
Defines functions evdiag corplot plot.fsvdraws plotalot facloaddensplot facloadtraceplot paratraceplot.fsvdraws logvartimeplot facloadpointplot facloadcredplot facloadpairplot covtimeplot cortimeplot corimageplot voltimeplot comtimeplot

Documented in comtimeplot corimageplot corplot cortimeplot covtimeplot evdiag facloadcredplot facloaddensplot facloadpairplot facloadpointplot facloadtraceplot logvartimeplot paratraceplot.fsvdraws plotalot plot.fsvdraws voltimeplot

#  #####################################################################################
#  R package factorstochvol by
#     Gregor Kastner Copyright (C) 2016-2021
#     Darjus Hosszejni Copyright (C) 2019-2021
#     Luis Gruber Copyright (C) 2021
#  This file is part of the R package factorstochvol: Bayesian Estimation
#  of (Sparse) Latent Factor Stochastic Volatility Models
#  The R package factorstochvol is free software: you can redistribute
#  it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
#  as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 or any
#  later version of the License.
#  The R package factorstochvol is distributed in the hope that it will
#  be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
#  General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with the R package factorstochvol. If that is not the case,
#  please refer to <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#  #####################################################################################

#' Plot communalities over time.
#' \code{comtimeplot} plots the communalities over time, i.e. the
#' series-specific percentage of variance explained through the common factors.
#' This function displays the joint (average) communalities over time and all
#' series-specific communalities. If communalities haven't been stored during
#' sampling, \code{comtimeplot} produces an error.
#' @param x Object of class \code{'fsvdraws'}, usually resulting from a call
#' to \code{\link{fsvsample}}.
#' @param fsvsimobj Object of class \code{'fsvsim'} (or \code{NULL}), usually
#' resulting from a call to \code{\link{fsvsim}}. Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param show Indicator whether to show joint (\code{'joint'}), series-specific
#' (\code{'series'}), or both (\code{'both'}) communalities.
#' @param maxrows Single positive integer denoting the maximum number of series
#' in each plot. Defaults to 5.
#' @param ylim Vector of length two denoting the range of the horizontal axis.
#' Defaults to 1.
#' @return Returns \code{x} invisibly.
#' @family plotting
#' @import methods
#' @export
comtimeplot <- function(x, fsvsimobj = NULL, show = "series",
			maxrows = 5, ylim = c(0,100)) {
 if (!is(x, "fsvdraws")) stop("This function expects an 'fsvdraws' object.")
 if (!exists("runningstore", x) || !exists("com", x$runningstore))
  stop("Communalities haven't been stored during sampling.")
 if (length(show) != 1) stop("Illegal value of 'show'.")

 m <- ncol(x$y)
 n <- nrow(x$y)
 r <- dim(x$facload)[2]
 draws <- dim(x$facload)[3]
 snames <- colnames(x$y)
 dates <- rownames(x$y)
 if (is.null(dates)) dates <- 1:n

 if (!is.null(fsvsimobj)) {
  if (!is(fsvsimobj, "fsvsim")) stop("If provided, argument 'fsvsimobj' must be an 'fsvsim' object.")

 if (!is.null(fsvsimobj)) {
  communalities <- 1 - exp(t(fsvsimobj$idivol)) / apply(covmat(fsvsimobj),3,diag)

 for (i in c(m+1,1:m)) {
  if (i == m+1 && show == "series") next
  if (i < m+1 && show == "joint") next
  if (i == 1) oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(min(maxrows, m), 1),
			    mgp = c(2, .5, 0),
			    mar = c(1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 0.5))
  thismean <- x$runningstore$com[,i,"mean"]
  thissd <- x$runningstore$com[,i,"sd"]
  ts.plot(100*cbind(thismean - 2*thissd, thismean, thismean + 2*thissd),
	  lwd = c(1, 2, 1), main = "", xlab = "", ylab = "",
	  gpars = list(xaxt = 'n'), ylim = ylim)
  ats <- seq(1, n, len = 11)
  axis(1, labels = dates[ats], at = ats)

  if (i == m+1) {
   title(paste0("Joint communalities (mean +/- 2sd)"))
   if (!is.null(fsvsimobj)) lines(100*colMeans(communalities), col = 3)
  } else {
   title(paste0("Communalities of series ", i, " (", snames[i], ", mean +/- 2sd)"), font.main = 1)
   if (!is.null(fsvsimobj)) lines(100*communalities[i,], col = 3)
 if (show != "joint") par(oldpar)

#' Plot series-specific volatilities over time.
#' \code{voltimeplot} plots the marginal volatilities over time, i.e. the
#' series-specific conditional standard deviations. If these haven't been
#' stored during sampling (because \code{runningstore} has been set too low),
#' \code{voltimeplot} throws a warning.
#' @param x Object of class \code{'fsvdraws'}, usually resulting from a call
#' to \code{\link{fsvsample}}.
#' @param these Index vector containing the time points to plot. Defaults
#' to \code{seq_len(nrow(x$y))}, i.e., all timepoints.
#' @param legend Where to position the \code{\link{legend}}.
#' If set to NULL, labels will be put directly next to the series.
#' Defaults to "topright".
#' @param ... Additional parameters will be passed on to \code{\link{ts.plot}}.
#' @return Returns \code{x} invisibly.
#' @family plotting
#' @export
voltimeplot <- function(x, these = seq_len(nrow(x$y)), legend = "topright", ...) {
if (!is(x, "fsvdraws")) stop("This function expects an 'fsvdraws' object.")
 if (!exists("runningstore", x) || !exists("vol", x$runningstore)) {
  warning("Implied volatilities haven't been stored during sampling.")
 n <- nrow(x$y)
 m <- ncol(x$y)
 r <- dim(x$logvar)[2] - m
 draws <- dim(x$para)[3]
 snames <- colnames(x$y)
 dates <- rownames(x$y)

 if (!is.numeric(these) || min(these) < 1 || max(these) > n) stop("Illegal argument value 'these'.")

 dat <- matrix(x$runningstore$vol[these,,"mean",drop = FALSE], nrow = length(these))
# plotorder <- order(colMeans(dat))
 plotorder <- seq_len(ncol(dat))
 if (length(palette()) != m) colas <- rainbow(m) else colas <- seq_len(m)

 ts.plot(dat[,plotorder,drop = FALSE], gpars = list(col = colas, xaxt = 'n', xlab = '', ...))
 ats <- round(seq(1, length(these), length.out = min(length(these), 10)))
 axis(1, at = ats, labels = dates[these][ats])

 mynames <- snames[plotorder]
 if (!is.null(legend)) {
  legend(legend, legend = mynames, col = colas, ncol = 2, lty = 1, lwd = 2)
 } else {
  text(-.018*length(these), dat[1,], mynames, col = colas)
  text(1.018*length(these), dat[nrow(dat),], mynames, col = colas)

