
Defines functions path_to_relative is_Rmarkdown check_set_page_width tag_gen check_set_adjustbox tex.nice expand_list_vector is_fixest_model insert extralines_extractor uniquify_names rename_fe tex_multicol tex_star format_se_type_latex format_se_type escape_latex pmatch_varname coef_pos_parse coef_location highlight_apply style_apply fix_pkgwdown_path DIR_EXISTS log_etable viewer_html_template check_set_path build_tex_png check_build_available print.etable_df print.etable_tex extralines_register style.df style.tex getFixest_etable setFixest_etable etable_internal_df etable_internal_latex results2formattedList gen_etable_aliases etable

Documented in etable extralines_register getFixest_etable log_etable print.etable_df print.etable_tex setFixest_etable style.df style.tex

# Author: Laurent Berge
# Date creation: Thu Jul 09 09:52:31 2020
# ~: etable

#' Estimations table (export the results of multiples estimations to a DF or to Latex)
#' Aggregates the results of multiple estimations and displays them in the form of either a Latex 
#' table or a `data.frame`. Note that you will need the `booktabs` package for the Latex table to 
#' render properly. See [`setFixest_etable`] to set the default values, and [`style.tex`] to customize Latex output.
#' @inheritParams summary.fixest
#' @inheritParams setFixest_nthreads
#' @param ... Used to capture different `fixest` estimation objects (obtained with [`femlm`], 
#' [`feols`] or [`feglm`]). Note that any other type of element is discarded. Note that you can 
#' give a list of `fixest` objects.
#' @param digits Integer or character scalar. Default is 4 and represents the number of significant 
#' digits to be displayed for the coefficients and standard-errors. To apply rounding instead of 
#' significance use, e.g., `digits = "r3"` which will round at the first 3 decimals. If character, 
#' it must be of the form `"rd"` or `"sd"` with `d` a digit (`r` is for round and `s` is for 
#' significance). For the number of digits for the fit statistics, use `digits.stats`. Note that 
#' when significance is used it does not exactly display the number of significant digits: see 
#' details for its exact meaning.
#' @param digits.stats Integer or character scalar. Default is 5 and represents the number of 
#' significant digits to be displayed for the fit statistics. To apply rounding instead of 
#' significance use, e.g., `digits = "r3"` which will round at the first 3 decimals. If character, 
#' it must be of the form `"rd"` or `"sd"` with `d` a digit (`r` is for round and `s` is for 
#' significance). Note that when significance is used it does not exactly display the number of 
#' significant digits: see details for its exact meaning.
#' @param tex Logical: whether the results should be a data.frame or a Latex table. By default, 
#' this argument is `TRUE` if the argument `file` (used for exportation) is not missing; it is 
#' equal to `FALSE` otherwise.
#' @param fitstat A character vector or a one sided formula (both with only lowercase letters). A 
#' vector listing which fit statistics to display. The valid types are 'n', 'll', 'aic', 'bic' and 
#' r2 types like 'r2', 'pr2', 'war2', etc (see all valid types in [`r2`]). Also accepts valid types 
#' from the function [`fitstat`]. The default value depends on the models to display. Example of 
#' use: `fitstat=c('n', 'cor2', 'ar2', 'war2')`, or `fitstat=~n+cor2+ar2+war2` using a formula. You 
#' can use the dot to refer to default values:` ~ . + ll` would add the log-likelihood to the 
#' default fit statistics.
#' @param title (Tex only.) Character scalar. The title of the Latex table.
#' @param float (Tex only.) Logical. By default, if the argument `title` or `label` is provided, it 
#' is set to `TRUE`. Otherwise, it is set to `FALSE`.
#' @param se.below Logical or `NULL` (default). Should the standard-errors be displayed below the 
#' coefficients? If `NULL`, then this is `TRUE` for Latex and `FALSE` otherwise.
#' @param se.row Logical scalar, default is `NULL`. Whether should be displayed the row with the 
#' type of standard-error for each model. When `tex = FALSE`, the default is `TRUE`. 
#' When `tex = FALSE`, the row is showed only when there is a table-footer and the types of 
#' standard-errors differ across models.
#' @param keep Character vector. This element is used to display only a subset of variables. This 
#' should be a vector of regular expressions (see [`base::regex`] help for more info). Each 
#' variable satisfying any of the regular expressions will be kept. This argument is applied post 
#' aliasing (see argument `dict`). Example: you have the variable `x1` to `x55` and want to display 
#' only `x1` to `x9`, then you could use `keep = "x[[:digit:]]$"`. If the first character is an 
#' exclamation mark, the effect is reversed (e.g. keep = "!Intercept" means: every variable that 
#' does not contain \dQuote{Intercept} is kept). See details.
#' @param drop Character vector. This element is used if some variables are not to be displayed. 
#' This should be a vector of regular expressions (see [`base::regex`] help for more info). Each 
#' variable satisfying any of the regular expressions will be discarded. This argument is applied 
#' post aliasing (see argument `dict`). Example: you have the variable `x1` to `x55` and want to 
#' display only `x1` to `x9`, then you could use `drop = "x[[:digit:]]{2}`". If the first character 
#' is an exclamation mark, the effect is reversed (e.g. drop = "!Intercept" means: every variable 
#' that does not contain \dQuote{Intercept} is dropped). See details.
#' @param order Character vector. This element is used if the user wants the variables to be 
#' ordered in a certain way. This should be a vector of regular expressions (see [`base::regex`] 
#' help for more info). The variables satisfying the first regular expression will be placed first, 
#' then the order follows the sequence of regular expressions. This argument is applied post 
#' aliasing (see argument `dict`). Example: you have the following variables: `month1` to `month6`, 
#' then `x1` to `x5`, then `year1` to `year6`. If you want to display first the x's, then the 
#' years, then the months you could use: `order = c("x", "year")`. If the first character is an 
#' exclamation mark, the effect is reversed (e.g. order = "!Intercept" means: every variable that 
#' does not contain \dQuote{Intercept} goes first).  See details.
#' @param dict A named character vector or a logical scalar. It changes the original variable names 
#' to the ones contained in the `dict`ionary. E.g. to change the variables named `a` and `b3` to 
#' (resp.) \dQuote{$log(a)$} and to \dQuote{$bonus^3$}, use `dict=c(a="$log(a)$",b3="$bonus^3$")`. 
#' By default, it is equal to `getFixest_dict()`, a default dictionary which can be set with 
#' [`setFixest_dict`]. You can use `dict = FALSE` to disable it. By default `dict` modifies the 
#' entries in the global dictionary, to disable this behavior, use "reset" as the first element 
#' (ex: `dict=c("reset", mpg="Miles per gallon")`).
#' @param file A character scalar. If provided, the Latex (or data frame) table will be saved in a 
#' file whose path is `file`. If you provide this argument, then a Latex table will be exported, to 
#' export a regular `data.frame`, use argument `tex = FALSE`.
#' @param replace Logical, default is `FALSE`. Only used if option `file` is used. Should the 
#' exported table be written in a new file that replaces any existing file?
#' @param convergence Logical, default is missing. Should the convergence state of the algorithm be 
#' displayed? By default, convergence information is displayed if at least one model did not 
#' converge.
#' @param signif.code Named numeric vector, used to provide the significance codes with respect to 
#' the p-value of the coefficients. Default is `c("***"=0.01, "**"=0.05, "*"=0.10)` for a Latex 
#' table and `c("***"=0.001, "**"=0.01, "*"=0.05, "."=0.10)` for a data.frame (to conform with R's 
#' default). To suppress the significance codes, use `signif.code=NA` or `signif.code=NULL`. Can 
#' also be equal to `"letters"`, then the default becomes `c("a"=0.01, "b"=0.05, "c"=0.10)`.
#' @param label (Tex only.) Character scalar. The label of the Latex table.
#' @param headers Character vector or list. Adds one or more header lines in the table. A header 
#' line can be represented by a character vector or a named list of numbers where the names are the 
#' cell values and the numbers are the span. Example: `headers=list("M"=2, "F"=3)` will create a 
#' row with 2 times "M" and three time "F" (this is identical to 
#' `headers=rep(c("M", "F"), c(2, 3))`). You can stack header lines within a list, in that case the 
#' list names will be displayed in the leftmost cell. 
#' Example: `headers=list(Gender=list("M"=2, "F"=3), Country="US"` will create two header lines. 
#' When `tex = TRUE`, you can add a rule to separate groups by using `":_:"` somewhere in the row 
#' name (ex: `headers=list(":_:Gender"=list("M"=2, "F"=3))`. You can monitor the placement by 
#' inserting a special character in the row name: "^" means at the top, "-" means in the middle 
#' (default) and "_" means at the bottom. Example: `headers=list("_Country"="US")` will add the 
#' country row as the very last header row (after the model row). Finally, you can use the special 
#' value "auto" to include automatic headers when the data contains split sample estimations. By 
#' default it is equal to `list("auto")`. You can use `.()` instead of `list()`.
#' @param fixef_sizes (Tex only.) Logical, default is `FALSE`. If `TRUE` and fixed-effects were 
#' used in the models, then the number of "units" per fixed-effect dimension is also displayed.
#' @param fixef_sizes.simplify Logical, default is `TRUE`. Only used if `fixef_sizes = TRUE`. If 
#' `TRUE`, the fixed-effects sizes will be displayed in parentheses instead of in a separate line 
#' if there is no ambiguity (i.e. if the size is constant across models).
#' @param family Logical, default is missing. Whether to display the families of the models. By 
#' default this line is displayed when at least two models are from different families.
#' @param keepFactors Logical, default is `TRUE`. If `FALSE`, then factor variables are displayed 
#' as fixed-effects and no coefficient is shown.
#' @param powerBelow (Tex only.) Integer, default is -5. A coefficient whose value is below 
#' `10**(powerBelow+1)` is written with a power in Latex. For example `0.0000456` would be written 
#' `4.56$\\times 10^{-5}$` by default. Setting `powerBelow = -6` would lead to `0.00004` in Latex.
#' @param interaction.combine Character scalar, defaults to `" $\\times$ "` for Tex and to `" = "` 
#' otherwise. When the estimation contains interactions, then the variables names (after aliasing) 
#' are combined with this argument. For example: if `dict = c(x1="Wind", x2="Rain")` and you have 
#' the following interaction `x1:x2`, then it will be renamed (by default) 
#' `Wind $\\times$ Rain` -- using `interaction.combine = "*"` would lead to `Wind*Rain`.
#' @param interaction.order Character vector of regular expressions. Only affects variables that 
#' are interacted like x1 and x2 in `feols(y ~ x1*x2, data)`. You can change the order in which the 
#' interacted variables are displayed: e.g. `interaction.order = "x2"` would lead to "x1 x x2" 
#' instead of "x1 x x2". Please look at the argument 'order' and the dedicated section in the help 
#' page for more information.
#' @param i.equal Character scalar, defaults to `" $=$ "` when `tex = TRUE` and `" = "` otherwise. 
#' Only affects factor variables created with the function [`i`], tells how the variable should be 
#' linked to its value. For example if you have the `Species` factor from the `iris` data set, by 
#' default the display of the variable is `Species = Setosa`, etc. If `i.equal = ": "` the display 
#' becomes `Species: Setosa`.
#' @param depvar Logical, default is `TRUE`. Whether a first line containing the dependent 
#' variables should be shown.
#' @param coefstat One of `"se"` (default), `"tstat"` or `"confint"`. The statistic to report for 
#' each coefficient: the standard-error, the t-statistics or the confidence interval. You can 
#' adjust the confidence interval with the argument `ci`.
#' @param ci Level of the confidence interval, defaults to `0.95`. Only used if 
#' `coefstat = confint`.
#' @param style.tex An object created by the function [`style.tex`]. It represents the style of the 
#' Latex table, see the documentation of [`style.tex`].
#' @param style.df An object created by the function [`style.df`] It represents the style of the 
#' data frame returned (if `tex = FALSE`), see the documentation of [`style.df`].
#' @param notes (Tex only.) Character vector. If provided, a `"notes"` section will be added at the 
#' end right after the end of the table, containing the text of this argument. If it is a vector, 
#' it will be collapsed with new lines. If `tpt = TRUE`, the behavior is different: each element of 
#' the vector is an item. If the first element of the vector starts with `"@"`, then it will be 
#' included verbatim, and in case of `tpt = TRUE`, right before the first item. If that element is 
#' provided, it will replace the value defined in `style.tex(notes.intro)` or 
#' `style.tex(notes.tpt.intro)`.
#' @param group A list. The list elements should be vectors of regular expressions. For each 
#' elements of this list: A new line in the table is created, all variables that are matched by the 
#' regular expressions are discarded (same effect as the argument `drop`) and `TRUE` or `FALSE` 
#' will appear in the model cell, depending on whether some of the previous variables were found in 
#' the model. 
#' Example: `group=list("Controls: personal traits"=c("gender", "height", "weight"))` 
#' will create an new line with `"Controls: personal traits"` in the leftmost cell, all three 
#' variables gender, height and weight are discarded, `TRUE` appearing in each model containing at 
#' least one of the three variables (the style of `TRUE`/`FALSE` is governed by the argument 
#' `yesNo`). You can control the placement of the new row by using 1 or 2 special characters at the 
#' start of the row name. 
#' The meaning of these special characters are: 1) `"^"`: coef., `"-"`: fixed-effect, 
#' `"_"`: stats, section; 2) `"^"`: 1st, `"_"`: last, row. 
#' For example: `group=list("_^Controls"=stuff)` will place the line at the top of the 'stats' 
#' section, and using `group=list("^_Controls"=stuff)` will make the row appear at the bottom of 
#' the coefficients section. For details, see the dedicated section.
#' @param extralines A vector, a list or a one sided formula. The list elements should be either a 
#' vector representing the value of each cell, a list of the form 
#' `list("item1" = #item1, "item2" = #item2, etc)`, or a function. 
#' This argument can be many things, please have a look at the dedicated help section; 
#' a simplified description follows. For each elements of this list: A new line in the table is 
#' created, the list name being the row name and the vector being the content of the cells. 
#' Example: `extralines=list("Sub-sample"=c("<20 yo", "all", ">50 yo"))` will create an new line 
#' with `"Sub-sample"` in the leftmost cell, the vector filling the content of the cells for the 
#' three models. You can control the placement of the new row by using 1 or 2 special characters at 
#' the start of the row name. The meaning of these special characters are: 
#' 1) `"^"`: coef., `"-"`: fixed-effect, `"_"`: stats, section; 
#' 2) `"^"`: 1st, `"_"`: last, row.
#' For example: `extralines=list("__Controls"=stuff)` will place the line at the bottom of the 
#' stats section, and using `extralines=list("^^Controls"=stuff)` will make the row appear at the 
#' top of the 'coefficients' section. For details, see the dedicated section. You can use `.()` 
#' instead of `list()`.
#' @param fixef.group Logical scalar or list (default is `NULL`). If equal to `TRUE`, then all 
#' fixed-effects always appearing jointly in models will be grouped in one row. If a list, its 
#' elements must be character vectors of regular expressions and the list names will be the row 
#' names. For ex. `fixef.group=list("Dates fixed-effects"="Month|Day")` will remove the `"Month"` 
#' and `"Day"` fixed effects from the display and replace them with a single row named 
#' "Dates fixed-effects". You can monitor the placement of the new row with two special characters 
#' telling where to place the row within a section: first in which section it should appear: 
#' `"^"` (coef.), `"-"` (fixed-effects), or `"_"` (stat.) section; 
#' then whether the row should be `"^"` (first), or `"_"` (last). These two special characters must 
#' appear first in the row names. Please see the dedicated section
#' @param placement (Tex only.) Character string giving the position of the float in Latex. Default 
#' is "htbp". It must consist of only the characters 'h', 't', 'b', 'p', 'H' and '!'. 
#' Reminder: h: here; t: top; b: bottom; p: float page; H: definitely here; 
#' !: prevents Latex to look for other positions. Note that it can be equal to the empty string 
#' (and you'll get the default placement).
#' @param drop.section Character vector which can be of length 0 (i.e. equal to `NULL`). Can 
#' contain the values "coef", "fixef", "slopes" or "stats". It would drop, respectively, the 
#' coefficients section, fixed-effects section, the variables with varying slopes section or the 
#' fit statistics section.
#' @param reset (`setFixest_etable` only.) Logical, default is `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, this will reset 
#' all the default values that were already set by the user in previous calls.
#' @param .vcov A function to be used to compute the standard-errors of each fixest object. You can 
#' pass extra arguments to this function using the argument `.vcov_args`. See the example.
#' @param .vcov_args A list containing arguments to be passed to the function `.vcov`.
#' @param poly_dict Character vector, default is `c("", " square", " cube")`. When raw polynomials 
#' (`x^2`, etc) are used, the variables are automatically renamed and `poly_dict` rules the display 
#' of the power. For powers greater than the number of elements of the vector, the value displayed 
#' is `$^{pow}$` in Latex and `^ pow` in the R console.
#' @param postprocess.tex A function that will postprocess the character vector defining the latex 
#' table. Only when `tex = TRUE`. By default it is equal to `NULL`, meaning that there is no 
#' postprocessing. When `tex = FALSE`, see the argument `postprocess.df`. See details.
#' @param postprocess.df A function that will postprocess.tex the resulting data.frame. Only when 
#' `tex = FALSE`. By default it is equal to `NULL`, meaning that there is no postprocessing. When 
#' `tex = TRUE`, see the argument `postprocess.tex`.
#' @param fit_format Character scalar, default is `"__var__"`. Only used in the presence of IVs. By 
#' default the endogenous regressors are named `fit_varname` in the second stage. The format of the 
#' endogenous regressor to appear in the table is governed by `fit_format`. For instance, by 
#' default, the prefix `"fit_"` is removed, leading to only `varname` to appear. 
#' If `fit_format = "$\\\\hat{__var__$"}`, then `"$\\hat{varname$"}` will appear in the table.
#' @param coef.just (DF only.) Either `"."`, `"("`, `"l"`, `"c"` or `"r"`, default is `NULL`. 
#' How the coefficients should be justified. If `NULL` then they are right aligned if 
#' `se.below = FALSE` and aligned to the dot if `se.below = TRUE`. The keywords stand 
#' respectively for dot-, parenthesis-, left-, center- and right-aligned.
#' @param meta (Tex only.) A one-sided formula that shall contain the following elements: 
#' date or time, sys, author, comment and call. Default is `NULL`. This argument is a shortcut to 
#' controlling the meta information that can be displayed in comments before the table. Typically 
#' if the element is in the formula, it means that the argument will be equal to `TRUE`. 
#' Example: `meta = ~time+call` is equivalent to `meta.time = TRUE` and `meta.call = TRUE`. 
#' The "author" and "comment" elements are a bit special. Using `meta = ~author("Mark")` is 
#' equivalent to `meta.author = "Mark"` while `meta=~author` is equiv. to `meta.author = TRUE`. 
#' The "comment" must be used with a character string inside: 
#' `meta = ~comment("this is a comment")`. The order in the formula controls the order of 
#' appearance of the meta elements. It also has precedence over the `meta.XX` arguments.
#' @param meta.time (Tex only.) Either a logical scalar (default is `FALSE`) or "time" or "date". 
#' Whether to include the time (if `TRUE` or "time") or the date (if "date") of creation of the 
#' table in a comment right before the table.
#' @param meta.sys (Tex only.) A logical scalar, default is `FALSE`. Whether to include system 
#' information (from `Sys.info()`) in a comment right before the table.
#' @param meta.author (Tex only.) A logical scalar (default is `FALSE`) or a character vector. If 
#' `TRUE` then the identity of the author (deduced from the system user in `Sys.info()`) is 
#' inserted in a comment right before the table. If a character vector, then it should contain 
#' author names that will be inserted as comments before the table, prefixed with `"Created by:"`. 
#' For free-form comments see the argument `meta.comment`.
#' @param meta.comment (Tex only.) A character vector containing free-form comments to be inserted 
#' right before the table.
#' @param meta.call (Tex only.) Logical scalar, default is `FALSE`. If `TRUE` then the call to the 
#' function is inserted right before the table in a comment.
#' @param view Logical, default is `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, then the table generated in Latex by 
#' `etable` and then is displayed in the viewer pane. Note that for this option to work you need 
#' i) pdflatex or the R package `tinytex`, ii) imagemagick and ghostscript, or the 
#' R package `pdftools`. All three software must be installed and on the path.
#' @param x An object returned by `etable`.
#' @param tpt (Tex only.) Logical scalar, default is FALSE. Whether to use the `threeparttable` 
#' environment. If so, the `notes` will be integrated into the `tablenotes` environment.
#' @param arraystretch (Tex only.) A numeric scalar, default is `NULL`. If provided, 
#' the command `\\renewcommand*{\\arraystretch{x}}` is inserted, replacing `x` by the value of 
#' `arraystretch`. The changes are specific to the current table and do not affect the rest of the 
#' document.
#' @param fontsize (Tex only.) A character scalar, default is `NULL`. Can be equal to `tiny`, 
#' `scriptsize`, `footnotesize`, `small`, `normalsize`, `large`, or `Large`. The change affect the 
#' table only (and not the rest of the document).
#' @param adjustbox (Tex only.) A logical, numeric or character scalar, default is `NULL`. If not 
#' `NULL`, the table is inserted within the `adjustbox` environment. By default the options are 
#' `width = 1\\textwidth, center` (if `TRUE`). A numeric value changes the value before 
#' `\\textwidth`. You can also add a character of the form `"x tw"` or `"x th"` with `x` a number 
#' and where tw (th) stands for text-width (text-height). Finally any other character value is 
#' passed verbatim as an `adjustbox` option.
#' @param tabular (Tex only.) Character scalar equal to "normal" (default), `"*"` or `"X"`. 
#' Represents the type of tabular environment to use: either `tabular`, `tabular*` or `tabularx`.
#' @param export Character scalar giving the path to a PNG file to be created, default is `NULL`. 
#' If provided, the Latex table will be converted to PNG and copied to the `export` location. Note 
#' that for this option to work you need a working distribution of `pdflatex`, `imagemagick` and 
#' `ghostscript`, or the R packages `tinytex` and `pdftools`.
#' @param markdown Character scalar giving the location of a directory, or a logical scalar. 
#' Default is `NULL`. This argument only works in Rmarkdown documents, when knitting the document. 
#' If provided: two behaviors depending on context. A) if the output document is Latex, the table 
#' is exported in Latex. B) if the output document is not Latex, the table will be exported to PNG 
#' at the desired location and inserted in the document via a markdown link. If equal to `TRUE`, 
#' the default location of the PNGs is a temporary folder for `R > 4.0.0`, 
#' or to `"images/etable/"` for earlier versions.
#' @param view.cache Logical, default is `FALSE`. Only used when `view = TRUE`. 
#' Whether the PNGs of the tables should be cached.
#' @param type Character scalar equal to 'pdflatex' (default), 'magick', 'dir' or 'tex'. 
#' Which log file to report; if 'tex', the full source code of the tex file is returned, 
#' if 'dir': the directory of the log files is returned.
#' @param highlight List containing coefficients to highlight. 
#' Highlighting is of the form `.("options1" = "coefs1", "options2" = "coefs2", etc)`.
#' The coefficients to be highlighted can be written in three forms: 1) row, eg `"x1"` will 
#' highlight the full row of the variable `x1`; 2) cells, use `'@'` after the coefficient name to 
#' give the column, it accepts ranges, eg `"x1@2, 4-6, 8"` will highlight only the columns 
#' 2, 4, 5, 6, and 8 of the variable `x1`; 3) range, by giving the top-left and 
#' bottom-right values separated with a semi-colon, eg `"x1@2 ; x3@5"` will highlight 
#' from the column 2 of `x1` to the 5th column of `x3`. Coefficient names are partially 
#' matched, use a `'%'` first to refer to the original name (before dictionary) and 
#' use `'@'` first to use a regular expression. You can add a vector of row/cell/range.
#' The options are a comma-separated list of items. By default the highlighting is done 
#' with a frame (a thick box) around the coefficient, use `'rowcol'` to highlight with a 
#' row color instead. Here are the other options: `'se'` to highlight the standard-errors too; 
#' `'square'` to have a square box (instead of rounded); `'thick1'` to `'thick6'` 
#' to monitor the width of the box; `'sep0'` to `'sep9'` to monitor the inner spacing. 
#' Finally the remaining option is the color: simply add an R color (it must be a valid R color!).
#'  You can use `"color!alpha"` with "alpha" a number between 0 to 100 to change 
#' the alpha channel of the color.
#' @param coef.style Named list containing styles to be applied to the coefficients. It must be of 
#' the form `.("style1" = "coefs1", "style2" = "coefs2", etc)`. The style must contain the 
#' string `":coef:"` (or `":coef_se:"` to style both the coefficient and its standard-error). 
#' The string `:coef:` will be replaced verbatim by the coefficient value. For example use 
#' `"\\textbf{:coef:}"` to put the coefficient in bold. Note that markdown markup is enabled 
#' so `"**:coef:**"` would also put it in bold. The coefficients to be styled can be written 
#' in three forms: 1) row, eg `"x1"` will style the full row of the variable `x1`; 2) cells, 
#' use `'@'` after the coefficient name to give the column, it accepts ranges, 
#' eg `"x1@2, 4-6, 8"` will style only the columns 2, 4, 5, 6, and 8 of the variable `x1`; 
#' 3) range, by giving the top-left and bottom-right values separated with a semi-colon, 
#' eg `"x1@2 ; x3@5"` will style from the column 2 of `x1` to the 5th column of `x3`. 
#' Coefficient names are partially matched, use a `'%'` first to refer to the original name 
#' (before dictionary) and use `'@'` first to use a regular expression. You can add a 
#' vector of row/cell/range.
#' @param page.width Character scalar equal to `'fit'` (default), `'a4'` or `'us'`; or a 
#' single Latex measure (like `'17cm'`) or a double one (like `"21, 2cm"`). Only used when 
#' the Latex table is to be viewed (`view = TRUE`), exported (`export != NULL`) or displayed 
#' in Rmarkdown (`markdown != NULL`). It represents the text width of the page in which the 
#' Latex table will be inserted. By default, `'fit'`, the page fits exactly the table (i.e. 
#' text width = table width). If `'a4'` or `'us'`, two times 2cm is removed from the page 
#' width to account for margins. Providing a page width and a margin width, like in 
#' `"17in, 1in"`, enables a correct display of the argument `adjustbox`. Note that the 
#' margin width represent the width of a single side margin (and hence will be doubled).
#' @param div.class Character scalar, default is `"etable"`. Only used in Rmarkdown documents 
#' when `markdown = TRUE`. The table in an image format is embedded in a `<div>` container, 
#' and that container is of class `div.class`.
#' @details
#' The function `esttex` is equivalent to the function `etable` with argument `tex = TRUE`.
#' The function `esttable` is equivalent to the function `etable` with argument `tex = FALSE`.
#' To display the table, you will need the Latex package `booktabs` which contains 
#' the `\\toprule`, `\\midrule` and `\\bottomrule` commands.
#' You can permanently change the way your table looks in Latex by using `setFixest_etable`. 
#' The following vignette gives an example as well as illustrates how to use the `style` and 
#' postprocessing functions: [Exporting estimation tables](https://lrberge.github.io/fixest/articles/exporting_tables.html).
#' When the argument `postprocess.tex` is not missing, two additional tags will be included in the 
#' character vector returned by `etable`: `"%start:tab\\n"` and `"%end:tab\\n"`. These can be used 
#' to identify the start and end of the tabular and are useful to insert code within the `table` 
#' environment.
#' @section How does `digits` handle the number of decimals displayed?:
#' The default display of decimals is the outcome of an algorithm. Let's take the example 
#' of `digits = 3` which "kind of" requires 3 significant digits to be displayed.
#' For numbers greater than 1 (in absolute terms), their integral part is always displayed and 
#' the number of decimals shown is equal to `digits` minus the number of digits in the integral 
#' part. This means that `12.345` will be displayed as `12.3`. If the number of decimals should
#'  be 0, then a single decimal is displayed to suggest that the number is not whole. This means
#'  that `1234.56` will be displayed as `1234.5`. Note that if the number is whole, no decimals 
#' are shown.
#' For numbers lower than 1 (in absolute terms), the number of decimals displayed is equal 
#' to `digits` except if there are only 0s in which case the first significant digit is shown. 
#' This means that `0.01234` will be displayed as `0.012` (first rule), and that 0.000123 will 
#' be displayed as `0.0001` (second rule).
#' @section Arguments keep, drop and order:
#' The arguments `keep`, `drop` and `order` use regular expressions. If you are not aware 
#' of regular expressions, I urge you to learn it, since it is an extremely powerful way 
#' to manipulate character strings (and it exists across most programming languages).
#' For example drop = "Wind" would drop any variable whose name contains "Wind". Note that 
#' variables such as "Temp:Wind" or "StrongWind" do contain "Wind", so would be dropped. 
#' To drop only the variable named "Wind", you need to use `drop = "^Wind$"` (with "^" meaning 
#' beginning, resp. "$" meaning end, of the string => this is the language of regular expressions).
#' Although you can combine several regular expressions in a single character string using pipes, 
#' `drop` also accepts a vector of regular expressions.
#' You can use the special character "!" (exclamation mark) to reverse the effect of the regular 
#' expression (this feature is specific to this function). For example `drop = "!Wind"` would drop 
#' any variable that does not contain "Wind".
#' You can use the special character "%" (percentage) to make reference to the original variable 
#' name instead of the aliased name. For example, you have a variable named `"Month6"`, and use a 
#' dictionary `dict = c(Month6="June")`. Thus the variable will be displayed as `"June"`. If you 
#' want to delete that variable, you can use either `drop="June"`, or `drop="%Month6"` (which makes 
#' reference to its original name).
#' The argument `order` takes in a vector of regular expressions, the order will follow the 
#' elements of this vector. The vector gives a list of priorities, on the left the elements with 
#' highest priority. For example, order = c("Wind", "!Inter", "!Temp") would give highest 
#' priorities to the variables containing "Wind" (which would then appear first), second highest 
#' priority is the variables not containing "Inter", last, with lowest priority, the variables not 
#' containing "Temp". If you had the following variables: (Intercept), Temp:Wind, Wind, Temp you 
#' would end up with the following order: Wind, Temp:Wind, Temp, (Intercept).
#' @section The argument `extralines`:
#' The argument `extralines` adds well... extra lines to the table. It accepts either a list, or a 
#' one-sided formula.
#' For each line, you can define the values taken by each cell using 4 different ways: a) a vector, 
#' b) a list, c) a function, and d) a formula.
#' If a vector, it should represent the values taken by each cell. Note that if the length of the 
#' vector is smaller than the number of models, its values are recycled across models, but the 
#' length of the vector is required to be a divisor of the number of models.
#' If a list, it should be of the form `list("item1" = #item1, "item2" = #item2, etc)`. For example 
#' `list("A"=2, "B"=3)` leads to `c("A", "A", "B", "B", "B")`. Note that if the number of items is 
#' 1, you don't need to add `= 1`. For example `list("A"=2, "B")` is valid and leads to 
#' `c("A", "A", "B"`. As for the vector the values are recycled if necessary.
#' If a function, it will be applied to each model and should return a scalar (`NA` values 
#' returned are accepted).
#' If a formula, it must be one-sided and the elements in the formula must represent either 
#' `extralines` macros, either fit statistics (i.e. valid types of the function [`fitstat`]). One 
#' new line will be added for each element of the formula. To register `extralines` macros, you 
#' must first register them in [`extralines_register`].
#' Finally, you can combine as many lines as wished by nesting them in a list. The names of the 
#' nesting list are the row titles (values in the leftmost cell). For example 
#' `extralines = list(~r2, Controls = TRUE, Group = list("A"=2, "B"))` will add three lines, 
#' the titles of which are "R2", "Controls" and "Group".
#' @section Controlling the placement of extra lines:
#' The arguments `group`, `extralines` and `fixef.group` allow to add customized lines in the 
#' table. They can be defined via a list where the list name will be the row name. By default, the 
#' placement of the extra line is right after the coefficients (except for `fixef.group`, covered 
#' in the last paragraph). For instance, `group = list("Controls" = "x[[:digit:]]")` will create a 
#' line right after the coefficients telling which models contain the control variables.
#' But the placement can be customized. The previous example (of the controls) will be used for 
#' illustration (the mechanism for `extralines` and `fixef.group` is identical).
#' The row names accept 2 special characters at the very start. The first character tells in which 
#' section the line should appear: it can be equal to `"^"`, `"-"`, or `"_"`, meaning respectively 
#' the coefficients, the fixed-effects and the statistics section (which typically appear at the 
#' top, mid and bottom of the table). The second one governs the placement of the new line within 
#' the section: it can be equal to `"^"`, meaning first line, or `"_"`, meaning last line.
#' Let's have some examples. Using the previous example, writing `"_^Controls"` would place the new 
#' line at the top of the statistics section. Writing `"-_Controls"` places it as the last row of 
#' the fixed-effects section; `"^^Controls"` at the top row of the coefficients section; etc...
#' The second character is optional, the default placement being in the bottom. This means that 
#' `"_Controls"` would place it at the bottom of the statistics section.
#' The placement in `fixef.group` is defined similarly, only the default placement is different. 
#' Its default placement is at the top of the fixed-effects section.
#' @section Escaping special Latex characters:
#' By default on all instances (with the notable exception of the elements of [`style.tex`]) 
#' special Latex characters are escaped. This means that `title="Exports in million $."` will be 
#' exported as `"Exports in million \\$."`: the dollar sign will be escaped. This is true for the 
#' following characters: &, `$`, %, _, ^ and #.
#' Note, importantly, that equations are NOT escaped. This means that 
#' `title="Functional form $a_i \\times x^b$, variation in %."` will be displayed as: 
#' `"Functional form $a_i \\times x^b$, variation in \\%."`: only the 
#' last percentage will be escaped.
#' If for some reason you don't want the escaping to take place, the arguments `headers` and 
#' `extralines` are the only ones allowing that. To disable escaping, add the special token 
#' ":tex:" in the row names. 
#' Example: in `headers=list(":tex:Row title"="weird & & %\\n tex stuff\\\\")`, 
#' the elements will be displayed verbatim. Of course, since it can easily ruin your table, 
#' it is only recommended to super users.
#' @section Markdown markup:
#' Within anything that is Latex-escaped (see previous section), you can use a markdown-style 
#' markup to put the text in italic and/or bold. Use `*text*`, `**text**` or `***text***` to 
#' put some text in, respectively, italic (with `\\textit`), bold (with `\\textbf`) and italic-bold.
#' The markup can be escaped by using an backslash first. For example `"***This: \\***, are 
#' three stars***"` will leave the three stars in the middle untouched.
#' @return
#' If `tex = TRUE`, the lines composing the Latex table are returned invisibly while the table 
#' is directly prompted on the console.
#' If `tex = FALSE`, the data.frame is directly returned. If the argument `file` is not missing,
#'  the `data.frame` is printed and returned invisibly.
#' @seealso
#' For styling the table: [`setFixest_etable`], [`style.tex`], [`style.df`].
#' See also the main estimation functions [`femlm`], [`feols`] or [`feglm`]. 
#' Use [`summary.fixest`] 
#' to see the results with the appropriate standard-errors, [`fixef.fixest`] to extract the 
#' fixed-effects coefficients.
#' @author
#' Laurent Berge
#' @examples
#' est1 = feols(Ozone ~ i(Month) / Wind + Temp, data = airquality)
#' est2 = feols(Ozone ~ i(Month, Wind) + Temp | Month, data = airquality)
#' # Displaying the two results in a single table
#' etable(est1, est2)
#' # keep/drop: keeping only interactions
#' etable(est1, est2, keep = " x ")
#' # or using drop  (see regexp help):
#' etable(est1, est2, drop = "^(Month|Temp|\\()")
#' # keep/drop: dropping interactions
#' etable(est1, est2, drop = " x ")
#' # or using keep ("!" reverses the effect):
#' etable(est1, est2, keep = "! x ")
#' # order: Wind variable first, intercept last (note the "!" to reverse the effect)
#' etable(est1, est2, order = c("Wind", "!Inter"))
#' # Month, then interactions, then the rest
#' etable(est1, est2, order = c("^Month", " x "))
#' #
#' # dict
#' #
#' # You can rename variables with dict = c(var1 = alias1, var2 = alias2, etc)
#' # You can also rename values taken by factors.
#' # Here's a full example:
#' dict = c(Temp = "Temperature", "Month::5"="May", "6"="Jun")
#' etable(est1, est2, dict = dict)
#' # Note the difference of treatment between Jun and May
#' # Assume the following dictionary:
#' dict = c("Month::5"="May", "Month::6"="Jun", "Month::7"="Jul",
#'          "Month::8"="Aug", "Month::9"="Sep")
#' # We would like to keep only the Months, but now the names are all changed...
#' # How to do?
#' # We can use the special character '%' to make reference to the original names.
#' etable(est1, est2, dict = dict, keep = "%Month")
#' #
#' # signif.code
#' #
#' etable(est1, est2, signif.code = c(" A"=0.01, " B"=0.05, " C"=0.1, " D"=0.15, " F"=1))
#' #
#' # Using the argument style to customize Latex exports
#' #
#' # If you don't like the default layout of the table, no worries!
#' # You can modify many parameters with the argument style
#' # To drop the headers before each section, use:
#' # Note that a space adds an extra line
#' style_noHeaders = style.tex(var.title = "", fixef.title = "", stats.title = " ")
#' etable(est1, est2, dict = dict, tex = TRUE, style.tex = style_noHeaders)
#' # To change the lines of the table + dropping the table footer
#' style_lines = style.tex(line.top = "\\toprule", line.bottom = "\\bottomrule",
#'                     tablefoot = FALSE)
#' etable(est1, est2, dict = dict, tex = TRUE, style.tex = style_lines)
#' # Or you have the predefined type "aer"
#' etable(est1, est2, dict = dict, tex = TRUE, style.tex = style.tex("aer"))
#' #
#' # Group and extralines
#' #
#' # Sometimes it's useful to group control variables into a single line
#' # You can achieve that with the group argument
#' setFixest_fml(..ctrl = ~ poly(Wind, 2) + poly(Temp, 2))
#' est_c0 = feols(Ozone ~ Solar.R, data = airquality)
#' est_c1 = feols(Ozone ~ Solar.R + ..ctrl, data = airquality)
#' est_c2 = feols(Ozone ~ Solar.R + Solar.R^2 + ..ctrl, data = airquality)
#' etable(est_c0, est_c1, est_c2, group = list(Controls = "poly"))
#' # 'group' here does the same as drop = "poly", but adds an extra line
#' # with TRUE/FALSE where the variables were found
#' # 'extralines' adds an extra line, where you can add the value for each model
#' est_all  = feols(Ozone ~ Solar.R + Temp + Wind, data = airquality)
#' est_sub1 = feols(Ozone ~ Solar.R + Temp + Wind, data = airquality,
#'                  subset = ~ Month %in% 5:6)
#' est_sub2 = feols(Ozone ~ Solar.R + Temp + Wind, data = airquality,
#'                  subset = ~ Month %in% 7:8)
#' est_sub3 = feols(Ozone ~ Solar.R + Temp + Wind, data = airquality,
#'                  subset = ~ Month == 9)
#' etable(est_all, est_sub1, est_sub2, est_sub3,
#'        extralines = list("Sub-sample" = c("All", "May-June", "Jul.-Aug.", "Sept.")))
#' # You can monitor the placement of the new lines with two special characters
#' # at the beginning of the row name.
#' # 1) "^", "-" or "_" which mean the coefficients, the fixed-effects or the
#' # statistics section.
#' # 2) "^" or "_" which mean first or last line of the section
#' #
#' # Ex: starting with "_^" will place the line at the top of the stat. section
#' #     starting with "-_" will place the line at the bottom of the FEs section
#' #     etc.
#' #
#' # You can use a single character which will represent the section,
#' # the line would then appear at the bottom of the section.
#' # Examples
#' etable(est_c0, est_c1, est_c2, group = list("_Controls" = "poly"))
#' etable(est_all, est_sub1, est_sub2, est_sub3,
#'        extralines = list("^^Sub-sample" = c("All", "May-June", "Jul.-Aug.", "Sept.")))
#' #
#' # headers
#' #
#' # You can add header lines with 'headers'
#' # These lines will appear at the top of the table
#' # first, 3 estimations
#' est_header = feols(c(Ozone, Solar.R, Wind) ~  poly(Temp, 2), airquality)
#' # header => vector: adds a line w/t title
#' etable(est_header, headers = c("A", "A", "B"))
#' # header => list: identical way to do the previous header
#' # The form is: list(item1 = #item1, item2 = #item2,  etc)
#' etable(est_header, headers = list("A" = 2, "B" = 1))
#' # Adding a title +
#' # when an element is to be repeated only once, you can avoid the "= 1":
#' etable(est_header, headers = list(Group = list("A" = 2, "B")))
#' # To change the placement, add as first character:
#' # - "^" => top
#' # - "-" => mid (default)
#' # - "_" => bottom
#' # Note that "mid" and "top" are only distinguished when tex = TRUE
#' # Placing the new header line at the bottom
#' etable(est_header, headers = list("_Group" = c("A", "A", "B"),
#'                                   "^Currency" = list("US $" = 2, "CA $" = 1)))
#' # In Latex, you can add "grouped underlines" (cmidrule from the booktabs package)
#' # by adding ":_:" in the title:
#' etable(est_header, tex = TRUE,
#'        headers = list("^:_:Group" = c("A", "A", "B")))
#' #
#' # extralines and headers: .() for list()
#' #
#' # In the two arguments extralines and headers, .() can be used for list()
#' # For example:
#' etable(est_header, headers = .("^Currency" = .("US $" = 2, "CA $" = 1)))
#' #
#' # fixef.group
#' #
#' # You can group the fixed-effects line with fixef.group
#' est_0fe = feols(Ozone ~ Solar.R + Temp + Wind, airquality)
#' est_1fe = feols(Ozone ~ Solar.R + Temp + Wind | Month, airquality)
#' est_2fe = feols(Ozone ~ Solar.R + Temp + Wind | Month + Day, airquality)
#' # A) automatic way => simply use fixef.group = TRUE
#' etable(est_0fe, est_2fe, fixef.group = TRUE)
#' # Note that when grouping would lead to inconsistencies across models,
#' # it is avoided
#' etable(est_0fe, est_1fe, est_2fe, fixef.group = TRUE)
#' # B) customized way => use a list
#' etable(est_0fe, est_2fe, fixef.group = list("Dates" = "Month|Day"))
#' # Note that when a user grouping would lead to inconsistencies,
#' # the term partial replaces yes/no and the fixed-effects are not removed.
#' etable(est_0fe, est_1fe, est_2fe, fixef.group = list("Dates" = "Month|Day"))
#' # Using customized placement => as with 'group' and 'extralines',
#' # the user can control the placement of the new line.
#' # See the previous 'group' examples and the dedicated section in the help.
#' # On top of the coefficients:
#' etable(est_0fe, est_2fe, fixef.group = list("^^Dates" = "Month|Day"))
#' # Last line of the statistics
#' etable(est_0fe, est_2fe, fixef.group = list("_Dates" = "Month|Day"))
#' #
#' # Using custom functions to compute the standard errors
#' #
#' # You can use external functions to compute the VCOVs
#' # by feeding functions in the 'vcov' argument.
#' # Let's use some covariances from the sandwich package
#' etable(est_c0, est_c1, est_c2, vcov = sandwich::vcovHC)
#' # To add extra arguments to vcovHC, you need to write your wrapper:
#' etable(est_c0, est_c1, est_c2, vcov = function(x) sandwich::vcovHC(x, type = "HC0"))
#' #
#' # Customize which fit statistic to display
#' #
#' # You can change the fit statistics with the argument fitstat
#' # and you can rename them with the dictionary
#' etable(est1, est2, fitstat = ~ r2 + n + G)
#' # If you use a formula, '.' means the default:
#' etable(est1, est2, fitstat = ~ ll + .)
#' #
#' # Computing a different SE for each model
#' #
#' est = feols(Ozone ~ Solar.R + Wind + Temp, data = airquality)
#' #
#' # Method 1: use summary
#' s1 = summary(est, "iid")
#' s2 = summary(est, cluster = ~ Month)
#' s3 = summary(est, cluster = ~ Day)
#' s4 = summary(est, cluster = ~ Day + Month)
#' etable(list(s1, s2, s3, s4))
#' #
#' # Method 2: using a list in the argument 'vcov'
#' est_bis = feols(Ozone ~ Solar.R + Wind + Temp | Month, data = airquality)
#' etable(est, est_bis, vcov = list("hetero", ~ Month))
#' # When you have only one model, this model is replicated
#' # along the elements of the vcov list.
#' etable(est, vcov = list("hetero", ~ Month))
#' #
#' # Method 3: Using "each" or "times" in vcov
#' # If the first element of the list in 'vcov' is "each" or "times",
#' # then all models will be replicated and all the VCOVs will be
#' # applied to each model. The order in which they are replicated
#' # are governed by the each/times keywords.
#' # each
#' etable(est, est_bis, vcov = list("each", "iid", ~ Month, ~ Day))
#' # times
#' etable(est, est_bis, vcov = list("times", "iid", ~ Month, ~ Day))
#' #
#' # Notes and markup
#' #
#' # Notes can be also be set in a dictionary
#' # You can use markdown markup to put text into italic/bold
#' dict = c("note 1" = "*Notes:* This data is not really random.",
#'          "source 1" = "**Source:** the internet?")
#' est = feols(Ozone ~ csw(Solar.R, Wind, Temp), data = airquality)
#' etable(est, dict = dict, tex = TRUE, notes = c("note 1", "source 1"))
etable = function(..., vcov = NULL, stage = 2, agg = NULL,
                  se = NULL, ssc = NULL, cluster = NULL,
                  .vcov = NULL, .vcov_args = NULL, digits = 4, digits.stats = 5, tex,
                  fitstat = NULL, title = NULL, coefstat = "se", ci = 0.95,
                  se.row = NULL, se.below = NULL,
                  keep = NULL, drop = NULL, order = NULL,
                  dict = TRUE, file = NULL, replace = FALSE, convergence = NULL,
                  signif.code = NULL, label = NULL, float = NULL,
                  headers = list("auto"), fixef_sizes = FALSE,
                  fixef_sizes.simplify = TRUE, keepFactors = TRUE,
                  family = NULL, powerBelow = -5,
                  interaction.combine = NULL, interaction.order = NULL,
                  i.equal = NULL, depvar = TRUE, style.tex = NULL,
                  style.df = NULL, notes = NULL, group = NULL, extralines = NULL,
                  fixef.group = NULL, placement = "htbp", drop.section = NULL,
                  poly_dict = c("", " square", " cube"), postprocess.tex = NULL,
                  postprocess.df = NULL, tpt = FALSE, arraystretch = NULL, adjustbox = NULL,
                  fontsize = NULL, fit_format = "__var__", coef.just = NULL,
                  tabular = "normal", highlight = NULL, coef.style = NULL,
                  meta = NULL, meta.time = NULL, meta.author = NULL, meta.sys = NULL,
                  meta.call = NULL, meta.comment = NULL, view = FALSE,
                  export = NULL, markdown = NULL, page.width = "fit",
                  div.class = "etable"){

