
Approx.cfpt.density <-
function (sfptl, variableStep = TRUE, from.t0 = FALSE, to.T = FALSE, 
    skip = TRUE, n = 250, p = 0.2, alpha = 1, tol = 0.001, it.max = 50000L) 
    if (!is.summary.fptl(sfptl)) 
        stop(paste(sQuote("sfptl"), " object is not of class ", 
            shQuote("summary.fptl"), ".", sep = ""))
    if (length(sfptl) > 1L) 
        stop(paste(sQuote("sfptl"), "does not match a degenerate initial distribution."))
    if ((!missing(p)) & (!missing(alpha))) 
        IS <- Integration.Steps(sfptl, variableStep, from.t0, 
            to.T, n, p, alpha)
    else {
        if (missing(p) & (!missing(alpha))) 
            IS <- Integration.Steps(sfptl, variableStep, from.t0, 
                to.T, n, , alpha)
        else {
            if ((!missing(p)) & missing(alpha)) 
                IS <- Integration.Steps(sfptl, variableStep, 
                  from.t0, to.T, n, p)
            else IS <- Integration.Steps(sfptl, variableStep, 
                from.t0, to.T, n)
    H <- IS$H
    Skip <- IS$skip
    Args <- as.list(attr(sfptl, "FPTLCall")[[1]])
    t0 <- Args$t0
    x0 <- Args$x0
    env <- Args$env
    e <- !is.null(env)
    if (e) {
        if (!is.list(env)) 
            env <- eval(env, attr(sfptl, "vars"))
        logic <- unlist(lapply(env, is.character))
        if (any(logic)) 
            env[logic] <- lapply(env[logic], function(x) parse(text = x)[[1]])
    it <- (H[, 2] - H[, 1])/H[, 3]
    if ((sum(it) > it.max) & interactive()) {
        label1 <- character(1)
        label2 <- character(1)
        if (!to.T) {
            logic <- !unlist(Skip)
            if (any(logic)) {
                itStop <- cumsum(it)[logic]
                cat("\nHowever,", ifelse(skip, " if no subinterval were avoided,", 
                  ""), " the algorithm can stop at ", sep = "")
                if (length(itStop) == 1) 
                  label1 <- paste("iteration", itStop)
                else label1 <- paste("iterations ", paste(itStop[-length(itStop)], 
                  collapse = ", "), " and ", itStop[length(itStop)], 
                  sep = "")
                label1 <- paste(", although the algorithm can stop at", 
                itStop <- cumsum(it[logic])
                if (length(itStop) == 1) 
                  label2 <- paste("iteration", itStop)
                else label2 <- paste("iterations ", paste(itStop[-length(itStop)], 
                  collapse = ", "), " and ", itStop[length(itStop)], 
                  sep = "")
                label2 <- paste(", although the algorithm can stop at", 
        itbyStep <- format(data.frame(matrix(H[, 1:2], ncol = 2), 
            it), digits = 8)
        logic <- unlist(Skip)
        if ((skip) & (any(logic))) 
            itbyStep[, 3][logic] <- paste("0 or", itbyStep[, 
        row.names(itbyStep) <- paste("Subinterval", 1:nrow(itbyStep))
        names(itbyStep) <- c("Lower end", "Upper end", "Iterations")
        cat("\nThe table below shows the number of iterations of the approximation process step by step: \n\n")
        iterations <- sum(it)
        if ((skip) & (any(logic))) {
            cat("\nIf no subinterval is avoided, the total number of iterations is ", 
                iterations, label1, ".", sep = "")
            cat("\nIf the application of the numerical algorithm is avoided in all suitable subintervals, the total number of iterations is ", 
                sum(it[!logic]), label2, ".", sep = "")
        else cat("\nThe total number of iterations is", iterations)
        repeat {
            answer <- readline("Do you want to continue? (y/n) ")
            if ((answer == "n") | (answer == "y")) 
        if (answer == "n") 
            stop("Approximation process stopped by the usuary.\n\n")
    exprS <- parse(text = Args$S)
    if (inherits(try(exprS, silent = TRUE), "try-error")) 
        stop(paste("the mathematical expression of the boundary shows syntax errors.", 
            sep = ""))
    if (inherits(try(D(exprS, "t"), silent = TRUE), "try-error")) 
        stop("R can not compute the symbolic derivative with respect to 't' of the mathematical expression of the boundary")
    dp <- attr(sfptl, "dp")
    if (e) {
        A1 <- function(x, t) NULL
        expr <- as.expression(eval(substitute(substitute(expr, 
            env), list(expr = parse(text = dp$mean)[[1]]))))
        if (any(is.element(c("x", "t"), all.names(expr)))) {
            vars <- setdiff(intersect(all.names(expr), names(env)), 
                c("x", "t"))
            if (length(vars) > 0) 
