
Defines functions enhancement

Documented in enhancement

# Author: Niels G Waller
# updated September 12, 2013
# updated March 11, 2011
# For a given R, generate b such that 
# b'r = c1, r'r = c2 
# Arguments:
# R = predictor correlation matrix
# br = model R-squared = b' r
# rr = sum of squared predictor/criterion corrs
# Values:
# b = vector of standardized regression coefficients
# r = vector of predictor/criterion correlations

#' Find OLS Regression Coefficients that Exhibit Enhancement
#' Find OLS regression coefficients that exhibit a specified degree of
#' enhancement.
#' @param R Predictor correlation matrix.
#' @param br Model R-squared = b' r. That is, br is the model coefficient of
#' determination: b'Rb= Rsq = br
#' @param rr Sum of squared predictor-criterion correlations (rxy). That is, rr
#' = r'r = Sum(rxy^2)
#' @return \item{b}{Vector of standardized regression coefficients.}
#' \item{r}{Vector of predictor-criterion correlations.}
#' @author Niels Waller
#' @references Waller, N. G. (2011). The geometry of enhancement in multiple
#' regression. \emph{Psychometrika, 76}, 634--649.
#' @keywords datagen
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Example: For a given predictor correlation  matrix (R) generate 
#' ## regression coefficient vectors that produce enhancement (br - rr > 0)
#' ## Predictor correlation matrix
#' R <- matrix(c( 1,  .5, .25,
#'               .5, 1,   .30,
#'               .25, .30, 1), 3, 3) 
#' ## Model coefficient of determination
#' Rsq <- .60
#' output<-enhancement(R, br = Rsq, rr =.40) 
#' r <- output$r
#' b <- output$b
#' ##Standardized regression coefficients
#' print(t(b)) 
#' ##Predictor-criterion correlations
#' print(t(r)) 
#' ##Coefficient of determinations (b'r)
#' print(t(b) %*% r)
#' ##Sum of squared correlations (r'r)
#' print(t(r) %*% r)
enhancement<- function(R,br, rr)
   Nvar <- nrow(R)
   lambda <- eigen(R)$values 
   V <- eigen(R)$vectors
   L <- matrix(rbind(lambda,lambda^2),2,Nvar)

   # is r'r in valid range
   if(rr < br*lambda.p){ 
     warning("\n\nFATAL ERROR \n*** rr must be >= ", br*lambda.p,"  ***\n") 
   # find b when enhancement at max value 
   atMax <- FALSE 
   if( identical(round(br - rr,12),round( br*(1-lambda.p),12))){
    vp <- V[,ncol(R)] #last eigenvector 
    b <- as.numeric(sqrt(br/lambda.p))*vp 
    r <- R %*% b 
    atMax <- TRUE
   # find b when enhancement  not at max value 
     # vectors b'r = c1, r'r = c2 c1 >=c2 
     g <- matrix(c(br,rr),2,1) 

     # compute the g-inverse of L 
     L.ginv <- t(L) %*% solve(L %*%t(L)) 
     # initialize delta.sq
     delta.sq <- rep(-9,Nvar) 
     # all elements of delta.sq must be >= 0 
     L.ginvg<- L.ginv %*% g
     diagNvarMinusLginvL <- (diag(Nvar) - L.ginv %*% L) 
     Nvar5 <- 1/(5*Nvar)
     while( min(delta.sq) < 0 ){
         h <- matrix(rnorm(Nvar,0, Nvar5),Nvar,1) 
         delta.sq <- L.ginvg  + diagNvarMinusLginvL %*% h
     signMatrix <- diag(sample(c(-1,1),Nvar,replace=TRUE))
     delta <- signMatrix%*%sqrt(delta.sq) 
     b <- V %*% delta 
  } ## end!atMax
   list(b=b, r=R%*%b)  
} ##### End of enhancement

#=========== Example 1 ===========#
# rm(output,r,b)
# R <- matrix(c( 1, .5, .25,
#                .5, 1,  .30,
#                .25, .30, 1), 3, 3) 
# Rsq = .60
# output<-enhancement(R,br=Rsq,rr=.40) 
# output
# r<-output$r
# b<-output$b
# #Standardized regression coefficients
# t(b) 
# #Predictor-criterion correlations"
# t(r) 
# #Coefficient of determinations (b'r)"
# t(b) %*% r
# #Sum of squared correlations (r'r)"
# t(r) %*% r

#=========== Example 2 ===========#
#Nvar<- 100
#RSQ <- .6
#R <- matrix( .1, 100, 100); diag(R) <- 1
#rr <- mean(c(.6,(eigen(R)$val[Nvar] * .6)))
#cat("\nInput Rsq = ", RSQ, "\nInput r'r = ", rr, "\n")
#cat("\nReproduced Rsq = ", t(b) %*% r)
#cat("\nReproduced r'r = ", t(r) %*% r)
#cat("\nNumber of predictors = ", Nvar, "\n")

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