# Author: Laurent Berge
# Date creation: Thu Apr 01 10:25:53 2021
# ~: VCOV related stuff
#### User-level ####
#' Computes the variance/covariance of a `fixest` object
#' This function extracts the variance-covariance of estimated parameters from a model
#' estimated with [`femlm`], [`feols`] or [`feglm`].
#' @inheritParams summary.fixest
#' @inheritParams nobs.fixest
#' @param attr Logical, defaults to `FALSE`. Whether to include the attributes describing how
#' the VCOV was computed.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed to [`summary.fixest`].
#' The computation of the VCOV matrix is first done in [`summary.fixest`].
#' @details
#' For an explanation on how the standard-errors are computed and what is the exact meaning of
#' the arguments, please have a look at the dedicated vignette:
#' [On standard-errors](
#' @seealso
#' You can also compute VCOVs with the following functions: [`vcov_cluster`],
#' [`vcov_hac`], [`vcov_conley`].
#' @return
#' It returns a \eqn{K\times K} square matrix where \eqn{K} is the number of variables
#' of the fitted model.
#' If `attr = TRUE`, this matrix has an attribute \dQuote{type} specifying how this
#' variance/covariance matrix has been computed.
#' @author
#' Laurent Berge
#' @seealso
#' See also the main estimation functions [`femlm`], [`feols`] or [`feglm`].
#' [`summary.fixest`], [`confint.fixest`], [`resid.fixest`], [`predict.fixest`], [`fixef.fixest`].
#' @references
#' Ding, Peng, 2021, "The Frisch–Waugh–Lovell theorem for standard errors." Statistics & Probability Letters 168.
#' @examples
#' # Load panel data
#' data(base_did)
#' # Simple estimation on a panel
#' est = feols(y ~ x1, base_did)
#' # ======== #
#' # IID VCOV #
#' # ======== #
#' # By default the VCOV assumes iid errors:
#' se(vcov(est))
#' # You can make the call for an iid VCOV explicitly:
#' se(vcov(est, "iid"))
#' #
#' # Heteroskedasticity-robust VCOV
#' #
#' # By default the VCOV assumes iid errors:
#' se(vcov(est, "hetero"))
#' # => note that it also accepts vcov = "White" and vcov = "HC1" as aliases.
#' # =============== #
#' # Clustered VCOVs #
#' # =============== #
#' # To cluster the VCOV, you can use a formula of the form cluster ~ var1 + var2 etc
#' # Let's cluster by the panel ID:
#' se(vcov(est, cluster ~ id))
#' # Alternative ways:
#' # -> cluster is implicitly assumed when a one-sided formula is provided
#' se(vcov(est, ~ id))
#' # -> using the argument cluster instead of vcov
#' se(vcov(est, cluster = ~ id))
#' # For two-/three- way clustering, just add more variables:
#' se(vcov(est, ~ id + period))
#' # -------------------|
#' # Implicit deduction |
#' # -------------------|
#' # When the estimation contains FEs, the dimension on which to cluster
#' # is directly inferred from the FEs used in the estimation, so you don't need
#' # to explicitly add them.
#' est_fe = feols(y ~ x1 | id + period, base_did)
#' # Clustered along "id"
#' se(vcov(est_fe, "cluster"))
#' # Clustered along "id" and "period"
#' se(vcov(est_fe, "twoway"))
#' # =========== #
#' # Panel VCOVs #
#' # =========== #
#' # ---------------------|
#' # Newey West (NW) VCOV |
#' # ---------------------|
#' # To obtain NW VCOVs, use a formula of the form NW ~ id + period
#' se(vcov(est, NW ~ id + period))
#' # If you want to change the lag:
#' se(vcov(est, NW(3) ~ id + period))
#' # Alternative way:
#' # -> using the vcov_NW function
#' se(vcov(est, vcov_NW(unit = "id", time = "period", lag = 3)))
#' # -------------------------|
#' # Driscoll-Kraay (DK) VCOV |
#' # -------------------------|
#' # To obtain DK VCOVs, use a formula of the form DK ~ period
#' se(vcov(est, DK ~ period))
#' # If you want to change the lag:
#' se(vcov(est, DK(3) ~ period))
#' # Alternative way:
#' # -> using the vcov_DK function
#' se(vcov(est, vcov_DK(time = "period", lag = 3)))
#' # -------------------|
#' # Implicit deduction |
#' # -------------------|
#' # When the estimation contains a panel identifier, you don't need
#' # to re-write them later on
#' est_panel = feols(y ~ x1, base_did, = ~id + period)
#' # Both methods, NM and DK, now work automatically
#' se(vcov(est_panel, "NW"))
#' se(vcov(est_panel, "DK"))
#' # =================================== #
#' # VCOVs robust to spatial correlation #
#' # =================================== #
#' data(quakes)
#' est_geo = feols(depth ~ mag, quakes)
#' # ------------|
#' # Conley VCOV |
#' # ------------|
#' # To obtain a Conley VCOV, use a formula of the form conley(cutoff) ~ lat + lon
#' # with lat/lon the latitude/longitude variable names in the data set
#' se(vcov(est_geo, conley(100) ~ lat + long))
#' # Alternative way:
#' # -> using the vcov_DK function
#' se(vcov(est_geo, vcov_conley(lat = "lat", lon = "long", cutoff = 100)))
#' # -------------------|
#' # Implicit deduction |
#' # -------------------|
#' # By default the latitude and longitude are directly fetched in the data based
#' # on pattern matching. So you don't have to specify them.
#' # Furhter, an automatic cutoff is deduced by default.
#' # The following works:
#' se(vcov(est_geo, "conley"))
#' # ======================== #
#' # Small Sample Corrections #
#' # ======================== #
#' # You can change the way the small sample corrections are done with the argument ssc.
#' # The argument ssc must be created by the ssc function
#' se(vcov(est, ssc = ssc(adj = FALSE)))
#' # You can add directly the call to ssc in the vcov formula.
#' # You need to add it like a variable:
#' se(vcov(est, iid ~ ssc(adj = FALSE)))
#' se(vcov(est, DK ~ period + ssc(adj = FALSE)))
vcov.fixest = function(object, vcov = NULL, se = NULL, cluster, ssc = NULL, attr = FALSE,
forceCovariance = FALSE, keepBounded = FALSE,
nthreads = getFixest_nthreads(), vcov_fix = TRUE, ...){
# computes the clustered vcov
check_arg(attr, "logical scalar")
is_attr = attr
dots = list(...)
# START :: SECTION used only internally in fixest_env
only_varnames = isTRUE(dots$only_varnames)
data_names = dots$data_names
# Used internally in fixest_env to find out which variable to keep
# => we need, so we can remove the NAs from it if it is implicitly deduced to be used
# => idem for fixef_vars
object = list( = dots$, fixef_vars = dots$fixef_vars)
# means that the estimation is done without any valid variable
if("dof" %in% names(dots)){
warning("The argument 'dof' is deprecated. Please use 'ssc' instead.")
options(fixest_warn_dof_arg = TRUE)
ssc = dots$dof
validate_dots(suggest_args = c("vcov", "ssc"), valid_args = "dof")
# All the available VCOVs
all_vcov = getOption("fixest_vcov_builtin")
all_vcov_names = unlist(lapply(all_vcov, `[[`, "name"))
all_vcov_names = all_vcov_names[nchar(all_vcov_names) > 0]
# We transform se and cluster into vcov
vcov_vars = var_values_all = var_names_all = NULL
vcov = oldargs_to_vcov(se, cluster, vcov)
sandwich = !isFALSE(dots$sandwich) # I know it's weird
# means that the estimation is done without variables
# If it's a summary => we give the vcov directly without further computation! except if arguments are provided which would mean that the user wants the new vcov
if(isTRUE(object$summary) && missnull(vcov) && missnull(ssc)){
vcov = object$cov.scaled
if(!is_attr) {
all_attr = names(attributes(vcov))
for(v in setdiff(all_attr, c("dim", "dimnames"))){
attr(vcov, v) = NULL
# we inherit the vcov/ssc from the summary
assign_flags(object$summary_flags, vcov = vcov, ssc = ssc)
# Default behavior vcov:
suffix = ""
vcov_default = getFixest_vcov()
# Panel has precedence over FEs
vcov = vcov_default$panel
} else {
n_fe = length(object$fixef_id)
if(n_fe == 0){
vcov = vcov_default$no_FE
} else if(n_fe == 1){
vcov = vcov_default$one_FE
} else {
vcov = vcov_default$two_FE
if(!is.null(object$fixef_sizes) && object$fixef_sizes[1] == 1){
# Special case => cleaner output
vcov = vcov_default$no_FE
# we can't compute the SE because scores are gone!
# LATER: recompute the scores (costly but maybe only possibility for user?)
# so only IID VCOV is valid
ok = FALSE
if(is.character(vcov) && length(vcov) == 1){
vcov_id = which(sapply(all_vcov, function(x) vcov %in% x$name))
if(length(vcov_id) == 1){
vcov_select = all_vcov[[vcov_id]]
ok = identical(vcov_select$vcov_label, "IID")
if(!ok) stop("VCOV of 'lean' fixest objects cannot be computed. Please re-estimate with 'lean = FALSE'.")
#### ... vcov parsing ####
# Checking the value of vcov
check_set_arg(vcov, "match | formula | function | matrix | list len(1) | class(fixest_vcov_request)", .choices = all_vcov_names)
user_vcov_name = NULL
if(is.list(vcov) && !inherits(vcov, "fixest_vcov_request")){
# We already ensured it was a list of length 1
user_vcov_name = names(vcov)
vcov = vcov[[1]]
# cleaning dots
for(var in c("summary_flags")){
dots[[var]] = NULL
# The name
arg_list = dots
if(".vcov_args" %in% names(dots)){
# internal call
vcov_name = dots$vcov_name
arg_list = dots$.vcov_args
} else {
vcov_name = attr(vcov, "deparsed_arg")
vcov_name = fetch_arg_deparse("vcov")
} else {
# cleaning
attr(vcov, "deparsed_arg") = NULL
# Getting the right arguments
arg_list = catch_fun_args(vcov, arg_list, exclude_args = "vcov", keep_dots = TRUE)
vcov_name = user_vcov_name
} else {
vcov_name = gsub("sandwich::", "", vcov_name, fixed = TRUE)
vcov_name = gsub("^function\\([^\\)]+\\) ", "", vcov_name)
vcov_name = gsub("^vcov$", "Custom", vcov_name)
# We shouldn't have a prior on the name of the first argument
arg_names = formalArgs(vcov)
arg_list[[arg_names[1]]] = object
vcov =, arg_list)
n_coef = length(object$coefficients)
check_value(vcov, "square numeric matrix nrow(value)", .value = n_coef,
.message = paste0("If argument 'vcov' is to be a function, it should return a square numeric matrix of the same dimension as the number of coefficients (here ", n_coef, ")."))
