
Defines functions getXY st add.stats merge2nodes MergeNodes apfa2NS MergeSelect dIC select.IC contract.last.level simulateAPFA select.beagle LogLike.APFA fit.APFA KL cross.validate

Documented in add.stats apfa2NS contract.last.level cross.validate dIC fit.APFA getXY KL LogLike.APFA merge2nodes merge2nodes MergeNodes MergeNodes MergeSelect select.beagle select.IC simulateAPFA st

# get XY coordinates for an igraph graph using horizontal dot-like layout
getXY <- function(G) {
    XY  <- layout.sugiyama(G)$layout
    XY1 <- cbind(V(G)$level, -XY[, 1])
    dup <- duplicated(XY1)
    R   <- max(XY1[, 2]) - min(XY1[, 2])
    XY1[dup, 2] <- XY1[dup, 2] + R/5
# Sample tree function
st <- function(iD) {
     E <- data.frame(lapply(iD, addNA, ifany = TRUE))
    E <- data.frame(sapply(E, unclass))
    nr <- nrow(E)
    nc <- ncol(E)
    max.symb <- max(E)+1
    tablelist <- vector(mode="list", length=nc)
    from <- rep(0, nr)
    for (i in 1:nc) {
      key <- max.symb*from + E[,i]
      t <- table(key)
      from <- match(key, as.integer(names(t)))
      tablelist[[i]] <- t
    no_edges_per_level <- sapply(tablelist, length)
    cs <- cumsum(no_edges_per_level)
    cs <- c(0, cs[-nc])
    ftsc <- matrix(NA, nrow=sum(no_edges_per_level), ncol=4)
    from <- 0
    for (i in 1:nc) {
      cnt <- tablelist[[i]]
      ain <- as.integer(names(cnt))
      symbol <- ain %% max.symb
      from <- max(from) + (ain - symbol)/max.symb
      to <- max(from) + 1:no_edges_per_level[i]
    ftsc <- data.frame(ftsc)
    names(ftsc) <- c("from","to","symbol","count")
    G <- graph.data.frame(ftsc)
    E(G)$symbol <- factor(E(G)$symbol)
    V(G)$size <- 2
    V(G)$level <- c(0, rep(1:nc, times=no_edges_per_level))
    cls <- c("red", "blue", "green", "black", "purple", "yellow",
        "orange", "magenta", colors()[c(73, 142, 91, 450, 547,
            100, 300, 400, 450, 500)])
    V(G)$count <- c(nr, E(G)$count)
    E(G)$color <- cls[as.numeric(unclass(E(G)$symbol))]
    E(G)$arrow.size <- 0.3
    G$nLevels <- sapply(iD, nlevels)
    G$fLevels <- lapply(iD, levels)
    G$merge.level <- 0
    G$N <- nr
    G$layout <- getXY(G)
    G$p <- length(G$nLevels)
    V(G)$label <- V(G)$name
# Adds edge probabilities, log-likelihood and dimension to an APFA object.
add.stats <- function(G) {
    if (is.null(G$dim)) {
        E <- get.edges(G, 1:ecount(G))
        E(G)$prob <- E(G)$count/V(G)[E[, 1]]$count
        d <- igraph::degree(G, mode = "out")
        G$dim <- sum(d[d > 0] - 1)  # of dubious validity: better to rely on degrees of freedom calculated by dIC
        G$loglike <- -sum(E(G)$count * log(E(G)$prob))

# Calculates various quantities in connection with merging two nodes.
# Input: NS is a node by symbol array, the 1st half of the columns are target nodes, the 2nd half the edge counts.
#        When the corresponding edge is absent, the target node is set to 0.
#        mnode is a vector of nodes to be merged, specified as vertex ids (rather than names). Required to be of length two.

