# Author: Laurent Berge
# Date creation: Sun Nov 24 09:18:19 2019
# ~: Lagging
# -------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Contains all functions to ensure the easy lagging of variables
# within fixest estimations.
# -------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Make sure data.table knows we're using it
.datatable.aware = TRUE
panel_setup = function(data,, time.step = NULL, duplicate.method = "none",
DATA_MISSING = FALSE, from_fixest = FALSE){
# Function to setup the panel.
# Used in lag.formula, panel, and fixest_env (with argument and panel.args)
# DATA_MISSING: arg used in lag.formula
check_set_arg(duplicate.method, "match(none, first)")
check_arg(, "character vector len(,2) no na | formula",
.message = "The argument '' must be either: i) a one sided formula (e.g. ~id+time), ii) a character vector of length 2 (e.g. c('id', 'time'), or iii) a character scalar of two variables separated by a comma (e.g. 'id,time').")
if("formula" %in% class({
tm = terms_hat(
var_id_time = attr(tm, "term.labels")
if(length(var_id_time) != 2){
stop_up("The formula of the argument '' must contain exactly two variables in the right hand side (currently there {$are} {len ? var_id_time}).")
all_vars = all.vars(tm)
} else if(length( == 2){
all_vars = var_id_time =
} else if(length( == 1){
var_id_time = gsub("(^ +| +$)", "", strsplit(, ",")[[1]])
all_vars = var_id_time = var_id_time[nchar(var_id_time) > 0]
if(length(var_id_time) != 2){
stop_up("The argument '' must be either: i) a one sided formula (e.g. ~id+time), ii) a character vector of length 2 (e.g. c('id', 'time'), or iii) a character scalar of two variables separated by a comma (e.g. 'id,time'). Currently it is neither of the three.")
if(!all(all_vars %in% ls(parent.frame(2)))){
pblm = setdiff(all_vars, ls(parent.frame(2)))
stop_up("In the argument '', the variable{$s, enum.q, were ? pblm} not found in the environment.")
id = eval(str2lang(var_id_time[1]), parent.frame(2))
time = eval(str2lang(var_id_time[2]), parent.frame(2))
} else {
if(!all(all_vars %in% names(data))){
pblm = setdiff(all_vars, names(data))
stop_up("In the argument '', the variable{$s, enum.q, are ? pblm} not in the data set.")
id = eval(str2lang(var_id_time[1]), data)
time = eval(str2lang(var_id_time[2]), data)
} = as.formula(paste0("~", var_id_time[1], "+", var_id_time[2]))
# copy for later (in duplicates)
id_origin = id
time_origin = time
is_na = |
na_flag = FALSE
na_flag = TRUE
id = id[!is_na]
time = time[!is_na]
# time.step
time.step = "unitary"
} else {
time.step = "consecutive"
if(any(grepl("(?i)date", class(time)))){
time_new = tryCatch(as.numeric(time), warning = function(x) x)
warning("When setting the panel: the time variable is a 'date' but could not be converted to numeric. Its character counterpart is used => please check it makes sense.")
time = as.character(time)
} else {
time = time_new
} else {
"numeric scalar GT{0} | match(unitary, consecutive, within.consecutive)")
# unitary time.step: conversion to numeric before quf
if(time.step == "unitary") {
time_conversion = FALSE
time_conversion = TRUE
time_new = tryCatch(as.numeric(time), warning = function(x) x)
stop_up("The time variable must be numeric or at least convertible to numeric. So far the conversion has failed (time variable's class is currently {}). Alternatively, you can have more options to set up the panel using the function panel().")
} else {
stop_up("To use the 'unitary' time.step, the time variable must be numeric or at least convertible to numeric. So far the conversion has failed (time variable's class is currently {}).")
time = time_new
if(any(time %% 1 != 0)){
stop_up("The time variable{&time_conversion; (which has been converted to numeric)} must be made of integers. So far this is not the case. Alternatively, you can have more options to set up the panel using the function panel().")
} else {
stop_up("To use the 'unitary' time.step, the time variable{&time_conversion; (which has been converted to numeric)} must be made of integers. So far this is not the case. Alternatively, you can give a number in time.step.")
} else if(!is.character(time.step)){
stop_up("If 'time.step' is a number, then the time variable must also be numeric (this is not the case: its class is currently {enum.q?class(time)}).")
# Computation quf
id = quickUnclassFactor(id)
time_full = quickUnclassFactor(time, addItem = TRUE, sorted = TRUE)
# WIP: define this unitary time step!!!! not straightforward at all!
# what to do with the ones that don't fit the unit???
# example: time = c(1, 3, 6, 11) => smallest unit is 2, but it does not divide the others
# NOTA: "time" is not used as a CPP index: so we don't care that it goes from 1 to K
# or from 0 to K-1. We only care that the numbers are consecutive
# Releveling the time ID depending on the time.step
if(time.step %in% c("consecutive", "within.consecutive")){
# for within.consecutive, we deal with it after sorting
time = time_full$x
} else if(time.step == "unitary"){
time_unik = time_full$items
if(length(time_unik) == 1){
my_step = 1
time = rep(0, length(time_full$x))
} else {
all_steps = unique(diff(time_unik))
my_step = cpp_pgcd(all_steps)
# we rescale time_unik
time_unik_new = (time_unik - min(time_unik)) / my_step
time = time_unik_new[time_full$x]
if(my_step != 1){
message("NOTE: unitary time step taken: ", my_step, ".")
