#' @include hcut.R
#' Dertermining and Visualizing the Optimal Number of Clusters
#' @description Partitioning methods, such as k-means clustering require the
#' users to specify the number of clusters to be generated. \itemize{
#' \item{fviz_nbclust(): Dertemines and visualize the optimal number of
#' clusters using different methods: \strong{within cluster sums of squares},
#' \strong{average silhouette} and \strong{gap statistics}. }
#' \item{fviz_gap_stat(): Visualize the gap statistic generated by the
#' function \code{\link[cluster]{clusGap}}() [in cluster package]. The optimal
#' number of clusters is specified using the "firstmax" method
#' (?cluster::clustGap).} }
#' Read more:
#' \href{}{Determining
#' the optimal number of clusters}
#' @param x numeric matrix or data frame. In the function fviz_nbclust(), x can
#' be the results of the function NbClust().
#' @param method the method to be used for estimating the optimal number of
#' clusters. Possible values are "silhouette" (for average silhouette width),
#' "wss" (for total within sum of square) and "gap_stat" (for gap statistics).
#' @param FUNcluster a partitioning function which accepts as first argument a
#' (data) matrix like x, second argument, say k, k >= 2, the number of
#' clusters desired, and returns a list with a component named cluster which
#' contains the grouping of observations. Allowed values include: kmeans,
#' cluster::pam, cluster::clara, cluster::fanny, hcut, etc. This argument is
#' not required when x is an output of the function
#' \code{NbClust::NbClust()}.
#' @param diss dist object as produced by dist(), i.e.: diss = dist(x, method =
#' "euclidean"). Used to compute the average silhouette width of clusters, the
#' within sum of square and hierarchical clustering. If NULL, dist(x) is
#' computed with the default method = "euclidean"
#' @param k.max the maximum number of clusters to consider, must be at least two.
#' @param nboot integer, number of Monte Carlo ("bootstrap") samples. Used only for determining the number of clusters
#' using gap statistic.
#' @param verbose logical value. If TRUE, the result of progress is printed.
#' @param barfill,barcolor fill color and outline color for bars
#' @param linecolor color for lines
#' @param print.summary logical value. If true, the optimal number of clusters
#' are printed in fviz_nbclust().
#' @param ... optionally further arguments for FUNcluster()
#' @return \itemize{ \item fviz_nbclust, fviz_gap_stat: return a ggplot2 }
#' @seealso \code{\link{fviz_cluster}}, \code{\link{eclust}}
#' @author Alboukadel Kassambara \email{}
#' @examples
#' set.seed(123)
#' # Data preparation
#' # +++++++++++++++
#' data("iris")
#' head(iris)
#' # Remove species column (5) and scale the data
#' iris.scaled <- scale(iris[, -5])
#' # Optimal number of clusters in the data
#' # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#' # Examples are provided only for kmeans, but
#' # you can also use cluster::pam (for pam) or
#' # hcut (for hierarchical clustering)
#' ### Elbow method (look at the knee)
#' # Elbow method for kmeans
#' fviz_nbclust(iris.scaled, kmeans, method = "wss") +
#' geom_vline(xintercept = 3, linetype = 2)
#' # Average silhouette for kmeans
#' fviz_nbclust(iris.scaled, kmeans, method = "silhouette")
#' ### Gap statistic
#' library(cluster)
#' set.seed(123)
#' # Compute gap statistic for kmeans
#' # we used B = 10 for demo. Recommended value is ~500
#' gap_stat <- clusGap(iris.scaled, FUN = kmeans, nstart = 25,
#' K.max = 10, B = 10)
#' print(gap_stat, method = "firstmax")
#' fviz_gap_stat(gap_stat)
#' # Gap statistic for hierarchical clustering
#' gap_stat <- clusGap(iris.scaled, FUN = hcut, K.max = 10, B = 10)
#' fviz_gap_stat(gap_stat)
#' @name fviz_nbclust
#' @rdname fviz_nbclust
#' @export
fviz_nbclust <- function (x, FUNcluster = NULL, method = c("silhouette", "wss", "gap_stat"),
diss = NULL, k.max = 10, nboot = 100, verbose = interactive(),
barfill="steelblue", barcolor="steelblue",
linecolor = "steelblue", print.summary = TRUE, ...)
if(k.max < 2) stop("k.max must bet > = 2")
method = match.arg(method)
if(!inherits(x, c("data.frame", "matrix")) & !("" %in% names(x)))
stop("x should be an object of class matrix/data.frame or ",
"an object created by the function NbClust() [NbClust package].")