# Output: mmat is a kx2 matrix of vertex ids, containing the merge list
#         if get.map=TRUE, map is a vector of length vcount(G) giving the vertex ids of the vertices after merging
#         if test=TRUE, devtest contains the deviance and df associated with the merging
#         if doMerge=TRUE, the NS returned is the node by symbol array after merging (used in MergeNodes)

merge2nodes <- function(NS, mnode, test=TRUE, get.map=FALSE, doMerge =FALSE) {
  no_symbols <- ncol(NS)/2
  sym.indices <- 1:no_symbols
  cnt.indices <- (no_symbols+1):ncol(NS)
  if (test) doMerge <- TRUE
  cmat <- mnode
  dim(cmat) <- c(1,2)
  mmat <- cmat
  repeat {
    NS.1 <- NS[cmat[,1], sym.indices]
    NS.2 <- NS[cmat[,2], sym.indices]
    minC <- pmin(NS.1, NS.2)
    maxC <- pmax(NS.1, NS.2)
    wC <- (minC>0) & (minC != maxC)
    if (!any(wC)) break else {
       dd <- cbind(minC[wC], maxC[wC])
       mmat <- rbind(mmat, dd); cmat <- dd
  if (test) {
    all.merged <- c(mmat[,1], mmat[,2])
    rs <- rowSums(NS[all.merged,cnt.indices, drop=FALSE])
    LL0 <- sum(NS[all.merged,cnt.indices]*log(NS[all.merged,cnt.indices]/rs),na.rm=TRUE)
  if (doMerge) {
    NS[mmat[,1], cnt.indices] <- NS[mmat[,1], cnt.indices] + NS[mmat[,2], cnt.indices]
    NS[mmat[,2], cnt.indices] <- 0
    A1 <- NS[mmat[,1], sym.indices]; A2 <- NS[mmat[,2], sym.indices]
    NS[mmat[,1], sym.indices] <- A1 + A2*(A1==0)
    NS[mmat[,2], sym.indices] <- 0
  devtest <- c(NA,NA)
  if (test) {
    rs <- rowSums(NS[mmat[,1],cnt.indices, drop=FALSE])
    LL1 <- sum(NS[mmat[,1],cnt.indices]*log(NS[mmat[,1],cnt.indices]/rs),na.rm=TRUE)
    G2 <- 2*(LL0-LL1)
    A <- NS[mmat[,1],cnt.indices, drop=FALSE]
    df <- sum(A!=0)-nrow(A)
    devtest <- c(df, G2)
  m <- NULL
  if (get.map) {
     prev.m <- map <- 1:nrow(NS); map[mmat[,2]] <- mmat[,1]
     repeat {m <- map[prev.m]; if (identical(m, prev.m)) break; prev.m <- m}
  return(list(mmat=mmat, map=m, devtest=devtest, NS=NS))

# Merges two nodes (at the same level) in an APFA, returning the resulting APFA.
# nodeset is a vector of vertex names of length two.

MergeNodes <- function(G, nodeset, NS=NULL, setLayout=TRUE) {
     if (length(V(G)[V(G)$level == G$p])>1) stop("not an APFA - need to contract last level")
     vidset <- match(nodeset, V(G)$name)
     levels <- V(G)[vidset]$level
     if (max(levels) != min(levels))
        stop("Error: attempt to merge nodes at different levels")
     if (levels[1] < G$merge.level)
        stop("Error: attempt to merge nodes at a lower level than a previous merge")

     if (is.null(NS)) NS <- apfa2NS(G)
     nm <- merge2nodes(NS, vidset, doMerge=TRUE, get.map=TRUE); NS <- nm$NS; map=nm$map

     no.symbols <- ncol(NS)/2
     sym.indices <- 1:no.symbols
     cnt.indices <- (no.symbols+1):ncol(NS)

     ind <- cbind(rep(1:nrow(NS), each=no.symbols), rep(1:no.symbols, times=nrow(NS)))
     w <- NS[ind]!=0
     edf <- data.frame(cbind(ind[w,1], NS[ind[w,]], ind[w,2], NS[,cnt.indices][ind[w,]]))
     names(edf) <- c("from", "to", "symbol", "count")

     edf[,1] <- map[edf[,1]]
     edf[,2] <- map[edf[,2]]

     cls <- c("red", "blue", "green", "black", "purple", "yellow", "orange", "magenta",
        colors()[c(73, 142, 91, 450, 547, 100, 300, 400, 450, 500)])

     edf$color <- cls[edf$symbol]
     edf$arrow.size <- 0.3
     G$merge.level <- levels[1]

     vdf <- data.frame(name = 1:vcount(G), level = V(G)$level, count = rowSums(NS[,cnt.indices]))

