# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation from interval-censored data #
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# Internal optimi functions for Hierarchical constrained Newton Method #
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# Original code from Yong Wang, 2020 #
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## ==========================================================================
## Hierarchical CNM: a variant of the Constrained Newton Method for finding
## the NPMLE survival function of a data set containing interval censoring.
## This is a new method to build on those in the Icens and MLEcens
## packages. It uses the idea of block subsets of the S matrix to move
## probability mass among blocks of candidate support intervals.
## Usage (parameters and return value) is similar to the methods in package
## Icens, although note the transposed clique matrix.
## Arguments:
## data: Data
## w: Weights
## D: Clique matrix, n*m (note, transposed c.f. Icens::EMICM,
## MLEcens::reduc). The clique matrix may contain conditional
## probabilities rather than just membership flags, for use in HCNM
## recursively calling itself.
## p0: Vector (length m) of initial estimates for the probabilities of
## the support intervals.
## maxit: Maximum number of iterations to perform
## tol: Tolerance for the stopping condition (in log-likelihood value)
## blockpar:
## NA or NULL means choose a value based on the data (using n and r)
## ==0 means same as cnm (don't do blocks)
## <1 means nblocks is this power of sj, e.g. 0.5 for sqrt
## >1 means exactly this block size (e.g. 40)
## recurs.maxit: For internal use only: maximum number of iterations in
## recursive calls
## depth: For internal use only: depth of recursion
## verb: For internal use only: depth of recursion
## pkg: package used in NNLS_constrSum()
## Author: Stephen S. Taylor and Yong Wang
## Reference: Wang, Y. and Taylor, S. M. (2013). Efficient computation of
## nonparametric survival functions via a hierarchical mixture
## formulation. Statistics and Computing, 23, 713-725.
## ==========================================================================
hcnm = function(data, w=1, D=NULL, p0=NULL, maxit=100, tol=1e-6,
blockpar=NULL, recurs.maxit=2, depth=1, verb=0,
pkg="stats", ...) {
if(missing(D)) {
x2 = icendata(data, w) #see npsurv-intercens.R
if(nrow(x2$o) == 0 || all(x2$o[,2] == Inf)) { # exact or right-censored only
r0 = km(x2)
r = list(f=r0$f, convergence=TRUE, ll=r0$ll, maxgrad=0, numiter=1)
class(r) = "npsurv"
x = rbind(cbind(x2$t, x2$t), x2$o)
nx = nrow(x)
w = c(x2$wt, x2$wo)
dmat = Deltamatrix(x) #see npsurv-intercens.R
left = dmat$left
right = dmat$right
intervals = cbind(left, right)
D = dmat$Delta
else {
if (missing(p0)) stop("Must provide 'p0' with D.")
if (!missing(data)) warning("D and data both provided. LR ignored!")
nx = nrow(D)
w = rep(w, length=nx)
intervals = NULL
n = sum(w)
wr = sqrt(w)
converge = FALSE
m = ncol(D)
