# created Wednesday, September 15, 2004
# author: Mikis Stasinopoulos
# based on functions in MASS
# extractAIC needs MASS
extractAIC.gamlss<-function (fit, scale, k = 2, c = FALSE, ...)
if (is.gamlss(fit))
edf <- fit$
N <- fit$N
Cor <- if ((k == 2)&&(c==TRUE)) (2*edf*(edf+1))/(N-edf-1) else 0
aic <- fit$ + fit$ * k + Cor
return( c(edf, aic))
else stop(paste("this is not a gamlss object"))
# Venable and Ripley step AIC function
stepGAIC.VR <-function(object,
direction = c("both", "backward", "forward"),
trace = TRUE,
keep = NULL,
steps = 1000,
scale = 0,
what = c("mu", "sigma", "nu", "tau"),
parameter= NULL,
k = 2,
mydeviance <- function(x, ...)
dev <- deviance(x)
if (!is.null(dev))
else extractAIC(x, k = 0)[2]
cut.string <- function(string)
if (length(string) > 1)
string[-1] <- paste("\n", string[-1], sep = "")
re.arrange <- function(keep)
namr <- names(k1 <- keep[[1]])
namc <- names(keep)
nc <- length(keep)
nr <- length(k1)
array(unlist(keep, recursive = FALSE), c(nr, nc), list(namr,
step.results <- function(models, fit, object, usingCp = FALSE) #
change <- sapply(models, "[[", "change")
rd <- sapply(models, "[[", "deviance")
dd <- c(NA, abs(diff(rd)))
rdf <- sapply(models, "[[", "df.resid")
ddf <- c(NA, abs(diff(rdf)))
AIC <- sapply(models, "[[", "AIC")
heading <- c("Stepwise Model Path \nAnalysis of Deviance Table",
"\nInitial", what," Model:", deparse(as.vector(formula(object, what=what))),
"\nFinal", what, " Model:", deparse(as.vector(formula(fit, what=what))),
aod <- if (usingCp)
data.frame(Step = change, Df = ddf, Deviance = dd,
"Resid. Df" = rdf, "Resid. Dev" = rd, Cp = AIC,
check.names = FALSE)
else data.frame(Step = change, Df = ddf, Deviance = dd,
"Resid. Df" = rdf, "Resid. Dev" = rd, AIC = AIC,
check.names = FALSE)
attr(aod, "heading") <- heading
class(aod) <- c("Anova", "data.frame")
fit$anova <- aod
what <- if (!is.null(parameter)) {
match.arg(parameter, choices=c("mu", "sigma", "nu", "tau"))} else match.arg(what)
Terms <- terms(object, what)
if (what=="mu")
object$formula <- Terms
object$call$formula <- Terms
object[[paste(what,"formula",sep=".")]] <- Terms
if (paste(what, "formula", sep=".")%in%names(object$call))
object$call[[paste(what,"formula",sep=".")]] <- formula(Terms)[-2]
else ##this is when the sigma formula is not defined
{object$call[[paste(what,"formula",sep=".")]] <- formula(Terms)[-2]
md <- missing(direction)
direction <- match.arg(direction)
backward <- direction == "both" | direction == "backward"
forward <- direction == "both" | direction == "forward"
if (missing(scope))
fdrop <- numeric(0)
fadd <- attr(Terms, "factors")
if (md)
forward <- FALSE
if (is.list(scope))
fdrop <- if (!is.null(fdrop <- scope$lower))
attr(terms(update.formula(formula(object, what=what), fdrop), what = what), "factors")
else numeric(0)
fadd <- if (!is.null(fadd <- scope$upper))
attr(terms(update.formula(formula(object, what=what), fadd), what = what), "factors")
fadd <- if (!is.null(fadd <- scope))
attr(terms(update.formula(formula(object, what=what), scope), what = what ), "factors")
fdrop <- numeric(0)
models <- vector("list", steps)
if (!is.null(keep))
keep.list <- vector("list", steps)
if (is.list(object) && (nmm <- match("nobs", names(object),
0)) > 0)
n <- object[[nmm]]
else n <- length(residuals(object))
fit <- object
bAIC <- extractAIC(fit, scale, k = k, ...)
