
Defines functions bootFlexclust disp

Documented in bootFlexclust

#  Copyright (C) 2009 Friedrich Leisch
#  $Id: bootstrap.R 251 2018-04-30 10:37:30Z gruen $

disp <- function(x, clus, square = TRUE) {
  n <- length(clus)
  k <- max(clus)
  clus <- as.numeric(clus)
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  centers <- matrix(nrow = k, ncol = ncol(x))
  for (i in 1:k) {
    tryCatch(centers[i, ] <- apply(x[clus == i, ], 2, mean), 
             error = function(e) {print(dim(x))})
  sumsq <- rep(0, k)
  if(square == TRUE) 
    x <- (x - centers[clus, ])^2
    x <- abs((x - centers[clus, ]))
  for (i in 1:k) {
    sumsq[i] <- sum(x[clus == i, ])

bootFlexclust <- function(x, k, nboot=100, correct=TRUE, seed=NULL,
                          multicore=TRUE, verbose=FALSE, ...)
    MYCALL <- match.call()

    if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
    seed <- round(2^31 * runif(nboot, -1, 1))

    nk <- length(k)
    nx <- nrow(x)

    index1 <- matrix(integer(1), nrow=nx, ncol=nboot)
    index2 <- index1
    ## empirical experiments show parallization does not pay for this
    ## (sample is too fast)
    for(b in 1:nboot){
        index1[,b] <- sample(1:nx, nx, replace=TRUE)
        index2[,b] <- sample(1:nx, nx, replace=TRUE)

    BFUN <- function(b){
            if((b %% 100) == 0)
            if((b %% 10) == 0)
                cat(b, "")

        s1 <- stepFlexclust(x[index1[,b],,drop=FALSE], k=k, verbose=FALSE,
                            drop=FALSE, simple=TRUE, multicore=FALSE, ...)
        s2 <- stepFlexclust(x[index2[,b],,drop=FALSE], k=k, verbose=FALSE,
                            drop=FALSE, simple=TRUE, multicore=FALSE, ...)

        repeat {
            count <- sapply(1:nk, function(i) {
                m1 <- getModel(s1, i)
                m2 <- getModel(s2, i)

                sapply(list(m1,m2), function(m) {
                    any(table(m@cluster)<2) ||
                    length(table(m@cluster)) != m@k ||
                    any(m@clusinfo[,2] == 0) #||
                    #any(disp(x[index1[[b]],,drop=FALSE], m@cluster) == 0)

            if(!any(count) || 1) break
            #cat("Repeating ...\n")
            rejected <- rejected + 1
            count <- 0

        clust1 <- clust2 <- matrix(integer(1), nrow=nx, ncol=nk)
        cent1 <- cent2 <- list()
        rand <- double(nk)
        for(l in 1:nk)
            cl1 <- getModel(s1, l)
            cl2 <- getModel(s2, l)

            clust1[,l] <- clusters(cl1, newdata=x)
            clust2[,l] <- clusters(cl2, newdata=x)

            cent1[[l]] <- cl1@centers
            cent2[[l]] <- cl2@centers

            rand[l] <- randIndex(table(clust1[,l], clust2[,l]),

            if(nrow(cl1@centers) < k[l]) {
                extra <- matrix(NA, 
                cent1[[l]] <- rbind(cl1@centers, extra)

            if(nrow(cl2@centers) < k[l]) {
                extra <- matrix(NA, 
                cent2[[l]] <- rbind(cl2@centers, extra)
        list(cent1=cent1, cent2=cent2, clust1=clust1, clust2=clust2,
    ## empirical experiments show parallization does not pay for the 
    ## following (element extraction from list is too fast)
    z <- MClapply(as.list(1:nboot), BFUN, multicore=multicore)

    clust1 <- unlist(lapply(z, function(x) x$clust1))
    clust2 <- unlist(lapply(z, function(x) x$clust2))
    dim(clust1) <- dim(clust2) <- c(nx, nk, nboot)