     G1  <- graph.data.frame(edf, vertices = vdf)
     V(G1)$name <- V(G)$name
     V(G1)$size <- V(G)$size
     G1$nLevels <- G$nLevels
     G1$fLevels <- G$fLevels
     G1$p <- G$p
     G1$merge.level <- G$merge.level
     G1$N <- G$N
     G1   <- G1 - V(G1)[igraph::degree(G1) == 0]
     V(G1)$label <- V(G1)$name
     if (setLayout) G1$layout <- getXY(G1)

#derives a node by symbol array from an APFA, using matrix indexing. to=0 means no corresponding edge.
apfa2NS <- function(G) {
   if (length(V(G)[V(G)$level == G$p])>1) stop("not an APFA - need to contract last level")
   ftsc <-  data.frame(get.edges(G, 1:ecount(G)), E(G)$symbol, E(G)$count)
   names(ftsc) <- c("from", "to", "symbol", "count")
   no.symbols <- max(ftsc$symbol)
   NS <- array(0, dim=c(vcount(G), 2*no.symbols))
   NS[as.matrix(ftsc[,c(1,3)])] <- ftsc[,2]
   NS[,(1+no.symbols):(2*no.symbols)][as.matrix(ftsc[,c(1,3)])] <- ftsc[,4]

MergeSelect <- function(G, NS=NULL, this.level, crit = "BIC", verbose = FALSE) {
    if (length(V(G)[V(G)$level == G$p])>1) stop("not an APFA - need to contract last level")
    if (!(this.level %in% 1:(G$p - 1)))
        stop("Error: level out of range")
    if (verbose)
    vnames <- V(G)[V(G)$level == this.level]$name
    if (verbose)
    k <- length(vnames)
    if (is.null(NS)) NS <- apfa2NS(G)
    if (k == 1) return(list(G=G,NS=NS))
    Res <- data.frame(cbind(rep(1:k, each = k), rep(1:k, times = k)))
    Res <- Res[Res[, 1] < Res[, 2], ]
    Res$score <- NA
    names(Res) <- c("i", "j", "score")
    repeat {
        for (i in which(is.na(Res$score))){
            Res$score[i] <- dIC(G, vnames[c(Res[i,1], Res[i, 2])], crit, NS)[1]
        if (verbose)
        wm <- which.min(Res$score)
        if (Res$score[wm] > 0)
        ri <- Res$i[wm]
        rj <- Res$j[wm]
        G <- MergeNodes(G, nodeset=vnames[c(ri, rj)], NS, setLayout=FALSE)
        NS <- apfa2NS(G)
        if (!(vnames[ri] %in% V(G)$name)) {
            x <- ri
            ri <- rj
            rj <- x
        V(G)$label <- ""
        Res$score[(Res$i == ri) | (Res$j == ri)] <- NA
        Res <- Res[(Res$i != rj) & (Res$j != rj), ]
        if (nrow(Res) == 0)

dIC <- function(G, nodeset, crit = "BIC", NS=NULL) {
   if (length(V(G)[V(G)$level == G$p])>1) stop("not an APFA - need to contract last level")
   vidset <- match(nodeset, V(G)$name)
   if (is.null(NS)) NS <- apfa2NS(G)
   dfdev <- merge2nodes(NS, vidset, test=TRUE)$devtest
   if (is.numeric(crit)) k <- crit else {if (crit == "BIC") k <- log(G$N) else k <- 2}
   delta.IC <- dfdev[2] - k * dfdev[1]
   return(c(dIC = delta.IC, dev = dfdev[2], df = dfdev[1]))

select.IC <- function(dat, crit = "BIC", verbose = FALSE) {
    G <- st(dat)
    G <- contract.last.level(G)
    NS <- apfa2NS(G)
    for (i in 1:(G$p - 1)){
        Gns <- MergeSelect(G, NS, i, crit, verbose)
        G <- Gns$G
        NS <- Gns$NS
    G$layout <- getXY(G)