#' Plot correlation matrices for certain points in time
#' \code{corimageplot} plots the model-implied correlation matrices
#' for one or several points in time.
#' @note If correlations haven't been stored during sampling,
#' \code{corimageplot} produces an error.
#' @param x Object of class \code{'fsvdraws'}, usually resulting from a call
#' to \code{\link{fsvsample}}.
#' @param these Index vector containing the time points to plot. Defaults
#' to \code{seq_len(nrow(x$y))}.
#' @param order String, where \code{'none'} and \code{'original'}
#' indicate not to mess
#' with the series ordering. Other keywords
#' (e.g. \code{'hclust'}) will be forwarded to
#' \code{\link[corrplot]{corrMatOrder}}.
#' @param these4order Index vector containing the time points used for
#' ordering. Probably, the default (\code{these}) is what you want.
#' @param plotdatedist Numerical value indicating where the dates should
#' be plotted.
#' @param plotCI String. If not equal to 'n', posterior credible regions are
#' added (posterior mean +/- 2 posterior sd). Ignored if \code{plottype} is
#' "imageplot".
#' @param date.cex Size multiplier for the dates.
#' @param col Color palette or NULL (the default).
#' @param fsvsimobj To indicate data generating values in case of simulated
#' data, pass an object of type \code{fsvsim} (usually the result of a
#' call to \code{\link{fsvsim}}).
#' @param plottype Indicates which type of plot should be drawn. Can be
#' "corrplot" for \code{\link[corrplot]{corrplot}} (recommended for up to around
#' 20 series), or "imageplot" for a simpler \code{\link[graphics]{image}} plot.
#' @param ... Additional parameters will be passed on to
#' \code{\link[corrplot]{corrplot}}. Ignored if \code{plottype} is
#' "imageplot".
#' @return Returns \code{x} invisibly.
#' @family plotting
#' @export
corimageplot <- function(x, these = seq_len(nrow(x$y)), order = "original",
			 these4order = these,
			 plotdatedist = 0, plotCI = 'n', date.cex = 1.5, col = NULL,
			 fsvsimobj = NULL, plottype = "corrplot", ...) {
 type <- "cor"
 if (!is(x, "fsvdraws")) stop("This function expects an 'fsvdraws' object.")
 if (!is.null(fsvsimobj)) {
  if (!is(fsvsimobj, "fsvsim")) stop("If provided, argument 'fsvsimobj' must be an 'fsvsim' object.")
  rtrue <- ncol(fsvsimobj$facload)
 if (!exists("runningstore", x) || !exists(type, x$runningstore))
  stop("Correlations haven't been stored during sampling.")
 n <- nrow(x$y)
 m <- ncol(x$y)
 r <- dim(x$logvar)[2] - m
 draws <- dim(x$para)[3]
 snames <- colnames(x$y)
 if (is.null(snames)) snames <- 1:m
 dates <- rownames(x$y)
 if (is.null(dates)) dates <- 1:n

 if (!is.numeric(these) || min(these) < 1 || max(these) > n) stop("Illegal argument value 'these'.")

 if (order != 'none' && order != 'original') {
  orderthis <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = length(these4order), ncol = m)
  for (i in seq(along = these4order)) {
   this <- runningcormat(x, these4order[i], type = type, statistic = "mean")
   orderthis[i,] <- corrplot::corrMatOrder(this, order = order)
 } else orderthis <- matrix(1:m, nrow = length(these), ncol = m, byrow = TRUE)
 tmp <- apply(orderthis, 1, paste, collapse = ' ')
 orderthis <- names(which.max(table(tmp)))
 orderthis <- as.integer(unlist(strsplit(orderthis, " ")))

 if (is.null(col)) {
  colpal <- colorRampPalette(c("#67001F", "#B2182B", "#D6604D", "#F4A582", "#FDDBC7",
    "#FFFFFF", "#D1E5F0", "#92C5DE", "#4393C3", "#2166AC", "#053061"))
  col <- rev(colpal(200))

 for (i in these) {
  toplot <- runningcormat(x, i, type = type, statistic = "mean")
  rownames(toplot) <- colnames(toplot) <- snames
  if (!(plotCI == 'n')) {
   toplot2 <- runningcormat(x, i, type = type, statistic = "sd")
   lower <- pmax(toplot - 2 * toplot2, -1)
   upper <- pmin(toplot + 2 * toplot2, 1)
   rownames(lower) <- colnames(lower) <- snames
   rownames(upper) <- colnames(upper) <- snames
  } else lower <- upper <- NULL

  if (plottype == "corrplot") {
   corrplot::corrplot(toplot[orderthis, orderthis], plotCI = plotCI,
		      lowCI.mat = lower[orderthis, orderthis],
		      uppCI.mat = upper[orderthis, orderthis], diag = FALSE,
		      col = col, ...)
   text((m+1)/2, m+plotdatedist, dates[i], cex = date.cex)
  } else if (plottype == "imageplot") {
   image(toplot[orderthis, orderthis])

  if (!is.null(fsvsimobj)) {
   cortrue <- cov2cor(covmat(fsvsimobj, i)[,,1])
   diag(cortrue) <- NA
   oldpar <- par(xpd = TRUE)
   symbols(rep(1:m, each = m), rep(m:1, m),
	   circles = .9*abs(as.numeric(cortrue[orderthis, orderthis]))^0.5/2,
	   fg = "green", inches = FALSE, add = TRUE)


