
Defines functions q2_parse_taxonomy read_q2biom read_qza is_q2metadata read_q2metadata qiime2meco

Documented in qiime2meco

#' Transform 'QIIME2' results to 'microtable' object.
#' @description
#' Transform 'QIIME2' qza results to microtable object.
#' @param feature_table the ASV abundance data with qza format, such as the \code{'data2_table.qza'} in the example.
#' @param sample_table default NULL; the sample metadata table; four types of formats are available: \cr
#'   1) q2-type tab seperated file of QIIME2, such as the \code{'sample-metadata.tsv'} in the example;\cr
#'   2) comma seperated file with the suffix csv or tab seperated file with suffix tsv or txt;\cr
#'   3) Excel type file with the suffix xlsx or xls; require \code{readxl} package to be installed;\cr
#'   4) \code{data.frame} object from R.
#' @param match_table default NULL; a two column table used to replace the sample names in feature table; Must be two columns without column names;
#'   The first column must be raw sample names same with those in feature table, 
#'   the second column must be new sample names same with the rownames in sample_table; Please also see the example files.
#'   If provided, must be one of the several types of formats: \cr
#'   1) comma seperated file with the suffix csv or tab seperated file with suffix tsv or txt; \cr
#'   2) Excel type file with the suffix xlsx or xls; require \code{readxl} package to be installed; \cr
#'   3) \code{data.frame} object from R.
#' @param taxonomy_table default NULL; the taxonomy assignment data with qza format, such as the \code{'taxonomy.qza'} in the example.
#' @param phylo_tree default NULL; the phylogenetic tree with qza format, such as the \code{'tree.qza'} in the example.
#' @param rep_fasta default NULL; the representative sequences with qza format, such as the \code{'dada2_rep_set.qza'} in the example.
#' @param ... parameter passed to \code{microtable$new} function of \code{microeco} package, such as \code{auto_tidy} parameter.
#' @return \code{microtable} object.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # The data files is downloaded from https://docs.qiime2.org/2020.8/tutorials/pd-mice/ 
#' #   and stored inside the package.
#' abund_file_path <- system.file("extdata", "dada2_table.qza", package="file2meco")
#' sample_file_path <- system.file("extdata", "sample-metadata.tsv", package="file2meco")
#' taxonomy_file_path <- system.file("extdata", "taxonomy.qza", package="file2meco")
#' qiime2meco(abund_file_path)
#' qiime2meco(abund_file_path, sample_table = sample_file_path)
#' qiime2meco(abund_file_path, sample_table = sample_file_path, 
#'   taxonomy_table = taxonomy_file_path)
#' }
#' @export
qiime2meco <- function(feature_table, sample_table = NULL, match_table = NULL, taxonomy_table = NULL, phylo_tree = NULL, rep_fasta = NULL, ...){
	# Read ASV data
		stop("The feature_table parameter must be provided! Please check the input!")
		feature_table <- as.data.frame(read_qza(feature_table)$data)
	# check the match_table
		feature_table <- check_match_table(match_table = match_table, abund_new = feature_table)
	#  Read metadata
			sample_table <- read_q2metadata(sample_table)
			rownames(sample_table) <- as.character(sample_table[, 1])
			sample_table <- check_sample_table(sample_table = sample_table)
	# Read taxonomy table
		taxonomy_table <- read_qza(taxonomy_table)
		taxonomy_table <- q2_parse_taxonomy(taxonomy_table$data)
		# Make the taxonomic table clean, this is very important.
		taxonomy_table %<>% tidy_taxonomy

	# Read phylo tree
		phylo_tree <- read_qza(phylo_tree)$data
		rep_fasta <- read_qza(rep_fasta)$data
	dataset <- microtable$new(sample_table = sample_table, tax_table = taxonomy_table, otu_table = feature_table, phylo_tree = phylo_tree, rep_fasta = rep_fasta, ...)