# x is an object created by the function NbClust() [NbClust package]
if(inherits(x, "list") & "" %in% names(x)){
best_nc <- x$
if(class(best_nc) == "numeric") print(best_nc)
else if(class(best_nc) == "matrix")
.viz_NbClust(x, print.summary, barfill, barcolor)
else if(is.null(FUNcluster)) stop("The argument FUNcluster is required. ",
"Possible values are kmeans, pam, hcut, clara, ...")
else if(!is.function(FUNcluster)){
"The argument FUNcluster should be a function. ",
"Check if you're not overriding the specified function name somewhere."
else if(method %in% c("silhouette", "wss")) {
if ( x <- as.matrix(x)
if(is.null(diss)) diss <- stats::dist(x)
v <- rep(0, k.max)
if(method == "silhouette"){
for(i in 2:k.max){
clust <- FUNcluster(x, i, ...)
v[i] <- .get_ave_sil_width(diss, clust$cluster)
else if(method == "wss"){
for(i in 1:k.max){
clust <- FUNcluster(x, i, ...)
v[i] <- .get_withinSS(diss, clust$cluster)
df <- data.frame(clusters = as.factor(1:k.max), y = v, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
ylab <- "Total Within Sum of Square"
if(method == "silhouette") ylab <- "Average silhouette width"
p <- ggpubr::ggline(df, x = "clusters", y = "y", group = 1,
color = linecolor, ylab = ylab,
xlab = "Number of clusters k",
main = "Optimal number of clusters"
if(method == "silhouette")
p <- p + geom_vline(xintercept = which.max(v), linetype=2, color = linecolor)
else if(method == "gap_stat"){
extra_args <- list(...)
gap_stat <- cluster::clusGap(x, FUNcluster, K.max = k.max, B = nboot,
verbose = verbose, ...)
if(!is.null(extra_args$maxSE)) maxSE <- extra_args$maxSE
else maxSE <- list(method = "firstSEmax", SE.factor = 1)
p <- fviz_gap_stat(gap_stat, linecolor = linecolor, maxSE = maxSE)
#' @rdname fviz_nbclust
#' @param gap_stat an object of class "clusGap" returned by the function
#' clusGap() [in cluster package]
#' @param maxSE a list containing the parameters (method and SE.factor) for
#' determining the location of the maximum of the gap statistic (Read the
#' documentation ?cluster::maxSE). Allowed values for maxSE$method include:
#' \itemize{ \item "globalmax": simply corresponds to the global maximum,
#' i.e., is which.max(gap) \item "firstmax": gives the location of the first
#' local maximum \item "Tibs2001SEmax": uses the criterion, Tibshirani et al
#' (2001) proposed: "the smallest k such that gap(k) >= gap(k+1) - s_{k+1}".
#' It's also possible to use "the smallest k such that gap(k) >= gap(k+1) -
#' SE.factor*s_{k+1}" where SE.factor is a numeric value which can be 1
#' (default), 2, 3, etc. \item "firstSEmax": location of the first f() value
#' which is not larger than the first local maximum minus SE.factor * SE.f[],
#' i.e, within an "f S.E." range of that maximum. \item
#' see ?cluster::maxSE for more options }
#' @export
fviz_gap_stat <- function(gap_stat, linecolor = "steelblue",
maxSE = list(method = "firstSEmax", SE.factor = 1)){
if(!inherits(gap_stat, "clusGap"))
stop("Only an object of class clusGap is allowed. (cluster package)")
if(is.null(maxSE$method)) maxSE$method = "firstmax"
if(is.null(maxSE$SE.factor)) maxSE$SE.factor = 1
else stop("The argument maxSE must be a list containing the parameters method and SE.factor")
# first local max
gap <- gap_stat$Tab[, "gap"]
se <- gap_stat$Tab[, "SE.sim"]
decr <- diff(gap) <= 0
k <- .maxSE(gap, se, method = maxSE$method, SE.factor = maxSE$SE.factor)
#k <- length(gap)
#k = if (any(decr)) which.max(decr) else k
df <-$Tab, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
df$clusters <- as.factor(1:nrow(df))
df$ymin <- gap-se
df$ymax <- gap + se
p <- ggpubr::ggline(df, x = "clusters", y = "gap", group = 1, color = linecolor)+
ggplot2::geom_errorbar(aes_string(ymin="ymin", ymax="ymax"), width=.2, color = linecolor)+
geom_vline(xintercept = k, linetype=2, color = linecolor)+
labs(y = "Gap statistic (k)", x = "Number of clusters k",
title = "Optimal number of clusters")
# Get the average silhouette width
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# Cluster package required
# d: dist object
# cluster: cluster number of observation
.get_ave_sil_width <- function(d, cluster){
if (!requireNamespace("cluster", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("cluster package needed for this function to work. Please install it.")
