
Defines functions summary_factorlist

Documented in summary_factorlist

#' Summarise a set of factors (or continuous variables) by a dependent variable
#' A function that takes a single dependent variable with a vector of
#' explanatory variable names (continuous or categorical variables) to produce a
#' summary table.
#' This function aims to produce publication-ready summary tables for
#' categorical or continuous dependent variables. It usually takes a categorical
#' dependent variable to produce a cross table of counts and proportions
#' expressed as percentages or summarised continuous explanatory variables.
#' However, it will take a continuous dependent variable to produce mean
#' (standard deviation) or median (interquartile range) for use with linear
#' regression models.
#' @param .data Dataframe.
#' @param dependent Character vector of length 1:  name of dependent variable (2
#'   to 5 factor levels).
#' @param explanatory Character vector of any length: name(s) of explanatory
#'   variables.
#' @param formula an object of class "formula" (or one that can be coerced to 
#'   that class). Optional instead of standard dependent/explanatory format. 
#'   Do not include if using dependent/explanatory. 
#' @param cont Summary for continuous explanatory variables: "mean" (standard
#'   deviation) or "median" (interquartile range). If "median" then
#'   non-parametric hypothesis test performed (see below).
#' @param cont_nonpara Numeric vector of form e.g. \code{c(1,2)}. Specify which
#'   variables to perform non-parametric hypothesis tests on and summarise with
#'   "median".
#' @param cont_cut  Numeric: number of unique values in continuous variable at
#'   which to consider it a factor.
#' @param cont_range Logical. Median is show with 1st and 3rd quartiles.
#' @param p Logical: Include null hypothesis statistical test.
#' @param p_cont_para Character. Continuous variable parametric test. One of
#'   either "aov" (analysis of variance) or "t.test" for Welch two sample
#'   t-test. Note continuous non-parametric test is always Kruskal Wallis
#'   (kruskal.test) which in two-group setting is equivalent to Mann-Whitney U
#'   /Wilcoxon rank sum test.
#'   For continous dependent and continuous explanatory, the parametric test
#'   p-value returned is for the Pearson correlation coefficient. The
#'   non-parametric equivalent is for the p-value for the Spearman correlation
#'   coefficient.
#' @param p_cat Character. Categorical variable test. One of either "chisq" or
#'   "fisher".
#' @param column Logical: Compute margins by column rather than row.
#' @param total_col Logical: include a total column summing across factor
#'   levels.
#' @param orderbytotal Logical: order final table by total column high to low.
#' @param digits Number of digits to round to (1) mean/median, (2) standard
#'   deviation / interquartile range, (3) p-value, (4) count percentage, 
#'   (5) weighted count.
#' @param na_include Logical: make explanatory variables missing data explicit
#'   (\code{NA}).
#' @param na_include_dependent Logical: make dependent variable missing data
#'   explicit.
#' @param na_complete_cases Logical: include only rows with complete data.
#' @param na_to_p Logical: include missing as group in statistical test.
#' @param na_to_prop Logical: include missing in calculation of column proportions.
#' @param fit_id Logical: allows merging via \code{\link{finalfit_merge}}.
#' @param add_dependent_label Add the name of the dependent label to the top
#'   left of table.
#' @param dependent_label_prefix Add text before dependent label.
#' @param dependent_label_suffix Add text after dependent label.
#' @param add_col_totals Logical. Include column total n.
#' @param include_col_totals_percent Include column percentage of total.
#' @param col_totals_rowname Logical. Row name for column totals.
#' @param col_totals_prefix Character. Prefix to column totals, e.g. "N=".
#' @param add_row_totals Logical. Include row totals. Note this differs from
#'   \code{total_col} above particularly for continuous explanatory variables.
#' @param include_row_totals_percent Include row percentage of total.
#' @param include_row_missing_col Logical. Include missing data total for each
#'   row. Only used when \code{add_row_totals} is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param row_totals_colname Character. Column name for row totals.
