
Defines functions create_analytic_cohort

Documented in create_analytic_cohort

#' Select cohort of patients for analysis
#' This function allows the user to create a cohort from the GENIE BPC data
#' based on cancer diagnosis information such as cancer cohort, treating
#' institution, histology, and stage at diagnosis, as well as cancer-directed
#' regimen information including regimen name and regimen order. This function
#' returns each of the clinical and genomic data files subset on the patients
#' that met criteria for the analytic cohort. Documentation regarding the
#' structure and contents of each file can be found in the Analytic Data Guide
#' corresponding to each data release, as well as in the
#' \href{https://genie-bpc.github.io/genieBPC/articles/clinical_data_structure_vignette.html}{Clinical Data Structure vignette}.
#' See the \href{https://genie-bpc.github.io/genieBPC/articles/create_analytic_cohort_vignette.html}{create_analytic_cohort vignette} for further documentation and examples.
#' @param data_synapse The item from the nested list returned from
#' pull_data_synapse() that corresponds to the cancer cohort of interest.
#' @param index_ca_seq Index cancer sequence. Default is 1, indicating the
#' patient's first index cancer. The index cancer is also referred to as the
#' BPC Project cancer in the GENIE BPC Analytic Data Guide; this is the
#' cancer that met the eligibility criteria for the project and was
#' selected at random for PRISSMM phenomic data curation.
#' Specifying multiple index cancer sequences, e.g.
#' index_ca_seq = c(1, 2) will return index cancers to
#' patients with 1 index cancer and will return the first AND second index
#' cancers to patients with multiple.
#' @param institution GENIE BPC participating institution. Must be one of
#' "DFCI", "MSK", "UHN", or "VICC" for NSCLC, BLADDER, Prostate, and PANC cohorts; must be one of "DFCI",
#' "MSK", "VICC" for CRC and BrCa. Default selection is all institutions.
#' This parameter corresponds to the variable `institution` in the
#' Analytic Data Guide.
#' @param stage_dx Stage at diagnosis. Must be one of "Stage I", "Stage II",
#' "Stage III", "Stage I-III NOS", "Stage IV". The default selection is all
#' stages.
#' Note that if this parameter is specified, any cases that are missing stage
#' information are automatically excluded from the resulting cohort.
#' This parameter corresponds to the variable `stage_dx` in the
#' Analytic Data Guide.
#' @param histology Cancer histology. For all cancer cohorts except for BrCa
#' (breast cancer), this parameter corresponds to the variable
#' `ca_hist_adeno_squamous` and must be one of "Adenocarcinoma",
#' "Squamous cell", "Sarcoma",
#' "Small cell carcinoma", "Carcinoma", "Other histologies/mixed tumor".
#'  For BrCa, this parameter corresponds to the variable
#' `ca_hist_brca` and must be one of
#' "Invasive lobular carcinoma", "Invasive ductal carcinoma", "Other histology".
#' The default selection is all histologies. Note that if this parameter is
#' specified, any cases that are missing histology information are automatically
#' excluded from the resulting cohort.
#' @param regimen_drugs Vector with names of drugs in cancer-directed regimen,
#' separated by a comma. For example, to specify a regimen consisting of
#' Carboplatin and Pemetrexed, specify regimen_drugs = "Carboplatin,
#' Pemetrexed". Acceptable values are found in the `drug_regimen_list`
#' dataset provided with this package. This parameter
#' corresponds to the variable `regimen_drugs` in the Analytic Data Guide.
#' @param regimen_type Indicates whether the regimen(s) specified in
#' `regimen_drugs` indicates the exact regimen to return, or if regimens
#' containing the drugs listed in `regimen_drugs` should be returned. Must be
#' one of "Exact" or "Containing". The default is "Exact".
#' @param regimen_order Order of cancer-directed regimen. If multiple drugs
#' are specified, `regimen_order` indicates the regimen order for all drugs;
#' different values of `regimen_order` cannot be specified for different drug
#' regimens. If multiple values are specified, e.g. c(1, 2), then drug regimens
#' that met either order criteria are returned.
#' @param regimen_order_type Specifies whether the `regimen_order` parameter
#' refers to the order of receipt of the drug regimen within the cancer
#' diagnosis (across all other drug regimens; "within cancer") or the order of
#' receipt of the drug regimen within the times that that drug regimen was
#' administered (e.g. the first time carboplatin pemetrexed was received, out
#' of all times that the patient received carboplatin pemetrexed; "within
#' regimen"). Acceptable values are "within cancer" and "within regimen".
#' @param return_summary Specifies whether a summary table for the cohort is
#' returned. Default is FALSE. The `gtsummary` package is required to return a
#' summary table.
#' @return A list of data frames containing clinical and next generation
#' sequencing information for patients that met the specified criteria.
#' Optionally, if return_summary = TRUE, the list also includes summary
#' tables for the number of records per dataset (`tbl_overall_summary`)
#' as well as tables of key cancer diagnosis (`tbl_cohort`),
#' cancer-directed regimen (`tbl_drugs`) and next generation sequencing
#' (`tbl_ngs`) variables.
#' @author Jessica Lavery
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Examples using package test data
#' # Example 1 ----------------------------------
#' # Create a cohort of all patients with stage IV NSCLC adenocarcinoma and
#' # obtain all of their corresponding clinical and genomic data
#' ex1 <- create_analytic_cohort(
#'   data_synapse = genieBPC::nsclc_test_data,
#'   stage_dx = "Stage IV",
#'   histology = "Adenocarcinoma"
#' )
#' names(ex1)
#' # Example 2 ----------------------------------
#' # Create a cohort of all NSCLC patients who received Cisplatin,
#' # Pemetrexed Disodium or Cisplatin, Etoposide as their first drug regimen
#' # for their first index NSCLC
#' ex2 <- create_analytic_cohort(
#'   data_synapse = genieBPC::nsclc_test_data,
#'   regimen_drugs = c(
#'     "Cisplatin, Pemetrexed Disodium",
#'     "Cisplatin, Etoposide"
#'   ),
#'   regimen_order = 1,
#'   regimen_order_type = "within cancer"
#' )
#' # Example 3 ----------------------------------
#' # Create a cohort of all NSCLC patients who received Cisplatin, Pemetrexed
#' # Disodium at any time throughout the course of treatment for their
#' # cancer diagnosis,
#' # but in the event that the patient received the drug multiple times,
#' # only select the first time.
#' ex3 <- create_analytic_cohort(
#'   data_synapse = genieBPC::nsclc_test_data,
#'   regimen_drugs = c("Cisplatin, Pemetrexed Disodium"),
#'   regimen_order = 1,
#'   regimen_order_type = "within regimen"
#' )
#' @examplesIf genieBPC::.is_connected_to_genie(pat = Sys.getenv("SYNAPSE_PAT"))
#' # Example 4 ----------------------------------
#' # Using create_analytic_cohort with pull_data_synapse
#' set_synapse_credentials()
#' nsclc_2_0 <- pull_data_synapse("NSCLC", version = "v2.0-public")
#' ex4 <- create_analytic_cohort(
#'   data_synapse = nsclc_2_0$NSCLC_v2.0,
#'   regimen_drugs = c("Cisplatin, Pemetrexed Disodium"),
#'   regimen_order = 1,
#'   regimen_order_type = "within regimen"
#' )
#' @import
#' dplyr
#' purrr
#' stringr
create_analytic_cohort <- function(data_synapse,
                                   index_ca_seq = 1,
                                   regimen_type = "Exact",
                                   return_summary = FALSE) {