# We add the type of the matrix
attr(vcov, "type") = vcov_name
attr(vcov, "dof.K") = object$nparams
stop("A custom VCOV matrix cannot be used directly in a fixest estimation.")
# Check that this makes sense
n_coef = length(object$coefficients)
check_value(vcov, "square matrix nrow(value)", .value = n_coef)
attr(vcov, "type") = if(is.null(user_vcov_name)) "Custom" else user_vcov_name
attr(vcov, "dof.K") = object$nparams
extra_args = NULL
if(inherits(vcov, "fixest_vcov_request")){
if(!is.null(vcov$ssc)) ssc = vcov$ssc
var_names_all = vcov$var_names_all
var_values_all = vcov$vcov_vars
extra_args = vcov$extra_args
vcov = vcov$vcov
if(inherits(vcov, "formula")){
vcov_fml = vcov
if(length(vcov_fml) == 2){
vcov = ""
vcov_vars = fml2varnames(vcov_fml, combine_fun = TRUE)
} else {
vcov = deparse_long(vcov_fml[[2]])
is_extra = grepl("(", vcov, fixed = TRUE)
vcov = trimws(gsub("\\(.+", "", vcov))
check_set_arg(vcov, "match",
.choices = all_vcov_names,
.message = "If a formula, the arg. 'vcov' must be of the form 'vcov_type ~ vars'. The vcov_type must be a supported VCOV type.")
new_req = eval(vcov_fml[[2]], environment(vcov_fml))
extra_args = new_req$extra_args
vcov_vars = fml2varnames(vcov_fml[c(1, 3)], combine_fun = TRUE)
qui_ssc = grepl("ssc(", vcov_vars, fixed = TRUE)
ssc_txt = vcov_vars[qui_ssc]
ssc = eval(str2lang(ssc_txt))
vcov_vars = vcov_vars[!qui_ssc]
# Here vcov **must** be a character scalar
vcov_id = which(sapply(all_vcov, function(x) vcov %in% x$name))
if(length(vcov_id) != 1){
stop("Unexpected problem in the selection of the VCOV. This is an internal error. Could you report?")
vcov_select = all_vcov[[vcov_id]]
if(length(vcov_select$vars) == 0){
var_names_all = character(0)
} else {
# If we're here, this means that vcov_vars
# has been provided via a vcov_request:
# - either via retro-compatibility (use of "cluster" with a vector or list)
# - either via feeding vectors into the user level version of the VCOV requested
# => so we don't have to do anything, checking will come later and is common with
# the else{} of this condition
is_int_all = list()
# We trim the observations if needed
for(i in seq_along(var_values_all)){
value = var_values_all[[i]]
if(length(value) != object$nobs_origin){
stopi("To compute the {vcov_select$vcov_label} VCOV, you need to provide variables with the same number of observations as in the original data set. Currently there are {len ? value} instead of {n ? object$nobs_origin}.")
var_values_all[[i]] = trim_obs_removed(value, object)
} else {
patterns_split = strsplit(vcov_select$patterns, " ?\\+ ?")
n_patterns = lengths(patterns_split)
# No automatic deduction for fit methods,except for clustered SEs
n_FE = length(object$fixef_vars)
if(vcov_select$vcov_label %in% "Clustered"){
if(n_FE == 0){
stop("To compute a clustered VCOV from a '.fit' estimation, you need to provide the variables over which to cluster with the function vcov_cluster(). E.g. vcov = vcov_cluster(cluster = df) with df a data.frame containing the clusters. Or make a regular estimation, i.e. not from '.fit'.")
if(!n_FE %in% n_patterns){
stop("To compute a clustered VCOV from a '.fit' estimation, you need to provide the variables over which to cluster with the function vcov = vcov_cluster(cluster = df), with df a data.frmae containing the clusters. Or make a regular estimation, i.e. not from '.fit'.")
} else {
stop("The estimations from '.fit' methods don't support ", vcov_select$vcov_label, " VCOVs. To use them, perform a regular estimation instead.")
if(only_varnames == FALSE){
data = fetch_data(object)
data_names = names(data)
if(!length(vcov_vars) %in% n_patterns){
fml_display = paste0("~ ", vcov_select$patterns[n_patterns != 0])
stopi("In the argument 'vcov', the number of variables in the RHS of the formula ({len ? vcov_vars}) is not valid. The formula should correspond to{&n_patterns>1; one of} { ? fml_display}.")
var_values_all = list()
# => list of variables used to compute the VCOV
var_names_all = c()
# => same as var_values_all but the variable names
is_int_all = list()
# => flag to avoid reapplying to_integer
pattern = patterns_split[[which(n_patterns == length(vcov_vars))]]
# We find all the variable names and then evaluate them
for(i in seq_along(vcov_select$vars)){
vcov_var_name = names(vcov_select$vars)[i]
vcov_var_value = vcov_select$vars[[i]]
if(vcov_var_name %in% pattern){
# => provided by the user, we find which one it corresponds to
# based on the pattern
vname = vcov_vars[which(pattern == vcov_var_name)]
vname_all = all.vars(str2expression(vname))
if(!all(vname_all %in% data_names)){
pblm = setdiff(vname_all, data_names)
stopi("The variable{$s, enum.q ? pblm}, used to compute the VCOV, {$are} not in the original data set. Only variables in the data set can be used.")
var_names_all[vcov_var_name] = rename_hat(vname)
if(only_varnames) {
var_names_all[vcov_var_name] = vname_all[1]
# To handle combined clusters
var_names_all = c(var_names_all, vname_all[-1])
value = eval(str2expression(vname), data)
var_values_all[[vcov_var_name]] = trim_obs_removed(value, object)
} else {
#### ... --- guessing the variables ####
# not provided by the user: GUESSED!
# 3 types of guesses:
# - fixef (fixed-effects used in the estimation)
# - (panel identifiers used in the estimation)
# - regex (based on variable names)
guesses = vcov_var_value$guess_from
# err_msg, vector of elements of the form c("expect" = "pblm")
err_msg = c()
for(k in seq_along(guesses)){
type = names(guesses)[k]
if(type == "fixef"){
msg = setNames(nm = "the fixed-effects",
"there was no fixed-effect in the estimation")
err_msg = c(err_msg, msg)
if(length(object$fixef_vars) < guesses$fixef){
msg = setNames(nm = sma("the {nth ? guesses$fixef} fixed-effect"),
sma("the estimation had only {Len ? object$fixef_vars} ",
err_msg = c(err_msg, msg)
var_names_all[vcov_var_name] = object$fixef_vars[guesses$fixef]
if(only_varnames) break
is_int_all[[vcov_var_name]] = TRUE
var_values_all[[vcov_var_name]] = object$fixef_id[[guesses$fixef]]
} else if(type == ""){
msg = setNames(nm = "the '' identifiers",
"no '' was set in this estimation")
err_msg = c(err_msg, msg)
vname = object$[guesses$]
vname_all = all.vars(str2expression(vname))
if(!all(vname_all %in% data_names)){
pblm = setdiff(vname_all, data_names)
msg = setNames(nm = "the '' identifiers",
sma("the variable{$s ? pblm} set in '' {$are} not in the data set"))
err_msg = c(err_msg, msg)
# if the variable has NA values, and there are no lags used in the estimation
# (which would trigger obs removal), then we cannot use the
# for the VCOV reliably since the sample would differ from the sample used in the
# estimation
var_names_all[vcov_var_name] = vname
if(only_varnames) break
value = eval(str2expression(vname), data)
var_values_all[[vcov_var_name]] = trim_obs_removed(value, object)
} else if(type == "regex"){
ok = FALSE
msg = NULL
for(pat in guesses$regex){
var_id = which(grepl(pat, data_names))
if(length(var_id) == 0){
msg = setNames(nm = "the variable names of the data set",
paste0("no match was found for ", vcov_var_value$label))
} else if(length(var_id) == 1){
ok = TRUE
vname = data_names[var_id]
} else {
msg = setNames(nm = "the variable names of the data set",
sma("several matches were found: {enum.i.q ? data_names[var_id]}"))
var_names_all[vcov_var_name] = vname
if(only_varnames) break
var_values_all[[vcov_var_name]] = trim_obs_removed(data[[vname]], object)
} else {
err_msg = c(err_msg, msg)
if(is.null(var_names_all[vcov_var_name]) &&
length(err_msg) > 0 && !isTRUE(vcov_var_value$optional)){
if(length(err_msg) == 1){
expect = names(err_msg)
pblm = err_msg
} else {
expect = enumerate_items(names(err_msg), "enum a.or")
pblm = enumerate_items(err_msg, "enum a")
stop("To compute the ", vcov_select$vcov_label, " VCOV, we need a variable for the ",
vcov_var_value$label, ". Since you didn't provide it in the formula, ",
"we typically deduce it from ", expect, ". ",
"PROBLEM: ", pblm, ". Please provide it in the formula.")
# Extra checking + putting into int if requested
for(i in seq_along(var_values_all)){
vcov_var_name = names(var_values_all)[i]
vname = var_names_all[vcov_var_name]
value = var_values_all[[i]]
vcov_var_value = vcov_select$vars[[vcov_var_name]]
if(!isTRUE(is_int_all[[vcov_var_name]]) && anyNA(value)){
# First condition means: it is a fixed-effect used in the estimation => no need to check
stop("The variable '", vname, "' used to estimate the VCOV (employed as ", vcov_var_value$label, ") has NA values which would lead to a sample used to compute the VCOV different from the sample used to estimate the parameters. This would lead to wrong inference.\nPossible solutions: i) ex ante prune them, ii) impute them, or iii) use the argument 'vcov' at estimation time.")