#' @param row_missing_colname Character. Column name for missing data totals for
#'   each row.
#' @param weights Character vector of length 1: name of column to use for weights. 
#' Explanatory continuous variables are multiplied by weights. 
#' Explanatory categorical variables are counted with a frequency weight (sum(weights)).
#' @param catTest Deprecated. See \code{p_cat} above.
#' @return Returns a \code{factorlist} dataframe.
#' @family finalfit wrappers
#' @seealso \code{\link{fit2df}} \code{\link{ff_column_totals}}
#'   \code{\link{ff_row_totals}} \code{\link{ff_label}} \code{\link{ff_glimpse}}
#'   \code{\link{ff_percent_only}}. For lots of examples, see \url{https://finalfit.org/}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(finalfit)
#' library(dplyr)
#' # Load example dataset, modified version of survival::colon
#' data(colon_s)
#' # Table 1 - Patient demographics ----
#' explanatory = c("age", "age.factor", "sex.factor", "obstruct.factor")
#' dependent = "perfor.factor"
#' colon_s %>%
#'   summary_factorlist(dependent, explanatory, p=TRUE)
#' # summary.factorlist() is also commonly used to summarise any number of
#' # variables by an outcome variable (say dead yes/no).
#' # Table 2 - 5 yr mortality ----
#' explanatory = c("age.factor", "sex.factor", "obstruct.factor", "perfor.factor")
#' dependent = "mort_5yr"
#' colon_s %>%
#'   summary_factorlist(dependent, explanatory)
summary_factorlist <- function(.data, 
															 dependent = NULL, explanatory = NULL, 
															 formula = NULL, 
															 cont = "mean", cont_nonpara = NULL, cont_cut = 5, cont_range = TRUE, 
															 p = FALSE, p_cont_para = "aov", p_cat = "chisq",
															 column = TRUE, total_col = FALSE, orderbytotal = FALSE,
															 digits = c(1, 1, 3, 1, 0), 
															 na_include = FALSE, na_include_dependent = FALSE, 
															 na_complete_cases = FALSE, na_to_p = FALSE, na_to_prop = TRUE,
															 fit_id = FALSE,
															 add_dependent_label = FALSE,  
															 dependent_label_prefix = "Dependent: ", dependent_label_suffix = "",
															 add_col_totals = FALSE, include_col_totals_percent = TRUE,
															 col_totals_rowname = NULL, col_totals_prefix = "",
															 add_row_totals = FALSE, include_row_totals_percent = TRUE,
															 include_row_missing_col = TRUE,
															 row_totals_colname = "Total N", row_missing_colname = "Missing N",
															 catTest = NULL,
															 weights = NULL){
	# Formula interface -----------------
	## Added at request
	if(!is.null(formula) & (!is.null(dependent) | !is.null(explanatory))) stop("Formula OR dependent/explanatory terms, not both")
		.terms = ff_parse_formula(formula)
		dependent = .terms$dependent
		explanatory = .terms$explanatory
	# Warnings/Checks --------------
	if(!is.data.frame(.data)) stop(".data is not dataframe")
	if(any(class(.data) %in% c("tbl_df", "tbl"))) .data = data.frame(.data)
	if(is.null(explanatory)) stop("No explanatory variable(s) provided")
	if(any(explanatory == ".")){
		explanatory = .data %>% 
			dplyr::select(-dependent) %>% 
		message("No dependent variable(s) provided; defaulting to single-level factor")
		dependent = "all"
		.data$all = factor(1, labels="all")
	if(na_to_p & !na_include) warning("If wish to pass missing to hypothesis test (na_to_p), must have na_include = TRUE")
	if(!is.null(weights) & p) {
		warning("Hypothesis tests (probably) not valid for weighted data. Setting p = FALSE")
		p = FALSE}
	# Deprecated catTest from Hmisc for reverse dependencies
		message("catTest is deprecated. Using p_cat = 'fisher'")
		p_cat = "fisher"}
	# Extract explanatory terms (to support using * and :)
	explanatory_terms = paste("~", paste(explanatory, collapse = "+")) %>% 
		formula() %>% 
		terms() %>% 
	if(dependent %in% explanatory) stop("Cannot have dependent variable in explanatory list.")