  # check parameters
  # cohort object
  if (missing(data_synapse)) {
    stop("Specify the cohort object from the nested list returned by the
         pull_data_synapse() function.")
  } else if (is.null(data_synapse)) {
    stop("The object specified for data_synapse does not exist.")

  # check input parameter
  # trying to check that the pull_data_synapse object returned is
  # specific to the cohort
  if (!("pt_char" %in% names(data_synapse))) {
    stop("The data_synapse parameter is expecting a single cohort, e.g., data_synapse_obj$NSCLC_v2.0.
         Be sure to specify only one cohort at a time, even if there are multiple cohorts
         in the data_synapse object.")

  # if (!(stringr::str_to_upper(cohort) %in% c("NSCLC", "CRC", "BRCA"))) {
  #   stop("Select from available cancer cohorts:
  #        NSCLC, CRC, BrCa (not case sensitive)")
  # }

  #  if ( sum(!grepl("^NSCLC$", cohort)>0 , !missing(institution_temp) ,
  # !grepl(c("^DFCI$|^MSK$|^VICC$|^UHN$"), institution_temp)>0 ) >0  ){

  # get cohort name and how it is capitalized in the data_synapse object
  cohort_temp <- pull(
    pluck(data_synapse, "pt_char") %>%
      # remove digits to account for Phase 2 Cohorts
      mutate(cohort_no_digits = stringr::str_remove_all(pattern = "[:digit:]",
                              string = .data$cohort)) %>%