# if to_int => we do not have to check the type since it can be applied to any type
var_values_all[[vcov_var_name]] = quickUnclassFactor(value)
} else if(!is.null(vcov_var_value$expected_type)){
check_value(value, .type = vcov_var_value$expected_type,
.prefix = paste0("To compute the VCOV, the ", vcov_var_value$label, " (here '", vname, "') "))
vcov_vars = var_values_all
# Checking the nber of threads
if(!missing(nthreads)) nthreads = check_set_nthreads(nthreads)
#### ... scores ####
# We handle the bounded parameters:
isBounded = object$isBounded
isBounded = rep(FALSE, length(object$coefficients))
# we treat the bounded parameters as regular variables
scores = object$scores
object$cov.iid = solve(object$hessian)
} else {
scores = object$scores[, -which(isBounded), drop = FALSE]
} else {
scores = object$scores
#### ... bread ####
n = object$nobs
if(object$method_type == "feols"){
iid_names = all_vcov[[1]]$name
if(vcov %in% iid_names){
bread = object$cov.iid / ((n - 1) / (n - object$nparams))
} else {
bread = object$cov.iid / object$sigma2
} else {
bread = object$cov.iid
} else {
info_inv = cpp_cholesky(object$hessian)
# Means all variables are collinear! => can happen when using FEs
attr(bread, "type") = "NA (not-available)"
attr(bread, "dof.K") = object$nparams
attr(bread, "df.t") = NA
VCOV_raw_forced = info_inv$XtX_inv
n_collin = sum(info_inv$all_removed)
mema("NOTE: {N ? n_collin} variable{#s, have} been found to be singular.")
VCOV_raw_forced = cpp_mat_reconstruct(VCOV_raw_forced, info_inv$id_excl)
VCOV_raw_forced[, info_inv$id_excl] = NA
VCOV_raw_forced[info_inv$id_excl, ] = NA
bread = VCOV_raw_forced
#### ... vcov no adj ####
# we compute the vcov. The adjustment (which is a pain in the neck) will come after that
# Here vcov is ALWAYS a character scalar
# ssc related => we accept NULL
# we check ssc since it can be used by the funs
if(missnull(ssc)) ssc = getFixest_ssc()
check_arg(ssc, "class(ssc.type)",
.message = "The argument 'ssc' must be an object created by the function ssc().")
fun_name = vcov_select$fun_name
args = list(bread = bread, scores = scores, vars = vcov_vars, ssc = ssc,
sandwich = sandwich, nthreads = nthreads,
var_names_all = var_names_all)
for(a in names(extra_args)){
# I have to add this weird condition (because of the aliases)
if(!is.null(extra_args[[a]])) args[[a]] = extra_args[[a]]
vcov_noAdj =, args)
dimnames(vcov_noAdj) = dimnames(bread)
#### ... ssc ####
# ssc is a ssc object in here
n_fe = n_fe_ok = length(object$fixef_id)
# we adjust the fixef sizes to account for slopes
fixef_sizes_ok = object$fixef_sizes
isSlope = FALSE
isSlope = TRUE
# The drop the fixef_sizes for only slopes
fixef_sizes_ok[object$slope_flag < 0] = 0
n_fe_ok = sum(fixef_sizes_ok > 0)
nested_vars = sapply(vcov_select$vars, function(x) isTRUE(x$rm_nested))
any_nested_var = length(nested_vars) > 0 && length(vcov_vars) > 0 && any(nested_vars[names(vcov_vars)])
if(ssc$fixef.K == "none"){
# we do it with "minus" because of only slopes
K = object$nparams
if(n_fe_ok > 0){
K = K - (sum(fixef_sizes_ok) - (n_fe_ok - 1))
} else if(ssc$fixef.K == "full" || !any_nested_var){
K = object$nparams
if(ssc$fixef.force_exact && n_fe >= 2 && n_fe_ok >= 1){
fe = fixef(object, notes = FALSE)
K = K + (n_fe_ok - 1) - sum(attr(fe, "references"))
} else {
# nested
# we delay the adjustment
K = object$nparams
# NESTING (== pain in the neck)
if(ssc$fixef.K == "nested" && n_fe_ok > 0 && any_nested_var){
# OK, let's go checking....
# We always try to minimize computation.
# So we maximize deduction and apply computation only in last resort.
nested_vcov_var_names = intersect(names(nested_vars[nested_vars]), names(vcov_vars))
nested_var_names = var_names_all[nested_vcov_var_names]
is_nested = rep(FALSE, n_fe)
for(i in 1:n_fe){
# We check for each FE
fe_name = object$fixef_vars[i]
if(fe_name %in% nested_var_names){
is_nested[i] = TRUE
} else if(grepl("^", fe_name, fixed = TRUE)){
# nesting of the FE in the parent term
fe_name_split = strsplit(fe_name, "^", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
if(any(fe_name_split %in% nested_var_names)){
is_nested[i] = TRUE
# We check the remaining FEs, only if necessary
if(!all(is_nested) && !all(nested_var_names %in% object$fixef_vars)){
# Note that if all(nested_var_names %in% object$fixef_vars) == TRUE
# Then all the variables used to compute the VCOV are part of the FEs
# So the nesting would have been correctly spotted right before.
# Only caveat: if the user has a^b in FE and includes the parent terms (a and b), we may forget some nested FEs
# But then that's the user problem bc it's an erroneous specification
vcov_vars_nesting = vcov_vars[nested_vcov_var_names]
# We put the non integer to integer (needed)
id_to_int = which(sapply(vcov_select$vars[nested_vcov_var_names], function(x) !isTRUE(x$to_int)))
for(i in id_to_int){
vcov_vars_nesting[[i]] = quickUnclassFactor(vcov_vars_nesting[[i]])
id2check = which(is_nested == FALSE)
info = cpp_check_nested(object$fixef_id[id2check], vcov_vars_nesting,
object$fixef_sizes[id2check], n = n)
is_nested[id2check] = info == 1
if(sum(is_nested) == n_fe){
# All FEs are removed, we add 1 for the intercept
K = K - (sum(fixef_sizes_ok) - (n_fe_ok - 1)) + 1
} else {
if(ssc$fixef.force_exact && n_fe >= 2){
fe = fixef(object, notes = FALSE)
nb_ref = attr(fe, "references")
# Slopes are a pain in the neck!!!
if(sum(is_nested) > 1){
id_nested = intersect(names(nb_ref), names(object$fixef_id)[is_nested])
nb_ref[id_nested] = object$fixef_sizes[id_nested]
total_refs = sum(nb_ref)
K = K - total_refs
} else {
K = K - (sum(fixef_sizes_ok[is_nested]) - sum(fixef_sizes_ok[is_nested] > 0))
# below for consistency => should *not* be triggered
K = max(K, length(object$coefficients) + 1)
# Small sample adjustment
ss_adj = attr(vcov_noAdj, "ss_adj")
ss_adj = ss_adj(n = n, K = K)
attr(vcov_noAdj, "ss_adj") = NULL
} else {
ss_adj = ifelse(ssc$adj, (n - 1) / (n - K), 1)
vcov_mat = vcov_noAdj * ss_adj
#### ... vcov attributes ####
if(any(diag(vcov_mat) < 0) && vcov_fix){
# We 'fix' it
all_attr = attributes(vcov_mat)
vcov_mat = mat_posdef_fix(vcov_mat)
is_complex = isTRUE(attr(vcov_mat, "is_complex"))
if (is_complex) {
# we should never have a complex VCOV, but just in case...
message("The VCOV matrix could not be fixed since its eigenvalues were complex. The complex standard-errors are reported for information purposes.")
vcov_mat = as.complex(vcov_mat)
} else {
message("Variance contained negative values in the diagonal and was 'fixed' (a la Cameron, Gelbach & Miller 2011).")
attributes(vcov_mat) = all_attr
min_cluster_size = attr(vcov_mat, "min_cluster_size")
attr(vcov_mat, "df.t") = ssc$t.df
} else if(ssc$t.df == "min" && !is.null(min_cluster_size)){
attr(vcov_mat, "df.t") = max(min_cluster_size - 1, 1)
} else {
attr(vcov_mat, "df.t") = max(n - K, 1)
if(is.null(attr(vcov_mat, "type", exact = TRUE))){
type_info = attr(vcov_mat, "type_info")
attr(vcov_mat, "type") = paste0(vcov_select$vcov_label, type_info)
attr(vcov_mat, "type_info") = NULL
attr(vcov_mat, "ssc") = ssc
attr(vcov_mat, "dof.K") = K
} else {
# We clean the attributes
all_attr = names(attributes(vcov_mat))
for(v in setdiff(all_attr, c("dim", "dimnames"))){
attr(vcov_mat, v) = NULL
#### Small Sample Correction ####
#' Governs the small sample correction in `fixest` VCOVs
#' Provides how the small sample correction should be calculated in [`vcov.fixest`]/[`summary.fixest`].
#' @param adj Logical scalar, defaults to `TRUE`. Whether to apply a small sample adjustment of
#' the form `(n - 1) / (n - K)`, with `K` the number of estimated parameters. If `FALSE`, then
#' no adjustment is made.
#' @param fixef.K Character scalar equal to `"nested"` (default), `"none"` or `"full"`. In
#' the small sample adjustment, how to account for the fixed-effects parameters. If `"none"`,
#' the fixed-effects parameters are discarded, meaning the number of parameters (`K`) is only
#' equal to the number of variables. If `"full"`, then the number of parameters is equal to
#' the number of variables plus the number of fixed-effects. Finally, if `"nested"`, then
#' the number of parameters is equal to the number of variables plus the number of
#' fixed-effects that *are not* nested in the clusters used to cluster the standard-errors.
#' @param fixef.force_exact Logical, default is `FALSE`. If there are 2 or more fixed-effects,
#' these fixed-effects they can be irregular, meaning they can provide the same information.
#' If so, the "real" number of parameters should be lower than the total number of
#' fixed-effects. If `fixef.force_exact = TRUE`, then [`fixef.fixest`] is first run to
#' determine the exact number of parameters among the fixed-effects. Mostly, panels of
#' the type individual-firm require `fixef.force_exact = TRUE` (but it adds computational costs).
#' @param cluster.adj Logical scalar, default is `TRUE`. How to make the small sample correction
#' when clustering the standard-errors? If `TRUE` a `G/(G-1)` correction is performed with `G`
#' the number of cluster values.