} else {
time_unik = time_full$items
# consistency check
all_steps = diff(time_unik)
if(any(all_steps %% time.step != 0)){
obs_pblm = which(all_steps %% time.step != 0)
stop_up("If 'time.step' is a number, then it must be an exact divisor of all the difference between two consecutive time periods. This is currently not the case: ", time.step, " is not a divisor of ", all_steps[obs_pblm][1], " (the difference btw the time periods ", time_unik[obs_pblm[1] + 1], " and ", time_unik[obs_pblm[1]], ").")
# we rescale time_unik // checks done beforehand
time_unik_new = (time_unik - min(time_unik)) / time.step
time = time_unik_new[time_full$x]
# Here time is always integer: we convert it if necessary (hasten 'order' calls)
time = as.integer(time)
order_it = order(id, time)
order_inv = order(order_it)
id_sorted = id[order_it]
time_sorted = time[order_it]
if(time.step == "within.consecutive"){
time_sorted = 1:length(time_sorted)
# We check for duplicate rows => lag not defined for them
if(duplicate.method == "none"){
dup_info = cpp_find_duplicates(id_sorted, time_sorted)
if(dup_info$n_dup > 0){
obs_ok = which(!is_na)
} else {
obs_ok = 1:length(id)
obs_pblm = obs_ok[order_inv[dup_info$obs]]
id_dup = id_origin[obs_pblm]
time_dup = time_origin[obs_pblm]
stop_up("The panel identifiers contain duplicate values: this is not allowed since lag/leads are not defined for them. For example (id, time) = (", id_dup, ", ", time_dup, ") appears ", n_times(dup_info$n_dup), ". Please provide data without duplicates -- or you can also use duplicate.method = 'first' (see Details).")
res = list(order_it = order_it, order_inv = order_inv, id_sorted = id_sorted,
time_sorted = time_sorted, na_flag = na_flag, =
if(na_flag) res$is_na = is_na
#' @describeIn l Forwards a variable (inverse of lagging) in a `fixest` estimation
f = function(x, k = 1, fill = NA){
l(x, -k, fill)
#' @describeIn l Creates differences (i.e. x - lag(x)) in a `fixest` estimation
d = function(x, k = 1, fill = NA){
x - l(x, k, fill)
#' Lags a variable in a `fixest` estimation
#' Produce lags or leads in the formulas of `fixest` estimations or when creating variables in
#' a [`data.table::data.table`]. The data must be set as a panel beforehand (either with
#' the function [`panel`] or with the argument `` in the estimation).
#' @param x The variable.
#' @param k A vector of integers giving the number of lags (for `l()` and `d()`) or
#' leads (for `f()`). For `l()` and `d()` negative values lead to leads. For `f()`
#' negative values lead to lags.
#' This argument can be a vector when using it in fixest estimations. When creating variables in
#' a [`data.table::data.table`], it **must** be of length one.
#' @param fill A scalar, default is `NA`. How to fill the missing values due to the lag/lead?
#' Note that in a `fixest` estimation, 'fill' must be numeric (not required when
#' creating new variables).
#' @return
#' These functions can only be used i) in a formula of a `fixest` estimation, or ii) when
#' creating variables within a `fixest_panel` object (obtained with function [`panel`]) which
#' is alaos a [`data.table::data.table`].
#' @seealso
#' The function [`panel`] changes `data.frames` into a panel from which the functions `l`
#' and `f` can be called. Otherwise you can set the panel 'live' during the estimation using
#' the argument `` (see for example in the function [`feols`]).
#' @examples
#' data(base_did)
#' # Setting a data set as a panel...
#' pdat = panel(base_did, ~ id + period)
#' # ...then using the functions l and f
#' est1 = feols(y ~ l(x1, 0:1), pdat)
#' est2 = feols(f(y) ~ l(x1, -1:1), pdat)
#' est3 = feols(l(y) ~ l(x1, 0:3), pdat)
#' etable(est1, est2, est3, order = c("f", "^x"), drop = "Int")
#' # or using the argument
#' feols(f(y) ~ l(x1, -1:1), base_did, = ~id + period)
#' feols(d(y) ~ d(x1), base_did, = ~id + period)
#' # l() and f() can also be used within a data.table:
#' if(require("data.table")){
#' pdat_dt = panel(, ~id+period)
#' # Now since pdat_dt is also a data.table
#' # you can create lags/leads directly
#' pdat_dt[, x1_l1 := l(x1)]
#' pdat_dt[, x1_d1 := d(x1)]
#' pdat_dt[, c("x1_l1_fill0", "y_f2") := .(l(x1, fill = 0), f(y, 2))]
#' }
l = function(x, k = 1, fill = NA){
value = x
sys_calls = rev(sys.calls())
# To improve => you don't wanna check all frames, only the relevant ones
from_fixest = FALSE
for(where in 1:min(22, sys.nframe())){
if(exists("panel__meta__info", parent.frame(where))){
from_fixest = TRUE
meta_info = get("panel__meta__info", parent.frame(where))
if(from_fixest == FALSE){
# Using l/f within data.table
fl_authorized = getOption("fixest_fl_authorized")
# Further control
check_arg(k, "integer scalar",
.message = "When creating lags (or leads) within a data.table with l() (or f()), the argument 'lag' must be a single integer.")