  # alphabetize drugs in regimen to match
  # how they are stored in variable
  # regimen_drugs
  if (!missing(regimen_drugs)) {
    regimen_drugs_sorted <- map_chr(
      strsplit(regimen_drugs, ","), ~

  # index cancer sequence
  # get max # index cancers/pt
  max_index_ca <- pluck(data_synapse, "ca_dx_index") %>%
    group_by(.data$cohort, .data$record_id) %>%
    summarize(n_index = n(), .groups = "drop") %>%
    summarize(max_n_index = max(.data$n_index))

  if (max(index_ca_seq) > max_index_ca) {
      "There are no patients in the cohort with ", max_index_ca,
      " index cancer diagnoses. The maximum number of index cancers to
         one patient is ", max_index_ca, "."

  # participating institutions by cohort
  if (sum(
    grepl("^NSCLC$|^PANC$|^BLADDER$|^PROSTATE$", stringr::str_to_upper(cohort_temp)) > 0
  ) > 1) {
    if (sum(!grepl(
    ) > 0) > 0) {
      stop("Select from available participating institutions. For NSCLC/PANC/BLADDER/Prostate, the
           participating institutions were DFCI, MSK, UHN and VICC.")
  } else if (sum(!missing(institution), grepl(
  ) > 0) > 1) {
    if (sum(!grepl(c("^DFCI$|^MSK$|^VICC$"), stringr::str_to_upper(institution))
    > 0) > 0) {
      stop("Select from available participating institutions. For CRC/BrCa, the
           participating institutions were DFCI, MSK and VICC.")

  if (missing(institution) & stringr::str_to_upper(cohort_temp) %in%
      stringr::str_to_upper(c("NSCLC", "PANC", "BLADDER", "PROSTATE"))) {
    institution_temp <- c("DFCI", "MSK", "UHN", "VICC")
  } else if (missing(institution) &
    stringr::str_to_upper(cohort_temp) %in% c("CRC", "BRCA")) {
    institution_temp <- c("DFCI", "MSK", "VICC")
  } else {
    institution_temp <- stringr::str_to_upper({{ institution }})

  # to account for unspecified stage
  if (missing(stage_dx)) {
    stage_dx_temp <- pull(pluck(data_synapse, "ca_dx_index") %>%
      dplyr::distinct(stage_dx), stage_dx)
  } else {
    stage_dx_temp <- {{ stage_dx }}

  # stage mis-specified
  if (!missing(stage_dx) &&
      c("^stage i$|^stage ii$|^stage iii$|
                 ^stage i-iii nos$|^stage iv$"),
    ) > 0) > 0) {
    stop("Select from available stages: Stage I, Stage II, Stage III,
         Stage I-III NOS, Stage IV")

  # to account for unspecified histology
  if (missing(histology)) {
    if (cohort_temp != "BrCa") {
      histology_temp <- pull(pluck(data_synapse, "ca_dx_index") %>%
        distinct(.data$ca_hist_adeno_squamous), .data$ca_hist_adeno_squamous)
    } else {
      histology_temp <- pull(
        pluck(data_synapse, "ca_dx_index") %>%
  } else {
    histology_temp <- {{ histology }}

  # histology mis-specified
  if (!missing(histology) &&
    cohort_temp != "BrCa" &&
      c("^adenocarcinoma$|^squamous cell$|^sarcoma$|^small cell
                 carcinoma$|^carcinoma$|^other histologies/mixed tumor$"),
    ) > 0) > 0) {
    stop("Select from available histology categories: Adenocarcinoma,
         Squamous cell, Sarcoma, Small cell carcinoma, Other histologies/mixed
  if (!missing(histology) &&
    cohort_temp == "BrCa" &&
      c("^invasive lobular carcinoma$|^invasive ductal carcinoma$|
                 ^Other histology$"),
    ) > 0) > 0) {
    stop("Select from available histology categories: Invasive lobular
         carcinoma, Invasive ductal carcinoma, Other histology")

  ### drug regimen parameter checks
  # if regimen type is mis-specified
  if (!missing(regimen_type) | is.numeric(regimen_type)) {
    if (!(stringr::str_to_lower(regimen_type) %in% c("exact", "containing"))) {
      stop("For regimen_type select from 'exact' or 'containing'")

  # if regimen_order is not numeric
  if (!missing(regimen_order) && !is.numeric(regimen_order)) {
    stop("The regimen_order parameter must be a numeric value >=1.")