                expr <- c(sapply(vars, function(x) as.expression(eval(substitute(substitute(expr, 
                  list(valor = env[[x]])), list(expr = parse(text = paste(x, 
                  "<- valor"))[[1]]))))), expr)
            body(A1) <- as.call(c(as.name("{"), expr))
        else body(A1) <- substitute(rep(a, max(length(x), length(t))), 
            list(a = expr[[1]]))
        DA2 <- function(x, t) NULL
        expr <- parse(text = dp$var)
        if (any(is.element(c("x", "t"), all.names(expr)))) {
            exprD <- as.expression(eval(substitute(substitute(expr, 
                env), list(expr = deriv(expr, "x")[[1]]))))
            vars <- setdiff(intersect(all.names(exprD), names(env)), 
                c("x", "t"))
            if (length(vars) > 0) 
                exprD <- c(sapply(vars, function(x) as.expression(eval(substitute(substitute(expr, 
                  list(valor = env[[x]])), list(expr = parse(text = paste(x, 
                  "<- valor"))[[1]]))))), exprD)
            body(DA2) <- as.call(c(as.name("{"), exprD))
        else body(DA2) <- as.call(c(as.name("{"), eval(substitute(expression({
            .value <- rep(a, length(x))
            .grad <- array(0, c(length(.value), 1L), list(NULL, 
            .grad[, "x"] <- 0
            attr(.value, "gradient") <- .grad
        }), list(a = eval(substitute(substitute(expr, env), list(expr = expr[[1]]))))))))
        Df <- function(x, t, y, s) NULL
        expr <- parse(text = dp$tpdf)
        exprD <- as.expression(eval(substitute(substitute(expr, 
            env), list(expr = deriv(expr, "x")[[1]]))))
        vars <- setdiff(intersect(all.names(exprD), names(env)), 
            c("x", "t", "y", "s"))
        if (length(vars) > 0) 
            exprD <- c(sapply(vars, function(x) as.expression(eval(substitute(substitute(expr, 
                list(valor = env[[x]])), list(expr = parse(text = paste(x, 
                "<- valor"))[[1]]))))), exprD)
        body(Df) <- as.call(c(as.name("{"), exprD))
        B <- function(t) NULL
        env <- c(t0 = t0, x0 = x0, env)
        exprS <- as.expression(eval(substitute(substitute(expr, 
            env), list(expr = exprS[[1]]))))
        if (is.element("t", all.names(exprS))) {
            vars <- setdiff(intersect(all.names(exprS), names(env)), 
            if (length(vars) > 0) 
                expr <- c(sapply(vars, function(x) as.expression(eval(substitute(substitute(expr, 
                  list(valor = env[[x]])), list(expr = parse(text = paste(x, 
                  "<- valor"))[[1]]))))), exprS)
            body(B) <- as.call(c(as.name("{"), exprS))
        else body(B) <- substitute(rep(a, length(t)), list(a = eval(substitute(substitute(expr, 
            env), list(expr = exprS[[1]])))))
        DB <- function(t) NULL
        if (is.element("t", all.names(exprS))) {
            exprD <- deriv(exprS, "t")
            vars <- setdiff(intersect(all.names(exprD), names(env)), 
            if (length(vars) > 0) 
                exprD <- c(sapply(vars, function(x) as.expression(eval(substitute(substitute(expr, 
                  list(valor = env[[x]])), list(expr = parse(text = paste(x, 
                  "<- valor"))[[1]]))))), exprD)
            body(DB) <- as.call(c(as.name("{"), exprD))
        else body(DB) <- as.call(c(as.name("{"), eval(substitute(expression({
            .value <- rep(a, length(t))
            .grad <- array(0, c(length(.value), 1L), list(NULL, 
            .grad[, "t"] <- 0
            attr(.value, "gradient") <- .grad
        }), list(a = eval(substitute(substitute(expr, env), list(expr = exprS[[1]]))))))))
    else {
        A1 <- function(x, t) NULL
        expr <- parse(text = dp$mean)
        if (any(is.element(c("x", "t"), all.names(expr)))) 
            body(A1) <- expr
        else body(A1) <- substitute(rep(a, max(length(x), length(t))), 
            list(a = expr[[1]]))
        DA2 <- function(x, t) NULL
        expr <- parse(text = dp$var)
        if (any(is.element(c("x", "t"), all.names(expr)))) 
            body(DA2) <- deriv(expr, "x")
        else body(DA2) <- as.call(c(as.name("{"), eval(substitute(expression({
            .value <- rep(a, length(x))
            .grad <- array(0, c(length(.value), 1L), list(NULL, 
            .grad[, "x"] <- 0
            attr(.value, "gradient") <- .grad
        }), list(a = expr[[1]])))))
        Df <- function(x, t, y, s) NULL
        expr <- deriv(parse(text = dp$tpdf), "x")
        body(Df) <- expr
        B <- function(t) NULL