check_arg(fill, "NA | scalar")
if(is.numeric(value) && !is.numeric(fill)){
mc =
stop("Argument 'fill' must be of the same type as ", deparse_long(mc$x), ", which is numeric.")
if(!is.numeric(value) && is.numeric(fill)){
mc =
stop("Argument 'fill' must be of the same type as ", deparse_long(mc$x), ", which is not numeric while 'fill' is.")
# I could go further in checking but it's enough
# we fetch the panel information
i = 2
sysEval = sys.parent(i)
while(sysEval != 0 && !grepl("[.data.table", deparse([[1]])[1],
fixed = TRUE)){
i = i + 1
sysEval = sys.parent(i)
if(sysEval == 0){
options(fixest_fl_authorized = FALSE)
stop("Unknown error when trying to create a lag (or lead) with function l() (or f()) within data.table. This is a 'fixest' error, may be worth reporting if needed.")
# Bug #76
# I don't understand why but the frame numbers got messed up when
# variables are created within a function
# I need deparse for it to work with R 3.5.0
var = deparse($x)[1]
data_fixest_panel = NULL
up = 0
while(!inherits(data_fixest_panel, "fixest_panel") &&
sys.parent(i + up) != 0){
if(exists(var, envir = parent.frame(i + up), mode = "list")){
# bug #500 => more robust way to get the panel data set
data_fixest_panel = get(var, envir = parent.frame(i + up),
mode = "list")
} else {
try(data_fixest_panel <- eval(var, parent.frame(i + up)),
silent = TRUE)
up = up + 1
if(sys.parent(i + up - 1) == 0){
stop("We tried to lag a variable but the data set could not be fetched. This is an internal error to 'fixest'. It could be interesting to report this bug.")
if(!"fixest_panel" %in% class(data_fixest_panel)){
stopi("It seems l(), d() or f() has been called within a `fixest_panel` which is also a `data_table`.\nUnfortunately we could not get the data set.\nThis is an internal error: Could you report?")
meta_info = attr(data_fixest_panel, "panel_info")
} else {
stop("Function l() (or f()) is only callable within 'fixest' estimations or within a variable creation with data.table (i.e. using ':=') where the data set is a 'fixest_panel' (obtained from panel()). Alternatively, you can use lag.formula().")
# we get the observation id!
if(length(meta_info$id_sorted) != length(meta_info$time_sorted)){
stop("Internal error: lengths of the individuals and the time vectors are different.")
obs_lagged = cpp_lag_obs(id = meta_info$id_sorted, time = meta_info$time_sorted, nlag = k)
# the lagged value => beware of NAs in IDs!
value_sorted = (value[!meta_info$is_na])[meta_info$order_it]
} else {
value_sorted = value[meta_info$order_it]
value_lagged = value_sorted[obs_lagged]
qui_na =
value_lagged[qui_na] = fill
if(meta_info$na_flag == FALSE){
res = value_lagged[meta_info$order_inv]
} else{
res = rep(NA, length(value))
res[!meta_info$is_na] = value_lagged[meta_info$order_inv]
l__expand = function(x, k = 1, fill){
mc =
if(missing(x)) stop("Argument 'x' cannot be missing.")
check_arg(k, "integer vector no na")
check_arg(fill, "NA | numeric scalar")
mc_new = mc
res = c()
for(i in 1:length(k)){
if(k[i] == 0){
res[i] = deparse_long(mc_new$x)
} else {
if(k[i] < 0){
mc_new[[1]] ="f")
mc_new$k = as.numeric(-k[i])
} else {
mc_new[[1]] ="l")
mc_new$k = as.numeric(k[i])
res[i] = gsub("x = |k = ", "", deparse_long(mc_new))
# same as l_expand, but opposite sign
f__expand = function(x, k = 1, fill){
mc =
if(missing(x)) stop("Argument 'x' cannot be missing.")
check_arg(k, "integer vector no na")
check_arg(fill, "NA | numeric scalar")
mc_new = mc
res = c()
for(i in 1:length(k)){
if(k[i] == 0){
res[i] = deparse_long(mc_new$x)
} else {
if(k[i] < 0){
mc_new[[1]] ="l")
mc_new$k = as.numeric(-k[i])
} else {
mc_new[[1]] ="f")
mc_new$k = as.numeric(k[i])
res[i] = gsub("x = |k = ", "", deparse_long(mc_new))
# The diff operator
d__expand = function(x, k = 1, fill){
mc =
if(missing(x)) stop("Argument 'x' cannot be missing.")
check_arg(k, "integer vector no na")
check_arg(fill, "NA | numeric scalar")
mc_new = mc
res = c()
for(i in 1:length(k)){
if(k[i] == 0){
res[i] = deparse_long(mc_new$x)
} else {
mc_new[[1]] ="d")
mc_new$k = as.numeric(k[i])
res[i] = gsub("x = |k = ", "", deparse_long(mc_new))
#' Lags a variable using a formula
#' Lags a variable using panel id + time identifiers in a formula.