  # Checking the arguments

  # Need to check for the presence of the se
  useSummary = TRUE
  if(missnull(vcov) && missnull(se) && missnull(cluster) && missing(.vcov) && missing(stage) && missnull(agg)){
    useSummary = FALSE

  # The depvar
  if(missing(depvar) && !missing(file)){
    depvar = TRUE

  check_arg(tex, view, "logical scalar")
    if(!missing(file)) {
      tex = TRUE
    } else {
      tex = FALSE

  # Float or not
  check_arg(float, "NULL logical scalar")
    if(!missing(title) || !missing(label)){
      float = TRUE
    } else {
      float = FALSE
  } else if(!float && (!missnull(title) || !missnull(label))) {
    what = c("title", "label")[c(!missing(title), !missing(label))]
    warning("Since float = FALSE, the argument", enumerate_items(what, "s.is"), " ignored.",
        immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)

  check_value(div.class, "character scalar")

  # NOTA: now that I allow the use of .(stuff) for headers and extralines
  # list(...) will raise an error if subtitle (now deprec) is used with .()
  # And there's no clear error message => I think it's a fair limitation
  dots = error_sender(list(...), "Some elements in '...' could not be evaluated: ")

  if(".up" %in% names(dots)){
    # internal call from esttable/esttex
    .up = 2
    dots[[".up"]] = NULL
  } else {
    .up = 1

  if(length(dots) == 0){
    stop("You must provide at least one element in '...'.")

  # Deprecated items

  if("subtitles" %in% names(dots)){
      warning("The argument 'subtitles' is deprecated. Please use 'headers' instead.")
      options(fixest_etable_arg_subtitles = TRUE)
    headers = dots$subtitles
    dots$subtitles = NULL

  if("extraline" %in% names(dots)){
      warning("The argument 'extraline' is deprecated. Please use 'extralines' instead (note the last 's'!).")
      options(fixest_etable_arg_extraline = TRUE)
    extralines = dots$extraline
    dots$extraline = NULL

  if("sdBelow" %in% names(dots)){
      warning("The argument 'sdBelow' is deprecated. Please use 'se.below' instead.")
      options(fixest_etable_arg_sdBelow = TRUE)
    se.below = dots$sdBelow
    dots$sdBelow = NULL

  if("signifCode" %in% names(dots)){
      warning("The argument 'signifCode' is deprecated. Please use 'signif.code' instead.")
      options(fixest_etable_arg_signifCode = TRUE)
    signif.code = dots$signifCode
    dots$signifCode = NULL

  # Getting the model names
  if(.up == 2){
    # it's pain in the necky
    sysOrigin = sys.parent()
    mc = match.call(definition = sys.function(sysOrigin), call = sys.call(sysOrigin), expand.dots = FALSE)
    dots_call = mc[["..."]]
  } else {
    mc = match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    dots_call = mc[["..."]]

  # vcov
  vcov = oldargs_to_vcov(se, cluster, vcov, .vcov)

  if(is_function_in_it(vcov) && missnull(.vcov_args)){
    vcov_fun = if(is.function(vcov)) vcov else vcov[[1]]
    .vcov_args = catch_fun_args(vcov_fun, dots, exclude_args = "vcov", erase_args = TRUE)
    for(var in intersect(names(.vcov_args), names(dots))) dots[[var]] = NULL

  # Arguments that can be set globally
  opts = getOption("fixest_etable")

  args_global = c("postprocess.tex", "postprocess.df", "view", "markdown", "page.width")
  for(arg in setdiff(args_global, names(mc))){
    if(arg %in% names(opts)){
      assign(arg, opts[[arg]])

  # argument only in setFixest_etable: cache
  cache = opts$view.cache

  check_arg(markdown, "NULL scalar(logical, character)")
    # R > 4.0.0: we use R_user_dir() to store the files across sessions
    # else images/etable/

    # The bookkeeping is handled in the dedicated function build_tex_png
    if(isFALSE(markdown)) markdown = NULL

  tex_origin = tex
  is_md = !is.null(markdown)
      if("markdown" %in% names(mc)){
        warning("The argument 'markdown' only works when knitting Rmarkdown documents. It is currently ignored.")
      markdown = NULL
      is_md = FALSE
    } else {
      tex = TRUE
      export = NULL
      view = FALSE
        is_md = FALSE

  is_export = !is.null(export)

  # We can display the table in the R console AND at the same time showing
  # the latex table in the viewer
  do_df = isFALSE(tex)
  do_tex = tex || view || is_export

  # postprocess.tex

  # Note that I need to catch the arguments from the two pp functions
  # => so that the same call lead to valid evaluations

  check_arg(postprocess.tex, "NULL function arg(1,)")
  pp_tex = postprocess.tex
  is_pp_tex = !is.null(pp_tex)

  check_arg(postprocess.df, "NULL function arg(1,)")
  pp_df = postprocess.df
  is_pp_df = !is.null(pp_df)

  # Catching the arguments
  pp_tex_args = pp_df_args = list()
      fm = formalArgs(pp_tex)
      qui = names(dots) %in% fm
      pp_tex_args = dots[qui]
      dots = dots[!qui]

      fm = formalArgs(pp_df)
      qui = names(dots) %in% fm
      pp_df_args = dots[qui]
      dots = dots[!qui]

  if(length(dots) == 0){
    stop("After cleaning the arguments to the postprocessing functions, there is no element left in '...'. Please provide at least one.")

  for(i in seq_along(dots)){
    if(!is_fixest_model(dots[[i]]) && !(is.list(dots[[i]]) && is_fixest_model(dots[[i]][[1]]))){
      msg = ""
        msg = paste0(" (named '", names(dots)[i], "')")
      stop("The ", n_th(i), " element of '...'", msg, " is not valid: it should be a fixest object or a list of fixest objects, it is neither.")

  # internal argument
  caption.number = TRUE

  build_etable_list = function(TEX){
      dots = dots, vcov = vcov, ssc = ssc, fitstat_all = fitstat,
      stage = stage, agg = agg,
      .vcov_args = .vcov_args, digits = digits, digits.stats = digits.stats,
      se.row = se.row, se.below = se.below,
      signif.code = signif.code, coefstat = coefstat,
      ci = ci, title = title, float = float, headers = headers,
      keepFactors = keepFactors, tex = TEX, useSummary = useSummary,
      dots_call = dots_call, powerBelow = powerBelow, dict = dict,
      interaction.combine = interaction.combine, interaction.order = interaction.order,
      i.equal = i.equal, convergence = convergence,
      family = family, keep = keep, drop = drop, file = file, order = order,
      label = label, fixef_sizes = fixef_sizes,
      fixef_sizes.simplify = fixef_sizes.simplify,
      depvar = depvar, style.tex = style.tex, style.df = style.df,
      replace = replace, notes = notes, group = group, extralines = extralines,
      fixef.group = fixef.group, placement = placement,
      drop.section = drop.section, poly_dict = poly_dict,
      tex_tag = TRUE, fit_format = fit_format,
      coef.just = coef.just, meta = meta, meta.time = meta.time,
      meta.author = meta.author, meta.sys = meta.sys,
      meta.call = meta.call, meta.comment = meta.comment,
      tpt = tpt, arraystretch = arraystretch, adjustbox = adjustbox,
      fontsize = fontsize, tabular = tabular, highlight = highlight,
      coef.style = coef.style, caption.number = caption.number,
      mc = mc, .up = .up + 1

  # Checking the requirements for exports to png
  if(view || is_md || is_export){
    build_ok = check_build_available()
      args = c("view", "export", "markdown")
      what = args[args %in% names(mc)]
      if(length(what) > 0){
        warni("The argument{$s, enum.bq, require?what} {build_ok} to work. So they are currently ignored.")

      view = is_md = is_export = FALSE
      markdown = export = NULL
      do_tex = tex = tex_origin


    # if we're in markdown, we remove the table number
      caption.number = FALSE

    info_tex = build_etable_list(TRUE)
    res_tex = etable_internal_latex(info_tex)
    n_models = attr(res_tex, "n_models")
    attr(res_tex, "n_models") = NULL

    info_df = build_etable_list(FALSE)
    res_df = etable_internal_df(info_df)

  make_png = function(x) NULL
  is_png = view || is_md || is_export
     make_png = function(x) build_tex_png(x, view = view, export = export,
                                          markdown = markdown, cache = cache,
                                          page.width = page.width)

  # DF requested, but also png, OK user
  if(isFALSE(tex) && is_png){
    # Some exporting functions only print stuff!
    # I need to take care of that! PAIN IN THE NECK!

    ok = TRUE
      pp_tex_args_all = list(res_tex)
      if(length(pp_tex_args) > 0){
        pp_tex_args_all[names(pp_tex_args)] = pp_tex_args

      tex_output = capture.output(res_tex <- do.call(pp_tex, pp_tex_args_all))
      if(length(tex_output) > 0){
        ok = FALSE
        args = c("view", "export")[c(view, is_export)]
        warni("The argument{$s, enum.bq, don't?args} work with the current postprocessing function for tex. Try to remove it first.")

    if(ok) make_png(res_tex)

  # Export to file
  is_file = !missnull(file)
    error_sender(sink(file = file, append = !replace),
                 "Argument 'file': error when creating the document in ", file)


  # Output to the requested format

      pp_tex_args_all = list(res_tex)
      if(length(pp_tex_args) > 0){
        pp_tex_args_all[names(pp_tex_args)] = pp_tex_args

      res_tex = do.call(pp_tex, pp_tex_args_all)

        args = c("view", "export", "markdown")[c(view, is_export, is_md)]
        warni("The argument{$s, enum.bq, don't?args} work with the current postprocessing function for tex. Try to remove it first.")


    res_tex = res_tex[!res_tex %in% c("%start:tab\n", "%end:tab\n")]

    res_tex = tex.nice(res_tex, n_models) # we wait after PP to nicify

    path = make_png(res_tex)

        path = path_to_relative(path)
        cat(sma('<div class = "{div.class}"><img src = "{path}"></div>\n'))

      # We add extra whitespaces => otherwise the Latex file is a bit cluttered
      cat(res_tex, sep = "\n")

    if(identical(class(res_tex), "character")){
      class(res_tex) = "etable_tex"

    } else {

  } else {
    # Some postptocessing functions return nothing (just print)
    # other return a character vector => I need to take care of that

      pp_df_args_all = list(res_df)
      if(length(pp_df_args) > 0){
        pp_df_args_all[names(pp_df_args)] = pp_df_args

      res_df = do.call(pp_df, pp_df_args_all)


      } else {
    } else {
      } else {

gen_etable_aliases = function(){
  # esttex and esttable are the functions that existed when the package was launched
  # Now the two have been merged into etable
  # I like it much better
  # I wanted to deprecate them, but maintainance with that function is very easy

  etable_args = formals(etable)

  arg_name = names(etable_args)
  arg_default = sapply(etable_args, deparse_long)

  # esttable
  esttable_def = "esttable = function("
  coll = paste0(", \n", strrep(" ", nchar(esttable_def)))

  qui_df = !arg_name %in% c("tex", "title", "label", "float", "style.tex",
                            "notes", "placement", "postprocess.tex",
                            "meta", "meta.time", "meta.author", "meta.sys",
                            "meta.call", "meta.comment", "tpt", "arraystretch",
                            "adjustbox", "fontsize", "view", "tabular", "markdown")

  esttable_args = paste0(arg_name[qui_df], " = ", arg_default[qui_df], collapse = coll)
  esttable_args = gsub(" = ,", ",", esttable_args)

  coll_bis = paste0(", \n", strrep(" ", nchar("  etable(")))
  etable_call = paste0(arg_name[qui_df][-1], " = ", arg_name[qui_df][-1], collapse = coll_bis)

  esttable_fun = paste0(esttable_def, esttable_args, "){\n\n",
                        "  etable(...", coll_bis, etable_call, coll_bis, 
                        "tex = FALSE", coll_bis, ".up = 2)\n}")

  esttable_rox = "#' @describeIn etable Exports the results of multiple `fixest` estimations in a Latex table."