#' @param cluster.df Either "conventional" or "min" (default). Only relevant when the
#' variance-covariance matrix is two-way clustered (or higher). It governs how the small
#' sample adjustment for the clusters is to be performed. \[Sorry for the jargon that follows.\]
#' By default a unique adjustment is made, of the form G_min/(G_min-1) with G_min the
#' smallest G_i. If `cluster.df="conventional"` then the i-th "sandwich" matrix is adjusted
#' with G_i/(G_i-1) with G_i the number of unique clusters.
#' @param t.df Either "conventional", "min" (default) or an integer scalar. Only relevant when
#' the variance-covariance matrix is clustered. It governs how the p-values should be computed.
#' By default, the degrees of freedom of the Student t distribution is equal to the minimum size
#' of the clusters with which the VCOV has been clustered minus one. If `t.df="conventional"`,
#' then the degrees of freedom of the Student t distribution is equal to the number of
#' observations minus the number of estimated variables. You can also pass a number to
#' manually specify the DoF of the t-distribution.
#' @details
#' The following vignette: [On standard-errors](,
#' describes in details how the standard-errors are computed in `fixest` and how you can
#' replicate standard-errors from other software.
#' @return
#' It returns a `ssc.type` object.
#' @author
#' Laurent Berge
#' @seealso
#' [`summary.fixest`], [`vcov.fixest`]
#' @examples
#' #
#' # Equivalence with lm/glm standard-errors
#' #
#' # LM
#' # In the absence of fixed-effects,
#' # by default, the standard-errors are computed in the same way
#' res = feols(Petal.Length ~ Petal.Width + Species, iris)
#' res_lm = lm(Petal.Length ~ Petal.Width + Species, iris)
#' vcov(res) / vcov(res_lm)
#' # GLM
#' # By default, there is no small sample adjustment in glm, as opposed to feglm.
#' # To get the same SEs, we need to use ssc(adj = FALSE)
#' res_pois = fepois(round(Petal.Length) ~ Petal.Width + Species, iris)
#' res_glm = glm(round(Petal.Length) ~ Petal.Width + Species, iris, family = poisson())
#' vcov(res_pois, ssc = ssc(adj = FALSE)) / vcov(res_glm)
#' # Same example with the Gamma
#' res_gamma = feglm(round(Petal.Length) ~ Petal.Width + Species, iris, family = Gamma())
#' res_glm_gamma = glm(round(Petal.Length) ~ Petal.Width + Species, iris, family = Gamma())
#' vcov(res_gamma, ssc = ssc(adj = FALSE)) / vcov(res_glm_gamma)
#' #
#' # Fixed-effects corrections
#' #
#' # We create "irregular" FEs
#' base = data.frame(x = rnorm(10))
#' base$y = base$x + rnorm(10)
#' base$fe1 = rep(1:3, c(4, 3, 3))
#' base$fe2 = rep(1:5, each = 2)
#' est = feols(y ~ x | fe1 + fe2, base)
#' # fe1: 3 FEs
#' # fe2: 5 FEs
#' #
#' # Clustered standard-errors: by fe1
#' #
#' # Default: fixef.K = "nested"
#' # => adjustment K = 1 + 5 (i.e. x + fe2)
#' summary(est)
#' attributes(vcov(est, attr = TRUE))[c("ssc", "dof.K")]
#' # fixef.K = FALSE
#' # => adjustment K = 1 (i.e. only x)
#' summary(est, ssc = ssc(fixef.K = "none"))
#' attr(vcov(est, ssc = ssc(fixef.K = "none"), attr = TRUE), "dof.K")
#' # fixef.K = TRUE
#' # => adjustment K = 1 + 3 + 5 - 1 (i.e. x + fe1 + fe2 - 1 restriction)
#' summary(est, ssc = ssc(fixef.K = "full"))
#' attr(vcov(est, ssc = ssc(fixef.K = "full"), attr = TRUE), "dof.K")
#' # fixef.K = TRUE & fixef.force_exact = TRUE
#' # => adjustment K = 1 + 3 + 5 - 2 (i.e. x + fe1 + fe2 - 2 restrictions)
#' summary(est, ssc = ssc(fixef.K = "full", fixef.force_exact = TRUE))
#' attr(vcov(est, ssc = ssc(fixef.K = "full", fixef.force_exact = TRUE), attr = TRUE), "dof.K")
#' # There are two restrictions:
#' attr(fixef(est), "references")
#' #
#' # To permanently set the default ssc:
#' #
#' # eg no small sample adjustment:
#' setFixest_ssc(ssc(adj = FALSE))
#' # Factory default
#' setFixest_ssc()
ssc = function(adj = TRUE, fixef.K = "nested", cluster.adj = TRUE, cluster.df = "min",
t.df = "min", fixef.force_exact = FALSE){
check_set_arg(adj, "loose logical scalar conv")
check_set_arg(fixef.K, "match(none, full, nested)")
check_set_arg(cluster.df, "match(conventional, min)")
check_set_arg(t.df, "match(conventional, min) | integer scalar GT{0}")
check_arg(fixef.force_exact, cluster.adj, "logical scalar")
res = list(adj = adj, fixef.K = fixef.K, cluster.adj = cluster.adj, cluster.df = cluster.df,
t.df = t.df, fixef.force_exact = fixef.force_exact)
class(res) = "ssc.type"
#' @describeIn ssc This function is deprecated and will be removed at some point (in 6 months from August 2021). Exactly the same as `ssc`.
dof = function(adj = TRUE, fixef.K = "nested", cluster.adj = TRUE, cluster.df = "min",
t.df = "min", fixef.force_exact = FALSE){
warning("The function 'dof' is deprecated. Please use function 'ssc' instead.")
options(fixest_warn_dof = TRUE)
ssc(adj = adj, fixef.K = fixef.K, cluster.adj = cluster.adj, cluster.df = cluster.df,
t.df = t.df, fixef.force_exact = fixef.force_exact)
#### User-level ####
#' Clustered VCOV
#' Computes the clustered VCOV of `fixest` objects.
#' @inheritParams vcov.fixest
#' @param x A `fixest` object.
#' @param cluster Either i) a character vector giving the names of the variables onto which to
#' cluster, or ii) a formula giving those names, or iii) a vector/list/data.frame giving the hard
#' values of the clusters. Note that in cases i) and ii) the variables are fetched directly in the
#' data set used for the estimation.
#' @param ssc An object returned by the function [`ssc`]. It specifies how to perform the small
#' sample correction.
#' @return
#' If the first argument is a `fixest` object, then a VCOV is returned (i.e. a symmetric matrix).
#' If the first argument is not a `fixest` object, then a) implicitly the arguments are shifted to
#' the left (i.e. `vcov_cluster(~var1 + var2)` is equivalent to
#' `vcov_cluster(cluster = ~var1 + var2)`) and b) a VCOV-*request* is returned and NOT a VCOV.
#' That VCOV-request can then be used in the argument `vcov` of various `fixest`
#' functions (e.g. [`vcov.fixest`] or even in the estimation calls).
#' @author
#' Laurent Berge
#' @references
#' Cameron AC, Gelbach JB, Miller DL (2011). "Robust Inference with Multiway Clustering." *Journal of Business & Economic Statistics*, 29(2), 238-249. doi:10.1198/jbes.2010.07136.
#' @examples
#' base = iris
#' names(base) = c("y", "x1", "x2", "x3", "species")
#' base$clu = rep(1:5, 30)
#' est = feols(y ~ x1, base)
#' # VCOV: using a formula giving the name of the clusters
#' vcov_cluster(est, ~species + clu)
#' # works as well with a character vector
#' vcov_cluster(est, c("species", "clu"))
#' # you can also combine the two with '^'
#' vcov_cluster(est, ~species^clu)
#' #
#' # Using VCOV requests
#' #
#' # per se: pretty useless...
#' vcov_cluster(~species)
#' # ...but VCOV-requests can be used at estimation time:
#' # it may be more explicit than...
#' feols(y ~ x1, base, vcov = vcov_cluster("species"))
#' # ...the equivalent, built-in way:
#' feols(y ~ x1, base, vcov = ~species)
#' # The argument vcov does not accept hard values,
#' # so you can feed them with a VCOV-request:
#' feols(y ~ x1, base, vcov = vcov_cluster(rep(1:5, 30)))
vcov_cluster = function(x, cluster = NULL, ssc = NULL, vcov_fix = TRUE){
# User-level function to compute clustered SEs
# typically we only do checking and reshaping here
# slide_args allows the implicit allocation of arguments
# it makes semi-global changes => the values of the args here are modified
slide_args(x, cluster = cluster, ssc = ssc)
IS_REQUEST = is.null(x)
check_value(ssc, "NULL class(ssc.type)", .message = "The argument 'ssc' must be an object created by the function ssc().")
# We create the request
use_request = FALSE
vcov_vars = var_names_all = NULL
vcov = "cluster"
} else if(inherits(cluster, "formula")){
vcov = cluster
} else if(is.character(cluster) && length(cluster) <= 4){
vcov = .xpd(lhs = "cluster", rhs = cluster)
} else {
use_request = TRUE
vcov = "cluster"
vcov_vars = cluster
# The main task is to check the validity of the vcov_vars in input
# and give proper names
sc =
if("cluster" %in% names(sc)){
cl_name = fetch_arg_deparse("cluster")
} else {
cl_name = deparse_long(sc[[2]])
vcov_vars = list(cl1 = vcov_vars)
var_names_all["cl1"] = gsub("^.+\\$", "", cl_name)
} else if(!is.list(vcov_vars) || length(vcov_vars) > 4){
# We send an error + a reminder of the accepted types
check_value(vcov_vars, "os formula | character vector | list len(,4)", .arg_name = "cluster")
} else {
vcov_var_names = paste0("cl", 1:length(vcov_vars))
var_names_all[vcov_var_names] = names(vcov_vars)
} else {
len = length(vcov_var_names)
new_name = ifunit(len, cl_name, paste0(cl_name, "..", 1:len))
var_names_all[vcov_var_names] = new_name
# We ensure it's a plain list
vcov_vars = unclass(vcov_vars)
names(vcov_vars) = vcov_var_names
# Some further checking
stop("If the argument 'cluster' it to be a list, it must be made of atomic vectors representing the vectors on which to cluster. Currently its first element is of class '", class(vcov_vars[[1]])[1], "'.")
if(use_request || !is.null(ssc)){
vcov_request = list(vcov = vcov, vcov_vars = vcov_vars,
var_names_all = var_names_all, ssc = ssc)
class(vcov_request) = "fixest_vcov_request"
} else {
# Everything can fit into a vcov formula
vcov_request = vcov
res = vcov_request
} else {
res = vcov(x, vcov = vcov_request, vcov_fix = vcov_fix)
#' Set of functions to compute the VCOVs robust to different forms correlation in panel or
#' time series settings.