        env <- list(t0 = t0, x0 = x0)
        exprS <- as.expression(eval(substitute(substitute(expr, 
            env), list(expr = exprS[[1]]))))
        if (is.element("t", all.names(expr))) 
            body(B) <- exprS
        else body(B) <- substitute(rep(a, length(t)), list(a = exprS[[1]]))
        DB <- function(t) NULL
        if (is.element("t", all.names(exprS))) 
            body(DB) <- deriv(exprS, "t")
        else body(DB) <- as.call(c(as.name("{"), eval(substitute(expression({
            .value <- rep(a, length(t))
            .grad <- array(0, c(length(.value), 1L), list(NULL, 
            .grad[, "t"] <- 0
            attr(.value, "gradient") <- .grad
        }), list(a = exprS[[1]])))))
    g <- alist(x = , y = , y.x0 = NULL)
    Call <- match.call()
    Args <- list(variableStep = variableStep, from.t0 = from.t0, 
        to.T = to.T, skip = skip, n = n, p = p, alpha = alpha, 
        tol = tol, it.max = it.max)
    label <- intersect(names(Args), names(Call))
    if (length(label) > 0L) 
        Call[label] <- Args[label]
    attr(g, "Call") <- Call
    attr(g, "Steps") <- H
    rho <- sign(B(t0) - x0)
    if (rho == 0) 
        stop("S(t0) = x0")
    jumps <- replicate(nrow(H), integer(0))
    Integral <- numeric(nrow(H))
    now <- matrix(, nrow = nrow(H) + 1, ncol = 2)
    now[1, ] <- proc.time()[1:2]
    h <- numeric(0)
    F <- 0
    g0 <- H[1, 1]
    g$x <- H[1, 1] + H[1, 3]
    b <- DB(g$x)
    a2 <- DA2(b, g$x)
    ff <- Df(b, g$x, x0, t0)
    g$y <- max(0, -rho * (ff * (attr(b, "gradient") - A1(b, g$x) + 
        0.75 * attr(a2, "gradient")) + attr(ff, "gradient") * 
    Integral[1] <- H[1, 3] * g$y/2
    H[1, 1] <- g$x
    for (i in 1:nrow(H)) {
        if (skip & Skip[[i]] & (g$y[length(g$y)] < 10^-10)) {
            correction <- h[length(h)] * g$y[length(g$y)]/2
            Integral[i - 1] <- Integral[i - 1] - correction
            F <- F - correction
            g$y[length(g$y)] <- 0
            h <- c(h, H[i, 2] - H[i, 1])
            g$x <- c(g$x, H[i, 2])
            b <- c(b, DB(H[i, 2]))
            g$y <- c(g$y, 0)
            now[i + 1, ] <- proc.time()[1:2]
            Integral[i] <- 0
            jumps[[i]] <- 1L
        else {
            u2 <- seq(H[i, 1] + H[i, 3], H[i, 2], by = H[i, 3])
            h2 <- rep(H[i, 3], length(u2))
            b2 <- DB(u2)
            a2 <- DA2(b2, u2)
            a <- as.vector(attr(b2, "gradient")) - A1(b2, u2) + 
                0.75 * as.vector(attr(a2, "gradient"))
            f0 <- Df(b2, u2, x0, t0)
            g$y <- c(g$y, -rho * (f0 * a + as.vector(attr(f0, 
                "gradient")) * a2))
            n <- length(g$x)
            h <- c(h, h2)
            g$x <- c(g$x, u2)
            if (length(b2) == 1) 
                b2 <- rep(b2, length(u2))
            b <- c(b, b2)
            for (k in (1:length(u2))) {
                index <- 1:(n + k - 1)
                f1 <- Df(b2[k], u2[k], b[index], g$x[index])
                g$y[n + k] <- max(0, g$y[n + k] + rho * sum(h[index] * 
                  g$y[index] * (f1 * a[k] + as.vector(attr(f1, 
                  "gradient")) * a2[k])))
            Integral[i] <- Integral[i] + h2[1] * (sum(g$y[n:(n + 
                length(u2))]) - (g$y[n] + g$y[n + length(u2)])/2)
            F <- F + Integral[i]
            now[i + 1, ] <- proc.time()[1:2]
        if ((!to.T) & (!Skip[[i]]) & (F >= (1 - tol))) 
    if (F < 1 - tol) {
        cat(paste("\nThe value of the cumulative integral of the approximation is", 
            F, "< 1 - tol.\n"))
        if (to.T) 
            cat("It may be appropriate to extend the considered time interval.\n")
        else {
            cat("If the value of the cumulative integral is not high and the final stopping instant is less than T, it may be appropriate:")
            cat("\n   - Check if the value of the final stopping instant increases using k argument to summary the fptl class object, or")
            cat("\n   - Approximate the density again with to.T = TRUE.\n")
    g$x <- c(g0, g$x)
    g$y <- c(0, g$y)
    if (i < nrow(H)) {
        Integral <- Integral[1:i]
        jumps <- jumps[1:i]
        now <- now[1:(i + 1), ]
    CPUTime <- apply(now, 2, diff)
    if (!is.matrix(CPUTime)) 
        CPUTime <- matrix(CPUTime, ncol = 2)
    attr(g, "cumIntegral") <- cumsum(Integral)
    attr(g, "skips") <- jumps
    attr(g, "CPUTime") <- CPUTime
    attr(g, "summary.fptl") <- sfptl
    class(g) <- c("fpt.density", "list")

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