function (dp, t0, T, x0, S, env = NULL, n = 4000) 
    if (!is.diffproc(dp)) 
        stop(paste(sQuote("dp"), "argument is not of class ", 
            shQuote("diffproc"), ".", sep = ""))
    if (!is.numeric(t0)) 
        stop(paste(sQuote("t0"), "argument is not of numeric type."))
    if (length(t0) > 1) 
        stop(paste(sQuote("t0"), "argument is not of length 1."))
    if (!is.numeric(T)) 
        stop(paste(sQuote("T"), "argument is not of numeric type."))
    if (length(T) > 1) 
        stop(paste(sQuote("T"), "argument is not of length 1."))
    if (t0 >= T) 
        stop("the final time instant is not greater than the initial time instant.")
    if (!is.numeric(x0)) 
        stop(paste(sQuote("x0"), "argument is not of numeric type."))
    if (length(x0) > 1) 
        stop(paste(sQuote("x0"), "argument is not of length 1."))
    if (!is.numeric(S) & !is.character(S)) 
        stop(paste(sQuote("S"), "argument is not of numeric or character type."))
    if (length(S) > 1) 
        stop(paste(sQuote("S"), "argument is not of length 1."))
    if (is.character(S)) {
    if (inherits(try(parse(text = S), silent = TRUE), "try-error")) 
        stop(paste("the mathematical expression of the boundary shows syntax errors.", 
            sep = ""))
    if (inherits(try(D(parse(text = S), "t"), silent = FALSE), 
        stop("R can not compute the symbolic derivative with respect to 't' of the mathematical expression of the boundary")
    if ((!is.list(env)) & (!is.null(env))) 
        stop(paste(sQuote("env"), "argument is not NULL or a list object."))
    if (!all(is.element(sapply(env, mode), c("numeric", "character")))) 
        stop(paste(sQuote("env"), "argument is not a list of numeric or character objects."))
    if (!is.numeric(n)) 
        stop(paste(sQuote("n"), "argument is not of numeric type."))
    if (round(n) != n) 
        stop(paste(sQuote("n"), "argument is not an integer number."))
    if (length(n) > 1) 
        stop(paste(sQuote("n"), "argument is not of length 1."))
    env2 <- env
    logic <- unlist(lapply(env2, is.character))
    if (any(logic)) 
        env2[logic] <- lapply(env2[logic], function(x, env) eval(substitute(substitute(e, 
            env), list(e = parse(text = x)[[1]]))), env = env2[!logic])
    exprS <- as.expression(eval(substitute(substitute(e, env2), 
        list(e = parse(text = S)[[1]]))))
    exprFPTL <- as.expression(eval(substitute(substitute(e, env2), 
        list(e = parse(text = dp$tpdF)[[1]]))))
    s0 <- eval(exprS, list(t = t0, t0 = t0, x0 = x0))
    if (x0 == s0) 
        stop("the value of the boundary at the initial time instant is equal to the initial value of the process.")
    grid.t <- seq(t0, T, length = n)[-1]
    S.t <- eval(exprS, list(t = grid.t, t0 = t0, x0 = x0))
    y.t <- eval(exprFPTL, list(x = S.t, t = grid.t, y = x0, s = t0))
    if (x0 < s0) 
        y.t <- 1 - y.t
    G <- growth.intervals(grid.t, y.t)
    if (is.null(G)) 
        warning("the FPTL function is not growing.")
    else {
        index <- c(t(G))
        endlimits <- grid.t[index]
        m <- diff(endlimits)/(T - t0)
        if (G[1, 1] > 1) {
            endlimits <- c(t0, endlimits)
            m <- c((grid.t[G[1, 1]] - t0)/(5 * (T - t0)), m)
        if (G[length(G)] < (n - 1)) {
            i <- which.min(y.t[(1 + G[length(G)]):(n - 1)])
            endlimits <- c(endlimits, grid.t[i + G[length(G)]])
            m <- c(m, (grid.t[i + G[length(G)]] - grid.t[G[length(G)]])/(T - 
            j <- G[length(G)] + i
            if (j < n) {
                endlimits <- c(endlimits, T)
                m <- c(m, (T - grid.t[i + G[length(G)]])/(5 * 
                  (T - t0)))
        m <- trunc(m * (n - 1)/sum(m))
        m <- (m + 1 + abs(m - 1))/2
        d <- (n - 1) - sum(m)
        if (d > 0) {
            j <- rep(order(m), length.out = d)
            m[j] <- m[j] + 1
        if (d < 0) {
            i <- order(m, decreasing = T)
            j <- rep(i[m[i] > d], length.out = d)
            m[j] <- m[j] - 1
        d <- (n - 1) - sum(m)
        if (d != 0) 
            stop("n is too small.")
        if (length(endlimits) == 2) 
            grid.t <- seq(endlimits[1], endlimits[2], length.out = m + 
        else {
            v <- mapply(seq, endlimits[-length(endlimits)], endlimits[-1], 
                length.out = m + 1, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
            if (is.list(v)) 
                grid.t <- unlist(lapply(v, function(l) l[-1]))
            else grid.t <- as.vector(apply(v, 2, function(l) l[-1]))
        S.t <- eval(exprS, list(t = grid.t, t0 = t0, x0 = x0))
        y.t <- eval(exprFPTL, list(x = S.t, t = grid.t, y = x0, 
            s = t0))
        if (x0 < s0) 
            y.t <- 1 - y.t
    fptl <- list(x = c(t0, grid.t), y = c(0, y.t))
    Call <- match.call()
    Args <- list(t0 = t0, T = T, x0 = x0, S = S, n = n)
    label <- intersect(c("t0", "T", "x0", "S", "n"), names(Call))
    Call[label] <- Args[label]
    if (is.name(Call$env)) {
        attr(fptl, "vars") <- list(env)
        names(attr(fptl, "vars")) <- as.character(Call$env)
    else {
        if (!is.null(env) & (length(env) > 0L)) {
            logic <- (sapply(env, length) == 1L)
            if (any(logic)) 
                Call$env[names(env[logic])] <- env[logic]
            label <- all.vars(Call$env)
            if (length(label) > 0L) 
                attr(fptl, "vars") <- mget(label, inherits = TRUE, 
                  ifnotfound = NA)
    attr(fptl, "Call") <- Call
    attr(fptl, "dp") <- dp
    class(fptl) <- c("fptl", "list")

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fptdApprox documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 5:07 p.m.