#' There are currently three VCOV types: Newey-West applied to time series, Newey-West applied to
#' a panel setting (when the argument 'unit' is not missing), and Driscoll-Kraay.
#' The functions on this page without the prefix "vcov_" do not compute VCOVs directly but
#' are meant to be used in the argument `vcov` of `fixest` functions (e.g. in [`vcov.fixest`]
#' or even in the estimation calls).
#' Note that for Driscoll-Kraay VCOVs, to ensure its properties the number of periods should
#' be long enough (a minimum of 20 periods or so).
#' @inheritParams vcov_cluster
#' @param unit A character scalar or a one sided formula giving the name of the
#' variable representing the units of the panel.
#' @param time A character scalar or a one sided formula giving the name of the
#' variable representing the time.
#' @param lag An integer scalar, default is `NULL`. If `NULL`, then the default lag is equal to
#' `n_t^0.25` with `n_t` the number of time periods (as of Newey and West 1987) for panel
#' Newey-West and Driscoll-Kraay. The default for the time series Newey-West is computed via
#' [`bwNeweyWest`][sandwich::NeweyWest] which implements the Newey and West 1994 method.
#' @section Lag selection:
#' The default lag selection depends on whether the VCOV applies to a panel or a time series.
#' For panels, i.e. panel Newey-West or Driscoll-Kraay VCOV, the default lag is `n_t^0.25` with
#' `n_t` the number of time periods. This is based on Newey and West 1987.
#' For time series Newey-West, the default lag is found thanks to the
#' [`bwNeweyWest`][sandwich::NeweyWest] function from the `sandwich` package. It is based on
#' Newey and West 1994.
#' @references
#' Newey WK, West KD (1987). "A Simple, Positive Semi-Definite, Heteroskedasticity and
#' Autocorrelation Consistent Covariance Matrix." *Econometrica*, 55(3), 703-708. doi:10.2307/1913610.
#' Driscoll JC, Kraay AC (1998). "Consistent Covariance Matrix Estimation with Spatially Dependent
#' Panel Data." *The Review of Economics and Statistics*, 80(4), 549-560. doi:10.1162/003465398557825.
#' Millo G (2017). "Robust Standard Error Estimators for Panel Models: A Unifying Approach"
#' *Journal of Statistical Software*, 82(3). doi:10.18637/jss.v082.i03.
#' @return
#' If the first argument is a `fixest` object, then a VCOV is returned (i.e. a symmetric matrix).
#' If the first argument is not a `fixest` object, then a) implicitly the arguments are shifted to
#' the left (i.e. `vcov_DK(~year)` is equivalent to `vcov_DK(time = ~year)`) and b) a
#' VCOV-*request* is returned and NOT a VCOV. That VCOV-request can then be used in the argument
#' `vcov` of various `fixest` functions (e.g. [`vcov.fixest`] or even in the estimation calls).
#' @examples
#' data(base_did)
#' #
#' # During the estimation
#' #
#' # Panel Newey-West, lag = 2
#' feols(y ~ x1, base_did, NW(2) ~ id + period)
#' # Driscoll-Kraay
#' feols(y ~ x1, base_did, DK ~ period)
#' # If the estimation is made with a, the dimensions are
#' # automatically deduced:
#' est = feols(y ~ x1, base_did, "NW", = ~id + period)
#' est
#' #
#' # Post estimation
#' #
#' # If missing, the unit and time are automatically deduced from
#' # the used in the estimation
#' vcov_NW(est, lag = 2)
#' @name vcov_hac
#' @rdname vcov_hac
vcov_DK = function(x, time = NULL, lag = NULL, ssc = NULL, vcov_fix = TRUE){
# unit and time MUST be variables of the data set
# otherwise: too error prone + extremely complex to set up + very edge case, so not worth it
# slide_args allows the implicit allocation of arguments
# it makes semi-global changes => the values of the args here are modified
slide_args(x, time = time, lag = lag, ssc = ssc)
IS_REQUEST = is.null(x)
check_value(lag, "NULL integer scalar GE{1}")
check_value(ssc, "NULL class(ssc.type)",
.message = "The argument 'ssc' must be an object created by the function ssc().")
# time
check_value(time, "NULL character scalar | os formula")
if(inherits(time, "formula")){
time_txt = fml2varnames(time)
check_value(time_txt, "character scalar",
.message = "The argument 'time' must be composed of only one variable.")
# recreating the call
vcov = .xpd(lhs = "dk", rhs = time)
if(!is.null(lag) || !is.null(ssc)){
extra_args = list(lag = lag)
vcov_request = list(vcov = vcov, ssc = ssc, extra_args = extra_args)
class(vcov_request) = "fixest_vcov_request"
} else {
# Everything can fit into a vcov formula
vcov_request = vcov
res = vcov_request
} else {
res = vcov(x, vcov = vcov_request, vcov_fix = vcov_fix)
#' @rdname vcov_hac
vcov_NW = function(x, unit = NULL, time = NULL, lag = NULL, ssc = NULL, vcov_fix = TRUE){
# unit and time MUST be variables of the data set
# otherwise: too error prone + extremely complex to set up + very edge case, so not worth it
# slide_args allows the implicit allocation of arguments
# it makes semi-global changes => the values of the args here are modified
slide_args(x, unit = unit, time = time, lag = lag, ssc = ssc)
IS_REQUEST = is.null(x)
check_value(lag, "NULL integer scalar GE{1}")
check_value(ssc, "NULL class(ssc.type)",
.message = "The argument 'ssc' must be an object created by the function ssc().")
# unit
check_value(unit, "NULL character scalar | os formula")
if(inherits(unit, "formula")){
unit_txt = fml2varnames(unit)
check_value(unit_txt, "character scalar",
.message = "The argument 'unit' must be composed of only one variable.")
# time
check_value(time, "NULL character scalar | os formula")
if(inherits(time, "formula")){
time_txt = fml2varnames(time)
check_value(time_txt, "character scalar",
.message = "The argument 'time' must be composed of only one variable.")
# recreating the call
vcov = .xpd(lhs = "nw", rhs = c(unit, time))
if(!is.null(lag) || !is.null(ssc)){
extra_args = list(lag = lag)
vcov_request = list(vcov = vcov, ssc = ssc, extra_args = extra_args)
class(vcov_request) = "fixest_vcov_request"
} else {
# Everything can fit into a vcov formula
vcov_request = vcov
res = vcov_request
} else {
res = vcov(x, vcov = vcov_request, vcov_fix = vcov_fix)
#' Conley VCOV
#' Compute VCOVs robust to spatial correlation, a la Conley (1999).
#' This function computes VCOVs that are robust to spatial correlations by assuming a correlation
#' between the units that are at a geographic distance lower than a given cutoff.
#' The kernel is uniform.
#' If the cutoff is not provided, an estimation of it is given. This cutoff ensures that a minimum
#' of units lie within it and is robust to sub-sampling. This automatic cutoff is only here for
#' convenience, the most appropriate cutoff shall depend on the application and shall be provided
#' by the user.
#' The function `conley` does not compute VCOVs directly but is meant to be used in the argument
#' `vcov` of `fixest` functions (e.g. in [`vcov.fixest`] or even in the estimation calls).
#' @inheritParams vcov_cluster
#' @param lat A character scalar or a one sided formula giving the name of the variable
#' representing the latitude. The latitude must lie in \[-90, 90\], \[0, 180\] or \[-180, 0\].
#' @param lon A character scalar or a one sided formula giving the name of the variable
#' representing the longitude. The longitude must be in \[-180, 180\], \[0, 360\] or \[-360, 0\].
#' @param cutoff The distance cutoff, in km. You can express the cutoff in miles by writing the
#' number in character form and adding "mi" as a suffix: cutoff = "100mi" would be 100 miles. If
#' missing, a rule of thumb is used to deduce the cutoff.
#' @param pixel A positive numeric scalar, default is 0. If a positive number, the coordinates of
#' each observation are pooled into `pixel` x `pixel` km squares. This lowers the precision but can
#' (depending on the cases) greatly improve computational speed at a low precision cost. Note that
#' if the `cutoff` was expressed in miles, then `pixel` will also be in miles.
#' @param distance How to compute the distance between points. It can be equal to "triangular"
#' (default) or "spherical". The latter case corresponds to the great circle distance and is more
#' precise than triangular but is a bit more intensive computationally.
#' @return
#' If the first argument is a `fixest` object, then a VCOV is returned (i.e. a symmetric matrix).
#' If the first argument is not a `fixest` object, then a) implicitly the arguments are shifted to
#' the left (i.e. `vcov_conley("lat", "long")` is equivalent to
#' `vcov_conley(lat = "lat", lon = "long")`) and b) a VCOV-*request* is returned and NOT a VCOV.
#' That VCOV-request can then be used in the argument `vcov` of various `fixest` functions
#' (e.g. [`vcov.fixest`] or even in the estimation calls).
#' @references
#' Conley TG (1999). "GMM Estimation with Cross Sectional Dependence", *Journal of Econometrics*, 92, 1-45.
#' @examples
#' data(quakes)
#' # We use conley() in the vcov argument of the estimation
#' feols(depth ~ mag, quakes, conley(100))
#' # Post estimation
#' est = feols(depth ~ mag, quakes)
#' vcov_conley(est, cutoff = 100)
vcov_conley = function(x, lat = NULL, lon = NULL, cutoff = NULL, pixel = 0,
distance = "triangular", ssc = NULL, vcov_fix = TRUE){
# slide_args allows the implicit allocation of arguments
# it makes semi-global changes => the values of the args here are modified
slide_args(x, lat = lat, lon = lon, cutoff = cutoff, pixel = pixel,
distance = distance, ssc = ssc)
IS_REQUEST = is.null(x)
check_value(ssc, "NULL class(ssc.type)",
.message = "The argument 'ssc' must be an object created by the function ssc().")