  # esttex
  esttex_def = "esttex = function("
  coll = paste0(", \n", strrep(" ", nchar(esttex_def)))

  qui_tex = !arg_name %in% c("tex", "style.df", "postprocess.df", "coef.just")

  esttex_args = paste0(arg_name[qui_tex], " = ", arg_default[qui_tex], collapse = coll)
  esttex_args = gsub(" = ,", ",", esttex_args)

  etable_call = paste0(arg_name[qui_tex][-1], " = ", arg_name[qui_tex][-1], collapse = coll_bis)

  esttex_fun = paste0(esttex_def, esttex_args, "){\n\n",
                      "  etable(...", coll_bis, etable_call, coll_bis,
                      "tex = TRUE", coll_bis, ".up = 2)\n}")

  esttex_rox = "#' @describeIn etable Exports the results of multiple `fixest` estimations in a Latex table."
  # Writing the functions
  intro = c("# Do not edit by hand\n# => aliases to the function etable")

  s = "\n\n\n"
  text = c(intro, s, esttable_rox, esttable_fun, s, esttex_rox, esttex_fun, s)

  update_file("./R/alias_etable.R", text)

results2formattedList = function(dots, vcov = NULL, ssc = getFixest_ssc(), stage = 2,
                                 agg = NULL, .vcov_args = NULL, digits = 4,
                                 digits.stats = 5, fitstat_all, se.row = NULL, 
                                 se.below = NULL, dict,
                                 signif.code = c("***"=0.01, "**"=0.05, "*"=0.10),
                                 coefstat = "se", ci = 0.95, label, headers, title,
                                 float = FALSE, replace = FALSE, keepFactors = FALSE,
                                 tex = FALSE, useSummary, dots_call, powerBelow = -5,
                                 interaction.combine, interaction.order, i.equal,
                                 convergence, family, drop, order,
                                 keep, file, fixef_sizes = FALSE, fixef_sizes.simplify = TRUE,
                                 depvar = FALSE, style.tex = NULL, style.df=NULL,
                                 notes = NULL, group = NULL, extralines=NULL,
                                 fixef.group = NULL, placement = "htbp", drop.section = NULL,
                                 poly_dict = c("", " square", " cube"), tex_tag = FALSE,
                                 fit_format = "__var__", coef.just = NULL,
                                 meta = NULL, meta.time = NULL, meta.author = NULL,
                                 meta.call = NULL, meta.sys = NULL, meta.comment = NULL,
                                 tpt = FALSE, arraystretch = NULL, adjustbox = NULL,
                                 fontsize = NULL, tabular = "normal", highlight = NULL,
                                 coef.style = NULL, caption.number = TRUE,
                                 mc = NULL, .up = 1){

  # This function is the core of the function etable


  # Setting the default values (we take extra care for "style")
    check_arg(style.tex, "NULL class(fixest_style_tex)")
    # The variable style will be changed via the defaults
    style_user = style.tex
  } else {
    check_arg(style.df, "NULL class(fixest_style_df)")
    # The variable style will be changed via the defaults
    style_user = style.df

  # Setting the default

  opts = getOption("fixest_etable")
  sysOrigin = sys.parent(.up)
  if(length(opts) > 0){
    args_usr = setdiff(names(mc), c("style.tex", "style.df"))

    # We modify only non-user provided arguments
    for(v in names(opts)){
      if(!v %in% args_usr){
        assign(v, opts[[v]])

  # Getting the default style values
    if(!"style.tex" %in% names(opts)){
      style = fixest::style.tex(main = "base")
    } else {
      style = style.tex
  } else if(!tex){
    if(!"style.df" %in% names(opts)){
      style = fixest::style.df(default = TRUE)
    } else {
      # We rename style.df into style
      style = style.df

  # Setting the style defaults
  # We modify the default set with setFixest_etable()
  if(length(style_user) > 0){
    style[names(style_user)] = style_user

  # Arguments both in style AND in etable
  args_dual = c("tpt", "arraystretch", "fontsize", "adjustbox",
          "tabular", "signif.code")
  for(arg in setdiff(args_dual, names(mc))){
    # We set to the default in style (only if NOT user-provided)
    if(arg %in% names(style)){
      assign(arg, style[[arg]])

  # Full control

  check_arg(title, "NULL character scalar")
  check_set_arg(coefstat, "match(se, tstat, confint)")

  check_set_arg(notes, "NULL character vector no na")
  if(length(notes) > 0) notes = notes[nchar(notes) > 0]

  check_arg("logical scalar", replace, fixef_sizes, fixef_sizes.simplify,
        keepFactors, tex, depvar)

  check_arg("NULL logical scalar", convergence, family, se.below, se.row, tpt)
  if(is.null(tpt)) tpt = FALSE

  isTex = tex
    show_family = NULL
  } else {
    show_family = family

    se.below = isTex

  # start: coef.just
  check_arg(coef.just, "NULL charin", .choices = c(".", "(", "l", "c", "r"))

    # this parameter is only used in DF
    if(is.null(coef.just) && se.below){
      coef.just = "."

    if(coefstat == "confint" && identical(coef.just, ".")){
      coef.just = "c"

    if(identical(coef.just, "r")){
      coef.just = NULL
  #   end: coef.just

  # digits argument + formatting
  digits_list = check_set_digits(digits, up = 2)
  digits = digits_list$digits
  round = digits_list$round

  fun_format = function(x) format_number(x, digits = digits, round = round, pow_below = powerBelow, tex = isTex)

  digits_list = check_set_digits(digits.stats, up = 2)
  digits.stats = digits_list$digits
  round.stats = digits_list$round

  fun_format_stats = function(x) format_number(x, digits = digits.stats, round = round.stats, pow_below = powerBelow, tex = isTex)

  # we rename the argument
    # Default is set in the end
    show_depvar = NULL
  } else {
    show_depvar = depvar

  check_arg(keep, drop, order, "character vector no na NULL",
            .message = "The arg. '__ARG__' must be a vector of regular expressions (see help(regex)).")

  check_arg(file, label, interaction.combine, i.equal, "NULL character scalar")

  check_set_arg(tabular, "match(normal, *, X)")

  # interaction.combine: Default depends on type
    # interaction.combine = if(isTex) " $\\times $ " else " x "
    interaction.combine = style$interaction.combine

  # i.equal
    # i.equal = if(isTex) " $=$ " else " = "
    i.equal = style$i.equal

  check_set_arg(signif.code, "NULL NA | match(letters) | named numeric vector no na GE{0} LE{1}")

      signif.code = c("***"=0.01, "**"=0.05, "*"=0.10)
    } else {
      signif.code = c("***"=0.001, "**"=0.01, "*"=0.05, "."=0.10)

  add_signif = TRUE
  if(identical(signif.code, "letters")){
    signif.code = c("a"=0.01, "b"=0.05, "c"=0.10)
  } else if(length(signif.code) == 0 || (length(signif.code) == 1 && is.na(signif.code))){
    add_signif = FALSE
  } else {
    signif.code = sort(signif.code)

  # eval_dot: headers + extralines + highlight
  headers = error_sender(eval_dot(headers, .up + 1), arg_name = "headers", up = .up)
  extralines = error_sender(eval_dot(extralines, .up + 1), arg_name = "extralines", up = .up)
  highlight = error_sender(eval_dot(highlight, .up + 1), arg_name = "highlight", up = .up)
  coef.style = error_sender(eval_dot(coef.style, .up + 1), arg_name = "coef.style", up = .up)

  check_arg(headers, "NULL character vector no na | NA | list")
  if(is.null(headers)) headers = list()

  check_arg(highlight, "NULL character vector no na | list")
    # We always want HL to be a list!
    # hl = "Petal.L>1-2"
    # hl = c("rowcol, lightblue" = "Petal.L>1-2")
    if(length(highlight) == 1){
      highlight = as.list(highlight)
    } else {
      # length 2 => can't have names
      # hl = c("Petal.L@1", "Sepal.L@3")
      highlight = list(highlight)

  check_arg(coef.style, "NULL named list")
    coef.style = list()

  check_arg(poly_dict, "character vector no na")

  check_arg(powerBelow, "integer scalar LE{-1}")

  check_arg(ci, "numeric scalar GT{0.5} LT{1}")

  check_arg(dict, "NULL logical scalar | named character vector no na")

  check_arg(placement, "character scalar")
    if(nchar(placement) > 0){
      p_split = strsplit(placement, "")[[1]]
      check_value(p_split, "strict multi charin(h, t, b, p, H, !)", 
                  .message = "Argument 'placement' must be a character string containing only the following characters: 'h', 't', 'b', 'p', 'H', and '!'.")

  check_set_arg(drop.section, "NULL multi match(fixef, slopes, stats)")

  check_set_arg(group, "NULL{list()} named list l0")
  check_set_arg(extralines, "NULL{list()} list l0 | os formula | vector")
  # we check it more in depth later

  check_arg(fixef.group, "NULL{list()} logical scalar | named list l0")
    fixef.group = list()

  IS_FIXEF_GROUP = length(fixef.group) > 0

  check_arg(fit_format, "character scalar")
  if(!grepl("__var__", fit_format, fixed = TRUE)){
    stop("The argument 'fit_format' should include the special name '__var__' that will be replaced by the variable name. So far it does not contain it.")

  check_arg(arraystretch, "NULL numeric scalar GT{0}")

  check_set_arg(fontsize, "NULL match(tiny, scriptsize, footnotesize, small, normalsize, large, Large)")

  # adjustbox + default
  adjustbox = check_set_adjustbox(adjustbox, .up)

  # meta

  meta_txt = ""
    check_arg(meta, "NULL os formula")
    # Note that meta CANNOT be set globally, so if not null it has **always** precedence!
    meta_order = c("time", "author", "sys", "call", "comment")
      # meta = ~time + author("hahaha") + sys + comment("this is nuts")
      meta_vars = all.vars(meta, functions = TRUE)
      meta_vars = meta_vars[grepl("[[:alpha:]]{2,}", meta_vars)]

      check_set_value(meta_vars, "multi match(time, date, sys, author, comment, call)",
               .message = paste0("The argument 'meta' must be a one-sided formula composed of the following variables: \n",
               "  time, date, author, sys, call or comment."))

      # date/time/call/sys cannot be directly edited
      if("date" %in% meta_vars) meta.time = "date"
      if("time" %in% meta_vars) meta.time = "time"
      if("call" %in% meta_vars) meta.call = TRUE
      if("sys" %in% meta_vars) meta.sys = TRUE

      meta_vars[meta_vars == "date"] = "time"
      meta_order = order_apply(meta_order, paste0("^", meta_vars, "$"))

      meta_terms = attr(terms(meta), "term.labels")
      if("author" %in% meta_vars) {
        if(!"author" %in% all.vars(meta, functions = FALSE)){
          # means author is a function
          my_term = meta_terms[grepl("^aut.*\\(", meta_terms)]
          my_term = gsub("^[^\\(]+\\(", "I(", my_term)
          meta.author = eval(str2lang(my_term))
        } else {
          meta.author = TRUE

      if("comment" %in% meta_vars){
        if(!"comment" %in% all.vars(meta, functions = FALSE)){
          my_term = meta_terms[grepl("^com.*\\(", meta_terms)]
          my_term = gsub("^[^\\(]+\\(", "I(", my_term)
          meta.comment = eval(str2lang(my_term))
        } else {
          # Comments MUST be provided explicitly
          # => we rely on the default comment then (if provided)

    check_set_arg(meta.time, "NULL match(date, time) | logical scalar")
    check_arg(meta.call, meta.sys, "NULL logical scalar")
    check_arg(meta.author, "NULL logical scalar | character vector no na")
    check_arg(meta.comment, "NULL character vector no na")

    for(meta_value in meta_order){

      if(meta_value == "time" && !is.null(meta.time)){
        if(isTRUE(meta.time)) meta.time = "time"
        my_date = switch(meta.time, "date" = Sys.Date(), "time" = Sys.time())
        meta_txt = paste0(meta_txt, "% Created: ", my_date, "\n")

      } else if(meta_value == "sys" && isTRUE(meta.sys)){
        my_sys = Sys.info()[1:5]
        meta_txt = paste0(meta_txt, "% System info: ",
                  paste0(names(my_sys), ": ", my_sys, collapse = ", "), "\n")

      } else if(meta_value == "call" && isTRUE(meta.call)){
        sc = sys.call(sysOrigin)
        my_call = paste0("% ", deparse(sc), collapse = "\n")
        meta_txt = paste0(meta_txt, "% Call:\n", my_call, "\n")

      } else if(meta_value == "author" && !is.null(meta.author) && !isFALSE(meta.author)){


          user_all = Sys.info()[c("login", "user", "effective_user")]

          author_txt = "% Created by: "
          if(length(unique(user_all)) == 1){
            # Windows
            author_txt = paste0(author_txt, user_all[1])
          } else {
            # Unix
            user_login = user_all["login"]
            user_no_login = user_all[-1]

            if(length(unique(user_all)) == 2){
              if(user_login %in% user_no_login){
                i = which(user_no_login == user_login)
                user_login = paste0(user_login, " (login, ", names(user_no_login)[i], ")")
                user_rest = paste0(user_no_login[-i], " (", names(user_no_login)[-i], ")")
              } else {
                user_login = paste0(user_login, " (login)")
                user_rest = paste0(user_all[2], "(user, effective_user)")

              author_txt = paste0(author_txt, user_login, ", ", user_rest)
            } else {
              author_txt = sma("{author_txt}{user_all[1]} (login), {user_all[2]} (user), ", 
                               "{user_all[3]} (effective_user)")

        } else {
          author_txt = meta.author

          if(length(author_txt) > 1){
            author_txt = paste0(author_txt, collapse = "\n%             ")

          if(!grepl("^%", author_txt)){
            author_txt = paste0("% Created by: ", author_txt)

        meta_txt = paste0(meta_txt, author_txt, "\n")

      } else if(meta_value == "comment" && !is.null(meta.comment)){

        if(length(meta.comment) > 1){
          meta.comment = paste0(meta.comment, collapse = "\n% ")

        if(!grepl("^%", meta.comment)){
          meta.comment = paste0("% ", meta.comment)

        meta_txt = paste0(meta_txt, meta.comment, "\n")

  # yesNo => used later when setting the fixed-effect line
  yesNo = style$yesNo

  # default values for dict
  dict_global = getFixest_dict()
  if(missing(dict) || isTRUE(dict)) {
    dict = dict_global
  } else if(isFALSE(dict)) {
    dict = NULL
  } else {
    # dict changes the values set in the global dict

    if(dict[1] == "reset"){
      dict_global = c()
      dict = dict[-1]

    if(length(dict) > 0){
      dict_global[names(dict)] = dict

    dict = dict_global

  # headers => must be a list
  # We get the automatic headers, if split is used
  i_auto_headers = 1
    if(length(headers) > 0){
      qui = sapply(headers, function(x) identical(x, "auto"))
        i_auto_headers = which(qui)[1]
        headers = headers[!qui]

      # We expand the headers if needed
      if(length(headers) > 0){
        # ex: headers = list(Gender = list("M"=2, "F"=2))

        if(length(headers[[1]]) == 1){
          # ex: headers = list("M"=2, "F"=2)
          # or list("M", "F" = 2)
          if(is.numeric(headers[[1]]) || # case list("M" = 2, "F" = 3)
             (!is.null(names(headers)) && nchar(names(headers)[1]) == 0 && is.character(headers[[1]]))){ # case list("M", "F" = 2)
            headers = list(headers)

        for(i in seq_along(headers)){
          # expand_list_vector: list("A"=2, "B") => c("A", "A", "B")
          headers[[i]] = expand_list_vector(headers[[i]])

        # We ensure headers have names
          names(headers) = character(length(headers))

  } else if(anyNA(headers)){
    headers = list()
  } else {
    # It's a character vector
    if(identical(headers, "auto")){
      headers = list()
    } else {
      # we need names
      headers = list(headers)
      names(headers) = ""

  # formatting the names of the models
  dots_names = names(dots_call)

    for(i in 1:length(dots_call)){
      if(dots_names[i] != ""){
        dots_call[[i]] = dots_names[i]
      } else {
        dots_call[[i]] = deparse_long(dots_call[[i]])

  n_dots = length(dots)

  if(n_dots == 0) stop_up("Not any estimation as argument.")

  all_models = list()
  model_names = list()
  auto_headers = list()
  model_id = NULL
  k = 1
  for(i in 1:n_dots){
    di = dots[[i]]

    if("fixest" %in% class(di)){
      all_models[[k]] = di
      if(any(class(dots_call[[i]]) %in% c("call", "name"))){
        model_names[[k]] = deparse_long(dots_call[[i]])
      } else {
        model_names[[k]] = as.character(dots_call[[i]])

      k = k + 1
    } else if(any(c("list", "fixest_list", "fixest_multi") %in% class(di))){
      # we get into this list to get the fixest objects
      types = sapply(di, function(x) class(x)[1])
      qui = which(types %in% c("fixest", "fixest_multi"))
      is_multi = inherits(di, "fixest_multi")

      for(m in qui){
        mod = di[[m]]

        # handling names
          if(any(class(dots_call[[i]]) %in% c("call", "name"))){
            mod_name = deparse_long(dots_call[[i]])
          } else {
            mod_name = as.character(dots_call[[i]])
          mod_name = paste0(mod_name, ".", m)
        } else {
          if(n_dots > 1){
            if(is.null(names(di)[m]) || names(di)[m] == ""){
              mod_name  = paste0(dots_call[[i]], "[[", m, "]]")
            } else {
              mod_name = paste0(dots_call[[i]], "$", names(di)[m])
          } else {
            mod_name = as.character(names(di)[m])

        if(inherits(mod, "fixest_multi")){

          for(j in seq_along(mod)){
            all_models[[k]] = mod[[j]]
            model_names[[k]] = paste0(mod_name, ".", j)

            k = k + 1

        } else {
          # regular fixest or from fixest_list
          all_models[[k]] = mod
          model_names[[k]] = mod_name

          id = di[[m]]$model_id
            model_id[k] = id

          k = k + 1

  if(length(all_models) == 0) stop_up("Not any 'fixest' model as argument!")

  n_models = length(all_models)


    # SAMPLE (ie split)
    sample_info = lapply(all_models, function(x) x$model_info$sample)
    sample_info_ok = which(lengths(sample_info) > 0)

    for(i in sample_info_ok){
      my_headers = list()

      si = sample_info[[i]]

      if(tex == FALSE){
        # We need to rename to avoid FE problem duplicate row names
        my_headers$title = paste0("Sample (", dict_apply(si$var, dict), ")")
      } else {
        my_headers$title = dict_apply(si$var, dict)

      my_headers$value = si$value

      my_headers$index = i

      auto_headers[[length(auto_headers) + 1]] = my_headers

  if(!missnull(vcov) && identical(class(vcov), "list") && length(vcov) > 1){

    vcov_1 = vcov[[1]]

    is_rep = identical(vcov_1, "times") || identical(vcov_1, "each")
    if(is_rep || n_models == 1){

        vcov[[1]] = NULL

      n_vcov = length(vcov)
      if(n_vcov == 0){
        stop_up("The argument 'vcov' is not valid.")

      n_total = n_models * n_vcov

      if(vcov_1 == "times"){
        id_mod = rep(1:n_models, n_vcov)
        id_vcov = rep(1:n_vcov, each = n_models)
      } else {
        IS_EACH = TRUE
        id_mod = rep(1:n_models, each = n_vcov)
        id_vcov = rep(1:n_vcov, n_models)

      mega_model_names = vector("list", n_total)
      mega_models = vector("list", n_total)
      mega_vcov = vector("list", n_total)

      for(i in 1:n_total){
        m_name = model_names[[id_mod[i]]]
        if(length(m_name) == 0 || m_name == ""){
          mega_model_names[[i]] = paste0("model ", id_mod[i], ".", id_vcov[i])
        } else {
          mega_model_names[[i]] = m_name

        mega_models[[i]] = all_models[[id_mod[i]]]
        mega_vcov[[i]] = vcov[[id_vcov[i]]]

      if(length(auto_headers) > 0){
        # I need to find out the new indexes... pain in the neck....
        if(vcov_1 == "times"){
          for(i in seq_along(auto_headers)){
            index = auto_headers[[i]]
            n_index = length(index)
            auto_headers[[i]] = rep(index, n_vcov) + n_models * rep(0:(n_vcov-1), each = n_index)
        } else {
          for(i in seq_along(auto_headers)){
            index = auto_headers[[i]]
            new_index = (index - 1) * n_vcov + 1
            n_index = length(index)

            auto_headers[[i]] = rep(new_index, each = n_vcov) + rep(1:n_vcov, n_index)

      model_names = mega_model_names
      all_models = mega_models
      n_models = length(all_models)
      vcov = mega_vcov

    } else {
      check_value(vcov, "list len(value)", .value = n_models, 
                  .message = "If 'vcov' is a list, it must be of the same length as the number of models, or you should add the 'each' or 'times' keyword as the first element of the list.")

  auto_headers_clean = list()
  if(length(auto_headers) > 0){
    # We reconstruct the headers properly

    for(i in seq_along(auto_headers)){
      my_sub = auto_headers[[i]]
      if(my_sub$title %in% names(auto_headers_clean)){
        value = auto_headers_clean[[my_sub$title]]
      } else {
        value = character(n_models)

      value[my_sub$index] = my_sub$value
      auto_headers_clean[[my_sub$title]] = value

  # Formatting the names (if needed)
  alternative_names = paste0("model ", 1:n_models)
  who2replace = sapply(model_names, function(x) length(x) == 0 || x == "")
  model_names[who2replace] = alternative_names[who2replace]
  if(length(model_id) == n_models){
    index = rep(0, max(model_id))
    sub_index = rep(1, n_models)

    for(i in 1:n_models){
      id = model_id[i]
      index[id] = index[id] + 1
      sub_index[i] = index[id]

    model_names = paste0("model ", model_id, ".", sub_index)

  # ... summary ####

  check_arg(stage, "integer vector no na len(,2) GE{1} LE{2}")

    # finding the name

    sysOrigin = sys.parent(.up)
    mc = match.call(definition = sys.function(sysOrigin), call = sys.call(sysOrigin), expand.dots = FALSE)
    # must be either in .vcov (backward comp) or in vcov
    if(".vcov" %in% names(mc)){
      vcov_name = deparse_long(mc$.vcov)
    } else {
      vcov_name = deparse_long(mc$vcov)

    if(missnull(.vcov_args)) .vcov_args = list()
    check_set_arg(.vcov_args, "list", 
                  .message = "The argument '.vcov_args' must be a list of arguments to be passed to the function in '.vcov'.")

  # If vcov is provided, we use summary
  # if is_mult, we'll have to unroll the results
  check_mult = any(qui_iv <- sapply(all_models, function(x) isTRUE(x$iv)))
  is_mult = FALSE
    stage = unique(stage)
    # we check if we'll have multiple results
    if(length(stage) > 1){
      # Multiple for sure
      is_mult = TRUE
    } else if(1 %in% stage && any(sapply(all_models[qui_iv], 
                                         function(x) length(x$iv_endo_names) > 1))){
      # Means we have multiple end, so svl first stages
      is_mult = TRUE

  # The following two objects are only used if is_mult
  all_models_bis = list()
  iv_times = c()
  # we'll use iv headers only if length(stage) > 1
  iv_sub = c()
  for(m in 1:n_models){
        x = summary(all_models[[m]], vcov = vcov, stage = stage, .vcov_args = .vcov_args, vcov_name = vcov_name, agg = agg)
      } else {
          x = summary(all_models[[m]], vcov = vcov[[m]], ssc = ssc, stage = stage, agg = agg)
        } else {
          x = summary(all_models[[m]], vcov = vcov, ssc = ssc, stage = stage, agg = agg)

    } else {
      # What do we do if vcov not provided?
      # we apply summary only to the ones that are not summaries
      x = all_models[[m]]
        # not a summary => we apply summary to trigger default behavior
        x = summary(x, ssc = ssc)


      if("fixest_multi" %in% class(x)){
        for(i in seq_along(x)){
          all_models_bis[[length(all_models_bis) + 1]] = x[[i]]

        iv_times[m] = length(x)
      } else {
        all_models_bis[[length(all_models_bis) + 1]] = x
        iv_times[m] = 1

    } else {
      all_models[[m]] = x

    # We've got multiple estimations from summary => we expand the headers
    all_models = all_models_bis

    model_names = rep(model_names, iv_times)
    i_max = rep(iv_times, iv_times)
    suffix = paste0(".", unlist(lapply(iv_times, seq)))
    suffix[i_max == 1] = ""
    model_names = paste0(model_names, suffix)

    if(length(auto_headers) > 0){
      # We expand the headers
      for(i in seq_along(auto_headers_clean)){
        auto_headers_clean[[i]] = rep(auto_headers_clean[[i]], iv_times)

      my_stages = sapply(all_models, function(x) ifelse(is.null(x$iv_stage), 3, x$iv_stage))
      if(length(unique(my_stages)) > 1){
        dict_stage = c("First", "Second", " ")
        auto_headers_clean[["IV stages"]] = dict_stage[my_stages]

    n_models = length(all_models)

  if(length(auto_headers_clean) > 0){
    # We place the auto headers in the right location

    auto_headers_format = list()
    for(i in seq_along(auto_headers_clean)){
      my_title = names(auto_headers_clean)[i]
      auto_headers_format[[dict_apply(my_title, dict)]] = dict_apply(auto_headers_clean[[i]], dict)

    headers = insert(headers, auto_headers_format, i_auto_headers)

  # if there are headers
  if(length(headers) == 0){
    isHeaders = FALSE
  } else {

    n_all = lengths(headers)

    if(any(n_models %% n_all != 0)){
      i_pblm = which(n_models %% n_all != 0)[1]
      info = if(length(n_all) == 1) "" else paste0(" (", n_th(i_pblm), " header)")
      stop_up("If argument 'headers' is provided, its elements must be of the same length as, or a divisor of, the number of models. Current lengths: ", n_all[i_pblm], " vs ", n_models, " models", info, ".")

    for(i in which(n_all != n_models)){
        headers[[i]] = rep(headers[[i]], each = n_models/n_all[i])
      } else {
        headers[[i]] = rep(headers[[i]], n_models/n_all[i])

    isHeaders = TRUE

      h_names = names(headers)
      for(i in seq_along(headers)){
        h_i = h_names[i]
        if(grepl(":tex:", h_i)){
          # no escaping
          h_i = sub(":tex:", "", h_i, fixed = TRUE)
        } else {
          h_i = escape_latex(h_i)
          h_i = gsub("^\\\\(\\^|\\_)", "\\1", h_i)
          h_i = gsub(":\\_:", ":_:", h_i, fixed = TRUE)
          headers[[i]] = escape_latex(headers[[i]])
        h_names[i] = h_i
      names(headers) = h_names
    } else {
      # we clean the possible Latex markup
      h_names = gsub(":_:|:tex:", "", names(headers))
      names(headers) = h_names


  # We check the group and extralines arguments

  if(missing(drop)) drop = NULL
  for(i in seq_along(group)){
    check_value(group[[i]], "character vector", .message = "The elements of argument 'group' must be character vectors of regular expressions.")
    drop = unique(c(drop, group[[i]]))

  # ... extralines ####

  if(inherits(extralines, "formula")){
    # If a formula => to summon registered stats
    extralines = extralines_extractor(extralines, tex = isTex)

  } else if(!is.list(extralines)){
    # => vector
    extralines = list(extralines)