	if(!is.null(cont_nonpara) && max(cont_nonpara) > length(explanatory)) {
		stop("cont_nonpara cannot include values greater than the number of explanatory variables")
	# Definitions ------------------------------------------------------------
	## Dependent as survival object handling
	d_is.surv = grepl("Surv[(].*[)]", dependent)
		message("Dependent variable is a survival object")
		.data$all = factor(1, labels="all")
		dependent = "all"
		# Remove strata and cluster terms - keep in table for now
		drop = grepl("cluster[(].*[)]", explanatory) |
			grepl("strata[(].*[)]", explanatory) |
			grepl("frailty[(].*[)]", explanatory)
		explanatory = explanatory[!drop]
	# Remove interactions and indicator variables
	## Intentionally done separately to above line. 
	explanatory = paste("~", paste(explanatory, collapse = "+")) %>% 
		formula() %>% 
	## Dependent is numeric
	d_is.numeric = .data %>% 
		dplyr::pull(dependent) %>% 
	if(d_is.numeric & add_col_totals){
		add_col_totals = FALSE
		message("Cannot have add_col_totals with numeric dependent.")
	## Continuous data to categorical if unique values below threshold
	cont_distinct = .data %>%
		dplyr::select(explanatory) %>% 
		dplyr::summarise_if(is.numeric, dplyr::n_distinct) %>% 
		purrr::keep(~ .x < cont_cut) %>% 
	.data = .data %>% 
		dplyr::mutate_at(cont_distinct, as.factor) %>% 
	## Explanatory variable type
	explanatory_type = .data %>% 
		dplyr::select(explanatory) %>% 
	# Non-parametric variables
	explanatory_nonpara = vector(length = length(explanatory))
	explanatory_nonpara[cont_nonpara] = TRUE
	if(cont == "median") explanatory_nonpara = TRUE
	## Labels
	var_labels = .data %>% 
		dplyr::select(explanatory) %>% 
	## Weights
	is_weighted = ifelse(is.null(weights), FALSE, TRUE)
	# Missing data handling ------------------------------------------------------------
	df.in = .data
	# Explanatory variables, make NA explicit for factors
		df.in = df.in %>% 
		df.in = df.in %>% 
			dplyr::mutate_if(names(.) %in% unlist(explanatory) & 
											 	sapply(., is.factor),
											 	forcats::fct_na_value_to_level, level = "(Missing)"
	if(na_include_dependent & !d_is.numeric){
		df.in = df.in %>% 
				!! sym(dependent) := forcats::fct_na_value_to_level(!! sym(dependent), level = "(Missing)")
	} else if(!na_include_dependent & !d_is.numeric){
		df.in = df.in %>% 
	} else if(na_include_dependent & d_is.numeric){
		warnings("Dependent is numeric and missing values cannot be made explicit. 
							 Make dependent a factor or use na_include_dependent = FALSE.")
	## Missing data to p-tests or not 
		df.p = df.in
	} else {
		df.p = .data
	if(p && na_to_p){
		message("Explanatory variable(s) missing data included in hypothesis test (p-value).")