#' @inheritParams panel
#' @param x A formula of the type `var ~ id + time` where `var` is the variable to be lagged,
#' `id` is a variable representing the panel id, and `time` is the time variable of the panel.
#' @param k An integer giving the number of lags. Default is 1. For leads,
#' just use a negative number.
#' @param data Optional, the data.frame in which to evaluate the formula. If not provided,
#' variables will be fetched in the current environment.
#' @param fill Scalar. How to fill the observations without defined lead/lag values.
#' Default is `NA`.
#' @param ... Not currently used.
#' @return
#' It returns a vector of the same type and length as the variable to be lagged in the formula.
#' @author
#' Laurent Berge
#' @seealso
#' Alternatively, the function [`panel`] changes a `data.frame` into a panel from which
#' the functions `l` and `f` (creating leads and lags) can be called. Otherwise you can set
#' the panel 'live' during the estimation using the argument `` (see for example in
#' the function [`feols`]).
#' @examples
#' # simple example with an unbalanced panel
#' base = data.frame(id = rep(1:2, each = 4),
#' time = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 4, 6, 9), x = 1:8)
#' base$lag1 = lag(x~id+time, 1, base) # lag 1
#' base$lead1 = lag(x~id+time, -1, base) # lead 1
#' base$lag2_fill0 = lag(x~id+time, 2, base, fill = 0)
#' # with time.step = "consecutive"
#' base$lag1_consecutive = lag(x~id+time, 1, base, time.step = "consecutive")
#' # => works for indiv. 2 because 9 (resp. 6) is consecutive to 6 (resp. 4)
#' base$lag1_within.consecutive = lag(x~id+time, 1, base, time.step = "within")
#' # => now two consecutive years within each indiv is one lag
#' print(base)
#' # Argument time.step = "consecutive" is
#' # mostly useful when the time variable is not a number:
#' # e.g. c("1991q1", "1991q2", "1991q3") etc
#' # with duplicates
#' base_dup = data.frame(id = rep(1:2, each = 4),
#' time = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3), x = 1:8)
#' # Error because of duplicate values for (id, time)
#' try(lag(x~id+time, 1, base_dup))
#' # Error is bypassed, lag corresponds to first occurence of (id, time)
#' lag(x~id+time, 1, base_dup, duplicate.method = "first")
#' # Playing with time steps
#' base = data.frame(id = rep(1:2, each = 4),
#' time = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 4, 6, 9), x = 1:8)
#' # time step: 0.5 (here equivalent to lag of 1)
#' lag(x~id+time, 2, base, time.step = 0.5)
#' # Error: wrong time step
#' try(lag(x~id+time, 2, base, time.step = 7))
#' # Adding NAs + unsorted IDs
#' base = data.frame(id = rep(1:2, each = 4),
#' time = c(4, NA, 3, 1, 2, NA, 1, 3), x = 1:8)
#' base$lag1 = lag(x~id+time, 1, base)
#' base$lag1_within = lag(x~id+time, 1, base, time.step = "w")
#' base_bis = base[order(base$id, base$time),]
#' print(base_bis)
#' # You can create variables without specifying the data within data.table:
#' if(require("data.table")){
#' base = data.table(id = rep(1:2, each = 3), year = 1990 + rep(1:3, 2), x = 1:6)
#' base[, x.l1 := lag(x~id+year, 1)]
#' }
lag.formula = function(x, k = 1, data, time.step = NULL, fill = NA,
duplicate.method = c("none", "first"), ...){
# Arguments:
# time.step: default: "consecutive", other option: "unitary" (where you find the most common step and use it -- if the data is numeric), other option: a number, of course the time must be numeric
# - add duplicate.method = "sum" // although it is not super useful in my opinion (but maybe other users disagree)
# - several lags => matrix? I donno...
# - check argument 'fill' in here (not in panel_setup)
validate_dots(suggest_args = c("k", "data", "time.step", "fill"))
# Controls
check_set_arg(duplicate.method, "match")
check_arg(data, "data.frame | matrix")
check_arg(k, "integer scalar")
stop("The variables of 'data' have no name (data is a matrix without column names).")
data =
} else if("data.table" %in% class(data)){
data =
existing_vars = names(data)
} else {
existing_vars = ls(parent.frame())
vars = all.vars(x)
qui_pblm = setdiff(vars, existing_vars)
if(length(qui_pblm) > 0){
stopi("In the formula the variable{$s, enum.q, is ? qui_pblm} not in the ",
"{&DATA_MISSING ; environment. Add argument data? ; data.}")
fml = x
value = eval(fml[[2]], parent.frame())
} else {
value = eval(fml[[2]], data)
# checking argument fill
check_arg(fill, "NA | scalar")
if(is.numeric(value) && !is.numeric(fill)){
stop("Argument 'fill' must be of the same type as ", deparse_long(fml[[2]]), ", which is numeric.")
if(!is.numeric(value) && is.numeric(fill)){
stop("Argument 'fill' must be of the same type as ", deparse_long(fml[[2]]), ", which is not numeric while 'fill' is.")