edf <- bAIC[1]
bAIC <- bAIC[2]
if (
stop("AIC is not defined for this model, so stepAIC cannot proceed")
nm <- 1
Terms <- terms(fit, what)
if (trace)
cat("Distribution parameter: ", what, "\n")
cat("Start: AIC=", format(round(bAIC, 2)), "\n", cut.string(deparse(as.vector(formula(fit,
what=what)))), "\n\n")
models[[nm]] <- list(deviance = mydeviance(fit), df.resid = n -
edf, change = "", AIC = bAIC)
if (!is.null(keep))
keep.list[[nm]] <- keep(fit, bAIC)
usingCp <- FALSE
while (steps > 0)
steps <- steps - 1
ffac <- attr(Terms, "factors")
if (!is.null(sp <- attr(Terms, "specials")) && !is.null(st <- sp$strata))
ffac <- ffac[-st, ]
scope <- factor.scope(ffac, list(add = fadd, drop = fdrop))
aod <- NULL
change <- NULL
if (backward && length(scope$drop))
aod <- dropterm(fit, scope$drop, what = what, scale = scale,
trace = max(0,trace - 1), k = k, ...)
rn <- row.names(aod)
row.names(aod) <- c(rn[1], paste("-", rn[-1], sep = " "))
if (any(aod$Df == 0, na.rm = TRUE))
zdf <- aod$Df == 0 & !$Df)
nc <- match(c("Cp", "AIC"), names(aod))
nc <- nc[!][1]
ch <- abs(aod[zdf, nc] - aod[1, nc]) > 0.01
if (any(ch))
warning("0 df terms are changing AIC")
zdf <- zdf[!ch]
if (length(zdf) > 0)
change <- rev(rownames(aod)[zdf])[1]
if (is.null(change))
if (forward && length(scope$add))
aodf <- addterm(fit, scope$add, what =what, scale = scale,
trace = max(0, trace - 1), k = k, ...)
rn <- row.names(aodf)
row.names(aodf) <- c(rn[1], paste("+", rn[-1],
sep = " "))
aod <- if (is.null(aod))
else rbind(aod, aodf[-1, , drop = FALSE])
attr(aod, "heading") <- NULL
if (is.null(aod) || ncol(aod) == 0)
nzdf <- if (!is.null(aod$Df))
aod$Df != 0 |$Df)
aod <- aod[nzdf, ]
if (is.null(aod) || ncol(aod) == 0)
nc <- match(c("Cp", "AIC"), names(aod))
nc <- nc[!][1]
o <- order(aod[, nc])
if (trace)
print(aod[o, ])
if (o[1] == 1)
change <- rownames(aod)[o[1]]
usingCp <- match("Cp", names(aod), 0) > 0
fit <- update(fit, paste("~ .", change), what = what, evaluate = FALSE, trace = FALSE) #MS
# the final at this stage fit
fit <- eval.parent(fit)
if (is.list(fit) && (nmm <- match("nobs", names(fit), 0)) > 0)
nnew <- fit[[nmm]]
else nnew <- length(residuals(fit))
if (nnew != n)
stop("number of rows in use has changed: remove missing values?")
Terms <- terms(fit, what)
bAIC <- extractAIC(fit, scale, k = k, ...)