	if(!na_include_dependent &
		 .data %>% 
		 dplyr::pull(dependent) %>% 
		 is.na() %>% 
		 any()) {message("Note: dependent includes missing data. These are dropped.")}
	# Continuous dependent --------------------------------------------------------------------
		## Hypothesis tests ---------
			p_tests =  purrr::pmap(list(explanatory, explanatory_type, explanatory_nonpara), 
														 # Categorical / parametric
														 ~ if(!..2 && !..3){
														 	if(p_cont_para == "aov"){
														 		summary(aov(as.formula(paste(dependent, "~", ..1)), df.p))[[1]][["Pr(>F)"]][[1]] %>% 
														 			p_tidy(digits[3], "")
														 	} else if (p_cont_para == "t.test"){
														 		t.test(as.formula(paste(dependent, "~", ..1)), df.p)$p.value %>% 
														 			p_tidy(digits[3], "")
														 	# Categorical / non-parametric
														 } else if (!..2 & ..3){
														 	kruskal.test(as.formula(paste(dependent, "~", ..1)), df.p)$p.value %>% 
														 		p_tidy(digits[3], "") 
														 	# Continous / parametric
														 } else if (..2 & !..3){
														 	cor.test(as.formula(paste("~", dependent, "+", ..1)), df.p, method="pearson")$p.value %>% 
														 		p_tidy(digits[3], "") 
														 	# Continous / non-parametric
														 } else if (..2 & ..3){
														 	cor.test(as.formula(paste("~", dependent, "+", ..1)), df.p, method="spearman")$p.value %>% 
														 		p_tidy(digits[3], "") 
		summary_cont_name = rep("Mean (sd)", length(explanatory_nonpara))
		summary_cont_name[explanatory_nonpara] = "Median (IQR)"
		## Output table  --------------  
		df.out = purrr::pmap(list(explanatory, explanatory_type, explanatory_nonpara, summary_cont_name), 
												 ~ if(!..2){
												 	df.in %>% 
												 		dplyr::group_by(!! sym(..1)) %>%  
												 		tidyr::drop_na(!! sym(dependent)) %>% 
												 		dplyr::summarise(value_mean = mean(!! sym(dependent), na.rm = TRUE),
												 										 value_sd = sd(!! sym(dependent), na.rm = TRUE),
												 										 value_median = median(!! sym(dependent), na.rm = TRUE),
												 										 value_q1 =quantile(!! sym(dependent), 0.25, na.rm = TRUE),
												 										 value_q3 = quantile(!! sym(dependent), 0.75, na.rm = TRUE),
												 										 n = dplyr::n()) %>% 
												 		tidyr::drop_na() %>% 
												 		dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
												 			col_total = sum(n),
												 			col_total_prop = 100 * n/col_total,
												 			Total = format_n_percent(n, col_total_prop, digits[4], digits[5]),
												 			label = ..1,
												 			unit = ..4,
												 		)  %>% 
												 		dplyr::rename(levels = 1) %>% 
												 		{ if(! ..3){
												 										value = paste0(value_mean %>% round_tidy(digits[1]), " (", 
												 																	 value_sd %>% round_tidy(digits[1]), ")")
												 		} else {
												 			{ if(cont_range){
												 											value = paste0(value_median %>% round_tidy(digits[1]), " (", 
												 																		 value_q1 %>% round_tidy(digits[1]), " to ",
												 																		 value_q3 %>% round_tidy(digits[1]), ")")
												 			} else {
												 											value = paste0(value_median %>% round_tidy(digits[1]), " (", 
												 																		 {value_q3 - value_q1} %>% round_tidy(digits[1]), ")")
												 		}} %>% 
												 			dplyr::select(., label, levels, unit, value, Total)
												 		} else {
												 			dplyr::select(., label, levels, unit, value)
												 		}}  %>% 
												 } else if(..2){
												 	df.in %>% 
												 		tidyr::drop_na(!! sym(dependent)) %>% 
												 		dplyr::summarise(value_mean = mean(!! sym(dependent), na.rm = TRUE),
												 										 value_sd = sd(!! sym(dependent), na.rm = TRUE),
												 										 value_median = median(!! sym(dependent), na.rm = TRUE),