  } else if(length(extralines) > 0 && all(lengths(extralines) == 1) &&
        !inherits(extralines[[1]], "formula") && !is.function(extralines[[1]])){
    # list("A" = 2, "B")
    extralines = list(extralines)

  el_new = list() # I need it to cope with list(~f+ivf+macro, "my vars" = TRUE)
  # => the first command will create several lines
  el_names = names(extralines)
  if(is.null(el_names)) el_names = character(length(extralines))
  el_names = uniquify_names(el_names)
  for(i in seq_along(extralines)){
    check_value(extralines[[i]], "vector | function | os formula | list", 
                .message = sma("The elements of argument 'extralines' must be vectors of ", 
                               "length {n_models}, logical scalars, functions, one-sided formulas,",
                               " or lists."),
                .value = n_models)

    el = extralines[[i]]
    if("formula" %in% class(el)){
      el_tmp = extralines_extractor(el, el_names[i], tex = isTex)
      for(k in seq_along(el_tmp)){
        el_new[[names(el_tmp)[k]]] = el_tmp[[k]]
    } else {


          el = expand_list_vector(el)

        if(length(el) < n_models){
          # we extend

          n_el = length(el)
          if(n_models %% n_el != 0){
            stop_up("In 'extralines', the number of elements in the {nth ? i} line ",
                    "is not a divisor of the number of models ({n_el} vs {n_models} models).")

            el = rep(el, each = n_models/n_el)
          } else {
            el = rep(el, n_models/n_el)

      el_new[[el_names[i]]] = el

  extralines = el_new

  # Now we catch the functions + normalization of the names
  el_fun_id = NULL
  if(length(extralines) > 0){
    el_fun_id = which(sapply(extralines, is.function)) # set of ID such that el[id] is a function
    if(length(el_fun_id) > 0){
      el_origin = extralines

    if(length(unique(names(extralines))) != length(extralines)){
      new_names = uniquify_names(names(extralines))
      names(extralines) = new_names

  # end: extralines

  # we keep track of the SEs
  se_type_list = list()

  check_interaction_reorder = FALSE
  var_list = var_reorder_list = coef_list = coef_below = sd_below = list()
  depvar_list = obs_list = fitstat_list = list()
  r2_list = aic_list = bic_list = loglik_list = convergence_list = list()
  sqCor_list = family_list = list()

  # To take care of factors
  fe_names = c()
  is_fe = vector(mode = "list", n_models)
  nb_fe = vector(mode = "list", n_models) # the number of items per factor

  slope_names = c()
  slope_flag_list = vector(mode = "list", n_models)

  if(!is.null(dict) && isTex){
    dict = escape_latex(dict)

  # ... fitstat ####

  if("fitstat" %in% names(opts)){
    fitstat_all = opts$fitstat

    # => do default
    fitstat_all = "."

  } else if(isFALSE(fitstat_all) || (length(fitstat_all) == 1 && 
                                     (is.na(fitstat_all) || fitstat_all == ""))){
    fitstat_all = NULL
    drop.section = c(drop.section, "stats")

  } else if("formula" %in% class(fitstat_all)){
    check_arg(fitstat_all, "os formula", 
              .message = "Argument 'fitstat' must be a one sided formula (or a character vector) containing valid types from the function fitstat (see details in ?fitstat).")

    fitstat_all = .xpd(fitstat_all, frame = parent.frame(.up))

    fitstat_all = gsub(" ", "", strsplit(deparse_long(fitstat_all[[2]]), "+", fixed = TRUE)[[1]])

    fitstat_all = unique(fitstat_all)

  } else {
    check_arg(fitstat_all, "character vector no na", 
              .message = "Argument 'fitstat' must be a one sided formula (or a character vector) containing valid types from the function fitstat (see details in ?fitstat).")


  if("." %in% fitstat_all){
    # Default values:
    #   - if all OLS: typical R2
    #   - if any non-OLS: pseudo R2 + squared cor.
    is_ols = sapply(all_models, function(x) x$method_type == "feols")

      if(any(sapply(all_models, function(x) "fixef_vars" %in% names(x)))){
        # means any FE model
        fitstat_default = c("r2", "wr2")
      } else {
        fitstat_default = c("r2", "ar2")
    } else {
      fitstat_default = c("cor2", "pr2", "bic")

    fitstat_default = c("n", fitstat_default)

    if(any(sapply(all_models, function(x) !is.null(x$theta)))){
      fitstat_default = c(fitstat_default, "theta")

    fitstat_default = setdiff(fitstat_default, fitstat_all)

    if(length(fitstat_default) > 0){
      i = which(fitstat_all == ".")[1]
      if(i == length(fitstat_all)){
        fitstat_all = c(fitstat_all[0:(i-1)], fitstat_default)
      } else {
        fitstat_all = c(fitstat_all[0:(i-1)], fitstat_default, fitstat_all[(i+1):length(fitstat_all)])


  fitstat_all = tolower(fitstat_all)

  # checking the types
  fitstat_fun_types = fitstat(give_types = TRUE)
  fitstat_type_allowed = fitstat_fun_types$types
  fitstat_all = unique(fitstat_all)
  type_alias = fitstat_fun_types$type_alias

  if(any(fitstat_all %in% names(type_alias))){

    i = intersect(fitstat_all, names(type_alias))
    fitstat_all[fitstat_all %in% i] = type_alias[fitstat_all[fitstat_all %in% i]]

  pblm = setdiff(fitstat_all, fitstat_type_allowed)
  if(length(pblm) > 0){
    stop_up("Argument `fitstat` must be a one sided formula (or a character vector) ",
            "containing valid types from the function fitstat ", 
            "(see details in `?fitstat` or use `fitstat(show_types = TRUE)`). ",
            "The type{$s, enum.q, is ? pblm} not valid.")

    fitstat_dict = fitstat_fun_types$tex_alias
  } else {
    fitstat_dict = fitstat_fun_types$R_alias

  # Renaming the stats with user-provided aliases
  if(length(dict) > 0){
    user_stat_name = intersect(names(fitstat_dict), names(dict))
    if(length(user_stat_name) > 0){
      fitstat_dict[user_stat_name] = dict[user_stat_name]

    # Now with the aliases
    user_stat_name = intersect(names(type_alias), names(dict))
    if(length(user_stat_name) > 0){
      fitstat_dict[type_alias[user_stat_name]] = dict[user_stat_name]

  # end: fitstat

  # ... Loop ####

  reformat_fitstat = FALSE
  for(m in 1:n_models){
    x = all_models[[m]]
      se_type_list[[m]] = "NONE_FIXEF_ONLY"
    } else {
      se_type_list[[m]] = attr(x$se, "type")

    # family
    family = x$family
    if(x$method %in% c("femlm", "feNmlm")){
      fam = switch(family, poisson = "Poisson", negbin = "Neg. Bin.", 
                   gaussian = "Gaussian", logit = "Logit")
    } else if(x$method %in% c("feglm", "feglm.fit")){
      if(family$family == "poisson" && family$link == "log"){
        fam = "Poisson"
      } else if(family$family == "binomial" && family$link == "logit"){
        fam = "Logit"
      } else if(family$family == "binomial" && family$link == "probit"){
        fam = "Probit"
      } else {
        # we try to give the greatest details ()
        fam = paste0(family$family, '("', family$link, '")')
    } else if(x$method %in% c("feols", "feols.fit")){
      fam = "OLS"
    } else if(x$method == "fepois"){
      fam = "Poisson"
    } else if(x$method == "fenegbin"){
      fam = "Neg. Bin."
    family_list[[m]] = fam

    # variable dependante:
    depvar = gsub(" ", "", as.character(x$fml)[[2]])

    a = x$coeftable
      a = data.frame(coef = NA_real_, se = NA_real_, tstat = NA_real_, 
                     pvalue = NA_real_, row.names = "TO_BE_REMOVED")
    } else if(!is.data.frame(a)){
      class(a) = NULL
      a = as.data.frame(a)

    # We drop the .theta coefficient
    if(x$method == "fenegbin" || (x$method %in% c("femlm", "feNmlm") && family == "negbin")){
      quiTheta = rownames(a) == ".theta"
      a = a[!quiTheta, ]

    # START: Formatting of the factors / FEs / Slopes

    # on enleve les facteurs des variables a garder
      fact = rownames(a)
      qui_drop = grepl("factor(", fact, fixed = TRUE)
      a = a[!qui_drop, , FALSE]
      b = fact[qui_drop]
      c = sapply(b, function(x) strsplit(x, "factor(", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][2])
      d = sapply(c, function(x) strsplit(x, ")", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][1])
      factor_var = unique(d)

      # Now the number of items per factor
      if(length(factor_var) == 0){
        nbItems = character(0)
      } else {
        nbItems = addCommas(sapply(factor_var, function(x) 1+sum(grepl(x, b))))
    } else {
      factor_var = c()
      nbItems = character(0)

    # Fixed-effects

      terms_full = extract_fe_slope(x$fixef_terms)
      fixef_vars = terms_full$fixef_vars

      factor_var = c(factor_var, fixef_vars, recursive=TRUE)

      new_items = addCommas(as.vector(x$fixef_sizes[fixef_vars]))
      names(new_items) = fixef_vars

      nbItems = c(nbItems, new_items)
    } else if(!is.null(x$fixef_vars)){
      factor_var = c(factor_var, x$fixef_vars, recursive=TRUE)

      new_items = addCommas(as.vector(x$fixef_sizes))
      names(new_items) = names(x$fixef_sizes)

      nbItems = c(nbItems, new_items)

    nb_fe[[m]] = nbItems

    # Formatting

    lFactor = rep(yesNo[1], length(factor_var))
    names(lFactor) = factor_var
    is_fe[[m]] = lFactor

    fe_names = unique(c(fe_names, factor_var, recursive=TRUE))

    # SLOPES

      terms_full = extract_fe_slope(x$fixef_terms)
      slope_fe = terms_full$slope_fe
      slope_vars = terms_full$slope_vars

      # we change the names right away
      slope_fe_name = slope_fe
      slope_vars_name = slope_vars
        qui = which(slope_fe %in% names(dict))
        if(length(qui) > 0){
          slope_fe_name[qui] = dict[slope_fe[qui]]

        qui = which(slope_vars %in% names(dict))
        if(length(qui) > 0){
          slope_vars_name[qui] = dict[slope_vars[qui]]

      if(nchar(style$slopes.format) > 0){
        slope_format = style$slopes.format
        slope_var_full = c()
        for(i in seq_along(slope_vars_name)){
          slope_var_full[i] = gsub("__slope__", slope_fe_name[i], 
                                   gsub("__var__", slope_vars_name[i], 
                                        slope_format, fixed = TRUE), 
                                   fixed = TRUE)

      } else {
        slope_var_full = paste0(slope_vars_name, " (", slope_fe_name, ")")

    } else {
      slope_var_full = c()

    slope_flag = rep(yesNo[1], length(slope_var_full))
    names(slope_flag) = slope_var_full
    slope_flag_list[[m]] = slope_flag

    slope_names = unique(c(slope_names, slope_var_full, recursive = TRUE))

    #   END: FE/slope formatting

    # Now we rename the variables

    # on enleve les espaces dans les noms de variables
    var = var_origin = c(gsub(" ", "", row.names(a)))
    # renaming
      # Now I clean white spaces in dict_apply
      qui = gsub(" ", "", var, fixed = TRUE) %in% gsub(" ", "", names(dict), fixed = TRUE)
      var = dict_apply(var, dict)
      tv = table(var)
      if(any(tv > 1)){
        value_pblm = names(tv)[tv > 1][1]
        var_pblm = c(gsub(" ", "", row.names(a)))[var == value_pblm]
        stop_up("Problematic value for argument 'dict': The variables {enum.q ? var_pblm}",
                " have all the same alias ({q?value_pblm}) in the same estimation. ",
                "This is not supported, please provide a separate alias for each.")

      # if there are still interactions, we rename them
      new_var = var
      var_left = var[!qui]
      if(length(var_left) > 0 && any(grepl(":|\\*", var_left))){
        check_interaction_reorder = TRUE

        qui_inter = grepl("(?<=[^:\\*])(::|:|\\*)(?=[^:\\*])", var_left, perl = TRUE)
        inter = strsplit(var_left[qui_inter], "(?<=[^:\\*])(:|\\*)(?=[^:\\*])", perl = TRUE)

        fun_rename = function(x){
          # We put the factors on the right

          qui_factor = grepl("::", x)
            res = x
            x_split = strsplit(res, "::")

            # There may be svl factors
            for(i in which(qui_factor)){
              if(res[i] %in% names(dict)){
                res[i] = dict[res[i]]
              } else {
                value_split = dict_apply(x_split[[i]], dict)

                res[i] = paste(value_split, collapse = i.equal)

            # We put the factors on the right
            res = res[base::order(qui_factor)]

          } else {
            res = x

          res = dict_apply(res, dict)
          res = order_apply(res, interaction.order)

          res = paste0(res, collapse = interaction.combine)


        inter_named = sapply(inter, fun_rename)
        new_inter = sapply(inter, function(x) fun_rename(sort(x)))

        var[!qui][qui_inter] = inter_named
        new_var[!qui][qui_inter] = new_inter


      # IV: fit_
      if(any(qui_iv <- grepl("^fit_", var_left))){
        # IVs
        iv_vars = gsub("^fit_", "", var_left[qui_iv])

        if(fit_format == "__var__"){
          iv_vars = dict_apply(iv_vars, dict)

        } else {
          for(i in seq_along(iv_vars)){
            iv_vars = gsub("__var__", dict_apply(iv_vars[i], dict), fit_format)

        var[!qui][qui_iv] = new_var[!qui][qui_iv] = iv_vars

      # We take care of poly
      # DEPRECATED: this should not be done!!!!!!!!!!!
      # Poly is no regular polynomial but orthogonal polynomial!!!!!
      # This will imply difference in estimates with raw powers, we should not conflate them

      # We take care of raw powers
      qui_pow = grepl("^I\\([^\\^]+\\^[[:digit:]]+\\)$", var_left)
        # We clean only I(var^d)
        pow_var = gsub("^I\\(|\\^.+$", "", var_left[qui_pow])
        pow_digit = as.numeric(gsub(".+\\^|\\)", "", var_left[qui_pow]))

        pow_digit_clean = poly_dict[pow_digit]
          pow_digit_clean[is.na(pow_digit_clean)] = paste0("$^{", pow_digit[is.na(pow_digit_clean)], "}")
        } else {
          pow_digit_clean[is.na(pow_digit_clean)] = paste0(" ^ ", pow_digit[is.na(pow_digit_clean)])

        pow_named = paste0(dict_apply(pow_var, dict), pow_digit_clean)

        var[!qui][qui_pow] = new_var[!qui][qui_pow] = pow_named

      # poly(xx, d)p => poly(xx)p
      if(any(grepl("^poly\\(", var_left))){

        qui_poly = grepl("^poly\\([^,]+,[[:digit:]]\\)", var_left)
          poly_new = gsub("^(poly\\([^,]+),[[:digit:]]\\)", "\\1)", var_left[qui_poly])
          var[!qui][qui_poly] = new_var[!qui][qui_poly] = poly_new

        # poly(var) => poly(var)1
        qui_poly_clean = grepl("^poly\\([^,]+\\)$", var[!qui])
          poly_new = gsub("^(poly\\([^,]+\\))$", "\\11", var[!qui][qui_poly_clean])
          var[!qui][qui_poly_clean] = new_var[!qui][qui_poly_clean] = poly_new

      names(new_var) = names(var) = var_origin
      var_reorder_list[[m]] = new_var

    } else {
      # We reorder the interaction terms alphabetically
      new_var = var
      qui = grepl("(?<=[^:]):(?=[^:])", new_var, perl = TRUE)
        check_interaction_reorder = TRUE
        inter = strsplit(new_var[qui], "(?<=[^:]):(?=[^:])", perl = TRUE)
        new_inter = sapply(inter, function(x) paste0(sort(x), collapse = ":"))
        new_var[qui] = new_inter

      names(new_var) = names(var) = var_origin

      var_reorder_list[[m]] = new_var

    coef = fun_format(a[, 1])

    if(coefstat == "se"){
      se_value = fun_format(a[, 2])

    } else if(coefstat == "tstat"){
      se_value = fun_format(a[, 3])

    } else if(coefstat == "confint"){
      se_value = apply(confint(x, level = ci), 1, function(z) paste0("[", fun_format(z[1]), "; ", fun_format(z[2]), "]"))

    } else {
      stop_up("Wrong value for the argument 'coefstat': ", coefstat, " is not supported.")

        pval = cut(a[, 4], breaks = c(-1, signif.code, 100), labels = c(tex_star(names(signif.code)), ""))
      } else {
        pval = cut(a[, 4], breaks = c(-1, signif.code, 100), labels = c(names(signif.code), ""))
      pval[is.na(pval)] = ""
    } else {
      pval = rep("", nrow(a))

    # If the coefficient is bounded, we suppress the 'stars'
    isBounded = grepl("bounded", se_value)
      pval[isBounded] = ""

    if(coefstat != "confint"){
      structured_coef = c(paste0(coef, pval, " (", se_value, ")"))
    } else {
      structured_coef = c(paste0(coef, pval, " ", se_value))

    # saving the infos
    var_list[[m]] = var
    names(structured_coef) = var
    coef_list[[m]] = structured_coef
      cb = c(paste0(coef, pval))
      if(coefstat != "confint"){
        sb = c(paste0("(", se_value, ")"))
      } else {
        sb = se_value

      names(cb) = names(sb) = var
      coef_below[[m]] = cb
      sd_below[[m]] = sb

    # La depvar
    depvar_list[[m]] = depvar

    #  Fit statistics

    n = nobs(x)
    obs_list[[m]] = n
    convergence_list[[m]] = ifelse(is.null(x$convStatus), TRUE, x$convStatus)

    K = x$nparams

    if(length(fitstat_all) == 0){
      fitstat_list[[m]] = NA
    } else {

      my_stats = lapply(fitstat(x, fitstat_all, etable = TRUE, verbose = FALSE), fun_format_stats)

      if(any(grepl("::", names(my_stats), fixed = TRUE))){
        reformat_fitstat = TRUE

      fitstat_list[[m]] = my_stats

    # extralines, when function

    for(i in el_fun_id){
      f = el_origin[[i]]

      if(m == 1){
        extralines[[i]] = f(x)

      } else {
        extralines[[i]] = c(extralines[[i]], f(x))


    if(length(unique(unlist(var_reorder_list))) < length(unique(unlist(var_list)))){
      var_list = var_reorder_list
      for(m in 1:length(var_list)){
        names(coef_list[[m]]) = var_list[[m]]
          names(coef_below[[m]]) = var_list[[m]]
          names(sd_below[[m]]) = var_list[[m]]


  # Fitstat reformating

  if(length(fitstat_all) > 0){


      all_names = unique(unlist(lapply(fitstat_list, names)))
      all_names_new = c()
      for(v in fitstat_all){
        all_names_new = c(all_names_new, all_names[gsub("::.+", "", all_names) == v])

      fitstat_list_new = list()
      for(i in seq_along(fitstat_list)){
        my_list = fitstat_list[[i]]
        fitstat_list_new[[i]] = lapply(all_names_new, function(x) ifelse(is.null(my_list[[x]]), NA, my_list[[x]]))

      # Now the aliases
      fitstat_dict_new = c()
      fun_rename_stats = function(x, isTex) {
        if(!grepl("::", x, fixed = TRUE)) return(fitstat_dict[x])

        xx = strsplit(x, "::")[[1]]
        var = dict_apply(xx[2], dict)
          var = escape_latex(var)
        res = paste0(fitstat_dict[xx[1]], ", ", var)


      for(v in all_names_new){
        fitstat_dict_new[v] = fun_rename_stats(v, isTex)

      fitstat_list = fitstat_list_new
      attr(fitstat_list, "format_names") = fitstat_dict_new

    } else {
      attr(fitstat_list, "format_names") = fitstat_dict[fitstat_all]

      title = "no title"
    } else {
      title = escape_latex(title, makecell = FALSE)
  } else {
      title = NULL

  if((missnull(convergence) && any(convergence_list == FALSE)) || (!missnull(convergence) && convergence)){
    convergence = TRUE
  } else {
    convergence = FALSE

  if(isTRUE(show_family) || (is.null(show_family) && length(unique(family_list)) > 1)){
    family = TRUE
  } else {
    family = FALSE

  if((is.null(show_depvar) && length(unique(unlist(depvar_list))) > 1) || isTRUE(show_depvar)){
    depvar = TRUE
  } else {
    depvar = FALSE

  if(IS_FIXEF_GROUP && length(fe_names) > 0){

    # Table of presence of fixed-effects
    is_fe_mat = c()
    for(i in 1:length(is_fe)){
      # The order of the FEs needs not be the same since is_FE is
      # sequentially constructed (hence the following construct)
      is_fe_mat = cbind(is_fe_mat, 1 * (!is.na(is_fe[[i]][fe_names])))

    # row => FEs
    # column => models

    if(isTRUE(fixef.group) && length(fe_names) > 1){

      fe_groups = list()
      n_fe = nrow(is_fe_mat)
      g = 1 # => group
      i_left = 1:n_fe
      while(length(i_left) > 1){

        i = i_left[1]
        i_left = i_left[-1]
        any_done = FALSE
        for(j in i_left){

          # we check if same pattern
          if(all(is_fe_mat[i, ] == is_fe_mat[j, ])){
            any_done = TRUE
            if(length(fe_groups) < g){
              # we initialize it
              fe_groups[[g]] = c(i, j)
            } else {
              # we add j
              fe_groups[[g]] = c(fe_groups[[g]], j)

            i_left = setdiff(i_left, j)

          g = g + 1

      # We simply group the fixed-effects + we apply dict
      fe_names_origin = fe_names
      for(my_group in fe_groups){
        # We drop the old
        group_fe = fe_names_origin[my_group]
        fe_names = setdiff(fe_names, group_fe)

        # and add the new
        group_fe_new = rename_fe(group_fe, dict)
        new_fe = enumerate_items(group_fe_new)

        fe_names = c(new_fe, fe_names)

        # Now we update is_fe
        for(i in seq_along(is_fe)){
          current_fe = is_fe[[i]]
          if(all(group_fe %in% names(current_fe))){
            current_fe[new_fe] = yesNo[1]
            is_fe[[i]] = current_fe

    } else {
      # Custom grouping from the user

      # Behavior:
      # The values in the row:
      # - if all the row's FEs are in the model => TRUE
      # - if some of the row's FEs are in the model => partial
      # - if none is in the model => FALSE
      # The regular fixed-effects:
      # - FEs of a group are removed if they are either always fully present or fully absent
      # - if an FE from a group is partially present at least once
      #   * it will stay as regular FE
      #   * this avoids messing up from the user side

      fe_names_full = rename_fe(fe_names, dict)
      names(fe_names_full) = fe_names

      is_inconsistent = rep(FALSE, length(fixef.group))
      fixef.extralines = list()
      fe2remove = c()
      for(i in seq_along(fixef.group)){
        my_group = keep_apply(fe_names_full, fixef.group[[i]])

        if(length(my_group) == 0){
          # not any FE found, even partial => we skip the row
          # we skip the row

        my_group_origin = names(my_group)
        is_there = c()
        for(m in 1:length(is_fe)){
          # We check full and partial presence

          fe_model = names(is_fe[[m]])
          if(all(my_group_origin %in% fe_model)){
            is_there[m] = TRUE

          } else if(any(my_group_origin %in% fe_model)){
            # partial presence
            is_there[m] = NA
            is_inconsistent[i] = TRUE

          } else {
            is_there[m] = FALSE


        ok_removal = !any(is.na(is_there))
          fe2remove = c(fe2remove, my_group_origin)

        is_there = yesNo[2 - is_there]
        is_there[is.na(is_there)] = "partial"

        # Now we create the extra line
        el_name = names(fixef.group)[i]
        if(grepl("^(\\^|_|-)", el_name)){
          # => the user specifies the placement => replaces the default

        } else {
          # we add the default placement
          el_name = paste0("-^", el_name)

        fixef.extralines[[el_name]] = is_there


      if(length(fixef.extralines) > 0){
        # We add it to extra lines
        extralines[names(fixef.extralines)] = fixef.extralines

      if(length(fe2remove) > 0){
        fe_names = setdiff(fe_names, fe2remove)

      # Warning for inconsistencies
        i = which(is_inconsistent)[1]
        if(length(is_inconsistent) == 1){
          msg = "the group leads to an inconsistent row (defined by "
        } else if(all(is_inconsistent)){
          msg = "all groups lead to inconsistent rows (e.g. the one defined by "
        } else {
          msg = sma("some groups lead to inconsistent rows (the {nth?i} one defined by ")
        warn_up("In 'fixef.group', ", msg, deparse_long(fixef.group[[i]]), 
                ").\nTo create inconsistent rows: use drop.section = 'fixef' combined with the arghument 'extralines'.")



  res = list(se_type_list = se_type_list, var_list = var_list, coef_list = coef_list,
             coef_below = coef_below, se.row = se.row, sd_below = sd_below, 
             depvar_list = depvar_list,
             obs_list = obs_list, convergence_list = convergence_list, fe_names = fe_names,
             is_fe = is_fe, nb_fe = nb_fe, slope_flag_list = slope_flag_list,
             slope_names = slope_names, useSummary = useSummary, model_names = model_names,
             family_list = family_list, fitstat_list = fitstat_list, headers = headers,
             isHeaders = isHeaders, title = title, convergence = convergence, family = family,
             keep = keep, drop = drop, order = order, file = file, label = label, 
             se.below = se.below,
             signif.code = signif.code, fixef_sizes = fixef_sizes, 
             fixef_sizes.simplify = fixef_sizes.simplify,
             depvar = depvar, useSummary = useSummary, dict = dict, yesNo = yesNo, 
             add_signif = add_signif,
             float = float, coefstat = coefstat, ci = ci, style = style, 
             notes = notes, group = group,
             extralines = extralines, placement = placement, drop.section = drop.section,
             tex_tag = tex_tag, fun_format = fun_format, coef.just = coef.just, meta = meta_txt,
             tpt = tpt, arraystretch = arraystretch, adjustbox = adjustbox, fontsize = fontsize,
             tabular = tabular, highlight = highlight, coef.style = coef.style,
             caption.number = caption.number)


etable_internal_latex = function(info){
  # Internal function to display the latex table

  n_models = length(info$depvar_list)
  # Getting the information
  se_type_list = info$se_type_list
  var_list = info$var_list
  coef_list = info$coef_list
  coef_below = info$coef_below
  sd_below = info$sd_below
  depvar_list = info$depvar_list
  depvar = info$depvar # flag for including the depvar
  obs_list = info$obs_list
  convergence_list = info$convergence_list
  fe_names = info$fe_names
  is_fe = info$is_fe
  nb_fe = info$nb_fe
  slope_names = info$slope_names
  slope_flag_list = info$slope_flag_list
  family_list = info$family_list
  fitstat_list = info$fitstat_list
  headers = info$headers
  isHeaders = info$isHeaders
  title = info$title
  label = info$label
  keep = info$keep
  drop = info$drop
  order = info$order
  file = info$file
  family = info$family
  convergence = info$convergence
  se.below = info$se.below
  signif.code = info$signif.code
  fixef_sizes = info$fixef_sizes
  fixef_sizes.simplify = info$fixef_sizes.simplify
  dict = info$dict
  yesNo = info$yesNo
  add_signif = info$add_signif
  float = info$float
  coefstat = info$coefstat
  ci = info$ci
  style = info$style
  notes = info$notes
  group = info$group
  extralines = info$extralines
  placement = info$placement
  drop.section = info$drop.section
  tex_tag = info$tex_tag
  fun_format = info$fun_format
  meta = info$meta
  se.row = info$se.row
  tpt = info$tpt
  arraystretch = info$arraystretch
  adjustbox = info$adjustbox
  fontsize = info$fontsize
  tabular = info$tabular
  highlight = info$highlight
  coef.style = info$coef.style
  caption.number = info$caption.number

  # top line
  style$line.top = switch(style$line.top,
                          "simple" = "\\toprule",
                          "double" = "\\tabularnewline \\midrule \\midrule",

  if(nchar(style$line.top) > 1){
    style$line.top = paste0(style$line.top, "\n")

  # bottom line
    style$line.bottom = switch(style$line.bottom,
                               "simple" = "\\midrule",
                               "double" = "\\midrule \\midrule",
  } else {
    style$line.bottom = switch(style$line.bottom,
                               "simple" = "\\bottomrule",
                               "double" = "\\midrule \\midrule & \\tabularnewline",

  if(nchar(style$line.bottom) > 1){
    style$line.bottom = paste0(style$line.bottom, "\n")