#' Plot correlations over time.
#' \code{cortimeplot} draws correlations over time.
#' This function displays one component series' time-varying correlations with
#' the other components series. Throws an error if correlations haven't been
#' stored during sampling.
#' @param x Object of class \code{'fsvdraws'}, usually resulting from a call
#' to \code{\link{fsvsample}}.
#' @param series Single number, coercible to integer. Indicates the series
#' relative to which correlations are drawn.
#' @param these Index vector containing the time points to plot. Defaults
#' to \code{seq_len(nrow(x$y))}.
#' @param type What to plot, usually "cor" or "cov".
#' @param statistic Which posterior summary should be plotted, usually "mean".
#' @return Returns \code{x} invisibly.
#' @family plotting
#' @export
cortimeplot <- function(x, series, these = seq_len(nrow(x$y)),
			type = "cor", statistic = "mean") {
 if (!is(x, "fsvdraws")) stop("This function expects an 'fsvdraws' object.")
 if (!exists("runningstore", x) || !exists(type, x$runningstore))
  stop("What you are requesting (argument 'type') hasn't been stored during sampling.")
 if (missing(series) || !is.numeric(series) || length(series) != 1 || series < 1) {
  stop("Argument 'series' must be a single number, coercible to integer.")
 } else series <- as.integer(series)
 m <- ncol(x$y)
 n <- nrow(x$y)
 r <- dim(x$logvar)[2] - m
 draws <- dim(x$para)[3]
 snames <- colnames(x$y)
 dates <- rownames(x$y)
 if (is.null(dates)) dates <- 1:n
 oldpar <- par(mgp = c(1.8, .6, 0), mar = c(1.7, 1.7, 1.7, .3))

 if (!is.numeric(these) || length(these) < 1 || any(these > n) || any(these < 1)) {
  stop("Argument 'these' must be numeric with elements between 1 and nrow(x$y).")

 tryCatch(tmp <- x$runningstore[[type]], error = function(e)
	   stop("Argument 'type' must be either 'cov' or 'cor'."))

 tryCatch(meancors <- tmp[these,,statistic], error = function(e)
	   stop(paste0("Argument 'statistic' must be one of: ",
            paste(dimnames(tmp)[[3]], collapse = ', '), ".")))

 curind1 <- grep(paste0('^', series, '_'), colnames(meancors))
 curind2 <- grep(paste0('_', series, '$'), colnames(meancors))

 if (type == "cor") curind <- c(curind1, curind2)
 if (type == "cov") curind <- curind2

 colororder <- order(colMeans(meancors[,curind]))
 curcors <- meancors[,curind[colororder]]

 if (type == "cor") cornames <- snames[-series][colororder]
 if (type == "cov") cornames <- snames[colororder]

 if (length(palette()) != m) colas <- rainbow(m) else colas <- seq_len(m)

 ts.plot(curcors, col = colas, gpars = list(xaxt = 'n', xlab = '', ylab = ''))
 title(paste0('Posterior ', statistic, ' of pairwise ', type, 's with ', snames[series]))
 abline(h = 0, lty = 3)
 myseq <- round(seq(1, length(these), length.out = 10))
 axis(1, labels = dates[these][myseq], at = myseq)
 text(-.018*length(these), curcors[1,], cornames, col = colas)
 text(1.018*length(these), curcors[nrow(curcors),], cornames, col = colas)



#' @rdname cortimeplot
#' @export
covtimeplot <- function(x, series, these = seq_len(nrow(x$y)),
			type = "cov", statistic = "mean") {
 cortimeplot(x = x, series = series, these = these, type = type,
	     statistic = statistic)

#' Displays bivariate marginal posterior distributions of factor loadings.
#' \code{facloadpairplot} illustrates the bivariate marginals of the
#' factor loadings distribution. For a monochrome variant, see
#' \code{\link{facloadcredplot}}.
#' @param x Object of class \code{'fsvdraws'}, usually resulting from a call
#' to \code{\link{fsvsample}}.
#' @param maxpoints The maximum amount of posterior draws to plot. If
#' the number of draws stored in \code{x} exceeds this number, draws are
#' thinned accordingly.
#' @param alpha Level of transparency.
#' @param cex Controls the size of the dots.
#' @return Returns \code{x} invisibly.
#' @family plotting
#' @export
facloadpairplot <- function(x, maxpoints = 500, alpha = 20/maxpoints, cex = 3) {
 if (!is(x, "fsvdraws")) stop("This function expects an 'fsvdraws' object.")
 if (any(dim(x$facload) < 2)) stop("Currently implemented for two or more factors.")

 m <- ncol(x$y)
 n <- nrow(x$y)
 r <- dim(x$facload)[2]
 draws <- dim(x$facload)[3]
 plotthese <- sample.int(draws, min(draws, maxpoints))

 means <- apply(x$facload, 1:2, mean)

 whiches <- matrix((1:(2*ceiling(r/2))-1) %% r + 1, nrow = 2)

 alpha <- min(alpha, 1)
 if (length(palette()) != m) oldpal <- palette(rainbow(m))

 colas <- apply(sapply(palette(), col2rgb)/255, 2,
                function (cc, alpha) rgb(cc[1], cc[2], cc[3], alpha = alpha), alpha)

 for (i in seq.int(ncol(whiches))) {
  tmp <- aperm(x$facload[,whiches[,i],plotthese], c(1,3,2))
  dim(tmp) <- c(m*length(plotthese), 2)
  myxlims <- quantile(x$facload[,whiches[1,i],plotthese], c(.1/m, 1-.1/m))
  myylims <- quantile(x$facload[,whiches[2,i],plotthese], c(.1/m, 1-.1/m))
  plot(tmp, pch = 16, cex = cex, col = colas, xlim = myxlims, ylim = myylims,
       xlab = paste("Loadings on Factor", whiches[1,i]),
       ylab = paste("Loadings on Factor", whiches[2,i]))
  text(means[,whiches[2*i-1]], means[,whiches[2*i]], colnames(x$y))
  abline(h = 0, lty = 3)
  abline(v = 0, lty = 3)

 if (exists("oldpal")) palette(oldpal)


#' Displays bivariate marginal posterior distribution of factor loadings.
#' \code{facloadcredplot} illustrates the bivariate marginals of the
#' factor loadings distribution. It is a monochrome variant of
#' \code{\link{facloadpairplot}}.
#' @param x Object of class \code{'fsvdraws'}, usually resulting from a call
#' to \code{\link{fsvsample}}.
#' @param quants Posterior quantiles to be plotted.
#' @return Returns \code{x} invisibly.
#' @family plotting
#' @export
facloadcredplot <- function(x, quants = c(.01, .99)) {
 if (!is(x, "fsvdraws")) stop("This function expects an 'fsvdraws' object.")
 if (any(dim(x$facload) < 2)) stop("Currently implemented for two or more factors.")