# I could go further in checking but it's enough
meta_info = panel_setup(data, = x, time.step = time.step,
duplicate.method = duplicate.method, DATA_MISSING = DATA_MISSING)
# we get the observation id!
obs_lagged = cpp_lag_obs(id = meta_info$id_sorted, time = meta_info$time_sorted, nlag = k)
# the lagged value => beware of NAs in IDs!
value_sorted = (value[!meta_info$is_na])[meta_info$order_it]
} else {
value_sorted = value[meta_info$order_it]
value_lagged = value_sorted[obs_lagged]
qui_na =
value_lagged[qui_na] = fill
if(meta_info$na_flag == FALSE){
res = value_lagged[meta_info$order_inv]
} else{
res = rep(NA, length(value))
res[!meta_info$is_na] = value_lagged[meta_info$order_inv]
#' @describeIn lag.formula Lags a variable using a formula syntax
lag_fml = lag.formula
#' Constructs a `fixest` panel data base
#' Constructs a `fixest` panel data base out of a data.frame which allows to use leads and lags
#' in `fixest` estimations and to create new variables from leads and lags if the data.frame
#' was also a [`data.table::data.table`].
#' @param data A data.frame.
#' @param The panel identifiers. Can either be: i) a one sided formula
#' (e.g. ` = ~id+time`), ii) a character vector of length 2
#' (e.g. `'id', 'time')`, or iii) a character scalar of two variables
#' separated by a comma (e.g. `'id,time'`). Note that you can combine variables
#' with `^` only inside formulas (see the dedicated section in [`feols`]).
#' @param time.step The method to compute the lags, default is `NULL` (which means
#' automatically set). Can be equal to: `"unitary"`, `"consecutive"`, `"within.consecutive"`,
#' or to a number. If `"unitary"`, then the largest common divisor between consecutive
#' time periods is used (typically if the time variable represents years, it will be 1).
#' This method can apply only to integer (or convertible to integer) variables.
#' If `"consecutive"`, then the time variable can be of any type: two successive
#' time periods represent a lag of 1. If `"witihn.consecutive"` then **within a given id**,
#' two successive time periods represent a lag of 1. Finally, if the time variable is numeric,
#' you can provide your own numeric time step.
#' @param duplicate.method If several observations have the same id and time values,
#' then the notion of lag is not defined for them. If `duplicate.method = "none"` (default)
#' and duplicate values are found, this leads to an error. You can use
#' `duplicate.method = "first"` so that the first occurrence of identical id/time
#' observations will be used as lag.
#' @details
#' This function allows you to use leads and lags in a `fixest` estimation without having to
#' provide the argument ``. It also offers more options on how to set the panel
#' (with the additional arguments 'time.step' and 'duplicate.method').
#' When the initial data set was also a `data.table`, not all operations are supported and some may
#' dissolve the `fixest_panel`. This is the case when creating subselections of the initial data
#' with additional attributes (e.g. `pdt[x>0, .(x, y, z)]` would dissolve the `fixest_panel`,
#' meaning only a data.table would be the result of the call).
#' If the initial data set was also a `data.table`, then you can create new variables from lags
#' and leads using the functions [`l`] and [`f`][fixest::l]. See the example.
#' @return
#' It returns a data base identical to the one given in input, but with an additional attribute:
#' \dQuote{panel_info}. This attribute contains vectors used to efficiently
#' create lags/leads of the data. When the data is subselected, some bookeeping is performed
#' on the attribute \dQuote{panel_info}.
#' @author
#' Laurent Berge
#' @seealso
#' The estimation methods [`feols`], [`fepois`][fixest::feglm] and [`feglm`].
#' The functions [`l`] and [`f`][fixest::l] to create lags and leads within `fixest_panel` objects.
#' @examples
#' data(base_did)
#' # Setting a data set as a panel...