contract.last.level <- function(G) {
    no.levels <- G$p
    last.nodes <- V(G)[V(G)$level == no.levels]
    map <- 1:vcount(G)
    map[last.nodes] <- min(last.nodes)
    G1 <- contract.vertices(G, map, vertex.attr.comb = "first")
    G1 <- G1 - V(G1)[igraph::degree(G1) == 0]
    G1$layout <- getXY(G1)

simulateAPFA <- function(g, Nsim = 1000) {
    if (is.null(E(g)$prob))
        g <- add.stats(g)
    EP <- data.frame(get.edges(g, 1:ecount(g)), E(g)$prob, E(g)$symbol)
    names(EP) <- c("from", "to", "prob", "symbol")
    EP$cum <- unsplit(lapply(split(EP, EP$from), function(x) cumsum(x$prob)), EP$from)
    nodedata <- matrix(nrow = Nsim, ncol = g$p + 1)
    symdata <- matrix(nrow = Nsim, ncol = g$p)
    nodedata[, 1] <- 1
    for (i in 1:g$p) {
        vset <- unique(nodedata[, i])
        for (v in vset) {
            num <- sum(nodedata[, i] == v)
            pr <- runif(num)
            cumP <- EP$cum[EP$from == v]
            to <- EP$to[EP$from == v]
            symb <- EP$symbol[EP$from == v]
            kron <- kronecker(pr, cumP, "<=")
            dim(kron) <- c(length(cumP), num)
            cS <- 1 + length(cumP) - colSums(kron)
            nodedata[nodedata[, i] == v, i + 1] <- to[cS]
            symdata[nodedata[, i] == v, i] <- symb[cS]
    symdata <- data.frame(symdata)
    names(symdata) <- paste("X", 1:g$p, sep = "")
    symdata <- data.frame(symdata)
    for (i in 1:ncol(symdata)) symdata[,i] <- factor(g$fLevels[[i]][symdata[,i]], levels=g$fLevels[[i]])
    names(symdata) <- names(g$fLevels)

select.beagle <- function(A, m=4, b=0.2, dir = '', row.marker = FALSE, col.hap = FALSE){
    A <- data.frame(lapply(A, addNA, ifany=TRUE))
    flevels <- lapply(A, levels)
    nlevels <- sapply(A, nlevels)
    A <- data.frame(lapply(A, unclass))  # added 30/10/13 to avoid problems with factor level labels with blanks
    if (!(row.marker & col.hap)) A <- t(A) 	
    dat <- as.data.frame(cbind('M',1:nrow(A), data.matrix(A))) # add needed columns to data
    write.table(dat, file = 'dat.bgl', col.names = F, row.names = F, quote = F)# save as bgl file
    system( paste('java -Xmx800m -jar ',dir,'beagle.jar data=',dir, 'dat.bgl scale=',m,' shift=',b,' out=D', sep='')) # run in BEAGLE
    RD <- scan("D.dat.bgl.dag.gz", skip = 1, # select required column to plot the graph.
      		what = list(Level = 0, Marker = "", Parent = 0, Child = 0, Allele = 0, Count = 0), flush = TRUE)
    Data <- data.frame(Level = RD$Level, Marker = RD$Marker, Parent = RD$Parent,
					Child = RD$Child, Allele = RD$Allele, Count = RD$Count)
    V.name <- function(dfn) {
           data.frame(from = paste(dfn$Level, '.', dfn$Parent, sep = ''),
	       	 to = paste(dfn$Level+1, '.', dfn$Child, sep = ''))
    FT <- as.matrix(V.name(Data))
    G <- graph.edgelist(FT)
    G$scale <- m
    G$shift <- b
    G$fLevels <- flevels
    G$nLevels <- nlevels

    E(G)$symbol<- factor(Data$Allele)

    FT <- data.frame(get.edges(G, 1:ecount(G)))
    names(FT) <- c("from","to")
    V(G)$level <- as.integer(V(G)$name)