												 										 value_q1 =quantile(!! sym(dependent), 0.25, na.rm = TRUE),
												 										 value_q3 = quantile(!! sym(dependent), 0.75, na.rm = TRUE),
												 										 value_min = min(!! sym(..1), na.rm = TRUE),
												 										 value_max = max(!! sym(..1), na.rm = TRUE),
												 										 n = (!is.na(!! sym(..1))) %>% sum(),
												 										 Total = format_n_percent(n, 100, digits[4], digits[5])) %>%
												 			label = ..1,
												 			levels = paste0("[", value_min %>% round_tidy(digits[1]), ",", 
												 											value_max %>% round_tidy(digits[1]), "]"),
												 			unit = ..4
												 		) %>% 
												 		{ if(! ..3){
												 										value = paste0(value_mean %>% round_tidy(digits[1]), " (", 
												 																	 value_sd %>% round_tidy(digits[1]), ")")
												 		} else {
												 			{ if(cont_range){
												 											value = paste0(value_median %>% round_tidy(digits[1]), " (", 
												 																		 value_q1 %>% round_tidy(digits[1]), " to ",
												 																		 value_q3 %>% round_tidy(digits[1]), ")")
												 			} else {
												 											value = paste0(value_median %>% round_tidy(digits[1]), " (", 
												 																		 {value_q3 - value_q1} %>% round_tidy(digits[1]), ")")
												 		}} %>% 
												 			dplyr::select(., label, levels, unit, value, Total)
												 		} else{
												 			dplyr::select(., label, levels, unit, value)
												 		}}  %>% 
	} else {
		# Categorical dependent -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
		## Hypothesis tests ---------
			p_tests =  purrr::pmap(list(explanatory, explanatory_type, explanatory_nonpara), 
														 ~ if(!..2){
														 	df.p %>%
														 		{ if(p_cat == "chisq"){
														 			dplyr::summarise(., chisq.test(!! sym(..1), !! sym(dependent))$p.value) %>% 
														 				p_tidy(digits[3], "")
														 		} else if (p_cat == "fisher"){
														 			dplyr::summarise(., fisher.test(!! sym(..1), !! sym(dependent))$p.value) %>% 
														 				p_tidy(digits[3], "")
														 } else if (..2 & !..3){
														 	{if (p_cont_para == "aov"){
														 		summary(aov(as.formula(paste(..1, "~", dependent)), df.p))[[1]][["Pr(>F)"]][[1]] %>% 
														 			p_tidy(digits[3], "")
														 	} else if (p_cont_para == "t.test"){
														 		t.test(as.formula(paste(..1, "~", dependent)), df.p)$p.value %>% 
														 			p_tidy(digits[3], "")
														 } else if (..2 & ..3){
														 	kruskal.test(as.formula(paste(..1, "~", dependent)), df.p)$p.value %>% 
														 		p_tidy(digits[3], "") 
		## Output table  --------------  
		df.out = purrr::pmap(list(explanatory, explanatory_type, explanatory_nonpara), 
												 ~ if(!..2){
												 	df.in %>% 
												 		dplyr::group_by(!! sym(dependent)) %>% 
												 		{ if(is.null(weights)){
												 			dplyr::count(., !! sym(..1), .drop = FALSE)
												 		} else {
												 			dplyr::count(., !! sym(..1), .drop = FALSE, wt = !! sym(weights))
												 		} %>%  
												 		dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
												 		tidyr::drop_na() %>% 
												 		{ if(na_to_prop) {
												 			dplyr::mutate(., grand_total = sum(n))
												 		} else {
												 			dplyr::mutate(., grand_total = sum(n[.[[2]] != "(Missing)"], na.rm = TRUE))
												 		} %>% 
												 		dplyr::group_by_at(2) %>% 
												 		dplyr::mutate(row_total = sum(n),
												 									col_total_prop = 100 * row_total / grand_total) %>% 
												 		{ if(column) {
												 			dplyr::group_by(., !! sym(dependent)) %>% 
												 				# Choose to include missing in column proportions 
												 				{ if(na_to_prop) {
												 												col_total = sum(n),
												 												prop = 100 * n / col_total,
