
Defines functions model_GAIC_lollipop

Documented in model_GAIC_lollipop

#  function equivalent to GAIC.scaled 
model_GAIC_lollipop<- function(object,..., 
                        k = 2,      # which GAIC
                        c = FALSE,  # whether corrected GAIC
                     plot = TRUE,   # whether plot or print
                    which = 1,      # for matrix which GAIC column
                 diff.dev = 1000,   # only applies to matrix
             text.to.show = NULL,   # whether the labels should be different
                      col = "skyblue",  # colour for the bars
                col.point = "blue",
                pch.point = 19,
                    width = 0.9,  # widrh of the bar 
                    horiz = TRUE,
                    scale = c("[0,1]","[max,min]"),
                   order.val =TRUE,
# structure 
# if a matrix 
#            plot or (plot=FALSE) print 
#  if a list plot or (plot=FALSE) print
# else is one one print AIC
  scale <- match.arg(scale)
  models <- delta <- scaled <- NULL  
if (is.matrix(object))# if a matrix------------------------------------  
    fnas <- !is.na(object[,which])# choose which column
#      dm <- dim(object)
# object
     GAIC <- object[fnas,which]# get the right without NA's
     wmin <- which.min(GAIC)
    DGAIC <- GAIC-GAIC[wmin]# unfortunately the range can atrocious because of very large AIC's  
     GAIC <- GAIC[DGAIC < diff.dev]
     dAIC <- max(GAIC, na.rm = TRUE)-GAIC #(AIC-AIC[which.min(AIC)]) 
     oAIC <- dAIC/(max(GAIC, na.rm = TRUE)-min(GAIC,  na.rm = TRUE))
      val <- data.frame(cbind(GAIC, delta=round(dAIC,3), scaled=round(oAIC,4)))
  txt.title <- if (missing(title)) paste("GAIC's ordered from",scale) else title   
if  (plot) # if we need to plot
  val$models <- rownames(val)
  val$models <- with(val, reorder(models, scaled, median))
   gg <- switch(scale,
                  ggplot2::ggplot(val, ggplot2::aes(x=models, y=scaled))+
                    ggplot2::geom_segment( aes(x=models, xend=models, y=0, 
                                               yend=scaled), color=col)+
                    ggplot2::geom_point( color=col.point, size=4, alpha=0.6, 
                                         pch=pch.point) +# + 
                    ggplot2::labs(y="scaled AIC")  
                  ggplot2::ggplot(val, ggplot2::aes(models, delta))+
                    ggplot2::geom_segment( aes(x=models, xend=models, y=0, 
                                               yend=delta), color=col)+
                    ggplot2::geom_point( color=col.point, size=4, alpha=0.6, 
  if (horiz) gg <- gg +ggplot2::coord_flip()         
} else
  val <- val[,]
 # end if a matrix ----------- -----------------------------------
############  if model ----------------------------------------------
# if a list plot
if (length(list(...))) # if a list of model 
      object <- list(object, ...)
    isgamlss <- unlist(lapply(object, is.gamlss))
  if (!any(isgamlss)) stop("some of the objects are not gamlss")
          df <- as.numeric(lapply(object, function(x) x$df.fit))
           N <- as.numeric(lapply(object, function(x) x$N))
         Cor <- if ((k == 2)&&(c==TRUE)) (2*df*(df+1))/(N-df-1) else rep(0, length(object)) 
         AIC <- as.numeric(lapply(object, function(x) x$G.dev+x$df.fit*k ))+Cor  
        dAIC <- max(AIC, na.rm = TRUE)-AIC #(AIC-AIC[which.min(AIC)]) 
        oAIC <- dAIC/(max(AIC, na.rm = TRUE)-min(AIC,  na.rm = TRUE))
         val <- as.data.frame(cbind(df,AIC, delta=round(dAIC,3), scaled=round(oAIC,4)))
        Call <- match.call()## trying to get the names
      Call$k <- Call$c <- Call$plot <- Call$text.cex <- Call$which <- Call$diff.dev <- Call$horiz <- Call$scale <- NULL 
row.names(val) <- if (is.null(text.to.show)) as.character(Call[-1][1:length(object)])
                  else text.to.show
  if  (plot) # if we need to plot
    val$models <- rownames(val)
# require(dplyr)
# val %>%
#   arrange(val$scaled) %>%    # First sort by val. This sort the dataframe but NOT the factor levels
#   mutate(models=factor(models, levels=models)) %>%   # This trick update the factor levels
#if (order.val) 
      val$models = with(val, reorder(models, scaled, median))
    #if (order.val) valo <- val[order(val$scaled),]
           gg <- switch( scale,
                         # ggplot(data, aes(x=x, y=y)) +
                         #   geom_segment( aes(x=x, xend=x, y=0, yend=y), color="skyblue") +
                         #   geom_point( color="blue", size=4, alpha=0.6) +
                         #   theme_light() +
                         #   coord_flip() +
                         #   theme(
                         #     panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
                         #     panel.border = element_blank(),
                         #     axis.ticks.y = element_blank()
                         #   )    
                         ggplot2::ggplot(val, ggplot2::aes(x=models, y=scaled))+
                           ggplot2::geom_segment( aes(x=models, xend=models, y=0, 
                                                      yend=scaled), color=col)+
                           ggplot2::geom_point( color=col.point, size=4, alpha=0.6, 
                                                pch=pch.point) +# + 
                           ggplot2::labs(y="scaled AIC")   
                            #ggtitle(paste("GAIC's in",scale, "scale"))
                       ggplot2::ggplot(val, ggplot2::aes(models, delta))+
                         ggplot2::geom_segment( aes(x=models, xend=models, y=0, 
                                                    yend=delta), color=col)+
                         ggplot2::geom_point( color=col.point, size=4, alpha=0.6,  
                                              pch=pch.point)  #+ 
                           #ggtitle(paste("GAIC's ordered from",scale))
    if (horiz) gg <- gg + ggplot2::coord_flip()         
      } else
      val <- val[,]
else # if only one model just print
    val <- if (is.gamlss(object)) object$G.dev+object$df.fit*k 
           else stop(paste("this is not a gamlss object"))
  if ((k == 2)&&(c==TRUE)) val <- val + (2*object$df.fit*(object$df.fit+1))/(object$N-object$df.fit-1) 
# end of model_GAIC

Try the gamlss.ggplots package in your browser

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gamlss.ggplots documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:34 a.m.