  # if regimen_order_type is mis-specified
  if (!missing(regimen_order_type) &&
    (is.numeric(regimen_order_type) ||
      !(stringr::str_to_lower(regimen_order_type) %in% c(
        "within cancer",
        "within regimen"
      )))) {
    stop("For regimen_order_type select from 'within cancer' or
         'within regimen'")

  # regimen_order_type needs to be specified if regimen_order is specified
  if (missing(regimen_order_type) && !missing(regimen_order)) {
    stop("Regimen order type must also be specified. Choose from
         'within cancer' or 'within regimen'")

  # can't only specify regimen_order_type
  if (!missing(regimen_order_type) && missing(regimen_order)) {
    stop("Numeric order must also be specified in 'regimen_order' argument.")

  # if regimen_type is specified, regimen_drugs must also be specified
  if (!missing(regimen_type) && missing(regimen_drugs)) {
    stop("If regimen_type is specified, regimen_drugs must also be specified.")

  if (missing(regimen_order_type)) {
    regimen_order_type <- NULL

  #                             pull cancer cohort                             #
  # select patients based on cohort, institution, stage at diagnosis,
  # histology and cancer number
  if (cohort_temp != "BrCa") {
    cohort_ca_dx <- pluck(data_synapse, "ca_dx_index") %>%
      # re-number index cancer diagnoses
      dplyr::group_by(.data$cohort, .data$record_id) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(index_ca_seq = 1:n()) %>%
      dplyr::ungroup() %>%
      # apply filter(s)
        stringr::str_to_lower(.data$institution) %in%
        stringr::str_to_lower(.data$stage_dx) %in%
        stringr::str_to_lower(.data$ca_hist_adeno_squamous) %in%
        .data$index_ca_seq %in% c({{ index_ca_seq }})
  } else {
    cohort_ca_dx <- pluck(data_synapse, "ca_dx_index") %>%
      # re-number index cancer diagnoses
      dplyr::group_by(.data$cohort, .data$record_id) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(index_ca_seq = 1:n()) %>%
      dplyr::ungroup() %>%
      # # apply filter(s)
        stringr::str_to_lower(.data$institution) %in%
        stringr::str_to_lower(.data$stage_dx) %in%
        stringr::str_to_lower(.data$ca_hist_brca) %in%
        .data$index_ca_seq %in% c({{ index_ca_seq }})

  # pull drug regimens to those patients
  # option 1: all drug regimens to all patients in cohort
  # regimen_drugs is not specified, regimen_order is not specified
  cohort_ca_drugs <- dplyr::inner_join(cohort_ca_dx %>%
   dplyr::select("cohort", "record_id", "ca_seq"),
  pluck(data_synapse, "ca_drugs"),
  by = c("cohort", "record_id", "ca_seq")
  ) %>%
    # create order for drug regimen within cancer and within times the
    # drug was received
    dplyr::group_by(.data$cohort, .data$record_id, .data$ca_seq) %>%
      .data$cohort, .data$record_id,
      .data$ca_seq, .data$regimen_number
    ) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(order_within_cancer = 1:n()) %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
    # order drugs w/in regimen, have to account for structure of data which is
    # 1 reg:assoc ca dx
    # (may have more than one row for a drug regimen even if it's the first time
    # that drug regimen was received)
      pluck(data_synapse, "ca_drugs") %>%
          .data$record_id, .data$regimen_number,
        ) %>%
        dplyr::group_by(.data$record_id, .data$regimen_drugs) %>%
          .data$record_id, .data$regimen_number,
        ) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(order_within_regimen = 1:n()) %>%
        dplyr::ungroup() %>%
      by = c("record_id", "regimen_number")
    ) %>%
      by = c("regimen_drugs")

  # option 2: all "first line" drug regimens (regimens of a certain number,
  # within a cancer diagnosis)
  # specific regimen number to all pts in cohort, any regimen name
  # regimen_drugs is not specified, regimen_order is specified and
  # regimen_type = "within cancer"
  if (missing(regimen_drugs) && !missing(regimen_order) &&
    stringr::str_to_lower(regimen_order_type) == "within cancer") {

    # cohort_ca_drugs <- dplyr::left_join(cohort_ca_dx,
    #   pluck(data_synapse, paste0("ca_drugs_", cohort_temp)),
    #   by = c("cohort", "record_id", "institution", "ca_seq")
    # ) %>%
    #   dplyr::filter(.data$order_within_cancer %in% c({{ regimen_order }}))

    cohort_ca_drugs <- cohort_ca_drugs %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$order_within_cancer %in% c({{ regimen_order }}))