 m <- ncol(x$y)
 n <- nrow(x$y)
 r <- dim(x$facload)[2]
 draws <- dim(x$facload)[3]

 whiches <- matrix((1:(2*ceiling(r/2))-1) %% r + 1, nrow = 2)

 lower <- apply(x$facload, 1:2, quantile, quants[1])
 upper <- apply(x$facload, 1:2, quantile, quants[2])
 med <- apply(x$facload, 1:2, median)

 for (i in seq.int(ncol(whiches))) {
  myxlim <- range(lower[,whiches[1,i]], upper[,whiches[1,i]])
  myylim <- range(lower[,whiches[2,i]], upper[,whiches[2,i]])
  xbreak <- .02*diff(myxlim)
  ybreak <- .02*diff(myylim)
  plot(med[,whiches[,i]], pch = "",
       xlab = paste("Loadings on Factor", whiches[1,i]),
       ylab = paste("Loadings on Factor", whiches[2,i]),
       xlim = myxlim, ylim = myylim)
  for (j in 1:m) {
   lines(c(lower[j,whiches[1,i]], med[j,whiches[1,i]] - xbreak), rep(med[j,whiches[2,i]], 2))
   lines(c(med[j,whiches[1,i]] + xbreak, upper[j,whiches[1,i]]), rep(med[j,whiches[2,i]], 2))

   lines(rep(med[j,whiches[1,i]], 2), c(lower[j,whiches[2,i]], med[j,whiches[2,i]] - ybreak))
   lines(rep(med[j,whiches[1,i]], 2), c(med[j,whiches[2,i]] + ybreak, upper[j,whiches[2,i]]))
  text(med[,whiches[1,i]], med[, whiches[2,i]], colnames(x$y))
  abline(h = 0, lty = 3)
  abline(v = 0, lty = 3)

#' Displays point estimates of the factor loadings posterior.
#' \code{facloadpointplot} illustrates point estimates (mean, median, ...)
#' of the estimated factor loadings matrix.
#' @param x Object of class \code{'fsvdraws'}, usually resulting from a call
#' to \code{\link{fsvsample}}.
#' @param fsvsimobj To indicate data generating values in case of simulated
#' data, pass an object of type \code{fsvsim} (usually the result of a
#' call to \code{\link{fsvsim}}).
#' @param statistic Character string indicating which posterior statistic
#' should be displayed.
#' @param cex Controls the size of the dots.
#' @param alpha Controls the level of transparency.
#' @param allpairs Logical value; if set to TRUE, all possible
#' pairwise combinations will be plotted.
#' @param col Vector of length \code{m} (number of component series),
#' containing \code{\link[grDevices]{rgb}}-type color codes used for
#' plotting. Will be recycled if necessary.
#' @return Returns \code{x} invisibly, throws a warning if there aren't any
#' factors to plot.
#' @family plotting
#' @export
facloadpointplot <- function(x, fsvsimobj = NULL, statistic = "median",
			     cex = 6.5, alpha = 0.2, allpairs = FALSE, col = NULL) {
 if (!is(x, "fsvdraws")) stop("This function expects an 'fsvdraws' object.")
 if (any(dim(x$facload) == 0)) {
  warning("There aren't any factor loadings to plot.")

 if (!is.null(fsvsimobj)) {
  if (!is(fsvsimobj, "fsvsim")) stop("If provided, argument 'fsvsimobj' must be an 'fsvsim' object.")
  rtrue <- ncol(fsvsimobj$facload)

 m <- ncol(x$y)
 n <- nrow(x$y)
 r <- dim(x$facload)[2]
 draws <- dim(x$facload)[3]

 if (is.null(allpairs)) {
  if (r > 10) allpairs <- FALSE else allpairs <- TRUE

 snames <- colnames(x$y)
 if (is.null(snames)) snames <- 1:m

 if (r == 1) {
  facloads <- apply(x$facload, 1, eval(statistic))
 } else {
  facloads <- apply(x$facload, 1:2, eval(statistic))

 myplotit <- function(whiches, facloads, snames, cex = 6.5, transparency = 0.2, col = NULL, fsvsimobj = NULL) {
  basecolor <- rgb(0, 0, 1, transparency)
  if (ncol(facloads) > 1 & facloads[1,2] == 0) leadcolor <- c(1,2) else leadcolor <- basecolor
  simcolor <- rgb(0, 1, 0, transparency)
  m <- nrow(facloads)
  basecolas <- rep(basecolor, m)
  if (!is.null(col)) basecolor <- basecolas <- rep(col, length.out = m)
  basepchs <- rep(21, m)
  if (!is.null(fsvsimobj)) {
   rtrue <- ncol(fsvsimobj$facload)
   if (whiches[1] <= rtrue) {
    xlim <- range(facloads[, whiches[1]], fsvsimobj$facload[, whiches[1]], 0)
   } else {
    xlim <- range(facloads[, whiches[1]], 0)
   if (whiches[2] <= rtrue) {
    ylim <- range(facloads[, whiches[2]], fsvsimobj$facload[, whiches[2]], 0)
   } else {
    ylim <- range(facloads[, whiches[2]], 0)
  } else {
   xlim <- range(facloads[,whiches[1]], 0)
   ylim <- range(facloads[,whiches[2]], 0)
  colas <- basecolas
  colas[whiches] <- leadcolor
  pchs <- basepchs
  pchs[x$identifier[whiches,1]] <- c(24,25)
  plot(facloads[,whiches], pch = pchs, cex = cex, bg = basecolor, col = colas,
       main = paste("Posterior", statistic, "of factor loadings"),
       xlab = paste("Factor", whiches[1]), ylab = paste("Factor", whiches[2]),
       xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
  text(facloads[,whiches], snames)
  abline(h = 0, lty = 3)
  abline(v = 0, lty = 3)
  if (!is.null(fsvsimobj)) {
   tmpfacload <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(facloads), ncol = ncol(facloads))
   tmpfacload[,1:(min(r, rtrue))] <- fsvsimobj$facload[,1:(min(r, rtrue))]
   points(tmpfacload[,whiches], pch = 21, bg = simcolor, col = simcolor,
	  cex = cex)
   simsnames <- colnames(fsvsimobj$y)
   if (is.null(snames)) simsnames <- 1:m
   text(tmpfacload[,whiches], simsnames, col = 3)