# The following functions come from the 'qiime2R' package https://github.com/jbisanz/qiime2R
# All rights reserved.
# The reason implementing those from qiime2R is that submitting package to CRAN have a strict requirement on the repository.


# read 'qiime2' metadata (.tsv)
# Loads a 'qiime2' metadata file wherein the 2nd line contains the #q2:types line dictating the type of variable (categorical/numeric)
# param file path to the input file, ex: file="~/data/moving_pictures/table.qza"

# return a data.frame wherein the first column is SampleID
read_q2metadata <- function(file) {
  defline<-strsplit(defline, split="\t")[[1]]
  defline[grep("numeric", tolower(defline))]<-"double"
  defline[grep("categorical|q2:types", tolower(defline))]<-"factor"
  coltitles<-strsplit(suppressWarnings(readLines(file)[1]), split='\t')[[1]]
  metadata<-read.table(file, header=F, col.names=coltitles, skip=2, sep='\t', colClasses = defline, check.names = FALSE)

# checks if metadata is in 'qiime2' (.tsv)
# Checks to see if a file is in 'qiime2' metadata format, ie contains #q2:types line dictating the type of variable (categorical/numeric)
# param file path to the input file, ex: file="~/data/moving_pictures/table.qza"

# return TRUE/FALSE
is_q2metadata <- function(file){
  if(grepl("^#q2:types", readLines(file)[2])){return(TRUE)}else{return(FALSE)}

# read 'qiime2' artifacts (.qza)
# extracts embedded data and object metadata into an R session
# file path to the input file, ex: file="~/data/moving_pictures/table.qza"
# tmp a temporary directory that the object will be decompressed to (default="tempdir()")
# rm should the decompressed object be removed at completion of function (T/F default=TRUE)
# return a named list of objects.
read_qza <- function(file, tmp, rm) {

if(missing(tmp)){tmp <- tempdir()}
if(missing(file)){stop("Path to artifact (.qza) not provided.")}
if(!file.exists(file)){stop("Input artifact (",file,") not found. Please check path and/or use list.files() to see files in current working directory.")}
if(missing(rm)){rm=TRUE} #remove the decompressed object from tmp
if(!grepl("qza$", file)){stop("Provided file is not qiime2 artifact (.qza).")}

unzip(file, exdir=tmp)
unpacked<-unzip(file, exdir=tmp, list=TRUE)

artifact<-read_yaml(paste0(tmp,"/", paste0(gsub("/..+","", unpacked$Name[1]),"/metadata.yaml"))) #start by loading in the metadata not assuming it will be first file listed
artifact$contents$size=sapply(paste0(tmp, "/", artifact$contents$files), file.size)
artifact$version=read.table(paste0(tmp,"/",artifact$uuid, "/VERSION"))