    cent1 <- cent2 <- list()
    for(l in 1:nk){
        cent1[[l]] <- unlist(lapply(z, function(x) x$cent1[[l]]))
        cent2[[l]] <- unlist(lapply(z, function(x) x$cent2[[l]]))
        dim(cent1[[l]]) <- dim(cent2[[l]]) <- c(k[l], ncol(x), nboot)

    if(nk > 1)
        rand <- t(sapply(z, function(x) x$rand))
        rand <- as.matrix(sapply(z, function(x) x$rand))

    colnames(rand) <- k
    if(verbose) cat("\n")

    new("bootFlexclust", k=as.integer(k), centers1=cent1, centers2=cent2,
        cluster1=clust1, cluster2=clust2, index1=index1, index2=index2,
        rand=rand, call=MYCALL)


## <FIXME> Delete non-multicore code base eventually

## bootFlexclust.orig <- function(x, k, nboot=100, verbose=TRUE, correct=TRUE,
##                           seed=NULL, ...)
## {
##     MYCALL <- match.call()

##     if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
##     nk <- length(k)
##     nx <- nrow(x)

##     index1 <- matrix(integer(1), nrow=nx, ncol=nboot)
##     index2 <- index1

##     for(b in 1:nboot){
##         index1[,b] <- sample(1:nx, nx, replace=TRUE)
##         index2[,b] <- sample(1:nx, nx, replace=TRUE)
##     }

##     clust1 <- array(integer(1), dim=c(nx, nk, nboot))
##     clust2 <- clust1
##     cent1 <- list()
##     for(l in 1:nk)
##     {
##         cent1[[l]] <- array(double(1), dim=c(k[l], ncol(x), nboot))
##     }
##     cent2 <- cent1

##     rand <- matrix(double(1), nrow=nboot, ncol=nk)
##     colnames(rand) <- k

##     for(b in 1:nboot)
##     {
##         if(verbose){
##             if((b %% 100) == 0)
##                 cat("\n")
##             if((b %% 10) == 0)
##                 cat(b, "")
##         }

##         i1 <- index1[,b]
##         i2 <- index2[,b]

##         s1 <- stepFlexclust(x[i1,,drop=FALSE], k=k, verbose=FALSE,
##                             simple=TRUE, ...)
##         s2 <- stepFlexclust(x[i2,,drop=FALSE], k=k, verbose=FALSE,
##                             simple=TRUE, ...)
##         for(l in 1:nk)
##         {
##             cl1 <- getModel(s1, l)
##             cl2 <- getModel(s2, l)

##             clust1[,l,b] <- clusters(cl1, newdata=x)
##             clust2[,l,b] <- clusters(cl2, newdata=x)

##             cent1[[l]][,,b] <- cl1@centers
##             cent2[[l]][,,b] <- cl2@centers

##             rand[b,l] <- randIndex(table(clust1[,l,b], clust2[,l,b]),
##                                    correct=correct)
##         }
##     }
##     if(verbose) cat("\n")

##     new("bootFlexclust", k=k, centers1=cent1, centers2=cent2,
##         cluster1=clust1, cluster2=clust2, index1=index1, index2=index2,
##         rand=rand, call=MYCALL)
## }

## </FIXME>


setMethod("show", "bootFlexclust",
    cat("An object of class", sQuote(class(object)),"\n\n")
    cat("\nNumber of bootstrap pairs:", nrow(object@rand),"\n")

setMethod("summary", "bootFlexclust",
    cat("\nSummary of Rand Indices:\n")

setMethod("plot", signature("bootFlexclust","missing"),
function(x, y, ...){
    boxplot(x, ...)

setMethod("boxplot", "bootFlexclust",
function(x, ...){
    boxplot(as.data.frame(x@rand), ...)

setMethod("densityplot", "bootFlexclust",
function(x, data, ...){
    Rand <- as.vector(x@rand)
    k <- rep(colnames(x@rand), rep(nrow(x@rand), ncol(x@rand)))
    k <- factor(k, levels=colnames(x@rand))

    densityplot(~Rand|k, as.table=TRUE, to=1, ...)

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flexclust documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:32 a.m.