
#### Functions that summarise outputs from fmsm multi-state model objects

## Three state competing risks model for testing functions that only work on
## Markov models

tmat <- rbind(c(NA,1,2),c(NA,NA,NA),c(NA,NA,NA))
bosms3$x <- rnorm(nrow(bosms3))

bweic <- bweim <- vector(2, mode="list")
for (i in 1:2) {
  bweic[[i]] <- flexsurvreg(Surv(years, status) ~ x, subset=(trans==i),
                            data = bosms3, dist = "weibull")
  bweim[[i]] <- flexsurvreg(Surv(years, status) ~ 1, subset=(trans==i),
                            data = bosms3, dist = "weibull")

weic <- fmsm("Well-BOS"=bweic[[1]], "Well-Death"=bweic[[2]], trans=tmat)
weim <- fmsm("Well-BOS"=bweim[[1]], "Well-Death"=bweim[[2]], trans=tmat)
nd <- data.frame(x=c(0,0.01,-10,10))

test_that("pfinal_fmsm", { 
  expect_equal(pfinal_fmsm(weim, fromstate="State 1")$val, c(0.717737627151196, 0.282262372848804))
  expect_error(pfinal_fmsm(weim, fromstate="State 2"), "No destination states")
  expect_equal(pfinal_fmsm(weic, newdata=nd, fromstate="State 1")$val[1:2], c(0.715828147070156, 0.715333178039627))
  expect_true(is.numeric(pfinal_fmsm(weim, fromstate="State 1", B=3)$lower))
  expect_equal(pfinal_fmsm(weim, fromstate="State 1", maxt=100000)$val,
               pfinal_fmsm(weim, fromstate="State 1", maxt=10000000)$val, tolerance=1e-06)
  expect_error(pfinal_fmsm(weim, fromstate="1"), "not found")

  sm <- simfinal_fmsm(weim)
  expect_equal(sm$val[sm$quantity=="prob"], c(0.71758, 0.28242))
  expect_equal(sm$val[sm$quantity=="50%"], c(2.25618202292384, 4.67377970752349))
  sm2 <- simfinal_fmsm(weim, probs=c(0.25, 0.75))
  sm3 <- simfinal_fmsm(weim, probs=c(0.25, 0.75), t=10000)
  expect_equal(sm2$val[sm$quantity=="prob"], sm3$val[sm$quantity=="prob"], tolerance=0.1)
  sm2 <- simfinal_fmsm(weim, probs=c(0.25, 0.75), M=1000, B=10)
  expect_error(simfinal_fmsm(weic), "`newdata` should be supplied")
  nd <- data.frame(x=c(0, 0.01))
  simfinal_fmsm(weic, newdata=nd)
  simfinal_fmsm(weic, newdata=nd, M=1000, B=10)

bosms3$hix <- factor(bosms3$x > 0, labels = c("lo","hi"))

test_that("ajfit_fmsm", {
  expect_equal(ajfit_fmsm(weim, maxt=5)$val[1], 1)
  expect_error(ajfit_fmsm(weic, maxt=5, newdata=list(x=1)), 
               "Nonparametric estimation not supported with non-factor")
  weicf <- fmsm(
    "Well-BOS"=flexsurvreg(Surv(years, status) ~ hix, subset=(trans==1),
                           data = bosms3, dist = "weibull"),
    "Well-Death"=flexsurvreg(Surv(years, status) ~ hix, subset=(trans==2),
                             data = bosms3, dist = "weibull"), 
  expect_equal(ajfit_fmsm(weicf, maxt=5)$val[1], 1)
  expect_equal(ajfit_fmsm(weicf, maxt=5, newdata=data.frame(hix="lo"))$val[1], 1)
  weicfd <- fmsm(
    "Well-BOS"=flexsurvreg(Surv(years, status) ~ hix, subset=(trans==1),
                           data = bosms3, dist = "weibull"),
    "Well-Death"=flexsurvreg(Surv(years, status) ~ 1, subset=(trans==2),
                             data = bosms3, dist = "weibull"), 
  expect_error(ajfit_fmsm(weicfd, maxt=5), 
               "Not currently supported with different covariates on different transitions")


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flexsurv documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:08 a.m.