edf <- bAIC[1]
bAIC <- bAIC[2]
if (trace)
cat("\nStep: AIC=", format(round(bAIC, 2)), "\n",
cut.string(deparse(as.vector(formula(fit, what)))),
if (bAIC >= AIC + 1e-07)
nm <- nm + 1
models[[nm]] <- list(deviance = mydeviance(fit), df.resid = n -
edf, change = change, AIC = bAIC)
if (!is.null(keep))
keep.list[[nm]] <- keep(fit, bAIC)
if (!is.null(keep))
fit$keep <- re.arrange(keep.list[seq(nm)])
step.results(models = models[seq(nm)], fit, object, usingCp)
# created Wednesday, September 15, 2004
# author: Mikis Stasinopoulos
# based on the step.gam() function of Trevor Hastie
stepGAIC.CH <-function(object,
scope = gamlss.scope(model.frame(object)),
direction = c("both", "backward", "forward"),
trace = TRUE,
keep = NULL,
steps = 1000,
what = c("mu", "sigma", "nu", "tau"),
parameter= NULL,
k = 2,
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
scope.char <- function(form)
form <- as.character(form)
form <- unlist(strsplit(form[2], "\\+"))
f1 <- lapply(form, sub, pattern=" ",replacement= "")
form <- lapply(f1, sub, pattern=" ",replacement= "")
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
re.arrange <- function(keep)
namr <- names(k1 <- keep[[1]])
namc <- names(keep)
nc <- length(keep)
nr <- length(k1)
array(unlist(keep, recursive = F), c(nr, nc), list(namr, namc))
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
untangle.scope <- function(terms, regimens)
a <- attributes(terms)
response <- deparse(a$variables[[2]])
term.labels <- a$term.labels
nt <- length(regimens)
select <- integer(nt)
for(i in seq(nt))
j <- match(regimens[[i]], term.labels, 0)
if(sum(j > 0) > 1)
stop(paste("The elements of a regimen", i, "appear more than once in the initial model", sep = " "))
select[i] <- seq(j)[j > 0]
term.labels <- term.labels[ - sum(j)]
if(!(j <- match("1", regimens[[i]], 0)))
stop(paste("regimen", i, "does not appear in the initial model", sep = " "))
select[i] <- j
term.labels <- paste(term.labels, "+")
return(list( response = paste(response, term.labels, sep = " ~ "), select=select))
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
make.step <- function(models, fit, scale, object)
as.anova <- function(df, heading)
if(!inherits(df, "data.frame"))
stop("df must be a data frame")
attr(df, "heading") <- heading
#class(df) <- c("anova", class(df))
chfrom <- sapply(models, "[[", "from")
chfrom[chfrom == "1"] <- ""
chto <- sapply(models, "[[", "to")
chto[chto == "1"] <- ""
dev <- sapply(models, "[[", "deviance")
df <- sapply(models, "[[", "df.resid")
ddev <- c(NA, diff(dev))
ddf <- c(NA, diff(df))
AIC <- sapply(models, "[[", "AIC")
heading <- c("Stepwise Model Path \nAnalysis of Deviance Table", "\nInitial Model:", deparse(as.vector(formula(object))),
"\nFinal Model:", deparse(as.vector(formula(fit))), paste("\nScale: ", format(scale), "\n", sep = ""))
aod <- data.frame(From = chfrom, To = chto, Df = ddf, Deviance = ddev, "Resid. Df" = df, "Resid. Dev" = dev, AIC = AIC,
check.names = F)
fit$anova <- as.anova(aod, heading)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# the function starts here
what <- if (!is.null(parameter)) {
match.arg(parameter, choices=c("mu", "sigma", "nu", "tau"))} else match.arg(what)
direction <- match.arg(direction)
# stop("you must supply a scope argument to step.gam(); the gamlss.scope() function might be useful")
scope <- lapply(scope, scope.char)
response <- untangle.scope(terms(object,what), scope)
form.y <- response$response