												 												Total = format_n_percent(row_total, col_total_prop, digits[4], digits[5])
												 				} else {
												 												col_total = sum(n[.[[2]] != "(Missing)"], na.rm = TRUE),
												 												prop = 100 * n / col_total,
												 												prop = if_else(!! sym(names(.)[2]) == "(Missing)", NA_real_, prop),
												 												col_total_prop = if_else(!! sym(names(.)[2]) == "(Missing)", 
												 																								 NA_real_, col_total_prop),
												 												Total = format_n_percent(row_total, col_total_prop, digits[4], digits[5], 
												 																								 na_include = FALSE)
												 				} %>% 
												 		} else { 
												 			dplyr::group_by_at(., 2) %>% 
												 					prop = 100 * n / row_total,
												 					Total = paste0(row_total, " (100)")
												 		} %>% 
												 		dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
												 			value = format_n_percent(n, prop, digits[4], digits[5], na_include = FALSE)
												 		) %>%
												 		dplyr::select(-prop, -n, -grand_total, -col_total_prop) %>% 
												 		tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = !! dependent, values_from = value) %>% 
												 			label = names(.)[1]
												 		) %>%
												 		dplyr::rename(levels = 1) %>% 
												 			dplyr::arrange(., -row_total) 
												 		} else {
												 		}} %>% 
												 		dplyr::select(-row_total) %>%     
												 		dplyr::select(label, levels, dplyr::everything()) %>% 
												 		dplyr::select(-Total, dplyr::everything()) %>% 
												 		dplyr::mutate_all(as.character) %>% 
												 		# Total column
												 		{ if(total_col){
												 		} else {
												 			dplyr::select(., -Total)
												 } else {
												 	df.in %>% 
												 		{ if(!is_weighted){
												 										value_mean_total = mean(!! sym(..1), na.rm = TRUE),
												 										value_sd_total = sd(!! sym(..1), na.rm = TRUE),
												 										value_median_total = median(!! sym(..1), na.rm = TRUE),
												 										value_q1_total = quantile(!! sym(..1), 0.25, na.rm = TRUE),
												 										value_q3_total = quantile(!! sym(..1), 0.75, na.rm = TRUE)
												 			) %>%
												 				dplyr::group_by(!! sym(dependent)) %>% 
												 					value_mean = mean(!! sym(..1), na.rm = TRUE),
												 					value_sd = sd(!! sym(..1), na.rm = TRUE),
												 					value_median = median(!! sym(..1), na.rm = TRUE),
												 					value_q1 = quantile(!! sym(..1), 0.25, na.rm = TRUE),
												 					value_q3 = quantile(!! sym(..1), 0.75, na.rm = TRUE),
												 					value_iqr = value_q3 - value_q1,
												 					value_mean_total = unique(value_mean_total),
												 					value_sd_total = unique(value_sd_total),
												 					value_median_total = unique(value_median_total),
												 					value_q1_total = unique(value_q1_total),
												 					value_q3_total = unique(value_q3_total),
												 					value_iqr_total = value_q3_total - value_q1_total
												 		} else {
												 										value_mean_total = Hmisc::wtd.mean(!! sym(..1), weights = !! sym(weights), na.rm = TRUE),
												 										value_sd_total = sqrt(Hmisc::wtd.var(!! sym(..1),  weights = !! sym(weights), na.rm = TRUE)),
												 										value_median_total = Hmisc::wtd.quantile(!! sym(..1), weights = !! sym(weights), probs = 0.5, na.rm = TRUE),
												 										value_q1_total = Hmisc::wtd.quantile(!! sym(..1), weights = !! sym(weights), probs = 0.25, na.rm = TRUE),
												 										value_q3_total = Hmisc::wtd.quantile(!! sym(..1), weights = !! sym(weights), probs = 0.75, na.rm = TRUE),
												 			) %>%
												 				dplyr::group_by(!! sym(dependent)) %>% 
												 					value_mean = Hmisc::wtd.mean(!! sym(..1), weights = !! sym(weights), na.rm = TRUE),
												 					value_sd = sqrt(Hmisc::wtd.var(!! sym(..1),  weights = !! sym(weights), na.rm = TRUE)),