#' pdat = panel(base_did, ~id+period)
#' # ...then using the functions l and f
#' est1 = feols(y~l(x1, 0:1), pdat)
#' est2 = feols(f(y)~l(x1, -1:1), pdat)
#' est3 = feols(l(y)~l(x1, 0:3), pdat)
#' etable(est1, est2, est3, order = c("f", "^x"), drop="Int")
#' # or using the argument
#' feols(f(y)~l(x1, -1:1), base_did, = ~id+period)
#' # You can use in various ways:
#' pdat = panel(base_did, ~id+period)
#' # is identical to:
#' pdat = panel(base_did, c("id", "period"))
#' # and also to:
#' pdat = panel(base_did, "id,period")
#' # l() and f() can also be used within a data.table:
#' if(require("data.table")){
#' pdat_dt = panel(, ~id+period)
#' # Now since pdat_dt is also a data.table
#' # you can create lags/leads directly
#' pdat_dt[, x1_l1 := l(x1)]
#' pdat_dt[, c("x1_l1_fill0", "y_f2") := .(l(x1, fill = 0), f(y, 2))]
#' }
panel = function(data,, time.step = NULL, duplicate.method = c("none", "first")){
stop("You must provide the argument 'data'.")
} else if(!"data.frame" %in% class(data)){
stop("Argument 'data' must be a data.frame.")
check_set_arg(duplicate.method, "match")
mc =
meta_info = panel_setup(data, =, time.step = time.step,
duplicate.method = duplicate.method)
meta_info$call = mc
# R makes a shallow copy of data => need to do it differently with DT
if("data.table" %in% class(data) && requireNamespace("data.table", quietly=TRUE)){
res = data.table::copy(data)
data.table::setattr(res, "panel_info", meta_info)
data.table::setattr(res, "class", c("fixest_panel", "data.table", "data.frame"))
} else {
res = data
attr(res, "panel_info") = meta_info
class(res) = unique(c("fixest_panel", class(res)))
#' Dissolves a `fixest` panel
#' Transforms a `fixest_panel` object into a regular data.frame.
#' @param x A `fixest_panel` object (obtained from function [`panel`]).
#' @return
#' Returns a data set of the exact same dimension. Only the attribute 'panel_info' is erased.
#' @author
#' Laurent Berge
#' @seealso
#' Alternatively, the function [`panel`] changes a `data.frame` into a panel from which the
#' functions `l` and `f` (creating leads and lags) can be called. Otherwise you can set the panel
#' 'live' during the estimation using the argument `` (see for example in the function
#' [`feols`]).
#' @examples
#' data(base_did)
#' # Setting a data set as a panel
#' pdat = panel(base_did, ~id+period)
#' # ... allows you to use leads and lags in estimations
#' feols(y~l(x1, 0:1), pdat)
#' # Now unpanel => returns the initial data set
#' class(pdat) ; dim(pdat)
#' new_base = unpanel(pdat)
#' class(new_base) ; dim(new_base)
unpanel = function(x){
if("data.table" %in% class(x) && requireNamespace("data.table", quietly=TRUE)){
data.table::setattr(x, "panel_info", NULL)
data.table::setattr(x, "class", setdiff(class(x), "fixest_panel"))
} else {
attr(x, "panel_info") = NULL
class(x) = setdiff(class(x), "fixest_panel")
#' Method to subselect from a `fixest_panel`
#' Subselection from a `fixest_panel` which has been created with the function [`panel`].
#' Also allows to create lag/lead variables with functions [`l`]/[`f`][fixest::l] if
#' the `fixest_panel` is also a [`data.table::data.table`].
#' @param x A `fixest_panel` object, created with the function [`panel`].
#' @param i Row subselection. Allows [`data.table::data.table`] style selection (provided the
#' data is also a data.table).
#' @param j Variable selection. Allows [`data.table::data.table`] style selection/variable
#' creation (provided the data is also a data.table).
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed to `[.data.frame` or [`data.table::data.table`]
#' (or whatever the class of the initial data).
#' @details
#' If the original data was also a data.table, some calls to `[.fixest_panel` may dissolve
#' the `fixest_panel` object and return a regular data.table. This is the case for
#' subselections with additional arguments. If so, a note is displayed on the console.
#' @return
#' It returns a `fixest_panel` data base, with the attributes allowing to create
#' lags/leads properly bookkeeped.
#' @author
#' Laurent Berge
#' @seealso
#' Alternatively, the function [`panel`] changes a `data.frame` into a panel from which the
#' functions `l` and `f` (creating leads and lags) can be called. Otherwise you can set the
#' panel 'live' during the estimation using the argument `` (see for example in
#' the function [`feols`]).
#' @examples
#' data(base_did)
#' # Creating a fixest_panel object
#' pdat = panel(base_did, ~id+period)
#' # Subselections of fixest_panel objects bookkeeps the leads/lags engine
#' pdat_small = pdat[!pdat$period %in% c(2, 4), ]
#' a = feols(y~l(x1, 0:1), pdat_small)
#' # we obtain the same results, had we created the lags "on the fly"
#' base_small = base_did[!base_did$period %in% c(2, 4), ]
#' b = feols(y~l(x1, 0:1), base_small, = ~id+period)
#' etable(a, b)
#' # Using data.table to create new lead/lag variables
#' if(require("data.table")){
#' pdat_dt = panel(, ~id+period)
#' # Variable creation
#' pdat_dt[, x_l1 := l(x1)]
#' pdat_dt[, c("x_l1", "x_f1_2") := .(l(x1), f(x1)**2)]
#' # Estimation on a subset of the data
#' # (the lead/lags work appropriately)
#' feols(y~l(x1, 0:1), pdat_dt[!period %in% c(2, 4)])
#' }
`[.fixest_panel` = function(x, i, j, ...){
# we need to perform proper bookkeeping
info = attr(x, "panel_info")
mc =
if("data.table" %in% class(x) && requireNamespace("data.table", quietly = TRUE)){