    # restrict cancer cohort to all patients who got a drug regimen
    cohort_ca_dx <- dplyr::inner_join(cohort_ca_dx,
      cohort_ca_drugs %>%
        dplyr::filter(.data$order_within_cancer %in% c({{ regimen_order }})) %>%
        dplyr::select("cohort", "record_id", "institution", "ca_seq"),
      by = c(
        "cohort", "record_id", "institution", "ca_seq"

  # if specific drug regimen is requested; exact regimen
  # option 3a: all times that exact drug regimen was received
  if (!missing(regimen_drugs) && missing(regimen_order) &&
    stringr::str_to_lower(regimen_type) == "exact") {
    # identify instances of that drug regimen
    cohort_ca_drugs <- cohort_ca_drugs %>%
        str_to_lower(.data$regimen_drugs) %in% c(regimen_drugs_sorted) |
          str_to_lower(.data$abbreviation) %in% c(regimen_drugs_sorted) #|
        # drug_class %in% c(regimen_drugs_sorted)

    # restrict cancer cohort to patients on that drug regimen
    cohort_ca_dx <- dplyr::inner_join(cohort_ca_dx,
      cohort_ca_drugs %>%
          .data$cohort, .data$record_id, .data$institution,
      by = c("cohort", "record_id", "institution", "ca_seq")

  # option 3b: all times that regimen containing drugs was received
  if (!missing(regimen_drugs) && missing(regimen_order) &&
    stringr::str_to_lower(regimen_type) == "containing") {
    # identify instances of that drug regimen
    cohort_ca_drugs <- cohort_ca_drugs %>%
        paste(regimen_drugs_sorted, collapse = "|"),
      ) |
          paste(regimen_drugs_sorted, collapse = "|"),

    # restrict cancer cohort to patients on that drug regimen
    cohort_ca_dx <- dplyr::inner_join(cohort_ca_dx,
      cohort_ca_drugs %>%
          .data$cohort, .data$record_id, .data$institution,
      by = c("cohort", "record_id", "institution", "ca_seq")

  # option 4a: 1st (or other) time that exact regimen was received
  if (!missing(regimen_drugs) && !missing(regimen_order) &&
    stringr::str_to_lower(regimen_order_type) == "within regimen" &&
    stringr::str_to_lower(regimen_type) == "exact") {
    # identify instances of that drug regimen
    cohort_ca_drugs <- cohort_ca_drugs %>%
      %in% c(regimen_drugs_sorted) |
        str_to_lower(.data$abbreviation) %in% c(regimen_drugs_sorted)) %>%
      # filter on order of interest (e.g. first, all)
      dplyr::filter(.data$order_within_regimen %in% c({{ regimen_order }}))

    # restrict cancer cohort to patients on that drug regimen
    cohort_ca_dx <- dplyr::inner_join(cohort_ca_dx,
      cohort_ca_drugs %>%
          .data$cohort, .data$record_id, .data$institution,
      by = c("cohort", "record_id", "institution", "ca_seq")

  # option 4b: 1st (or other) time that regimen containing was received
  if (!missing(regimen_drugs) &&
    !missing(regimen_order) &&
    stringr::str_to_lower(regimen_order_type) == "within regimen" &&
    stringr::str_to_lower(regimen_type) == "containing") {
    # identify instances of that drug regimen
    # have to start with full drugs dataset for 'within regimen',
    # otherwise are left with all drug regimens to pts in this cohort
    cohort_ca_drugs <- pluck(data_synapse, "ca_drugs") %>%
      # add on abbreviations
        by = c("regimen_drugs")
      ) %>%
      # create new order b/c this is regimen CONTAINING drugs listed
      # order drugs w/in regimen, have to account for
      # structure of data which is
      # 1 reg:assoc ca dx
      # (may have more than one row for a drug regimen even
      # if it's the first time
      # that drug regimen was received)
      # have to filter on containing regimens first, then re-number
        paste(regimen_drugs_sorted, collapse = "|"),
      ) |
          paste(regimen_drugs_sorted, collapse = "|"),
        )) %>%
      # now re-number w/in containing regimens
        pluck(data_synapse, "ca_drugs") %>%
          # add on abbreviations
            by = c("regimen_drugs")
          ) %>%
          # get regimens containing drugs of interest
            paste(regimen_drugs_sorted, collapse = "|"),
          ) |
              paste(regimen_drugs_sorted, collapse = "|"),
            )) %>%
          # get distinct regimen administrations (since regs
          # potentially mapped to multiple ca types)
            .data$record_id, .data$regimen_number,
          ) %>%
          # order regimens
          dplyr::group_by(.data$record_id) %>%
            .data$record_id, .data$regimen_number,
          ) %>%
            order_within_containing_regimen = 1:n()
          ) %>%
          dplyr::ungroup() %>%
        by = c("record_id", "regimen_number")
      ) %>%
      # filter on order of interest (e.g. first, all)
        %in% c({{ regimen_order }})) %>%
      # restrict to patients in the cohort (started with all regimens to all
      # patients)
        cohort_ca_dx %>%
          dplyr::select("cohort", "record_id", "ca_seq"),
        by = c("cohort", "record_id", "ca_seq")
      ) %>%
      # create blank variables (dropped below, not having them is unique to
      # regimen_order_type = 'containing')
        order_within_cancer = as.numeric(NA),
        order_within_regimen = as.numeric(NA)

