#' Missing person power simulations
#' Estimate the exclusion/inclusion power for various selections of available
#' individuals.
#' @inheritParams missingPersonIP
#' @param reference A connected `ped` object, or a list of pedigrees. In the
#' latter case, the list must have the same length as `selections`.
#' @param selections A list of pedigree member subsets. In the special case that
#' all subsets consist of a single individual, `selections` can be given as a
#' simple vector.
#' @param ep A logical: Estimate the exclusion power? (Default: TRUE)
#' @param ip A logical: Estimate the inclusion power? (Default: TRUE)
#' @param addBaseline A logical. If TRUE (default) an *empty* selection, named
#' "Baseline", is added as the first element of `selection`.
#' @param nProfiles The number of profile simulations for each selection.
#' @param lrSims,thresholdIP Parameters passed onto [missingPersonIP()].
#' @param numCores The number of cores used for parallelisation, by default 1.
#' @return An object of class "MPPsim", which is basically a list with one entry
#' for each element of `selections`. Each entry has elements `ep` and `ip`,
#' each of which is a list of length `nProfiles`.
#' The output object has various attributes reflecting the input. Note that
#' `reference` and `selection` may differ slightly from the original input,
#' since they may be modified during the function run. (For instance, a
#' "Baseline" entry is added to `selection` if `addBaseline` is TRUE.) The
#' crucial point is that the output attributes correspond exactly to the
#' output data.
#' * `reference` (always a list, of the same length as the `selections`
#' attribute
#' * `selections`
#' * `nProfiles`,`lrSims`,`thresholdIP`,`seed` (as in the input)
#' * `totalTime` (the total time used)
#' @examples
#' x = nuclearPed(fa = "Gf", mo = "Gm", children = c("Uncle", "Mother"), sex = 1:2)
#' x = addChildren(x, fa = "Father", mo = "Mother", nch = 3, sex = c(1,2,1),
#' id = c("S1", "S2", "MP"))
#' x = addSon(x, "Father", id = "HS")
#' # Brother S1 is already genotyped with a marker with 4 alleles
#' x = addMarker(x, S1 = "1/2", alleles = 1:4)
#' # Alternatives for additional genotyping
#' sel = list("Father", "S2", "HS", c("Gm", "Uncle"))
#' plot(x, marker = 1, hatched = sel)
#' # Simulate
#' simData = MPPsims(x, selections = sel, nProfiles = 2, lrSims = 2)
#' # Power plot
#' powerPlot(simData, type = 3)
#' \donttest{
#' ### With mutations
#' # Add inconsistent marker
#' x = addMarker(x, S1 = "1/2", Father = "3/3", alleles = 1:4)
#' # Set mutation models for both
#' mutmod(x, 1:2) = list("equal", rate = 0.1)
#' # By default mutations are disabled for consistent markers
#' MPPsims(x, selections = "Father", addBaseline = FALSE)
#' # Don't disable anything
#' MPPsims(x, selections = "Father", addBaseline = FALSE,
#' disableMutations = FALSE)
#' # Disable all mutation models. SHOULD GIVE ERROR FOR SECOND MARKER
#' # MPPsims(x, selections = "Father", addBaseline = FALSE,
#' # disableMutations = TRUE)
#' }
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster stopCluster detectCores parLapply
#' clusterEvalQ clusterExport clusterSetRNGStream
#' @export
MPPsims = function(reference, missing = "MP", selections, ep = TRUE, ip = TRUE,
addBaseline = TRUE, nProfiles = 1, lrSims = 1, thresholdIP = NULL,
disableMutations = NA, numCores = 1, seed = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
st = Sys.time()
selections = as.list(selections)
names(selections) = sapply(selections, toString)
stop2("`selections` cannot have duplicated names")
selections = c(list(Baseline = NULL), selections)
if(is.ped(reference)) {
reference = disableMutationModels(reference, disableMutations, verbose = verbose)
reference = rep(list(reference), length(selections))
else {
stop2("`reference` must be a single connected pedigree, or a list of pedigrees")
else if(length(reference) != length(selections))
stop2("Incompatible lengths of `reference` and `selections`")
reference = lapply(reference, disableMutationModels, disable = disableMutations, verbose = FALSE)
# Wrappers (just for simplification)
epfun = function(x) missingPersonEP(x, missing = missing, disableMutations = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
ipfun = function(x) missingPersonIP(x, missing = missing, disableMutations = FALSE, nsim = lrSims,
threshold = thresholdIP, verbose = FALSE)
# Setup parallelisation
numCores = max(detectCores() - 1, 1)
if(numCores > 1) {
cl = makeCluster(numCores)
if(verbose) {
message("Preparing parallelisation using ", length(cl), " cores")
clusterEvalQ(cl, library(forrel))
clusterExport(cl, c("missingPersonEP", "missingPersonIP", "lrSims", "thresholdIP"), envir = environment())
clusterSetRNGStream(cl, iseed =,1))
powSims = lapply(seq_along(selections), function(i) {
ref = reference[[i]]
ids = selections[[i]]
message("Selection: ", names(selections)[i])
# Baseline
if(is.null(ids)) {
ep0 = if(ep) epfun(ref) else NULL
ip0 = if(ip) ipfun(ref) else NULL
return(list(ep = ep0, ip = ip0))
# Simulate profile for `ids`
sims = profileSim(ref, ids = ids, N = nProfiles, numCores = 1, simplify1 = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
# Compute updated EP and IP for each profile
if(numCores == 1) {
epRes = if(ep) lapply(sims, epfun) else NULL
ipRes = if(ip) lapply(sims, ipfun) else NULL
else {
epRes = if(ep) parLapply(cl, sims, epfun) else NULL
ipRes = if(ip) parLapply(cl, sims, ipfun) else NULL
list(ep = epRes, ip = ipRes)
names(powSims) = names(selections)
# Timing
totalTime = ftime(st)
message("Total time used: ", totalTime)
# Return with attributes
structure(powSims, reference = reference, selections = selections,
nProfiles = nProfiles, lrSims = lrSims, thresholdIP = thresholdIP,
seed = seed, totalTime = totalTime, class = "MPPsim")
#' @export
`[.MPPsim` = function(x, i) {
reference = attr(x, 'reference'),
selections = attr(x, 'selections')[i],
nProfiles = attr(x, 'nProfiles'),
lrSims = attr(x, 'lrSims'),
thresholdIP = attr(x, 'thresholdIP'),
seed = "NA (order changed)",
totalTime = attr(x, 'totalTime'),
class = "MPPsim")
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