  # prompting the infos gathered

  # Starting the table
  myTitle = title
    myTitle = paste0("\\label{", label, "} ", myTitle)

  caption = ""
  info_center = "\\centering\n"
    if(nchar(placement) > 0){
      placement = paste0("[", placement, "]")

    table_begin = paste0("\\begin{table}", placement, "\n")

    caption = paste0("\\caption{",  myTitle, "}\n")
    if(nchar(style$caption.after) > 0){
      caption = paste0(caption, style$caption.after, "\n")

      table_begin = paste0("\\renewcommand{\\thetable}{}\n", table_begin)

    table_end = "\\end{table}"
  } else {
    table_begin = "\\begingroup\n"
    table_end = "\\par\\endgroup\n"

  info_width = ""
  if(!is.null(style$rules_width) && !all(is.na(style$rules_width))){
    w = style$rules_width
    info_width = c()
      info_width = paste0("\\setlength\\heavyrulewidth{", w[1], "}\n")

      info_width = c(info_width, paste0("\\setlength\\lightrulewidth{", w[2], "}\n"))

  space = if(style$no_border) "@{}" else ""
  if(tabular == "normal"){
    tabular_begin = paste0("\\begin{tabular}{", space, "l",
                           strrep("c", n_models), 
                           space, "}\n", style$line.top)

    tabular_end = "\\end{tabular}\n"
  } else if(tabular == "*"){
    tabular_begin = paste0("\\begin{tabular*}{\\textwidth}{@{\\extracolsep{\\fill}}",
                           space, "l", strrep("c", n_models),
                           space, "}\n", style$line.top)

    tabular_end = "\\end{tabular*}\n"
  } else if(tabular == "X"){

    all_cols = .dsb("l *.[n_models]{>{\\centering\\arraybackslash}X}")

    tabular_begin = paste0("\\begin{tabularx}{\\textwidth}{",
                           space, all_cols, space, "}\n", style$line.top)

    tabular_end = "\\end{tabularx}\n"

  # 1st lines => dep vars
  depvar_list = dict_apply(c(depvar_list, recursive = TRUE), dict)
  depvar_list = escape_latex(depvar_list)

  # We write the dependent variables properly, with multicolumn when necessary
  # to do that, we count the number of occurrences of each variable (& we respect the order provided by the user)
  nb_multi = 1
  names_multi = depvar_list[1]

  if(n_models > 1){
    k = 1
    old_dep = depvar_list[1]
    for(i in 2:length(depvar_list)){
      if(depvar_list[i] == old_dep){
        nb_multi[k] = nb_multi[k] + 1
      } else {
        k = k + 1
        nb_multi[k] = 1
        names_multi[k] = old_dep = depvar_list[i]

  if(style$depvar.style != ""){
    if(style$depvar.style == "*"){
      names_multi = paste0("\\textit{", names_multi, "}")
    } else if(style$depvar.style == "**"){
      names_multi = paste0("\\textbf{", names_multi, "}")
    } else {
      names_multi = paste0("\\textbf{\\textit{", names_multi, "}}")

  # now the proper format
  first_line = style$depvar.title
  if(length(nb_multi) == 1){
    first_line = gsub("(s)", "", first_line, fixed = TRUE)
  } else {
    first_line = gsub("(s)", "s", first_line, fixed = TRUE)

  for(i in 1:length(nb_multi)){
    if(nb_multi[i] == 1){
      # no multi column
      first_line = paste0(first_line, " & ", names_multi[i])
    } else {
      first_line = paste0(first_line, " & \\multicolumn{", nb_multi[i], "}{c}{", names_multi[i], "}")
  first_line = paste0(first_line, "\\\\\n")

  if(!depvar) first_line = NULL

  # Model line
  if(nchar(style$model.format) > 0){
    m = style$model.format
    if(grepl("1", m, fixed = TRUE)){
      info_split = strsplit(m, "1", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
      m_info = 1:n_models

    } else if(grepl("i", m, fixed = TRUE)){
      info_split = strsplit(m, "i", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
      unit = "i.ii.iii.iv.v.vi.vii.viii.ix.x.xi.xii.xiii.xiv.xv.xvi.xvii.xviii.xix.xx"
      m_info = strsplit(unit, ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1:n_models]

    } else if(grepl("I", m, fixed = TRUE)){
      info_split = strsplit(m, "I", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
      m_info = strsplit(unit, ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1:n_models]

    } else if(grepl("a", m, fixed = TRUE)){
      info_split = strsplit(m, "a", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
      m_info = letters[1:n_models]

    } else if(grepl("A", m, fixed = TRUE)){
      info_split = strsplit(m, "A", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
      m_info = LETTERS[1:n_models]


    right = ifelse(length(info_split) > 1, info_split[2], "")
    model_format = paste0(info_split[1], m_info, right)

  } else {
    model_format = paste0("(", 1:n_models, ")")
  model_line = paste0(style$model.title, " & ", paste0(model_format, collapse = " & "), "\\\\\n")

  # the coefficients

  # we need to loop not to lose names
  all_vars = c()
  for(vars in var_list){
    # setdiff drops names
    all_vars = c(all_vars, vars[!vars %in% all_vars])

  # dealing with the special case of only-fixef estimations
  all_vars = all_vars[all_vars != "TO_BE_REMOVED"]
  if(length(all_vars) == 0){
    drop.section = c(drop.section, "coef")

  for(i in seq_along(group)){
    gi = group[[i]]
    present = sapply(var_list, function(x) any(keep_apply(x, gi, TRUE)))

    group[[i]] = present

  # keeping some coefs
  all_vars = keep_apply(all_vars, keep)
  # dropping some coefs
  all_vars = drop_apply(all_vars, drop)
  # ordering the coefs
  all_vars = order_apply(all_vars, order)

  if(length(all_vars) == 0){

    if((!is.null(keep) || !is.null(drop)) && length(group) == 0){
      if(!is.null(keep) && !any(grepl("^%", keep))){
        msg = paste0(" In particular, to 'keep' variables using their original names ", 
                     "(before dict is applied), use the special character '%' first. ",
                     "E.g. keep = \"%", keep[1], "\"")
      } else if(!is.null(drop) && !any(grepl("^%", drop))){
        msg = paste0(" In particular, to 'drop' variables using their original names ",
                     "(before dict is applied), use the special character '%' first. ", 
                     "E.g. drop = \"%", drop[1], "\"")
      } else {
        msg = ""

      stop_up("Not any variable was selected, please reframe your keep/drop arguments.", 
              msg, "\n To drop the coefficients section, use the argument drop.section = 'coef'.")

    # => we drop the coef section
    drop.section = c(drop.section, "coef")

  if("coef" %in% drop.section){
    # => we drop the coef section
    coef_title = NULL
    coef_lines = NULL
    info_tikz = NULL

  } else {

    # a simple line with only "variables" written in the first cell
    if(nchar(style$var.title) == 0){
      coef_title = ""
    } else if(style$var.title == "\\midrule"){
      coef_title = "\\midrule "
    } else {
      coef_title = paste0(style$var.title, "\\\\\n")

    # we have coefficients to display
    # The names are set in results2formattedList
    coef_names = escape_latex(all_vars)
    names(coef_names) = all_vars

      coef_mat = c()
      for(v in all_vars){

        myCoef = mySd = myLine = c()
        for(m in 1:n_models){
          myCoef = c(myCoef, coef_below[[m]][v])
          mySd = c(mySd, sd_below[[m]][v])

        myCoef[is.na(myCoef)] = "  "
        mySd[is.na(mySd)] = "  "

        coef_mat = rbind(coef_mat, c(coef_names[v], myCoef), c(" ", mySd))

    } else {

      coef_mat = all_vars
      for(m in 1:n_models){
        coef_mat = cbind(coef_mat, coef_list[[m]][all_vars])
      coef_mat[is.na(coef_mat)] = "  "

      coef_mat[, 1] = coef_names

    coef_mat = style_apply(coef.style, coef_mat, all_vars)
    info_mat = highlight_apply(highlight, coef_mat, all_vars)
    coef_mat = info_mat$coef_mat
    info_tikz = info_mat$preamble

    coef_lines = paste0(apply(coef_mat, 1, paste, collapse = " & "), "\\\\ \n")
    coef_lines = paste0(coef_lines, collapse = "")


  # Fixed-effects (if needed)

  nb_FE_lines = ""
  if(length(fe_names) > 0 && !"fixef" %in% drop.section){

    if(nchar(style$fixef.title) == 0){
      fixef_title = ""
    } else if(style$fixef.title == "\\midrule"){
      fixef_title = "\\midrule "
    } else {
      fixef_title = paste0(style$fixef.title, "\\\\\n")

    # The number of FEs
    for(m in 1:n_models) {
      quoi = is_fe[[m]][fe_names]
      quoi[is.na(quoi)] = yesNo[2]
      is_fe[[m]] = quoi

      # We do the same for the number of items
      quoi = nb_fe[[m]][fe_names]
      quoi[is.na(quoi)] = "--"
      nb_fe[[m]] = quoi

    all_fe = matrix(c(is_fe, recursive = TRUE), nrow = length(fe_names))

    # We change the names of the FEs
    fe_names = rename_fe(fe_names, dict)
    fe_names_raw = escape_latex(fe_names)

    fe_names = paste0(style$fixef.prefix, fe_names_raw, style$fixef.suffix)

    # The fixed-effects sizes

      # For the number of items
      all_nb_FEs = matrix(c(nb_fe, recursive=TRUE), nrow = length(fe_names))

      is_complex = rep(TRUE, nrow(all_nb_FEs))
        check_simplified = function(x) length(unique(x[grepl("[[:digit:]]", x)])) == 1
        is_simple = apply(all_nb_FEs, 1, check_simplified)
        for(i in which(is_simple)){
          x = all_nb_FEs[i, ]
          nb = x[grepl("[[:digit:]]", x)][1]
          fe_names[i] = paste0(fe_names[i], " (", nb, ")")
        is_complex = !is_simple

        fe_names_nbItems = paste0(style$fixef_sizes.prefix, fe_names_raw[is_complex], 
        all_nb_FEs = cbind(fe_names_nbItems, all_nb_FEs[is_complex, , drop = FALSE])
        nb_FE_lines = paste0(paste0(apply(all_nb_FEs, 1, paste0, collapse = " & "), 


    all_fe = cbind(fe_names, all_fe)
    FE_lines = paste0(paste0(apply(all_fe, 1, paste0, collapse = " & "), 

  } else {
    FE_lines = NULL
    fixef_title = NULL

  # Slopes (if needed)

  if(length(slope_names) > 0 &&  !"slopes" %in% drop.section){

    if(nchar(style$slopes.title) == 0){
      slope_intro = ""
    } else if(style$slopes.title == "\\midrule"){
      slope_intro = "\\midrule "
    } else {
      slope_intro = paste0(style$slopes.title, "\\\\\n")

    # reformat the yes/no slope
    for(m in 1:n_models) {
      quoi = slope_flag_list[[m]][slope_names]
      quoi[is.na(quoi)] = yesNo[2]
      slope_flag_list[[m]] = quoi

    # Changing the slope names
    qui = slope_names %in% names(dict)
    who = slope_names[qui]
    slope_names[qui] = dict[who]
    slope_names = escape_latex(slope_names)

    # Matrix with yes/no information
    all_slopes = matrix(c(slope_flag_list, recursive = TRUE), nrow = length(slope_names))
    all_slopes = cbind(slope_names, all_slopes)
    slope_lines = paste0(paste0(apply(all_slopes, 1, paste0, collapse = " & "), 
                                collapse = "\\\\\n"), 

  } else {
    slope_intro = NULL
    slope_lines = NULL

  # Headers
    n_head = length(headers)
    h_names = names(headers)

    headers_top = c()
    headers_mid = c()
    headers_bottom = c()

    for(i in 1:n_head){
      h_i = h_names[i]

      add_rule = FALSE
      if(grepl(":_:", h_i)){
        add_rule = TRUE
        h_i = gsub(":_:", "", h_i, fixed = TRUE)

      h_placement = substr(h_i, 1, 1)
      if(h_placement %in% c("^", "-", "_")){
        h_i = substr(h_i, 2, nchar(h_i))
      } else {
        h_placement = "-"

      h_value = paste0(h_i, " & ", tex_multicol(headers[[i]], add_rule = add_rule), "\n")

      if(h_placement == "^") {
        headers_top[length(headers_top) + 1] = h_value
      } else if(h_placement == "-"){
        headers_mid[length(headers_mid) + 1] = h_value
      } else {
        headers_bottom[length(headers_bottom) + 1] = h_value


    headers_top = paste(headers_top, collapse = "")
    headers_mid = paste(headers_mid, collapse = "")
    headers_bottom = paste(headers_bottom, collapse = "")

  } else {
    headers_top = ""
    headers_mid = ""
    headers_bottom = ""

  # Convergence information
  info_convergence = ""
    info_convergence = paste0("Convergence &", paste(convergence_list, collapse = " & "), "\\\\\n")

  # information on family
    info_family = paste0(" &  ", paste(family_list, collapse = " & "), "\\\\\n")
  } else {
    info_family = ""

  # The standard errors => if tablefoot = TRUE

  # We go through this in order to get the multi se if needed
  isUniqueSD = length(unique(unlist(se_type_list))) == 1
  nb_col = length(obs_list) + 1
  foot_intro = paste0("\\multicolumn{", nb_col, "}{l}{\\emph{")

    # we show the SE row if:

    se.row = isFALSE(style$tablefoot) && !isUniqueSD

  # Automatic footer information
  info_SE_footer = ""

    bottom_line = style$line.bottom
    style$line.bottom = ""

    if("coef" %in% drop.section){
      info_SE_footer = paste0(bottom_line, " \\\\\n")

    } else if(identical(style$tablefoot.value, "default")){

        my_se = unique(unlist(se_type_list)) # it comes from summary
        # every model has the same type of SE

        # Now we modify the names of the clusters if needed
        my_se = format_se_type_latex(my_se, dict)

        if(coefstat == "se"){
          coefstat_sentence = " standard-errors in parentheses"
        } else if(coefstat == "tstat"){
          coefstat_sentence = " co-variance matrix, t-stats in parentheses"
        } else {
          coefstat_sentence = paste0(" co-variance matrix, ", round(ci*100), 
                                     "\\% confidence intervals in brackets")
        info_SE_footer = paste0(bottom_line, foot_intro, my_se,
                    coefstat_sentence, "}}\\\\\n")

          info_SE_footer = paste0(info_SE_footer, foot_intro, "Signif. Codes: ",
                                  paste(names(signif.code), signif.code, sep=": ", 
                                        collapse = ", "), 

      } else {
        # Multiple types of SEs: we're more general
        all_se_type = sapply(se_type_list, format_se_type_latex, dict = dict, inline = TRUE)

        if(coefstat == "se"){
          coefstat_sentence = "Standard-Errors"
        } else {
          coefstat_sentence = "Co-variance"

        info_muli_se = paste0(coefstat_sentence, " & ", 
                              paste(all_se_type, collapse = " & "), "\\\\\n")

          info_SE_footer = paste0(bottom_line, foot_intro, "Signif. Codes: ",
                                  paste(names(signif.code), signif.code,
                                        sep = ": ", collapse = ", "),
        } else {
          myAmpLine = paste0(paste0(rep(" ", length(depvar_list) + 1), 
                                    collapse = " & "), "\\tabularnewline\n")
          info_SE_footer = paste0(bottom_line, myAmpLine, "\\\\\n")


    } else {

      value = style$tablefoot.value
        my_se = unique(unlist(se_type_list))
        my_se = format_se_type_latex(my_se, dict)

        value = gsub("__se_type__", my_se, value)
      } else {
        # not super elegant, but can't to much more // else: enumerate the SEs?
        value = gsub("__se_type__", "", value)

      info_SE_footer = paste0(bottom_line, paste(foot_intro, value, "}}\\\\\n", collapse = ""))


  info_muli_se = ""
    all_se_type = sapply(se_type_list, format_se_type_latex, dict = dict, inline = TRUE)

    if(coefstat == "se"){
      coefstat_sentence = "Standard-Errors"
    } else {
      coefstat_sentence = "Co-variance"

    info_muli_se = paste0(coefstat_sentence, " & ", tex_multicol(all_se_type), "\n")

  # Fit statistics

  if(!"stats" %in% drop.section){
    if(nchar(style$stats.title) == 0){
      stat_title = ""
    } else if(style$stats.title == "\\midrule"){
      stat_title = "\\midrule "
    } else {
      stat_title = paste0(style$stats.title, "\\\\\n")

    stat_lines = paste0(nb_FE_lines, info_convergence, info_muli_se)

    if(!all(sapply(fitstat_list, function(x) all(is.na(x))))){

      fit_names = attr(fitstat_list, "format_names")
      nb = length(fit_names)
      for(fit_id in 1:nb){
        fit = sapply(fitstat_list, function(x) x[[fit_id]])
        if(all(is.na(fit))) next
        fit[is.na(fit)] = ""
        stat_lines = paste0(stat_lines, fit_names[fit_id], " & ", 
                            paste0(fit, collapse = " & "), "\\\\\n")
  } else {
    stat_title = stat_lines = ""

  # Notes
  info_notes = ""
  if(length(notes) > 0){

    notes_intro = if(tpt) style$notes.tpt.intro else style$notes.intro

    if(grepl("^@", notes[1])){
      notes_intro = paste0(gsub("^@", "", notes[1]), " ")
      notes = notes[-1]

    if(length(notes) > 0){
      notes = dict_apply(notes, dict)
      notes = escape_latex(notes, makecell = FALSE)

        if(nchar(trimws(notes_intro)) > 0){
          notes_intro = paste0(trimws(notes_intro), "\n")

        notes = paste0("\\item ", notes, collapse = "\n")

        # The note intro is placed right after the } so that you can pass options
        # like [flushleft]
        info_notes = paste0("\n\\begin{tablenotes}", notes_intro, notes,
      } else {
        info_notes = paste0("\n", notes_intro, paste0(notes, collapse = "\\\\\n"), "\n")

  # Group

  create.fixef_title = FALSE

  for(i in seq_along(group)){
    gi = group[[i]]
    gi_format = yesNo[2 - gi]

    gi_name = names(group)[i]

    gi_full = ""
    gi_where = "coef"

    gi_top = FALSE
    if(grepl("^(\\^|_|-)", gi_name)){
      # first character: section: ^|-|_
      # second character: the location: ^|_

      # sec: section

      sec = substr(gi_name, 1, 1)
      gi_name = substr(gi_name, 2, nchar(gi_name))
      if(grepl("^(\\^|_)", gi_name)){
        row = substr(gi_name, 1, 1)
        gi_name = substr(gi_name, 2, nchar(gi_name))
        gi_top = row == "^"

      gi_where = switch(sec, "^" = "coef", "-" = "fixef", "_" = "stat")

    gi_full = paste0(gi_full, gi_name, " & ", paste0(gi_format, collapse = " & "), "\\\\\n")

      if(gi_where == "coef"){
        coef_lines = c(gi_full, coef_lines)
      } else if(gi_where == "fixef"){
        create.fixef_title = TRUE
        FE_lines = c(gi_full, FE_lines)
      } else {
        stat_lines = c(gi_full, stat_lines)
    } else {
      if(gi_where == "coef"){
        coef_lines = c(coef_lines, gi_full)
      } else if(gi_where == "fixef"){
        create.fixef_title = TRUE
        FE_lines = c(FE_lines, gi_full)
      } else {
        stat_lines = c(stat_lines, gi_full)

  # Extra lines

  for(i in seq_along(extralines)){
    el = extralines[[i]]

    # The format depends on the type
      if(length(el) == 1){
        el_format = rep(yesNo[2 - el], n_models)
      } else {
        el_format = yesNo[2 - el]
    } else if(is.numeric(el)){
      el_format = fun_format(el)
    } else {
      el_format = el

    el_format[is.na(el_format)] = ""

    el_name = names(extralines)[i]

    el_full = ""
    el_where = "coef"

    el_top = FALSE
    if(grepl("^(\\^|_|-)", el_name)){
      # first character: section: ^|-|_
      # second character: the location: ^|_

      # sec: section

      sec = substr(el_name, 1, 1)
      el_name = substr(el_name, 2, nchar(el_name))
      if(grepl("^(\\^|_)", el_name)){
        row = substr(el_name, 1, 1)
        el_name = substr(el_name, 2, nchar(el_name))
        el_top = row == "^"

      el_where = switch(sec, "^" = "coef", "-" = "fixef", "_" = "stat")

    if(grepl(":tex:", el_name, fixed = TRUE)){
      # No escaping
      el_name = gsub(":tex:", "", el_name, fixed = TRUE)
    } else {
      # escaping
      el_name = escape_latex(el_name)
      el_format = escape_latex(el_format)

    el_full = paste0(el_full, el_name, " & ", paste0(el_format, collapse = " & "), "\\\\\n")

      if(el_where == "coef"){
        coef_lines = c(el_full, coef_lines)
      } else if(el_where == "fixef"){
        create.fixef_title = TRUE
        FE_lines = c(el_full, FE_lines)
      } else {
        stat_lines = c(el_full, stat_lines)
    } else {
      if(el_where == "coef"){
        coef_lines = c(coef_lines, el_full)
      } else if(el_where == "fixef"){
        create.fixef_title = TRUE
        FE_lines = c(FE_lines, el_full)
      } else {
        stat_lines = c(stat_lines, el_full)


  if(create.fixef_title && is.null(fixef_title) && !"fixef" %in% drop.section){
    if(nchar(style$fixef.title) == 0){
      fixef_title = ""
    } else if(style$fixef.title == "\\midrule"){
      fixef_title = "\\midrule "
    } else {
      fixef_title = paste0(style$fixef.title, "\\\\\n")

  # Stacking var and stat
  coef_stack = c(coef_title, coef_lines)
  stat_stack = c(stat_title, stat_lines)
  fixef_stack = c(fixef_title, FE_lines, slope_intro, slope_lines)

  # Now we place the fixed-effects
  if(style$fixef.where == "var"){
    coef_stack = c(coef_stack, fixef_stack)
  } else {
    stat_stack = c(stat_stack, fixef_stack)

    tag_tabular_before = "%start:tab\n"
    tag_tabular_end = "%end:tab\n"
  } else {
    tag_tabular_before = tag_tabular_end = ""

  # Other info:

  tpt_begin = tpt_end = tpt_caption = ""
    tpt_begin = "\\begin{threeparttable}[b]\n"
    tpt_end = "\\end{threeparttable}\n"
    tpt_caption = caption
    caption = ""

  info_stretch = ""
    info_stretch = paste0("\\renewcommand*{\\arraystretch}{", arraystretch, "}")

  adj_box_begin = adj_box_end = ""
    adj_box_begin = paste0("\\begin{adjustbox}{", adjustbox, "}\n")
    adj_box_end = "\\end{adjustbox}\n"

  info_font = ""
    info_font = paste0("\\", fontsize, "\n")

  # meta information: has been computed in results2formattedList

  res = c(meta, table_begin, info_tikz, caption, info_center, info_width, info_font, adj_box_begin,
          tpt_begin, tpt_caption, info_stretch,
          tag_tabular_before, tabular_begin,
          headers_top, first_line, headers_mid, model_line, info_family, headers_bottom,
          coef_stack, stat_stack, info_SE_footer, style$line.bottom,
          tabular_end, tag_tabular_end,
          info_notes, tpt_end, adj_box_end, table_end)

  res = res[nchar(res) > 0]

  attr(res, "n_models") = n_models


etable_internal_df = function(info){

  n_models = length(info$depvar_list)
  # Getting the information
  se_type_list = info$se_type_list
  var_list = info$var_list
  coef_list = info$coef_list
  coef_below = info$coef_below
  sd_below = info$sd_below
  depvar_list = info$depvar_list
  convergence_list = info$convergence_list
  fe_names = info$fe_names
  is_fe = info$is_fe
  nb_fe = info$nb_fe
  slope_names = info$slope_names
  slope_flag_list = info$slope_flag_list
  family_list = info$family_list
  fitstat_list = info$fitstat_list
  title = info$title
  label = info$label
  keep = info$keep
  drop = info$drop
  order = info$order
  file = info$file
  family = info$family
  convergence = info$convergence
  se.below = info$se.below
  signif.code = info$signif.code
  add_signif = info$add_signif
  fixef_sizes = info$fixef_sizes
  depvar = info$depvar
  useSummary = info$useSummary
  model_names = info$model_names
  coefstat = info$coefstat
  dict = info$dict
  group = info$group
  extralines = info$extralines
  style = info$style
  fun_format = info$fun_format
  drop.section = info$drop.section
  coef.just = info$coef.just
  se.row = info$se.row

  # naming differences
  headers = info$headers
  isHeaders = info$isHeaders

  # The coefficients

  depvar_list = dict_apply(unlist(depvar_list), dict)

  # we need to loop not to lose names
  all_vars = c()
  for(vars in var_list){
    # setdiff drops names
    all_vars = c(all_vars, vars[!vars %in% all_vars])

  # dealing with the special case of only-fixef estimations
  all_vars = all_vars[all_vars != "TO_BE_REMOVED"]
  if(length(all_vars) == 0){
    drop.section = c(drop.section, "coef")

  for(i in seq_along(group)){
    gi = group[[i]]

    present = sapply(var_list, function(x) any(keep_apply(x, gi, TRUE)))

    group[[i]] = present

  # keeping some coefs
  all_vars = keep_apply(all_vars, keep)

  # dropping some coefs
  all_vars = drop_apply(all_vars, drop)

  # ordering the coefs
  all_vars = order_apply(all_vars, order)

  if(length(all_vars) == 0){

    if((!is.null(keep) || !is.null(drop)) && length(group) == 0){
      if(!is.null(keep) && !any(grepl("^%", keep))){
        msg = sma(" In particular, to 'keep' variables using their original names ", 
                  "(before dict is applied), use the special character '%' first. ", 
                  "E.g. keep = \"%", keep[1], "\"")
      } else if(!is.null(drop) && !any(grepl("^%", drop))){
        msg = sma(" In particular, to 'drop' variables using their original names ", 
                  "(before dict is applied), use the special character '%' first. ", 
                  "E.g. drop = \"%", drop[1], "\"")
      } else {
        msg = ""

      stop_up("Not any variable was selected, please reframe your keep/drop arguments.", msg, 
              "\n To drop the coefficients section, use the argument drop.section = 'coef'.")