    # restrict cancer cohort to patients on that drug regimen
    cohort_ca_dx <- inner_join(cohort_ca_dx,
      cohort_ca_drugs %>%
          .data$cohort, .data$record_id, .data$institution,
      by = c("cohort", "record_id", "institution", "ca_seq")

  # option 5a: specific drugs within a cancer diagnosis, exact regimen
  if (!missing(regimen_drugs) &&
    !missing(regimen_order) &&
    stringr::str_to_lower(regimen_type) == "exact" &&
    stringr::str_to_lower(regimen_order_type) == "within cancer") {
    # identify instances of that drug regimen
    cohort_ca_drugs <- cohort_ca_drugs %>%
        str_to_lower(.data$regimen_drugs) %in% c(regimen_drugs_sorted) |
          str_to_lower(.data$abbreviation) %in% c(regimen_drugs_sorted),
        .data$order_within_cancer %in% c({{ regimen_order }})

    # restrict cancer cohort to patients on that drug regimen
    cohort_ca_dx <- dplyr::inner_join(cohort_ca_dx,
      cohort_ca_drugs %>%
          .data$cohort, .data$record_id, .data$institution,
      by = c("cohort", "record_id", "institution", "ca_seq")

  # option 5b: specific drugs within a cancer diagnosis, regimen containing
  if (!missing(regimen_drugs) &&
    !missing(regimen_order) &&
    stringr::str_to_lower(regimen_type) == "containing" &&
    stringr::str_to_lower(regimen_order_type) == "within cancer") {
    # identify instances of that drug regimen
    cohort_ca_drugs <- cohort_ca_drugs %>%
          collapse = "|"
        ), str_to_lower(.data$regimen_drugs)) |
            paste(regimen_drugs_sorted, collapse = "|"),
        .data$order_within_cancer %in% c({{ regimen_order }})

    # restrict cancer cohort to patients on that drug regimen
    cohort_ca_dx <- dplyr::inner_join(cohort_ca_dx,
      cohort_ca_drugs %>%
          .data$cohort, .data$record_id, .data$institution,
      by = c("cohort", "record_id", "institution", "ca_seq")

  # for patients meeting the specified criteria, also pull related datasets
  # patient characteristics
  cohort_pt_char <- dplyr::inner_join(cohort_ca_dx %>%
    dplyr::select("cohort", "record_id"),
  pluck(data_synapse, "pt_char"),
  by = c("cohort", "record_id")

  # non-index cancer
  cohort_ca_dx_non_index <- dplyr::inner_join(cohort_ca_dx %>%
    dplyr::select("cohort", "record_id"),
  pluck(data_synapse, "ca_dx_non_index"),
  by = c("cohort", "record_id")

  # PRISSMM Path
  cohort_prissmm_pathology <- dplyr::inner_join(cohort_ca_dx %>%
    dplyr::select("cohort", "record_id"),
  pluck(data_synapse, "prissmm_pathology"),
  by = c("cohort", "record_id")

  # PRISSMM Imaging
  cohort_prissmm_imaging <- dplyr::inner_join(cohort_ca_dx %>%
    dplyr::select("cohort", "record_id"),
  pluck(data_synapse, "prissmm_imaging"),
  by = c("cohort", "record_id")

  # PRISSMM Med Onc
  cohort_prissmm_md <- dplyr::inner_join(cohort_ca_dx %>%
    dplyr::select("cohort", "record_id"),
  pluck(data_synapse, "prissmm_md"),
  by = c("cohort", "record_id")