# lat
check_value(lat, "NULL character scalar | os formula")
if(inherits(lat, "formula")){
lat_txt = fml2varnames(lat)
check_value(lat_txt, "character scalar",
.message = "The argument 'lat' must be composed of only one variable.")
# lon
check_value(lon, "NULL character scalar | os formula")
if(inherits(lon, "formula")){
lon_txt = fml2varnames(lon)
check_value(lon_txt, "character scalar",
.message = "The argument 'lon' must be composed of only one variable.")
# cutoff
cutoff = check_set_cutoff(cutoff)
# pixel
check_value(pixel, "numeric scalar GE{0}",
.prefix = "In vcov.fixest, Conley VCOV cannot be computed: the argument 'pixel'")
# distance
check_set_value(distance, "match(triangular, spherical)")
# recreating the call
vcov = .xpd(lhs = "conley", rhs = c(lat, lon))
extra_args = list(cutoff = cutoff, pixel = pixel, distance = distance)
vcov_request = list(vcov = vcov, ssc = ssc, extra_args = extra_args)
class(vcov_request) = "fixest_vcov_request"
res = vcov_request
} else {
res = vcov(x, vcov = vcov_request, vcov_fix = vcov_fix)
#### SETUP ####
vcov_setup = function(){
# iid
vcov_iid_setup = list(name = c("iid", "normal", "standard"),
fun_name = "vcov_iid_internal",
vcov_label = "IID")
# Heteroskedasticity robust
vcov_hetero_setup = list(name = c("hetero", "white", "hc1"),
fun_name = "vcov_hetero_internal",
vcov_label = "Heteroskedasticity-robust")
# cluster(s)
vcov_clust_setup = list(name = c("cluster", ""),
fun_name = "vcov_cluster_internal",
vcov_label = "Clustered")
vcov_clust_setup$vars = list(
cl1 = list(guess_from = list( = 1, fixef = 1),
label = "clusters", to_int = TRUE, rm_nested = TRUE),
cl2 = list(optional = TRUE, label = "second cluster", to_int = TRUE, rm_nested = TRUE),
cl3 = list(optional = TRUE, label = "third cluster", to_int = TRUE, rm_nested = TRUE),
cl4 = list(optional = TRUE, label = "fourth cluster", to_int = TRUE, rm_nested = TRUE)
vcov_clust_setup$patterns = c("", "cl1", "cl1 + cl2", "cl1 + cl2 + cl3",
"c1 + cl2 + cl3 + cl4")
# Other keywords => direct two-/three-/four-way clustering
cl1 = list(guess_from = list(fixef = 1), label = "first cluster",
to_int = TRUE, rm_nested = TRUE)
cl2 = list(guess_from = list(fixef = 2), label = "second cluster",
to_int = TRUE, rm_nested = TRUE)
cl3 = list(guess_from = list(fixef = 3), label = "third cluster",
to_int = TRUE, rm_nested = TRUE)
cl4 = list(guess_from = list(fixef = 4), label = "fourth cluster",
to_int = TRUE, rm_nested = TRUE)
vcov_twoway_setup = list(name = "twoway",
fun_name = "vcov_cluster_internal",
vcov_label = "Clustered")
vcov_twoway_setup$vars = list(cl1 = cl1, cl2 = cl2)
vcov_twoway_setup$patterns = c("", "cl1 + cl2")
vcov_threeway_setup = list(name = "threeway",
fun_name = "vcov_cluster_internal",
vcov_label = "Clustered")
vcov_threeway_setup$vars = list(cl1 = cl1, cl2 = cl2, cl3 = cl3)
vcov_threeway_setup$patterns = c("", "cl1 + cl2 + cl3")
vcov_fourway_setup = list(name = "fourway",
fun_name = "vcov_cluster_internal",
vcov_label = "Clustered")
vcov_fourway_setup$vars = list(cl1 = cl1, cl2 = cl2, cl3 = cl3, cl4 = cl4)
vcov_fourway_setup$patterns = c("", "cl1 + cl2 + cl3 + cl4")
# newey_west
# The variables
unit = list(guess_from = list( = 1),
label = "panel ID", to_int = TRUE, rm_nested = TRUE,
optional = TRUE)
time = list(guess_from = list( = 2), label = "time", rm_nested = TRUE)
vcov_newey_west_setup = list(name = c("NW", "newey_west"),
fun_name = "vcov_newey_west_internal",
vcov_label = "Newey-West")
vcov_newey_west_setup$vars = list(unit = unit, time = time)
vcov_newey_west_setup$arg_main = "lag"
vcov_newey_west_setup$rdname = "vcov_hac"
vcov_newey_west_setup$patterns = c("", "time", "unit + time")
# driscoll_kraay
vcov_driscoll_kraay_setup = list(name = c("DK", "driscoll_kraay"),
fun_name = "vcov_driscoll_kraay_internal",
vcov_label = "Driscoll-Kraay")
vcov_driscoll_kraay_setup$vars = list(time = time)
vcov_driscoll_kraay_setup$arg_main = "lag"
vcov_driscoll_kraay_setup$rdname = "vcov_hac"
vcov_driscoll_kraay_setup$patterns = c("", "time")
# conley
# The variables
lat = list(guess_from = list(regex = c("^lat(itude)?$", "^lat_.+")),
label = "latitude",
expected_type = "numeric vector",
rm_nested = TRUE)
lng = list(guess_from = list(regex = c("^(lon|lng|long|longitude)$", "^(lng|lon|long)_.+")),
label = "longitude",
expected_type = "numeric vector",
rm_nested = TRUE)
vcov_conley_setup = list(name = "conley",
fun_name = "vcov_conley_internal",
vcov_label = "Conley")
vcov_conley_setup$vars = list(lat = lat, lng = lng)
vcov_conley_setup$arg_main = c("cutoff", "pixel", "distance")
vcov_conley_setup$rdname = "vcov_conley"
vcov_conley_setup$patterns = c("", "lat + lng")
# conley hac
vcov_conley_hac_setup = list(name = c("conley_hac", "hac_conley"),
fun_name = "vcov_conley_hac_internal",
vcov_label = "Conley-HAC")
# The variables (already defined earlier)
unit_conleyHAC = unit
unit_conleyHAC$optional = NULL
vcov_conley_hac_setup$vars = list(lat = lat, lng = lng, unit = unit_conleyHAC, time = time)
vcov_conley_hac_setup$arg_main = c("cutoff", "pixel", "distance", "lag")
vcov_conley_hac_setup$patterns = c("", "lat + lng", "time", "lat + lng + unit + time")
# Saving all the vcov possibilities
all_vcov = list(vcov_iid_setup,
# vcov_conley_hac_setup)
options(fixest_vcov_builtin = all_vcov)
#### Internal ####
vcovClust = function (cluster, myBread, scores, adj = FALSE, do.unclass = TRUE,
sandwich = TRUE, nthreads = 1){
# Internal function: no need for controls, they come beforehand
# - cluster: the vector of dummies
# - myBread: original vcov
# - scores
# Note: if length(unique(cluster)) == n (i.e. White correction), then the adj are such that vcovClust is equivalent to vcovHC(res, type="HC1")
# Source:
# Cameron & Miller -- A Practitioner's Guide to Cluster-Robust Inference
n = NROW(scores)
# Control for cluster type
cluster = quickUnclassFactor(cluster)
Q = max(cluster)
RightScores = cpp_tapply_sum(Q, scores, cluster)
# Finite sample correction:
adj_value = Q / (Q - 1)
} else {
adj_value = 1
res = cpp_crossprod(RightScores, 1, nthreads) * adj_value
xy = cpp_matprod(RightScores, myBread, nthreads)
res = cpp_crossprod(xy, 1, nthreads) * adj_value
vcov_iid_internal = function(bread, ...){
vcov_hetero_internal = function(bread, scores, sandwich, ssc, nthreads, ...){
vcov_noAdj = cpp_crossprod(scores, 1, nthreads)
} else {
# we make a n/(n-1) adjustment to match vcovHC(type = "HC1")
n = nrow(scores)
adj = ifelse(ssc$cluster.adj, n / (n-1), 1)
vcov_noAdj = cpp_crossprod(cpp_matprod(scores, bread, nthreads), 1, nthreads) * adj
vcov_cluster_internal = function(bread, scores, vars, ssc, sandwich, nthreads, var_names_all, ...){
# aliasing to add (a bit of) clarity
cluster = vars
nway = length(cluster)
# initialization
vcov = bread * 0
meat = 0
for(i in 1:nway){
myComb = combn(nway, i)
power = floor(1 + log10(sapply(cluster, max)))
for(j in 1:ncol(myComb)){
if(i == 1){
index = cluster[[myComb[, j]]]
} else if(i > 1){
vars = myComb[, j]
if(sum(power[vars]) > 14){
my_clusters = cluster[vars]
order_index =, my_clusters)
index = cpp_combine_clusters(my_clusters, order_index)
} else {
# quicker, but limited by the precision of integers
index = cluster[[vars[1]]]
for(k in 2:length(vars)){
index = index + cluster[[vars[k]]]*10**sum(power[vars[1:(k-1)]])
index = quickUnclassFactor(index)
vcov = vcov + (-1)**(i+1) * vcovClust(index, bread, scores,
adj = ssc$cluster.adj && ssc$cluster.df ==
sandwich = sandwich, nthreads = nthreads)
G_min = min(sapply(cluster, max))
if(ssc$cluster.adj && ssc$cluster.df == "min"){
vcov = vcov * G_min / (G_min - 1)
attr(vcov, "G") = G_min
# I know I duplicate the information, but they refer to two different things
attr(vcov, "min_cluster_size") = G_min
var_names_all = var_names_all[nchar(var_names_all) > 0]
if(length(var_names_all) > 0){
attr(vcov, "type_info") = sma(" ({' & 'c ? var_names_all})")
} else {
attr(vcov, "type") = switch(nway,
"1" = "Clustered",
"2" = "Two-way",
"3" = "Three-way",
"4" = "Four-way")
vcov_newey_west_internal = function(bread, scores, vars, ssc, sandwich, nthreads, lag = NULL, ...){
# Function that computes Newey-West VCOV
# Setting up
unit = vars$unit
time = to_integer(vars$time, sorted = TRUE)
n_time = max(time)
# The bartlett weights
set_weights = function(lag){
res = seq(1, 0, by = -(1/(lag + 1)))
# we must halve the first weight (we'll add the transpose internally)
res[1] = 0.5
is_panel = !is.null(unit)
# Lag: simple rule of thumb
lag = floor(n_time^(1/4))
w = set_weights(lag)
my_order = order(time, unit)
time_ro = time[my_order]
unit_ro = unit[my_order]
dup = cpp_find_duplicates(unit_ro, time_ro)
if(dup$n_dup > 0){
stop("In vcov.fixest, Newey-West VCOV cannot be computed: there are (unit x time) duplicates. You have to sort that out first, eg by creating new units free of duplicates or dropping duplicates. Or you can use a Driscoll-Kraay VCOV for which duplicates does not matter.", call. = FALSE)