# data.table is really hard to handle....
# Not very elegant... but that's life!
# When modifications are too risky, I dissolve the panel
mc_new = mc
mc_new[[1]] ='[')
if(grepl(":=", deparse(mc$j)[1])){
# Variable creation is OK
jvalue = mc$j
jtext = deparse_long(jvalue)
# we check if f() or l() is used
if(grepl("[^\\._[:alnum:]](l|f|d)\\(", jtext)){
# We authorize it but only in 'simple' variable creation
if(any(!names(mc) %in% c("", "x", "j"))){
# We don't allow i either
stop("When creating lags (resp. leads or diffs) with the function l() (resp. f() or d()) within a data.table, only the argument 'j' is allowed.\nExample: 'data[, x_lag := l(x)]' is OK, while 'data[x>0, x_lag := l(x)]' is NOT ok.")
options(fixest_fl_authorized = TRUE)
on.exit(options(fixest_fl_authorized = FALSE))
# I have to do it that way... really not elegant...
mc_new[[1]] ='[.data.table')
my_frame = parent.frame()
assign("[.data.table", asNamespace("data.table")[["[.data.table"]], my_frame)
eval(mc_new, my_frame)
# what a pain...
out = TRUE
class(out) = c("fixest", "dummy_print")
} else {
x_dt = data.table::copy(x)
data.table::setattr(x_dt, "class", setdiff(class(x), "fixest_panel"))
mc_new$x ='x_dt')
res = eval(mc_new)
if(any(!names(mc) %in% c("", "x", "i"))) {
# If any argument other than i is used => we dissolve the fixest panel
message("NOTE: The fixest panel is dissolved.")
} else {
data.table::setattr(res, "class", c("fixest_panel", class(res)))
} else {
res = "[.data.frame"(x, i, j, ...)
# data.table is quite a pain in the neck to handle...
data.table::set(x_dt, j = "x__ID__x", value = 1:nrow(x_dt))
select = eval(str2lang(paste0("x_dt[", deparse_long(mc_new$i), "]")))$x__ID__x
} else {
select = i
# we modify the indexes
id = info$id_sorted[info$order_inv]
time = info$time_sorted[info$order_inv]
if(info$na_flag == FALSE){
id = id[select]
time = time[select]
} else{
# We don't forget to add the NAs!
id_tmp = time_tmp = rep(NA, info$is_na)
id_tmp[!info$is_na] = id
time_tmp[!info$is_na] = time
id = id_tmp[select]
time = time_tmp[select]
is_na = |
na_flag = FALSE
na_flag = TRUE
id = id[!is_na]
time = time[!is_na]
order_it = order(id, time)
order_inv = order(order_it)
new_info = list(order_it = order_it, order_inv = order_inv,
id_sorted = id[order_it], time_sorted = time[order_it],
na_flag = na_flag, = info$, call = info$call)
if(na_flag) new_info$is_na = is_na
attr(res, "panel_info") = new_info
terms_hat = function(fml, fastCombine = TRUE, n_unik = FALSE){
fml_char = as.character(fml)[length(fml)]
# %^%: hat operator, in n_unik
# + distribution
any_hat = grepl("^", fml_char, fixed = TRUE)
fml_char = gsub("%^%", "*", fml_char, fixed = TRUE)
fml_char = gsub("\\^(?=[^[:digit:]])", ":", fml_char, perl = TRUE)
vars = get_vars(.xpd(rhs = fml_char))
# distribution:
# (a + b)[cond] => a[cond] + b[cond]
is_paren = grepl("^\\(", vars)
i = which(is_paren)[1]
info_paren = extract_fun(paste0("PAREN", vars[i]), "PAREN")
vars_in_paren = get_vars(.xpd(rhs = gsub("^PAREN\\(|\\)$", "", info_paren$fun)))
new_vars = paste0(vars_in_paren, info_paren$after)
vars = insert(vars[-i], new_vars, i)
is_paren = grepl("^\\(", vars)
vars = gsub(":", "^", vars, fixed = TRUE)
fml = .xpd(rhs = vars)
fml_char = as.character(fml)[length(fml)]
if(grepl("^", fml_char, fixed = TRUE)){
# special indicator to combine factors
fml = fml_combine(fml_char, fastCombine)
t = terms(fml)
check_lag = function(fml){
fml_txt = deparse_long(fml)
grepl("(^|[^\\._[:alnum:]])(l|f|d)\\(", fml_txt)
expand_lags_internal = function(x){
# x: a vector of terms: x = attr(terms(fml), "term.labels")
res = x
if(any(grepl("\\b(l|f|d)\\(", x))){
# Means lagging required
term_all_expand = gsub("^(l|f|d)\\(", "\\1__expand(", x)
term_all_expand = gsub("([^\\._[:alnum:]])(l|f|d)\\(", "\\1\\2__expand(", term_all_expand)