  # TM (if applicable)
  if (!is.null(pluck(data_synapse, "tumor_marker"))) {
    cohort_tumor_marker <- dplyr::inner_join(cohort_ca_dx %>%
      dplyr::select("cohort", "record_id"),
    pluck(data_synapse, "tumor_marker"),
    by = c("cohort", "record_id")

  # RT (if applicable)
  if (!is.null(pluck(data_synapse, "ca_radtx"))) {
    cohort_ca_radtx <- dplyr::inner_join(cohort_ca_dx %>%
                                               dplyr::select("cohort", "record_id", "ca_seq"),
                                             pluck(data_synapse, "ca_radtx"),
                                             by = c("cohort", "record_id", "ca_seq")

  # cancer panel test information
  # keep records based on record_id + cancer sequence of interest
  cohort_ngs <- dplyr::inner_join(
    cohort_ca_dx %>%
      dplyr::select("cohort", "record_id", "ca_seq"),
    pluck(data_synapse, "cpt"),
    by = c("cohort", "record_id", "ca_seq")
  ) %>%

  if(any(names(cohort_ngs) == "cpt_sample_type") &
     !any(names(cohort_ngs) == "sample_type")){

    cohort_ngs <- cohort_ngs %>%
      dplyr::mutate(sample_type = case_when(
        %in% c("1", "primary", "primary tumor") ~ "Primary tumor",
        %in% c("2", "lymph node metastasis") ~ "Lymph node metastasis",
        %in% c("3", "distant organ metastasis") ~ "Distant organ metastasis",
        %in% c("4", "metastasis site unspecified", "metastatic recurrence") ~
          "Metastasis site unspecified",
        %in% c("5", "local recurrence") ~ "Local recurrence",
        %in% c("6", "unspecified") ~ as.character(NA),
        %in% c("7", "not applicable or hematologic malignancy") ~
          "Not applicable or hematologic malignancy"

  # genomic sequencing information
  if (!is.null(pluck(data_synapse, "fusions"))) {
    cohort_fusions <- dplyr::inner_join(pluck(data_synapse, "fusions"),
      cohort_ngs %>%
        dplyr::select("cohort", "cpt_genie_sample_id"),
      by = c("Tumor_Sample_Barcode" = "cpt_genie_sample_id")

  if (!is.null(pluck(data_synapse, "sv"))) {
    cohort_sv <- dplyr::inner_join(pluck(data_synapse, "sv"),
                                        cohort_ngs %>%
                                          dplyr::select("cohort", "cpt_genie_sample_id"),
                                        by = c("Sample_Id" = "cpt_genie_sample_id")

  if (!is.null(pluck(data_synapse, "mutations_extended"))) {
    cohort_mutations_extended <- dplyr::inner_join(pluck(data_synapse,
      cohort_ngs %>%
        dplyr::select("cohort", "cpt_genie_sample_id"),
      by = c("Tumor_Sample_Barcode" = "cpt_genie_sample_id")

  # cna file is 1 col / tumor sample barcode
  if (!is.null(pluck(data_synapse, "cna"))) {
    # get list of IDs to keep
    cpt_barcode_keep <- pluck(data_synapse, "cpt") %>%
        Tumor_Sample_Barcode =
            pattern = "-",
            replacement = "\\."
      ) %>%

    cohort_cna <- pluck(data_synapse, "cna") %>%
      select("Hugo_Symbol", any_of(cpt_barcode_keep))

  # if 0 patients are returned
  if (nrow(cohort_ca_dx) == 0) {
    message("No patients meeting the specified criteria were returned.
            Ensure that all parameters were correctly specified. Specifically,
            the list of acceptable drugs can be found in the
            `drug_regimen_list` dataset available with this package.")

  # return a table 1 to describe the cancer cohort if the user specifies
  if (nrow(cohort_ca_dx) > 0 && return_summary == TRUE) {