scores_ro = scores[my_order, , drop = FALSE]
n_unit = max(unit_ro)
meat = cpp_newey_west_panel(scores_ro, w, unit_ro, n_unit,
time_ro, n_time, nthreads)
} else {
if(max(time) < length(time)){
stop("In vcov.fixest, Newey-West VCOV cannot be computed: there are time duplicates. You may provide a panel identifier (if relevant) to sort that out. Or you can use a Driscoll-Kraay VCOV for which duplicates does not matter.", call. = FALSE)
my_order = order(time)
time_ro = time[my_order]
scores_ro = scores[my_order, , drop = FALSE]
# Lag: the default relies on bwNeweyWest
# Later => feed in directly the matrix when the new version of sandwich is ready
# we drop the intercept (except if there's only the intercept)
is_intercept = (colnames(scores_ro) == "(Intercept)") & (ncol(scores_ro) > 1)
x = structure(list(scores = scores_ro[, !is_intercept, drop = FALSE]), class = "fixest")
} else {
x = structure(list(scores = scores_ro), class = "fixest")
lag = sandwich::bwNeweyWest(x, weights = 1)
lag = floor(lag)
w = set_weights(lag)
meat = cpp_newey_west(scores_ro, w, nthreads)
vcov = prepare_sandwich(bread, meat, nthreads)
} else {
vcov = meat
vcov = vcov * n_time / (n_time - 1)
attr(vcov, "G") = n_time
attr(vcov, "min_cluster_size") = n_time
attr(vcov, "type_info") = paste0(" (L=", lag, ")")
vcov_driscoll_kraay_internal = function(bread, scores, vars, ssc, sandwich,
nthreads, lag = NULL, ...){
# Function that computes Driscoll-Kraay VCOV
# Setting up
time = to_integer(vars$time, sorted = TRUE)
n_time = max(time)
# Lag: simple rule of thumb
lag = floor(n_time^(1/4))
w = seq(1, 0, by = -(1/(lag + 1)))
# we halve the first weight (since we add the transpose in the internal code)
w[1] = 0.5
my_order = order(time)
time_ro = time[my_order]
scores_ro = scores[my_order, , drop = FALSE]
meat = cpp_driscoll_kraay(scores_ro, w, time_ro, n_time, nthreads)
vcov = prepare_sandwich(bread, meat, nthreads)
} else {
vcov = meat
vcov = vcov * n_time / (n_time - 1)
attr(vcov, "G") = n_time
attr(vcov, "min_cluster_size") = n_time
attr(vcov, "type_info") = paste0(" (L=", lag, ")")
vcov_conley_internal = function(bread, scores, vars, sandwich, nthreads,
cutoff = NULL, pixel = 0, distance = "triangular", ...){
lon = vars$lng
lat = vars$lat
# START :: checks
# lon
lon_range = range(lon)
if(lon_range[1] < -360 || lon_range[2] > 360 || diff(lon_range) > 360){
stop("In vcov.fixest, Conley VCOV cannot be computed: the longitude is outside the [-180, 180], [0, 360] or [-360, 0] range (current range is [", fsignif(lon_range[1]), ", ", fsignif(lon_range[2]), "]).", call. = FALSE)
# Later:
# - I think that I really don't need to rescale but I should check first in the cpp code
# that I don't use the -180/180 bounds
if(lon_range[2] > 180){
lon = lon - 180
} else if(lon_range[1] < -180){
lon = lon + 180
# lat
lat_range = range(lat)
if(lat_range[1] < -180 || lat_range[2] > 180 || diff(lat_range) > 180){
stop("In vcov.fixest, Conley VCOV cannot be computed: the latitude is outside the [-90, 90], [0, 180] or [-180, 0] range (current range is [", fsignif(lat_range[1]), ", ", fsignif(lat_range[2]), "]).", call. = FALSE)
if(lat_range[2] > 90){
# we normalize
lat = lat - 90
} else if(lat_range[1] < -90){
lat = lat + 90
# cutoff
cutoff = check_set_cutoff(cutoff)
cutoff = cutoff_deduce(lat, lon)
# pixel
check_value(pixel, "numeric scalar GE{0}",
.prefix = "In vcov.fixest, Conley VCOV cannot be computed: the argument 'pixel'")
# distance
check_set_value(distance, "match(triangular, spherical)")
distance = switch(distance,
spherical = 1,
triangular = 2)
# END :: checks
metric = attr(cutoff, "metric")
if(metric == "mi"){
pixel = pixel * 1.60934
if(pixel > 0){
pixel_lat = pixel / 111
lat_cell = ((lat + 90) %/% pixel_lat) * pixel_lat - 90
pixel_lon = pixel / (111 * cos(lat * pi / 180))
lon_cell = ((lon + 180) %/% pixel_lon) * pixel_lon - 180
} else {
lat_cell = lat
lon_cell = lon
deg2rad = function(x) x / 180 * pi
id_full = to_integer(lat_cell, lon_cell, sorted = TRUE, add_items = TRUE,
items.list = TRUE, multi.df = TRUE)
lon_ro = deg2rad(id_full$items$lon_cell)
lat_ro = deg2rad(id_full$items$lat_cell)
n_cases = length(lon_ro)
scores_ro = cpp_tapply_sum(n_cases, scores, id_full$x)
meat = cpp_vcov_conley(scores_ro, lon_ro, lat_ro, distance = distance,
cutoff = cutoff, nthreads = nthreads)
vcov = prepare_sandwich(bread, meat, nthreads)
} else {
vcov = meat
scale = if(metric == "km") 1 else 1 / 1.60934
attr(vcov, "type_info") = paste0(" (", cutoff * scale, metric, ")")
#### Utilities ####
oldargs_to_vcov = function(se, cluster, vcov, .vcov = NULL){
# Transforms se + cluster + .vcov into a vcov call
if(missnull(se) && missnull(cluster) && missnull(.vcov)){
} else {
} else {
id = c(!missnull(se), !missnull(cluster), !missnull(.vcov))
msg = c("se", "cluster", ".vcov")[id]
stop_up("You cannot use the argument 'vcov' in combination with {enum.q.or ? msg}.")
if(!missnull(se) || !missnull(cluster)){
id = c(!missnull(se), !missnull(cluster))
msg = c("se", "cluster")[id]
stop_up("You cannot use the argument '.vcov' in combination with {enum.q.or ? msg}.")
check_arg(.vcov, "matrix | function")
vcov = .vcov
attr(vcov, "deparsed_arg") = fetch_arg_deparse(".vcov")
} else {
all_vcov = getOption("fixest_vcov_builtin")
all_vcov_names = unlist(lapply(all_vcov, `[[`, "name"))
all_vcov_names = all_vcov_names[nchar(all_vcov_names) > 0]
if(missnull(se)) se = "cluster"
check_set_value(se, "match", .choices = all_vcov_names,
.prefix = "Argument 'se' (which has been replaced by arg. 'vcov')")
vcov = se
} else if(!se %in% c("cluster", "twoway", "threeway", "frouway")){
stop_up("The VCOV requested with the argument se = '", se, "' is not compatible with the use of the argument 'cluster' (i.e. you have to choose!).")
} else {
if(inherits(cluster, "formula")){
vcov = cluster
} else if(is.character(cluster) && length(cluster) <= 4){
vcov = .xpd(lhs = "cluster", rhs = cluster)
} else {
# We create a vcov request
vcov = vcov_cluster(cluster = cluster)
assign("se", NULL, parent.frame())
assign("cluster", NULL, parent.frame())
catch_fun_args = function(fun, dots, exclude_args = NULL, erase_args = FALSE, keep_dots = FALSE){
arg_names = formalArgs(fun)
if(any(exclude_args %in% arg_names)){
fname = deparse(substitute(fun))
pblm = intersect(exclude_args, arg_names)
stop_up("When the argument {bq?fname} is a function, this function cannot contain any argument named {enum.q.or ? pblm} since {$(this name is;these names are)} reserved.")
# we keep only the variables in formalArgs
arg_list = dots
} else {
vars = intersect(names(dots), arg_names)
arg_list = list()
if(length(vars) > 0){
arg_list[vars] = dots[vars]
# variables from the main function call
sysOrigin = sys.parent()
mc =,, expand.dots = FALSE)
args_previous = setdiff(names(mc)[-1], c("", "..."))
for(var in intersect(args_previous, arg_names)){
arg_list[[var]] = eval(str2expression(var), parent.frame())
# NOTA: shall I put to null these arguments? Since they are now used in
# this function... I don't know... I think it's a good idea but there can be problems.
# Let's do it then! I'm just adding the argument erase_args.
# I think it's a good idea bc it's super easy to do it here while it's cumbersome to
# do it in the calling fun
if(erase_args) assign(var, NULL, parent.frame())
slide_args = function(x, ...){
# if the first argument is implicitly provided
# slides the arguments by one slot
# we assign directly in the parent frame
sysOrigin = sys.parent()
sc = sys.calls()[[sysOrigin]]
mc = = sys.function(sysOrigin), call =
dots = list(...)
if(!"x" %in% names(sc)){
if(inherits(x, "fixest")){
# OK, regular x
} else {
# => implicit specification
# sliding
implicit_args = setdiff(names(mc), c(names(sc), ""))
remaining_args = setdiff(names(dots), names(sc))
for(i in seq_along(implicit_args)){
if(implicit_args[i] == "x"){
value = x
} else {
value = dots[[implicit_args[i]]]
assign(remaining_args[i], value, parent.frame())
assign("x", NULL, parent.frame())
} else {
assign("x", NULL, parent.frame())
} else {
assign("x", NULL, parent.frame())
} else {
check_arg(x, "class(fixest)", .up = 1)
prepare_sandwich = function(bread, meat, nthreads = 1){
cpp_matprod(cpp_matprod(bread, meat, nthreads), bread, nthreads)
check_set_cutoff = function(cutoff){
# stop("In vcov.fixest, Conley VCOV cannot be computed: the argument 'cutoff' (the cutoff distance in km) must be provided.", call. = FALSE)
check_value(cutoff, "numeric scalar GE{0} | character scalar",
.message = "In vcov.fixest, Conley VCOV cannot be computed: the argument 'cutoff' must be a numeric for kilometers, or a number in character form with the 'mi' suffix for miles (ex: 100 means 100km, '100mi' means 100 miles).")