    # => we drop the coef section
    drop.section = c(drop.section, "coef")

  if("coef" %in% drop.section){
    res = NULL

  } else {
    se.below = info$se.below
      coef_below = info$coef_below
      sd_below = info$sd_below
      coef_se_mat = c()
      for(v in all_vars){
        myCoef = mySd= myLine = c()
        for(m in 1:n_models){
          myCoef = c(myCoef, coef_below[[m]][v])
          mySd = c(mySd, sd_below[[m]][v])

        myCoef[is.na(myCoef)] = "  "
        mySd[is.na(mySd)] = "  "

        coef_se_mat = rbind(coef_se_mat, myCoef, mySd)

      n_vars = length(all_vars)
      my_names = character(2 * n_vars)
      my_names[1 + 2 * 0:(n_vars - 1)] = all_vars

      coef_mat = cbind(my_names, coef_se_mat)
    } else {
      coef_mat = all_vars
      for(m in 1:n_models) coef_mat = cbind(coef_mat, coef_list[[m]][all_vars])
      coef_mat[is.na(coef_mat)] = "  "


      if(coef.just == "."){
        align_fun = function(x) sfill(sfill(x, anchor = "."), right = TRUE)
      } else if(coef.just == "("){
        align_fun = function(x) sfill(sfill(x, anchor = "("), right = TRUE)
      } else if(coef.just == "c"){
        align_fun = function(x) format(x, justify = "centre")
      } else if(coef.just == "l"){
        align_fun = function(x) sfill(x, anchor = "left")

      new_mat = list(coef_mat[, 1])
      for(i in 2:ncol(coef_mat)){
        new_mat[[i]] = align_fun(coef_mat[, i])

      coef_mat = do.call("cbind", new_mat)

    res = coef_mat

  # Group

  before_stat = after_stat = c()
  before_fixef = after_fixef = c()

  for(i in seq_along(group)){
    gi = group[[i]]
    gi_format = style$yesNo[2 - gi]

    gi_name = names(group)[i]
    gi_where = "coef"

    gi_top = FALSE
    if(grepl("^(\\^|_|-)", gi_name)){
      # first character: section: ^|-|_
      # second character: the location: ^|_

      # sec: section

      sec = substr(gi_name, 1, 1)
      gi_name = substr(gi_name, 2, nchar(gi_name))
      if(grepl("^(\\^|_)", gi_name)){
        row = substr(gi_name, 1, 1)
        gi_name = substr(gi_name, 2, nchar(gi_name))
        gi_top = row == "^"

      gi_where = switch(sec, "^" = "coef", "-" = "fixef", "_" = "stat")

    my_line = c(gi_name, gi_format)

      if(gi_where == "coef"){
        res = rbind(my_line, res)
      } else if(gi_where == "fixef"){
        before_fixef = rbind(before_fixef, my_line)
      } else {
        before_stat = rbind(before_stat, my_line)
    } else {
      if(gi_where == "coef"){
        res = rbind(res, my_line)
      } else if(gi_where == "fixef"){
        after_fixef = rbind(after_fixef, my_line)
      } else {
        after_stat = rbind(after_stat, my_line)


  # Extra lines

  for(i in seq_along(extralines)){
    el = extralines[[i]]
    yesNo = style$yesNo

    # The format depends on the type
      if(length(el) == 1){
        el_format = rep(yesNo[2 - el], n_models)
      } else {
        el_format = yesNo[2 - el]
    } else if(is.numeric(el)){
      el_format = fun_format(el)
    } else {
      el_format = el

    el_format[is.na(el_format)] = ""

    el_where = "coef"

    el_name = names(extralines)[i]
    el_top = FALSE

    if(grepl("^(\\^|_|-)", el_name)){
      # first character: section: ^|-|_
      # second character: the location: ^|_

      # sec: section

      sec = substr(el_name, 1, 1)
      el_name = substr(el_name, 2, nchar(el_name))
      if(grepl("^(\\^|_)", el_name)){
        row = substr(el_name, 1, 1)
        el_name = substr(el_name, 2, nchar(el_name))
        el_top = row == "^"

      el_where = switch(sec, "^" = "coef", "-" = "fixef", "_" = "stat")

    # we clean possible tex markup
    el_name = gsub(":tex:", "", el_name, fixed = TRUE)

    my_line = c(el_name, el_format)

      if(el_where == "coef"){
        res = rbind(my_line, res)
      } else if(el_where == "fixef"){
        before_fixef = rbind(before_fixef, my_line)
      } else {
        before_stat = rbind(before_stat, my_line)
    } else {
      if(el_where == "coef"){
        res = rbind(res, my_line)
      } else if(el_where == "fixef"){
        after_fixef = rbind(after_fixef, my_line)
      } else {
        after_stat = rbind(after_stat, my_line)

  # Depvar

  # The line with the dependent variable => defined here to get the width
  preamble = c()
  dep_width = 0
    preamble = rbind(c(style$depvar.title, depvar_list), preamble)
    dep_width = nchar(as.vector(preamble))

  # the headers
    # we need to provide unique names... sigh...

    n_head = length(headers)
    h_names = names(headers)

    headers_top = c()
    headers_bottom = c()

    for(i in 1:n_head){
      h_i = h_names[i]

      h_placement = substr(h_i, 1, 1)
      if(h_placement %in% c("^", "-", "_")){
        h_i = substr(h_i, 2, nchar(h_i))
      } else {
        h_placement = "-"

      h_value = c(sfill(h_i, i), headers[[i]])

      if(h_placement %in% c("^", "-")){
        headers_top = rbind(headers_top, h_value)
      } else {
        headers_bottom = rbind(headers_bottom, h_value)


    preamble = rbind(headers_top, preamble, headers_bottom)


  # Used to draw lines
    longueur = pmax(dep_width, 8)
  } else {
    longueur = apply(res, 2, function(x) max(nchar(as.character(x))))
    longueur = pmax(dep_width, longueur)
    longueur = pmax(longueur, 8)

  # fixed-effects

  if(length(fe_names) > 0 && !"fixef" %in% drop.section){

    for(m in 1:n_models) {
      quoi = is_fe[[m]][fe_names]
      quoi[is.na(quoi)] = style$yesNo[2]
      is_fe[[m]] = quoi

    fe_names = rename_fe(fe_names, dict)

    if(nchar(style$fixef.prefix) > 0){
      fe_names = paste0(style$fixef.prefix, fe_names)

    if(nchar(style$fixef.suffix) > 0){
      fe_names = paste0(fe_names, style$fixef.suffix)

    all_fe = matrix(c(is_fe, recursive=TRUE), nrow = length(fe_names))
    all_fe = cbind(fe_names, all_fe)

    if(nchar(style$fixef.title) > 0){
      myLine = paste(rep(style$fixef.line, 30), collapse = "")
      res = rbind(res, c(style$fixef.title, sprintf("%.*s", longueur[-1], myLine)))

    if(length(before_fixef) > 0){
      res = rbind(res, before_fixef)

    res = rbind(res, all_fe)
  } else {

    if(length(before_fixef) > 0 || length(after_fixef) > 0){
      # We create the fixed-effects title if needed
      if(!"fixef" %in% drop.section && nchar(style$fixef.title) > 0){
        myLine = paste(rep(style$fixef.line, 30), collapse = "")
        res = rbind(res, c(style$fixef.title, sprintf("%.*s", longueur[-1], myLine)))

    if(length(before_fixef) > 0){
      res = rbind(res, before_fixef)

  if(length(after_fixef) > 0){
    res = rbind(res, after_fixef)

  # The slopes

  if(length(slope_names) > 0 && !"slopes" %in% drop.section){

    # reformatting the yes/no
    for(m in 1:n_models) {
      quoi = slope_flag_list[[m]][slope_names]
      quoi[is.na(quoi)] = style$yesNo[2]
      slope_flag_list[[m]] = quoi

    all_slopes = matrix(c(slope_flag_list, recursive=TRUE), nrow = length(slope_names))
    all_slopes = cbind(slope_names, all_slopes)

    if(nchar(style$slopes.title) > 0){
      myLine = paste(rep(style$slopes.line, 30), collapse = "")
      res = rbind(res, c(style$slopes.title, sprintf("%.*s", longueur[-1], myLine)))

    res = rbind(res, all_slopes)


  # preamble created before because used to set the width
  if(length(preamble) > 0){
      preamble = rbind(preamble, rep(" ", length(longueur)))

    res = rbind(preamble, res)

  if(nchar(style$stats.title) > 0){

    if(nchar(style$stats.title) == 1){
      n = max(nchar(res[, 1]), 12)
      if(all(grepl("(", unlist(se_type_list), fixed = TRUE))){
        n = max(n, 15)

      fit_names = attr(fitstat_list, "format_names")
      if(length(fit_names) > 0){
        n = max(n, max(nchar(fit_names)))

      myLine = paste(rep(style$stats.title, 40), collapse = "")
      stats_title = sprintf("%.*s", n, myLine)

    } else {
      stats_title = style$stats.title

    myLine = paste(rep(style$stats.line, 30), collapse = "")
    res = rbind(res, c(stats_title, sprintf("%.*s", longueur[-1], myLine)))

  # the line with the families
    res = rbind(res, c("Family", unlist(family_list)))

  if(!isFALSE(se.row) && !"coef" %in% drop.section){
    # default is to always show the SE row
    if(coefstat == "se"){
      coefstat_sentence = "S.E. type"
    } else {
      coefstat_sentence = "VCOV type"

    se_type_format = c()
    for(m in 1:n_models) se_type_format[m] = format_se_type(se_type_list[[m]], longueur[[1+m]], by = TRUE, dict = dict)

    main_type = ""
    if(all(grepl("Clustered", unlist(se_type_list), fixed = TRUE))){
      main_type = ": Clustered"
      coefstat_sentence = gsub(" type", "", coefstat_sentence)

    res = rbind(res, c(paste0(coefstat_sentence, main_type), c(se_type_format, recursive = TRUE)))

  # convergence status
    res = rbind(res, c("Convergence", c(convergence_list, recursive = TRUE)))

  # Fit statistics

  if(length(before_stat) > 0){
    res = rbind(res, before_stat)

  if(!"stats" %in% drop.section && !all(sapply(fitstat_list, function(x) all(is.na(x))))){

    fit_names = attr(fitstat_list, "format_names")
    nb = length(fit_names)
    for(fit_id in 1:nb){
      fit = sapply(fitstat_list, function(x) x[[fit_id]])
      if(all(is.na(fit))) next
      fit[is.na(fit)] = "--"
      res = rbind(res, c(fit_names[fit_id], fit))

  if(length(after_stat) > 0){
    res = rbind(res, after_stat)

  # if titles
  modelNames = model_names

  # we shorten the model names to fit the width
  for(m in 1:n_models){
    modelNames[m] = charShorten(modelNames[[m]], longueur[[1+m]], keep.digits = TRUE)

  # I need to do that otherwise as.data.frame goes wild
  res_list = list()
  for(i in 1:ncol(res)){
    res_list[[i]] = unlist(res[, i])
  names(res_list) = paste0("x", 1:length(res_list))

  res = as.data.frame(res_list)
  names(res) = c("variables", modelNames)
  tvar = table(res$variables)
  if(any(tvar > 1)){
    qui = which(res$variables %in% names(tvar)[tvar > 1])
    add_space = c("", " ")
    if(length(qui) > 2){
      for(i in 3:length(qui)){
        add_space[i] = paste(rep(" ", i), collapse = "")
    res$variables = as.character(res$variables)
    res$variables[qui] = paste0(res$variables[qui], add_space)

  names(res)[1] = ""

  # We rename theta when NB is used
  quiTheta = which(row.names(res) == ".theta")
  row.names(res)[quiTheta] = "Over-dispersion"

  class(res) = c("etable_df", "data.frame")

    attr(res, "signif") = signif.code


#### User-level ####

#' @rdname etable
setFixest_etable = function(digits = 4, digits.stats = 5, fitstat,
                            coefstat = c("se", "tstat", "confint"),
                            ci = 0.95, se.below = TRUE, keep, drop, order, dict,
                            fixef_sizes = FALSE, fixef_sizes.simplify = TRUE,
                            family, powerBelow = -5,
                            interaction.order = NULL, depvar, style.tex = NULL,
                            style.df = NULL, notes = NULL, group = NULL, extralines = NULL,
                            fixef.group = NULL, placement = "htbp", drop.section = NULL,
                            view = FALSE, markdown = NULL, view.cache = FALSE,
                            page.width = "fit",
                            postprocess.tex = NULL, postprocess.df = NULL,
                            fit_format = "__var__", meta.time = NULL,
                            meta.author = NULL, meta.sys = NULL,
                            meta.call = NULL, meta.comment = NULL,
                            reset = FALSE, save = FALSE){

  # Argument checking => strong since these will become default values


  # fitstat (chiant) => controle reporte a fitstat_validate
    fitstat = fitstat_validate(fitstat)

  check_set_arg(coefstat, "match")
  check_arg(ci, "numeric scalar GT{0.5} LT{1}")

  check_arg("logical scalar", 
            se.below, fixef_sizes, fixef_sizes.simplify,
            float, family, depvar, reset, view)

  check_arg(keep, drop, order, "character vector no na NULL",
            .message = "The arg. '__ARG__' must be a vector of regular expressions (see help(regex)).")

  check_arg(interaction.order, "NULL character scalar")

  check_arg(notes, "character vector no na")

  check_arg(powerBelow, "integer scalar LE{-1}")

  check_arg(dict, "NULL logical scalar | named character vector no na")

  check_set_arg(group, extralines, "NULL{list()} named list l0")

  check_set_arg(fixef.group, "NULL{list()} logical scalar | named list l0")

  check_arg(placement, "character scalar")
    if(nchar(placement) == 0) stop("Argument 'placement' cannot be the empty string.")
    p_split = strsplit(placement, "")[[1]]
    check_value(p_split, "strict multi charin(h, t, b, p, H, !)", 
                .message = "Argument 'placement' must be a character string containing only the following characters: 'h', 't', 'b', 'p', 'H', and '!'.")

  check_set_arg(drop.section, "NULL multi match(fixef, slopes, stats)")

  check_arg(style.tex, "NULL class(fixest_style_tex)")

  check_arg(postprocess.tex, postprocess.df, "NULL function arg(1,)")

  check_arg(fit_format, "character scalar")
  if(!grepl("__var__", fit_format, fixed = TRUE)){
    stop("The argument 'fit_format' should include the special name '__var__' that will be replaced by the variable name. So far it does not contain it.")

  # meta
  check_set_arg(meta.time, "NULL match(date, time) | logical scalar")
  check_arg(meta.call, meta.sys, "NULL logical scalar")
  check_arg(meta.author, "NULL logical scalar | character vector no na")
  check_arg(meta.comment, "NULL character vector no na")

  check_arg(view, view.cache, "logical scalar")
  check_arg(markdown, "NULL scalar(logical, character)")

  page.width = check_set_page_width(page.width)

  # Setting the defaults

  # Getting the existing defaults
  opts = getOption("fixest_etable")

    # We first look at the "root" default
    root_default = renvir_get("fixest_etable")
      opts = list()
    } else {
      opts = root_default

  } else if(!is.list(opts)){
    warning("Wrong formatting of option 'fixest_etable', all options are reset.")
    opts = list()

  } else if(reset){
    opts = list()

  # Style setting
  if(length(style.tex) > 0){
    # We ensure we always have ALL components provided
    if(length(opts$style.tex) == 0){
      basic_style = fixest::style.tex(main = "base")
    } else {
      basic_style = opts$style.tex

    basic_style[names(style.tex)] = style.tex
    style.tex = basic_style


  check_arg(style.df, "NULL class(fixest_style_df)")
  if(length(style.df) > 0){
    # We ensure we always have ALL components provided
    if(length(opts$style.df) == 0){
      basic_style = fixest::style.df(default = TRUE)
    } else {
      basic_style = opts$style.df

    basic_style[names(style.df)] = style.df
    style.df = basic_style

  # Saving the default values
  mc = match.call()
  args_default = setdiff(names(mc)[-1], c("reset", "save"))

  # NOTA: we don't allow delayed evaluation => all arguments must have hard values
  for(v in args_default){
    opts[[v]] = eval(as.name(v))

  options(fixest_etable = opts)

  # Saving at the project level if needed
  check_set_arg(save, "logical scalar | match(reset)")
    renvir_update("fixest_etable", opts)

  } else if(identical(save, "reset")){
    renvir_update("fixest_etable", NULL)


#' @rdname etable
getFixest_etable = function(){
  opts = getOption("fixest_etable")
    warning("Wrong formatting of option 'fixest_etable', all options are reset.")
    opts = list()
    options(fixest_etable = opts)

#' Style definitions for Latex tables
#' This function describes the style of Latex tables to be exported with the function [`etable`].
#' @inheritParams etable
#' @param main Either "base", "aer" or "qje". Defines the basic style to start from. The styles 
#' "aer" and "qje" are almost identical and only differ on the top/bottom lines.
#' @param depvar.title A character scalar. The title of the line of the dependent variables 
#' (defaults to `"Dependent variable(s):"` if `main = "base"` (the 's' appears only if just one 
#' variable) and to `""` if `main = "aer"`).
#' @param model.title A character scalar. The title of the line of the models (defaults to 
#' `"Model:"` if `main = "base"` and to `""` if `main = "aer"`).
#' @param model.format A character scalar. The value to appear on top of each column. It defaults 
#' to `"(1)"`. Note that 1, i, I, a and A are special characters: if found, their values will be 
#' automatically incremented across columns.
#' @param line.top A character scalar equal to `"simple"`, `"double"`, or anything else. The line 
#' at the top of the table (defaults to `"double"` if `main = "base"` and to `"simple"` if 
#' `main = "aer"`). `"simple"` is equivalent to `"\\toprule"`, and `"double"` to 
#' `"\\tabularnewline \\midrule \\midrule"`.
#' @param line.bottom A character scalar equal to `"simple"`, `"double"`, or anything else. The 
#' line at the bottom of the table (defaults to `"double"` if `main = "base"` and to `"simple"` 
#' if `main = "aer"`). `"simple"` is equivalent to `"\\bottomrule"`, and `"double"` to 
#' `"\\midrule \\midrule & \\tabularnewline"`.
#' @param var.title A character scalar. The title line appearing before the variables (defaults to 
#' `"\\midrule \\emph{Variables}"` if `main = "base"` and to `"\\midrule"` if `main = "aer"`). 
#' Note that the behavior of `var.title = " "` (a space) is different from `var.title = ""` 
#' (the empty string): in the first case you will get an empty row, while in the second case 
#' you get no empty row. To get a line without an empty row, use `"\\midrule"` (and not 
#' `"\\midrule "`!--the space!).
#' @param fixef.title A character scalar. The title line appearing before the fixed-effects 
#' (defaults to `"\\midrule \\emph{Fixed-effects}"` if `main = "base"` and to `" "` if 
#' `main = "aer"`). Note that the behavior of `fixef.title = " "` (a space) is different from 
#' `fixef.title = ""` (the empty string): in the first case you will get an empty row, while in the 
#' second case you get no empty row. To get a line without an empty row, use `"\\midrule"` 
#' (and not `"\\midrule "`!--the space!).
#' @param fixef.prefix A prefix to add to the fixed-effects names. Defaults to `""` 
#' (i.e. no prefix).
#' @param fixef.suffix A suffix to add to the fixed-effects names. Defaults to `""` if 
#' `main = "base"`) and to `"fixed-effects"` if `main = "aer"`).
#' @param fixef.where Either "var" or "stats". Where to place the fixed-effects lines? 
#' Defaults to `"var"`, i.e. just after the variables, if `main = "base"`) and to 
#' `"stats"`, i.e. just after the statistics, if `main = "aer"`).
#' @param slopes.title A character scalar. The title line appearing before the variables with 
#' varying slopes (defaults to `"\\midrule \\emph{Varying Slopes}"` if `main = "base"` 
#' and to `""` if `main = "aer"`). Note that the behavior of `slopes.title = " "` (a space) 
#' is different from `slopes.title = ""` (the empty string): in the first case you will get 
#' an empty row, while in the second case you get no empty row. To get a line without an 
#' empty row, use `"\\midrule"` (and not `"\\midrule "`!--the space!).
#' @param slopes.format Character scalar representing the format of the slope variable name. 
#' There are two special characters: "__var__" and "__slope__", placeholers for the variable 
#' and slope names. Defaults to `"__var__ (__slope__)"` if `main = "base"`) and 
#' to `"__var__ $\\times $ __slope__"` if `main = "aer"`).
#' @param fixef_sizes.prefix A prefix to add to the fixed-effects names. Defaults to `"# "`.
#' @param fixef_sizes.suffix A suffix to add to the fixed-effects names. Defaults 
#' to `""` (i.e. no suffix).
#' @param stats.title A character scalar. The title line appearing before the statistics 
#' (defaults to `"\\midrule \\emph{Fit statistics"}` if `main = "base"` and to `" "` 
#' if `main = "aer"`). Note that the behavior of `stats.title = " "` (a space) is different 
#' from `stats.title = ""` (the empty string): in the first case you will get an empty row, 
#' while in the second case you get no empty row. To get a line without an empty row, 
#' use `"\\midrule"` (and not `"\\midrule "`!--the space!).
#' @param notes.intro A character scalar. Some tex code appearing just before the notes, 
#' defaults to `"\\par \\raggedright \n"`.
#' @param tablefoot A logical scalar. Whether or not to display a footer within the table. 
#' Defaults to `TRUE` if `main = "base"`) and `FALSE` if `main = "aer"`).
#' @param tablefoot.value A character scalar. The notes to be displayed in the footer. 
#' Defaults to `"default"` if `main = "base"`, which leads to custom footers informing on 
#' the type of standard-error and significance codes, depending on the estimations.
#' @param yesNo A character vector of length 1 or 2. Defaults to `"Yes"` if `main = "base"` 
#' and to `"$\\checkmark$"` if `main = "aer"` (from package `amssymb`). This is the message 
#' displayed when a given fixed-effect is (or is not) included in a regression. 
#' If `yesNo` is of length 1, then the second element is the empty string.
#' @param interaction.combine Character scalar, defaults to `" $\\times$ "`. When the estimation 
#' contains interactions, then the variables names (after aliasing) are combined with this 
#' argument. For example: if `dict = c(x1="Wind", x2="Rain")` and you have the following 
#' interaction `x1:x2`, then it will be renamed (by default) `Wind $\\times$ Rain` -- using 
#' `interaction.combine = "*"` would lead to `Wind*Rain`.
#' @param i.equal Character scalar, defaults to `" $=$ "`. Only affects factor variables created 
#' with the function [`i`], tells how the variable should be linked to its value. For example if 
#' you have the Species factor from the iris data set, by default the display of the variable is 
#' `Species $=$ Setosa`, etc. If `i.equal = ": "` the display becomes `Species: Setosa`.
#' @param notes.tpt.intro Character scalar. Only used if `tpt = TRUE`, it is some tex code that is 
#' passed before any `threeparttable` item (can be used for, typically, the font size). Default is 
#' the empty string.
#' @param depvar.style Character scalar equal to either `" "` (default), `"*"` (italic), `"**"` 
#' (bold), `"***"` (italic-bold). How the name of the dependent variable should be displayed.
#' @param no_border Logical, default is `FALSE`. Whether to remove any side border to the table (typically adds `@\{\` to the sides of the tabular).
#' @param caption.after Character scalar. Tex code that will be placed right after the caption. 
#' Defaults to `""` for `main = "base"` and `"\\medskip"` for `main = "aer"`.
#' @param rules_width Character vector of length 1 or 2. This vector gives the width of the 
#' `booktabs` rules: the first element the heavy-width, the second element the light-width. NA 
#' values mean no modification. If of length 1, only the heavy rules are modified. The width are in 
#' Latex units (ex: `"0.1 em"`, etc).
#' @param signif.code Named numeric vector, used to provide the significance codes with respect to 
#' the p-value of the coefficients. Default is `c("***"=0.01, "**"=0.05, "*"=0.10)`. To suppress 
#' the significance codes, use `signif.code=NA` or `signif.code=NULL`. Can also be equal to 
#' `"letters"`, then the default becomes `c("a"=0.01, "b"=0.05, "c"=0.10)`.
#' @details
#' The `\\checkmark` command, used in the "aer" style (in argument `yesNo`), is in the 
#' `amssymb` package.
#' The commands `\\toprule`, `\\midrule` and `\\bottomrule` are in the `booktabs` package. 
#' You can set the width of the top/bottom rules with `\\setlength\\heavyrulewidth\{wd\}`, 
#' and of the midrule with `\\setlength\\lightrulewidth\{wd\}`.
#' Note that all titles (`depvar.title`, `depvar.title`, etc) are not escaped, so they 
#' must be valid Latex expressions.
#' @return
#' Returns a list containing the style parameters.
#' @seealso
#' [`etable`]
#' @examples
#' # Multiple estimations => see details in feols
#' aq = airquality
#' est = feols(c(Ozone, Solar.R) ~
#'                 Wind + csw(Temp, Temp^2, Temp^3) | Month + Day,
#'             data = aq)
#' # Playing a bit with the styles
#' etable(est, tex = TRUE)
#' etable(est, tex = TRUE, style.tex = style.tex("aer"))
#' etable(est, tex = TRUE, style.tex = style.tex("aer",
#'                                       var.title = "\\emph{Expl. Vars.}",
#'                                       model.format = "[i]",
#'                                       yesNo = "x",
#'                                       tabular = "*"))
style.tex = function(main = "base", depvar.title, model.title, model.format, line.top,
                     line.bottom, var.title, fixef.title, fixef.prefix, fixef.suffix,
                     fixef.where, slopes.title, slopes.format, fixef_sizes.prefix,
                     fixef_sizes.suffix, stats.title, notes.intro,
                     notes.tpt.intro, tablefoot, tablefoot.value,
                     yesNo, tabular = "normal", depvar.style, no_border,
                     caption.after, rules_width, signif.code,
                     tpt, arraystretch, adjustbox = NULL, fontsize,
                     interaction.combine = " $\\times$ ", i.equal = " $=$ "){

  # To implement later:
  # fixef_sizes.where = "obs"
  # se.par = "parentheses"
  # check_set_arg(se.par, "match(parentheses, brackets, none)")
  # align
  # check_arg(align, "character vector no na len(,2)")

  # Checking
  check_set_arg(main, "match(base, aer, qje)")

  check_set_arg(line.top, line.bottom, "match(simple, double) | character scalar")

  check_arg("character scalar", depvar.title, model.title, var.title)
  check_arg("character scalar", 
            fixef.title, fixef.prefix, fixef.suffix, 
            slopes.title, slopes.format)
  check_arg("character scalar", fixef_sizes.prefix, fixef_sizes.suffix, stats.title)
  check_arg("character scalar", notes.intro, interaction.combine, i.equal)
  check_arg("character scalar", notes.tpt.intro, depvar.style, caption.after)
  check_arg("character vector len(1,2)", rules_width)

    depvar.style = trimws(depvar.style)
    if(!depvar.style %in% c("", "*", "**", "***")){
      stop("Argument 'depvar.style' must be one of ' ', '*', '**', '***', which means regular, italic, bold and italic-bold.")

  check_arg(tablefoot.value, "character vector no na")
  check_arg(tablefoot, tpt, no_border, "logical scalar")
  check_set_arg(fixef.where, "match(var, stats)")
  check_set_arg(tabular, "match(normal, *, X)")

  check_arg(yesNo, "character vector len(,2) no na")
  if(!missing(yesNo) && length(yesNo) == 1){
    yesNo = c(yesNo, "")

  check_arg(arraystretch, "numeric scalar GT{0}")
  adjustbox = check_set_adjustbox(adjustbox)
  check_set_arg(fontsize, "NULL match(tiny, scriptsize, footnotesize, small, normalsize, large, Large)")

  check_set_arg(signif.code, "NULL NA | match(letters) | named numeric vector no na GE{0} LE{1}")

  mc = match.call()

  if("main" %in% names(mc)){
    if(main == "base"){
      res = list(depvar.title = "Dependent Variable(s):", model.title = "Model:",
                 model.format = "(1)",
                 line.top = "\\tabularnewline \\midrule \\midrule",
                 line.bottom = "double",
                 var.title = "\\midrule\n\\emph{Variables}",
                 fixef.title = "\\midrule\n\\emph{Fixed-effects}", fixef.prefix = "",
                 fixef.suffix = "", fixef.where = "var",
                 slopes.title = "\\midrule\n\\emph{Varying Slopes}",
                 slopes.format = "__var__ (__slope__)",
                 fixef_sizes.prefix = "\\# ", fixef_sizes.suffix = "",
                 stats.title = "\\midrule\n\\emph{Fit statistics}",
                 notes.intro = "\\par \\raggedright \n",
                 notes.tpt.intro = "",
                 tablefoot = TRUE,
                 caption.after = "",
                 tablefoot.value = "default", yesNo = c("Yes", ""),
                 depvar.style = "", no_border = FALSE)

      if(!missing(tablefoot) && isFALSE(tablefoot)){
        res$tablefoot = FALSE
        res$line.bottom = "\\midrule \\midrule & \\tabularnewline"

    } else {
      res = list(depvar.title = "", model.title = "", model.format = "(1)",
                 line.top = "\\toprule", line.bottom = "\\bottomrule",
                 var.title = "\\midrule",
                 fixef.title = " ", fixef.prefix = "", fixef.suffix = " fixed effects",
                 fixef.where = "stats",
                 slopes.title = "", slopes.format = "__var__ $\\times $ __slope__",
                 fixef_sizes.prefix = "\\# ", fixef_sizes.suffix = "",
                 stats.title = " ", notes.intro = "\\par \\raggedright \n",
                 notes.tpt.intro = "", caption.after = "\\bigskip",
                 tablefoot = FALSE, tablefoot.value = "",
                 yesNo = c("$\\checkmark$", ""), depvar.style = "",
                 no_border = FALSE)

      if(main == "aer"){
        # just set

      } else if(main == "qje"){
        res$line.top = "\\tabularnewline\\midrule\\midrule"
        res$line.bottom = "\\midrule \\midrule & \\tabularnewline"

    res$tabular = tabular
    res$interaction.combine = interaction.combine
    res$i.equal = i.equal
  } else {
    res = list()

  args2set = setdiff(names(mc)[-1], "main")

  for(var in args2set){
    res[[var]] = eval(as.name(var))

  class(res) = "fixest_style_tex"