    E(G)$label <- ""
    E(G)$count <- Data$Count
    FT <- data.frame(get.edges(G, 1:ecount(G)), E(G)$count)
    names(FT) <- c("from","to","count")
    a <- aggregate(FT$count, by=list(FT$from), sum)
    V(G)$count <- c(a$x, 0)
    E(G)$arrow.size <- 0.3
    V(G)$size  <- 2
    G$p <- max(V(G)$level)
    V(G)$label <- ""
    cls <- c("red", "blue", "green", "black", "purple", "yellow", "orange", "magenta",
        colors()[c(73, 142, 91, 450, 547, 100, 300, 400, 450, 500)])
    E(G)$color <- cls[as.numeric(unclass(E(G)$symbol))]
    G$layout <- getXY(G)
    G <- add.stats(G)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------

# G is a fitted APFA and dat is a conformable dataset.
# returns the log-likelihood and the per-symbol log-likelihood.
# Uses the edge probabilities from G.
# see Thollard (2000)

LogLike.APFA <- function(G, dat, complete.cases=TRUE) {
    dat <- data.frame(lapply(dat, addNA, ifany=TRUE))
    subseteq <- function(a,b) length(setdiff(b,a))==0
    conformable <- all(mapply(subseteq, G$fLevels, lapply(dat, levels)))
    if (!conformable) stop("non-conformable")
    a <- data.frame(get.edges(G, 1:ecount(G)), E(G)$symbol)
    names(a) <- c("from", "to", "symbol")
    max.symb <- max(a$symbol, na.rm=TRUE)
    a$hash <- max.symb * (a$from - 1) + a$symbol
    from   <- 1
    E      <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(dat), ncol=ncol(dat))
    for (i in 1:G$p){
        x <- unclass(dat[,i])
        key <- max.symb * (from - 1) + x
        e   <- match(key, a$hash)
        from<- a$to[e]
        E[ ,i]   <-  e
    G <- add.stats(G)
    p.zero <- sum(!complete.cases(E)) # Number of obs that cannot be generated by G
    if (complete.cases) E <- E[complete.cases(E),]
    LL <- -sum(log(E(G)[E]$prob))  # the log-likelihood
    psLL <- -mean(log(E(G)[E]$prob))  # the per-symbol log-likelihood
    return(list(LL = LL, psLL = psLL, p.zero=p.zero))

# G is an APFA and D is a conformable dataset
# fits G to the dataset, ie the edge probabilities are calculated using D.
# Is this definition of conformability correct?

fit.APFA <- function(G, dat) {
  dat <- data.frame(lapply(dat, addNA, ifany=TRUE))
  conformable <- identical(G$fLevels, lapply(dat, levels))
  if (!conformable) stop("non-conformable")
  a <- data.frame(get.edges(G, 1:ecount(G)),E(G)$symbol)
  names(a)<- c('from', 'to', 'symbol')
  max.symb <- max(a$symbol)
  a$hash <- max.symb*(a$from-1) + a$symbol
  from <- 1
  E <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(dat), ncol=ncol(dat))
  for (i in 1:G$p) {
    key <- max.symb*(from-1) + as.numeric(dat[,i])
    e <- match(key, a$hash)
    from <- a$to[e]
    E[ ,i] <- e
  E <- E[complete.cases(E),]
  E(G)$count <- table(E)
  G$N <- sum(E(G)$count)
  FT <- data.frame(get.edges(G, 1:ecount(G)), E(G)$count)
  names(FT) <- c("from","to","count")
  a <- aggregate(FT$count, by=list(FT$from), sum)
  V(G)$count <- c(a$x, 0)
  G <- add.stats(G)

