# Copyright (c) 2009 Marie Laure Delignette-Muller, Regis Pouillot
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
### plot functions for censored data
### R functions
plotdistcens <- function(censdata, distr, para, leftNA = -Inf, rightNA = Inf, NPMLE = TRUE,
Turnbull.confint = FALSE,
NPMLE.method = "Wang",
if (missing(censdata) ||
!(is.vector(censdata$left) & is.vector(censdata$right) & length(censdata[,1])>1))
stop("datacens must be a dataframe with two columns named left
and right and more than one line")
if ((missing(distr) & !missing(para)) ||
(!missing(distr) & missing(para)))
stop("distr and para must defined")
my3dots <- list(...)
if("main" %in% names(my3dots)) specifytitle <- FALSE else specifytitle <- TRUE
if (missing(distr))
onlyCDFplot <- TRUE
titleCDF <- "Cumulative distribution"
} else
if (!is.character(distr))
distname <- substring(as.character($distr), 2)
distname <- distr
if (!is.list(para))
stop("'para' must be a named list")
ddistname <- paste("d", distname, sep="")
if (!exists(ddistname, mode="function"))
stop(paste("The ", ddistname, " function must be defined"))
onlyCDFplot <- FALSE
titleCDF <- "Empirical and theoretical CDFs"
# definition of xlim or lim for data and of xrange, xmininf and xmaxinf
ibounds <- c(censdata$right, censdata$left)
iboundsnotNA <- ibounds[!]
xmin <- min(iboundsnotNA)
xmax <- max(iboundsnotNA)
xrange <- xmax - xmin
xmin <- xmin - 0.1 * xrange
xmax <- xmax + 0.1 * xrange
xmininf <- xmin - 100 * xrange
xmaxinf <- xmax + 100 * xrange
xlim <- c(xmin, xmax)
#definition of ylim or lim for ECDF
ylim <- c(0,1)
# Supression of the deprecated argument Turnbull
# if (!missing(Turnbull))
# {
# warning("The argument Turnbull is deprecated and should note be used any more.
# Now use the argument NPMLE to tell if you want to compute a nonparametric
# maximum likelihood estimation of the cumulative distribution, and the argument NPMLE.method
# to define the method chosen for the computation (Turnbull or Wang).")
# if (missing(NPMLE) & missing(NPMLE.method))
# {
# if (Turnbull == TRUE)
# {
# NPMLE.method <- "Turnbull"
# } else
# {
# }
# }
# }
NPMLE.method <- match.arg(NPMLE.method, c("Wang", "Turnbull.intervals", "Turnbull.middlepoints", "Turnbull"))
if (NPMLE.method == "Turnbull")
warning("Turnbull is now a deprecated option for NPMLE.method. You should use Turnbull.middlepoints
of Turnbull.intervals. It was here fixed as Turnbull.middlepoints, equivalent to former Turnbull.")
NPMLE.method <- "Turnbull.middlepoints"
if ((Turnbull.confint == TRUE) & ((NPMLE.method == "Wang") | (NPMLE.method == "Turnbull.intervals")))
warning("When Turnbull.confint is TRUE NPMLE.method is forced to Turnbull.middlepoints." )
NPMLE.method <- "Turnbull.middlepoints"
# so the second part of the message will be printed in the following if needed
onlyCDFplot <- TRUE
if ((NPMLE.method == "Turnbull.middlepoints") & !missing(distr))
warning("Q-Q plot and P-P plot are available only
with the arguments NPMLE.method at Wang (default value) or Turnbull.intervals." )
onlyCDFplot <- TRUE
if ((NPMLE == FALSE) & !missing(distr))
warning("When NPMLE is FALSE the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation
of the cumulative distribution function is not computed.