												 					value_median = Hmisc::wtd.quantile(!! sym(..1), weights = !! sym(weights), probs = 0.5, na.rm = TRUE),
												 					value_q1 = Hmisc::wtd.quantile(!! sym(..1), weights = !! sym(weights), probs = 0.25, na.rm = TRUE),
												 					value_q3 = Hmisc::wtd.quantile(!! sym(..1), weights = !! sym(weights), probs = 0.75, na.rm = TRUE),
												 					value_iqr = value_q3 - value_q1,
												 					value_mean_total = unique(value_mean_total),
												 					value_sd_total = unique(value_sd_total),
												 					value_median_total = unique(value_median_total),
												 					value_q1_total = unique(value_q1_total),
												 					value_q3_total = unique(value_q3_total),
												 					value_iqr_total = value_q3_total - value_q1_total
												 		}} %>% 
												 				{ if(! ..3) {
												 												value = paste0(value_mean %>% round_tidy(digits[1]), " (", 
												 																			 value_sd %>%  round_tidy(digits[2]), ")") ,
												 												Total = paste0(value_mean_total %>% round_tidy(digits[1]), " (", 
												 																			 value_sd_total %>%  round_tidy(digits[2]), ")") 
												 					) %>% 
												 						dplyr::select(dependent, value, Total) %>% 
												 						tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = !! dependent, values_from = value) %>% 
												 							label = .x,
												 							levels = "Mean (SD)"
												 				} else if (..3){
												 													value = paste0(value_median %>% round_tidy(digits[1]), " (", 
												 																				 value_q1 %>% round_tidy(digits[2]), " to ",
												 																				 value_q3 %>% round_tidy(digits[2]), ")"), 
												 													Total = paste0(value_median_total %>% round_tidy(digits[1]), " (", 
												 																				 value_q1_total %>% round_tidy(digits[2]), " to ",
												 																				 value_q3_total %>% round_tidy(digits[2]), ")") 
												 					} else {
												 													value = paste0(value_median %>% round_tidy(digits[1]), " (", 
												 																				 value_iqr %>% round_tidy(digits[2]), ")"), 
												 													Total = paste0(value_median_total %>% round_tidy(digits[1]), " (", 
												 																				 value_iqr_total %>% round_tidy(digits[2]), ")") 
												 					}} %>% 
												 						dplyr::select(dependent, value, Total) %>% 
												 						tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = !! dependent, values_from = value) %>% 
												 							label = .x,
												 							levels = "Median (IQR)"
												 				} %>% 
												 				dplyr::select(label, levels, dplyr::everything()) %>% 
												 				dplyr::select(-Total, dplyr::everything()) %>% 
												 				# Total column
												 				{ if(total_col){
												 				} else {
												 					dplyr::select(., -Total)
		df.out = df.out %>% 
			# Add hypothesis test
			{ if(p){
				purrr::map2_df(., p_tests,
											 ~ dplyr::mutate(.x,
											 								p = .y)
				)} else {
				}} %>%
			dplyr::select(label, levels, dplyr::everything()) %>% 
			as.data.frame() %>%
			{ if(fit_id){
				levels_id = .$levels
				# Catagorical outcome, continous explanatory
				drop = levels_id %in% c("Mean (SD)", "Median (IQR)")
				levels_id[drop] = ""
				# Continuous outcome, continuous explanatory
				regex_sqbracket = "^(\\[).*(\\])$"
				drop = grepl(regex_sqbracket, levels_id)
				levels_id[drop] = ""
				# Where extra terms included, add these in, e.g. I(var) (not interactions)
				extra_terms = explanatory_terms[-which(explanatory_terms %in% explanatory)]
				drop = grepl(":", extra_terms)
				extra_terms = extra_terms[!drop]
				{ if(!identical(extra_terms, character(0))){
					levels_id = c(levels_id, rep("", length(extra_terms)))
					dplyr::add_row(., label = extra_terms)
				} else {
				}} %>% 
