Man pages for flowr
Streamlining Design and Deployment of Complex Workflows

checkCheck consistency of flowdef and flowmat
check_argsAssert none of the arguments of a function are null.
errorError Handler
fetchTwo generic functions to search for pipelines and...
flowDescribing the flow class
flowoptsDefault options/params used in flowr and ngsflows
get_resourcesExtract resources used by each job of a flow get_resources...
get_wdsGet all the (sub)directories in a folder
jobDescribing details of the job object
killKill all jobs submitted to the computing platform, for one or...
plot_flowPlot a clean and scalable flowchart describing the (work)flow
queueA 'queue' object defines details regarding how a job is...
replace_slotsreplace slots in a S4 object
rerunRe-run a pipeline in case of hardware or software failures.
runRun automated Pipelines
run_pipe_v2Run automated Pipelines
setupSetup and initialize flowr
statusMonitor status of flow(s)
submit_flowSubmit a flow to the cluster
submit_jobSubmit a step of a flow
submit_runSubmit several flow objects, limit the max running...
to_flowCreate flow objects
to_flowdefFlow Definition defines how to stitch steps into a...
to_flowdetCreate a flow's submission detail file
to_flowmatCreate a flowmat using a list a commands.
verboseVerbose levels, defining verboseness of messages
whisker_renderWrapper around whisker.render with some additional checks
write_flow_detailsWrite files describing this flow
flowr documentation built on March 3, 2021, 1:12 a.m.