#Kullback-Leibler divergence A and B are two conformable APFA
KL <- function(A, B) {
    conformable <- identical(A$fLevels, B$fLevels)
    if (!conformable) stop("non-conformable")

    fl <- as.list(A$nLevels)
    for (i in 1:length(fl)) fl[[i]] <- 1:fl[[i]]
    Xa <- expand.grid(fl)  # full product space

    a <- data.frame(get.edges(A, 1:ecount(A)), E(A)$symbol)
    names(a) <- c("from", "to", "symbol")

    max.symb <- max(a$symbol)

    a$hash <- max.symb * (a$from - 1) + a$symbol
    from <- 1
    Ea <- Eb <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(Xa), ncol=ncol(Xa))
    for (i in 1:A$p) {
        key <- max.symb * (from - 1) + as.numeric(Xa[, i])
        e <- match(key, a$hash)
        from <- a$to[e]
        Ea[ ,i] <-  e

    ok <- complete.cases(Ea)
    Xa <- Xa[ok, ]  # sample space X(A)
    Ea <- Ea[ok, ]  # corresponding root-to-sink paths in A

    b <- data.frame(get.edges(B, 1:ecount(B)), E(B)$symbol)
    names(b) <- c("from", "to", "symbol")

    max.symb <- max(b$symbol)

    b$hash   <- max.symb * (b$from - 1) + b$symbol
    from     <- 1
    for (i in 1:B$p) {
        key <- max.symb * (from - 1) + as.numeric(Xa[, i])
        e   <- match(key, b$hash)
        from<- b$to[e]
        Eb[ ,i]  <- e

    ok <- complete.cases(Eb)
    if (any(!ok)) {
       # This is a kludge or fudge. Use the intersection = X(A) \cap X(B)
        Eb <- Eb[ok, ]
        Ea <- Ea[ok, ]
    A <- add.stats(A)
    B <- add.stats(B)
    Alogprob <- log(E(A)[Ea]$prob)
    dim(Alogprob) <- dim(Ea)
    Blogprob <- log(E(B)[Eb]$prob)
    dim(Blogprob) <- dim(Eb)
    P <- exp(rowSums(Alogprob))
    Q <- exp(rowSums(Blogprob))
    P <- P/sum(P) # Q <- Q/sum(Q) removed
    KLdiv <- sum(P * log(P/Q))
    return(list(KLdiv=KLdiv, welldefined=all(ok)))

# crit <- integer values
# beagle = TRUE, if beagle model needs to be compared
# K-fold cross-validation
cross.validate <- function(Data, K=10, crit = NULL, beagle = TRUE, dir=''){
        N <- nrow(Data)
        logN <- round(log(N))
            crit <- c('AIC', 'BIC')
        size <- N %/% K
        rdm <- runif(N)
        ranked <- rank(rdm)
        block <- (ranked-1) %/% size+1
        block <- as.factor(block)

            mb <- cbind(rep(1:4, each=6), rep(seq(0,1, by=0.2), 4))
            psLL <- pzero <- matrix(0, nrow = K, ncol = length(crit)+nrow(mb))
            psLL <- pzero <- matrix(0, nrow = K, ncol = length(crit))
        for (k in 1:K) {
            train <- Data[block!=k,]
            test  <- Data[block==k,]
            A <- LL <- list()
            for(i in 1:length(crit)){
                A[[i]]      <- select.IC(train, crit = crit[i])
                LL[[i]]     <- LogLike.APFA(A[[i]], test)
                psLL[k, i]    <- LL[[i]]$psLL
                pzero[k, i] <- sum(LL[[i]]$p.zero)
                for(j in 1:nrow(mb)){
                    A[[i+j]]      <- select.beagle(train, m = mb[j,1], b = mb[j,2], dir='')
                    LL[[i+j]]     <- LogLike.APFA(A[[i+j]], test)
                    psLL[k, i+j]    <- LL[[i+j]]$psLL
                    pzero[k, i+j] <- sum(LL[[i+j]]$p.zero)
                names(A) <- names(LL) <-
                colnames(psLL) <- colnames(pzero) <- c(paste('crit:',crit, sep=''),paste('m:',mb[,1],',b:',mb[,2],sep=''))
                names(A) <- names(LL) <-
                colnames(psLL) <- colnames(pzero) <- paste('crit:',crit, sep='')
            save(psLL, file='cvpsLL.rdata')
        return(list(mean.psLL = colMeans(psLL), pzero = pzero))

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