m1 = 1:m
nblocks = 1
maxdepth = depth
i = rowSums(D) == 1
r = mean(i) # Proportion of exact observations
if(is.null(p0)) {
## Derive an initial p vector.
j = colSums(D[i,,drop=FALSE]) > 0
while(any(c(FALSE,(i <- rowSums(D[,j,drop=FALSE])==0)))) {
j[which.max(colSums(D[i,,drop=FALSE]))] = TRUE
p = colSums(w * D) * j
else { if(length(p <- p0) != m) stop("Argument 'p0' is the wrong length.") }
p = p / sum(p)
P = drop(D %*% p)
ll = sum(w * log(P))
evenstep = FALSE
for(iter in 1:maxit) {
p.old = p
ll.old = ll
S = D / P
g = colSums(w * S)
dmax = max(g) - n
if(verb > 0) {
cat("\n##### Iteration", iter, "#####\n")
cat("Log-likelihood: ", signif(ll, 6), "\n")
if(verb > 1) cat("Maximum gradient: ", signif(dmax, 6), "\n")
if(verb > 2)
cat("Probability vector of length ", length(p), " :\n")
if(length(p) > 12)
cat(head(as.numeric(p)), "\t ...\t", tail(as.numeric(p)), "\n")
cat(as.numeric(p), "\n")
j = p > 0
if(depth==1) {
s = unique(c(1,m1[j],m))
if (length(s) > 1) for (l in 2:length(s)) {
j[s[l-1] + which.max(g[s[l-1]:s[l]]) - 1] = TRUE
sj = sum(j)
## BW: matrix of block weights: sj rows, nblocks columns
if(is.null(blockpar) ||
## Default blockpar based on log(sj), Equation (14) p6 of Wang & Taylor
iter.blockpar = ifelse(sj < 30, 0,
1 - log(max(20,10*log(sj/100)))/log(sj))
else iter.blockpar = blockpar
if(iter.blockpar==0 | sj < 30) {
nblocks = 1
BW = matrix(1, nrow=sj, ncol=1)
else {
nblocks = max(1, if(iter.blockpar>1) round(sj/iter.blockpar)
else floor(min(sj/2, sj^iter.blockpar)))
i = seq(0, nblocks, length=sj+1)[-1]
if(evenstep) {
nblocks = nblocks + 1
BW = outer(round(i)+1, 1:nblocks, "==")
else BW = outer(ceiling(i), 1:nblocks, "==")
storage.mode(BW) = "numeric"
for(block in 1:nblocks) {
jj = logical(m)
jj[j] = BW[,block] > 0
sjj = sum(jj)
if (sjj > 1 && (delta <- sum(p.old[jj])) > 0) {
Sj = S[,jj]
#original call
#res = pnnls(wr * Sj, wr * drop(Sj %*% p.old[jj]) + wr, sum=delta)
#new call
resNNLS <- NNLS_constrSum(a=wr * Sj, b=wr * drop(Sj %*% p.old[jj]) + wr,
pkg=pkg, sumtotal=delta, control=list(trace=verb, maxit=5000), ...) #see npsurv-NNLS.R
if(resNNLS$convergence != 0)
warning("Problem NNLS_constrSum(a,b)")
xj <- resNNLS$prob
if(verb > 3) {cat("Block:", block, "\t delta", delta, "\t Optimized vector by NNLS:\n"); print(xj)}
p[jj] = p[jj] + BW[jj[j],block] * (xj * (delta / sum(xj)) - p.old[jj])
## Maximise likelihood along the line between p and p.old = p - p.old # vector from old to new estimate
## extrapolated rise in ll, based on gradient at old estimate = sum(g *
alpha = 1
p.alpha = p
ll.rise.alpha =
repeat {
P = drop(D %*% p.alpha)
ll = sum(w * log(P))
if(ll >= ll.old && ll + ll.rise.alpha <= ll.old) {
p = p.alpha # flat land reached
converge = TRUE
if(ll > ll.old && ll >= ll.old + ll.rise.alpha * .33) {
p = p.alpha # Normal situation: new ll is higher
if((alpha <- alpha * 0.5) < 1e-10) {
p = p.old
P = drop(D %*% p)
ll = ll.old
converge = TRUE
p.alpha = p.old + alpha *
ll.rise.alpha = alpha *
if(converge) break
if (nblocks > 1) {
## Now jiggle p around among the blocks
Q = sweep(BW,1,p[j],"*") # Matrix of weighted probabilities: [sj,nblocks]
q = colSums(Q) # its column sums (total in each block)
## Now Q is n*nblocks Matrix of probabilities for mixture components
Q = sweep(D[,j] %*% Q, 2, q, "/")
if (any(q == 0)) {
warning("A block has zero probability!")
else {
if(verb >= 4)
## Recursively call HCNM to allocate probability among the blocks
res = hcnm(w=w, D=Q, p0=q, blockpar=iter.blockpar,
maxit=recurs.maxit, recurs.maxit=recurs.maxit,
depth=depth+1, pkg=pkg, ...)
maxdepth = max(maxdepth, res$maxdepth)
if (res$ll > ll) {
p[j] = p[j] * (BW %*% (res$pf / q))
P = drop(D %*% p)
ll = sum(w * log(P)) # should match res$lval
if(iter > 2) if( ll <= ll.old + tol ) {converge=TRUE; break}
evenstep = !evenstep
list(pf=p, intervals=intervals, convergence=converge, method="hcnm", ll=ll,
maxgrad=max(crossprod(w/P, D))-n, numiter=iter)
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