.err) <- nm
if(corr) {
.mat <- diag(1/std.err, nrow = length(std.err))
corr <- structure(.mat %*% var.cov %*% .mat, dimnames = list(nm,nm))
diag(corr) <- rep(1, length(std.err))
else corr <- NULL
else std.err <- var.cov <- corr <- NULL
param <- c(opt$par, unlist(fixed.param))
if(model == "gpd") scale <- param["scale"]
if(model == "pp") scale <- param["scale"] + param["shape"] * (threshold -
list(estimate = opt$par, std.err = std.err, fixed = unlist(fixed.param),
param = param, deviance = 2*opt$value, corr = corr, var.cov = var.cov,
convergence = opt$convergence, counts = opt$counts, message = opt$message,
threshold = threshold, cmax = cmax, r = r, ulow = ulow, rlow = rlow, npp = npp,
nhigh = nhigh, nat = nat, pat = pat, extind = extind,
data = x, exceedances = exceed, mper = NULL, scale = scale)
function(x, threshold, start, npp = length(x), cmax = FALSE, r = 1, ulow = -Inf, rlow = 1, mper, ..., std.err = TRUE, corr = FALSE, method = "BFGS", warn.inf = TRUE)
nlpot <- function(rlevel, shape)
if(is.infinite(mper) && shape >= 0) return(1e6)
rlevel <- rlevel - threshold
if(shape == 0) scale <- rlevel / log(adjmper)
else scale <- shape * rlevel / (adjmper^shape - 1)
exceed, nhigh, threshold, scale, shape, dns = double(1))$dns
nn <- length(x)
if(cmax) {
exceed <- clusters(x, u = threshold, r = r, ulow = ulow, rlow = rlow,
cmax = TRUE, keep.names = FALSE)
extind <- attributes(exceed)$acs
exceed <- as.double(exceed)
nhigh <- length(exceed) ; nat <- as.integer(nhigh * extind)
extind <- 1/extind
else {
extind <- r <- NULL
high <- (x > threshold) & !
exceed <- as.double(x[high])
nhigh <- nat <- length(exceed)
if(!nhigh) stop("no data above threshold")
pat <- nat/nn
adjmper <- mper * npp * nhigh/nn
if(adjmper <= 1) stop("`mper' is too small")
param <- c("rlevel", "shape")
if(missing(start)) {
start <- list(rlevel = 0, shape = 0)
stscale <- mean(exceed) - threshold
start$rlevel <- threshold + stscale*log(adjmper)
if(is.infinite(mper)) {
stmp <- 100/(npp * nhigh/nn)
fpft <- fpot(x = x, threshold = threshold, npp = npp, cmax =
cmax, r = r, ulow = ulow, rlow = rlow, mper = stmp, ...,
std.err = std.err, corr = corr, method = method, warn.inf =
start <- as.list(fitted(fpft))
start <- start[!(param %in% names(list(...)))]
stop("`start' must be a named list")
stop("there are no parameters left to maximize over")
nm <- names(start)
l <- length(nm)
f <- formals(nlpot)
names(f) <- param
m <- match(nm, param)
stop("`start' specifies unknown arguments")
formals(nlpot) <- c(f[m], f[-m])
nllh <- function(p, ...) nlpot(p, ...)
if(l > 1)
body(nllh) <- parse(text = paste("nlpot(", paste("p[",1:l,
"]", collapse = ", "), ", ...)"))
fixed.param <- list(...)[names(list(...)) %in% param]
if(any(!(param %in% c(nm,names(fixed.param)))))
stop("unspecified parameters")
start.arg <- c(list(p = unlist(start)), fixed.param)
if(warn.inf &&"nllh", start.arg) == 1e6)
warning("negative log-likelihood is infinite at starting values")
opt <- optim(start, nllh, hessian = TRUE, ..., method = method)
if(is.null(names(opt$par))) names(opt$par) <- nm
if (opt$convergence != 0) {
warning("optimization may not have succeeded")
if(opt$convergence == 1) opt$convergence <- "iteration limit reached"
else opt$convergence <- "successful"
if(std.err) {
tol <- .Machine$double.eps^0.5
var.cov <- qr(opt$hessian, tol = tol)
if(var.cov$rank != ncol(var.cov$qr))
stop("observed information matrix is singular; use std.err = FALSE")
var.cov <- solve(var.cov, tol = tol)
std.err <- diag(var.cov)
if(any(std.err <= 0))
stop("observed information matrix is singular; use std.err = FALSE")
std.err <- sqrt(std.err)
names(std.err) <- nm
if(corr) {
.mat <- diag(1/std.err, nrow = length(std.err))
corr <- structure(.mat %*% var.cov %*% .mat, dimnames = list(nm,nm))
diag(corr) <- rep(1, length(std.err))
else corr <- NULL
else std.err <- var.cov <- corr <- NULL
param <- c(opt$par, unlist(fixed.param))
rlevel <- param["rlevel"] - threshold
if(param["shape"] == 0) scale <- rlevel / log(adjmper)
else scale <- param["shape"] * rlevel / (adjmper^param["shape"] - 1)
list(estimate = opt$par, std.err = std.err, fixed = unlist(fixed.param),
param = param, deviance = 2*opt$value, corr = corr, var.cov = var.cov,
convergence = opt$convergence, counts = opt$counts, message = opt$message,
threshold = threshold, cmax = cmax, r = r, ulow = ulow, rlow = rlow, npp = npp,
nhigh = nhigh, nat = nat, pat = pat, extind = extind,
data = x, exceedances = exceed, mper = mper, scale = scale)
### Method Functions ###
"print.evd" <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
cat("\nCall:", deparse(x$call), "\n")
cat("Deviance:", x$deviance, "\n")
print.default(format(x$estimate, digits = digits), = 2,
quote = FALSE)
if(!is.null(x$std.err)) {
cat("\nStandard Errors\n")
print.default(format(x$std.err, digits = digits), = 2,
quote = FALSE)
if(!is.null(x$corr)) {
print.default(format(x$corr, digits = digits), = 2,
quote = FALSE)
cat("\nOptimization Information\n")
cat(" Convergence:", x$convergence, "\n")
cat(" Function Evaluations:", x$counts["function"], "\n")
cat(" Gradient Evaluations:", x$counts["gradient"], "\n")
if(!is.null(x$message)) cat(" Message:", x$message, "\n")
"confint.evd" <- function (object, parm, level = 0.95, ...)