					dplyr::mutate(., fit_id = paste0(label, levels_id),
												index = 1:dim(.)[1])
			} else {
			}} %>% 
			# Recode variable names to labels where available 
				label = dplyr::recode(label,  !!! var_labels)
			) %>% 
			# Remove duplicate variables/p-values
			rm_duplicate_labels() %>% 
			# Add column totals
			{ if(add_col_totals){
				ff_column_totals(., df.in, dependent, 
												 percent = include_col_totals_percent, 
												 na_include_dependent = na_include_dependent,
												 digits = digits[c(4, 5)], label = col_totals_rowname, 
												 prefix = col_totals_prefix, weights = weights)
			} else {
			}} %>% 
			# Add row totals
			{ if(add_row_totals){
				ff_row_totals(., .data, dependent, explanatory, missing_column = include_row_missing_col,
											na_include_dependent = FALSE, na_complete_cases = na_complete_cases, 
											total_name = row_totals_colname, na_name = row_missing_colname)
			} else {
			}} %>% 
			# Add dependent label
			{ if(add_dependent_label){
				dependent_label(., .data, dependent, 
												prefix=dependent_label_prefix, suffix = dependent_label_suffix)
			} else {
			}} %>% 
			# Replace any missing values with "", e.g. in (Missing) column
												~ ifelse(is.na(.), "", .)
		class(df.out) = c("data.frame.ff", class(df.out))
	#' Summarise a set of factors (or continuous variables) by a dependent variable
	#' A function that takes a single dependent variable with a vector of
	#' explanatory variable names (continuous or categorical variables) to produce a
	#' summary table.
	#' This function aims to produce publication-ready summary tables for
	#' categorical or continuous dependent variables. It usually takes a categorical
	#' dependent variable to produce a cross table of counts and proportions
	#' expressed as percentages or summarised continuous explanatory variables.
	#' However, it will take a continuous dependent variable to produce mean
	#' (standard deviation) or median (interquartile range) for use with linear
	#' regression models.
	#' Stratify a \code{\link{summary_factorlist}} table (beta testing) 
	#' @param .data Dataframe.
	#' @param ... Arguments to \code{\link{summary_factorlist}}.
	#' @param split Quoted variable name to stratify columns by. 
	#' @param colname_sep Separator for creation of new column name. 
	#' @param level_max_length Maximum name for each factor level contributing to column name. 
	#' @param n_common_cols Number of common columns in \code{\link{summary_factorlist}} table, usually 2.
	#' @return Dataframe. 
	#' @export
	#' @examples
	#' # Table 1 - Perforation status stratified by sex ----
	#' explanatory = c("age", "obstruct.factor")
	#' dependent = "perfor.factor"
	#' # Single split
	#' colon_s %>%
	#'   summary_factorlist_stratified(dependent, explanatory, split = c("sex.factor"))
	#' # Double split
	#' colon_s %>%
	#'	 summary_factorlist_stratified(dependent, explanatory, split = c("sex.factor", "age.factor"))
	summary_factorlist_stratified <- function(.data, ..., split, colname_sep = "|", level_max_length = 10,
																						n_common_cols = 2){
		dots = list(...)
		if(is.null(split)) stop("No split variable provided")
		if(any(split %in% dots$explanatory | split %in% dots$dependent)) stop("Split variable cannot be dependent or explanatory")
		df.out = .data %>% 
			dplyr::group_by(!!! rlang::syms(split)) %>% 
			dplyr::group_map(function(.x, .y){
				summary_factorlist(.x, ...) %>% 
					dplyr::rename_with(paste0, colname_sep, 
														 .y %>% 
														 	#dplyr::first() %>%
														 	purrr::map(as.character) %>% 
														 	purrr::map(stringr::str_trunc, level_max_length, ellipsis = "") %>% 
														 	paste(collapse = colname_sep),
														 .cols = -c(1:n_common_cols)) %>% 
			) %>% 
		summary_factorlist(.data, ...) %>% 
			dplyr::select(1:n_common_cols) %>% 

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finalfit documentation built on Nov. 17, 2023, 1:09 a.m.