#' Style of data.frames created by etable
#' This function describes the style of data.frames created with the function [`etable`].
#'  @inheritParams etable
#' @param depvar.title Character scalar. Default is `"Dependent Var.:"`. 
#' The row name of the dependent variables.
#' @param fixef.title Character scalar. Default is `"Fixed-Effects:"`. The header preceding the 
#' fixed-effects. If equal to the empty string, then this line is removed.
#' @param fixef.line A single character. Default is `"-"`. A character that will be used to create 
#' a line of separation for the fixed-effects header. Used only if `fixef.title` is not the empty 
#' string.
#' @param fixef.prefix Character scalar. Default is `""`. A prefix to appear 
#' before each fixed-effect name.
#' @param fixef.suffix Character scalar. Default is `""`. A suffix to appear 
#' after each fixed-effect name.
#' @param slopes.title Character scalar. Default is `"Varying Slopes:"`. The header preceding the 
#' variables with varying slopes. If equal to the empty string, then this line is removed.
#' @param slopes.line Character scalar. Default is `"-"`. A character that will be used to create a 
#' line of separation for the variables with varying slopes header. Used only if `slopes.line` is 
#' not the empty string.
#' @param slopes.format Character scalar. Default is `"__var__ (__slope__)"`. The format of the 
#' name of the varying slopes. The values `__var__` and `__slope__` are special characters that 
#' will be replaced by the value of the variable name and slope name, respectively.
#' @param stats.title Character scalar. Default is `"_"`. The header preceding the statistics 
#' section. If equal to the empty string, then this line is removed. If equal to single character 
#' (like in the default), then this character will be expanded to take the full column width.
#' @param stats.line Character scalar. Default is `"_"`. A character that will be used to create a 
#' line of separation for the statistics header. Used only if `stats.title` is not the empty string.
#' @param yesNo Character vector of length 1 or 2. Default is `c("Yes", "No")`. Used to inform on 
#' the presence or absence of fixed-effects in the estimation. If of length 1, then automatically 
#' the second value is considered as the empty string.
#' @param headers.sep Logical, default is `TRUE`. Whether to add a line of separation between the 
#' headers and the coefficients.
#' @param interaction.combine Character scalar, defaults to `" x "`. When the estimation contains 
#' interactions, then the variables names (after aliasing) are combined with this argument. For 
#' example: if `dict = c(x1="Wind", x2="Rain")` and you have the following interaction `x1:x2`, 
#' then it will be renamed (by default) `Wind x Rain` -- using `interaction.combine = "*"` would 
#' lead to `Wind*Rain`.
#' @param i.equal Character scalar, defaults to `" = "`. Only affects factor variables created with 
#' the function [`i`], tells how the variable should be linked to its value. For example if you 
#' have the Species factor from the iris data set, by default the display of the variable is 
#' `Species = Setosa`, etc. If `i.equal = ": "` the display becomes `Species: Setosa`.
#' @param default Logical, default is `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, all the values not provided by the user 
#' are set to their default.
#' @param signif.code Named numeric vector, used to provide the significance codes with respect to 
#' the p-value of the coefficients. Default is `c("***"=0.001, "**"=0.01, "*"=0.05, "."=0.10)`. To 
#' suppress the significance codes, use `signif.code=NA` or `signif.code=NULL`. Can also be equal 
#' to `"letters"`, then the default becomes `c("a"=0.01, "b"=0.05, "c"=0.10)`.
#' @details
#' The title elements (`depvar.title`, `fixef.title`, `slopes.title` and `stats.title`) will be the 
#' row names of the returned data.frame. Therefore keep in mind that any two of them should not be 
#' identical (since identical row names are forbidden in data.frames).
#' @return
#' It returns an object of class `fixest_style_df`.
#' @examples
#' # Multiple estimations => see details in feols
#' aq = airquality
#' est = feols(c(Ozone, Solar.R) ~
#'                 Wind + csw(Temp, Temp^2, Temp^3) | Month + Day,
#'             data = aq)
#' # Default result
#' etable(est)
#' # Playing a bit with the styles
#' etable(est, style.df = style.df(fixef.title = "", fixef.suffix = " FE",
#'                                  stats.line = " ", yesNo = "yes"))
style.df = function(depvar.title = "Dependent Var.:", fixef.title = "Fixed-Effects:",
                    fixef.line = "-", fixef.prefix = "", fixef.suffix = "",
                    slopes.title = "Varying Slopes:", slopes.line = "-",
                    slopes.format = "__var__ (__slope__)", stats.title = "_",
                    stats.line = "_", yesNo = c("Yes", "No"), headers.sep = TRUE,
                    signif.code = c("***"=0.001, "**"=0.01, "*"=0.05, "."=0.10),
                    interaction.combine = " x ", i.equal = " = ", default = FALSE){

  # Checking

  check_arg("character scalar", depvar.title, fixef.title, fixef.line, fixef.prefix, fixef.suffix)
  check_arg("character scalar", slopes.title, slopes.line, slopes.format, stats.title, stats.line)
  check_arg("character scalar", interaction.combine, i.equal)

  check_arg(yesNo, "character vector len(,2) no na")
  if(length(yesNo) == 1){
    yesNo = c(yesNo, "")

  if(nchar(fixef.line) != 1){
    stop("The argument 'fixef.line' must be a singe character! It's currently a string of length ", nchar(fixef.line), ".")
  if(nchar(slopes.line) != 1){
    stop("The argument 'slopes.line' must be a singe character! It's currently a string of length ", nchar(slopes.line), ".")
  if(nchar(stats.line) != 1){
    stop("The argument 'stats.line' must be a singe character! It's currently a string of length ", nchar(stats.line), ".")

  check_arg(headers.sep, default, "logical scalar")

  check_set_arg(signif.code, "NULL NA | match(letters) | named numeric vector no na GE{0} LE{1}")

  res = list()

  mc = match.call()
  args2set = if(default) formalArgs(style.df) else names(mc)[-1]

  args2set = setdiff(args2set, "default")
  for(var in args2set){
    res[[var]] = eval(as.name(var))

  class(res) = "fixest_style_df"


#' Register `extralines` macros to be used in `etable`
#' This function is used to create `extralines` (which is an argument of [`etable`]) macros 
#' that can be easily summoned in [`etable`].
#' @param type A character scalar giving the type-name.
#' @param fun A function to be applied to a `fixest` estimation. It must return a scalar.
#' @param alias A character scalar. This is the alias to be used in lieu of the type name to 
#' form the row name.
#' @details
#' You can register as many macros as you wish, the only constraint is that the type name should not conflict with a [`fitstat`] type name.
#' @examples
#' # We register a function computing the standard-deviation of the dependent variable
#' my_fun = function(x) sd(model.matrix(x, type = "lhs"))
#' extralines_register("sdy", my_fun, "SD(y)")
#' # An estimation
#' data(iris)
#' est = feols(Petal.Length ~ Sepal.Length | Species, iris)
#' # Now we can easily create a row with the SD of y.
#' # We just "summon" it in a one-sided formula
#' etable(est, extralines = ~ sdy)
#' # We can change the alias on the fly:
#' etable(est, extralines = list("_Standard deviation of the dep. var." = ~ sdy))
extralines_register = function(type, fun, alias){
  check_arg(type, "character scalar mbt")
  check_arg(fun, "function mbt")
  check_arg(alias, "character scalar mbt")

  # We check the type is not conflicting
  existing_types = fitstat(give_types = TRUE)$types

  opts = getOption("fixest_extralines")

  if(type %in% setdiff(existing_types, names(opts))){
    stop("The type name '", type, "' is the same as one of fitstat's built-in type. Please choose another one.")

    alias = type

  # We test the function on a simple estimation
  base = data.frame(y = rnorm(100), x = rnorm(100))
  est = feols(y ~ x, base)
  mc = match.call()
  fun_name = deparse_long(mc$fun)
  value = error_sender(fun(est), "The function '", fun_name, "' could not evaluated on a simple fixest object. Please try to improve it.")

  if(length(value) != 1){
    stop("The value returned by ", fun_name, " should be exactly of length 1. This is actually not the case (the result is of length ", length(value), ").")

  res = list(fun = fun, alias = alias)

  opts[[type]] = res

  options(fixest_extralines = opts)


#' @rdname etable
print.etable_tex = function(x, ...){
  cat(x, sep = "\n")

#' @rdname etable
print.etable_df = function(x, ...){
  # Almost equivalent to print.data.frame
  # we're more flexible with row names since we use the first column as row names 
  # (and hence allow repetition)

  signif.code = attr(x, "signif")

  width = 0.99
  MAX_WIDTH = getOption("width") * width

  ROWNAMES = x[, 1]
  x = x[, -1, drop = FALSE]
  labels_width = max(nchar(ROWNAMES))
  MAX_WIDTH = MAX_WIDTH - labels_width - 1

  # names => first row
  xx = rbind(names(x), x)
  col_width = apply(xx, 2, function(x) max(nchar(x)))
  ROWNAMES = sprintf("%- *s", labels_width, c(" ", ROWNAMES))

  # We print on the fly
  my_col = 1
  nc = ncol(x)

  while(my_col <= nc){

    # We jump one line for readability
    if(my_col > 1) cat("\n")

    # Finding the nber of columns to print out
    cs = cumsum(col_width + 1) - 1
    if(cs[1] > MAX_WIDTH){
      n_max = 1
    } else {
      n_max = max(which(cs <= MAX_WIDTH))

    m = cbind(ROWNAMES, xx[, seq(my_col, length.out = n_max)])

    for(j in 2:ncol(m)){
      m[, j] = sprintf("% *s", col_width[j - 1], m[, j])

    table_print = apply(m, 1, paste, collapse = " ")
    cat(table_print, sep = "\n")

    # Next
    my_col = my_col + n_max
    col_width = col_width[-(1:n_max)]


    s = signif.code
    s_fmt = paste0(insert_in_between(.dsb("q?names(s)"), s), collapse = " ")
    cat("---\nSignif. codes: 0 ", s_fmt, " ' ' 1\n", sep = "")


#### Viewer ####

check_build_available = function(){

  opt = getOption("fixest_build_available")

    outcome = suppressWarnings(system2("pdflatex", "-help", FALSE, FALSE))
    if(outcome == 127 && !requireNamespace("tinytex", quietly = TRUE)){
      warn_up("The functionality you want to use requires the package 'tinytex' which is not installed or a working pdflatex installation which wasn't found.")

      options(fixest_build_available = "pdflatex")

    outcome = suppressWarnings(system2("magick", "-help", FALSE, FALSE))
    if(outcome == 127 && !requireNamespace("pdftools", quietly = TRUE)){
      warn_up("The functionality you want to use requires the package 'pdftools' which is not installed or a working imagemagick + ghostscript installation which wasn't found.")

      options(fixest_build_available = "magick")

    options(fixest_build_available = TRUE)


build_tex_png = function(x, view = FALSE, export = NULL, markdown = NULL,
             cache = FALSE, page.width = "fit", up = 0){

  up = up + 1
  check_value(view, "logical scalar")
  check_value(export, "NULL character scalar")
  check_value(markdown, "NULL scalar(logical, character)")
  page.width = check_set_page_width(page.width)

  # numbers used to uniquely identify the images
  NMAX = 10

  cache = isTRUE(cache)

  dir_cache = NULL
  if(cache || isTRUE(markdown)){
    is_global_dir = !is.null(find_config_path()) && !is.null(find_project_path())
      dir_cache = config_get("cache_dir")

        # reset
        dir_cache = file.path(normalizePath(tempdir(), "/"), "etable")
        config_update("cache_dir", dir_cache)

    markdown = NULL
  } else if(isTRUE(markdown)){
    # note that it's very important to have the default saving path to be relative
    # to the working directory and not (as I initially wanted) in a temp dir.
    # Why? To make it work properly in webpages, it should be self contained
    # and should not use things out of the current working dir.
    # (In regular markdown, the temp dir is a bit more elegant since
    #  it does not clutter the workspace)

    markdown = "./images/etable/"

  # we need to clean all the tmp tags otherwise the caching does not work
  x_clean = paste0(c(page.width, x), collapse = "\n")
  if(any(grepl("definecolor", x_clean, fixed = TRUE))){
    my_colors = dsb("'(?<=definecolor\\{)[[:alpha:]]+(?=\\})'X, '|'c ? x_clean")
    x_clean = gsub(my_colors, "", x_clean)

  if(any(grepl("\\mark", x, fixed = TRUE))){
    x_clean = gsub("mark[[:alpha:]]+", "", x_clean)

  do_build = TRUE
  export_markdown = id = NULL
    markdown_path = check_set_path(markdown, "w, dir", create = TRUE, up = up)

    all_files = list.files(markdown_path, "\\.png$", full.names = TRUE)
    id_all = gsub("^.+_|\\.png$", "", all_files)
    id = substr(cpp_hash_string(x_clean), 1, NMAX)

    if(!id %in% id_all){
      time = gsub(" .+", "", Sys.time())
      name = .dsb("etable_tex_.[time]_.[id].png")
      export_markdown = file.path(markdown_path, name)
    } else {
      do_build = FALSE
      export_markdown = png_name = normalizePath(all_files[id_all == id][1], "/")

    export_path = check_set_path(export, "w", up = up)

  dir = NULL

    dir = if(cache && !is.null(dir_cache)) dir_cache else normalizePath(tempdir(), "/")

        id = substr(cpp_hash_string(x_clean), 1, NMAX)

      # If the file already exists, we don't recreate it
      all_files = list.files(dir, "^etable.+\\.png$", full.names = TRUE)
      id_all = gsub("^.+_|\\.png$", "", all_files)
      if(id %in% id_all){
        do_build = FALSE
        png_name = normalizePath(all_files[id_all == id][1], "/")
      } else {
        time = gsub(" .+", "", Sys.time())
        png_name = .dsb("etable_tex_.[time]_.[id].png")
    } else {
      png_name = "etable.png"

  if(view || do_build){
    # we set the working directory properly
    # used to:
    #  - compile .tex to .pdf to .png
    #  - view the HTML document (needs to be on the WD)

    if(is.null(dir)) dir = normalizePath(tempdir(), "/")

    current_dir = getwd()


    # Latex document

    # packages increase build time, so we load them sparingly
    # p: package ; pn: package name ; x: tex vector ; y: tex packages
    add_pkg = function(p, x, y, pn = p, opt = "", fixed = TRUE){
      if(any(grepl(p, x, fixed = fixed))){
        c(y, .dsb("\\usepackage.[opt]{.[pn]}"))
      } else {

    minipage_start = minipage_end = ""

    w = "35cm"
    if(!identical(as.vector(page.width), "fit", )){
      # page.width is guaranteed to be of length 2
      w = page.width[1]
      minipage_start = .dsb("\\begin{minipage}{.[page.width[1]]} ",
                            "\\centering ",
                            "\\begin{minipage}{.[page.width[2]]}\n ", sep = "\n")

      minipage_end = "\n\\end{minipage}\n\\end{minipage}"

    intro = .dsb0("\\documentclass[varwidth=.[w], border={ 10 5 10 5 }]{standalone}",
                  "\\usepackage{.[/array, booktabs, multirow, helvet, amsmath, amssymb]}",
                  "\\renewcommand{\\familydefault}{\\sfdefault}", vectorize = TRUE)

    tex_pkg = c()
    tex_pkg = add_pkg("(row|cell)color", x, tex_pkg, "colortbl", fixed = FALSE)
    tex_pkg = add_pkg("threeparttable", x, tex_pkg, opt = "[flushleft]")
    tex_pkg = add_pkg("adjustbox", x, tex_pkg)
    tex_pkg = add_pkg("tabularx", x, tex_pkg)
    tex_pkg = add_pkg("makecell", x, tex_pkg)

    do_rerun = FALSE
    if(any(grepl("tikz", x, fixed = TRUE))){
      # If tikz is present, we need to run pdflatex twice to make it work properly
      do_rerun = TRUE
      tex_pkg = c(tex_pkg, "\\usepackage{tikz}",
                  "\\usetikzlibrary{matrix, shapes, arrows, fit, tikzmark}")

    doc_full = c(intro, tex_pkg,
           "\n\n\\begin{document}\n", minipage_start,
           minipage_end, "\n\\end{document}\n")

    # Compiling + exporting

    tex_file = file("etable.tex", "w", encoding = "UTF-8")
    writeLines(doc_full, tex_file)

    options(fixest_log_dir = dir)

    # We compile the document
    draft = if(do_rerun) "-draftmode" else ""

    # we delete the aux that can generate problems

    # I keep the CMD because it is faster
    # WITH: 2.5s
    # SANS: 3.5s


    warn_msg = NULL
    ok_cmd_tex = TRUE && DO_CMD
      outcome = suppressWarnings(system2("pdflatex", 
                                         sma("-halt-on-error -interaction=nonstopmode {draft}",
                                             " etable.tex"),
                                         "etable_shell_pdf.log", "etable_shell_pdf.err"))

      if(outcome == 127){
        ok_cmd_tex = FALSE
      } else if(outcome == 1){

        # Sometimes recompiling works!!!
        outcome = suppressWarnings(system2("pdflatex", 
                                           sma("-halt-on-error -interaction=nonstopmode ",
                                               "{draft} etable.tex"),
                                           "etable_shell_pdf.log", "etable_shell_pdf.err"))

        if(outcome == 1){
          warn_msg = "pdflatex: error when compiling -- sorry! Check the log file with log_etable('pdflatex')."
          ok_cmd_tex = FALSE

    if(ok_cmd_tex && do_rerun){
      outcome = suppressWarnings(system2("pdflatex", 
                                         "-halt-on-error -interaction=nonstopmode etable.tex",
                                         "etable_shell_pdf.log", "etable_shell_pdf.err"))

      # No reason for the 2nd run to fail, but I add it anyway just to be safe
      if(outcome == 1){
        warn_msg = "pdflatex: error when compiling -- sorry! Check the log file with log_etable('pdflatex')."
        ok_cmd_tex = FALSE

      # We use tinytex
      if(!requireNamespace("tinytex", quietly = TRUE)){

          # we still give the warning to the user due to CMD pblm

        warn_up("The functionality you want to use requires the package 'tinytex' which is not installed or a working pdflatex installation which wasn't found.")

      info_compile = try(suppressMessages(tinytex::pdflatex("etable.tex",
                                                            clean = FALSE, 
                                                            min_times = 1 + do_rerun)))
      if(inherits(info_compile, "try-error")){
        warn_up("pdflatex: error when compiling -- sorry! Check the log file with `log_etable('pdflatex')`.")


    # Creating the PNG

    ok_cmd_magick = TRUE && DO_CMD
    warn_msg = NULL
      outcome = suppressWarnings(system2("magick", 
                                         sma("-density 600 etable.pdf -colorspace RGB {png_name}"),
                                         "etable_shell_magick.log", "etable_shell_magick.err"))

      if(outcome == 127){
        ok_cmd_magick = FALSE

      } else if(outcome == 1){
        warn_msg = "magick: error when converting pdf to png. Check install of ghostscript? Check the log file with `log_etable('magick')`."
        ok_cmd_magick = FALSE

      if(!requireNamespace("pdftools", quietly = TRUE)){


        warn_up("The functionality you want to use requires the package 'pdftools' which is not installed or a working imagemagick+ghostscript installation which wasn't found.")

      # We use pdftools, but to avoid an ugly warning, we need to provide a name we don't want
      # and hence rename the file later...

      pdftools::pdf_convert("etable.pdf", dpi = 600, verbose = FALSE,
                            filenames = sma("{png_name}_%d.%s"))
      old_name = sma("{png_name}_1.png")
      file.rename(old_name, png_name)


  # Now porting to the viewer

    my_viewer = getOption("viewer")
      warning("To preview the table, we need a viewer -- which wasn't found (it sjould work on RStudio and VScode).")
    } else {
      # setting up the html document

      # NOTE: all the viewer's data must be in tempdir
      # => when we cache, that can cause problems
      # hence we copy the file there if necessary

      tmp_dir = normalizePath(tempdir(), "/")

      if(normalizePath(getwd(), "/") != tmp_dir){
        old_name = png_name
        png_name = gsub(".+/", "", png_name)
        file.copy(old_name, file.path(tmp_dir, png_name))

      html_file = viewer_html_template(png_name)

      writeLines(html_file, "etable.html")


  # And exporting
    file.copy(png_name, export_path, overwrite = TRUE)

  if(!is.null(export_markdown) && export_markdown != png_name){
    file.copy(png_name, export_markdown, overwrite = TRUE)


check_set_path = function(x, type = "", create = TRUE, up = 0){
  # type:
  # + r: read (file or dir must exists), w (file is to be created)
  # + dir: directory and not a document
  # create:
  # - if file: creates the parent dir if the grand parent exists
  # - if dir: creates the dir only if grand parent exists

  set_up(up + 1)

  flags = strsplit(type, ", *")[[1]]

  x_dp = deparse(substitute(x))

  path = try(normalizePath(x, "/", mustWork = FALSE))
  if("try-error" %in% class(path)){
    path = try(normalizePath(paste0("./", x), "/", mustWork = FALSE))
    if("try-error" %in% class(path)){
      stop_up("The path ", x, " is not valid, please revise.")

  # If path exists: fine!
  is_dir = "dir" %in% flags
  } else if(file.exists(path)){

  # Now the path does not exist already, so we don't need to check

  # here: it must be an error
  if("r" %in% flags){
    msg = if("dir" %in% flags) "directory" else "file"
    stop_up("Argument '", x_dp, "' should be a path to a ", msg,
            " that exists. \n  Problem: '", path, "' does not exist.")

  # Here we're in write

  file_name = gsub(".+/", "", path)
  path_dir = str_trim(path, -nchar(file_name))
  if(nchar(path_dir) == 0) path_dir = "."

  path_parent = dirname(path)
    if(is_dir && create){


    path_grand_parent = dirname(path_parent)


  msg = if("dir" %in% flags) "directory" else "file"
  stop_up("Argument '", x_dp, "' should be a path to a ", msg, 
          ". \n  Problem: '", path_parent, "' does not exist.")


viewer_html_template = function(png_name){
  # I really wanted to see the full table all the time, so I had to add some JS.
  # There must be some straightforward way in CSS, but I don't know it...
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html> <head>


#container {
 width: 100%;
 display: block;
 height: 96vh;
 text-align: center;

img {
  max-width: 100%;
  max-height: 100%;




<div id="container" class = "etable">
  <img src = ".[png_name]" alt="etable preview">

</body> </html>

#' @rdname etable
log_etable = function(type = "pdflatex"){
  check_set_arg(type, "match(pdflatex, magick, tex, dir)")

  dir = getOption("fixest_log_dir")

  if(length(dir) == 0){
    return("No log currently exists")

  if(type == "pdflatex"){
    path = file.path(dir, "etable.log")
  } else if(type == "magick"){
    path = file.path(dir, "etable_shell_magick.log")
  } else if(type == "dir"){
  } else {
    path = file.path(dir, "etable.tex")

    message(.dsb("No log currently exists for '.[type]'."))

  res = readLines(path)

  class(res) = "etable_tex"

DIR_EXISTS = function(x){
  if(length(x) != 1 || is.na(x) || !is.character(x)){


fix_pkgwdown_path = function(){
  # https://github.com/r-lib/pkgdown/issues/1218
  # just because I use google drive... it seems pkgdown cannot convert to relative path...

  # This is to ensure it only works for me
  if(!isTRUE(renvir_get("fixest_ROOT"))) return(NULL)
  # we check we're in the right directory (otherwise there can be prblms with Rmakdown)
  if(!isTRUE(file.exists("R/alias_VCOV.R"))) return(NULL)

  all_files = list.files("docs/articles/", full.names = TRUE, pattern = "html$")

  for(f in all_files){
    my_file = file(f, "r", encoding = "UTF-8")
    text = readLines(f)
    if(any(grepl("../../../", text, fixed = TRUE))){
      # We embed the images directly: safer

      # A) we get the path
      # B) we transform to URI
      # C) we replace the line
      done = FALSE

      pat = "<img.+\\.\\./.+/fixest/.+/images/"
      qui = which(grepl(pat, text))
      for(i in qui){
          message("Fixing pkgdown paths (", gsub(".+/", "", f), ").")
        # ex: line = "<img src = \"../../../Google drive/fixest/fixest/vignettes/images/etable/etable_tex_2021-12-02_1.05477838.png\">"
        line = text[i]
        line_split = strsplit(line, "src *= *\"")[[1]]
        path = gsub("\".*", "", line_split[2])
        # ROOT is always fixest
        path = gsub(".+fixest/", "", path)
        path = gsub("^articles", "vignettes", path)

        URI = knitr::image_uri(path)

        rest = gsub("^[^\"]+\"", "", line_split[2])
        new_line = dsb('.[line_split[1]] src = ".[URI]".[rest]')

        text[i] = new_line

      my_file = file(f, "w", encoding = "UTF-8")
      writeLines(text, f)


#### Utilities ####

style_apply = function(coef.style, coef_mat, coef_names){
  # applies a style to specified coefficients


  if(length(coef.style) == 0){

  res = coef_mat
  n_models = ncol(res) - 1

  has_row_se = any(" " %in% res[, 1])
  get_row_id = function(i) if(has_row_se) 1 + 2 * (i - 1) else i

  for(i in seq_along(coef.style)){
    cs = coef.style[[i]]
    cs_name = paste0(trimws(names(coef.style)[i]), " ")

    if(!grepl(":coef(_se)?:", cs_name)){
      warn_up("In the argument 'coef.style', the names must contain the ",
              "':coef:' (or :coef_se:) string. ",
              "PROBLEM: this is not the case for the {nth?i} element (equal to {q?cs_name}).")

    is_se = grepl(":coef_se:", cs_name)
      cs_name = sub(":coef_se:", ":coef:", cs_name, fixed = TRUE)
    add_se = function(x) if(is_se) rbind(x, x + matrix(c(1, 0), nrow(x), 2, byrow = TRUE)) else x

    style_split = strsplit(cs_name, ":coef:", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]

    if(cs %in% c(".", "all")){

      id = which(matrix(grepl("[^ ]", coef_mat), nrow(coef_mat)), arr.ind = TRUE)
      # we remove the row names
      id = id[id[, 2] != 1, ]
      if(!is_se && has_row_se){
        # we remove the se row!
        id = id[id[, 1] %% 2 == 1, ]

      # We apply the style
      values = res[id]
      new_values = paste0(style_split[1])
      for(k in seq_along(style_split)[-1]){
        new_values = paste0(new_values, values, style_split[k])
      new_values = trimws(new_values)
      res[id] = escape_latex(new_values)

    } else {
      coef_location_all = coef_location(cs, coef_names, n_models, "coef.style", pool = TRUE)
      cell = coef_location_all$cell

      # cell: list of n x 2 matrices
      for(j in seq_along(cell)){
        cell_mat = cell[[j]]

        id = cbind(get_row_id(cell_mat[, 1]), cell_mat[, 2] + 1)
        id = add_se(id)

        id = id[grepl("[^ ]", res[id]), , drop = FALSE]

        if(length(id) > 0){
          values = res[id]
          new_values = paste0(style_split[1])
          for(k in seq_along(style_split)[-1]){
            new_values = paste0(new_values, values, style_split[k])
          new_values = trimws(new_values)
          res[id] = escape_latex(new_values)


highlight_apply = function(highlight, coef_mat, coef_names){
  # applies coefficients highlighting


  if(length(highlight) == 0){
    return(list(preamble = "", coef_mat = coef_mat))

    names(highlight) = " "

  # default color
  COLOR = "#c80815"

  res = coef_mat
  n_models = ncol(res) - 1

  # \definecolor{Mycolor2}{HTML}{00F9DE}
  # \definecolor{mypink1}{rgb}{0.858, 0.188, 0.478}
  # \definecolor{mypink2}{RGB}{219, 48, 122}

  has_row_se = any(" " %in% res[, 1])
  get_row_id = function(i) if(has_row_se) 1 + 2 * (i - 1) else i

  # frame id
  f_id = 0

  all_colors = c()
  tex_preamble = c()

  for(i in seq_along(highlight)){
    hl = highlight[[i]]
    hl_name = trimws(strsplit(names(highlight)[i], "[, ]+")[[1]])
    if(identical(hl_name, '')){
      hl_name = character(0)

    # Parsing the parameters

    # TRUE/FALSE flags
    is_se = "se" %in% hl_name && has_row_se
    add_se = function(x) if(is_se) rbind(x, x + matrix(c(1, 0), nrow(x), 2, byrow = TRUE)) else x

    is_rowcol = "rowcol" %in% hl_name
    is_round = !"square" %in% hl_name

    hl_name = setdiff(hl_name, c("se", "rowcol", "square"))

    # Values
    thick_raw = grep("^thick\\d$", hl_name, value = TRUE)
    thick = if(length(thick_raw) == 0) 6 else as.numeric(sub("thick", "", thick_raw))
    if(thick > 6){
      stop_up("In the argument 'highlight', the name of the {nth?i}",
              " element (equal to {bq?hl_name}) is ill formed. ",
              "The item 'thick' can go only from 1 to 6.")

    sep_raw = grep("^sep\\d+$", hl_name, value = TRUE)
    sep = if(length(sep_raw) == 0) 3 else sub("sep", "", sep_raw)

    hl_name = setdiff(hl_name, c(thick_raw, sep_raw))

    # Color: the remaining
    color = hl_name
    is_col = length(color) == 1

    if(length(color) > 1){
      stop_up("In the argument 'highlight', the name of the {nth?i}",
              " element (equal to {q?hl_name}) is ill formed. ",
              "It should be a comma separated list of options, which include: ",
              "'rowcol', 'square', 'thickd' (with d from 0 to 6), 'sepd' (d: 0-9), ",
              "'se', and 'color!alpha' with 'color' a valid R color and, optionnaly, ",
              "'alpha' in 0-100.")