# oldpar <- par(mgp = c(1.7, .5, 0), mar = c(2.7, 2.7, 2, 0.5))

 if (r == 1)  {
  myplot <- barplot(facloads, main = paste("Posterior", statistic, "of factor loadings"),
		    ylab = "Loadings", xlab = "Component series", names = 1:m)
  if (!is.null(fsvsimobj)) {
   points(myplot, fsvsimobj$facload[,1], col = 3, pch = 16, cex = 2)
# } else if (r == 3) {  # TODO
#  mainlab <- "Median factor loadings"
#  cols <- colorspace::diverge_hcl(100)
#  thirddim <- facloads[,3]/max(abs(facloads[,3])) # rescaling to -1:1
#  thirddim <- round(thirddim*(99/2)+50.5)
#  par(mar=c(3.5,3.5,1.6,5.5))
#  plot(facloads[,1:2], pch=21, bg=cols[thirddim], col=cols[thirddim], cex=5.6, main='', xlab='', ylab='')
#  mtext(mainlab, cex=1.35, line=.5)
#  mtext("Factor 1", side=1, cex=1, line=2.5)
#  mtext("Factor 2", side=2, cex=1, line=2.5)
#  text(facloads[,1:2], abbrev)
#  xdist <- diff(range(facloads[,1]))
#  xmax <- max(facloads[,1])
#  ymax <- max(facloads[,2])
#  ymin <- min(facloads[,2])
#  zdist <- 2*ceiling(5*max(abs(facloads[,3])))/5
#  ypos <- seq(ymin, ymax, len=lala <- 5*zdist+2)
#  rect(xmax + .065*xdist, ypos[-lala], xmax + .11*xdist, ypos[-1], col=cols[seq(1,100,len=lala-1)], xpd=NA, border="light grey")
#  text(xmax + .16*xdist, (ypos[-1]+ypos[-lala])/2, round(seq(-zdist/2,zdist/2,len=5*zdist+1), 1),xpd=NA, pos=2)
#  mtext("Factor 3", side=4)
 } else {
  if (allpairs) {
   apply(combn(1:r, 2), 2, myplotit,
	 facloads = facloads, fsvsimobj = fsvsimobj, snames = snames,
	 cex = cex, transparency = alpha, col = col)
  } else {
   apply(matrix((1:(2*ceiling(r/2))-1) %% r + 1, nrow = 2), 2, myplotit,
	 facloads = facloads, fsvsimobj = fsvsimobj, snames = snames,
	 cex = cex, transparency = alpha, col = col)
# par(oldpar)

#' Plot log-variances over time.
#' \code{logvartimeplot} plots the idiosyncratic and factor log-variances over time.
#' This function displays the posterior distribution (\code{mean +/- 2sd})
#' of log-variances of both
#' the factors and the idiosyncratic series.
#' If these haven't been stored during
#' sampling, \code{logvartimeplot} produces an error.
#' @param x Object of class \code{'fsvdraws'}, usually resulting from a call
#' to \code{\link{fsvsample}}.
#' @param fsvsimobj To indicate data generating values in case of simulated
#' data, pass an object of type \code{fsvsim} (usually the result of a
#' call to \code{\link{fsvsim}}).
#' @param show If set to "fac", only factor log-volatilities will be displayed.
#' If set to "idi", only idiosyncratic log-volatilities will be displayed.
#' If set to "both", factor log-volatilities will be drawn first, followed
#' by the idiosyncratic log-volatilities.
#' @param maxrows Indicates the maximum number of rows to be drawn per page.
#' @return Returns \code{x} invisibly.
#' @family plotting
#' @export
logvartimeplot <- function(x, fsvsimobj = NULL, show = "both", maxrows = 5) {
 if (!is(x, "fsvdraws")) stop("This function expects an 'fsvdraws' object.")
 if (!exists("runningstore", x)) stop("Cannot plot time-varying volatilities because
				      'runningstore' was set too low during sampling.")
 if (!is.character(show) || length(show) != 1 || !show %in% c("both", "fac", "idi"))
  stop("Argument 'show' must be one of: 'both', 'fac', 'idi'.")

 m <- ncol(x$y)
 n <- nrow(x$y)
 r <- dim(x$facload)[2]
 draws <- dim(x$facload)[3]
 snames <- colnames(x$y)
 dates <- rownames(x$y)
 if (is.null(dates)) dates <- 1:n

 if (!is.null(fsvsimobj)) {
  if (!is(fsvsimobj, "fsvsim")) stop("If provided, argument 'fsvsimobj' must be an 'fsvsim' object.")
  rtrue <- ncol(fsvsimobj$facload)

 oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(min(maxrows, max(r, 1)), 1), mgp = c(2, .5, 0), mar = c(1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 0.5))

 if (show == "both") thesei <- c(m + seq_len(r), seq_len(m))
 else if (show == "fac") thesei <- m + seq_len(r)
 else if (show == "idi") thesei <- seq_len(m)

 for (i in thesei) {
  if (i == 1) par(mfrow = c(min(maxrows, m), 1))
  thismean <- x$runningstore$logvar[,i,"mean"]
  thissd <- x$runningstore$logvar[,i,"sd"]
  ts.plot(cbind(thismean - 2*thissd, thismean, thismean + 2*thissd),
	  lwd = c(1, 2, 1), main = "", xlab = "", ylab = "",
	  gpars = list(xaxt = 'n'))
  ats <- seq(1, n, len = 11)
  axis(1, labels = dates[ats], at = ats)

  if (i <= m) {
   title(paste0("Idiosyncratic log-variance of series ", i, " (", snames[i], ", mean +/- 2sd)"), font.main = 1)
  } else {
   title(paste("Log-variance of factor", i-m, "(mean +/- 2sd)"), font.main = 1)
  if (!is.null(fsvsimobj)) {
   if (i <= m) {
    lines(fsvsimobj$idivol[,i], col = 3)
   } else if (i <= m + rtrue) {
    lines(fsvsimobj$facvol[,i-m], col = 3)
   } else {
    abline(h = 0, col = 2, lty = 3)