metric = attr(cutoff, "metric")
if(is.null(metric)) metric = "km"
if(!grepl("^[[:digit:]]+ ?((m|mi|mil|mile|miles)|(k|km))?$", cutoff)){
stop("In vcov.fixest, Conley VCOV cannot be computed: the argument 'cutoff', equal to '", cutoff, "' is not valid. It must be either a numeric scalar or a number in character form with the suffix 'mi' (ex: 100 means 100km, '100mi' means 100 miles).", call. = FALSE)
if(grepl("k", cutoff)){
cutoff = as.numeric(gsub("k.*", "", cutoff))
} else if(grepl("m", cutoff)){
cutoff = as.numeric(gsub("m.*", "", cutoff)) * 1.60934
metric = "mi"
} else {
cutoff = as.numeric(cutoff)
attr(cutoff, "metric") = metric
gen_vcov_aliases = function(){
# only for vcov functions having one or more main argument
all_vcov = getOption("fixest_vcov_builtin")
fun_core = '
#\' @rdname __RDNAME__
__FUN__ = function(__ARGS__){
extra_args = list(__EXTRA__)
vcov_request = list(vcov = "__VCOV__", extra_args = extra_args)
class(vcov_request) = "fixest_vcov_request"
text = c()
all_fun_names = c()
for(i in seq_along(all_vcov)){
vcov_current = all_vcov[[i]]
arg_main = vcov_current$arg_main
vcov_names_all = vcov_current$name
vcov_name = vcov_names_all[1]
rdname = vcov_current$rdname
args = paste0(arg_main, " = NULL", collapse = ", ")
extra = paste0(arg_main, " = ", arg_main, collapse = ", ")
core = gsub("__RDNAME__", rdname, fun_core)
core = gsub("__VCOV__", vcov_name, core)
core = gsub("__ARGS__", args, core)
core = gsub("__EXTRA__", extra, core)
for(fname in vcov_names_all){
text = c(text, gsub("__FUN__", fname, core, fixed = TRUE))
all_fun_names = c(all_fun_names, fname)
# Writing the functions
intro = c("# Do not edit by hand\n# => aliases some VCOV functions\n\n\n")
text = c(intro, text)
update_file("./R/alias_VCOV.R", text)
# We also add the exports to the name space
header = "# Auto-exports::vcov_aliases"
fun_line = paste0("export(", paste0(all_fun_names, collapse = ", "), ")")
if(header %in% NAMESPACE){
# update
qui = which(NAMESPACE == header)
NAMESPACE[qui + 1] = fun_line
} else {
# creation
NAMESPACE = c(NAMESPACE, "\n\n", header, fun_line, "\n\n")
great_circle_distance = function (lat1, long1, lat2, long2){
deg2rad = function(x) x / 180 * pi
lat1 = deg2rad(lat1)
lat2 = deg2rad(lat2)
long1 = deg2rad(long1)
long2 = deg2rad(long2)
R = 6371
delta.long = (long2 - long1) = (lat2 - lat1)
a = sin(^2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * sin(delta.long/2)^2
c = 2 * asin(pmin(1, sqrt(a)))
d = R * c
cutoff_deduce = function(lat, lon){
# To deduce the cutoff, we apply a basic rule of thumb
quoi = unique(data.frame(lat, lon))
order_latlon = with(quoi, order(lat, lon))
order_lonlat = with(quoi, order(lon, lat))
quoi_latlon = quoi[order_latlon, ]
quoi_lonlat = quoi[order_lonlat, ]
N = nrow(quoi)
keep = 1:(N - 3)
# To increase stability, we take the closest among the 3 closest lat or long
d_latlon_1 = with(quoi_latlon, great_circle_distance(lat[-N], lon[-N], lat[-(1:1)], lon[-(1:1)]))
d_latlon_2 = with(quoi_latlon, great_circle_distance(lat[-((N - 1):N)], lon[-((N - 1):N)], lat[-(1:2)], lon[-(1:2)]))
d_latlon_3 = with(quoi_latlon, great_circle_distance(lat[-((N - 2):N)], lon[-((N - 2):N)], lat[-(1:3)], lon[-(1:3)]))
d_lonlat_1 = with(quoi_lonlat, great_circle_distance(lat[-N], lon[-N], lat[-1], lon[-1]))
d_lonlat_2 = with(quoi_lonlat, great_circle_distance(lat[-((N - 1):N)], lon[-((N - 1):N)], lat[-(1:2)], lon[-(1:2)]))
d_lonlat_3 = with(quoi_lonlat, great_circle_distance(lat[-((N - 2):N)], lon[-((N - 2):N)], lat[-(1:3)], lon[-(1:3)]))
d_latlon = pmin(d_latlon_1[keep], d_latlon_2[keep], d_latlon_3[keep])
d_lonlat = pmin(d_lonlat_1[keep], d_lonlat_2[keep], d_lonlat_3[keep])
# We take twice the median distance => corresponds to two units radius
# roughly 50% of units have at least around 8 neighbors (=> we ensure a minimum)
cutoff = (median(d_latlon) + median(d_lonlat))
# we round it to make it nicer and more robust
m = floor(log10(cutoff)) - 1
if(cutoff > 20) m = max(m, 1)
cutoff = (cutoff %/% 10**m) * 10**m
attr(cutoff, "metric") = "km"
is_function_in_it = function(x){
} else if(is.list(x) && !inherits(x, "fixest_vcov_request") && length(x) > 0 && is.function(x[[1]])){
#### SET / GET ========== ####
#' @rdname ssc
#' @param ssc.type An object of class `ssc.type` obtained with the function [`ssc`].
setFixest_ssc = function(ssc.type = ssc()){
if(!"ssc.type" %in% class(ssc.type)){
stop("The argument 'ssc' must be an object created by the function ssc().")
options("fixest_ssc" = ssc.type)
#' @rdname ssc
getFixest_ssc = function(){
ssc = getOption("fixest_ssc")
if(!"ssc.type" %in% class(ssc)){
stop("The value of getOption(\"fixest_ssc\") is currently not legal. Please use function setFixest_dict to set it to an appropriate value.")
#' Sets the default type of standard errors to be used
#' This functions defines or extracts the default type of standard-errors to computed in
#' `fixest` [`summary`][fixest::summary.fixest], and [`vcov`][fixest::vcov.fixest].
#' @param no_FE Character scalar equal to either: `"iid"` (default), or `"hetero"`. The type
#' of standard-errors to use by default for estimations without fixed-effects.
#' @param one_FE Character scalar equal to either: `"iid"`, `"hetero"`, or `"cluster"` (default).
#' The type of standard-errors to use by default for estimations with *one* fixed-effect.
#' @param two_FE Character scalar equal to either: `"iid"`, `"hetero"`, `"cluster"` (default), or
#' `"twoway"`. The type of standard-errors to use by default for estimations with *two or more*
#' fixed-effects.
#' @param panel Character scalar equal to either: `"iid"`, `"hetero"`, `"cluster"` (default), or
#' `"driscoll_kraaay"`. The type of standard-errors to use by default for estimations with the
#' argument `` set up. Note that panel has precedence over the presence of fixed-effects.
#' @param all Character scalar equal to either: `"iid"`, or `"hetero"`. By default is is NULL. If
#' provided, it sets all the SEs to that value.
#' @param reset Logical, default is `FALSE`. Whether to reset to the default values.
#' @return
#' The function `getFixest_vcov()` returns a list with three elements containing the default for
#' estimations i) without, ii) with one, or iii) with two or more fixed-effects.
#' @examples
#' # By default:
#' # - no fixed-effect (FE): standard
#' # - one or more FEs: cluster
#' # - panel: cluster on panel id
#' data(base_did)
#' est_no_FE = feols(y ~ x1, base_did)
#' est_one_FE = feols(y ~ x1 | id, base_did)
#' est_two_FE = feols(y ~ x1 | id + period, base_did)
#' est_panel = feols(y ~ x1 | id + period, base_did, = ~id + period)
#' etable(est_no_FE, est_one_FE, est_two_FE)
#' # Changing the default standard-errors
#' setFixest_vcov(no_FE = "hetero", one_FE = "iid",
#' two_FE = "twoway", panel = "drisc")
#' etable(est_no_FE, est_one_FE, est_two_FE, est_panel)
#' # Resetting the defaults
#' setFixest_vcov(reset = TRUE)
setFixest_vcov = function(no_FE = "iid", one_FE = "cluster", two_FE = "cluster",
panel = "cluster", all = NULL, reset = FALSE){
# The default values should ALWAYS be working.
# That's why I don't allow conley SEs nor NW SEs
# => they can be not working at times
check_set_arg(no_FE, "match(iid, hetero)")
check_set_arg(one_FE, "match(iid, hetero, cluster)")
check_set_arg(two_FE, "match(iid, hetero, cluster, twoway)")
check_set_arg(panel, "match(iid, hetero, cluster, DK, driscoll_kraay)")
check_set_arg(all, "NULL match(iid, hetero)")
check_set_arg(reset, "logical scalar")
opts = getOption("fixest_vcov_default")
if(is.null(opts) || !is.list(opts) || reset){
opts = list(no_FE = "iid", one_FE = "cluster", two_FE = "cluster", panel = "cluster")
opts$no_FE = opts$one_FE = opts$two_FE = opts$panel = all
args = intersect(c("no_FE", "one_FE", "two_FE", "panel"), names(
for(a in args){
opts[[a]] = eval(
options(fixest_vcov_default = opts)
#' @rdname setFixest_vcov
getFixest_vcov = function(){
vcov_default = getOption("fixest_vcov_default")
vcov_default = list(no_FE = "iid", one_FE = "cluster", two_FE = "cluster", panel = "cluster")
options(fixest_vcov_default = vcov_default)
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