ss <- cluster::silhouette(cluster, d)
mean(ss[, 3])
# Get total within sum of square
# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# d: dist object
# cluster: cluster number of observation
.get_withinSS <- function(d, cluster){
d <- stats::as.dist(d)
cn <- max(cluster)
clusterf <- as.factor(cluster)
clusterl <- levels(clusterf)
cnn <- length(clusterl)
if (cn != cnn) {
warning("cluster renumbered because maximum != number of clusters")
for (i in 1:cnn) cluster[clusterf == clusterl[i]] <- i
cn <- cnn
cwn <- cn
# Compute total within sum of square
dmat <- as.matrix(d) <- 0
for (i in 1:cn) {
cluster.size <- sum(cluster == i)
di <- as.dist(dmat[cluster == i, cluster == i]) <- + sum(di^2)/cluster.size
# Visualization of the output returned by the function
# NbClust()
# x : an object generated by the function NbClust()
.viz_NbClust <- function(x, print.summary = TRUE,
barfill = "steelblue", barcolor = "steelblue")
best_nc <- x$
if(class(best_nc) == "numeric") print(best_nc)
else if(class(best_nc) == "matrix"){
best_nc <-, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
best_nc$Number_clusters <- as.factor(best_nc$Number_clusters)
# Summary
ss <- summary(best_nc$Number_clusters)
cat ("Among all indices: \n===================\n")
for(i in 1 :length(ss)){
cat("*", ss[i], "proposed ", names(ss)[i], "as the best number of clusters\n" )
cat("* According to the majority rule, the best number of clusters is ",
names(which.max(ss)), ".\n\n")
df <- data.frame(Number_clusters = names(ss), freq = ss, stringsAsFactors = TRUE )
p <- ggpubr::ggbarplot(df, x = "Number_clusters", y = "freq", fill = barfill, color = barcolor)+
labs(x = "Number of clusters k", y = "Frequency among all indices",
title = paste0("Optimal number of clusters - k = ", names(which.max(ss)) ))
# Determines the location of the maximum of f see ?cluster::maxSE
# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# f: numeric vector containing the gap statistic
# SE.f : standard error of the gap statistic
# method : character string indicating how the "optimal" number of clusters, k,
# is computed from the gap statistics (and their standard deviations),
# or more generally how the location k^ of the maximum of f[k] should be determined.
# SE.factor: Determining the optimal number of clusters, Tibshirani et al. proposed the "1 S.E."-rule.
.maxSE <- function (f, SE.f, method = c("firstSEmax", "Tibs2001SEmax",
"globalSEmax", "firstmax", "globalmax"), SE.factor = 1)
method <- match.arg(method)
stopifnot((K <- length(f)) >= 1, K == length(SE.f), SE.f >=
0, SE.factor >= 0)
fSE <- SE.factor * SE.f
switch(method, firstmax = {
decr <- diff(f) <= 0
if (any(decr)) which.max(decr) else K
}, globalmax = {
}, Tibs2001SEmax = {
g.s <- f - fSE
if (any(mp <- f[-K] >= g.s[-1])) which.max(mp) else K
}, firstSEmax = {
decr <- diff(f) <= 0
nc <- if (any(decr)) which.max(decr) else K
if (any(mp <- f[seq_len(nc - 1)] >= f[nc] - fSE[nc])) which(mp)[1] else nc
}, globalSEmax = {
nc <- which.max(f)
if (any(mp <- f[seq_len(nc - 1)] >= f[nc] - fSE[nc])) which(mp)[1] else nc
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