    # number of records per patient in the diagnosis dataset
    n_rec_dx_dset <- cohort_ca_dx %>%
      dplyr::group_by(.data$record_id) %>%
      dplyr::summarize(n_rec_pt = n(), .groups = "drop") %>%
        include = "n_rec_pt",
        label = n_rec_pt ~ "Number of diagnoses per patient in cohort_ca_dx
        data frame",
        type = n_rec_pt ~ "categorical"
      ) %>%
        update = list(
          stat_0 ~ "**N = {N} patients**"
        quiet = TRUE

    n_rec_drugs_dset <- cohort_ca_drugs %>%
      dplyr::group_by(.data$record_id) %>%
      dplyr::summarize(n_rec_pt = n(), .groups = "drop") %>%
        include = "n_rec_pt",
        label = n_rec_pt ~ "Number of regimens per patient in cohort_ca_drugs
        data frame",
        type = n_rec_pt ~ "categorical"

    n_rec_cpt_dset <- cohort_ngs %>%
      dplyr::group_by(.data$record_id) %>%
      dplyr::summarize(n_rec_pt = n(), .groups = "drop") %>%
        include = "n_rec_pt",
        label = n_rec_pt ~ "Number of CPTs per patient in cohort_ngs
        data frame",
        type = n_rec_pt ~ "categorical"

    tbl_overall_summary <- gtsummary::tbl_stack(
      tbls = list(
      quiet = TRUE
    ) %>%

    if (cohort_temp != "BrCa") {
      tbl_cohort <- cohort_ca_dx %>%
          include = c(
            "cohort", "institution",
            "stage_dx", "ca_hist_adeno_squamous"
          label = list(
            cohort ~ "Cohort (cohort)",
            institution ~ "Institution (institution)",
            stage_dx ~ "Stage at diagnosis (stage_dx)",
            ca_hist_adeno_squamous ~ "Histology (ca_hist_adeno_squamous)"
        ) %>%
        gtsummary::bold_labels() %>%
          update = list(
            stat_0 ~ "**N = {N} Diagnoses**"
          quiet = TRUE
    } else {
      tbl_cohort <- cohort_ca_dx %>%
        # dplyr::group_by(.data$record_id) %>%
        # dplyr::mutate(n_rec_pt = n()) %>%
        # dplyr::ungroup() %>%
          include = c("cohort", "institution", "stage_dx",
          label = list(
            cohort ~ "Cohort (cohort)",
            institution ~ "Institution (institution)",
            stage_dx ~ "Stage at diagnosis (stage_dx)",
            ca_hist_brca ~ "Histology (ca_hist_brca)"
        ) %>%
        gtsummary::bold_labels() %>%
          update = list(
            stat_0 ~ "**N = {N} Diagnoses**"
          quiet = TRUE

    tbl_drugs <- cohort_ca_drugs %>%
        include = c("cohort", "institution", "regimen_drugs"),
        label = list(
          cohort ~ "Cohort (cohort)",
          institution ~ "Institution (institution)",
          regimen_drugs ~ "Drugs in regimen (regimen_drugs)"
      ) %>%
      gtsummary::bold_labels() %>%
        update = list(
          stat_0 ~ "**N = {N} Regimens**"
        quiet = TRUE

    tbl_ngs <- cohort_ngs %>%
        include = c("cohort", "institution",
                           "cpt_oncotree_code", "cpt_seq_assay_id"),
        label = list(
          cohort ~ "Cohort (cohort)",
          institution ~ "Institution (institution)",
          cpt_oncotree_code ~ "OncoTree code (cpt_oncotree_code)",
          cpt_seq_assay_id ~ "Sequence assay ID (cpt_seq_assay_id)"
      ) %>%
      gtsummary::bold_labels() %>%
        update = list(
          stat_0 ~ "**N = {N} Cancer Panel Tests**"
        quiet = TRUE

  # drop variable before returning data frame
  cohort_ca_dx <- cohort_ca_dx %>% select(-"index_ca_seq")

  cohort_ca_drugs <- cohort_ca_drugs %>%

  # order of dataframes, should they exist
  df_order <- c(
    "cohort_pt_char", "cohort_ca_dx",
    "cohort_ca_radtx", "cohort_ca_drugs",
    "cohort_prissmm_imaging", "cohort_prissmm_pathology",
    "cohort_prissmm_md", "cohort_tumor_marker",
    "cohort_mutations_extended", "cohort_fusions", "cohort_sv", "cohort_cna",
    "tbl_overall_summary", "tbl_cohort", "tbl_drugs", "tbl_ngs"

  # return data frames & tables that are present in the function's environment
  rtn <- mget(ls(environment(), pattern = "^cohort_|^tbl"),
    envir = environment()

  # save elements on list in order that we want (clinical datasets, genomic
  # datasets, tables) and drop any items that don't appear in this run of
  # create_analytic_cohort
  rtn_ordered <- rtn[c(df_order)] %>%

  if (nrow(cohort_ca_dx) > 0) {
} # end of function

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genieBPC documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:29 p.m.