    # conversion of the color
    is_alpha = FALSE
      if(grepl("!", color, fixed = TRUE)){
        color_split = strsplit(color, "!", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
        is_alpha = TRUE
        alpha = color_split[2]
        color = color_split[1]
    } else {
      color = COLOR
        # Default row color is not solid
        alpha = "25"
        is_alpha = TRUE

    tex_color = error_sender(col2rgb(color),
                             "In the argument 'highlight', the color, in the name of the ", 
                             n_th(i), " element (equal to '", color,
                             "'), could not be converted to RGB. ")
    tex_color = paste0(as.vector(tex_color), collapse = ", ")

    if(tex_color %in% all_colors){
      tag_color = names(all_colors)[all_colors == tex_color]

    } else {
      tag_color = paste0("col", tag_gen())
      all_colors[tag_color] = tex_color
      tex_preamble = c(tex_preamble, paste0("\\definecolor{", tag_color, "}{RGB}{", tex_color, "}"))

      tag_color = paste0(tag_color, "!", alpha)

    coef_location_all = coef_location(hl, coef_names, n_models, "highlight")
    cell = coef_location_all$cell
    row = coef_location_all$row
    range = coef_location_all$range

      # cell: list of n x 2 matrices
      for(j in seq_along(cell)){
        cell_mat = cell[[j]]
        for(k in 1:nrow(cell_mat)){
          my_cell = cell_mat[k, ]

          id = cbind(get_row_id(my_cell[1]), my_cell[2] + 1)
          id = add_se(id)

          res[id] = paste0("\\cellcolor{", tag_color, "} ", res[id])

      # row: list of integers
      for(j in seq_along(row)){
        my_row = row[[j]]

        id = cbind(get_row_id(my_row), 1)
        id = add_se(id)

        res[id] = paste0("\\rowcolor{", tag_color, "} ", res[id])

      # range: list of vectors of length 4 (i1, k1, i2, k2)
      for(j in seq_along(range)){
        my_range = range[[j]]

        id = expand.grid(my_range[1]:my_range[3], my_range[2]:my_range[4])
        id = add_se(id)

        res[id] = paste0("\\cellcolor{", tag_color, "} ", res[id])

    } else {
      # FRAME

      tag_frame = tag_gen()

      tag_frame_NW = paste0("\\markNW", tag_frame)
      tag_frame_SE = paste0("\\markSE", tag_frame)

      # thickness
      # thin, very thin, ultra thin
      # thick, very thick, ultra thick
      thickness = .dsb(".[/thin, very thin, ultra thin, thick, very thick, ultra thick]")[thick]
      rounded = if(is_round) "rounded corners, " else ""

      # On the frame:
      # https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/240542/adding-a-rectangular-box-with-tikz-to-table-beamer

      tex_preamble = c(tex_preamble, .dsb(
  \\tikz[overlay,remember picture]
    \\node (marker-#1-a) at (0, .3em) {};%

  \\tikz[overlay,remember picture]
    \\node (marker-#1-b) at (0, .3em) {};%
  \\tikz[overlay,remember picture,inner sep=.[sep]pt, .[thickness]]
    \\node[draw=.[tag_color],.[rounded]fit=(marker-#1-a.north west) (marker-#1-b.south east)] {};%

      # cell: list of n x 2 matrices
      for(j in seq_along(cell)){
        cell_mat = cell[[j]]
        n_cells = nrow(cell_mat)
        k_done = c()
        for(k in 1:n_cells){

          if(k %in% k_done) next

          my_cell = cell_mat[k, ]

          # we find the rightmost index
          cell_right = my_cell
          while(k + 1 <= n_cells &&
              cell_mat[k + 1, 1] == my_cell[1] &&
              cell_mat[k + 1, 2] == my_cell[2] + 1){
            k_right = k + 1
            cell_right = cell_mat[k_right, ]
            k_done[length(k_done) + 1] = k_right
            k = k + 1

          id_NW = cbind(get_row_id(my_cell[1]), my_cell[2] + 1)

            id_SE = cbind(get_row_id(my_cell[1]) + 1, cell_right[2] + 1)
          } else {
            id_SE = cbind(get_row_id(my_cell[1]), cell_right[2] + 1)

          f_id = f_id + 1

          res[id_NW] = .dsb(".[tag_frame_NW]{f.[f_id]} .[res[id_NW]]")
          res[id_SE] = .dsb(".[res[id_SE]] .[tag_frame_SE]{f.[f_id]}")

      # row: list of integers
      for(j in seq_along(row)){
        my_row = row[[j]]

        id_NW = cbind(get_row_id(my_row), 2)

          # We need to end at the line just below is is_se
          id_SE = cbind(get_row_id(my_row) + 1, n_models + 1)
        } else {
          id_SE = cbind(get_row_id(my_row), n_models + 1)

        f_id = f_id + 1

        res[id_NW] = .dsb(".[tag_frame_NW]{f.[f_id]} .[res[id_NW]]")
        res[id_SE] = .dsb(".[res[id_SE]] .[tag_frame_SE]{f.[f_id]}")


      # range: list of vectors of length 4 (i1, k1, i2, k2)
      for(j in seq_along(range)){
        my_range = range[[j]]

        id_NW = cbind(get_row_id(my_range[1]), my_range[2] + 1)
        id_SE = cbind(get_row_id(my_range[3]), my_range[4] + 1)

          # We need to end at the line just below is is_se
          id_SE[1] = id_SE[1] + 1

        f_id = f_id + 1

        res[id_NW] = .dsb(".[tag_frame_NW]{f.[f_id]} .[res[id_NW]]")
        res[id_SE] = .dsb(".[res[id_SE]] .[tag_frame_SE]{f.[f_id]}")

  return(list(coef_mat = res, preamble = tex_preamble))

coef_location = function(x, coef_names, n_models, arg_name, pool = FALSE){
  # x: vector of coef location
  # cell: "x1@2", "x1@1, 3, 5-8"
  # range: "x2@2; x3@.N", "x2; x3"
  # row: "x1"

  cell = range = row = list()

  for(i in seq_along(x)){
    xi = x[i]

    if(grepl(";", xi, fixed = TRUE)){
      # => range
      xi_split = trimws(strsplit(xi, ";", fixed = TRUE)[[1]])

      if(length(xi_split) != 2){
        stop_up(up = 3, "In the argument {bq?arg_name}, the value of the {nth?i}",
                " element (equal to {q?xi}) is not valid. ",
                "It should contain at most one semi-comma.")

      xi_1 = xi_split[[1]]
      xi_2 = xi_split[[2]]

      xi_1_loc = coef_pos_parse(xi_1, coef_names, n_models, i, arg_name)
      xi_2_loc = coef_pos_parse(xi_2, coef_names, n_models, i, arg_name)

      # We always normalize the range, it must be two single positions
      xi_1_pos = if(xi_1_loc$is_row) 1 else min(xi_1_loc$pos)
      xi_2_pos = if(xi_2_loc$is_row) 1 else max(xi_2_loc$pos)

        cell[[length(cell) + 1]] = expand.grid(xi_1_loc$coef:xi_2_loc$coef,
      } else {
        range[[length(range) + 1]] = c(xi_1_loc$coef, xi_1_pos, xi_2_loc$coef, xi_2_pos)

    } else {
      xi_loc = coef_pos_parse(xi, coef_names, n_models, i, arg_name)

          all_cells = cbind(xi_loc$coef, 1:n_models)
          cell[[length(cell) + 1]] = all_cells
        } else {
          row[[length(row) + 1]] = xi_loc$coef
      } else {
        all_cells = cbind(xi_loc$coef, xi_loc$pos)
        cell[[length(cell) + 1]] = all_cells

  res = list(cell = cell, row = row, range = range)

coef_pos_parse = function(x, coef_names, n_models, i, arg_name){
  # x: "x1@2", "x1", "x1@2, 5, 7-10, 13"


  x_split = strsplit(x, "@", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
  if(length(x_split) > 2){
    stop_up("In the argument {bq?arg_name}, the location of the {nth?i}",
            " element (equal to {q?x}) is not valid. ",
            "It should contain at most one '@'.")

  x_coef = x_split[1]
  x_pos = if(length(x_split) == 2) x_split[2] else NULL

  # Position

  x_pos = gsub(".N", n_models, x_pos, fixed = TRUE)

  if(length(x_pos) > 0){
    # x: 3, 5, 6-8, 10

    if(grepl("[^ ,-[[:digit:]]]", x_pos)){
      stop_up("In the argument {bq?arg_name}, the location of the {nth?i}",
              " element (equal to {q?x}) contains non valid characters. ",
              "Please have a look at the help/example.")

    # new DSB power
    x_txt = paste0("c(", gsub("-", ":", x_pos), ")")
    x_call = error_sender(str2lang(x_txt), 
                          "In argument '", arg_name, "' the position in '", x,
                          "' is not valid. Please have a look at the help/example.",
                          up = 4)

    x_pos = eval(x_call)

  # Coefficient

  coef_id = pmatch_varname(x_coef, coef_names, arg_name)

  res = list(coef = coef_id, pos = x_pos, is_row = length(x_pos) == 0)


pmatch_varname = function(x, coef_names, arg_name){
  # We want a SINGLE match
  # coef_names: vector of names
  # names(coef_names): original names
  # coef_names = setNames(c("Petal length", "Petal width"), c("Petal.Length", "Petal.Width"))
  # x = "Petal.L"

  is_regex = is_original = FALSE
  if(grepl("^@", x)){
    is_regex = TRUE
    x = str_trim(x, 1)
    if(grepl("^%", x)){
      is_original = TRUE
      x = str_trim(x, 1)
  } else if(grepl("^%", x)){
    is_original = TRUE
    x = str_trim(x, 1)
    if(grepl("^@", x)){
      is_regex = TRUE
      x = str_trim(x, 1)

  # Pattern of match finding
  if(is_regex && is_original){
    do_regex = TRUE
    do_original = TRUE
  } else if(is_regex){
    do_regex = c(TRUE, TRUE)
    do_original = c(FALSE, TRUE)
  } else if(is_original){
    do_regex = c(FALSE, TRUE)
    do_original = c(TRUE, TRUE)
  } else {
    do_regex = c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE)
    do_original = c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)

  ok = FALSE
  for(i in seq_along(do_regex)){

        qui = grepl(x, names(coef_names))
      } else {
        qui = grepl(x, coef_names)

      if(sum(qui) == 1){
        ok = TRUE
        qui = which(qui)
    } else {
        qui = charmatch(x, names(coef_names))
      } else {
        qui = charmatch(x, coef_names)

      if(!is.na(qui) && qui != 0) ok = TRUE

    if(ok) break

    stop_up(up = 5, "In the argument '", arg_name, "', the value '", x,
            "' does not match any variable name.")


# escape_latex("Voici **une** *equation*: $5! = 5*4*3*2*1$. Est-ce que ***ca marche***?$^*$")
escape_latex = function(x_all, makecell = TRUE){
  # escapes & _ % ^ #
  # values within $ $ are not escaped
  # if only one $ => will be escaped
  # applies markdown markup

  x_name = deparse(substitute(x_all))

  res = cpp_escape_markup(x_all)

    who = grepl("\n", res, fixed = TRUE)
      res[who] = paste0("\\makecell{", gsub("\n", "\\\\", res[who], fixed = TRUE), "}")

    names(res) = names(x_all)


format_se_type = function(x, width, by = FALSE, dict = c()){
  # we make 'nice' se types
  # format_se_type("Clustered (species & fe2)", 10, by = TRUE)
  # format_se_type("vcovHC(x, type = \"HC0\")", 10, by = TRUE)
  # format_se_type("Newey-West (L=10)", 10, by = TRUE)
  # format_se_type("Driscoll-Kraay (L=10)", 10, by = TRUE)
  # format_se_type("Conley (100km)", 10, by = TRUE)

  if(identical(x, "NONE_FIXEF_ONLY")){

  if(!grepl("\\(", x) || !grepl("Clustered", x, fixed = TRUE)){
    # means not clustered
    if(nchar(x) <= width) return(x)

    # Special case: sandwich
    if(grepl("^vcov[^\\(]+\\(", x)){
      x = gsub("\\(x, ", "(", x)
      x = gsub("\\(\\)", "", x)

      if(nchar(x) > width){
        # we still reduce it
        x = gsub(" = ", "=", x)

      if(nchar(x) > width){
        # ...even further
        x = paste0(substr(x, 1, width - 2), "..")


    # We reduce each word to 3 letters (if needed)
    x_split = c("$", strsplit(x, "")[[1]]) # we add a non-letter flag, marking the beginning
    x_split_new = x_split
    end_word = length(x_split)
    non_letter_flag = grepl("[^[:alpha:]]", x_split) * (1:end_word)
    letter_flag = grepl("[[:alpha:]]", x_split) * (1:end_word)
      start_word = which.max(non_letter_flag[1:end_word]) + 1
      # we truncate
      word_length = end_word - start_word + 1
      slack = length(x_split_new) - (width + 1)
      letters_to_rm = min(word_length - 4, slack)
      if(letters_to_rm > 0){
        i_max = end_word - letters_to_rm
        x_split_new = x_split_new[-((i_max+1):end_word)]
        x_split_new[i_max] = "."

      lf = letter_flag[1:(start_word - 1)]
      if(all(lf == 0)) break

      # new end_word
      end_word = which.max(lf)

    return(paste(x_split_new[-1], collapse = ""))
  } else if(x == "NA (not-available)"){
    return("not available")

  # Now the FEs
  all_fe = gsub(".+\\((.+)\\)", "\\1", x)

  all_fe_split = gsub(" ", "", strsplit(all_fe, "&")[[1]])
  n_fe = length(all_fe_split)
  n_char = nchar(all_fe_split)

  # renaming the FEs
  all_fe_format = c()
  for(i in 1:length(all_fe_split)){
    fe = all_fe_split[i]

    if(fe %in% names(dict)){
      all_fe_format[i] = dict[fe]
    } else if(grepl("\\^", fe)){
      fe_split = strsplit(fe, "\\^")[[1]]
      who = fe_split %in% names(dict)
      fe_split[who] = dict[fe_split[who]]
      all_fe_format[i] = paste(fe_split, collapse = "-")
    } else {
      all_fe_format[i] = fe
  all_fe_split = all_fe_format

  if(n_fe == 1 && !grepl("\\^", all_fe_split[1])){
      se_formatted = paste0("by: ", all_fe_split[1])
    } else {
      se_formatted = paste0("1-way: ", all_fe_split[1])

    if(nchar(se_formatted) > width){
      se_formatted = paste0(substr(se_formatted, 1, width - 2), "..")

  nb = ifelse(by, 3, 6)

  if(width < nb + sum(n_char) + (n_fe-1) * 3){
    qui = n_char > 5
    for(i in which(qui)){
      if(grepl("\\^", all_fe_split[i])){
        single_split = strsplit(all_fe_split[i], "\\^")[[1]]
        qui_bis = nchar(single_split) > 4
        single_split[qui_bis] = paste0(substr(single_split[qui_bis], 1, 3), ".")
        all_fe_split[i] = paste(single_split, collapse = "^")
      } else {
        all_fe_split[i] = paste0(substr(all_fe_split[i], 1, 4), ".")

    se_formatted = paste0("by: ", paste(all_fe_split, collapse = " & "))
  } else {
    se_formatted = paste0(n_fe, "-way: ", paste(all_fe_split, collapse = " & "))

  # NOTA:
  # we do not trim if still too large because the SE-type IS informative!
  # A table without that information is useless, it's trimmed enough already

  # if(nchar(se_formatted) > width){
  #     # se_formatted = gsub("-way: ", "way: ", se_formatted)
  #     se_formatted = paste0(substr(se_formatted, 1, width - 2), "..")
  # }


format_se_type_latex = function(x, dict = c(), inline = FALSE){
  # we make 'nice' se types

  if(identical(x, "NONE_FIXEF_ONLY")){
    return(" ")

  if(!grepl("\\(", x)){
    # means not clustered
    # we escape all

  # Now the FEs
  main_type = gsub(" \\(.*", "", x)
  all_fe = gsub(".+\\((.+)\\)", "\\1", x)

  all_fe_split = gsub(" ", "", strsplit(all_fe, "&")[[1]])
  n_fe = length(all_fe_split)

  # Renaming the FEs

  all_fe_format = c()
  for(i in 1:length(all_fe_split)){
    fe = all_fe_split[i]

    if(fe %in% names(dict)){
      all_fe_format[i] = dict[fe]
    } else if(grepl("\\^", fe)){
      fe_split = strsplit(fe, "\\^")[[1]]
      who = fe_split %in% names(dict)
      fe_split[who] = dict[fe_split[who]]
      all_fe_format[i] = paste(fe_split, collapse = "-")
    } else {
      all_fe_format[i] = fe

  fe_format = paste(all_fe_format, collapse = " \\& ")

  # We add some flexibility: anticipation of more VCOV types
  main_type_dict = c("Clustered" = "Clustered", "Two-way" = "Clustered",
                     "Three-way" = "Clustered", "Four-way" = "Clustered")

  if(main_type %in% names(main_type_dict)){
    main_type = main_type_dict[main_type]

    # The fact that it is clustered is deduced
    se_formatted = fe_format
  } else {
    se_formatted = paste0(main_type, " (", fe_format, ")")


tex_star = function(x){
  qui = nchar(x) > 0
  x[qui] = paste0("$^{", x[qui], "}$")

tex_multicol = function(x, add_rule = FALSE){

  nb_multi = c(1)
  index = 1
  names_multi = x_current = x[1]

  for(val in x[-1]){
    if(val == x_current){
      nb_multi[index] = nb_multi[index] + 1
    } else {
      index = index + 1
      nb_multi[index] = 1
      names_multi[index] = x_current = val

  names_multi_raw = names_multi
  for(i in seq_along(nb_multi)){
    if(nb_multi[i] > 1){
      names_multi[i] = paste0("\\multicolumn{", nb_multi[i], "}{c}{", names_multi[i], "}")

  res = paste0(paste(names_multi, collapse = " & "), " \\\\ ")

    my_rule = c()
    start = 2 + c(0, cumsum(nb_multi))
    end = 1 + cumsum(nb_multi)
    for(i in seq_along(nb_multi)){
      if(grepl("[^ ]", names_multi_raw[i])){
        my_rule[i] = paste0("\\cmidrule(lr){", start[i], "-", end[i], "}")

    res = paste0(res, paste0(my_rule, collapse = " "))


rename_fe = function(fe_all, dict){
  # Function used to rename the FEs

  res = c()

  for(i in seq_along(fe_all)){

    fe = fe_all[i]
    if(fe %in% names(dict)){
      res[i] = dict[fe]

    } else if(grepl("\\^", fe)){
      fe_split = strsplit(fe, "\\^")[[1]]
      who = fe_split %in% names(dict)
      fe_split[who] = dict[fe_split[who]]
      res[i] = paste(fe_split, collapse = "-")

    } else {
      res[i] = fe


uniquify_names = function(x){
  # x: vector of names
  # we make each value of x unique by adding white spaces

  if(length(x) == 0) return(NULL)

  x_unik = unique(x)

  if(length(x_unik) == length(x)) return(x)

  x[nchar(x) == 0] = " "

  x = gsub(" +$", " ", x)
  x_unik = unique(x)
  tab = rep(0, length(x_unik))
  names(tab) = x_unik

  x_new = x
  for(i in seq_along(x)){
    n = tab[x[i]]
    if(n > 0){
      x_new[i] = paste0(x_new[i], sprintf("% *s", n, ""))
    tab[x[i]] = n + 1


extralines_extractor = function(x, name = NULL, tex = FALSE){
  # x must be a one sided formula
  # name: name of the listed element (empty = "")
  # => returns a named list

  is_name = !is.null(name) && nchar(name) > 0

  # extralines registered
  el_default = getOption("fixest_extralines")
  key_registered = names(el_default)

  # fitstat
  fitstat_fun_types = fitstat(give_types = TRUE)
  fitstat_type_allowed = fitstat_fun_types$types
  type_alias = fitstat_fun_types$type_alias

  # The variable(s) requested
  current_vars = attr(terms(x), "term.labels")

  if(length(current_vars) > 1 && is_name){
    stop_up("You cannot give list names in 'extralines' when several values are ",
            "summoned via a formula. Simply remove the name associated to the ",
            "formula to make it work (concerns '", name, "').", up = 2)

  valid_keys = c(key_registered, fitstat_type_allowed)

  if(!all(current_vars %in% valid_keys)){
    pblm = setdiff(current_vars, valid_keys)
    stop_up("Argument 'extralines' can be a one-sided formula whose variables refer ",
            "to the macros registered using the function 'extralines_register' or ",
            "fit statistics (valid fitstat keywords). ",
            "PROBLEM: the values{$s, enum, were?pblm} not valid.", up = 2)

  if(length(current_vars) == 0){
    extralines = list()
  } else {
    el_tmp = list()
    for(i in seq_along(current_vars)){

      key = current_vars[i]

      if(key %in% key_registered){
        element = el_default[[key]]

          el_tmp[[name]] = element$fun
        } else {
          el_tmp[[element$alias]] = element$fun

      } else {
        # this is a fit statistic
        fun = eval(str2lang(paste0("function(est) fitstat(est, '", key, "', simplify = TRUE)[[1]]")))

          el_tmp[[name]] = fun
        } else {
          my_alias = if(tex) fitstat_fun_types$tex_alias else fitstat_fun_types$R_alias
          el_tmp[[my_alias[[key]]]] = fun


insert = function(x, y, i){
  # x = list(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3) ; y = list(u = 33, v = 55) ; i = 2 ; insert(x, y, i)
  # we insert y into x in location i
  # we don't lose the names!

  mode = mode(x)
  if(!mode %in% c("list", "numeric", "logical", "character", "integer")){
    stop("Internal error: the current mode (", mode, ") is node supported in insert().")

  n_x = length(x)

  if(n_x == 0){

  n_y = length(y)
  res = vector(mode, n_x + n_y)

  names_x = names(x)
  if(is.null(names_x)) names_x = character(n_x)
  names_y = names(y)
  if(is.null(names_y)) names_y = character(n_y)

  if(i > n_x){
    res[1:n_x] = x
    res[n_x + 1:n_y] = y
    names(res) = c(names_x, names_y)

  } else if(i == 1){
    res[1:n_y] = y
    res[n_y + 1:n_x] = x
    names(res) = c(names_y, names_x)

  } else {
    res[1:(i-1)] = x[1:(i-1)]
    res[(i-1) + 1:n_y] = y
    res[(i+n_y):(n_x + n_y)] = x[i:n_x]
    names(res) = c(names_x[1:(i-1)], names_y, names_x[i:n_x])



is_fixest_model = function(x){
  any(c("fixest", "fixest_list", "fixest_multi") %in% class(x))

expand_list_vector = function(x){
  # we transform list("A" = 2, "B", "C" = 3) into c("A", "A", "B", "C", "C", "C")

  x_names = names(x)

    # either list("m", "f") or c("a", "a", "c")
    x_new = unlist(x)
  } else {
    # ex: list("M", "F"=2)
    x_new = c()
    for(j in seq_along(x)){

      if(nchar(x_names[j]) == 0){
        x_new = c(x_new, x[j])
      } else {
        x_new = c(x_new, rep(x_names[j], x[j]))


tex.nice = function(x, n_models){

  x = unlist(strsplit(x, "\n"))

  n = n_models + 1

  # I) dealing with amps

  x_split_amp = strsplit(x, "(?<!\\\\)&", perl = TRUE)

  qui_amp = lengths(x_split_amp) == n & !sapply(x_split_amp, function(x) any(grepl("midrule", x)))

  mat_amp = matrix(unlist(x_split_amp[qui_amp]), ncol = n, byrow = TRUE)
  mat_amp[, 1:(n-1)] = apply(mat_amp[, 1:(n-1), drop = FALSE], 2, format)

  if(any(grepl("\\", mat_amp, fixed = TRUE))){
    # we fix the \\ problem that will count for one character eventually
    who_slash = which(grepl("\\", mat_amp, fixed = TRUE))
    slash_count = lengths(gregexpr("\\", mat_amp[who_slash], fixed = TRUE))
    mat_amp[who_slash] = paste0(mat_amp[who_slash], sprintf("% *s", slash_count, " "))

  amp_new = apply(mat_amp, 1, paste, collapse = "&")

  x[qui_amp] = amp_new

  # II) dealing with tabs

  # We assume everything is properly formatted
  x_begin = pmax(lengths(strsplit(x, "\\begin{", fixed = TRUE)) - 1, 0)
  x_end = pmax(lengths(strsplit(x, "\\end{", fixed = TRUE)) - 1, 0)

  tabs = pmax(cumsum(x_begin) - cumsum(x_end) - x_begin, 0)

  res = paste0(sprintf("% *s", tabs*3, " "), x)
  res = gsub("^ ([^ ])", "\\1", res)


check_set_adjustbox = function(adjustbox, up = 0){
  set_up(up + 1)

  check_arg(adjustbox, "NULL scalar(character, strict logical, numeric) GT{0}")

    # nothing
  } else if(isTRUE(adjustbox)){
    adjustbox = "width = \\textwidth, center"
  } else if(isFALSE(adjustbox)){
    adjustbox = NULL
  } else if(is.numeric(adjustbox)){
    if(adjustbox > 3){
      warn_up("When 'adjustbox' is a number, the unit is the text-width. ",
              "Hence a value of {%.2f ? adjustbox} may be too large.")
    adjustbox = paste0("width = ", adjustbox, "\\textwidth, center")
  } else if(grepl("(?i)^[[:digit:]\\.]+ *t(w|h)$", trimws(adjustbox))){
    adj_nbr = gsub("[^[:digit:]\\.]", "", adjustbox)

      stop_up("The number in the argument 'adjustbox' (equal to '", adjustbox, 
              "') could not be parsed. Please revise.")

    adj_unit = if(grepl("(?i)tw", adjustbox)) "\\textwidth" else "\\textheight"

    adjustbox = paste0("width = ", adj_nbr, adj_unit, ", center")


tag_gen = function(){
  # What's the fuss here?
  # We want to ensure that the tags are unique even if
  # the seed is reset, that's why we make all that.
  # Why? because otherwise, if two identical tags are used in a tex
  # document it will fail to compile.
  # => granted that's almost impossible, but that's still possible.
  # (ex: two identical code sections with set.seed in Rmarkdown)
  # we only use letters because tex macro names only allow letters

  id = getOption("fixest_tag")
  if(is.null(id)) id = 1
  options(fixest_tag = id + 1)

  items = letters

  # Below: to ensure unicity even if the seed is the same
  n_shifts = id %% 26
  n_reshuffle = id %/% 26

  if(n_reshuffle > 0){
    for(i in 1:n_reshuffle){
      items = sample(items)

  if(n_shifts > 0){
    items = c(items[-(1:n_shifts)], items[1:n_shifts])

  # 26 ** 5 = 11,881,376
  tag = paste0(sample(items, 6, replace = TRUE), collapse = "")


check_set_page_width = function(page.width, up = 0){

  set_up(up + 1)
                   "match(fit, a4, us) | vector(character, numeric) GT{0} len(1, 2) no NA")

  if(isTRUE(attr(page.width, "no-margin"))){
    # Nothing => already set
  } else if(identical(page.width, "fit")){
    # nothing
  } else if(identical(page.width, "a4")){
    page.width = c("21cm", "17cm")

  } else if(identical(page.width, "us")){
    page.width = c("21.6cm", "16.5cm")

  } else if(is.numeric(page.width)){
    if(length(page.width) == 1){
      page.width = paste0(c(page.width, page.width - 4), "cm")
    } else {
      page.width = paste0(c(page.width[1], page.width[1] - 2*page.width[2]), "cm")
  } else {
    # page.fit is a character scalar
    # format: 21:2cm
    #         21 is the total width
    #         2 is "optional". The margin width of ONE side
    #         cm: the unit

    if(length(page.width) > 1){
      page.width = paste0(page.width, collapse = ", ")

    unit = .dsb("'[[:alpha:] ]+$'x, w, L?page.width")
    if(!unit %in% c("cm", "mm", "in", "pt", "em", "ex")){
      stop_up("The argument 'page.width' must represent a 'Latex' measure, ex: 12cm. ",
              "It can be optionally followed by a side margin width, as in '21, 2cm'. ",
              "Problem: a valid unit could not be found in '", unit,"'.")

    # Now the numbers
    numbers = .dsb("'[[:alpha:]]'R, '[:,;]'S, w, s ? page.width")
    if(!length(numbers) %in% 1:2 || !all(sapply(numbers, is_numeric_in_char))){

      stop_up("The argument 'page.width' must represent a 'Latex' measure, ex: 12cm. ",
              "It can be optionally followed by a side margin width, as in '21, 2cm'. ",
              "Problem: the current format could not be parsed ('", page.width, "').")

    if(length(numbers) == 1){
      numbers[2] = numbers[1]
    } else {
      numbers = as.numeric(numbers)
      numbers[2] = numbers[1] - 2*numbers[2]

    page.width = paste0(c(numbers[1], numbers[2]), unit)

  attr(page.width, "no-margin") = TRUE


is_Rmarkdown = function(){
  "knitr" %in% loadedNamespaces() && !is.null(knitr::pandoc_to())

path_to_relative = function(x){
  # orig = "C:/Users/berge028/Google Drive/R_packages/fixest/fixest"
  # dest = "C:/Users/berge028/Google Drive/R_packages/automake/automake/NAMESPACE"

  # I'm not sure it works perfectly well on linux...

  dest = normalizePath(x, "/", mustWork = FALSE)
  orig = normalizePath(".", "/", mustWork = FALSE)

  if(dest == orig) return(".")

  dest_split = strsplit(dest, "/")[[1]]
  orig_split = strsplit(orig, "/")[[1]]

  n_d = length(dest_split)
  n_o = length(orig_split)
  n_od = min(n_d, n_o)

  i_common = which.max(dest_split[1:n_od] != orig_split[1:n_od])

  # I'm not sure of that on linux....
  if(i_common == 1){
    if(dest_split[1] == orig_split[1]){
      # means all are the same => inclusion
      i_common = n_od

    } else if(dest_split[1] != orig_split[1]){
    # different roots? => can't do much
  } else {
    i_common = i_common - 1

  # common = paste0(dest_split[1:i_common], collapse = "/")

  # From orig, we need to go up to the common dir
  if(i_common == n_o){
    up = "./"
  } else {
    n_up = n_o - i_common
    up = dsb("`n_up`*c!../")

  if(i_common == n_d){
    down = ""
  } else {
    down = paste(dest_split[(i_common + 1):n_d], collapse = "/")

  relpath = paste0(up, down)


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fixest documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:12 a.m.