# if (what=="mu")
# { form.y <- response$response }# MS Monday, October 25, 2004
# else
# {
# form.y <- if (length(response$response)==2) response$response
# else response$response[-2]
backward <- direction == "both" | direction == "backward"
forward <- direction == "both" | direction == "forward"
items <- response$select
Call <- object$call
term.lengths <- sapply(scope, length)
n.items <- length(items)
visited <- array(F, term.lengths)
visited[array(items, c(1, n.items))] <- T
keep.list <- vector("list", length(visited))
nv <- 1
models <- vector("list", length(visited))
nm <- 2
form.vector <- character(n.items)
for(i in seq(n.items))
form.vector[i] <- scope[[i]][items[i]]
form <- deparse(formula(object, what))
cat("Distribution parameter: ", what, "\n")
cat("Start: ", form)
fit <- object
n <- length(fit$N)
bAIC <- AIC(object, k=k)
cat("; AIC=", format(round(bAIC, 4)), "\n")
models[[1]] <- list(deviance = deviance(fit), df.resid = fit$df.resid, AIC = bAIC, from = "", to = "")
keep.list[[nv]] <- keep(fit, bAIC)
nv <- nv + 1
AIC <- bAIC + 1
while(bAIC < AIC & steps > 0)
steps <- steps - 1
bitems <- items
bfit <- fit
for(i in seq(n.items))
# try go down a level
trial <- items
trial[i] <- trial[i] - 1
if(trial[i] > 0 && !visited[array(trial, c(1, n.items))])
visited[array(trial, c(1, n.items))] <- T
tform.vector <- form.vector
tform.vector[i] <- scope[[i]][trial[i]]
form <- paste(form.y, paste(tform.vector, collapse = " + "))
cat("Trial: ", form)
tfit <- update(object, eval(parse(text = form)), what = what, trace = F, ...)
tAIC <- IC(tfit, k=k)
keep.list[[nv]] <- keep(tfit, tAIC)
nv <- nv + 1
if(tAIC < bAIC)
bAIC <- tAIC
bitems <- trial
bfit <- tfit
bform.vector <- tform.vector
bfrom <- form.vector[[i]]
bto <- tform.vector[[i]]
cat("; AIC=", format(round(tAIC, 4)), "\n")
trial <- items
trial[i] <- trial[i] + 1
if(trial[i] <= term.lengths[i] && !visited[array(trial, c(1, n.items))])
visited[array(trial, c(1, n.items))] <- T
tform.vector <- form.vector
tform.vector[i] <- scope[[i]][trial[i]]
form <- paste(form.y, paste(tform.vector, collapse = " + "))
cat("Trial: ", form)
tfit <- update(object, eval(parse(text = form)), what = what, trace = F, ...)
tAIC <- IC(tfit,k=k)
keep.list[[nv]] <- keep(tfit, tAIC)
nv <- nv + 1
if(tAIC < bAIC)
bAIC <- tAIC
bitems <- trial
bfit <- tfit
bform.vector <- tform.vector
bfrom <- form.vector[[i]]
bto <- tform.vector[[i]]
cat("; AIC=", format(round(tAIC, 4)), "\n")
if(bAIC >= AIC | steps == 0)
fit$keep <- re.arrange(keep.list[seq(nv - 1)])
return(make.step(models[seq(nm - 1)], fit, scale, object)) #time to quit
cat("Step : ", deparse(formula(bfit,what)), "; AIC=", format(round(bAIC, 4)), "\n\n")
items <- bitems
models[[nm]] <- list(deviance = deviance(bfit), df.resid = bfit$df.resid, AIC = bAIC, from = bfrom, to = bto)
nm <- nm + 1
fit <- bfit
form.vector <- bform.vector
# copy of the gam.scope S-plus function
# its needs or a model.frame or a data frame
gamlss.scope <- function(frame,
response = 1,
smoother = "cs",
arg = NULL,
form = TRUE)
vnames <- names(frame)
vnames <- vnames[ - response]
step.list <- as.list(vnames)
names(step.list) <- vnames
for(vname in vnames) {
junk <- c("1", vname)
junk <- c(junk, paste(smoother, "(", vname, if(is.null(arg)) ")" else paste(",", arg, ")", sep = ""), sep = ""))
junk <- eval(parse(text = paste("~", paste(junk, collapse = "+"))))
step.list[[vname]] <- junk
drop1.gamlss<-function(object, ...) dropterm(object, test="Chisq", ...)
add1.gamlss<-function(object, ...) addterm(object, test="Chisq", ...)
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