Q-Q plot and P-P plot are available only with the arguments NPMLE.method at Wang
(default value) or Turnbull.intervals." )
onlyCDFplot <- TRUE
if (!onlyCDFplot)
pdistname <- paste("p", distname, sep="")
if (!exists(pdistname, mode="function"))
stop(paste("The ", pdistname, " function must be defined"))
qdistname <- paste("q", distname, sep="")
if (!exists(qdistname, mode="function"))
stop(paste("The ", qdistname, " function must be defined"))
densfun <- get(ddistname, mode="function")
nm <- names(para)
f <- formals(densfun)
args <- names(f)
m <- match(nm, args)
if (any(
stop(paste("'para' specifies names which are not arguments to ", ddistname))
def.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
# Plot of the empirical distribution as an ECDF
if (NPMLE)
if (NPMLE.method == "Wang" | NPMLE.method =="Turnbull.intervals")
f <- npmle(censdata, method = NPMLE.method)
# New xlim calculation from equivalence intervals
bounds <- c(f$right, f$left)
finitebounds <- bounds[is.finite(bounds)]
upper <- max(finitebounds)
lower <- min(finitebounds)
width <- upper - lower
xmin.Wang.cdf <- lower - width * 0.1
xmax.Wang.cdf <- upper + width * 0.1
xlim.Wang.cdf <- c(xmin.Wang.cdf, xmax.Wang.cdf)
ylim.Wang.cdf <- c(0,1)
k <- length(f$left)
Fnpsurv <- cumsum(f$p)
## calul des points points pour Q et P dans les GOF stat et graph
Fbefore <- c(0, Fnpsurv[-k])
df <- data.frame(left = f$left, right = f$right)
# Definition of vertices of each rectangle
Qi.left <- df$left # dim k
Qi.left4plot <- Qi.left
if (is.infinite(Qi.left4plot[1]) | is.nan(Qi.left4plot[1])) Qi.left4plot[1] <- xmininf
Qi.right <- df$right
Qi.right4plot <- Qi.right
if (is.infinite(Qi.right4plot[k]) | is.nan(Qi.right4plot[k])) Qi.right4plot[k] <- xmaxinf
# keep only 16 significants digits for R configured with noLD (--disable-long-double)
Pi.low <- signif(Fbefore, 16)
Pi.up <- signif(Fnpsurv, 16)
# Plot of the ECDF
if (specifytitle) {
plot(1, 1, type = "n", xlim = xlim.Wang.cdf, ylim = ylim.Wang.cdf,
xlab = "Censored data",
ylab = "CDF", main = titleCDF, ...)
} else {
plot(1, 1, type = "n", xlim = xlim.Wang.cdf, ylim = ylim.Wang.cdf,
xlab = "Censored data",
ylab = "CDF", ...)
xmin <- par("usr")[1]
xmax <- par("usr")[2]
# the line at right of the rectangles
dright <- c(f$left[1], rep(f$right, rep(2,k)), f$right[k])
Fright <- rep(c(0,Fnpsurv), rep(2,k+1))
lines(dright, Fright, ...)
### the line at left of the rectangles
dleft <- rep(c(f$left,f$right[k]), rep(2,k+1))
Fleft <- c(0,rep(Fnpsurv, rep(2,k)),1)
lines(dleft, Fleft, ...)
# Add of the filled rectangles
for(i in 1:k) {
rect(xleft = Qi.left4plot, ybottom = Pi.low, xright = Qi.right4plot, ytop = Pi.up,
border = "black", col = "lightgrey", ...)
} else # plot using package survival
survdata <- Surv(time = censdata$left, time2 = censdata$right, type="interval2")
survfitted <- survfit(survdata ~ 1)
if (Turnbull.confint) {
if (specifytitle) {
plot(survfitted,fun="event",xlab="Censored data",
ylab="CDF",ylim = c(0,1), main = titleCDF, ...)
} else {
plot(survfitted,fun="event",xlab="Censored data",
ylab="CDF", ylim = c(0,1), ...)
} else {
if (specifytitle) {
plot(survfitted,fun="event",xlab="Censored data",
ylab="CDF", = FALSE, main = titleCDF,
ylim = c(0,1), ...)