#' Trace plots of parameter draws.
#' \code{paratraceplot} draws trace plots of all parameters (\code{mu, phi,
#' sigma}). Can be an important tool to check MCMC convergence if inference
#' about (certain) parameters is sought.
#' @param x Object of class \code{'fsvdraws'}, usually resulting from a call
#' to \code{\link{fsvsample}}.
#' @param fsvsimobj To indicate data generating values in case of simulated
#' data, pass an object of type \code{fsvsim} (usually the result of a
#' call to \code{\link{fsvsim}}).
#' @param thinning Plot every \code{thinning}th draw.
#' @param maxrows Indicates the maximum number of rows to be drawn per page.
#' @param ... Ignored.
#' @return Returns \code{x} invisibly.
#' @family plotting
#' @rdname paratraceplot
#' @name paratraceplot
#' @export
paratraceplot.fsvdraws <- function(x, fsvsimobj = NULL, thinning = NULL, maxrows = 3, ...) {
 if (!is(x, "fsvdraws")) stop("This function expects an 'fsvdraws' object.")
 m <- ncol(x$y)
 n <- nrow(x$y)
 r <- dim(x$facload)[2]
 draws <- dim(x$facload)[3]
 if (is.null(thinning)) thinning <- ceiling(draws/10000)
 plotwhich <- seq(1, draws, by = thinning)
 snames <- colnames(x$y)

 if (!is.null(fsvsimobj)) {
  if (!is(fsvsimobj, "fsvsim")) stop("If provided, argument 'fsvsimobj' must be an 'fsvsim' object.")
  rtrue <- ncol(fsvsimobj$facload)

 oldpar <- par(mgp = c(2, .5, 0), mar = c(0, 7.4, 0, 2))
 effrows <- min(r, maxrows)
 layout(matrix(1:(3*effrows+2), nrow = 3*effrows+2), heights = c(.075, rep(c(.40, .40, .10)/effrows, effrows), .025))

 for (j in seq_len(r)) {
  if (j %% effrows == 1 | effrows == 1) {
   text(.5, .7, paste("Parameter draws of factor log-variances with plotthin =", thinning), cex = 1.5, xpd = TRUE)

  plot(x$para[2,m+j,plotwhich], type = "l", main = "", xlab = "", ylab = "", yaxt = 'n', xaxt = 'n')
  if (!is.null(fsvsimobj)) {
   if(j <= rtrue) {
    abline(h = fsvsimobj$facpara[j,1], col = 3, lty = 2)
   } else {
    legend("topleft", "true value DNE")

  if (j %% effrows == 1) axis(3)
  axis(2, labels = FALSE)
  mtext(bquote(phi[.(j+m)]), 2, las = 2, line = 2)
  mtext(paste0("Fac", j), 2, las = 2, line = 3.7, padj = (14/effrows), xpd = TRUE)

  plot(x$para[3,m+j,plotwhich], type = "l", main = "", xlab = "", ylab = "", yaxt = 'n', xaxt = 'n')
  if (!is.null(fsvsimobj)) {
   if (j <= rtrue) {
    abline(h = fsvsimobj$facpara[j,2], col = 3, lty = 2)
   } else {
    legend("topleft", "true value DNE")

  axis(4, labels = FALSE)
  mtext(bquote(sigma[.(j+m)]), 2, las = 2, line = 2)
  if (j %% effrows == 0) {

 effrows <- min(m, maxrows)
 layout(matrix(1:(4*effrows+2), nrow = 4*effrows+2), heights = c(.075, rep(c(.27, .27, .27, .09)/effrows, effrows), .025))

 for (j in 1:m) {
  if (j %% effrows == 1 | effrows == 1) {
   text(.5, .7, paste("Parameter draws of idiosyncratic log-variances with plotthin =", thinning), cex = 1.5, xpd = TRUE)

  plot(x$para[1,j,plotwhich], type = "l", main = "", xlab = "", ylab = "", yaxt = 'n', xaxt = 'n')
  if (!is.null(fsvsimobj)) {
   abline(h = fsvsimobj$idipara[j,1], col = 3, lty = 2)

  if (j %% effrows == 1) axis(3)
  mtext(bquote(mu[.(j)]), 2, las = 2, line = 1.7)

  plot(x$para[2,j,plotwhich], type = "l", main = "", xlab = "", ylab = "", yaxt = 'n', xaxt = 'n')
  if (!is.null(fsvsimobj)) {
   abline(h = fsvsimobj$idipara[j,2], col = 3, lty = 2)
  mtext(bquote(phi[.(j)]), 2, las = 2, line = 1.7)
  mtext(snames[j], 2, las = 2, line = 3.7)

  plot(x$para[3,j,plotwhich], type = "l", main = "", xlab = "", ylab = "", yaxt = 'n', xaxt = 'n')
  if (!is.null(fsvsimobj)) {
   abline(h = fsvsimobj$idipara[j,3], col = 3, lty = 2)

  mtext(bquote(sigma[.(j)]), 2, las = 2, line = 1.7)

  if (j %% effrows == 0) {



#' @export paratraceplot

#' Trace plots of factor loadings draws
#' \code{facloadtraceplot} draws trace plots of the factor loadings. Can be
#' an important tool to check MCMC convergence if inference about (certain)
#' factor loadings sought.
#' @param x Object of class \code{'fsvdraws'}, usually resulting from a call
#' to \code{\link{fsvsample}}.
#' @param fsvsimobj To indicate data generating values in case of simulated
#' data, pass an object of type \code{fsvsim} (usually the result of a
#' call to \code{\link{fsvsim}}).
#' @param thinning Plot every \code{thinning}th draw.
#' @param maxrows Indicates the maximum number of rows to be drawn per page.
#' @param ylim Vector of length two containing lower and upper bounds of the
#' vertical axis. If \code{NULL}, these are automatically determined.
#' @return Returns \code{x} invisibly.
#' @family plotting
#' @export
facloadtraceplot <- function(x, fsvsimobj = NULL, thinning = NULL, maxrows = 10, ylim = NULL) {
 if (!is(x, "fsvdraws")) stop("This function expects an 'fsvdraws' object.")
 if (any(dim(x$facload) == 0)) {
  warning("There aren't any factor loadings to plot.")
 m <- ncol(x$y)
 n <- nrow(x$y)
 r <- dim(x$facload)[2]
 draws <- dim(x$facload)[3]
 if (is.null(thinning)) thinning <- ceiling(draws/10000)
 plotwhich <- seq(1, draws, by = thinning)
 snames <- colnames(x$y)

 if (!is.null(fsvsimobj)) {
  if (!is(fsvsimobj, "fsvsim")) stop("If provided, argument 'fsvsimobj' must be an 'fsvsim' object.")
  rtrue <- ncol(fsvsimobj$facload)

 oldpar <- par(mgp = c(2, .5, 0), mar = c(0.1, 6, 0.1, 2))
 effrows <- min(r, maxrows)
 layout(matrix(1:(effrows+2), nrow = effrows+2), heights = c(.075, rep(.9/effrows, effrows), .025))

 for (i in 1:m) {
  for (j in 1:r) {
   if (j %% effrows == 1 | effrows == 1) {
    text(.5, .5, paste0("Series ", i, " (", snames[i], ") loadings with plotthin = ", thinning), cex = 1.5, xpd = TRUE)
   plot(x$facload[i,j,plotwhich], type = "l", main = "", xlab = "", ylab = "", ylim = ylim, yaxt = 'n', xaxt = 'n')
   if (j %% effrows == 1) axis(3)
   axis(here <- 2 * (j %% 2 + 1))
   axis(6 - here, labels = FALSE)
   mtext(paste("Fac", j), 2, las = 2, line = 2)
   if (!is.null(fsvsimobj)) {
    if (j <= rtrue) {
     abline(h = fsvsimobj$facload[i,j], col = 3, lty = 2)
    } else {
     abline(h = 0, col = 2, lty = 3)
   if (j %% effrows == 0) {
  if (r > effrows) for (k in 1:(effrows - r %% effrows + 1)) if (r %% effrows != 0) plot.new()  # HACK