qui_expand = which(grepl("__expand", term_all_expand))
if(length(qui_expand) > 0){
terms_all_list = as.list(x)
# we select only the first function
find_closing = function(x){
x_split = strsplit(x, "")[[1]]
open = x_split == "("
close = x_split == ")"
which.max(cumsum(open) > 0 & (cumsum(open) - cumsum(close)) == 0)
for(k in qui_expand){
terms_split = strsplit(term_all_expand[k], "(l|f|d)__expand")[[1]]
terms_split_bis = strsplit(term_all_expand[k], "__expand")[[1]]
key = substr(terms_split_bis, nchar(terms_split_bis), nchar(terms_split_bis))
is_in_par = grepl("\\([^\\(]*$", terms_split[1])
slice = terms_split[1]
for(i in 1:(length(terms_split) - 1)){
val = terms_split[i + 1]
end = find_closing(val)
if(end == nchar(val)){
quoi = eval(str2lang(paste0(key[i], "__expand", val)))
end_text = ""
} else {
what = paste0(key[i], "__expand", substr(val, 1, end))
end_text = substr(val, end + 1, nchar(val))
quoi = eval(str2lang(what))
# We make the sum when found in a parenthesis
quoi = paste0(paste(quoi, collapse = " + "), end_text)
} else {
# otherwise we duplicate
quoi = paste0(quoi, end_text)
slice = paste0(rep(slice, each = length(quoi)), quoi)
terms_all_list[[k]] = slice
res = unlist(terms_all_list)
expand_lags = function(fml){
# fml = f(y, 1:2) ~ x1 + sw(x2, l(x3, 1:2)) | fe1 + fe2 | c(u1, l(u2)) ~ l(z, 1:3) + z2
fml_parts = fml_split(fml, raw = TRUE)
n_parts = length(fml_parts)
# We tolerate multiple LHS and expansion
lhs_text = fml_split(fml, 1, text = TRUE, split.lhs = TRUE)
if(grepl("^(c|(c?(stepwise|sw)0?)|list)\\(", lhs_text)){
lhs_text2eval = gsub("^(c|(c?(stepwise|sw)0?|list))\\(", "stepwise(", lhs_text)
lhs_names = eval(str2lang(lhs_text2eval))
} else {
lhs_names = lhs_text
lhs_all = expand_lags_internal(lhs_names)
if(length(lhs_all) > 1){
lhs_fml = paste("c(", paste(lhs_all, collapse = "+"), ")")
} else {
lhs_fml = lhs_all
rhs_terms = attr(terms(fml_parts[[1]]), "term.labels")
rhs_fml = paste(expand_lags_internal(rhs_terms), collapse = "+")
iv_fml = fixef_fml = ""
if(n_parts > 1){
is_fe = !is_fml_inside(fml_parts[[2]])
fixef_terms = attr(terms(fml_maker(fml_parts[[2]])), "term.labels")
fixef_fml = paste("|", paste(expand_lags_internal(fixef_terms), collapse = "+"))
if(n_parts == 3 || !is_fe){
iv_tmp = fml_maker(fml_parts[[n_parts]])
# iv LHS
iv_text = fml_split(iv_tmp, 1, text = TRUE, split.lhs = TRUE)
if(grepl("^(c|(c?(stepwise|sw)0?)|list)\\(", iv_text)){
iv_text2eval = gsub("^(c|(c?(stepwise|sw)0?|list))\\(", "stepwise(", iv_text)
iv_names = eval(str2lang(gsub("^list\\(", "stepwise(", iv_text2eval)))
} else {
iv_names = iv_text
iv_all = expand_lags_internal(iv_names)
if(length(iv_all) > 1){
iv_left = paste("c(", paste(iv_all, collapse = "+"), ")")
} else {
iv_left = iv_all
# iv RHS
iv_right_terms = attr(terms(iv_tmp), "term.labels")
iv_right = paste(expand_lags_internal(iv_right_terms), collapse = "+")
iv_fml = paste("|", iv_left, "~", iv_right)
as.formula(paste0(lhs_fml, "~", rhs_fml, fixef_fml, iv_fml))
set_panel_meta_info = function(object, newdata){
# We set the variable panel__meta__info with the current data set
panel__meta__info = NULL
fml_full = formula(object, type = "full")
if(is.null(attr(newdata, "panel_info"))){
# We try to recreate the panel
if(any(!names(object$ %in% c("", "data", ""))){
# This was NOT a standard panel creation
stop("The estimation contained lags/leads and the original data was a 'fixest_panel' while the new data is not. Please set the new data as a panel first with the function panel(). NOTA: the original call to panel was:\n", deparse_long(object$
} else {
panel__meta__info = panel_setup(newdata, object$, from_fixest = TRUE)
} else {
panel__meta__info = attr(newdata, "panel_info")
} else {
panel__meta__info = panel_setup(newdata, object$, from_fixest = TRUE)
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