  #get data dependent on format
  #get data dependent on format
if(grepl("BIOMV", artifact$format)){
  artifact$data<-read_q2biom(paste0(tmp, "/", artifact$uui,"/data/feature-table.biom"))
} else if (artifact$format=="NewickDirectoryFormat"){
} else if (artifact$format=="DistanceMatrixDirectoryFormat") {
  artifact$data<-as.dist(read.table(paste0(tmp,"/", artifact$uuid, "/data/distance-matrix.tsv"), header=TRUE, row.names=1, fill= TRUE))
} else if (grepl("StatsDirFmt", artifact$format)) {
  if(paste0(artifact$uuid, "/data/stats.csv") %in% artifact$contents$files.Name){artifact$data<-read.csv(paste0(tmp,"/", artifact$uuid, "/data/stats.csv"), header=TRUE, row.names=1)}
  if(paste0(artifact$uuid, "/data/stats.tsv") %in% artifact$contents$files.Name){artifact$data<-read.table(paste0(tmp,"/", artifact$uuid, "/data/stats.tsv"), header=TRUE, row.names=1, sep='\t')} #can be tsv or csv
} else if (artifact$format=="TSVTaxonomyDirectoryFormat"){
  artifact$data<- read.table(paste0(tmp,"/", artifact$uuid, "/data/taxonomy.tsv"), sep='\t', header=TRUE, quote="", comment.char="")
} else if (artifact$format=="DNASequencesDirectoryFormat") {
  artifact$data<- Biostrings::readDNAStringSet(paste0(tmp,"/",artifact$uuid,"/data/dna-sequences.fasta"))
} else if (artifact$format=="AlignedDNASequencesDirectoryFormat") {
  artifact$data<- Biostrings::readDNAMultipleAlignment(paste0(tmp,"/",artifact$uuid,"/data/aligned-dna-sequences.fasta"))
} else if (grepl("EMPPairedEndDirFmt|EMPSingleEndDirFmt|FastqGzFormat|MultiplexedPairedEndBarcodeInSequenceDirFmt|MultiplexedSingleEndBarcodeInSequenceDirFmt|PairedDNASequencesDirectoryFormat|SingleLanePerSamplePairedEndFastqDirFmt|SingleLanePerSampleSingleEndFastqDirFmt", artifact$format)) {
  artifact$data<-data.frame(files=list.files(paste0(tmp,"/", artifact$uuid,"/data")))
  artifact$data$size<-format(sapply(artifact$data$files, function(x){file.size(paste0(tmp,"/",artifact$uuid,"/data/",x))}, simplify = TRUE))
} else {
  message("Format not supported, only a list of internal files and provenance is being imported.")
  artifact$data<-list.files(paste0(tmp,"/",artifact$uuid, "/data"))

#Add Provenance
pfiles<-paste0(tmp,"/", grep("..+provenance/..+action.yaml", unpacked$Name, value=TRUE))
artifact$provenance<-lapply(pfiles, read_yaml)
names(artifact$provenance)<-grep("..+provenance/..+action.yaml", unpacked$Name, value=TRUE)

if(rm==TRUE){unlink(paste0(tmp,"/", artifact$uuid), recursive=TRUE)}


# read 'qiime2' biom file (version 2.1)
# Loads a version 2.1 spec biom file (http://biom-format.org/documentation/format_versions/biom-2.1.html) as expected to be found within a 'qiime2' artifact.
# return a matrix of values
read_q2biom <- function(file) {
  if(missing(file)){stop("Path to biom file given")}
  if(!file.exists(file)){stop("File not found")}
      dims=c(length(hdata$observation$ids), length(hdata$sample$ids)),

# Parse 'Qiime2' taxonomy
# taxonomy a table-like object containing the columns Feature.ID and Taxon. Can be imported using read_qza(file)$data.
# tax_sep The separator between taxonomic levels. Defaults to one compatible with both GreenGenes and SILVA ("; " OR ";")
# trim_extra Remove leading characters from taxonomic levels: ex: k__ or D_0__. TRUE/FALSE. default=TRUE 
# Note: Assumes an assignment has been made to all levels. Fills missing assignments with NA.
# return a data.frame with feature IDs as row names and the columns: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
q2_parse_taxonomy <- function(taxonomy, tax_sep, trim_extra){
  if(missing(taxonomy)){stop("Taxonomy Table not supplied.")}
  if(missing(tax_sep)){tax_sep="; |;"}
  if(sum(colnames(taxonomy) %in% c("Feature.ID","Taxon"))!=2){stop("Table does not match expected format. ie does not have columns Feature.ID and Taxon.")}

  taxonomy$Taxon<-gsub("[kpcofgs]__","", taxonomy$Taxon) #remove leading characters from GG
  taxonomy$Taxon<-gsub("D_\\d__","", taxonomy$Taxon) #remove leading characters from SILVA
  taxonomy<-suppressWarnings(taxonomy %>% separate(Taxon, c("Kingdom","Phylum","Class","Order","Family","Genus","Species"), sep=tax_sep))
  taxonomy<-apply(taxonomy, 2, function(x) if_else(x=="", NA_character_, x))

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file2meco documentation built on Nov. 10, 2023, 9:09 a.m.