#' Density plots of factor loadings draws
#' \code{facloaddensplot} draws kernel smoothed density plots of the marginal
#' factor loadings posterior.
#' @param x Object of class \code{'fsvdraws'}, usually resulting from a call
#' to \code{\link{fsvsample}}.
#' @param fsvsimobj To indicate data generating values in case of simulated
#' data, pass an object of type \code{fsvsim} (usually the result of a
#' call to \code{\link{fsvsim}}).
#' @param rows Number of rows per page.
#' @param thesecols Which factor loadings columns should be plotted? Defaults to 1:r.
#' @param xlim Vector of length two containing lower and upper bounds of the
#' horizontal axis. If \code{NULL}, these are automatically determined.
#' @return Returns \code{x} invisibly.
#' @family plotting
#' @export
facloaddensplot <- function(x, fsvsimobj = NULL, rows = 5, thesecols = NULL, xlim = NULL) {
 if (!is(x, "fsvdraws")) stop("This function expects an 'fsvdraws' object.")
 if (any(dim(x$facload) == 0)) stop("There aren't any factor loadings to plot.")
 m <- ncol(x$y)
 n <- nrow(x$y)
 r <- dim(x$facload)[2]
 draws <- dim(x$facload)[3]

 if (exists("identifier", x)) {
  ident <- x$identifier[,"identifier"]
 } else {
  ident <- rep(0, r)

 if (r > 1 && all(x$facload[1,2,] == 0)) restrict = "upper" else restrict = "none"

 snames <- colnames(x$y)
 if (is.null(snames)) snames <- 1:m

 if (!is.null(fsvsimobj)) {
  if (!is(fsvsimobj, "fsvsim")) stop("If provided, argument 'fsvsimobj' must be an 'fsvsim' object.")
  rtrue <- ncol(fsvsimobj$facload)

 densadjust = 1.7

 if (is.null(thesecols)) thesecols <- 1:r
 if (restrict == "upper") starter <- min(thesecols) else starter <- 1

 oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(rows, length(thesecols)), mgp = c(2, .5, 0), mar = c(1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 0.5))
 for (i in starter:m) {
  for (j in thesecols) {
   if (j > i && restrict == "upper") {
   } else {
    plot(density(x$facload[i,j,], adjust = densadjust), xlab = "", ylab = "", main = "", xlim = xlim)
    abline(v = 0, lty = 3)
    if (i == ident[j]) cola = 2 else cola = 1
    mtext(paste0("Series ", i, " (", snames[i], ") on Factor ", j), cex = .7, col = cola)
    if (!is.null(fsvsimobj)) {
     if (j <= rtrue) {
      points(fsvsimobj$facload[i,j], 0, col = 3, cex = 1.5, pch = 16)
     } else {
      points(0, 0, col = 2, pch = 18, cex = 1.8)

#' Several factor SV plots useful for model diagnostics
#' Draws a collection of plots to explore the posterior distribution
#' of a fitted factor SV model.
#' @param x Object of class \code{'fsvdraws'}, usually resulting from a call
#' to \code{\link{fsvsample}}.
#' @param fsvsimobj To indicate data generating values in case of simulated
#' data, pass an object of type \code{fsvsim} (usually the result of a
#' call to \code{\link{fsvsim}}).
#' @param ... Other arguments will be passed on to the subfunctions.
#' @return Returns \code{x} invisibly.
#' @family plotting
#' @export
plotalot <- function(x, fsvsimobj = NULL, ...) {
 if (!is(x, "fsvdraws")) stop("This function expects an 'fsvdraws' object.")
 r <- ncol(x$facload)
 if (r > 0) facloadpointplot(x, fsvsimobj = fsvsimobj, ...)
 logvartimeplot(x, fsvsimobj = fsvsimobj, ...)
 if (r > 0) facloaddensplot(x, fsvsimobj = fsvsimobj, ...)
 if (r > 0) facloadtraceplot(x, fsvsimobj = fsvsimobj, ...)
 paratraceplot(x, fsvsimobj = fsvsimobj, ...)

#' Default factor SV plot
#' Displays the correlation matrix at the last sampling point in time.
#' @param x Object of class \code{'fsvdraws'}, usually resulting from a call
#' to \code{\link{fsvsample}}.
#' @param quantiles Posterior quantiles to be visualized. Must be of length 1 or 3.
#' @param fsvsimobj To indicate data generating values in case of simulated
#' data, pass an optional object of type \code{fsvsim} (usually the result of a
#' call to \code{\link{fsvsim}}).
#' @param col Optional color palette.
#' @param ... Other arguments will be passed on to \link[corrplot]{corrplot}.
#' @return Returns \code{x} invisibly.
#' @family plotting
#' @export
plot.fsvdraws <- function(x, quantiles = c(.05, .5, .95), col = NULL, fsvsimobj = NULL, ...) {
 if (!is(x, "fsvdraws")) stop("This function expects an 'fsvdraws' object.")
 if (!is.null(fsvsimobj)) {
  if (!is(fsvsimobj, "fsvsim")) stop("If provided, argument 'fsvsimobj' must be an 'fsvsim' object.")
 if (is.null(col)) {
  colpal <- colorRampPalette(c("#67001F", "#B2182B", "#D6604D", "#F4A582", "#FDDBC7",
    "#FFFFFF", "#D1E5F0", "#92C5DE", "#4393C3", "#2166AC", "#053061"))
  col <- rev(colpal(200))
 effdraws <- dim(x$fac)[3]
 n <- nrow(x$y)
 m <- ncol(x$y)

 mycormat <- cormat(x, "last")[,,,1]
 # a new version corrplot requires rownames and colnames to be set
 if (is.null(rownames(mycormat))) rownames(mycormat) <- colnames(mycormat) <- seq_len(m)

 if (length(quantiles) == 1) {
   plotCI <- "n"
   mycormatlower <- NULL
   mycormatmed <- apply(mycormat, 1:2, quantile, quantiles)
   mycormatupper <- NULL
 } else if (length(quantiles) == 3) {
   plotCI <- "circle"
   mycormatlower <- apply(mycormat, 1:2, quantile, quantiles[1])
   mycormatmed <- apply(mycormat, 1:2, quantile, quantiles[2])
   mycormatupper <- apply(mycormat, 1:2, quantile, quantiles[3])
 } else {
   stop("Length of argument 'quantiles' must be one or three.")