} else {
plot(survfitted,fun="event",xlab="Censored data",
ylab="CDF", = FALSE,
ylim = c(0,1), ...)
xmin <- par("usr")[1]
xmax <- par("usr")[2]
}else # if !NPMLE
if (is.finite(leftNA) & any($left)))
if (is.finite(rightNA) & any($right)))
if (any( )
stop("An observation cannot be both right and left censored, coded with two NA values")
noricens<-censdata[!$left) & !$right),]
# definition of mid point for each observation (if not NA)
# in order to have the order of plot of each observation
# and order of left and right bounds for censored observations
if (specifytitle) {
plot(c(0,0),c(0,0),type="n",xlim=xlim,ylim=ylim,xlab="Censored data",
ylab="CDF",main=titleCDF, ...)
} else {
plot(c(0,0),c(0,0),type="n",xlim=xlim,ylim=ylim,xlab="Censored data",
ylab="CDF", ...)
# functions to plot one interval or point for each observation for
# observation ordered i out of n
plotlcens <- function(i) {
y <- i/n
lines(c(xmininf, lcens[ordlcens[i]]), c(y, y), ...)
if (nlcens>=1)
plotnoricens<-function(i) {
if (noricens[ordmid[i],]$left!=noricens[ordmid[i],]$right)
lines(c(noricens[ordmid[i],]$left,noricens[ordmid[i],]$right),c(y,y), ...)
points(noricens[ordmid[i],]$left,y,pch=4, ...)
if (nnoricens>=1)
plotrcens<-function(i) {
lines(c(rcens[ordrcens[i]],xmaxinf),c(y,y), ...)
if (nrcens>=1)
toto <- sapply(1:nrcens,plotrcens)
} # en of else if NPMLE
if (!missing(distr)){ # plot of the theoretical cumulative function
if (!is.character(distr)) distname<-substring(as.character($distr),2)
else distname<-distr
if (!is.list(para))
stop("'para' must be a named list")
ddistname <- paste0("d", distname)
if (!exists(ddistname, mode="function"))
stop(paste("The ", ddistname, " function must be defined"))
pdistname <- paste0("p", distname)
if (!exists(pdistname, mode="function"))
stop(paste("The ", pdistname, " function must be defined"))
densfun <- get(ddistname,mode="function")
nm <- names(para)
f <- formals(densfun)
args <- names(f)
m <- match(nm, args)
if (any(
stop(paste("'para' specifies names which are not arguments to ",ddistname))
# plot of continuous data with theoretical distribution
s <- seq(xmin, xmax, by=(xmax-xmin)/100)
theop <-, c(list(s), as.list(para)))
lines(s, theop, col="red")
if (!onlyCDFplot)
# definition of rectangles and limits
Qitheo.left <-, c(list(Pi.low), as.list(para)))
Qitheo.right <-, c(list(Pi.up), as.list(para)))
xmin.Wang.qq <- min(xmin.Wang.cdf, Qitheo.right[-k])
xmax.Wang.qq <- max(xmin.Wang.cdf, Qitheo.left[-1])
xlim.Wang.qq <- c(xmin.Wang.qq, xmax.Wang.qq)
Qitheo.left4plot <- Qitheo.left
if (is.infinite(Qitheo.left4plot[1]) | is.nan(Qitheo.left4plot[1])) Qitheo.left4plot[1] <- xmininf
Qitheo.right4plot <- Qitheo.right
if (is.infinite(Qitheo.right4plot[k]) | is.nan(Qitheo.right4plot[k])) Qitheo.right4plot[k] <- xmaxinf
## Q-Q plot
plot(1, 1, type = "n", main = "Q-Q plot", xlim = xlim.Wang.qq, ylim = xlim.Wang.qq,
xlab = "Theoretical quantiles", ylab = "Empirical quantiles")
rect(xleft = Qitheo.left4plot, ybottom = Qi.left4plot, xright = Qitheo.right4plot, ytop = Qi.right4plot,
border = "black", col = "lightgrey")
## P-P plot
plot(1, 1, type = "n", main = "P-P plot", xlim = ylim, ylim = ylim,
xlab = "Theoretical probabilities", ylab = "Empirical probabilities")
# plot of rectangles
Pitheo.low <-, c(list(Qi.left), as.list(para)))
Pitheo.up <-, c(list(Qi.right), as.list(para)))
rect(xleft = Pitheo.low, ybottom = Pi.low, xright = Pitheo.up, ytop = Pi.up,
border = "black", col = "lightgrey")
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