cf <- fitted(object)
pnames <- names(cf)
if (missing(parm))
parm <- seq(along = pnames)
else if (is.character(parm))
parm <- match(parm, pnames, nomatch = 0)
stop("`parm' contains unknown parameters")
a <- (1 - level)/2
a <- c(a, 1 - a)
pct <- paste(round(100 * a, 1), "%")
ci <- array(NA, dim = c(length(parm), 2), dimnames = list(pnames[parm],
ses <- std.errors(object)[parm]
ci[] <- cf[parm] + ses %o% qnorm(a)
"anova.evd" <- function (object, object2, ..., half = FALSE)
if(missing(object)) stop("model one must be specified")
if(missing(object2)) stop("model two must be specified")
dots <- as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1]
dots <- sapply(dots,function(x) deparse(x))
if(!length(dots)) dots <- NULL
model1 <- deparse(substitute(object))
model2 <- deparse(substitute(object2))
models <- c(model1, model2, dots)
narg <- length(models)
for(i in 1:narg) {
if(!inherits(get(models[i], envir = parent.frame()), "evd"))
stop("Use only with 'evd' objects")
for(i in 1:(narg-1)) {
a <- get(models[i], envir = parent.frame())
b <- get(models[i+1], envir = parent.frame())
if((!all(names(fitted(b)) %in% names(fitted(a)))) &&
(!identical(c("bilog","log"), c(a$model, b$model))) &&
(!identical(c("negbilog","neglog"), c(a$model, b$model)))) {
warning("models may not be nested")
dv <- npar <- numeric(narg)
for(i in 1:narg) {
evmod <- get(models[i], envir = parent.frame())
dv[i] <- evmod$deviance
npar[i] <- length(evmod$estimate)
df <- -diff(npar)
if(any(df <= 0)) stop("models are not nested")
dvdiff <- diff(dv)
if(any(dvdiff < 0)) stop("negative deviance difference")
if(half) dvdiff <- 2*dvdiff
pval <- pchisq(dvdiff, df = df, lower.tail = FALSE)
table <- data.frame(npar, dv, c(NA,df), c(NA,dvdiff), c(NA,pval))
dimnames(table) <- list(models, c("M.Df", "Deviance", "Df", "Chisq",
structure(table, heading = c("Analysis of Deviance Table\n"),
class = c("anova", "data.frame"))
"fitted.evd" <- function (object, ...) object$estimate
"std.errors" <- function (object, ...) UseMethod("std.errors")
"std.errors.evd" <- function (object, ...) object$std.err
"vcov.evd" <- function (object, ...) object$var.cov
"logLik.evd" <- function(object, ...) {
val <- -deviance(object)/2
attr(val, "df") <- length(fitted(object))
class(val) <- "logLik"
"print.pot" <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
cat("\nCall:", deparse(x$call), "\n")
cat("Deviance:", x$deviance, "\n")
cat("\nThreshold:", round(x$threshold, digits), "\n")
cat("Number Above:", x$nat, "\n")
cat("Proportion Above:", round(x$pat, digits), "\n")
if(!is.null(x$extind)) {
cat("\nClustering Interval:", x$r, "\n")
if(is.finite(x$ulow)) {
cat("Lower Threshold:", round(x$ulow, digits), "\n")
cat("Lower Clustering Interval:", x$rlow, "\n")
cat("Number of Clusters:", x$nhigh, "\n")
cat("Extremal Index:", round(x$extind, digits), "\n")
print.default(format(x$estimate, digits = digits), = 2,
quote = FALSE)
if(!is.null(x$std.err)) {
cat("\nStandard Errors\n")
print.default(format(x$std.err, digits = digits), = 2,
quote = FALSE)
if(!is.null(x$corr)) {
print.default(format(x$corr, digits = digits), = 2,
quote = FALSE)
cat("\nOptimization Information\n")
cat(" Convergence:", x$convergence, "\n")
cat(" Function Evaluations:", x$counts["function"], "\n")
cat(" Gradient Evaluations:", x$counts["gradient"], "\n")
if(!is.null(x$message)) cat(" Message:", x$message, "\n")
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