 corrplot::corrplot(mycormatmed, plotCI = plotCI, lowCI.mat = mycormatlower, uppCI.mat = mycormatupper, col = col)

 if (!is.null(fsvsimobj)) {
   cortrue <- cormat(fsvsimobj, n)[,,1]
   diag(cortrue) <- NA
   oldpar <- par(xpd = TRUE)
   symbols(rep(1:m, each = m), rep(m:1, m),
	   circles = .9*abs(as.numeric(cortrue))^0.5/2,
	   fg = "green", inches = FALSE, add = TRUE)

#' Plots pairwise correlations over time
#' \code{corplot} gives an overview of (certain) pairwise correlations.
#' Throws a warning if these haven't been stored during sampling.
#' @param x Object of class \code{'fsvdraws'}, usually resulting from a call
#' to \code{\link{fsvsample}}.
#' @param fsvsimobj To indicate data generating values in case of simulated
#' data, pass an object of type \code{fsvsim} (usually the result of a
#' call to \code{\link{fsvsim}}).
#' @param these Indicator which correlations should be plotted. Default is all.
#' @param start First point in time to plot.
#' @param end Last point in time to plot.
#' @param maxrows The maximum number of rows per page.
#' @param ... Other arguments will be passed on to \code{\link[stats]{ts.plot}}.
#' @return Returns \code{x} invisibly.
#' @family plotting
#' @export
corplot <- function(x, fsvsimobj = NULL, these = 1:(ncol(x$y)*(ncol(x$y)-1)/2), start = 1,
		    end = nrow(x$y), maxrows = 10, ...) {
 if (!is(x, "fsvdraws")) stop("This function expects an 'fsvdraws' object.")
 if (!exists("runningstore", x) || !exists("cor", x$runningstore)) {
  warning("Correlation hasn't been stored during sampling.")

 m <- ncol(x$y)
 n <- nrow(x$y)
 r <- dim(x$logvar)[2] - m
 draws <- dim(x$para)[3]
 snames <- colnames(x$y)
 dates <- rownames(x$y)
 if (is.null(dates)) dates <- 1:n

 if (!is.numeric(start) || length(start) != 1 || start > n || start < 1) stop("Illegal argument value 'start'.")
 if (!is.numeric(end) || length(end) != 1 || end > n || end < 1) stop("Illegal argument value 'start'.")
 if (start > end) stop("Argument 'end' must be greater or equal to 'start'.")
 times <- start:end

 if (!is.null(fsvsimobj)) {
  if (!is(fsvsimobj, "fsvsim")) stop("If provided, argument 'fsvsimobj' must be an 'fsvsim' object.")

 if (!is.numeric(these) || min(these) < 1 || max(these) > m*(m-1)/2) stop("Illegal argument value 'these'.")

 oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(min(maxrows, length(these)), 1), mgp = c(2, .5, 0), mar = c(1.5, 1.5, 1.3, 0.5))

 for (i in these) {
  thismean <- x$runningstore$cor[times,i,"mean"]
  thissd <- x$runningstore$cor[times,i,"sd"]
  ts.plot(cbind(thismean - 2*thissd, thismean, thismean + 2*thissd),
	  col = c("gray", 1, "gray"), main = "", xlab = "", ylab = "",
	  gpars = list(xaxt = 'n', ...))
  abline(h = 0, lty = 3)
  ats <- round(seq(1, length(times), len = min(11, length(times))))
  axis(1, labels = dates[times][ats], at = ats)

  whiches <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(dimnames(x$runningstore$cor)[[2]][i], "_")))

  title(paste0("Estimated correlation of series ", whiches[2], " (",
	       snames[whiches[2]], ") and series ", whiches[1], " (",
	       snames[whiches[1]], ") (mean +/- 2sd)"))

  if (!is.null(fsvsimobj)) {
   lines(corelement(fsvsimobj, whiches[1], whiches[2], these = times), col = 3)

#' Plots posterior draws and posterior means of the eigenvalues of crossprod(facload)
#' \code{evdiag} computes, returns, and visualizes the eigenvalues of crossprod(facload).
#' This can be used as a rough guide to choose the numbers of factors in a model.
#' @note Experimental feature. Please be aware that - for the sake of simplicity and
#' interpretability - both the time-varying idiosyncratic as well as the time-varying
#' factor volatilities are simply ignored.
#' @param x Object of class \code{'fsvdraws'}, usually resulting from a call
#' to \code{\link{fsvsample}}.
#' @return Invisibly returns a matrix with posterior samples of the eigenvalues of
#' crossprod(facload)
#' @family plotting
#' @importFrom graphics boxplot
#' @export
evdiag <- function(x) {
 if (!is(x, "fsvdraws")) stop("This function expects an 'fsvdraws' object.")
 l <- x$facload
 d <- matrix(NA_real_, dim(l)[3], dim(l)[2])
 for (i in seq_len(dim(l)[3])) {
  tmp <- l[,,i, drop=FALSE]
  dim(tmp) <- c(dim(tmp)[1], dim(tmp)[2])
  d[i,] <- svd(crossprod(tmp))$d

 xs <- seq_len(dim(l)[2])
 ys <- colMeans(d)
 boxplot(d, border = "grey", main = "Eigenvalues of crossprod(facload)",
	 ylim = c(0, 2*max(ys)))
 lines(xs, ys, lwd = 2, type = "b", pch = 2)
 legend("topright", c("Posterior draws", "Posterior means"), col = c("gray", "black"), lty = 1, pch = c(NA, 2), lwd = c(1, 2))

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factorstochvol documentation built on Nov. 24, 2023, 5:08 p.m.